114) Prompto

A/n: This will be one of three Kingdom Hearts Crossovers. The next two will also be taken place in the KH universe. Love you all!!!
~(Y/n)'s POV~

-La Cité des Cloches-

When I opened my eyes, I gasped in amazement. Tents were set up everywhere. Each one was consisted of different colors. "It must be a festival, but I don't see anyone." As my eyes traveled all around, I noticed Prompto wasn't with me. Worry consumed me as I began searching the new world for him. As I entered the city from the Square, familiar screaming resonated close by.

Accompanying the screams were gunshots. "That's definitely Prompto!" My Keyblade materializes in my hand while running through the streets. When I found the blonde, he was surrounded by Dream Eaters. "Fire!" I shout. A small fireball explodes near the Dream Eaters which causes them to change their attention from Prompto to me.

Within seconds, all the Dream Eaters were taken care of. "Are you okay, Prom?" I ask him. He doesn't respond and just crushes me in his arms. "Gods, I was so worried when I couldn't find you!" He nuzzles his face in the crook of my neck. His breath tickles the sensitive skin around my neck and causes me to giggle.

"H-hey, Prom, it's alright." I patted his back like I was consulting a child. "Let's look around. There was a Bell Tower where I came from." He nods and we travel through the streets. No one was outside to even take in the nice weather. "Why isn't anybody here?" Prompto asked as he walked closely next to me. "It's possible they saw the Dream Eaters. Right now, being indoors is the safest place to be."

We finally arrived at the Bell Tower. The place was still deserted even with the tents. Suddenly a man I've never seen before approaches us. "You there. Have you seen a gypsy woman?" His voice was deep and stern. "Nope. Sorry," I snappily reply. The man groans and thanks us as he leaves.

"What the heck is a gypsy?" Prompto questioned. I shrug and we enter the Bell Tower. We noticed it was actually a Cathedral with beautiful stained glass. "I found some stairs," I tell Prompto. "I hate stairs..." He grumbles under his breath. I giggle and grab his hand. "Don't worry. We'll make it to the top... eventually."

"Was that supposed to be comforting?"

"Uh... yes?"

Prompto laughs and tightens his hold on my hand. "Alright, but if I fall, I'm blaming you." There were more steps than I thought. By the time we reached the top, both of us were panting. "Y-yay... we made it..." Prompto puffed out. His body slumped against a nearby wall in exhaustion. I smile and finally catch my breath. "You stay here and rest. I'll check it out."

"Just... be careful," he huffed with worry. I nodded and headed inside the Bell Tower. It was dark except for a window near the giant iron bell. What caught my eyes was a bed that was just up a ladder. Something fell and I jumped in my skin. "Hello?" I descend the ladder and found that a small figurine had fallen. I picked it up and examined the object.

"Wow. Did someone make this?" I ask myself. The figurine was of a man with a hunched back. "I wish I could make things like this." I place the figurine back on the table gently. "Who are you?" I turn around when I heard someone behind me. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know someone lived here. I thought the bed was just in case the caretaker couldn't make it home."

He stepped out of the shadows and with a scared expression. When I got a closer look at him, I saw his face was distorted. I looked back at the figurine and realized it was him. The poor man had a hunched back. "I'm Quasimodo. This... is my home."

"I'm (Y/n). It's nice to meet you, Quasimodo." I smile at him. His scared expression finally vanishes when I showed him a smile. "You didn't scream when you saw my face. Why?" He asked. I tilted my head in confusion. "Why would I scream? There's no need for such a thing."

My answer had put him even more at ease. "Did you make these?" I gesture to the figurines. He nods and walks over to the table. He pointed to every figurine and told me who it was. The one that caught my eye was Frollo. "You're telling me that this man won't let you leave the Bell Tower?" Quasimodo shook his head.

"He refuses to let me reason with him. But, I do escape when he is gone. I did enjoy the festival."

"That's sounds like someone I know," I giggle. The door to the Bell Tower flew open and Prompto stormed in. "(Y-Y/n), there are talking gargoyles!" He pants as he closed the door behind him in a hurry. We heard knocking and yelling from the other side of the door.

"Open the door, you punk!" A voice shouts. "Gargoyles?" I ask Quasimodo. "Those are my friends Victor, Hugo, and Laverne. They won't hurt you."
I moved Prompto away from the door and opened it. Three gargoyles came tumbling. "Oh, who's the pretty girl, Quasi?" One gargoyle asked.

(A/n: Just a quick refresher so you don't have to look it up on Google.)
Left- Hugo
Middle- Laverne
Right- Victor

"Don't worry. She's a friend." The gargoyles smiled up at me. "It's nice to meet you." They each introduce themselves. "I'm (Y/n). This is my... um..." I glanced at Prompto. My cheeks began to turn red. "A boyfriend?" Victor questions in his deep British accent. It reminded me a lot of Ignis. I nodded and rubbed my arm nervously. I gazed at Prompto and saw he was also blushing.

"How adorable," Laverne smiles. I introduced Prompto to Quasimodo while we were still getting to know each other. As usual, Prompto greets everyone with his bubbly and cheerful personality. A couple of hours pass and we had to leave. "If Frollo ever gives you any trouble, don't hesitate to rely on us. We will gladly take care of him," I said as we left. We left the Cathedral in order to pursue our original goal.

"So, how do we wake this world?" Prompto asked. "Someone here has deep ties with the Dream Eaters. Whoever it is, we need to stop them and I have a feeling it's Frollo."

"Isn't he the evil dude Quasi told us about?"

I nodded in response. When I wasn't paying attention, I accidentally ran into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry," I quickly apologize. My eyes widened when I realized who I ran into. It was Captain Phoebus. I'm glad Quasimodo filled us in on all who was in this world. "It's you two. Why are you still on the streets? It's dangerous."

Prompto quickly wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close. "Sorry, Captain. We were just on a date," he responds cheekily. Phoebus bought Prompto's lie and left us alone. Even though he was gone, Prompto refused to let me go. "Prom, you can let go."

"Who said I wanted to?"

"He's gone. There's no need to hold me."

"Trust me, there are a ton of reasons I can come up with just to hold you." His grin made me blush. Once he saw my red cheeks, he pecked them with his soft lips. I gasp in shock, causing my cheeks to darken. "And one of those reasons is because you're making such a cute expression. How can I NOT hug you?"

I escape his hold and hide my cheeks with my hands. "D-don't say something like that! It's so embarrassing!" I couldn't even face him right now. My mind and heart were racing a mile per second. "Too cute~! I wish I had my camera right now!" Prompto cooed. I was about to say something, but a conversation nearby stopped me. I heard Frollo's name and gypsy as the two men talked. They also said he was just outside of the city.

"No time to waste! Let's go!" I yell and ran to the outskirts of the city with Prompto in tow. The only thing we found was a small house when we arrived. "Should we go in?" Prompto asked. I nodded and opened the door to the house. Turns out, the house led to an underground encampment. "The gypsies must live here. It does make sense since they're trying to hide from Judge Frollo," I said.

"You both were at the Bell Tower." Prompto and I turn around to see a woman. Once I saw her appearance, something clicked in my head. "You're Esmeralda. Quasimodo told us about you."

"It's nice to see friendly faces besides Quasi's. I wanted to thank you for earlier."

"Thank us? For what?" Prompto asked. "You told Captain Phoebus that you hadn't seen a gypsy. I'm grateful for your help. You were able to get him off my trail."

"Honestly, we didn't know what a gypsy was. We're... not from here," I reply. She laughs and gestures to our clothes. "I can tell." Our time together was cut short when we heard a malicious chuckle. I quickly summon my Keyblade and glare at Frollo. "I've finally found you, Witch," Frollo said as he sent a glare full of hate towards Esmeralda.

I ran towards the man with my Keyblade by my side. "Wait, (Y/n)!" Prompto shouts desperately. Ignoring his call, I tried to attack Judge Frollo. Before I could land a hit, Dream Eaters appeared. One caught me off-guard and knocked me back. "(Y/n)!" Prompto storms over and helps me to my feet. "I'm fine," I told him as I saw the worry in his blue eyes.

When we both were distracted, Judge Frollo took Esmeralda. "We've gotta stop him," I said. Prompto nods and we defeat the Dream Eaters so we could pass. Desperately running through the streets of the city, Prompto and I began to smell smoke. "The smoke is coming form the Square," Prompto states. That was enough to make us run even faster.

Once in the Square, our eyes widened in fear. Flames were consuming all that was in its path. As we looked around, I spotted Quasimodo with a passed out Esmeralda in his arms. Before we could reach them, a giant Dream Eater blocked us.

"That does not look good," Prompto murmurs as he prepares his pistol. I glanced over my shoulder and grinned. "We've got this." He nods confidently with the same grin. As our battle began, we made sure to learn its pattern. When we did, our next step was to attack. Prompto stayed a safe distance away while I attacked head-on.

The Dream Eater screeched in pain and vanished from our sight. Prompto and I sighed with relief. It was short-lived when I heard yelling from atop the Bell Tower. Prompto also heard the shouting and we ran into the Cathedral. Hugo, Victor, and Laverne were taking care of Dream Eaters that found their way inside.

"We've got this handled. Go help Quasi!" Laverne shouts to us. We nod and run up the steps. The smoke filled our vision as we reached the top of the stairs. I began to cough as the smoke burned my lungs. "Hold on!" Esmeralda shouts desperately. My vision cleared and I saw she was trying to help Quasimodo.

The evil laughter of Judge Frollo accompanied the smoke. I gasped as I saw him with a sword raised above his head. A wicked grin spread across his face as he stared at Esmeralda. "Prom, help Esmeralda! I'll handle Judge Frollo!" He nods and runs over to her.

"And He shall smite the wicked and plunge them into the fiery pit, forever!" He shouts over the cracking flames. Before he could bring his sword down, I pushed him over the side of the Bell Tower. Before I could recover, he had grabbed a hold of my clothes and yanked me over the side.

"(Y/n)!" I heard three voices shout in desperation. As Frollo was consumed by the flames below, I was able to grab ahold of a gargoyle's head. "(Y/n), give me your hand!" Prompto shouts as he extends his hand to me. I reached up to take it, but a cracking noise made me stop. The gargoyle I was clinging to was breaking. "P-Prompto, I can't! If I do, the gargoyle will break!" My voice was shaking uncontrollably. Fear consumed me as I looked down. I gasped and looked back up.

"Don't look down! Just look at me!" I nodded and kept my (e/c) eyes on him. Quasimodo and Esmeralda were also trying to help Prompto reach me. "That gargoyle isn't going to hold up much longer," Quasi said with worry. Prompto leaned over the railing even more to try and reach me. When his hand was only a few inches from me, I slowly went to take it.

That small movement was all it took for the gargoyle to break. I gasp in fear as I felt my body fall. "No!" Prompto yells as he gets further away from me. I felt the heat from the flames growing as my body fell. I was in too much shock to even close my eyes. When I waited for the pain to come, I felt someone grab my wrist.

When I saw who it was, I couldn't believe it. The person who had grabbed me was Captain Phoebus. He pulled me to safety and I thanked him. "You alright?" He asked. I nodded and felt my whole body was shaking. I couldn't even get to my feet. The door bursted open and I saw Prompto breathing heavily. Our eyes met and I saw tears in his blue ones. Before I could even get out a sound, I was tackled in a bone-crushing hug.

"You're my (Y/n) and not a ghost, right?" I nodded and clung to him tightly. He had one hand around my waist while the other stroked my (h/c) hair. Once I had calmed down, Prompto let me go. He smiled and wiped a few stray tears from my cheeks. "We're glad you're safe, (Y/n)," Quasimodo said. I got back to my feet with help from Prompto. "I'm just glad we made it on time. I was afraid we were too late."

Everyone thanked us and we said our goodbyes before we left the Bell Tower. "So, uh... where's the keyhole?" Prompto asked. I shrugged and looked all around us. When a small flash of light caught my eye, I ran towards it. "H-hey, wait up, (Y/n)!"

"Found it," I said as Prompto stood by me. "Ready to go, Prom?" He nods and takes my hand. I summon my Keyblade to activate the keyhole. With a final look around, we said goodbye to La Cité des Cloches.

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