9) Prompto

~(Y/n)'s POV~

Empty test tubes were all around me. The room was dimly lit and most of the room was in ruins. Niflheim abandoned their base at the last minute and tried to destroy the remains. I was the only test subject left behind. Now I'm all alone and have no one. At least some of the scientist were nice and talked to me so I didn't feel lonely. But now... I truly am. I couldn't leave because I had nowhere to go. I know no one outside of this base.

I hummed to myself as I walked around the testing room. "Maybe I should leave?" I ponder. I look towards the door and shake the thought out of my head. "No, I would either get lost or killed out there." Even with the powers Niflheim gave me, I would be killed on the spot. I stare down at my cursed body and sigh sadly. "Alchemy... Why? All I wanted to be was a normal girl. Now I can't even live a happy life." Tears sting the corner of my eyes and I wipe them away before they could fall.

"I swear I heard humming!" I snapped in the direction the unknown voice came from. It came from behind the locked door to the lab. I was too scared and decided to hide behind a test tube. The door flew off its hinges and broke the test tube next to me. I flinch and see four men enter the lab. "I think you're imagining things, Prompto." A man with raven hair said to the blonde. "I'm serious, Noct! It was coming from this room!" Prompto, as I assumed, yelled back. "Prom, admit it. You're just hearing things," a man with tattoos up his arms says. "It wouldn't be the first time," a man with glasses added.

"I'm going to prove it to you!" Prompto shouts. He began searching the room and fear started to consume me. I took a step back and stepped on a piece of broken glass. "What was that?" Prompto asked. All their eyes were directed in my direction. I could use alchemy, but I might end up killing innocent people. I was lost in thought and before I knew, the blonde had found me. Our eyes met and he just stared at me with wide blue eyes. I took more steps back and ended up tripping over a crack in the ground. I landed on my rear and felt something pierce my hands. "Ow," I whimper and look at my hands. Glass pieces were lodged inside my skin and I was bleeding everywhere.

"I'm so sorry!" He tried to hurry over to me but I backed up in fear that he would hurt me. "Prom, what's with all the racket?" The raven haired man tried to walk over. I scurried backwards and my back hit the wall. "Noct, just stay where you are!" Prompto yells behind him.

"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you." He kneels in front of me and smiles. "Let me see your hands." I slowly held out my hands and he grabbed them gently. "May I?" He asked softly. I nodded slowly and he began pulling the pieces of glass out of my palms. I bit my bottom lip to contain the screams of pain. "There. All finished~!" He wiped the blood off my hands and pulled out an elixir. Only certain test subjects got the elixir and I wasn't one of them. I shook my head and try to deny the vile.

"It'll make your hands heal much faster. It taste horrible, but it's worth it in the end." He laid it in my hands and I looked at the blue liquid. I looked up at him and the smile never left his face. I decided to take the top off and drink it. I immediately began coughing after I swallowed it. "Thank you, Prompto." He seemed shock I knew his name. "How do you know my name?" He asked.

"Oh, um, one of your companions said it earlier and I assumed they were talking to you," I answer. "Oh~" he said. "What is taking you so long?" The man with tattoos joined us. I flinched and accidentally hit my head against the wall. I groaned in pain and Prompto glared at him. "Glad, what the hell!?" Prompto shouts. "I-I should go..." I began to run away from Prompto and his friends. "Wait!" He shouts after me. I didn't stop and ran through the rubble of the base.

~3rd Person POV (with Prompto)~

"I told you to stay away!" Prompto yells at Gladio. "Who was that?" Gladio asked, ignoring Prompto's shouting. He sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I was going to ask for her name before you showed up! I'm going after her!" Prompto stormed off while the others stood dumbfounded. He ran through what was left of the base and found no signs of the mysterious girl. While searching an office, Prompto found an untouched file. His curiosity got the better of him and he opened the file. What caught his eye the most was a picture.

A girl with (h/c) hair and bright (e/c) eyes was smiling. She was picking flowers in a beautiful field with the sun beaming down on her beautiful features. He gasped at the sight of her and recognized the girl in the picture as the one he found in the lab. He rummaged through the papers and finally found her name. (Y/n). Her middle and last name were scribbled through and illegible. The last page in the file was red for some strange reason. He pulled it out and saw 'DANGEROUS' in bold letters at the top.

"Dangerous? How?" He asked himself. A few lines down were details of what they did to her and what powers they injected into her body. Prompto's anger boiled his blood and he glared at the red document. "How could they do this to her?" He gritted his teeth in rage. Prompto took the picture and threw the rest of the file across the office. He admired her beautiful smile and slid the picture into his pocket for safe keeping. He charged out of the office to start his search again.

"(Y/n)!" He shouted her name over and over again. He weaves through the fallen debris and looked all around him. After running for minutes without a break, he stopped and rested his hands on his knees to catch his breath. He looked down and saw a small blood puddle. It was making a trail to a room where the door was closed. He ran to the door and opened without hesitation. Prompto found (Y/n) in the corner. She was hugging her knees and resting her head on them. The blood was coming from the back of her head. "(Y/n)!" Said girl snapped her gaze toward the blonde.

"Prompto, you know my name?" She asked, shock apparent on her face. "I... Found your file in one of the offices," he answered honestly. "So... You know all the horrible things they did to me, huh?" She looked away sadly. Prompto say next to her and began tending the wound on the back of her head. "Sorry about Glad," Prompto sighed and cleaned up the last of the blood. (Y/n) thanked him sweetly and rested her head against his shoulder. "I can take you away from here," Prompto confessed.
(Y/n)'s eyes grew wide and she stared into Prompto's blue ones. "You... You would do that?" Prompto nodded and rested his hand on her cheek.

"We could totally have fun together~!" He cheers. (Y/n) kissed the blonde on his cheek and he couldn't believe it. "I'd love to go anywhere with you, Prompto." She leaned her head back against his shoulder. Prompto soon hears her soft breathing and leaned his head against hers. He grabbed her hand and gently rubbed circles in her palm with his thumb. He fell asleep soon after with a smile on his face.
Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis found their blonde friend and smiled at the scene before them. Both him and (Y/n) were asleep and smiling together. Prompto was holding her hand and didn't let go. The three men were happy for him and would help him get you out of this hellish place.

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