E⃟N⃟D⃟I⃟N⃟G⃟ T⃟H⃟R⃟E⃟E⃟
"(Y/n)... please wake up. If you don't they are going to unplug you... I don't want you to die." I hear distantly. Die? I can't die....
I feel a hand grab mine and it takes a lot of willpower to squeeze it.
"(Y-y/n)? Wake up so I can kiss you." I hear the voice stronger... it sounds like Stephen.
I squeeze his hand again to show that I understand him and am trying.
"Do you need something more? If you wake up right now I'll be your boyfriend." Stephen laughs. I squeeze his hand again and try to open my eyes.
"Please I'll marry you the day you can start walking after this. I love you (y/n) so much." His voice cracks. I feel my heart break... I'm causing him pain, so with everything I have I pry my eyes open.
"Oh my gosh! You really! Thank you love. I'm not going to chicken out of my promise." Stephen starts crying once he notices that I'm awake he presses a kiss to my knuckle before grabbing a Doctor and I get the breathing tube removed and pain killers are pumped into my veins.
"Stephen?" I whisper.
"Yeah I'm here. I've always been here." He kisses my hand a few times.
"Just kiss me." I smile, and he happily does.
"Thanks Hosuh" I hug him tightly, mostly because I'd fall over if not.
"It's no problem really. I'm just helping you with your happy ending." He helps me balance and links our arms. He's going to walk me down the aisle.
I make it down as smoothly as possible, and Stephen is looking at me like he just fell in love with me all over again. And within minutes we are wed.
"Stephen are you sure you want to know?" I ask my husband of a year, he wants to know who Tyler's biological father is. We've talked with the others and they said it was fine for him to adopt her so legally he's her father.
"Please? Don't I have the right?" Stephen looks at me holding the results up.
"Fine...." I read over it, "sorry Stephen she isn't yours..." I sigh.
"What? Who's is she then?" Stephen grabs the paper from my hand and reads it. "Hosuh!?!"
"Are you going to tell him?" I rub his back.
"Yeah," he calls up the others, "Hey we got the results back and thought we'd tell you."
"You sound upset... is she not yours?" Dan speaks up.
"Yup. Hosuh, she's biologically yours." Stephen Huffs
"Oh what! Really! Man I wish I didn't say... you could adopt her now..." Hosuh pouts. Stephen and Hosuh get into a big fight about it. Eventually I step in and say that if Stephen says that Hosuh can have some Dad privileges then he can have some. Stephen immediately declines that.
"Why am I blindfolded?" Stephen smirks as I lead him into the living room.
"Get your mind out of the gutter Phe." I laugh and sit him down. Tyler comes running out in her shirt that says 'promoted to big sister' as I take the blindfold off.
"Promotes to- Wait a second! (Y/n) your pregnant!" Stephen smiles at me widely.
"Yeah, I am." I laugh as he scrambles off the couch, hurdles it, and hugs me tightly.
"Oh that's amazing! I love you! I love you I LOVE YOU!" He starts swaying with me.
"Hey... are you ok?" Stephen asks after I wake up, a good twenty minutes after falling asleep. I was in labor for almost an entire day.
"No.... I'm not." I start crying when he touches my shoulder. Our child was stillborn... all that effort just to loose the reward.
"Hey love, its ok." Stephen holds his composure, but he's just as broken inside. He was so excited to have a son... but apparently it wasn't meant to be.
"This hurts more than anything I've ever been through." I cry harder.
"I know... I know love. You can cry it out. I'll be here right next to you, forever and always." He comforts me and starts crying himself.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry Stephen. I'm sorry." I blubber.
"You didn't do anything wrong, love you did everything perfectly."
"D-did she make it?" I whisper exhausted.
"Yeah. She's just getting checked up." Stephen smiles at me, with a big toothy grin.
"I need to hold her." I start panicking.
"I'll go get her." Stephen squeezes my hand before getting our newborn daughter.
"Miss Abigail." I coo holding her to my chest once Stephen hands her to me.
"Is that her name?" Stephen asks in awe at how tiny she is.
"Yeah. Abigail Ng. Do-do you not like it?"
"I love it so much (y/n). It's just as perfect as her." He gives me a kiss before we turn our attention to her.
"Hey look it's Mr. Ng!" Some kids wave at Stephen as we stand at the train station, with our oldest child.
"You are a very popular teacher." I nudge him.
"Oh shut it love. We are here to say goodbye to our little Abby." Stephen pulls me close by my waist.
"Don't you forget about me so soon." Abigail looks offended.
"Abby you stay away from people who don't make you a better person. You are such a helpful person, but don't let people walk all over you.... and don't forget your mother and father will always love you and will help you." I cup her cheek and wipe away the tears that started spilling.
"I'll never forget that. You are the best parents a girl can ask for." Abby leans into my touch.
"Come here baby girl. I got to have a father daughter talk with you." Stephen pulls her into a hug and rests his head on hers.
"Of course dad." She laughs.
"There's no rush to find out who you are and who you love. But once you find them, don't let them go. But of course respect their boundaries." He whispers into her ear.
"Yeah of course. I love you dad. I'll be back for Christmas so don't get rid of my stuff just yet." She gets on her tiptoes to hug him properly.
"Stephen, can you hold Luca so I can hug Abby?" I ask holding out the infant. Stephen wanted another kid once he realized that in three years there will be nobody left living with us.
"Of course I can hold my little boy." Stephen laughs after kissing Abby's cheek softly and letting her go.
"Have fun at college." I kiss her cheeks a million times before she has to climb on the train and leave.
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