1. He's Back

Smoke filled the air like it always did. One simple gaze out of the window would give you less evidence of life than from observing the wall. No wonder Whitechapel was beginning to prove to be one of the most crime driven district in Britain. More notably, it was the residing place of the infamous criminal mastermind that haunted the foggy nights: Jack the Ripper.

"He's back." Confirmed a man with a stubbled brown beard, tossing a photograph onto the central table. He threw himself into a chair, his unbuttoned uniform shuffling out of position slightly and covering his mouth with his hand. His name was Inspector Roberts, though his innermost friends and colleagues knew him as James.

Already sat at the other end of the table, frowning, was Sergeant Darwin, though she - somewhat to her disapproval - was referred to as Miss Kayla by the other officers. "What kind of a maniac would do this?" She growled, locking her eyes with the deformed victim in the photograph.

"Well, it's only murder, right?" Asked a voice confidently as she walked into the room. Kayla looked behind her and tutted. It was the new recruit, Constable Banks. Within only a few days in the H Division, Kayla had already gained a disliking to her, though she couldn't quite put a pin on why. Her attention then was taken by another individual leaning against the wall next to the window.

"No." He stated bluntly, his long, jet-black hair spiked on his head. Next to him stood a blonde-haired policewoman by the name of Inspector Penender, who was fully dressed in her uniform - including her helmet.

"The culprit of this crime has been known to dissect their victims and take their organs with them." She informed the new recruit, straining a smile. "O-Or in this case, send them to us." She explained, pointing her shaky hand towards an odorous box under the table.

"Y-You can't be serious-" Replied Constable Banks, her eyes widening in concern. Her eyes were drawn to another officer who approached her.

"Um, I don't believe we've been acquainted, Constable. I'm Sergeant Savage!" He said, placing his hand out to shake hers.

"Nice to meet you, sir!" She accepted, placing her hand into his. "A-And call me Ellie."

"And you can call me J-" Began Sergeant Savage as he placed her hand to his mouth, but he was interrupted by the officer with black hair; he turned at the noise of the box being placed onto the table, letting go of her hand immediately. "Joey." He finished, turning back briefly Elly, who's face had lit up.

"See for yourself." He said, opening to the box and peering inside. One glance was enough for Ellie. Various organs and body parts filled the box to the brim. Lungs, fingers, hair, kidneys; it was a lot more than she had ever hoped to see in her lifetime. She never quite realised what she was getting herself into. She recalled the officer who had lifted the box to be another Constable who had failed to get promoted time after time who went by the name of Constable Towers, though was recognised more as Brandon.

"W-Who could possibly be t-this despicable?" Ellie stuttered, looking to James, who shrugged. She then turned to Joey.

"He's the damned villain who's been playing us for fools for months now!" He moaned, picking up the photograph. "This is the 5th woman that has been killed by that stupid good for nothing bas-"

Suddenly a door swung open. It was the Chief Inspector. The plump, balding man was wearing a stern expression as he glared at his officers up and down before chugging down the last few drops of gin from his bottle. "Have you caught him yet?" He shouted in an authoritative tone.

James stepped forward, snatching the photograph from Joey. "Well, no, we're only just analysing the photograph now, Chief Inspe-"

"Of course you haven't!" He raged, "You stupid morons couldn't do a thing right."

James grabbed the bottle from his boss' grimy hands. "Because you're so much closer to catching him, are you?"

The Chief Inspector pulled James towards him by his collar. "Watch yourself, Inspector Roberts. You'd be nothing without me." He spat in his face. "Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?" He shouted. James nodded reluctantly with an indignant frown. With one swift motion, James was pushed back. "Don't bother me until you've caught this psychopath," He screeched, "or it will become suddenly apparent that Jack is one of you..." He threatened with a grin, walking out back into his office.

"What a pig." Kayla groaned, moving the box back under the table and reclaiming a seat.

"One day I will actually kill him, you know." Inspector Penender grunted, taking another seat at the table in irritation.

"Rachel!" Exclaimed Brandon to Inspector Penender. "We shouldn't talk about him behind his back like this; it's not right." He said, sending a smile to her.

"Neither is this," James explained, placing the photograph back onto the table. It showed a deformed shape lying in bed who had been at the mercy of Jack the Ripper.

"Have we had any leads from the soup kitchen?" Brandon asked, sitting beside Rachel, both of whom turned to Joey, who had checked in with the Soup Kitchen the day prior.

"All Ethan and Lucy uncovered was that many ladies of the night spend their early nights in the Tens Bells," Joey explained. Rachel's head peeked up.

"Uh, isn't that where that old lady said she had seen the victim last?" She queried, her eyes lighting up. Brandon nodded.

"We should go down there and investigate, then!" Kayla proposed, looking to the rest of the ground. James nodded.

"We should leave at once; Jack could strike again at any time!"

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