8. Ballad of Brandon Towers
A soft breeze swept Constable Brandon Towers' short, coffee-brown hair. Panic in his eyes, he looked to his surroundings. "Wh-Why?" He stuttered, ensnared between Sergeant Savage and Constable Banks. "Do you r-really think it's m-me?" He asked, edging closer towards the rooftop's brink. Joey took a heavy breath in.
"Brandon," He yelled, "we've got you surrounded, so talk." Brandon turned his head to examine his surroundings. However, he simply stood silent, tears pouring from his eyes.
"I- I-"
"Brandon!" Ellie demanded, "Answer the question." Her hands may have shook, but her grip on her baton was still firm. Brandon wore a look of disbelief, looking to his friends, his lip trembling.
"N-No." He replied, attempting to approach his friends; however, the two stood their ground.
"No, Ellie's right." Joey sniffed. "The circumstances of which we have found you are far too suspicious." He grabbed Brandon's arm forcibly and pulled him into handcuffs. Ellie grabbed his other arm. As much as he may have wished to, Brandon did not resist. "Inspector Roberts is the highest ranking officer, so it'll be up to him to deal with you."
"J-James? B-But-"
"SHUT UP, YOU SON OF A-" Ellie yelled, gripping him very closely. "HOW COULD YOU??" She shrieked, "HOW COULD YOU KILL KAYLA?"
"Ka- Kayla's d-dead?" Brandon questioned, his eyebrows raising and his mouth widening.
"OH, YOU'RE SICK!" Ellie shouted, slapping Brandon hard. "AND RACHEL? HOW THE HELL-" She paused, tears pouring from her eyes, "H-How the Hell could you kill her?!"
"I DIDN'T!" Wept Brandon, "I- I- I couldn't have! I- I- I loved her." He attempted to turn to face his acquaintances but was held by force. "I have answers. Just let me go." Joey looked to Ellie, observing the anger that was present in her eyes.
"No..." Ellie replied intensely, "I'm not letting you get away with this."
"Brandon, if it's so important, just tell us now." Joey suggested, tightening his grip.
"V-Very well." The prisoner spoke. "For a l-long time I've felt like the, uh, underdog when it comes t-to being a detective." He began, "B-But, I've not been able to sleep, not without-" He paused, tears spilling down his cheeks. "When my shift ended, I went back to the office and looked over the notes again. I noticed that the ink was different."
"The...ink?" Joey inquired, puzzled by the relevance of such a statement.
"Y-Yes!" Brandon replied, confidence reigniting within him. "Two different pens were present on almost every sheet I found. One was the Rac- her pen, which carefully wrote out the work...the other pen belonged to the scribbles."
"How on Earth are you supposed to prove anything with that?" Ellie asked, brushing tears from her eyes with her other hand.
"W-Well, it's not much...but the scribbles were in a thicker ink."
"Th-Thicker, you say?" Joey interrogated.
"Then...that would mean..." Joey realised, but was interrupted by Ellie.
"Joey!" She exclaimed, "How are we supposed to believe him?" Joey sighed and nodded.
"Brandon...if what you says is true, you still prove nothing." Joey agreed. "You could have wielded that pen to frame James; everyone knows that James uses that kind of pen. If James really was Jack the Ripper, would he really be foolish enough to use his own pen to remove notes?"
"I-I know. But you've gotta believe me." Brandon cried. "I'm telling t-the truth!"
"Is there anything else, Brandon?" Joey asked, ready to reach a conclusion.
"N- Wait, yes." Brandon announced, "My- My God." Joey, perplexed, began to loosen his grip.
"What is it?"
"J-James told me to wear this." Brandon recognised, "He told me that it would help me blend in. H-He-"
"Brandon, did he tell you to come here?" Joey asked, his faith in his friend returning.
"Y-Yes! He told me Jack would be running up this way." Brandon replied. "In fact, he's probably heading back to the Police Station!"
"Well, I suppose we're heading there already..." Ellie confessed, loosening her grip. "You stay in front of us at all times, okay?"
"Got it." Ellie and Joey let go, allowing Brandon to be free.
"If you're lying, I will kill you myself, got it?" Ellie threatened. Brandon nodded. "We're going to have to do some more building hopping." She concluded, "Brandon: after you." Brandon sighed and jumped onto the next roof, followed by Ellie and Joey.
"Shouldn't we be trying to get down?" Joey queried, looking over the edge of the building.
"Of course," Ellie answered, a smile emerging once again, "but there's no way down for the time bei-" The panel which Joey was standing on slipped. "JOEY!!" Ellie cried out. She looked down to see his hand still gripping on for dear life. She quickly slipped her hand onto it, hoping to keep him in place.
"Ellie!" Joey called, "It's too late, go on without me!"
"WHAT, NO!" Ellie shouted back, increasing the strength of her grip. "You've been so kind to me; I just can't let you die!"
"You must!" Joey replied.
"I'm afraid that's not the correct way down." Brandon explained to Joey, gripping onto his other hand. "And you're not dying today, my friend." Together, the two managed to pull Joey back onto the roof.
"G-Guys...thank you." Joey voiced, embracing both of them. "But, there's no time for sentiment, we've gotta go get Jack!"
"Are you forgetting something...?" Ellie asked, eyeing Brandon viciously.
"Ah," Joey replied, looking at Brandon. "Well, I don't reckon he'd have tried to save my life if he was Jack the Ripper. Think about it; Jack has been taking us down one by one. Why would he save me just now when I could have saved him the trouble of killing me?" Ellie thought about it for a moment and looked Brandon in the eye, before punching him in the arm.
"Never take advise from a psychopath ever again, okay, Brandon?" Ellie scoffed. He nervously laughed back, adrenaline from just being wrongly accused still oozing around his body. "Right, well, James, huh?" Ellie queried, "I suppose that makes the highest figure of authority you, Joey." Joey nodded, pride filling his head, despite the circumstances.
"Right. Let's catch this ogre once and for all!" He proclaimed.
"Right behind you, Boss!" Brandon laughed, getting ready to leap to the next platform. "On we go!" However, upon jumping, one of his feet slipped, sending him plummeting towards the ground. Joey reached out his hand quickly, but he was too late. He threw his arms around Ellie.
"We're coming, buddy." Joey decided, beginning to look around for a way down.
"He...he couldn't have survived that, surely." Ellie whimpered. However, Joey placed his finger over her lip, illuminating a distant groan from the surface. "Oh my."
"Brandon, are you alright?" Ellie asked, reaching her arms around him. It had taken fifteen minutes or so to get to the surface and find where Brandon had fell. However, upon finding him, one thing was clear; indeed, he needed very serious medical attention. There was no doubt in Joey's mind that there was a bone in his body which didn't sustain damage from such a fall. It could have been worse, yes, but he was simply thankful that his friend was still alive.
"You...should have left me." Brandon spoke weakly before coughing dryly.
"I couldn't have left you; you saved my life!" Joey replied. "We're gonna need to get you somewhere safe."
"Nah...I'm done for, mate." He counteracted, looking the two in the eye.
"No. Don't. You. Dare. Say. That." Ellie reacted, holding him tighter, putting him in more excruciating pain.
"Face it, I'm going to hold you back from getting Jack." Brandon continued. "Leave me to die. Let me return to Rachel..." Joey looked to Ellie and then back to Brandon.
"No way; screw Jack. You're much more important." Joey agreed, beginning to work out a plan. "I don't live too far away, so you can reside there while we get you a medic."
"Come on, Joey." Brandon joked, "You don't need a dying lump like me. You have something to finish."
"His decision is final." Ellie confirmed. "You're coming with us." Brandon chuckled weakly.
"All this fuss over little old me, eh?" He said, "You two are too generous."
"Oh, come on, we're just doing what any friend would do," Ellie replied, as she began to attempt to pick him up. What she didn't realise was that a loose tile was yet to fall; as it did so, Brandon's head was struck with such force that his life ended. Ellie looked in complete shock and returned to Joey's arms.
"Jack the Ripper...James...why did we ever try to pursue such a demon?" Joey sobbed, "We should have left him to his own business; maybe we wouldn't have lost everything." Ellie pushed herself away from Joey and looked him in the eye.
"Let's kill him." She ordered. "Let's finish this once and for all."
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