
Okay, so to find the first part of your name, take the first letter of your middle name(mine is R) then go down to that letter. Next, go over however many letters are in your name. So my prefix, since there are three letters in my middle name, is Red. If you run out of names, start at the beginning again.

A- Apple, Amber, ash, ant, acorn, adder, alder, arch, aspen

B- bird, blue, berry, bumble, bracken, black, badger, beech, birch, bramble, boulder, brindle, blossom, bark, bee, beetle, bounce,

C- Cardinal, crow, carp, cinder, cedar, cloud, claw, cherry, clover, coal, creek, crooked, crouch, curl, copper

D- deer, doe, dust, dirt, dark, deep, daisy, dew, dove, dapple(d), dark, dawn, drift, duck,

E- emerald, egg, echo, eagle, ebony, eel, ember,

F- fish, fly, flint, flight, furze, fawn, frog, fox, fallow, feather, fern, finch, fire, frost, fuzzy, falcon, fawn, fennel, flail, flame, fleet, flick, flower, fly, fox,

G- goose, green, grass, gray, golden, gorse

H- hare, hallow, hazel, holly, half, honey, hail, hatch, hawk, heather, heavy, heron, hickory, hollow, hope

I- ice, ivy

J- jump, juniper, jagged, jay

K- kestrel, kink

L- lily, lion, leopard, larch, lark, leaf, lightning, long, lake, lichen, lizard, little, log, loud,

M- maple, mumble, mouse, mist, mole, mud, mint, moon, morning, moss, moth, maggot, mallow, marigold, marsh, meadow, midge, milk

N- newt, nettle, night, nut,

O- owl, olive, oak, oat, one, odd, onion, otter

P- pike, pine, patch, pear, petal, poppy, prickle, pale, pebble, perch, plum, pod, pool, primrose, puddle

Q- quail, quick, quiet

R- rabbit, rat, red, raven, robin, rain, rose, running, ragged, reed, ripple, rock, rowan, rubble, Rush, rye, russet

S- sun, snake, silver, snow, seed, squirrel, sparrow, sand, shrew, small, song, spot, sorrel, speckle, spider, spotted, sage, scarlet, scorch, sedge, shade, sharp, shattered, sheep, shimmer, shining, shred,

T- toad, tall, tiger, tree, tadpole, talon, tangle, tansy, tawny, thistle, thorn, thrush, timber, tiny, torn, trout, tumble, turtle, twig

U- none

V- vole, vixen, vine

W- wolf, white, wasp, weasel, web, weed, wet, whisker, wild, willow, wind, wish, wood, wooly, wren

X- none

Y- yellow, yarrow

Z- none

To find the second part of your names, count up how many letters you have in each name. Then either add them all together, subtract the least from the most, or multiply the least and the highest numbers together. So my name is either Redleaf , Redface, or Redlight. I think I like Redleaf best. :)

1. Fur

2. Tail

3. Fang

4. Claw

5. Leaf

6. Moon

7. Pelt

8. Dawn

9. Dusk

10. Frost

11. Eye

12. Foot

13. Heart

14. Fall

15. Face

16. Nose

17. Whisker

18. Storm

19. Flight

20. Song

21. Wing

22. Fire

23. Berry

24. Light

25. Flower

26. Sky

27. Spirit

28. Feather

29. Stripe

30. Runner

31. Spots

32. Splash

33. Sun

34. Muzzle

35. Frost

36. Bright

37. Dapple

38. Leaf

39. Spring

40. Wing

50. Water

51. Mist

52. Snow

53. Fern

54. Step

55. Cloud

56. Shade

57. Swoop

58. Belly

59. Tuft

60. Pool

61. Shine

62. Stem

63. Blaze

64. Bird

65. Slip

66. Speck

66. Speckle

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