Chapter 5

Alice and Gaster went to the office as soon as they arrive at the lab. Alice went to the lower drawer of Gaster's desk. She takes out some work clothes she stores when she arrives there sweating or she wore her warm clothes which are the case. She was still wearing her purple dress, black leggings and her winter black boots. She also has the work shoes she has to store it in the drawer too.

"Love if you are ready to go you can go ahead. I need to change clothes." Alice said as she sits down on the couch and takes off her boots. She thought Gaster has left since she hears the lock on but as she lifts her head, she saw Gaster lean on the door arms crossing looking at her.

"What are you doing dear?" Alice said confuse.

"I thought I could just stay here and wait for you to be done," he simply said. He was still looking at her. For some reason, the way he looks at her makes Alice shy.

"Can you turn around so I can change?" Alice said.

"Why it's not like I haven't seen it all~," he said.

"WingDing!!" Alice said blushing. He chuckles before he turns around facing the door.

"Fine anything for my lady~," he said teasing her. Alice grumbles a bit before she starts changing clothes. She has put her dress lilac shirt unbutton as she took off the leggings that she feels a pair of hands on her waist.

"Gaster! What are you doing?" She said blushing.

"... I couldn't help myself I wanted to touch this beautiful view~" he said nuzzling her neck. Alice has let a sharp breath before trying to hold a moan.

"Dear, I need to be ready for work," Alice said. She tries to get away but for a skeleton, he was surprisingly strong. He makes her turn face him and enjoy the view.

"As much I love the view I want to eat you up~," he said smirking. Alice didn't know what to. She instantly moving backward but dump the desk and was now stuck.

"Gaster! We are at work!" She gasps when she feels him kiss her neck and earlobe.

"We still have time~," he whispers to her ear which causes Alice to blush even redder. He kisses her passionately before Alice gives in and lets him do what he wants.

~time skip~

Alice arrives in her department fully dress with her lab coat on.

"Hi, Alphys! Are you ready for the next part of the experiment?" Alice said as soon she gets inside the room.

"Oh, h-hi b-boss! Y-y-yes! Everything a-are r-r-ready," Alphys said.

"Good let me contact Chara and we can process," Alice said. She closes her eyes for a moment and tries to use the connection she made with Chara. After the possession episode 5 years ago, Alice can call her in the real world. It's just a brief moment, then Chara appears in a ghostly form in front of Alice. She looks exactly like in her dream but doesn't have feet. Chara look around the room they were in. Her eyes stop when she saw the SOUL floating around the tube. Chara approaches it carefully.

"It'S tHaT tHE SOUl?" She said. Alice nod and smile at her.

"Yup! Let's see if you can absorb it and own it has yours" Alice said with a patient smile.

Chara looks at Alice for a moment before she nods. Alice signal Alphys to open the tube that holds the SOUL. The SOUL was floating and as soon as Chara get near it. It's starting to glow and move closer to her. Chara was surprised when the SOUL came right throught her. A flash of light red and white covers the whole room. Alice and Alphys have to cover their eyes until the light dissipates.


Sans arrive at the lab and went to look for his parents. He went to the office thinking they may still be here. He arrives in from of the office and knocks in the door.

"Come on in," Gaster said.

Sans enter the office and saw his father behind his office working on some paperwork.

"Hey pops. How is that paperwork going not too overwhelming?" Sans said chuckle a bit. Gaster rolls his eyes and looks up to his son.

"Sans, are you there to make jokes or working?" He said.

"Can't do both?" Sans said winking.

"Sans..." Gaster said rubbing his temple.

"Alright, alright. I am here to check if there is any progress of the data from the other day." He said.

"For what I see nothing around the Core nor the inside of it shows any anomalies... Seem like a strong wave from a wide range made the Core tremble..." Gaster said looking down at his paperwork.

Sans frown a bit and slowly look up at his dad.

"Do you think... A human cause it?" Sans said.

"Your mother did mention it. However, we don't even know if there is really a human in the underground beside your mother."

"Hmmm... Speaking of mom... Where she is?"

"At her lab with Alphys like always why?"

"Need to ask her something. I will be back." Sans said as he teleports in front of his mother's lab door. He was about to open the doors when he saw the flash of red and white around the doors.

"What the...?" Sans said confuse. Then the flash of lights end. He went inside and saw his mother and Alphys back looking at something.

"Hey, ma. What're that lights just now?" Sans said as he approaches them. Alice turns her head toward sans and then go back to what she is looking for.

"Little star! We actually have done the experimentation... And it's work!" She said smiling.

Sans stop his track for a second.

"What do you mean it's work?" He said.

"Alphys take her to the recovery room," Alice said to Alphys. The shy dino nod and pick up the object of interest and leave to the other room. Sans could barely see what Alphys was carrying it. However, he did saw reddish hair and some brown shoes.

"Sans... Chara live." Alice said after she sighs and looks at him.

"Ya mean... You did it?"

Alice simply nods. Sans stay quiet for a while before he too sighs.

"Then we should celebrate," he said shrugs his shoulder and show his grin.

"Sans... Are you ok?"

"What Do you mean? I am always fine as a skeleton can be," he said winking.

"Little star are you worry about Chara and the human that fell?" Alice said.

Sans look down and frown.

"Can't I? What if the human that fell was like the one that tries to hurt everyone?" Sans said.

"You have the right to worry, Little star," Alice said a while patting his skull. "You shall observe and see what is the goal of this human. I would take care of Chara with Alphys."

"What? But why me? Why not dad or Papyrus?" Sans said. Alice smile at him.

"I can give you three reasons. One is that you have a good sense of observations. Two, you will not harshly go ahead and attack first. And the last one is that your father already has a lot to deal with in the lab and your brother can be extreme with interaction with others. You are the right candidate for the job." Alice said with a grin.

"Ma... I don't know if I can do it..." Sans said in a frown.

"I believe in you, little star. I know no matter what is your decision. It's would be the right choice," Alice said.

Sans looks at his mother for a moment until he nods.

"Heh. It's not like I was overworking with the jobs I already have," sans said chuckle.

Alice smiles at him and looks behind her where Alphys disappear with Chara. Then look back at sans.

"Well then now that it's settled... You should help your father for a while. I have to take care of Chara." She said.

"Alright... Did she said or did anything yet?" Sans said before he leaves her lab.

"She was still unconscious... She may wake up soon,"

"Mkay..." Sans said as he leaves the lab.

Alice sighs a bit before she goes to the next room. This room looks more like a hospital with all those beds, monitors machines and curtains. Alice arrives on the only bed that is occupied by someone with Alphys taking notes beside the bed.

"Is she awake?" Alice said once she arrives on the opposite side of the bed. Alphys flinch of the sudden voice of her boss but then looks up at her.

"N-n-not y-yet! B-b-but h-her v-v-vitals a-are s-stable," she said as she reviews her notes.

"I see... Well then keep monitoring Chara's progress for now. I will fill the report until then." Alice said.

"Y-y-you a-are n-n-not g-going to s-stay?" Alphys said surprised that her boss doesn't want to stay monitoring Chara.

"One of us can stay here for now and you seem already doing it. Call me if there is any change," Alice said smiling at Alphys. She nod at her boss and the sorceress left the room and get to her office, which is the same office as Gaster. Once she arrives, Alice saw Gaster still working on his paperwork.

"You should get some rest before you end up writing scribbles," Alice said giggles. Gaster lifts his eyes away from his paper and looks up at his wife. He smirks at her before he put down his pen.

"Well if I pass them to sans he would just let them sit on his desk and it's will become a mountain of paperwork," he said. Alice giggles before she approaches him and gives him a kiss in his cheekbones.

"You are right, love," Alice said smiling at him. She went and sit down on her desk. Her desk is right next to him and has a computer on the left side of her desk. She starts writing her report about the fusion between the SOUL and Chara. She calls Alphys to send any update of Chara's health status and if she saw any sign of awakening from the ex-ghost. Alphys send her report but still no sign of awakening from Chara.

Alice sigh when she read Alphys's report. Gaster couldn't help but glance at his wife. He saw her frown as she read the report on the computer.

"Something bothering you, my love?" He said. Alice snaps out of her thought and looks at her husband. She sighs again before she replies.

"I am reading Alphys's report about Chara progress and so far there is any sign she is waking up but her vitals and SOUL are showing no anomalies... I try to understand what went wrong..." Alice said looking down at her notes.

"Give her time, my love. It's being some long since she owns a SOUL on her own instead possessing one" Gaster said putting a hand on her shoulder. Alice look at him and smile.

"You are right, she just trying to figure out her new SOUL! I guess I would have to make some turns with Alphys until she wakes up," She said to start thinking to a new way to observe the change of Chara's health. WingDing smiles at his wife.

"Glad I could help you out," He said giving a kiss on her cheek. Alice giggles and smiles at Gaster.

"It's about time for lunch, I brought spaghetti bash papyrus made yesterday," Alice said taking out a paper bag that contains 3 boxes of Tupperware full of spaghetti. Gaster look at the contains and sigh.

"We really should give him a cooking book one of these days," He said

"Baby step love, his love for spaghetti is too strong to make him change idea," Alice said patting his back. He slightly smiles and they both leave the room to eat at the cafeteria.

Time skip

Alice sits down next to Chara's hospital bed. She brews some tea and put it on the nightstand next to her. She was looking at the recent report Alphys wrote down. Still no change... She thought as she sighs. She looks at Chara inert body breathing in normal space.

"You know... that would be great if you can wake up and talk to you face-to-face without using dream nor talking to your ghost form..."Alice said crossing her legs and rest her chin on top of her hand.

"Sup ma," Sans said as he appears behind her. Alice gets startled almost drops her notes.

"Geez sans! Don't arrive like that without warning!" Alice said looking at her back. Sans chuckle a bit and look behind her shoulder.

"Is that the de- the kid?" Sans said.

"Still no sight of awakening but all her vital are stable," Alice said looking at Chara. Sans didn't said anything and stand beside his mother.

"Hey ma... Do you think... Even the worst person can change?" Sans said out of blue. Alice was surprise of his question. She look at her son before she sigh.

"It's depend little star... I often think that if that person know their sins and repent... Then yes even the worst person can change," Alice said with a smile. Sans stay quiet for a while before he chuckles.

"You said it as if you knew someone like that in the past," Sans said winking at his mom.

"I did... I actually knew someone that did the most despicable thing and have repent of their sins..." Alice said in a serious tone.

"Who was that person?" He ask.

Alice took a deep breath before answer but then they saw mouvement at the bed. Alice get up of her chair and look at how Chara start to move her body.

"Chara? Can you hear me?" Alice said trying to get any answers from Chara.

"Hmm...nnnn!" Chara mumbles. Then her eyes slowly open. She look around for moment. She then saw Alice and Sans looking at her.

"Weird... Human... Comedian..." Chara said in whisper voice.

"Welcome to the living," Alice said grinning.

"Whalecome demon," Sans said winking.

"Sans!" Alice said as she elbow his ribs.

"Hey careful! I only have 1 HP," Sans said rubbing his side.

Alice roll her eyes and give back her attention to Chara.

"How do you feel?" Alice said.

"... Tired," Chara said.

Alice giggles at her comment.

"But of course! You just wake up into a new body after who know how many years," She said smiling at Chara. The fallen human look at her for a while before she sit down.

"Careful! You just start to recover," Alice said as she help her.

"I see nothing much have change in this place..." Chara said.

"Heh. Pops didn't change stuff since he only need a place to work. Decorating is not something he really care about," sans said as he shrugs his shoulders.

Before Alice could said more, her phone start to vibrate in her pocket.

"Excuse me I need to respond this call," Alice said as she answer the call.

"Hey Al-"

"They are out!"

(A/N) cliffhanger~ sorry that a neglect that story for a while. I have been trying to see how much chapters I should do until they are out of the underground... Maybe 4 more chappies? Not sure... Anyways! Hope you enjoy the chapter o/

Inugami 🐺 out~

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