Final Fantasy Origins
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- Final Fantasy I/II -
- FAQ/Walkthrough -
- Written By FFMrebirth/Kain Stryder -
To Browse With Ease: Press CTRL+F
| Table of Contents |
Note: If you have questions pertaining to Final Fantasy I, please E-Mail
FFMrebirth ONLY and if you have questions pertaining to Final Fantasy II,
please E-Mail Kain Stryder ONLY, thank you. E-Mails sent to the wrong
authors otherwise will be ignored. Do not ask FFMrebith about Final
Fantasy II and do not ask Kain Stryder about Final Fantasy I. I've
personally (Kain Stryder) received too many E-Mails about FFMrebirth's
Guide, so please, follow this. Thank you! :)
Note: Final Fantasy I is based on playing the game on "Normal" mode.
Note: Final Fantasy II is based on playing the game on "Easy" mode.
(Normal Mode for Final Fantasy II is the same game as Easy Mode, only with
a few things different, such as no Auto-Target, no running button, etc.
Monsters, etc, are all the same and not weaker. Nothing besides some Menu
options which were added into the PlayStation Version are changed.)
A1. What's New
A2. Contact Me
A3. Introduction
- Final Fantasy 1 -
B1. Storyline
B2. Characters
B3. Tips/Basics
C1. Walkthrough
D1. Corneria
D2. Matoya's Cave
D3. Pravoca
D4. Elfheim/Eleven Castle
D5. Marsh Cave
D6. Western Keep
D7. Mt. Duergar
D8. Melmond
D9. Terra Cavern
D10. Titan's Cave
D11. Sage's Cave
D12. Terra Cavern (Floor 4 and 5)
D13. Crescent Lake
D14. Mt. Gulg
D15. Ice Cavern
D16. Lykion Desert
D17. Citadel of Trials
D18. Dragon's Cave
D19. Onlak
D20. Waterfall Cavern
D21. Desert Caravan
D22. Gaia
D23. Sunken Shrine
D24. Lufenia
D25. Tower of Mirage
D26. Flying Fortess
D27. Temple of Chaos
E1. Spell List
F1. Bosses
G1. Bestiary/Name List
H1. Weapons/Armor
I1. Secrets
J1. Ship Jigsaw Puzzle Solution
K1. Legal Disclaimer
L1. Thanks
Final Fantasy II
[ Type in "FF2Kain" after hitting "Ctrl" + "F" on your keyboard and then
hit "Find Next" twice to go to the entire section for Final Fantasy II
with the complete Index Navigation. ]
- A1. What's New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-
Version 1.0 - (4/16/03)
I got the basics of the Final Fantasy I guide down. Psycho Penguin is
sitting on his butt as we speak, typing up his part. I submitted my part.
Need to finish bestiary. Add in more to the secrets part. I need to finish
the bestiary. Psycho Penguin needs to get his part done. No
pressure....not too much. I screwed up, and deleted my 70 hour data. So, I
need to go through the whole game again and get every single thing....I
broke my finger punching the wall too....
Version 1.2 - (7/15/03)
After Steve decided to bail and lie to to me for about 3 months about
doing this project. I got angry, and kicked his ass off my team. I've
became a huge ASCII whore as well. This update has all Final Fantasy I
down but weapons. WOO HOO! With a new partner, that's an actual workhorse
(SINIROTHX), this thing will be done soon!
Version 1.3 - (9/6/03)
Nick: Sorry about the delay, but I've finally managed to make an update!
Now, the guide is not done yet, due to my four other current projects but
what I've done here is get to finishing Dreadnought in the big
walkthrough, and all appendices have been completed as well. Next update
of the guide will contain all information, and it shall be brought to its
final conclusion. Whew!
Scott: We've yet to set down over an IM and talk about how this will be
formatted together. That's why his part looks different. I need to finish
my own weapons armor section. He needs to get a bestiary done. This update
includes a redone boss section. Due to the fact Nick just let me use his.
Also, Nick meet a girl in this timeframe. We all know what the delay
really was! :D I'm also in the middle of a few FAQs, which is why the
updates are taking so long.
Also, my finger healed, in case anyone cares.
Version 1.5 - (1/12/04)
THIS GUIDE IS TAKING FOREVER TO FINISH. I can't seem to get a partner that
A.) Lie.
B.) Steal other's work.
C.) Be lazy.
Oh well. Took down all of Siniroth's work and resubmitted. Kain Stryder is
on the FF2 portion. PLEASE, KAIN, DON'T LET ME DOWN!
- Reformatted the whole guide.
- Created a Weapons/Armor section.
- Finished up the Boss Section!
Verison 1.7 - (1/30/04)
Kain here. I've taken the liberty to "edit" the walkthrough a bit to fix
up FFMrebirth's layout and fix a few things here and there. I myself have
begun work on Final Fantasy II, so expect SOME progress up very soon.
Other than that, stay tuned...
Verison 1.8 - (3/26/04)
Kain again. Yeah, been a while, huh? Anyway, I've completed Final Fantasy
II, as in, beating the game, now I'm currently going through and writing
up the entire guide for it now. As it stands, I JUST finished the Monster
List, so, that's up, but other than that, not much else. So, until my
next update, enjoy what little is there...
Version 1.85 - (3/29/04)
Kain here. I added up the Item, Weapon and Armor Lists for Final Fantasy
II today and I also did the White Magic List. Other than that, nothing
else is new, so, stay tuned as more updates come!
Version 2.0 - (3/30/04)
It's Kain once again. Well, today FFMrebirth did some work and finished
Final Fantasy I's Weapon and Armor Lists, plus he redid the Bestiary's
format. So, at this time, Final Fantasy I is COMPLETE. Woooo. As for
myself, I completed the Black Magic List and added up the Secrets Section
under Final Fantasy II. Not alot for me today, I know, as I'm rather
busy, but expect more soon. Well, enjoy for now!
Version 2.1 - (3/31/04)
Once again, it's me, Kain. Yeah, don't expect updates from FFMrebirth any
more, UNLESS it's to fix something or whatever, as his parts done now and
it's just me. But yeah, I completed the Shop Guide and The Characters Of
The Story today and all that's left now is Section IV. How To Play and
then I can get cracking on the actual walkthrough itself. Expect more
Version 2.2 - (4/4/04)
Well, it's Kain again. I added up Section IV. How To Play today under
Final Fantasy II and now all that remains is for me to start up The
Walkthrough itself, then I'm done. So, in a few days, expect some progress
made on The Walkthrough, if I don't get too busy. Well, see you later!
Version 2.25 - (4/5/04)
Kain again. I started The Walkthrough today and updated up to Semitt
Falls. Not that far in the game, but it's decent for today. Either way,
except more tomorrow, as I get really going on this. Well, enjoy for now,
as there's more coming soon!
Version 2.30 - (4/6/04)
Hey, it's me, Kain. I updated The Walkthrough once again up to the start
of Kai'son Castle today, but other than that, nothing else. Expect more
Version 2.35 - (4/7/04)
Kain once again. Well, I updated The Walkthrough just up to you meeting
Leila at Paloom and going to find the Dragoons. Expect more tomorrow and
also, FFMrebirth will be changing his portion of the layout soon and
making a few changes to Final Fantasy I, so, that'll take place soon,
since I know he's working on that at the moment. So, until tomorrow, see
Version 2.45 - (5/2/04)
Hey all, Kain here. Sorry for the long delay in no updating. I received an
assignment for IGN, so I was busy with that. Anyway, I'm done with it and
I can focus on this once more. For today, I've updated up to Mysidia now,
right after getting the White Mask. Expect more tomorrow possibly and
until then, later!
Version 2.5 - (5/3/04)
Kain here. I worked and got The Walkthrough up to the start of Leviathan
today. Expect more tomorrow and until then, enjoy!
Version Final - (5/4/04)
Well, it's me, Kain again. I've completed the entire Final Fantasy II
Walkthrough now, along with all the appendencies, etc. You name it, it's
done. Whew, glad to have that out of the way. Well, I hope my guide helps
you and until my or FFMrebirth's next update, which will be whenever for
whatever reason, enjoy and see ya!
Version Final - (6/13/04)
FFM here! I just rewrote the entire FF1 list of the monsters and added in
more information thanks to Lord Skylark. Check it out! Later!
- A2. Contact Me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-
If you have a question of complaint about this guide, send it to
[email protected]. My AIM name is the exact same: swtzwondrboy20
I'm not going to answer questions that were already covered in this FAQ.
I'll just give you a link to this FAQ, and tell you to go and find it
yourself. I'm not mean, just I get to many people with the same question.
FFMrebirth (FF1) = [email protected]
Kain Stryder (FF2) = [email protected]
Don't annoy me with questions on the game, or you'll get blocked in a
hurry. I've had a lot of people just ask me questions that are in the
guide. If you see something missing, give me a holler.
Funny Story: I've had girls IM me trying to use the fact their females to
get info from me.
- A3. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-
What hasn't been said about Squaresoft's monster enterprise? The name
alone sells millions, causes riots on message boards, and makes more
people read my reviews. Final Fantasy has a loyal, downright colossal fan
base. But, when you get through all the hype, hysteria, and excitement;
you got Final Fantasy I (and II). The beginning of a revolution in the
world of videogaming. Thus, join me as we take a look at how to beat these
And the stories are now told...
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- B1. Storyline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
After you see a cinema of a knight, which you don't know his name at the
time kills a red dragon, the prologue starts:
"A great darkness shrouded the world. The wind died. The sea raged. The
earth began to decay. Only a prophecy kept hope alive in people's hearts.
When a darkness veils the world, four warriors of lights shall come. And,
after journeying far, four young warriors did at last appear. In the hands
ofeach rested a mysterious crystal."
You play the role of the light warriors. Your job is to defeat the evil
four fiends that have been causing trouble for a while now. There's
something even more sinister behind it all, though...
- B2. Charaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
OVER AIM!] Thank you!
/Warrior| --> |Knight /
Powerful fighter and weapons expert. The warrior was once
known as the fighter in Final Fantasy I for NES. Having a warrior
in your party is always recommended for those that just want to beat
the game and that's it. He'll kick ass and do it in style too.
If you're going for a challenge, try leaving the warrior out of
your party.
- He goes through enemies like I do popcorn.
- He can equip some of the strongest armor/weapons in the game.
- He'll have a lot of HP.
- Not a very good magic user.
- Not one of the fastest on the team.
Starting HP: 35
/ Thief| --> |Ninja /
Agile rogue with nimble fingers and precise attacks. This guy gets you out
of tough situtations quick. If you want to run away; he's the man for the
job. If you want a good challenge, try getting a team of thieves.
- Gets the team out of sticky siuations.
- Usually performs the first action in a battle.
- Where's the magic?
- His attacks are rather weak.
Starting HP: 30
/ Monk| --> |Master /
Warrior monk strong in both body and mind. Fights best unarmed. They took
our beloved man in blue, gave him an actual hairdo. The monk is good for a
secondary fighter in the party. He takes more damage than the warrior, but
can dish more out later.
- He can hit multiple times for monster damage.
- Substantially high amount of HP.
- Doesn't use weapons.
- Goes down pretty quick in the heat of battle.
- Magic seems to do a lot more damage to him and death spells hit.
Starting HP: 33
/Red Mage| --> |Red Wizard /
Dabbles in both white and black magic. Also a decent fighter. He's the
only guy with a white feather in his hat. Such a fashionable character red
mage is. Red mage is loved by some, loathed by others. He can use both
types of magic, and has a stronger attack than the other types of mages. He
can only use up to Level 4 magic till you upgrade your characters later in
the game. He can't learn all the magic, though.
- Can use both types of magics.
- Hits harder then the other two mages.
- Has a cool little feather in his hat.
- Can only learn 3 of the 8 magics per level.
- Feather may be blown out of his hat when there are gale winds.
Starting HP: 20
/ Black Mage| --> |Black Wizard /
Black mage is the masters of offensive magic and support magic. This is
good character to have on your team. He becomes really useful later in the
game when you can take out whole hordes of monsters with one spell. Plus he
looks like Vivi, even if Vivi ripped of his look.
- His magic kicks ass.
- Looks like Vivi.
- Has decent speed.
- He gets smeared really quick.
- He can't take any physical damage.
- Magic is limited to only 9 uses. [On Normal Mode]
Starting HP: 25
/ White Mage| --> |White Wizard /
White mage has the weakest attack in the whole game. She/he can heal your
party memebers when they get weak. She/he also can revive dead allies to
come back into battle and fight for you. She/he is a very valuable
character to have on your party at all times.
-Can use healing magic.
-Can use support magic.
-Has very limited offensive magic.
-Not very fast on the battlefield.
Starting HP: 28
- B3. Tips/Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
- Always have 99 potions in store when you go into a dungeon. It's a lot
better to waste them then it is to waste your magic.
- If you get stuck in a dungeon, memo save. Walk a few more steps and memo
save again. Once you get in a battle, restart. Load up that memo save and
walk some more. Memo save. Repeat and rinse to get out of dungeons easily.
- Use magic sparingly.
- Save a lot.
- If you train, do it where there are a lot tougher monster to what you're
used to.
- Always keep a tent in your inventory.
- Don't overkill the enemy. If you got a lot a water based enemies, don't
lay bolt 3 into them when bolt 2 will do well. This rule holds true in
dungeons were people will feel it's cool to overkill the enemy with
super-powerful magic. Later, when you need that magic, you won't have it.
- When ever there's a treasure chest by itself. Assume that there's also a
tough monster in front of it, too.
- C1. Walkthrough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
When the title screen loads, you'll have some options to choose from:
New Game - It starts a new save file on your memory card.
Load Game - Loads game you saved on memory card.
Memo File - Loads up saved game from the memo save you made.
If you choose to start a new game. You'll be able to set the difficulty
level too. Easy mode is for people that are new to the Final Fantasy
series. Normal mode lets you play out the game the way the creators had it
planned. Nothing changed in between these two modes in the way of gameplay.
- D1. Town/Castle: Corneria -
Inn: 30 Gil
Weapons: Nunchaku(10G)/Knife(5G)/Staff(5G)/Rapier(10G)/Hammer(10G)
Armor: Shirt(10G)/Leather Armor(50G)/Chain Mail(80G)
Spells: Level 1 [All 100G] Cure1/Dia1/Shld1/Blink/Fire1/Sleep1/Focus1/Bolt1
Items: Potion(60G)/Antidote(75G)/Sleeping Bag(75G)
After you get done choosing your characters names and the such you start
out in front of the town/castle of Corneria. Go into the town and the talk
to one of the guards. They'll ship you right to the king. Seems Princess
Sarah has been abducted, and it's Garlands fault. The king informs you that
Garland is residing in the Temple of Chaos, north of Cornelia. Now leave
the castle and go to the town and buy your characters premium equipment.
Make sure to pick up cure spell too. After you get all of that, head north
to the Temple of Chaos.
Recommended Level: 3
Hp: 106
Difficulty: 1/5
EXP: 130
Gil: 250
Garland is the easiet boss in the game. He's also known for saying some
pretty stupid things. Just make sure your guys are on around level 3 or so
and just kick his ass. He'll only hit you with regualar attacks and
nothing more. I really like garland because he's probably the coolest
looking boss IMG.
Enter the temple and get the treasures that are at the corners. Go back
to the beginning and walk straight up. You'll see Garland. Garland is
a pushover. Just hit him with some black magic and physical attacks. He'll
be dead in a few turns. If he does hit you, though it'll pack a wallop.
After you save the princess you'll automatically return back to the castle.
About 30 seconds later when he stops running his mouth, he'll tell you that
he's building the bridge to the north again. Now, your true journey begins.
Right when you're about to leave to start on your journey, the princess
stops you and gives you the lute.
Once you leave the castle you'll see a cut scene in which Cornerian men are
building the bridge. Before you go, make sure you've stocked up on Dia1,
Fire1 and Bolt1. Once you step foot on the bridge, a cut scene:
"And so their journey began. As warrior of light, the four youths faced
a staggering mission and a stormy destiny. The four crystals they carried
remained a mystery to them...... In ages past, those crystals had a radiant
dazzling light, the time for Heroes is at hand. Darkness must be banished
again so the life and peace can illuminate the world once more"
Before going any further, get to level 4. Enemies in the next area can eat
your health down quick. They can poison you too.
- D2. Maytoya's Cave -
After you cross the bridge, go to the northeast and you'll come to
Matoya's cave. She's an old witch that knows a lot. She's screaming about
missing her crystal eye, she can't see anything without it. Your new quest
is to find her eye. But, we must acquire the ship before we do anything
else. Head southeast.
- D3. Pravoca -
Inn: 50
Weapons: Hammer (10G)/Broad Sword (550G)/ Battle Axe(550G)/ Scimitar (200G)
Armor: Leather Armor (50)/Chain Mail(80)/Steel Plate(800)/Leather
Shield(15)/Leather Gloves(60)
Spells: Level 2 [All 400G] Ice1/Fog/Steel/Slow1/Lamp/Silence/Nulbolt/Invis1
Item: Potion(60)/Antidote(75)/Sleeping Bad(75)/Tent(250)
First things first. Buy all the best equipment for your characters. This is
a must as you'll get slaughtered without it. The battle axe is better than
the broad sword by 1 point attack power. But, the broadsword hits more
often and does more damage; get it. Buy Ice1 for the black mage. Buy what
ever other spells you think will help you out.
Hp: 6
Difficulty: 1
Just hit them.
When you travel to the upper-left of Pravoca, you'll see three pirates.
They have the ship. You'll need the ship to travel to another place in the
continent where Matoya's crystal eye is. The great pirate Bikke and his men
will attack your party. There are 9 of these silly guys to take out. All
you need to do it hit for 15 damage and they die one by one. Not a tough
battle at all. Winning gives you 90 EXP and a whooping 360
Now, get in your newly acquired ship and sail southwest to the town of:
- D4. Elfheim/Eleven Castle: -
Inn: 100
Weapons: Iron Nunchaku (200)/Dagger(175)/Crosier(200)/Saber(450)
Mythril Sword(4000)
Armor: Steel Plate(800)/Copper Armlet(1000)/Iron Shield(100)/Leather
Spells: Level 4 [All 4000G] Sleep2/Haste/Muddle/Ice2/Esuna/Fear/Nullice/
Level 3 [All 1500G] Fire2/Bind/Bolt2/Focus2/Cure2/Dia2/Nulfire/Heal1
Item: Potion(60)/Antidote(75)/Tent(250)/Cottage(3000)/Gold Needle(800)
Enter the eleven castle and go up, then take a left. When you get to the
room with the prince in it, talk to the man to the right of him. He'll tell
you Astos cast a curse on the prince making him sleep his life away. How do
you wake him up? Only Matoya can do that, but she lost her eye. After you
hear this interesting piece of information, leave the castle. Enter it
again and go around the outer circumference of it to find 4 treasure chests
in a room. In the chest are: Mythril Hammer, 400Gil, 330Gil, Bronze Gloves.
Now, go to town. Save up and buy you characters the best of everything. Buy
the spells Dia2/Cure2 for the Marsh Cave. If you're running out of money
quick, go fight ogres. Ogres will leave you with a plentiful stash of Gil
after every battle. Also, buy 1 tent for SURE!
After you get your characters up to par, head east through the mountains
for the Marsh Cave:
- D5. Marsh Cave -
Be warned, the Marsh cave is one of the most hated areas in Final Fantasy
by many fans. Monsters here are tough and over half of them will inflict a
status alignment upon you. Some are blind, poison too even insta-death.
When you enter, you can choose either going north or south. Going north
will lead you to a staircase. Go down the stair case to Level 2. In here
you'll find 680Gil, Broadsword, 620Gil, and a Dagger. Return to the
beginning of the cave, and take the south path. You'll be at another
split. The west path leads to
nothing, so don't take it. Keep going south till you come to a little room.
Go into the room and take the stairs down. You'll be on the second floor of
the Marsh cave again. Make your way to the bottom right of the whole room,
this is where the stair case to the next floor is. There are some chests in
here too. But, they're all empty.
When you make your way to floor three. It's a whole bunch of rooms meant to
confuse the player.
This floor is set up like this:
1. Steel Plate Armor
2. Empty
3. Empty
4. 285 Gil
5. Copper Armlet
6. Cottage
7. Empty
8. Empty
9. Empty
A. Crown
B. 385 Gil
C. Empty Chest
D. LOCKED BY KEY! (Silver Armlet)
E. LOCKED BY KEY! (Mythril Knife)
F. Empty
Recommended Level: 8
HP: 84
Difficulty: 1-4/5: Depends on how many you get.
EXP: (Per Each) 276
Gil: (Per Each) 300
If you only get around two or three of these beats you shouldn't have much
of a problem. If you get over three, you're in deep crap. Piscodemons hit
hard and have high defense. Use the bolt spell to lay in about 30 damage
into them. Keep the fighter attacking one at a time. If you have a white
mage, use heal on the party if you got it, when HP is low. If not, just
use Cure1. After a while they'll wear down and you'll be victorious!
Open the chest right in front of you and acquire the crown. Now just run
away from all the battles and get the hell out of the Marsh Cavern. If you
have all your party members alive still, go north till you see a castle.
Pitch that tent I told you to buy and save now. Go into the castle
- D6. Western Keep -
When you enter the Western keep you'll notice everything has been
destroyed. Walk around till you find a door that you can enter. Enter it
(duh), and speak with the king. The king wanted you to retrieve the crown
for him. You did so. He will transform into the leader of the dark elves,
Recommended Level: 8
HP: 168
Difficulty: 3/5
EXP: 2250
Gil: 2000
The king of dark elves, Astos. He's got some nasty moves in store for your
party. Reaper, which kills one party member. Slow2, which takes down their
speed to practically nothing. He even casts haste on himself. If he busts
out fire 2/bolt2/ice2, it'll inflict massive damage upon your party. Plus,
he hits a little too hard for my tastes.
If you have the Mythril sword, this battle will be easy. Use Ice 1 on him
and have your fighter just pound the crap out of Astos. There's no real
strategy to beating him. If he manages to kill one of your characters,
restart and try again.
After you maim Astos, he'll drop the crystal eye. Return to Matoya's Cave
and give it to her....not like that. When you give her the crystal eye,
she gives you the Jolt Tonic. Return to Eleven Castle and give the little
slave guy by the bed this tonic. The prince will awake and give you the
mystic key. Recall those places where you couldn't get into earlier? Go
back to these locations and pick up the powerful equipment. You'll need to
pick up the NitroPowder too.
1. Corneria castle [Crosier, Saber, Mythril Knife, Iron Shield, NITRO
POWDER,Steel Plate]
2. Temple of Fiends [Werebane, Gold Needle, Rune Blade]
3. Marsh Cave [Silver Armlet, Mythril Knife,
4. Western Keep [Falchion, Steel Gloves, Power Staff]
5. Mt. Duergar [Tent, Grand Helm, WyrmKiller, Mythril Knife, Helmet,
Mythril Mail, 575Gil, Cottage]
In the Western Keep, right in front of the treasure chest you'll get
in fights with very powerful undead monsters. Cream them with Dia2, and
gain mass amounts of EXP and gold this way.
After you're done with getting those chests, go to the northwest of the map
and find a dock. Park your boat and get off. Once you're on the land, go
south until you see a little cavern, enter it.
- D7. Mt. Duergar -
Welcome to the mountain of the dwarves, Mt. Duergar. Go up north and enter
the room. Take all the money from the two chests. Give the Nitro Powder to
a dwarf that's in the lower portion of the mines. He'll blow a big hole in
the dirt, allowing your ship to get through. Now, leave this place, and go
back to your boat and through the newly made hole!
Go a little bit to the west and you'll come upon a new town!
- D8. Melmond -
Inn: 100
Weapons: Crosier(200)/Saber(450)/Large Sword(1500)/Falchion(450)
Armor: Knights Armor(45000)/Silver Armlet(4500)/Grand Helm(450)/Bronze
Gloves(200)/Steel Gloves(750)
Spells: Level 5: Cure3/Life1/Dia3/Heal2/Fire3/Poison/Warp1/Slow2 8000$ All
Items: No shop
All is not well in the town or Melmond. A vampire has struck the town and
killed many of the residents. You must find this elusive beast and bring
him to justice. He's to the south of Melmond, in the Terra Cavern.
- D9. Terra Cavern -
Make sure your guys are leveled to about 10 or 11. These monsters are very
hard in here if you're on a low level.
When you enter you'll see 4 paths leading 4 different directions. The top
one takes you around to a door. In the door you will find 1975Gil. The
path that goes to the right leads to the stairs that go down to the next
floor. The bottom path leads to another door. You'll come to a breakage
point in the path. Take the left path, you'll come to another door. In
here is a potion and 880Gil. Go back and take the other path. You'll be at
another door. You'll see two chests, walk between the two of them and get
into a fight with a tough monster, Gnoma. You'll find an antidote and
795Gil. To the left of the starting staircase is the "Hall of Giants"
Here's where you gain much needed EXP and gil if you need it.
Proceed down the staircase that goes to floor 2. You're in a maze, and
mazes suck ass. Here's instructions on how to get past this floor:
1 - Go down into the room below where the staircase is.
2 - Go up one room.
3 - The room you're in should have two paths going down and one that goes
to the right. Take the on at the bottom right.
4 - Go down through this room.
5 - Go down again.
6 - You'll be at a room with a opening going down and one going to the
right. Take the one going to the right.
** If you go straight down from here you'll get three treasure chests**
7 - Go over to your left, then go down till you find the stair leading to
floor 3.
You can explore around in the maze for some treasure too: (Leather Shield,
575GIl, 795GIl, Coral Sword, Tent.
After you're on floor 3 Go left till you come to a break. If you go left
you'll see a door. In here is just a sleeping bag, leave and go north.
Keep going and you'll see another door. In here is 3400 dollars. Just go
around in a circle until you get to a door at the end. In here is the
vampire. Just go around in the circle till you get to the next boss...
Recommended Level: 10/11
HP: 156
Difficulty: 1/5
EXP: 400
Gil: 2000
Hit him with fire and regular attacks. He'll be dead in one or two turns.
Now, you acquire the star ruby. Get the hell out of the cave and go back to
the eleven town. Go here and restore any downed characters. After you're
done there, head west to:
- D10. Titan's Cave -
When you enter you'll see a big titan. Give him the ruby and his
over-sized ass will eat the thing. Take the south path to find 4 treasure
chest in here. Great AXE, 620 Gil, 450 Gil and a Mytrhril Helm are here.
After this go ahead and take the north path out of the cave. Just go
around some mountains here to the next place:
- D11. Sage's Cave -
Here you meet the Sarda the sage. He'll give you the Earth Rod so you can
get deeper into the earth temple. I think we know where to go now:
- D12. Terra Cavern (Floors 4/5) -
Make it back to where the vampire was. Go past where he was, and go
through the door and up. Use the earth rod on this plate and go down.
Floor 4 is a really hard maze, I'll give you instructions:
Left, up, left, down, left and up, left, up, up, left, down, down, up, up.
Like always, there's a lot of chests if you wish to explore: (staff,
3400GIL, 1520Gil, 5450GIl, 1455Gil, Tent, Mythril Shield, 1250Gil)
Come back and get the treasure chests after you beat Lich. You need hold
on to all the HP you can. Now you'll be on floor 5. Just go straight up and
when you can't go up anymore, go to the left and down. When you go through
the door, you'll see the earth crystal! But, you got a fight first:
****BOSS: LICH****
Recommended Level: 12
HP: 800
Difficulty: 3/5
EXP: 2200
Gil: 3000
New boss music > joo. Anyways, Lich has some nasty attacks in store for
you. His bolt/ice2 stuff deals out the pain. He'll cast sleep and slow on
your characters. If he's feeling like he wants to play dirty, he'll just
regular attack one of your mages/weaker characters and smear them in a hit.
Start off the battle by holding no bars. Use fire3 if you have it, fire 2
works well too. Dia2/3 will bring the pain to him, keep attackers
attacking. After while he should go down. Might take awhile since his
defense is so goddamn high. If he manages to kill one of your characters
(likely) just restart from the memo save you saved in front of him.
Now, get your group and go to the other side of the world to:
- D13. Crescent Lake -
Inn: 200
Weapons: Mythril Knife(800)/Mythril Sword(4000)/Mythril Hammer(2500)/Myhril
Armor: Mythril Mail(7500)/Mythril Shield(2500)/Buckler(2500)/Mythril Helm
(2500)/Mythril Gloves
Spells: Level 6: All 20000 Stona/Warp2/SHld2/Invis2/Bolt3/Reaper/Quake/Stun
Items: Potion(60)/Antidote(75)/Tent(250)/Cottage(3000)
When you enter town, head to the upper-right of it. There will be a path to
the 12 sages, talk to them all and they'll give you the canoe. Talk to
Lukin and he'll talk about some stuff that really is not important. Now,
train your ass off to about level 15+.
Now, make your way to the cave where Kary, the fire fiend, resides. But,
to get here you need to get through the water maze. Here are instructions:
1. At the first breakage, take a left.
2. At the next one go up.
3. Next one, take a right.
4. Then take a left at the next one.
5. Take another left and go around.
- D14. Mt. Gulg -
You'll be on floor one. This shouldn't be hard. Just walk through the lava
going left and when you hit dry land, go up. Go down the staircase to the
second level.
There's a hell of a lot of treasure on this floor. Before most of the
treasure chests, though, are some very tough monsters called "Pyros". The
chests are: (Mythril Helm, 1520Gil, Claymore, 4150 GIL, 750 GIl, 795gil,
Mythril Gloves, Mythril Helm, Potion, Tent, 1975Gil, 1455Gil, 1520gil,
Antidote, 1760 gil, Mythril Sheild, Mythril Axe, Potion)
You can always come back and get it if you want. Go left to go to floor 3
On floor 3 do down and to the right till you come to a staircase. Take it
down to floor 4. On floor 4 go to the bottom right of the map to find the
staircase that goes back up to floor 3. Another maze lurks here. From the
starting room go: Left, Left, down, down, and then keep going left till
you find the staircase doing down to level 4 again.
On this level you can get some of the chest. The room above you has 2750
Gil and a Gold needle in it. Get out of there and go down then to the left,
in here there is 1760 GIl. If you go left and up you'll come to a room
with even more chests in it. In here are an Antodote, 7340 Gil, Flame
Shield, Ice Brand, 880Gil.
Track back to the where the room with 1760 gold is. Go down the left till
you see another room. In here is 155Gil and 10..gil. Go to the left and up
and find: 2000 Gil and a Cottage. Now just keep going down till you find
another door, in here is a staff and 1250 Gil. NO just keep going down
till you see the staircase that leads you to the fifth floor.
There's a bunch of paths branching off to nowhere. Here's a map:
[1] [2] [3]
[4] [5]
[6] [7] [8]
1. Empty
2. Empty
3. Empty Chest
4. Flame Mail
5. Empty Chest
6. Marilith
7. Empty
8. Empty Chest
Get the Flame Mail, you'll have to fight a hard Red Dragon, though. Then
head to the fiend of fire...
Recommended Level: 16
HP: 1200
Difficulty: 2/5
EXP: 2475
Gil: 3000
Marlilith can hack away your health at a quick rate. Take her out in a few
turns. Make sure you have the ice brand on your fighter and cast
steel/haste on him. Over 200+ damage a turn should make easy work of her.
After you beat her and restore power to the fire crystal, get in your ship
and head north a little ways till you come to another dock. Land here and
go in the water. Another annoying little maze. Follow these steps: Head
and go north and keep going north, then just go west a whole lot. Go down,
but go west when you see another meeting point. Go around to the:
- D15. Ice Cavern -
When you enter, go left all the way. Then go down and right. You'll see
a staircase. Go down it, you'll be in a room with a path going down and to
the left. Both of them lead to the same place, after you get to the end,
take the staircase down. You'll see another staircase, take this one up.
You'll be on floor 2 again.
Go around in this room till you make it to a door. Go in here and
collect the loot. Be warned, though. There is a monster called "Dark
Wizard" that can lay your party out if there's more then one of them.
Anyways, get the shirt and Flame blade from the chests, and fall through
the hole.
You'll land in a little chamber area. Once you move up you'll get into a
fight with some pretty hard undead. When you get out of the room you fell
in, go left. You'll find some treasure chests here. In them are: Ice Armor,
Mythril gloves. Go through the spikes at the bottom. Go past the next set
of spikes that you see. You'll come to a breakage point. The left path had
6 treasure chest, and the right has the stairs. The treasure chests have
### Gil, 6000 GIL, 5454 GIL, 5000GIL, 180GIL, 12350 GIL.
After you go up the stairs, you'll be back on floor 1. The treasure chest
right below has a potion. the other one that you see has 10000 Gil. The
ones around the hole where you fall has an Ice shield, sleeping bag, and
Gil. Fall through the hold in that room that's to the right of where you
came up from the 2nd floor. You go to get the chest, but...
Recommended Level: 17
HP: 1200
Difficulty: 2/5
EXP: 2472
Gil: 3000
Just hit him a lot with fire 3 and use regular attacks. Dia will hurt him
big time. He should go down in one turn.
After you beat him, you'll receive the "Levistone"....hmm..wonder what it
could be for? Fall through the hole again and repeat what I said earlier.
Go back to town and heal your party. Now, go back to Crescent Lake. Get in
your canoe and go in the water. Go into the mountains again, but this time
take the path that goes down. Take this to you see a path of desert.
- D16. Lykion Desert -
Get out of your boat and go over into the path of desert. Use the
Levistone you got after beating the Evil eye. AN AIRSHIP WILL EMERAGE!
From this point...Final Fantasy I gets good.
Now, lets upgrade your characters:
- D17. Citadel Of Trials -
It's time to make your guys uber badass. Hold start and press circle. A
map will come up, this will let you see the world. look at the yellow dot
at the middle-top of the world. That's the Citadel of Trials. Parking
won't be easy, you'll have to find a spot very far away to get to it.
When you enter the Citadel of Trials. You'll have to walk through a bunch
of pillars. Talk to the silly sage and he'll tell you about how hard this
place is. Smack some sense into the old bastard and he'll leave.
Go to the top left and enter the door. Walk into the chair...and your
challenge begins.....
You'll be teleported to a little room. Leave the room and walk onto the
pillar. You'll be transported to another little room, walk up into this
pillar too. In the next room there will be two pillars. Take the bottom
one. Next room: There is only one pillar in this room, take it. Take the
bottom one here. Go down the long hallway and take the one at the bottom.
Now take the one that's closest to you. Go straight over, get the treasure.
You'll have to fight two clay golems. Take the gauntlets, and leave the
room. Take two steps to the left, and go straight down into that pillar.
You'll come to a room with a staircase, take it up
Now, this is pretty self-explanatory. Go straight up till you enter a
door. In here you'll have to fight some nightmares for the treasure chest
at hand. Run across and get those treasure chests too (Ice brand, Steel
Glove, Ruby Armlet). Then run down and get more chests (Cottage, 1455Gil,
7340GIL). Finally, run over to the right and get the "Rat's Tail". Right
when you're about to leave you have a fight... After the fight make your
way back to the airship. Go directly south of the Citadel of Trials to...
- D18. Dragon's Cave -
Once you enter this place, go up into a door and get some treasure chests.
2000 Gil, 1454Gil, and 2850 gil are them. Go to the left and get more
chests 9500gil, 2750gil, 1520gil, 160 Gil are in them. Leave here and go
up a little and to the left to another hole. In here is just a stupid
dragon that serves no real purpose. Get into the airship again and go a
little bit to the left this time. Another silly hole, with more chests.
100Gil, Cottage, 500 gil are in the chests. Back to the airship again to
go to another hole, this time just go up a little bit.
There will be two holes on this island...ohh joy. The one on right and
another on the left. Go to the one on the right, walk all the way down the
hall, and down the stairs. Keep going and going and going till you see
Bahamut. He'll change your guys into big boys and girls. You have to show
him you got the rats tail, though.
Skip the hole on the left, now get back into your airship. Go to the left
a bit and north some to another goddamn hole! More chests and crap. Tent,
575GIL, Gold needle are in the chests. THAT'S IT, NO MORE DAMN HOLES!
Get on your ship and go to the left onto a new continent!. Go onto
you map, look at the continent in the upper left that looks like the USA.
The town is where Maine would probably be at on the USA. Land your airship
somewhere around Texas, and visit cjayc. No really, around there is where
the landing path is for your airship. Walk though the forest and a between
the mountains and the ocean lies the next town..
- D19. Onlak -
Inn: 300
Weapons: None
Armor: None
Spells: Level 7 (All 45000) Saber/Blind/NulMgc/Heal3
Items: Potion(60)/Antidote(75)/Tent(250)/Cottage(3000)/Gold Needle(800)
Come in here and go to the very bottom right hand side. Talk to the girl
here. She'll talk about how she made a barrel to go underwater to save the
mermaids. Other than she needs a reality check because there are no
mermaids. She needs your help. Leave the town and go to the left, get in
your canoe, and travel up stream and into he waterfall to:
- D20. Waterfall Cavern -
Another ruthless Final Fantasy dungeon. This one can be summed up as easy.
Just follow two steps. Keep going left, no matter what. When you can't go
left anymore, go straight down. You'll come to a door with 6 treasure
chests in it. Once you walk in, you'll be confronted by 9 bird enemies
that can stone you.
In the chests are a Spellbinder, 13450Gil, Ribbon, 6400Gil, 5000Gil,
Defender. They got rid of the eye, what a bunch of crap. EYE! WHERE ARE
YOU! (eye was the easiest way to level up in the old FF) Talk to the robot
that's in there walking around. He'll give you the "Warp Cube". This will
be used later in the guide.
Now go back to the town and restore any fallen character, etc. Hold Circle
and press start again.
- D21. Desert Caravan -
See that desert on the continent that you're on? That's where we need to
go next. There's a small caravan in the northern parts of the desert. Go
there and buy the bottled Faerie for 50000 Gil. This is a lot of money,
but you need it to progress in the game. Check the bottle and a little
faerie will escape. 50000 down the hole?? No, it just went somewhere. Go to
your map again, look for the continent in the northeastern part of the
world. See the town that's the most northeastern in the world?? Go to it.
- D22. Gaia -
Inn: 500
Weapons: Cat Claws (65000)
Armor: Ruby Armlet (50000) Protect Ring (20000)
Spells: Level 7 (All 45000) Cure 4/Dia4
Level 8 (All 60000) Holy/NulAll/Dispel/Stop/Banish/Doom
Items: Tent(250)/Cottage(3000)/Potion(60)/Antidote(75)
Buy everyone a Ruby armlet and protect ring. These are basically the best
armor in the game that can be bought. Now, go to the far left of town, and
up. Keep going till you're at the item shop. Keep going up and you'll see
the revive house. Go left, and down through the little maze till you come
at a pond. The faerie will be here, and will give you the Oxyale. Now, go
back to Onlak and talk to the girl by the barrel that was talking about
mermaids. She'll disappear with the wind, as she was dead to begin with.
Now, take the barrel and kick some watery ass.
- D23. Sunken Shrine -
This dungeon is a little weird to say the least. You'll begin on floor 3.
Go up to you get to you see a lot of pillars. Take a right and grab the
treasure chest. In it is 2000 Gil. Go back out and head up to the end of
the pillars. You can either go left of right here. Go to the left, down,
then left again. You'll see another door, go in it and get the chest. It
has 9900 gil in it. Leave and go straight up till you get to another door.
Go left here and you'll see a staircase going down.
In this room there's nothing at all, just go straight up and take the
stairs up. You'll see another set of stairs going up, take them.
Now we'll be on the 4th floor. There's nothing in here either. Go around
the little room and take the stairs down. Now we'll be on the 3rd floor.
Go through the door and get the two chest in here. (110Gil, 450Gil) Go
down and take the stairs that descend.
Now that we're on floor 2 again. There's a lot of chests on this floor.
Go down to the room below you. In here is two chests.(8135 GIL, 7690GIL).
Leave this room and walk left till you see another room, go into it and
collect all the chests in here. (5450Gil, Giant's Glove, 385GIL). Get out
of this room and walk up a good distance too another room. (Light axe).
Get out of here and proceed to go right. Another door, more chests.
(2750GIL, 7340GIL, 9900GIL Ribbon). Now, see that path going up to the
right? Go up it, then take a left. This leads to floor 1.
There's no chests on this floor so just go all the way up. Go through the
door and out the other side. Go left then down. Go through another door
and just make your way through this little maze. Meet the next fiend...
Recommended Level: 21
HP: 1600
Difficulty: 3/5
EXP: 4245
Gil: 5000
Kraken can hit about 8 hits and clear out one of your people in a hit. His
hits do over 400 damage to non-knight characters. Just cast haste on the
warrior and use bolt 3 to make quick work of him.
After you beat kraken, you need to go back into the Sunken Shrine and take
the staircase at the beginning, to the right, that I didn't talk about.
Once you go down the stairs to the right, you'll be on the 4th floor. The
stairs to floor 5 are at the very bottom right hand corner. Collect all
the chests on this level first (20Gil, Diamond Armor, Light axe, Mage's
staff, 12350 GIL)
Now, go to floor 5. There are no enemies on this floor, so just collect
all you can. Here's a list of what's in here: (Diamond Shield, Antidote,
5000GIl, 4150GIL, 10000Gil, 10Gil, 2750GIL, 1760GIL, Diamond Armlet,
9000GIL, Diamond helm, Diamond Gloves, ROSETTA STONE!) Muargh!
Go back to Melmond and talk to Dr. She will teach you how to speak
Now, lets go to the last town in the game. Open your map and look at where
gaia is. Right below it and to the right a little ways is the final town
- D24. Lufenia -
Inn: None
Weapons: None
Armor: None
Spells: Level 8 (All 60000) Life2/Flare
Items: None
To get to this town you have to find a landing spot to the north. Walk
here by foot. When you get into the town, go the most northeastern point.
Buy both flare and life 2. The best spells of each magic. Now that you can
speak Lufenian, talk to all the people in town. They'll give you the bell.
Now you can enter the tower of .....wait...I can't say the whole name till
I make a title for it:
- D25. Tower of Mirage -
Go up into the room and collect the chests here. (Tent, Aegis Shield,
2750GIL, 18010Gil, Vorpal Sword, 800 GIL, Healing Helm, 3400Gil)
After you've collected all the chests on this floor, go down and up the
stairs. On floor 2, there's a bunch of chests in the middle of the room.
Make your way around the "maze" to get them. The 10 treasures are: 8135Gil,
7900GIl, Thor's Hammer, 12350Gil, 13000Gil, Cottage. 7600Gil, Sunblade,
10000Gil, Dragon Mail) Go up the stairs to the north. Go down and into the
little room. You'll be at the:
- D26. Flying Fortess -
Now we're going in for the kill, the final fiend. This is it! </suspense>
It's a level that needs a damn map:
[4] [3] [2]
1. Venom Blade
2. 7900Gil, 9900Gil, Potion, 4150Gil
3. Down to Tower or Mirage.
4. 5000Gil, Protect ring, 6720 Gil, Healing Helm, 180GIL
5. To level 2 of Flying Fortress
Finally take the path up to proceed to level 2 of the Flying Fortress.
This level is one of those that branch out everywhere, so here's a map
[1] [3]
[4] [5]
[6] [7]
1. Cottage, Mythril Helm
2. To Level 1
3. Diamond Gloves
4. 880 Gil, 13000Gil
5. Diamond Shield, Ribbon
7. Black Robe, White Robe
8. To Level 3
Level 3:
[2] [4]
1. 5450gil, 9000Gil, Protect ring, Potion
2. Gold Needle, 4150 GIL, 3400GIL, Sasuke
3. To Level 4
4. Protect Cloak, 8135GIL, Shirt, 9500Gil, Gold Needle, 6400GIL
Level 4:
This is probably the most confusing spot in the game. Get point "A" to "B"
on this map:
[] [] [] []
[] [] [] []
[] [] [] []
[] [] [] []
It will never end, ever. If you don't make it to point B. Tis an endless
maze. When you make it to "B" walk into the light. You'll be transported
to level 5. This is it, the final run. Be warned, there's a monster called
"War Mech" here that can take out your whole party, tougher than even than
the main boss.
If you walk around, you'll have a 1/64 chance of fighting Death Machine.
(War Mech). 5 steps from middle of pillars up. You'll either get warmech,
4 fire hydras, or 3 aeros.
Recommended Level: 25
HP: 2000
Difficulty: 4/5
EXP: 4245
Gil: 5000
Tiamat hits hard, but is a total pud. To beat him, simply cast break a lot
of times. He'll die within one hit, and you can say that you beat one of
the fiends in one hit. If that's something to brag about that it.
Time to get the 2nd strongest sword in the game. EXCALIBUR!. Go to Mt.
Duergar and find the blacksmith there. In 7 poundings, he'll forge one of
the strongest swords known to man. He'll give you this sword, and it kicks
ass, yes.
Makes sure you got all your magic slots filled, if you're going for a
complete 100% on both the things, just fight around at all the areas. There
are some really tough monsters to find. Look in the secrets section.
- D27. Temple of Chaos -
OMG! Final place in Game!1!11!. Go up to where you saw Garland, and lay
the crystals on the black crystal. Time begins to change, and you go back
2000 years. Personally, I'd never go back 2000 years just to beat up some
goofball, but ONWARD! You disappear into the temple of chaos....a long
time ago.
You'll begin by 4 statues. Go straight down and to the right. Go up the
stairs to the next Floor. On the next floor walk over to your right and
take those stairs going up. You should be on floor 3 now. You'll be in the
upper left-hand corner of the next room. Go down, past the two rooms,
don't enter them as nothing is in them. When you get to the bottom, go
left halfway and up to enter a door. When you enter you'll get into a
fight with "Death Eye" He only gives 1 gil and 1 EXP point. After you
beat him, collect the two chests (65000Gil, 45000Gil) on either side of
the stone slab. Now play the Lute to break the stone slab. Go down the
Now you'll be on floor 2 again. Leave the room you're in, and go to the
upper left hand corner of this floor to find a staircase going down.
There's no treasure on this floor, so just go right to the staircase.
You'll be on floor 1 now. Just go all the way left to the next staircase
going down.
Now we're at basement 1. Go all the way around the whole thing till you
see a staircase. Skip the pillars that are in the middle of the two rooms
too. When you see the staircase, attempt to walk through and:
Recommended Level: 30
HP: 800
Difficulty: Psstt
EXP: 2000
Gil: 1
Baha, hit him a few times to make him cry uncle. He'll cast flare and do
about 150-400 damage, though.
Go down the stairs to the second floor of the basement. You'll see steps
on the other side. Make your way over there. Right before you proceed to
go down the stairs that take you to the third floor basement. Go down and
collect all the treasure chests: (Protect Cloak, 26000Gil, Protect Ring,
Sasuke). Go back and walk in front of the staircase going down and...
Recommended Level: 30
HP: 1200
Difficulty: 1/5
EXP: 2000
Gil: 1
Cast haste, enjoy.
Go down the stair case to the third level. Now, make your way to the very
bottom right part of the floor. There are no chests on this floor. When
you're about to make your way to the stairs, another boss...
Recommended Level: 30
HP: 1600
Difficulty: 2/5
EXP: 2000
Gil: 1
Now, lets go to floor 4! Do not go left, yet! First, go down, and get the
Recommended Level: 30
HP: 2000
Difficulty: 3/5
EXP: 2000
Gil: 1
It's easy, haste, attack. Now, prepare for the main man. The ruler of all
evil. The master of sitting on his ass for 2000 years:
******* FINAL BOSS ***********
HP: 4000
Difficulty: 5/5
Level: 30
Gil: None
Exp: None
Then the battle starts. He talks about how you killed him. He's Garland,
the fiends sent him back. He sent them into the future. He'll be reborn in
the past, then you stick a foot in his ass and tell him to shut up.
Cast haste on the warrior. Have him attack, lay flare, holy, cast invis2.
Hold nothing back and just brutally assult the minor. He'll cast cure4
sometimes, and restore all of his hit points. His elemental attacks can
make one cry since they hit pretty hard.
- E1. Spell List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-
- Black -
Level 1: Costs: 100
-Fire1- Inflicts 10-40 damage of fire damage. This spells is ideal for
the beginning of the game. Since most monters then are weak
against fire. Pick this spell up for sure in the first town,
LIT can wait.
-Sleep1- Puts foes to sleep. It works well when you're in a fight with
a million wolves at once. It's better than Focus in my
opionion, only because you can take out hordes of monsters
with ease.
-Focus1- Lowers a foe's evasion by 10 points. This makes it to were,
when you hit the monster, it'll do more damage. Not much,
just maybe a few more hits.
-Bolt1- Inflicts 10-40 lightning damage. Nothing is really weak
against bolt at the beginning of the game. (There are some,
but not enough to warrant a buy.) It's still better than that
crappy Focus, so pick it up.
[Spells to get: Fire1, Bolt1, Sleep1]
Level 2: Costs: 400
-Ice1- Inflicts 20-80 ice damage. Works better in boss fights than
both Bolt and fire. Make sure you pick this spell up. Most of
the time just because it's an elemental spell is enough to
warrant a buy.
-Fog- Blinds foes with heavy fog. This spell is really stupid. It
makes it to where, if they try and attack, they'll miss more
often. Sounds good, but it really isn't that good.
-Steel- Raises attack by 14 points. This is another waste of spell
right here. Who gives a rats ass about the mage and if they
can attack? No one really. You can cast it on a fighter,
however, and kick the holy hell out of everything. Make sure
you get it.
-Slow1- Slows foes down, reducing their attacks. This spell is great!
monsters at around the marsh cave will only be able to hit you
[Spells to get: Ice1, Steel, Slow
Level 3: Costs: 1200
-Fire2- Inflicts 30-120 fire damage. Fire2 is a can of kick ass at the
point in the game when you get it. Make sure you buy it first,
it'll really pounds about everything into the ground with big
damage. That, and the fact most monsters are weak against fire
makes this spell classic!
-Bind- Paralyzes a foe. Total rip off, there's not one monsters you'll
need to "paralyze" if you think about it. It's pretty much a
lame spell the put in there.
-Bolt2- Inflicts 30-120 lightning damage. If you battle on the sea, or
just need a semi-powerful spell to help take out the baddies,
this is it. Bolt 2 won't really "help" you a lot at the
beginning of the game.
-Focus2- Lowers foes' evasion by 10 points. Get this only because it
lets you do a little more damage to most foes. It even works
on the main boss of the whole game. I used it anyway <_<
[Spells to Get: Fire2, Bolt2, Focus 2]
Level 4: Costs: 4000
-Sleep2- Puts a foe to sleep. It puts them to sleep for a hell of a long
time as well. It will knock about all enemies out for a while,
just enough for you to kick their ass most likely.
-Haste- Doubles frequency of an ally's atttacks. This spell is the best
spell in the game, bottom line. It makes your damage go up
about 2X. A must for fighting the fiends, unless you want a
-Muddle- Confuses foe into turning on each other. This is another one of
those "We're lame so lets make up a POS spell" spells. It
really serves no purpose other than to take your money. Don't
buy this pile of crap.
-Ice 2- Inflicts 40-160 ice damage. You damn right, this is the spell
you want to get while around the volcano. It packs a strong
punch, and will finish off most monsters around the time when
you get it.
[Spells to Get: Ice2, Haste, Sleep2]
Level 5: Costs: 8000
-Fire3- Inflicts 50-200 Damage. This spell is ok. You won't be using it
a lot, only against undead hordes. It's still the best fire
spell in the whole game. Make sure you pick it up, though.
-Poison- Instantly annihilates foes. It only kills about 20% of the
monsters that you use it on. I will, however, kill some
monsters more often than others. Pick it up, since warp 1
-Warp1- Warps the party to the previous floor. What a waste, who wants
to cast the spell 5+ times just to get out of a dungoen, even
if you
have that much MP to spare. It's not worth it. Plus you need an
upgraded mage to use it.
-Slow2- Slows a foe down, reducing its attacks. Slow comes back again
for another round with the monsters. This time it's actually
good and can stop a whole horde of monsters in their tracks.
Slow really shines at the end of the game, when you can
immoblize big monsters.
[Spells to get: Fire3, Poison, Slow2]
Level 6: Costs: 20000
-Bolt3- Inflicts 60-240 Lighting damage. The strongest Bolt spell in
the game. I recommend you pick it up before going to fight
Kraken. It'll save you a lot trouble fighting 9 king shangans.
-Reaper- Instanly kills a foe. Haha, if it hits. This is another one of
those spells that the description alone is alluring. Don't go
for it. The chances of death are pretty slim with this spell.
It's still better than that silly poison, though.
-Quake- Calls an earthquake to swallow foes. It's like Poison +, only
it won't hit airborn enemies. The chances of death are a lot
higher than with poison as well. You should buy it just because
stun sucks. My reasons don't always make sense. BUT I'M WRITING
-Stun- Paralyzes a foe. This is trash, I should punch the creators for
this. So you have one of the 4 foes paralyzed OHH BIG
DIFFERENCE that will make. Really, use logic, it's another poo
spell that you should pass up. Make sure to smack to store
owner for selling this trash.
[Spells to Get: Bolt3, Quake, Anything else]
Level 7: Costs: 45000
-Saber- Raises own attack +16, Accuracy +10. While this may sound all
good, it's not. The problem is, who cares about how hard the
mage can hit? He's not going to turn into conan the barbarian
after you use this spell. Don't get it twisted.
-Blind- Blinds a foe. They won't be able to see anything when your
sword hits them, and they try to hit back. It hardly every
works as well. Think of it as Stun JR. THAT BAD.
-Ice3- Inflicts 70-280 ice damage. Smackdown ahoy, if you have the MP
to do so. This spell will level a lot of monsters later in the
game. It won't level the monsters at the end of the game.
However, it's still a good spell for taking out hordes of
-Break- Petrifies a foe. Think of it as Reaper SR. The thing about
break, is that it can usually hit a foe. It also can kill
Tiamat in one hit, so that's a good thing.
[Spells to get: Saber, Ice3, Break]
Level 8: Costs: 60000
-Stop- Stops time for foes, immobilizing them. Ohh..oh yeah. It'll
take most the foes on the screen, and turn them into statues
basically. You can then beat the hell out of them.
-Banish- Sends foes to another dimension. It's like super poison. It'll
take with it a lot of the monsters. It there's a horde, you can
bet your ass most of them will be gone. Pick this up
-Doom- Instantly kills a foe. Yes, it kills almost ANYTHING in one
hit. The whole "Kill one monster" aspect still isn't that
great. Pass it up.
-Flare- Blasts foes with light and heat. This is it young children,
flare. Not only is it non-elemental, meaning unbiased damage to
all. But, it does a fudge load of damage as well. If you don't
buy this spell, I deem you stupid, and you need to stop reading
this FAQ.
[Spells to get: Stop, Flare, Banish]
- White -
Level 1: Costs 100
-Cure1- Restores 16-32HP. This is a must at the beginning of the game.
You need to hear yourself no matter what. Buy this spell
-Dia1- Inflicts 20-80 damage on undead monsters. This is another one
of those spells that you'll say "Thank God (Whoever) I bought
this thing." It'll be a lot of help to you in the Marsh Cave.
-Shld1- Raises Defense by 8 points. This spell can save you a lot of
damage if you cast it on the fighter, It'll make to were
everyone dies but who ever it was casted on. I mean this by
everyone else will get killed by the monsters, while you're
there in your ball of power not being able to be damaged much.
Great for boss battles.
-Blink- Raises own evasion by 80 points. This is a hell of a lot
evasion. It'll make you to where you can barely get hit. Not
all that good, since battles tend to be done quick on this
[Spells to Get: Cure1, Dia1, Shld1]
Level 2: Costs 400
-Lamp- Cures Darkness. This means you won't go around in the middle
of a battle and not know where to attack. This makes it to
where your attacks will actually land.
-Silence- Prevents foes from casting spells. You'll only need to use
this spell maybe 10 times in the whole game, and most of that
is against bosses.
-NulBolt- Reduces lighting damage by 50%. Worthless stuff right here my
friends. The problem is: When are you ever going to need to
use this move to stop someone from demolishing your party with
lightning? Never.
-Invis1- Raises Evasion by 40 points. This is another one of those
spells that you use to support your fighter with. Since most
every other spell here sucks, pick it up.
[Spells to get: Invis1, Lamp, Silence]
Level 3: Costs 1200
-Cure2- Restores 33-66 HP. This is another one of those "Must have"
spells that you, well, must have. It'll cure a good portion of
your HP back at the time you get it. Make cure spells your top
-Dia2- Inflicts 40-160 damage on undead foes. Another great spell,
this thing will clear house when it's time to fight undeads.
Undeads usually leave high amounts of gold as well.
-Nulfire- Reduces fire damage by 50%. STUPID STUPID!
-Heal1- Restores 12-24 HP to whole team. The amount of HP that is
given back to your party is pathetic to say the least. It'll
be good to use right before boss battles, though. Pick it up.
[Spells to pick up: Cure2, Dia2, Heal1]
Level 4: Costs 4000
-Esuna- Cures poison. This is a spell that you'll want to invest in.
It'll make those baddies that poison you a lot not be so
scary. Still not as scary as my english.
-Fear- Drives foes away in terror. TERROR! TERROR OF WHAT! A little
spell? Monsters usually just laugh at the caster. Not really
but it hardly ever works.
-NulIces- Reduces ice damage by 50%. TRASH!
-Vox- Cures Mute. You never really get "muted" in the game, so this
spell is pretty much worthless if you think about it.
[Spells to get: This is the lamest Level of magic in the game.
Get what you want]
Level 5: Costs 8000
-Cure3- Restores 66-132 HP. This is another cure spell that you must
get first. It's essential to have this spell anytime in the
game. It restores a good amount of HP for what it is. Make
sure you pick it up first.
-Life1- Revives an ally from KO status. MUST HAVE this spell. When
one of your charaters are dead in battle, you can bring them
back. It's a really good spell. Probably what makes the white
mage what it is
-Dia3- Inflicts 60-240 damage on undead foes. This is another one of
those spells that you'll say "Thank God (Whoever) I bought
this thing." It'll be a lot of help to you in other caves and
stuff. Buy this one after you get Cure and Life.
-Heal2- Restores 24-48 HP to all allies. It doesn't restore enough HP
to really redeem the reason you bought it. Just pass this one
up. While not a bad spell at all, the other three are just
too good. Plus that's what potions are for.
[Spells to get: Cure3, Life1, Dia3]
Level 6: Costs 20000
-Stona- Cures Stone. If you get stoned, not by smoking weed, but by an
enemy, this spell will unstone you...if that's a word.
-Warp2- Warps party out of dungoens. This spell with get you out of
even the deepest dungeons. A must have, really, you need to
buy this spell. It's saved my life many of times.
-Shld2- Raises party's Defense by 12 points. Good for boss battle
mostly. Pick it up and make sure you use it at the beginning
of battles.
-Invis2- Raises party's Evasion by 40 points. Another great spell to
have with you when you fight Chaos. He'll hit you mutliple
times for about 500 damage. With this spell on, he'll only
pull of about 200 or so.
Level 7: Costs 45000
-NulMgc- Reinforces protection against instand death. STUPID!
-Heal3- Restores 48-96 HP to all allies. This time heal comes back
into the game, and it means business. Heal 3 gives a lot of HP
back compared to that of other heals. It's like casting cure 2
on your whole party.
-Cure4- Fully Restores HP. God resents those who don't have this spell
in their arsenal.
-Dia4- Inflicts 80-320 damage on undead foes. All undead be molested
in about 3 seconds. Good thing my friend.
[Spells to get: Heal3, Cure4, Dia4]
Level 8: Costs: 60000
-Holy- Damages foes with divine light. This devine light is more of a
joke than an actual spell. It's the only time white mage can
can really lay in the pounding (Minus Undead)
-NulAll- Reduces all spell damage by 50%. TRASH!
-Dispel- Obliterates a foe's magical defenses. This takes all that
things your foe has worked for, and crushed it all in front of
him. He'll cry and stuff, too...not really. I usually get this
spell, even though it sucks.
-Life2- Revives ally and fully restores HP. Yes.yes...this is the best
spell the white mage has...yes...
[Spells to get: Holy, Dispel, Life 2]
- F1. Boss List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
/ Garland /
Recommended Level: 8
HP: 168
Difficulty: 3/5
EXP: 2250
Gil: 2000
If you have the Mythril sword, this battle will be easy. Use Ice 1 on him
and have your fighter just pound the crap out of Astos. There's no real
strategy to beating him. If he manages to kill one of your characters,
restart and try again.
Garland is the easiet boss in the game. He's also known for saying some
pretty stupid things. Just make sure your guys are on around level 3 or so
and just kick his ass. He'll only hit you with regualar attacks and
nothing more. I really like garland because he's probably the coolest
looking boss IMG.
/ Astos /
Recommended Level: 8
HP: 168
Difficulty: 3/5
EXP: 2250
Gil: 2000
The king of dark elves, Astos. He's got some nasty moves in store for your
party. Reaper, which kills one party member. Slow2, which takes down their
speed to practically nothing. He even casts haste on himself. If he busts
out fire 2/bolt2/ice2, it'll inflict massive damage upon your party. Plus,
he hits a little too hard for my tastes.
If you have the Mythril sword, this battle will be easy. Use Ice 1 on him
and have your fighter just pound the crap out of Astos. There's no real
strategy to beating him. If he manages to kill one of your characters,
restart and try again.
/ Lich /
Recommended Level: 12
HP: 800
Difficulty: 3/5
EXP: 2200
Gil: 3000
New boss music > joo. Anyways, Lich has some nasty attacks in store for
you. His bolt/ice2 stuff deals out the pain. He'll cast sleep and slow on
your characters. If he's feeling like he wants to play dirty, he'll just
regular attack one of your mages/weaker characters and smear them in a hit.
Start off the battle by holding no bars. Use fire3 if you have it, fire 2
works well too. Dia2/3 will bring the pain to him, keep attackers
attacking. After while he should go down. Might take awhile since his
defense is so goddamn high. If he manages to kill one of your characters
(likely) just restart from the memo save you saved in front of him.
/ Marilith /
Recommended Level: 16
HP: 1200
Difficulty: 2/5
EXP: 2475
Gil: 3000
Marlilith can hack away your health at a quick rate. Take her out in a few
turns. Make sure you have the ice brand on your fighter and cast
steel/haste on him. Over 200+ damage a turn should make easy work of her.
She can hit pretty hard, Around 200 damage a hit if you don't have good
defense. If you're fighting her with nothing more than, say, white mages,
then this battle will be very, very hard for you. The only thing that I can
tell you do if you're playing with a party like that is hope for luck.
/ Evil Eye /
Recommended Level: 17
HP: 1200
Difficulty: 2/5
EXP: 2472
Gil: 3000
Just hit him a lot with fire 3 and use regular attacks. Dia will hurt him
big time. He should go down in one turn. He'll cast rub on you and that
really sucks. If it hits, your charater will die righ there on the spot.
Another thing that you should watch out for is that he can hit pretty hard.
Either way, this is a super easy battle.
/ Kraken /
Recommended Level: 21
HP: 1600
Difficulty: 3/5
EXP: 4245
Gil: 5000
Kraken can hit about 8 hits and clear out one of your people in a hit. His
hits do over 400 damage to non-knight characters. Just cast haste on the
warrior and use bolt 3 to make quick work of him. To dodge his hits, just
cast invis 1 oe 2 on your charaters. Another thing that he does that's
annoying is take forever to die. That's the only reaosn I recommend haste
in this battle, so you can kill him and get through his hugh defense. Once
he dies, you'll be given the water crystal! Yay.
/ Tiamat /
Recommended Level: 25
HP: 2000
Difficulty: 4/5
EXP: 4245
Gil: 5000
Tiamat hits hard, but is a total pud. To beat him, simply cast break a lot
of times. He'll die within one hit, and you can say that you beat one of
the fiends in one hit. If that's something to brag about that it. If you
can't get that to work, then caste haste and let at it. He can hit hard
with some spells that'll do a lot of damage. His regular attack isn't
really all that scary, make sure you take him out quickly before he wears
your characters down.
/ Chaos /
HP: 4000
Difficulty: 5/5
Level: 30
Gil: None
Exp: None
Then the battle starts. He talks about how you killed him. He's Garland,
the fiends sent him back. He sent them into the future. He'll be reborn in
the past, then you stick a foot in his ass and tell him to shut up.
Cast haste on the warrior. Have him attack, lay flare, holy, cast invis2.
Hold nothing back and just brutally assult the minor. He'll cast cure4
sometimes, and restore all of his hit points. His elemental attacks can
make one cry since they hit pretty hard.
- G1. Bestiary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-
Information Extracted and Decoded By: Lord_Skylark in this section. This
guy is very smart and knows what's going on with about every Final Fantasy
to date. Here is his website, check it out:
American Name
This gives the name of the monster for the U.S version of the game.
Final Fantasy Origins Name
This gives the name of the monster when Final Fantasy 1 made its debut on
the the Sony Playstation.
Hit Points
This is the amount of hit points that a monster has. Once you manage to
reduce their hit points to 0, the monster dies. You meet monsters with
more Hitpoints later in the game.
Some may be confused on why it says "Gil/Gold". The reason? This can go
for Final Fantasy 1 and Final Fantasy origins. This is the amount of
money that monsters will leave you after battle.
The higher the strength, the harder the monster is able to hit your guys.
Youdon't want to face a monster will too much strength at the beginning
of the game or you'll die.
Number of Hits
This is the total amount of hits that a monster can do to you while you're
fighting him. Most monsters will only be able to attack you once but some
can attack around 4+ plus times, doing monstrous damage.
Hit Percentage
Chances of them hitting you. The lower, the better.
Critical Hit Percentage
This is the chance that a monster has of laying in some nice damage to
you.If their critical hit percentage is high, then you best be warned that
theycan take out your party rather quickly.
Attack Effect
Some monsters can really hurt you when they hit you, others can cause even
worse stuff happen to you. It goes from just a quick poisoning to death.
Thatsounds pretty hardcore to me. Not a lot of monsters have the ability
tohurt you with extra status ailments.
Attack Effect Rate
This is how much of a chance there is that the monster's status attack
willhit you. If they have no status effect move then this is void.
The higher the defense the less damage that your attacks will do to the
monster. If they have no defense, well, then you're a lucky guy and
they'll probably die rather easily. Defense is an important catachrestic
of all monsters.
Magic Defense
The higher the magic defense the less damage that your magic will do to
themonster. If they have no magic defense, well, then you're a lucky guy
andthey'll probably die rather easily. Magic defense is an important
catachresticof all monsters.
This determines when the monster will move in battle. If the monsters
agilityis very high, then he'll probably move before you will in the midst
of abattle. Some monsters are very lethargic and don't require much to
take out,others can zoop and zim around you.
Special Attacks
These are the idiosyncratic moves that some monsters possess. Some of them
are weak and others can take your party for a loop. A lot of monsters
don't have these, though. The [1] indicates what level the spell is on.
The higher the number, the stronger the spell.
The chance a monster will run away from you when confronted. The higher
moral,the less chance they'll run away from you. If you're extremely
leveled, themonsters with lower moral will run away from you. The higher
the level youget, the more monsters will run away from you.
Race just tells what category the monster falls into. Some monsters are
the feared dragons while others are nothing more than imps. The race has
no direct impact on any stats that I know of.
Want to kill a monster with ease? How about do 1.5X to 2.0X the damage?
Thenyou need to know each monster's weakness. Some monsters have no weak
spotand the only way you'll take them out is by blasting them with your
weaponon the head a few times.
This is what the monsters is strong against. Spells that are used on them
will do half the damage or none at all. The thing to keep in mind is if
thespell isn't mentioned, then it does normal damage to that monster.
There you have it, now, onto the bestiary.
American Name: Agama
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Fire Lizard
Hit Points: 296
Experience: 2472
Gil/Gold: 1200
Strength: 31
Number of Hits: 2
Hit Percentage: 74
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 18
Magic Defense: 143
Agility: 36
Special Attacks: Flame [1]
Morale: 200
Race: Dragon
Weakness: Ice
Resistance: Fire
American Name: Air
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Air Elemental
Hit Points: 358
Experience: 1614
Gil/Gold: 807
Strength: 53
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 62
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 4
Magic Defense: 130
Agility: 144
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 200
Race: Magical
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Earth, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Ankylo
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Desert Bulette
Hit Points: 352
Experience: 2610
Gil/Gold: 1
Strength: 98
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 88
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 48
Magic Defense: 156
Agility: 48
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 144
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Arachnid
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Tarantula
Hit Points: 64
Experience: 141
Gil/Gold: 50
Strength: 5
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 16
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Poison
Attack Effect Rate: High
Defense: 12
Magic Defense: 46
Agility: 24
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 111
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Asp
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Cobra
Hit Points: 56
Experience: 123
Gil/Gold: 50
Strength: 6
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 14
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Poison
Attack Effect Rate: High
Defense: 6
Magic Defense: 46
Agility: 30
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 107
Race: Dragon
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Astos
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Astos
Hit Points: 168
Experience: 2250
Gil/Gold: 2000
Strength: 26
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 42
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 40
Magic Defense: 170
Agility: 78
Special Attacks: Death, Raslow, Haste, Fira, Thundara, Slow, Dark, Sleep
Morale: 255
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Badman
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Black Knight
Hit Points: 260
Experience: 1263
Gil/Gold: 1800
Strength: 44
Number of Hits: 2
Hit Percentage: 65
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 38
Magic Defense: 135
Agility: 36
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 200
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Big Eye
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Deep Eye
Hit Points: 304
Experience: 3591
Gil/Gold: 3591
Strength: 30
Number of Hits: 2
Hit Percentage: 76
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 16
Magic Defense: 156
Agility: 24
Special Attacks: Glare [2], Flash
Morale: 200
Race: Aquatic
Weakness: Lightning
Resistance: Earth, Fire
American Name: Blue Dragon
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Blue Dragon
Hit Points: 454
Experience: 3274
Gil/Gold: 2000
Strength: 92
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 86
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 20
Magic Defense: 200
Agility: 96
Special Attacks: Lightning
Morale: 200
Race: Dragon
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Bone
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Skeleton
Hit Points: 10
Experience: 9 G
il/Gold: 3
Strength: 10
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 2
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 0
Magic Defense: 17
Agility: 12
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 124
Race: Undead
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Ice, Death, Poison, Petrification, Paralysis, Sleep
American Name: Bull
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Minotaur
Hit Points: 164
Experience: 489
Gil/Gold: 489
Strength: 22
Number of Hits: 2
Hit Percentage: 41
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 4
Magic Defense: 95
Agility: 48
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 124
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Caribe
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Piranha
Hit Points: 92
Experience: 240
Gil/Gold: 20
Strength: 22
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 23
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 0
Magic Defense: 68
Agility: 72
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 138
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: Lightning
Resistance: Earth, Fire
American Name: Catman
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Weretiger
Hit Points: 160
Experience: 780
Gil/Gold: 780
Strength: 30
Number of Hits: 2
Hit Percentage: 40
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Poison
Attack Effect Rate: High
Defense: 16
Magic Defense: 93
Agility: 48
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 148
Race: Regenerator, Lycanthrope, Magical
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Cerberus
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Hell Hound
Hit Points: 192
Experience: 1182
Gil/Gold: 600
Strength: 30
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 48
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 8
Magic Defense: 103
Agility: 48
Special Attacks: Flame [2]
Morale: 146
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: Ice
Resistance: Fire
American Name: Chaos
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Chaos
Hit Points: 2000[4000]
Experience: 0
Gil/Gold: 0
Strength: 100
Number of Hits: 2
Hit Percentage: 200
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Paralysis
Attack Effect Rate: Low
Defense: 100
Magic Defense: 200
Agility: 100
Special Attacks: Blizzaga, Thundaga, Raslow, Curaga, Firaga, Blizzara,
Haste, Flare, Earthquake, Flame [4], Tsunami, Tornado
Morale: 255
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Earth, Lightning, Ice, Fire, Death, Petrification, Poison,
Paralysis, Sleep
American Name: Chimera
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Chimera
Hit Points: 300
Experience: 2064
Gil/Gold: 2500
Strength: 30
Number of Hits: 4
Hit Percentage: 60
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable None Applicable
Defense: 20
Magic Defense: 130
Agility: 72
Special Attacks: Flame[5]
Morale: 200
Race: Dragon
Weakness: Ice
Resistance: Earth, Fire
American Name: Cobra
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Anaconda
Hit Points: 80
Experience: 165
Gil/Gold: 50
Strength: 22
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 20
Critical Hit Percentage: 31
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 10
Magic Defense: 56
Agility: 36
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 110
Race: Dragon
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Cockatrice
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Cockatrice
Hit Points: 50
Experience: 186
Gil/Gold: 200
Strength: 1
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 10
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Petrification
Attack Effect Rate: High
Defense: 4
Magic Defense: 47
Agility: 72
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 124
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Earth
American Name: Crawl
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Crawler
Hit Points: 84
Experience: 186
Gil/Gold: 200
Strength: 1
Number of Hits: 8
Hit Percentage: 21
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Paralysis
Attack Effect Rate: Low
Defense: 8
Magic Defense: 51
Agility: 42
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 106
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Creep
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Gigas Worm
Hit Points: 56
Experience: 63
Gil/Gold: 15
Strength: 17
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 14
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 8
Magic Defense: 40
Agility: 24
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 104
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Earth
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Earth Elemental
Hit Points: 288
Experience: 1536
Gil/Gold: 768
Strength: 66
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 72
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 20
Magic Defense: 130
Agility: 18
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 200
Race: Magical
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Earth, Lightning, Ice, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep,
American Name: Evilman
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Death Knight
Hit Points: 190
Experience: 2700
Gil/Gold: 3000
Strength: 55
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 48
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 32
Magic Defense: 173
Agility: 42
Special Attacks: Despel, Flare, Kill, Blind
Morale: 200
Race: Mage, Magical
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Eye
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Beholder [Evil Eye]
Hit Points: 162
Experience: 3225
Gil/Gold: 3225
Strength: 30
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 42
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 30
Magic Defense: 92
Agility: 12
Special Attacks: Kill, Break, Death, Thundara, Hold, Silence, Slow, Sleep,
Glare [1], Glare [2], Glare [3], Glare[4]
Morale: 200
Race: Mage
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Earth
American Name: Fighter
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Dark Fighter
Hit Points: 200
Experience: 3420
Gil/Gold: 3420
Strength: 40
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 45
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 38
Magic Defense: 186
Agility: 90
Special Attacks: Wall, Dispel, Raheala, Protea, Invisa, Curaga, Heala,
Morale: 158
Race: Mage
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Fire
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Fire Elemental
Hit Points: 276
Experience: 1620
Gil/Gold: 800
Strength: 50
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 69
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 20
Magic Defense: 130
Agility: 42
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 200
Race: Magical
Weakness: Ice
Resistance: Earth, Fire, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Frost Dragon
Final Fantasy Origins Name: White Dragon
Hit Points: 200
Experience: 1701
Gil/Gold: 2000
Strength: 53
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 50
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 8
Magic Defense: 196
Agility: 120
Special Attacks: Snowstorm[2]
Morale: 200
Race: Dragon
Weakness: Fire, Lightning
Resistance: Earth, Ice, Petrification, Poison
American Name: Frost Gator
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Whitedile
Hit Points: 288
Experience: 1890
Gil/Gold: 2000
Strength: 56
Number of Hits: 2
Hit Percentage: 72
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 20
Magic Defense: 143
Agility: 48
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 200
Race: Dragon
Weakness: Lightning
Resistance: Earth, Fire
American Name: Frost Giant
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Ice Gigas
Hit Points: 336
Experience: 1752
Gil/Gold: 1752
Strength: 60
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 78
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 16
Magic Defense: 150
Agility: 48
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 200
Race: Demon
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Ice
American Name: Frost Wolf
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Winter Wolf
Hit Points: 92
Experience: 402
Gil/Gold: 200
Strength: 25
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 23
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 0
Magic Defense: 55
Agility: 54
Special Attacks: Snowstorm [1]
Morale: 200
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Ice
American Name: Gargoyle
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Gargoyle
Hit Points: 80
Experience: 132
Gil/Gold: 80
Strength: 12
Number of Hits: 4
Hit Percentage: 20
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 8
Magic Defense: 53
Agility: 45
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 200
Race: Magical
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Earth
American Name: Garland
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Garland
Hit Points: 106
Experience: 130
Gil/Gold: 250
Strength: 15
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 27
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 10
Magic Defense: 64
Agility: 12
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 255
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Gas Dragon
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Green Dragon
Hit Points: 352
Experience: 4068
Gil/Gold: 5000
Strength: 72
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 68
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 16
Magic Defense: 200
Agility: 96
Special Attacks: Poison Gas[2]
Morale: 200
Race: Dragon
Weakness: Ice
Resistance: Earth
American Name: Gator
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Crocodile
Hit Points: 184
Experience: 816
Gil/Gold: 900
Strength: 42
Number of Hits: 2
Hit Percentage: 46
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 16
Magic Defense: 103
Agility: 48
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 138
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: Lightning
Resistance: Earth, Fire
American Name: Geist
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Ghast
Hit Points: 56
Experience: 117
Gil/Gold: 117
Strength: 8
Number of Hits: 3
Hit Percentage: 14
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Paralysis
Attack Effect Rate: Low
Defense: 10
Magic Defense: 40
Agility: 46
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 160
Race: Undead
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Ice, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Ghost
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Ghost
Hit Points: 180
Experience: 990
Gil/Gold: 990
Strength: 93
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 45
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Paralysis
Attack Effect Rate: Low
Defense: 30
Magic Defense: 85
Agility: 36
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 184
Race: Undead, Magical
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Earth, Ice, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Ghoul
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Ghoul
Hit Points: 48
Experience: 93
Gil/Gold: 50
Strength: 8
Number of Hits: 3
Hit Percentage: 12
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Paralysis
Attack Effect Rate: Low
Defense: 6
Magic Defense: 36
Agility: 12
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 124
Race: Undead
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Ice, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Giant
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Hill Gigas
Hit Points: 240
Experience: 879
Gil/Gold: 879
Strength: 38
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 60
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 12
Magic Defense: 120
Agility: 48
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 136
Race: Demon
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Great Pede
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Remorhaz
Hit Points: 320
Experience: 2244
Gil/Gold: 1000
Strength: 73
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 80
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 24
Magic Defense: 185
Agility: 48
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 176
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: Ice, Fire
Resistance: Ice, Fire
American Name: Green Medusa
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Earth Medusa
Hit Points: 96
Experience: 1218
Gil/Gold: 1218
Strength: 11
Number of Hits: 10
Hit Percentage: 24
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Paralysis
Attack Effect Rate: Low
Defense: 12
Magic Defense: 70
Agility: 72
Special Attacks: Glare[1]
Morale: 200
Race: Magical
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Earth, Ice
American Name: Green Ogre
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Ogre Chief
Hit Points: 132
Experience: 282
Gil/Gold: 300
Strength: 23
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 33
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 14
Magic Defense: 71
Agility: 30
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 126
Race: Demon
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Gray Imp
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Goblin Guard
Hit Points: 16
Experience: 18
Gil/Gold: 18
Strength: 8
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 4
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 6
Magic Defense: 23
Agility: 9 None Applicable
Morale: 120
Race: Demon
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Grey Naga
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Spirit Naga
Hit Points: 420
Experience: 3489
Gil/Gold: 4000
Strength: 7
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 88
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Poison
Attack Effect Rate: High
Defense: 16
Magic Defense: 143
Agility: 48
Special Attacks: Blink, Silence, Slow, Darkness, Sleep, Fire, Thunder, Heal
Morale: 154
Race: Mage
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Grey Shark
Final Fantasy Origins Name: White Shark
Hit Points: 344
Experience: 2361
Gil/Gold: 600
Strength: 50
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 86
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 8
Magic Defense: 170
Agility: 72
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 200
Race: Aquatic
Weakness: Lightning
Resistance: Earth, Fire
American Name: Grey Wolf
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Warg Wolf
Hit Points: 72
Experience: 93
Gil/Gold: 22
Strength: 14
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 18
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 0
Magic Defense: 46
Agility: 54
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 108
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Grey Worm
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Lava Worm
Hit Points: 280
Experience: 1671
Gil/Gold: 400
Strength: 50
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 70
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 31
Magic Defense: 143
Agility: 4
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 200
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: Ice
Resistance: Earth, Fire
American Name: Guard
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Guardian
Hit Points: 200
Experience: 1224
Gil/Gold: 400
Strength: 25
Number of Hits: 2
Hit Percentage: 50
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Paralysis
Attack Effect Rate: Low
Defense: 40
Magic Defense: 110
Agility: 72
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 200
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: Lightning
Resistance: Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Hydra
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Hydra
Hit Points: 212
Experience: 915
Gil/Gold: 150
Strength: 30
Number of Hits: 3
Hit Percentage: 53
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 14
Magic Defense: 116
Agility: 36
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 138
Race: Dragon
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Hyena
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Hyenadon
Hit Points: 120
Experience: 288
Gil/Gold: 72
Strength: 22
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 30
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 4
Magic Defense: 76
Agility: 48
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 122
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Iguana
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Lizard
Hit Points: 92
Experience: 153
Gil/Gold: 50
Strength: 18
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 23
Critical Hit Percentage: 10
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 12
Magic Defense: 55
Agility: 24
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 134
Race: Dragon
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Image
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Wraith
Hit Points: 86
Experience: 231
Gil/Gold: 231
Strength: 22
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 22
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Paralysis
Attack Effect Rate: Low
Defense: 4
Magic Defense: 52
Agility: 90
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 160
Race: Undead, Magical
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Earth, Ice, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Imp
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Goblin
Hit Points: 8
Experience: 6
Gil/Gold: 6
Strength: 4
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 2
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 4
Magic Defense: 16
Agility: 6
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 106
Race: Demon
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Iron Golem
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Iron Golem
Hit Points: 304
Experience: 6717
Gil/Gold: 3000
Strength: 93
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 76
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 100
Magic Defense: 143
Agility: 24
Special Attacks: Poison Gas [3]
Morale: 200
Race: Magical
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Earth, Ice, Fire, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep,
American Name: Jimera
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Gorgimera
Hit Points: 350
Experience: 4584
Gil/Gold: 5000
Strength: 40
Number of Hits: 4
Hit Percentage: 70
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 18
Magic Defense: 143
Agility: 60
Special Attacks: Flame [5], Poison Gas [1]
Morale: 200
Race: Dragon
Weakness: Ice
Resistance: Earth, Fire
American Name: Kary (Volcano)
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Marilith
Hit Points: 600[1200]
Experience: 2475
Gil/Gold: 3000
Strength: 40
Number of Hits: 6
Hit Percentage: 63
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 50
Magic Defense: 183
Agility: 48
Special Attacks: Fira, Darkness, Hold
Morale: 255
Race: Mage, Magical
Weakness: Sleep, Paralysis
Resistance: Lightning, Ice, Fire, Pertrification, Poison
American Name: Kary (Temple)
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Marilith
Hit Points: 700[1400]
Experience: 2000
Gil/Gold: 1
Strength: 60
Number of Hits: 6
Hit Percentage: 63
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 60
Magic Defense: 183
Agility: 60
Special Attacks: Firaga, Death, Stun
Morale: 255
Race: Mage, Magical
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Lightning, Ice, Fire, Petrification, Poison
American Name: Kraken (Water)
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Kraken
Hit Points: 800[1600]
Experience: 4245
Gil/Gold: 5000
Strength: 50
Number of Hits: 8
Hit Percentage: 90
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 60
Magic Defense: 160
Agility: 84
Special Attacks: Ink
Morale: 255
Race: Aquatic
Weakness: Lightning
Resistance: Earth, Fire
American Name: Kraken (Temple)
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Kraken
Hit Points: 900[1800]
Experience: 2000
Gil/Gold: 1
Strength: 70
Number of Hits: 8
Hit Percentage: 114
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 70
Magic Defense: 200
Agility: 98
Special Attacks: Thundara, Ink
Morale: 255
Race: Aquatic
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Earth, Fire
American Name: Kyzoku
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Pirate
Hit Points: 50
Experience: 60
Gil/Gold: 120
Strength: 14
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 13
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 6
Magic Defense: 37
Agility: 24
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 106
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Earth
American Name: Lich (Cave)
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Lich
Hit Points: 400[800]
Experience: 2200
Gil/Gold: 3000
Strength: 40
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 49
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Paralysis
Attack Effect Rate: Low
Defense: 40
Magic Defense: 120
Agility: 24
Special Attacks: Blizzara, Sleepra, Haste, Thundara, Hold, Fira, Slow,
Morale: 255
Race: Mage, Undead, Magicial
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Ice, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Lich (Temple)
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Lich
Hit Points: 500[1000]
Experience: 2000
Gil/Gold: 1
Strength: 50
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 64
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Paralysis
Attack Effect Rate: Low
Defense: 50
Magic Defense: 140
Agility: 48
Special Attacks: Flare, Stop, Degeon, Kill
Morale: 255
Race: Mage, Undead, Magical
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Ice, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Lobster
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Sea Scorpion
Hit Points: 148
Experience: 639
Gil/Gold: 300
Strength: 35
Number of Hits: 3
Hit Percentage: 37
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Poison
Attack Effect Rate: High
Defense: 18
Magic Defense: 85
Agility: 60
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 200
Race: Aquatic
Weakness: Lightning
Resistance: Earth, Fire
American Name: Mad Pony
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Crazy Horse
Hit Points: 64
Experience: 63
Gil/Gold: 15
Strength: 10
Number of Hits: 2
Hit Percentage: 16
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 2
Magic Defense: 40
Agility: 22
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 106
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Mage
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Dark Wizard
Hit Points: 105
Experience: 1095
Gil/Gold: 1095
Strength: 26
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 27
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 40
Magic Defense: 170
Agility: 78
Special Attacks: Death, Thundaga, Firaga, Cloud, Raslow, Stun
Morale: 200
Race: Mage
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Mancat
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Rakshasa
Hit Points: 110
Experience: 603
Gil/Gold: 800
Strength: 20
Number of Hits: 3
Hit Percentage: 28
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 30
Magic Defense: 62
Agility: 60
Special Attacks: Fira, Slow, Darkness, Sleep, Fire, Thunder, Cure
Morale: 150
Race: Mage
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Earth, Lightning, Ice, Fire, Death, Petrification, Poison,
Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Manticore
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Manticore
Hit Points: 164
Experience: 1317
Gil/Gold: 650
Strength: 22
Number of Hits: 2
Hit Percentage: 41
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 8
Magic Defense: 95
Agility: 72
Special Attacks: Poison Gas [4]
Morale: 150
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Earth
American Name: Medusa
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Medusa
Hit Points: 68
Experience: 699
Gil/Gold: 699
Strength: 20
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 17
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Poison
Attack Effect Rate: High
Defense: 10
Magic Defense: 55
Agility: 36
Special Attacks: Glare [1]
Morale: 150
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Muck
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Black Pudding
Hit Points: 76
Experience: 255
Gil/Gold: 70
Strength: 30
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 19
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 7
Magic Defense: 55
Agility: 4
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 152
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: Lightning
Resistance: Earth, Ice, Fire, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep,
American Name: Mud Golem
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Clay Golem
Hit Points: 176
Experience: 1257
Gil/Gold: 800
Strength: 64 N
umber of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 44
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Poison
Attack Effect Rate: High
Defense: 7
Magic Defense: 93
Agility: 28
Special Attacks: Haste
Morale: 200
Race: Mage, Magical
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Lightning, Ice, Fire, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep,
American Name: Mummy
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Mummy
Hit Points: 80
Experience: 300
Gil/Gold: 300
Strength: 30
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 20
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Sleep
Attack Effect Rate: Low
Defense: 20
Magic Defense: 60
Agility: 24
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 172
Race: Undead
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Ice, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Naga
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Water Naga
Hit Points: 356
Experience: 2355
Gil/Gold: 2355
Strength: 9
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 71
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Poison
Attack Effect Rate: High
Defense: 8
Magic Defense: 116
Agility: 72
Special Attacks: Thundara, Shape, Sleep, Thunder, Hold, Slow, Darkness
Morale: 200
Race: Mage, Aquatic
Weakness: Lightning
Resistance: Earth, Fire
American Name: Naocho
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Neo-Otyugh
Hit Points: 344
Experience: 3189
Gil/Gold: 500
Strength: 35
Number of Hits: 3
Hit Percentage: 86
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Poison
Attack Effect Rate: High
Defense: 32
Magic Defense: 170
Agility: 24
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 200
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Nightmare
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Nightmare
Hit Points: 200
Experience: 1272
Gil/Gold: 700
Strength: 30
Number of Hits: 3
Hit Percentage: 50
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 24
Magic Defense: 100
Agility: 132
Special Attacks: Snort
Morale: 200
Race: Magical
Weakness: Ice
Resistance: Earth, Fire, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Ocho
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Otyugh
Hit Points: 208
Experience: 1224
Gil/Gold: 102
Strength: 20
Number of Hits: 3
Hit Percentage: 52
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Poison
Attack Effect Rate: High
Defense: 24
Magic Defense: 116
Agility: 24
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 176
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: Lightning
Resistance: Earth, Fire
American Name: Odd Eye
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Big Eye
Hit Points: 10
Experience: 42
Gil/Gold: 10
Strength: 4
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 2
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 0
Magic Defense: 14
Agility: 84
Special Attacks: Glare [2]
Morale: 110
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: Lightning
Resistance: Earth, Fire
American Name: Ogre
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Ogre
Hit Points: 100
Experience: 195
Gil/Gold: 195
Strength: 18
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 25
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 10
Magic Defense: 65
Agility: 18
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 116
Race: Demon None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Ooze
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Ochre Jelly
Hit Points: 76
Experience: 252
Gil/Gold: 70
Strength: 32
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 19
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 6
Magic Defense: 55
Agility: 6
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 144
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: Fire, Ice
Resistance: Earth, Lightning, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep,
American Name: Pede
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Ankheg
Hit Points: 222
Experience: 1194
Gil/Gold: 300
Strength: 39
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 56
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Poison
Attack Effect Rate: High
Defense: 20
Magic Defense: 116
Agility: 48
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 111
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Perilisk
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Pyrolisk
Hit Points: 44
Experience: 423
Gil/Gold: 500
Strength: 20
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 11
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 4
Magic Defense: 45
Agility: 72
Special Attacks: Glare [3]
Morale: 124
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: Ice
Resistance: Earth, Fire
American Name: Phantom
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Death Beholder [ Death Eye ]
Hit Points: 360
Experience: 1
Gil/Gold: 1
Strength: 120
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 150
Critical Hit Percentage: 40
Attack Effect: Paralysis
Attack Effect Rate: Low
Defense: 60
Magic Defense: 160
Agility: 24
Special Attacks: Stop, Degeon, Dispel, Break, Death, Hold, Silence, Slow,
Glare [5]
Morale: 200
Race: Regenerator, Undead, Magical
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Earth, Ice, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Pirate
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Pirate
Hit Points: 6
Experience: 40
Gil/Gold: 40
Strength: 8
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 2
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 0
Magic Defense: 15
Agility: 12
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 255
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Red Ankylo
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Bulette
Hit Points: 256
Experience: 1428
Gil/Gold: 300
Strength: 60
Number of Hits: 3
Hit Percentage: 64
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 38
Magic Defense: 130
Agility: 56
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 146
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Red Bone
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Bloody Bone
Hit Points: 144
Experience: 378
Gil/Gold: 378
Strength: 26
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 36
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 12
Magic Defense: 76
Agility: 42
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 156
Race: Undead
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Ice, Death, Poison, Petrification, Paralysis, Sleep
American Name: Red Caribe
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Red Piranha
Hit Points: 172
Experience: 546
Gil/Gold: 46
Strength: 37
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 43
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 20
Magic Defense: 83
Agility: 72
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 142
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Red Dragon
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Red Dragon
Hit Points: 248
Experience: 2904
Gil/Gold: 4000
Strength: 75
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 62
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 30
Magic Defense: 200
Agility: 96
Special Attacks: Flame [3]
Morale: 200
Race: Dragon
Weakness: Ice, Petrification, Poison
Resistance: Earth, Fire
American Name: Red Gargoyle
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Horned Devil
Hit Points: 94
Experience: 387
Gil/Gold: 387
Strength: 10
Number of Hits: 4
Hit Percentage: 24
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: High
Defense: 32
Magic Defense: 127
Agility: 72
Special Attacks: Fira, Hold, Fire
Morale: 134
Race: Magical
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Earth, Ice, Fire
American Name: Red Giant
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Fire Gigas
Hit Points: 300
Experience: 1506
Gil/Gold: 1506
Strength: 73
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 83
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 20
Magic Defense: 135
Agility: 48
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 200
Race: Demon
Weakness: Ice
Resistance: Fire
American Name: Red Hydra
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Fire Hydra
Hit Points: 182
Experience: 1215
Gil/Gold: 400
Strength: 20
Number of Hits: 3
Hit Percentage: 46
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect:
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Defense: 14
Magic Defense: 103
Agility: 36
Special Attacks: Flame[5]
Morale: 152
Race: Dragon
Weakness: Ice
Resistance: Fire
American Name: Red Sahagin
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Sahuagin Chief
Hit Points: 64
Experience: 105
Gil/Gold: 105
Strength: 15
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 16
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 8
Magic Defense: 46
Agility: 78
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 142
Race: Aquatic
Weakness: Lightning
Resistance: Fire, Earth
American Name: Rock Golem
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Stone Golem
Hit Points: 200
Experience: 2385
Gil/Gold: 1000
Strength: 70
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 50
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 16
Magic Defense: 110
Agility: 24
Special Attacks: Slow
Morale: 200
Race: Mage, Magical
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Earth, Lightning, Ice, Fire, Death, Petrification, Poison,
Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Saber Tooth
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Sabre Tiger
Hit Points: 200
Experience: 843
Gil/Gold: 500
Strength: 24
Number of Hits: 2
Hit Percentage: 50
Critical Hit Percentage: 70
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 8
Magic Defense: 106
Agility: 42
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 180
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Sahagin
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Sahuagin
Hit Points: 28
Experience: 30
Gil/Gold: 30
Strength: 10
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 7
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 4
Magic Defense: 28
Agility: 72
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 110
Race: Aquatic
Weakness: Lightning
Resistance: Fire, Earth
American Name: Sand Worm
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Sand Worm
Hit Points: 200
Experience: 2683
Gil/Gold: 900
Strength: 46
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 50
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 14
Magic Defense: 103
Agility: 62
Special Attacks: Earthquake
Morale: 124
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Earth
American Name: Sauria
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Basilisk
Hit Points: 196
Experience: 1977
Gil/Gold: 658
Strength: 30
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 54
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 20
Magic Defense: 91
Agility: 24
Special Attacks: Glare [1]
Morale: 200
Race: Dragon
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Scorpion
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Scorpion
Hit Points: 84
Experience: 225
Gil/Gold: 70
Strength: 22
Number of Hits: 2
Hit Percentage: 21
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Poison
Attack Effect Rate: High
Defense: 10
Magic Defense: 55
Agility: 54
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 112
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Scum
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Green Slime
Hit Points: 24
Experience: 84
Gil/Gold: 20
Strength: 1
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 1
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Poison
Attack Effect Rate: High
Defense: 255
Magic Defense: 36
Agility: 0
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 124
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: Fire, Ice
Resistance: Earth, Lightning, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep,
American Name: Sea Snake
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Sea Snake
Hit Points: 224
Experience: 957
Gil/Gold: 600
Strength: 35
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 56
Critical Hit Percentage: 0
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 12
Magic Defense: 116
Agility: 48
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 200
Race: Aquatic, Dragon
Weakness: Lightning
Resistance: Earth, Fire
American Name: Sea Troll
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Sea Troll
Hit Points: 216
Experience: 852
Gil/Gold: 852
Strength: 40
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 54
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 20
Magic Defense: 110
Agility: 48
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 200
Race: Regenerator, Aquatic
Weakness: Lightning
Resistance: Earth
American Name: Sentry
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Soldier
Hit Points: 400
Experience: 4000
Gil/Gold: 2000
Strength: 102
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 90
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 48
Magic Defense: 160
Agility: 96
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 150
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: Lightning
Resistance: Earth, Ice, Fire, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep,
American Name: Shadow
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Shadow
Hit Points: 50
Experience: 90
Gil/Gold: 45
Strength: 10
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 13
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Blindness
Attack Effect Rate: Low
Defense: 0
Magic Defense: 37
Agility: 36
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 124
Race: Undead, Magical
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Earth, Ice, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Shark
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Shark
Hit Points: 120
Experience: 267
Gil/Gold: 66
Strength: 22
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 30
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 0
Magic Defense: 70
Agility: 72
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 121
Race: Aquatic
Weakness: Lightning
Resistance: Fire, Earth
American Name: Slime
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Grey Ooze
Hit Points: 156
Experience: 1101
Gil/Gold: 900
Strength: 49
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 39
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Poison
Attack Effect Rate: High
Defense: 255
Magic Defense: 85
Agility: 24
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 200
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Earth, Lightning, Ice, Fire, Death, Petrification, Poison,
Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Sorcerer
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Mind Flayer
Hit Points: 112
Experience: 822
Gil/Gold: 999
Strength: 1
Number of Hits: 3
Hit Percentage: 28
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Death
Attack Effect Rate: Very Low
Defense: 12
Magic Defense: 187
Agility: 48
Special Attacks: Mind Blast
Morale: 130
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Specter
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Wight
Hit Points: 52
Experience: 150
Gil/Gold: 150
Strength: 20
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 13
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Paralysis
Attack Effect Rate: Low
Defense: 12
Magic Defense: 45
Agility: 42
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 160
Race: Undead
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Ice, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Sphinx
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Sphinx
Hit Points: 228
Experience: 1160
Gil/Gold: 1160
Strength: 23
Number of Hits: 3
Hit Percentage: 57
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 12
Magic Defense: 115
Agility: 120
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 132
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Earth
American Name: Spider
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Black Widow
Hit Points: 28
Experience: 30
Gil/Gold: 8
Strength: 10
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 7
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 0
Magic Defense: 28
Agility: 30
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 109
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Tiamat (Tower)
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Tiamat
Hit Points: 1000[2000]
Experience: 5496
Gil/Gold: 6000
Strength: 49
Number of Hits: 4
Hit Percentage: 80
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 80
Magic Defense: 200
Agility: 72
Special Attacks: Lightning, Poison Gas [2], Snowstorm [2], Flame [3]
Morale: 255
Race: Dragon
Weakness: Petrification, Poison
Resistance: Earth, Lightning, Ice, Fire
American Name: Tiamat (Temple)
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Tiamat
Hit Points: 1100[2200]
Experience: 2000
Gil/Gold: 1
Strength: 75
Number of Hits: 4
Hit Percentage: 85
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 90
Magic Defense: 200
Agility: 90
Special Attacks: Cloud, Blizzara, Thundara, Fira, Lightning, Poison Gas [2]
Snowstorm [2], Flame [3]
Morale: 255
Race: Mage, Dragon
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Earth, Lightning, Ice, Fire
American Name: Tiger
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Kitty Tiger
Hit Points: 132
Experience: 438
Gil/Gold: 108
Strength: 22
Number of Hits: 2
Hit Percentage: 33
Critical Hit Percentage: 25
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 8
Magic Defense: 85
Agility: 48
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 116
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: T-Rex
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Tyrannosaurus
Hit Points: 600
Experience: 7200
Gil/Gold: 600
Strength: 115
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 144
Critical Hit Percentage: 30
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 10
Magic Defense: 200
Agility: 60
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 150
Race: Dragon
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Troll
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Troll
Hit Points: 184
Experience: 621
Gil/Gold: 621
Strength: 24
Number of Hits: 3
Hit Percentage: 46
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 12
Magic Defense: 100
Agility: 48
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 136
Race: Regenerator
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Tyro
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Allosaurus
Hit Points: 480
Experience: 3387
Gil/Gold: 502
Strength: 65
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 133
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 10
Magic Defense: 200
Agility: 60
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 144
Race: Dragon
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Vampire
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Vampire
Hit Points: 156
Experience: 1200
Gil/Gold: 2000
Strength: 76
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 39
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Paralysis
Attack Effect Rate: Low
Defense: 24
Magic Defense: 75
Agility: 72
Special Attacks: Glare[7]
Morale: 200
Race: Regenerator, Undead, Magical
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Earth, Ice, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: War Mech
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Death Machine
Hit Points: 1000[2000]
Experience: 32000
Gil/Gold: 32000
Strength: 128
Number of Hits: 2
Hit Percentage: 200
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 80
Magic Defense: 200
Agility: 96
Special Attacks: Nuclear Attack
Morale: 200
Race: Regenerator
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Earth, Lightning, Ice, Fire, Death, Petrification, Poison,
Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Water
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Water Elemental
Hit Points: 300
Experience: 1962
Gil/Gold: 800
Strength: 69
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 68
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 20
Magic Defense: 130
Agility: 72
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 200
Race: Magical
Weakness: Ice
Resistance: Earth, Fire, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Werewolf
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Werewolf
Hit Points: 68
Experience: 135
Gil/Gold: 67
Strength: 14
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 17
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Poison
Attack Effect Rate: High
Defense: 6
Magic Defense: 45
Agility: 42
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 120
Race: Regenerator, Lycanthrope, Magical
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Wizard
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Pisco Demon
Hit Points: 84
Experience: 276
Gil/Gold: 300
Strength: 30
Number of Hits: 2
Hit Percentage: 21
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 16 98
Agility: 66
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 126
Race: Aquatic,, Magical
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Ice, Fire, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Wizard Mummy
Final Fantasy Origins Name: King Mummy
Hit Points: 188
Experience: 984
Gil/Gold: 1000
Strength: 43
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 47
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Sleep
Attack Effect Rate: High
Defense: 24
Magic Defense: 95
Agility: 24
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 148
Race: Undead
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Ice, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Wizard Ogre
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Ogre Mage
Hit Points: 144
Experience: 723
Gil/Gold: 723
Strength: 23
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 36
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 10
Magic Defense: 80
Agility: 54
Special Attacks: Blink, Darkness, Sleep, Hold, Blizzara
Morale: 134
Race: Regenerator, Mage, Demon
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Earth
American Name: Wizard Sahagin
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Sahuagin Prince
Hit Points: 204
Experience: 882
Gil/Gold: 882
Strength: 47
Number of Hits: 1
Hits Percentage 52
Critical Hit Percentage: 51
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 20
Magic Defense: 101
Agility: 96
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 200
Race: Aquatic
Weakness: Lightning
Resistance: Fire, Earth
American Name: Wizard Vampire
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Vampire Lord
Hit Points: 300
Experience: 2385
Gil/Gold: 3000
Strength: 90
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 42
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Paralysis
Attack Effect Rate: Low
Defense: 28
Magic Defense: 84
Agility: 72
Special Attacks: Fire, Silence, Blizzara, Thundara, Fira, Glare [7]
Morale: 200
Race: Regenerator, Mage, Undead, Magical
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Earth, Ice, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Wolf
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Wolf
Hit Points: 20
Experience: 24
Gil/Gold: 6
Strength: 8
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 5
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 0
Magic Defense: 28
Agility: 36
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 105
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: None Applicable
American Name: Worm
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Purple Worm
Hit Points: 448
Experience: 4344
Gil/Gold: 1000
Strength: 65
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 112
Critical Hit Percentage: 10
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 10
Magic Defense: 200
Agility: 36
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 200
Race: None Applicable
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Earth
American Name: Wraith
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Specter
Hit Points: 114
Experience: 432
Gil/Gold: 432
Strength: 40
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 29
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Paralysis
Attack Effect Rate: Low
Defense: 12
Magic Defense: 67
Agility: 108
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 160
Race: Undead, Magical
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Earth, Ice, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Wyrm
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Wyrm
Hit Points: 260
Experience: 1218
Gil/Gold: 502
Strength: 40
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 65
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 22
Magic Defense: 131
Agility: 60
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 150
Race: Dragon
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Earth
American Name: Wyvern
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Wyvern
Hit Points: 212
Experience: 1173
Gil/Gold: 50
Strength: 30
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 53
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Poison
Attack Effect Rate: High
Defense: 12
Magic Defense: 115
Agility: 96
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 150
Race: Dragon
Weakness: None Applicable
Resistance: Earth
American Name: Zombie
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Zombi
Hit Points: 20
Experience: 24
Gil/Gold: 12
Strength: 10
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 5
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 0
Magic Defense: 25
Agility: 6
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 120
Race: Undead
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Earth, Ice, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Zombie Bull
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Minotaur Zombie
Hit Points: 224
Experience: 1050
Gil/Gold: 1050
Strength: 40
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 56
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: None Applicable
Attack Effect Rate: None Applicable
Defense: 14
Magic Defense: 116
Agility: 36
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 136
Race: Undead
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Ice, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
American Name: Zombie Dragon
Final Fantasy Origins Name: Dragon Zombie
Hit Points: 268
Experience: 2331
Gil/Gold: 999
Strength: 56
Number of Hits: 1
Hit Percentage: 67
Critical Hit Percentage: 1
Attack Effect: Paralysis
Attack Effect Rate: Low
Defense: 30
Magic Defense: 135
Agility: 24
Special Attacks: None Applicable
Morale: 200
Race: Undead, Dragon
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Earth, Ice, Death, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis
Name List
| American Name | Final Fantasy Origins |
| Agama | Fire Lizard |
| Air | Air Elemental |
| Ankylo | Desert Bulette |
| Arachnid | Tarantula |
| Asp | Cobra |
| Astos | Astos |
| Big Eye | Deep Eye |
| Blue Dragon | Blue Dragon |
| Bone | Skeleton |
| Bull | Minotaur |
| Caribe | Piranha |
| Catman | Weretiger |
| Cerberus | Hell Hound |
| Chaos | Chaos |
| Chimera | Chimera |
| Cobra | Anaconda |
| Cockatrice | Cockatrice |
| Crawl | Crawler |
| Creep | Gigas Worm |
| Earth | Earth Elemental |
| Evilman | Death Knight |
| Eye | Beholder |
| Fighter | Dark Fighter |
| Fire | Fire Elemental |
| Frost Dragon | White Dragon |
| Frost Gator | Whitedile |
| Frost Giant | Ice Gigas |
| Frost Wolf | Winter Wolf |
| Gargoyle | Gargoyle |
| Garland | Garland |
| Gas Dragon | Green Dragon |
| Gator | Crocodile |
| Geist | Ghast |
| Ghost | Ghost |
| Ghoul | Ghoul |
| Giant | Hill Gigas |
| Great Pede | Remorhaz |
| Green Medusa | Earth Medusa |
| Green Ogre | Ogre Chief |
| Grey Imp | Goblin Guard |
| Grey Naga | Spirit Naga |
| Grey Shark | White Shark |
| Grey Wolf | Warg Wolf |
| Grey Worm | Lava Worm |
| Guard | Guardian |
| Hydra | Hydra |
| Hyena | Hyenadon |
| Iguana | Lizard |
| Image | Wraith |
| Imp | Goblin |
| Iron Golem | Iron Golem |
| Jimera | Gorgimera |
| Kary | Marilith |
| Kraken | Kraken |
| Kyzoku | Pirate |
| Lich | Lich |
| Lobster | Sea Scorpion |
| Mad Pony | Crazy Horse |
| Mage | Dark Wizard |
| Mancat | Rakshasa |
| Manticore | Manticore |
| Medusa | Medusa |
| Muck | Black Pudding |
| Mud Golem | Clay Golem |
| Mummy | Mummy |
| Naga | Water Naga |
| Naocho | Neo-Otyugh |
| Nightmare | Nightmare |
| Ocho | Otyugh |
| Odd Eye | Big Eye |
| Ogre | Ogre |
| Ooze | Ochre Jelly |
| Pede | Ankheg |
| Perilisk | Pyrolisk |
| Phantom | Death Beholder |
| Pirate | Pirate |
| Red Ankylo | Bulette |
| Red Bone | Bloody Bone |
| Red Caribe | Red Piranha |
| Red Dragon | Red Dragon |
| Red Gargoyle | Horned Devil |
| Red Giant | Fire Gigas |
| Red Hydra | Fire Hydra |
| Red Sahagin | Sahuagin Chief |
| Rock Golem | Stone Golem |
| Saber Tooth | Sabre Tiger |
| Sahagin | Sahuagin |
| Sand Worm | Sand Worm |
| Sauria | Basilisk |
| Scorpion | Scorpion |
| Scum | Green Slime |
| Sea Snake | Sea Snake |
| Sea Troll | Sea Troll |
| Sentry | Soldier |
| Shadow | Shadow |
| Shark | Shark |
| Slime | Grey Ooze |
| Sorcerer | Mind Flayer |
| Specter | Wight |
| Sphinx | Sphinx |
| Spider | Black Widow |
| Tiamat | Tiamat |
| Tiger | Kitty Tiger |
| T-Rex | Tyrannosaurus |
| Troll | Troll |
| Tyro | Allosaurus |
| Vampire | Vampire |
| War Mech | Death Machine |
| Water | Water Elemental |
| Werewolf | Werewolf |
| Wizard | Pisco Demon |
| Wizard Mummy | King Mummy |
| Wizard Ogre | Ogre Mage |
| Wizard Sahagin | Sahuagin Prince |
| Wizard Vampire | Vampire Lord |
| Wolf | Wolf |
| Worm | Purple Worm |
| Wraith | Specter |
| Wyrm | Wyrm |
| Wyvern | Wyvern |
| Zombie | Zombie |
| Zombie Bull | Minotaur Zombie |
| Zombie Dragon | Dragon Zombie |
- H1. Weapons/Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
- Weapons -
Weapons That Are Found/Bought (Normal):
Name |Where found |AP |Hit% |Users
Wooden Staff|Corneria |6 |0% |All but TH
Wooden |Corneria |12 |0% |N, BB, MA
Nunchuck | | | |
Rapier |Corneria |9 |5% |K, F, N, TH, RM, RW
Small Dagger|Corneria |5 |10% |K, F, N, TH, RM, RW, BM,
| | | |BW
Iron Hammer |Corneria, Provokia |9 |0% |K, F, N, WM, WW
Short Sword |Provokia |15 |10% |K, F, N, RM, RW
Scimitar |Provokia |10 |10% |K, F, N, TH, RM, RW
Hand Axe |Provokia |15 |5% |K, F, N
Iron |Elfland |16 |0% |N, BB, MA
Nunchuck | | | |
Iron Staff |Elfland, Melmond |14 |0% |K, F, N, BB, MA
Large Dagger|Elfland |7 |10% |K, F, N, TH, RM, RW, BM,
| | | |BW
Silver Sword|Elfland |23 |15% |K, F, N, RM, RW
Sabre |Elfland, Melmond |13 |5% |K, F, N, TH, RM, RW
Falchon |Melmond |15 |10% |K, F, N, TH, RM, RW
Long Sword |Melmond |20 |10% |K, F, N, RM, RW
Silver |Crescent Lake |12 |5% |K, F, N, WM, WW
Hammer | | | |
Silver Axe |Crescent Lake |25 |10% |K, F, N
Silver Knife|Crescent Lake |10 |15% |K, F, N, TH, RM, RW, BM,
| | | |BW
Catclaw |Gaia |22 |35% |K, N, RW, BW
Were Sword |Temple of Fiends |18 |15% |K, F, N, TH, RM, RW
Rune Sword |Temple of Fiends |18 |15% |K, F, N, RM, RW
Power Staff |Northwest Castle |12 |0% |All but TH
Dragon Sword|Dwarf Cave |19 |15% |K, F, N, TH, RM, RW
Great Axe |Titan's Tunnel |22 |5% |K, F, N
Coral Sword |Earth Cave |19 |15% |K, F, N, TH, RM, RW
Flame Sword |Ice Cave 2BF |26 |20% |K, F, N, RM, RW
Ice Sword |Castle of Ordeals 3F, |29 |25% |K, F, N, RM, RW
|Gurgu Volcano 4BF | | |
Giant Sword |Gurgu Volcano 2F |21 |20% |K, F, N, TH, RM, RW
Vorpal |Mirage Tower 1F |24 |25% |K, RW, N
Sunsword |Mirage Tower 2F |32 |30% |K, F, N, RM, RW
Katana |Sky Castle 3F, ToF |33 |35% |N
|Revisited, Fire Floor | | |
Xcalibur |Forged with Adamant |45 |35% |K
Masmune |ToF Revisited, Air Floor |56 |50% |All but TH
Weapons That Are Found (Magical):
Name |Where found |AP |Hit% |Users |Battle Ability
Heal Staff |Castle of Ordeals 3F|6 |0% |N, WM, WW |Casts Heal
Light Axe |Sea Shrine 4F, Sea |28 |15% |K, F, N |Casts Harm 2
|Shrine 2BF | | | |
Mage Staff |Sea Shrine 4F |12 |10% |N, BM, BW |Casts Fire 2
Defense |Waterfall |30 |35% |K, N, RW |Casts Ruse
Wizard Staff |Waterfall |15 |15% |BW |Casts Confuse
Thor's Hammer|Mirage Tower 2F |18 |15% |K, N, WW |Casts Lit 2
Bane Sword |Sky Castle 1F |22 |20% |K, N, RW |Casts Bane
- Armor -
Armor That Are Bought/Found:
Name |Location |Cost |Abs |Evd% |Users
Cloth |Corneria |10G |1 |2% |All
Wooden Armor |Corneria |50G |4 |8% |K, F, N, TH, BB,
| | | | |MA, RM, RW
Chain Armor |Corneria |80G |15 |15% |K, F, N, RM, RW
Cap |Elfland |80G |1 |1% |All
Wooden Shield |Provokia |15G |2 |0% |K, F, N
Iron Armor |Provokia, Elfland |800G |24 |23% |K, F, N
Gloves |Provokia |60G |1 |1% |All
Copper Gauntlet|Melmond |200G |2 |3% |K, F, N
Iron Shield |Elfland |100G |4 |0% |K, F, N
Copper Bracelet|Elfland |1,000G |4 |1% |All
Wooden Helmet |Elfland |100G |3 |3% |K, F, N
Iron Gauntlet |Melmond |750G |4 |5% |K, F, N
Steel Armor |Melmond |45,000G|34 |33% |K, F, N
Silver Bracelet|Melmond |5,000 |18 |8% |All
Silver Helmet |Crescent Lake |250G |6 |3% |K, F, N
Silver Shield |Crescent Lake |2,500G |8 |0% |K, F, N
Silver Armor |Crescent Lake |7,500G |18 |8% |K, F, N, RM, RW
Buckler |Crescent Lake |2,500G |2 |0% |K, F, N, TH, RM, RW
Silver Gauntlet|Crescent Lake |2,500G |6 |3% |K, F, N, RW
Flame Armor |Gurgu Volcano 5F |Found |34 |10% |K, F, N
Flame Shield |Gurgu Volcano 4BF |Found |12 |0% |K, F, N
Ice Armor |Ice Cave 3BF |Found |34 |10% |K, F, N
Ice Shield |Ice Cave 1F |Found |12 |0% |K, F, N
Gold Bracelet |Gaia |50,000G|24 |1% |All
Zeus Gauntlet |Castle of Ordeal 2F|Found |6 |3% |K, N, RW
ProRing |Gaia |20,000G|8 |1% |All
Power Gauntlet |Sea Shrine 2BF |Found |6 |3% |K, F, N, RW
Opal Bracelet |Sea Shrine 5F |Found |34 |1% |All
Opal Armor |Sea Shrine 4F |Found |42 |10% |K
Opal Helmet |Sea Shrine |Found |8 |3% |K
Opal Shield |Sea Shrine 5F, Sky |Found |16 |0% |K
|Castle 2F | | | |
Opal Gauntlet |Sea Shrine 5F, Sky |Found |8 |3% |K
|Castle 2F | | | |
Ribbon |Waterfall, Sea |Found |1 |1% |All
|Shrine 2BF, Sky | | | |
|Castle 2F | | | |
Dragon Armor |Mirage Tower 2F |Found |42 |10% |K
Aegis Shield |Mirage Tower 1F |Found |16 |0% |K
Heal Helmet |Mirage Tower 1F, |Found |6 |3% |K, N
|Sky Castle 1F | | | |
ProCape |Sky Castle 3F, ToF |Found |8 |2% |All
|Fire Floor | | | |
White Shirt |Sky Castle |Found |24 |2% |WW
Black Shirt |Sky Castle |Found |24 |2% |BW
Special Armor's Abilities:
Name |Attribute/Ability
Zeus Gauntlet |Casts Lightning 2 in battle
White Shirt |Casts Invisibility 2 in battle
Black Shirt |Casts Ice 2 in battle
Heal Helmet |Casts Heal in battle
Power Gauntlet|Casts Saber in battle
Flame Shield |Defends against ice attacks
Flame Armor |Defends against ice attacks
Ice Shield |Defends against fire attacks
Ice Armor |Defends against fire attacks
ProRing |Defends against instant death attacks
Opal Shield |Defends against lightning attacks
Opal Armor |Defends against lightning attacks
Ribbon |Defends against all enemy magic and status effects
Dragon Armor |Defends against all fire, ice, and lightning attacks
Aegis Shield |Defends against gas attacks
- I1. Secrets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
Rare Monsters
Deepeyes - 4th floor of Sunken Shrine, probably about 1/30 chance. You have
a higher encounter rate in the Temple of Chaos.
T-rex - When you land to go to Lufenia, walk around the top of the lake.
NE part of the desert where the mirage tower is. 1/62 chance of a
Red Dragon - Treasure chest in Mt. Gulg where you get the Flame Mail.
Sphinx - Infront of treasure chest on the 4th floor in Terra Cave.
War Mech (Death Machine) - If you walk around on the 5th floor of the
Flying Fortress you'll have a 1/64 chance of fighting Warmech.
Take 5 steps from the middle of the bridge (where the pillars
are) up. You'll either encounter a warmech, 4 fire hydras, or 3
aeros. War mech is the strongest enemy in the game.
Iron Golem - Only able to be found on the 4F basement in the Temple of
Chaos. You can fight him a lot more often between the two
"zig-zag" areas on your way to get the masamune. Around the
tourch that sets on the wall. I've fought about 8 here.
Mini Game
While in the ship, press and hold "X". Then press "O" till the screen
fades away, and a puzzle appears. You can win prizes this time too, yeah!
Here's how to beat it:
- J1. Ship Jigsaw Puzzle Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
| | | | |
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| 13 | 14 | 15 | X |
| | | | |
One of the most tedious aspects of Final Fantasy is saving up enough money
to buy good equipment and spells. Fortunately the programers of Final
Fantasy Origins modified the ship mini-game found in the original version
of FF to include massive cash prizes.
How do you get to the jigsaw puzzle?
Press and hold X. Then just press circle about 55+ time to access it.
For setting new record times you earn:
1st place: 10000 Gil - 100Gil/Gold Needle/Potion/Antidote
2nd place: 5000 Gil - 100Gil/Gold Needle/Potion/Antidote
3rd place: 2000 Gil - 100Gil/Gold Needle/Potion/Antidote
4th place or lower: - 100Gil/Gold Needle/Potion/Antidote
The beginning time records are 2, 4, and 6 minutes. Using the strategy
outlined below I typically earn times in the 40-45 second range. With a
little practice you'll be breaking the 2 minute record with ease.
There is a variation of this technique which I suspect is slightly faster
than this one. Unfortunately explaining it and it's possible problems would
require at lot more space than this technique does. What I expect people
will like most about this strategy is that you (almost) never have to worry
about more than one tile at a time and you also position all the tiles in a
very natural order.
So here is the order we'll do things in:
1st: tile 1
2nd: tile 2
3rd: tiles 3 and 4
4th: tile 5
5th: tile 6
6th: tiles 7 and 8
7th: tiles 9 and 13
8th: tiles 10 and 14
9th: tiles 11, 12, and 15
Enough exposition Math; on to the strategy!
General Tip: Pressing Start pauses the timer but you can still see the
screen. So, if you want some time to think just hit pause and resume when
your ready.
Phase I: Tiles 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Step 1: Slide tile 1 into its position.
Step 2: Slide tile 2 into its position.
Step 3: Get tile 4 out of the way put it somewhere at the bottom of the
board (This step isn't always necessary but it will insure that some nasty
things don't happen).
Step 4: Put tile 3 into tile 4's position (the top right corner).
Step 5: Position tile 4 directly below tile 3.
Step 6: Position the blank spot where 3 belongs.
The board now looks like this:
Diag. 1
| | | | | Key: # = tile with that number on it
| 1 | 2 | X | 3 | X = empty square
| | | | | - = tiles we don't care about yet
| | | | |
| - | - | - | 4 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| - | - | - | - |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| - | - | - | - |
| | | | |
Step 7: Now slide 3 to the left and 4 up.
Phase I is complete.
Phase II: Tiles 5, 6, 7, and 8 will be done in the same way as the first 4.
Step 1: Slide tile 5 into its position.
Step 2: Slide tile 6 into its position.
Step 3: Get tile 8 out of the way put it somewhere towards the bottom left
of the board. (This step isn't always necessary but it will insure that
some nasty things don't happen.)
Step 4: Put tile 7 into tile 8's position.
Step 5: Position tile 8 directly below tile 7.
Step 6: Position the blank spot where 7 belongs.
The board now looks like this:
Diag. 2
| | | | |
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| 5 | 6 | X | 7 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| - | - | - | 8 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| - | - | - | - |
| | | | |
Step 7: Now slide 7 to the left and 8 up.
Phase II is complete.
Phase III: Tiles 9 and 13. We have to change our strategy slightly because
space is beginning to get cramped.
Step 1: Get tile 9 out of your way, put it somewhere to the right.
(This step isn't always necessary but it will insure that some nasty
things don't happen.)
Step 2: Slide tile 13 into tile 9's position.
Step 3: Position tile 9 directly to the right of 13.
Step 4: Position the blank spot where 13 belongs.
The board now looks like this:
Diag. 3
| | | | |
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| 13 | 9 | - | - |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| X | - | - | - |
| | | | |
Step 5: Now slide 13 down and 9 to the left.
Phase III is complete.
Phase IV: Tiles 10 and 14 will be done in the same way as 9 and 13.
Step 1: Get tile 10 out of your way, put it somewhere to the right.
(This step isn't always necessary but it will insure that some nasty
things don't happen.)
Step 2: Slide tile 14 into tile 10's position.
Step 3: Position tile 10 directly to the right of 14.
Step 4: Position the blank spot where 14 belongs.
The board now looks like this:
Diag. 4
| | | | |
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| 9 | 14 | 10 | - |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| 13 | X | - | - |
| | | | |
Step 5: Now slide 14 down and 10 to the left.
Phase IV is complete.
Phase V: The last 3 tiles.
By virtue of the mathematics underlying the 15-puzzle you get the last 3
tiles for free. Just rotate them until they are in the correct position.
Phase V is complete.
- K1. Legal Disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright. This is property of FFMrebirth. I will tie you up
to a tree and smack you around interregation style if I catch you taking
this guide. Then sue you. Only sites that can use this are:
- L1. Thanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-
- Math Deity, for the Ship Puzzle section.
- My keyboard.
- Other inanimate objects that helped in the writing of this FAQ.
- Myself, for figuring everything out.
- Kain Stryder for picking up what I'm not doing. Thanks a lot, man.
- The Mandatory CJayC Thanks - For hosting my FAQ on his site.
- Reformed Pirate/Fox/ WHATEVER HIS NAME IS. He's a guy I've talked to
for a little bit off the boards, but I have to thank him for the
Weapons/Armor bit because I didn't quite have everything in order and used
his. You should check out some of his great work as well!
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Final Fantasy Origins - Final Fantasy II - FAQ/Walkthrough.
Written By: Kain Stryder.
E-Mail Address: [email protected].
Walkthrough Version: Final.
Last Updated: 5/14/07.
System(s): PlayStation.
= Table Of Contents =
| [ I. Introduction ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTR1 ] |
| |
| [ II. Current Updates ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CURUP2 ]|
| |
| [ III. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.) ] . . . . . . . . . . [ FAQ3 ] |
| |
| [ IV. How To Play ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HOTP4 ] |
| A. Controls And Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COAME5.1 ] |
| B. Moving Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MOVAR5.2 ]|
| C. Battle System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BASYS5.3 ]|
| D. Status Ailments/Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SAAICO5.4 ]|
| |
| [ V. The Characters Of The Story ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TCOT5 ]|
| A. Firion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FIRI5.1 ]|
| B. Maria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MARI5.2 ] |
| C. Gus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GU5.3 ] |
| D. Leon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ LEO5.4 ] |
| E. Mindu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MIND5.5 ] |
| F. Josef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ JOSE5.6 ] |
| G. Gordon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GORDO5.7 ] |
| H. Leila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ LEIL5.8 ] |
| I. Gareth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GARE5.9 ]|
| J. Cid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CI5.10 ]|
| K. Hilda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HIL5.11 ] |
| L. Pavel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PAVE5.12 ]|
| M. Emperor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ EMPER5.13 ] |
| |
| [ VI. The Walkthrough ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEWA6 ]|
| A. Beginning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BEGI6.1 ] |
| B. Waking Up In Altair...The Revenge Begins . . . . . . . [ WUP6.2 ] |
| C. Mythril Is The Key To Matching The Empire! . . . . . . [ MIT6.3 ] |
| D. The Dreadnought Must Be Stopped! . . . . . . . . . . [ TDMBS6.4 ] |
| E. Obtaining The Sunfire...The Dreadnought WILL Fall! . . [ OTST6.5 ]|
| F. The End Of The Dreadnought . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TEOTD6.6 ] |
| G. The Queen Of The Seas! Finding The Dragoons . . . . . [ TQOF6.7 ] |
| H. Princess Hilda's Been Kidnapped? Who Took Her?! . . . [ PHBK6.8 ] |
| I. Heading To Palamecia...The Tournament Awaits . . . . . [ HTPT6.9 ]|
| J. The Assault On Fynn...Retaking What Is Ours! . . . . [ TAOF6.10 ] |
| K. Castle Fynn's Basement Holds The White Mask! . . . . [ CFBH6.11 ] |
| L. The Magic Town, Mysidia...Obtaining The Black Mask . [ TMTM6.12 ] |
| M. The Hidden Island...The Black Mask Rests Here . . . . [ TMTM6.13 ]|
| N. The Mysidian Cave...Getting The Crystal Rod . . . . . [ TMCG6.14 ]|
| O. Swallowed By Leviathan! We Have To Escape! . . . . . . [ SBL6.15 ]|
| P. The Mysidian Tower...The Resting Place Of Ultima . . [ TMTTR6.16 ]|
| Q. The Destruction Of The World Begins... . . . . . . . [ TDOF6.17 ] |
| R. Into The Cyclone! The Showdown With Emperor . . . . [ ITCTS6.18 ] |
| S. The Skies Are Ours! Cid's Airship . . . . . . . . . . [ TSAO6.19 ]|
| T. Heading Into Castle Palamecia...Leon, Get Ready! . . [ HICPL6.20 ]|
| U. Castle Deist's Secret Posession...The Excalibur! . . . [ CDS6.21 ]|
| V. The Final Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TFT6.22 ]|
| W. Heading Into The Gates Of Hell...The Jade Passage . . [ HITG6.23 ]|
| X. Welcome To Hell...Pandaemonium . . . . . . . . . . . [ WTHP6.24 ] |
| Y. The Final Battle...This Is Where It Ends . . . . . . . [ TFB6.25 ]|
| Z. Ending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ENDI6.26 ] |
| |
| [ VII. Boss Guide ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BOGU7 ] |
| A. Black Knight x4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BLAKN7.1 ]|
| B. Sergeant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SERG7.2 ]|
| C. Adamantoise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ADAMA7.3 ]|
| D. Borghen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BORG7.4 ] |
| E. Shrieker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SHRI7.5 ]|
| F. Chimera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CHIM7.6 ] |
| G. Lamia Queen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ LAMQU7.7 ]|
| H. Behemoth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BEHEM7.8 ] |
| I. Gottos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GOTT7.9 ]|
| J. Gigan Rhino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GIGRH7.10 ] |
| K. Barrel Worm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BARWO7.11 ] |
| L. Fire Gigas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FIGIG7.12 ]|
| M. Ice Gigas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ICGIG7.13 ] |
| N. Thunder Gigas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THUGI7.14 ] |
| O. Emperor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ EMPER7.15 ] |
| |
| [ VIII. Monster List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MONLI8 ] |
| |
| [ IX. Item List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ITELI9 ]|
| |
| [ X. Weapon List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WEAPLI10 ] |
| A. Knives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KNIV10.1 ] |
| B. Swords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SWOR10.2 ] |
| C. Spears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SPEA10.3 ] |
| D. Axes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ AX10.4 ] |
| E. Bows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BO10.5 ] |
| F. Staves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ STAV10.6 ] |
| |
| [ XI. Armor List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ARMLI11 ]|
| A. Shields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SHIEL11.1 ] |
| B. Helmets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HELME11.2 ] |
| C. Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ARMO11.3 ]|
| D. Gloves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GLOV11.4 ] |
| |
| [ XII. Magic List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MAGILI12 ]|
| A. White Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WHIMA12.1 ] |
| B. Black Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BLAMA12.2 ] |
| |
| [ XIII. Shop Guide ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SHOGU13 ]|
| A. Altair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ALTA13.1 ] |
| B. Gatrea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GATE13.2 ] |
| C. Paloom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PALOO13.3 ]|
| D. Poft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ POF13.4 ]|
| E. Salamand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SALA13.5 ] |
| F. Bafsk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BAFS13.6 ]|
| G. Fynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FYN13.7 ]|
| H. Mysidia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYSI13.8 ]|
| I. Tropical Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TROPIS13.9 ]|
| J. Jade Passage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ JADPA13.10 ] |
| |
| [ XIV. Secrets ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SECRE14 ]|
| |
| [ XV. Credits ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CREDI15 ] |
| |
| [ XVI. My Words ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYWOR16 ] |
= Table Of Contents =
NOTE: I've added a Search Engine into all my FAQs now. To use this, if
there's something you wish to find instantly in my FAQ, in the above
table, on the left is the name of a section or sub-section. To the right
is a weird code, like GOK5.1. Basically, if you wish to go to the section
where I tell you about Goku under The Playable Characters Of The Story, on
your Keyboard, hold Ctrl and then hit F and a window will open. Type in
GOK5.1 and hit Find Next. It'll bring you to that section instantly. The
code to reach the Table Of Contents is just that: Table Of Contents. I
hope this makes browsing my FAQs easier for you. Enjoy!
= I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTR1 ] =
Hey there and welcome to another one of my, Kain Stryder's Walkthroughs.
This time, I'm teaming up with FFMrebirth to cover Final Fantasy Origins.
He's handling Final Fantasy I, while I handle Final Fantasy II. So, as
usual, please do not steal this walkthrough and claim it as your own, so
you can make a profit or something off of it. I worked hard on it and the
last thing I need is someone stealing it and saying they wrote it. It's
also not to be edited in any way, shape or form, unless I give permission
to do so. Also, it's not to be on any other site except GameFAQs. Again,
thanks for hearing me out on all this and reading this boring
introduction, but, I had to get it out of the way. Well, with that said,
let's get on with the walkthrough! Enjoy!
Update: This Walkthrough is now available at IGN, Neoseeker and any other
sites I've allowed via E-Mail to host this file. If I did not give you
permission to host this FAQ on your site, then you're hosting it illegally
and if you're reading this on a site with any variatin of "cheat" in its
name, please notify me so I may take the necessary action. Thanks.
= II. Current Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CURUP2 ]=
5/14/07 - Just writing in to let any readers know if they E-Mail me any
questions or comments, that my address still works. My willpower to write
walkthroughs over the last few years died, mostly to college and real
life, but I may just start this up again. Feel free to write in, thanks.
5/4/04 - Hey all. I've totally completed The Walkthrough now and I've
marked this as the final version of the guide. Everything's completed now
and nothing's left undone or anything. So, if I ever need to update this
guide again for either a correction, update with info from a reader, etc,
I will, but until then, this is as done as it can be. Well, enjoy it and
I'll see you next time!
5/3/04 - Moving right along now, it seems. Today, I only accomplished
getting The Walkthrough up to the start of Leviathan. Yeah, not a whole
lot, but at least it's something. Well, expect more tomorrow!
5/2/04 - Sorry for the long delay in no updates, but I became quite busy
on an assignment for IGN. Anyway, that's done now and work will continue
once more for this guide. For today, I've updated up to going to Mysidia
and ended right after I suggested you start training there. Expect more
tomorrow and until then, enjoy!
4/7/04 - Hey there, fellow reader. I've updated The Walkthrough up to just
meeting Leila at Paloom and going to find the Dragoons. Decent portion
covered today, I'd say. Anyway, I'll do more tomorrow, so until then,
enjoy and take care!
4/6/04 - Eh, not much more today. I updated The Walkthrough up to Kai'son
Castle. Sorry I didn't get more done today, but, I've been sort of busy.
Expect more tomorrow, though.
4/5/04 - Well, I started The Walkthrough today. I only updated up to
Semitt Falls, but it's a good start I think. I'll do more tomorrow if I'm
not busy, but until next time, enjoy what's there...
4/4/04 - Alright, sorry for the slight delay, but Section IV. How To Play
is up, so, all that remains now is the walkthrough itself. Expect some
starting of it in a day or so, depending on how busy I get, but until
then, enjoy!
3/31/04 - I added up the Shop Guide and The Characters Of The Story
Sections. By tomorrow, I hope to have Section IV done, since after that
comes the actual walkthrough and Boss Guide as well. So, until tomorrow,
3/30/04 - Not alot for me today. I finished up the Black Magic List and
added the Secrets Section. Expect more tomorrow.
3/29/04 - Eh, not much today. I added the Item, Weapon and Armor Lists,
plus I started the Magic List. The White Magic is done, but not the Black
Magic. So, yeah, expect more updates very soon...
3/26/04 - I started the guide as you can see...but all that's up so far is
the Monster List. So, yeah, more progress is coming soon, so just bear
with me as I do this and expect much, much more very soon. Until then,
enjoy what's here...
= III. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.) . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FAQ3 ] =
None as of yet. Oh well. If you have something to ask me, send it to
[email protected] or if I get asked something enough, I'll throw it up
= IV. How To Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HOTP4 ] =
- A. Controls And Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COAME5.1 ]-
Ok, let's start with the controls first, shall we?
D-Pad - Moves your character around and allows you to browse Menus of
Left/Right Analog Stick - Does nothing.
Select - Press this while holding the Circle Button to view the World Map.
Start - Confirms options and also opens the Menu.
Square Button - Allows you to bring up the Magic Menu in a shortcut way.
Triangle Button - Opens up the Menu.
X Button - Examine, Talk, Confirm and get on/off of Vehicles.
Circle Button - Cancel an option, hold down to run and hold down and press
the Start Button to view the World Map.
R1 Button - Allows you to bring up the Status Menu in a shortcut way.
R2 Button - Allows you to bring up the Reformation Menu in a shortcut way.
L1 Button - Allows you to bring up the Item Menu in a shortcut way.
L2 Button - Allows you to bring up the Equipment Menu in a shortcut way.
Ok, that takes care of the controls. Next up, is the Menus in the game,
starting with the Main Menu.
As you start up the game, select "Final Fantasy II" and if you wish, watch
the opening cutscene. Then, afterwards, select one of the following:
New Game - Starts up a new game.
Load Game - Loads a game you saved on your Memory Card.
Memo File - Appears only if you Saved your game to the Memo File and if
you haven't turned off your system. Basically, this lets you start off
where you last quick Saved your game instead of where you last Saved at a
Now, if you're starting a New Game, you'll have to name the characters of
the story. They are already named as Firion, Maria, Gus and Leon, but you
can change them. Unfortunately, these are not the official names of the
characters, as they were changed for the US release, but if you want,
their real names are Frionel, Maria, Guy and Leonhart, but Frionel and
Leonhart won't fit, so, do whatever you wish.
Alright, next up we have the Menu in the game. I'll start with the pop up
one that appears when you talk to people and can ask them something or
learn a new phrase:
Ask - Select this and the word you wish to ask the person and if they have
anything to say to you about that, they will, otherwise, all they'll say
is "?".
Memorize - If when talking to a person and a word appears in green,
select this and then the word to Memorize that word, so you can ask about
it from now on.
Items - If you need to show a person or an object an Item, then select
this and the Item and you'll get a response, IF it's a person that should
know about the Item or the one that needs the Item.
Ok, that's the Menu that pops up when talking, now, here's the one that
appears when you hit the Start Button or any of the Buttons that are short
cuts it. First, we'll look at the main screen, where all your party
members are, your Menu Options, etc:
Mug Shot - Show you a picture of the character in your party.
Name - Name of the character.
HP - Value of that character's health. The first number is the Health
remaining, the second is the maximum value. If the number reaches 0, they
die and can't fight until they are revived.
MP - Value of that character's magic points. The first number is the Magic
Points remaining, the second is the maximum value. If the number reaches
0, they can't use any Magic until it's refilled.
Ok, to the left is the Menu Options, but below that is:
Time - Total amount of play time you've been playing.
Steps - Total number of Steps you've taken in the game.
Gil - The currency used in Final Fantasy. Shows you how much Gil you have
Location - Tells you the name of the place you're currently in.
And now, for each Menu Option:
Items - Holds and shows you what Items you currently possess. At the
bottom, you can get a discription on each Item, so, put the finger on the
Item you want to learn about. To use a Item, select it twice. At the top
of the page, select "Use" to use an Item and "Sort" to organize your Items.
Magic - Allows you to see what Magic Spells each character learns. To
learn Magic, select the Magic Scroll you have in your Items and select
the character you want to have it learn, then they'll learn it. What
you'll see is the name of the Spell and two numbers, like "Cure 1-0".
The first number is the Level of the Spell, from 1-16 and it also tells
you how many Magic Points it costs to use it. The second number tells you
how far along the Spell is to the next Level. 0-99 tells you and once it
goes back to 0, it gains a Level. To raise it, use it in Battle more and
more. At the bottom of the screen, you'll see what the Magic Spell does,
as well as the Discard Bin, which if you want to throw a Spell out, select
it and then put it in there to get rid of it.
Equipment - Lets you Equip your characters. Equip lets you manually Equip
them, Strongest automatically gives them the best Equipment you have and
Best Defense Equips them according to what would make their Defense the
highest possible. When you are Equipping something, if you see a green
arrow, that means your rating increases, a red arrow means a decrease in
your ratings and a white arrow means no increase. Now, while Equipping
yourself, you'll see a window with all your Items, plus a description of
each one.
Status - Shows you the numerical value of each character's values of
power. First we have the character's stats from the opening Menu and
below it we have:
Note: Each value maxes out at 99.
Primary Hand - The hand that the character is better with, so Equip that
hand with the Weapon, the other with a Shield.
Attack - Shows you the strength of how much damage a character can do, at
base value.
Accuracy - How well a character can accurately hit the target.
Defense - Shows you how well a character can defend against physical
attacks from a Monster.
Evasion - Shows you how well a character can avoid physical attacks.
Magic Defense - Shows you how well a character can defend against magical
Strength - Determines how strong your Attack is.
Endurance - Determines by how much your HP will increase each time it
increases. So if it's 34, then your HP will increase by 34 next time.
Spirit - Determines how well you perform White Magic.
Agility - Determines how fast you attack in Battle and also how well your
Evasion is.
Intelligence - Determines how well you perform Black Magic.
Magic - Determines by how much your MP will increase each time it
increases. So if it's 34, then your MP will increase by 34 next time.
Finally, to the left shows you your current Mastery of Weapons/Shield,
which works exactly like Magic does and finally, at the bottom is your
current Equipment for that character.
Formation - Select this to switch the row of your characters. If they are
in the back row, they can only be hit by long range attacks and can only
attack and hit with long range attacks. Though, Magic Spells are NOT
effected by this at all. This is good for your Magic users and people
who use Bows and are generally weak, but for the most part, have most of
them in the front row to deal the best damage.
Keywords - Shows you the list of Keywords you've Memorized currently in
the game. To the left it lets you see a description and some information
about the Keyword.
Config - Allows you to edit the options in Final Fantasy II. They are:
Auto Target - Allows your characters in Battle to automatically attack the
next Monster, but if you turn this off, they'll attack the same Monster,
even if they're already dead.
Map - Allows you to see the World Map as either a Globe or Flat Map.
Circle Button - Dash - Lets you run manually or automatically without you
holding the Circle Button down.
Cursor - Select either Default or Memory to have your Cursor either go
back to the normal position it goes to at all times when you exit the
Menu or have it remain in the last area you had it.
Sound Output - Select either Stereo or Mono.
Controller - Lets you change the Buttons and their functions to meet
whatever options you want. If you want to put everything back to how it
was, hit the Select Button.
Text Speed - Choose how fast text appears. The lower the number, the
slower it is, the higher the number, the faster it is.
Item Sorting - Allows you to choose in what order your Items are sorted.
Vibration - Lets you turn the Controller's Vibration On or Off.
Window Color - Lets you edit the Window's Color, using Red, Green and
Blue colors, each value darkening or lightening the color of the Menu's
Collections - Lets you view the Bestiary, Item Collection and Art Gallery.
The number next to the Bestiary Monsters is how many of that Monster
you've defeated, incase you weren't aware of that.
Memo File - Lets you Save your game at ANY time, but once you turn off
your system, the Memo File is gone, so make SURE you Save your game to
your Memory Card instead. If you die, you can load your game from your
Memo File, if you have one, as long as the system hasn't been turned off.
Save - Lets you Save your game if you're on the World Map.
Whew, well, that covers the controls and Menus in the game. I hope that
helped you out.
- B. Moving Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MOVAR5.2 ] -
Movement in Final Fantasy II is basically just like most RPGs. You move
around on a World Map, Town, Dungeon, etc to get from place to place, as
well as using Vehicles to sometimes help you get around faster or to areas
you couldn't reach normally. Walking around Towns is rather easy, but
here's the things you'll see that are important:
Sword - A sign with a Sword on it represents a Weapon Shop.
Shield - A sign with a Shield on it represents a Armor Shop.
Magic Rod - A sign with a Magic Rod on it represents a Magic Shop.
Inn - A sign with the words "Inn" on it represents a Inn.
Pot - A sign with a Pot on it represents a Item Shop.
Sanctuary - A building that allows you to revive fallen party members for
Pub - A sign with the words "Sign" on it represents a Pub.
Ok, that's the stuff in Towns. Remember to buy something, select "Buy"
and select what you want and to sell something, select "Sell" and sell
watever it is you wish to sell. of course, Towns are represented by a
bunch of houses, Castles by Castles, Dungeons by caves and so forth. As
for the type of Vehicles:
Chocobo - Found only in one place in the game, which is in a small circle
area in the forest to the south of Kai'son Castle, the Chocobo lets you
travel at twice the normal walking speed and you'll encounter no Enemies.
Canoe - Once you receive the Canoe, you can travel in Rivers and Lakes
Snowcraft - Lets you travel across deep snow.
Ship - Allows you to travel across the Ocean.
Airship - Allows you to fly around the world, but you can only land on
plains, nothing else.
Alright, well, that covers moving around and such. Not much else to
explain, so, yeah, onto the next area!
- C. Battle System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BASYS5.3 ] -
The Battle System in Final Fantasy II is much different than any Final
Fantasy to date. Being the bastard child of the series, the Battle System
doesn't use Experience, but instead depending on your actions, your stats
will increase. First, let's take a look at the Battle Screen and what
you'll see first before fighting:
Characters - Shows you to the left what characters are currently in your
Monsters - Shows you to the right what Monsters you're currently fihting.
Then, below this are boxes, showing the characters' names and HP, plus
the names of the Monsters and how many of them there are currently. Next,
up we have the Battle Commands:
Attack - The character attacks the selected Monster with their normal
physical attack.
Magic - The character attacks the selected Monster with a Magic Spell.
Equip - The character can change their Weapons/Shield during the Battle.
Flee - The character takes a chance at running from the Battle. If they
do, then the entire team will retreat.
Items - In the Equip area, you can use one of the Items you Equipped your
character with.
Ok, make a note if all party members each 0 HP or are all Stoned, then
it's Game Over, so be careful.
Next, we have the fighting itself and how to get the stats for each for
character, depending on your actions in Battle. Depending on what you do,
your stats will increase. So, here's a list of the things you can do and
what each one will give you by training:
Note: When a certain stat increases, another decreases. Such as when
Intelligence increases, Strength decreases, Endurance descreases as
Increases and Strength decreases when Spirit increases and so forth and
vice versa.
Attack - When you Attack, your Strength increases, as well as your
Lose HP - Endurance increases and/or HP increases.
White Magic - Spirit increases and makes White Magic stronger and more
Black Magic - Intelligence increases and makes Black Magic stronger and
more accurate.
Lose MP - Magic increases and/or MP increases.
Attack With Weapons - Accuracy increases and your number of Hits does as
Taking Damage From Physical Attacks - Increases your Evasion and/or
Agility, making you able to dodge attacks easier, as well as increase your
Taking Damage From Magical Attacks - Increases your Magic Defense from
Magic Attacks.
Ok, after that, that about sums up the Battle system. Again, if you want a
easy way to gain stats, check Section IV. Secrets for more, otherwise,
ignore it and train the normal, hard and tedious way. Not much else to
explain here, so, with that, we move onto the next area.
- D. Status Ailments/Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SAAICO5.4 ] -
Throughout the game, you'll be plagued by certain conditions. Here's a
list of each of them and what they do and how to heal from it if it's
something that'll hurt you.
Amnesia - The character loses the ability to cast Magic. This will last
even after Battle, but to cure it, use Esuna Level 3 and up or a Mallet.
Curse - Reduces the success of a character's actions. This will last even
after Battle, but to cure it, use Esuna Level 2 and up or a Cross.
Darkness - Blinds the character and reduces their Accuracy. This will last
even after Battle, but to cure it, use Esuna Level 1 and up or a Eye Drops.
KO - When the character loses all their HP, they are KO'd and can't act.
This lasts even after Battle, but to cure it, use the Life Spell, a
Phoenix Down or go to a Sanctuary.
Mini - The character becomes small and their accuracy decreases, but
there's a chance of recovery for each turn in Battle. This won't last even
after Battle, but to cure it, use Basuna Level 4 and up.
Muddle - The character becomes confused and attacks other party members,
but there's a chance of recovery for each turn in Battle. This won't last
even after Battle, but to cure it, use Basuna Level 6 and up.
Mute - The character loses the ability to cast Magic, but there's a chance
of recovery for each turn in Battle. This won't last even after Battle,
but to cure it, use Basuna Level 3 and up.
Paralysis - The character becomes paralyzed and can't act at all, but
there's a chance of recovery for each turn in Battle. This won't last even
after Battle, but to cure it, use Basuna Level 5 and up.
Poison - Deals damage to the character each turn. This will last even
after Battle, but to cure it, use Esuna Level 1 and up or a Antidote.
Sleep - The character falls asleep and can't act at all, but there's a
chance of recovery for each turn in Battle. This won't last even after
Battle, but to cure it, use Basuna Level 2 and up.
Stone - The character becomes Petrified and can not act. This counts as
a KO in a sense, so, if you are the only one left and you are Stoned,
it's Game Over. Be careful. This will last even after Battle, but to cure
it, use Esuna Level 5 and up or a Gold Needle.
Toad - Turns the character into a Toad, lowers their Attack and they lose
the ability to cast Magic. This will last even after Battle, but to cure
it, use Esuna Level 4 and up or a Maiden's Kiss.
Venom - Deals damage to the character each turn, but there's a chance of
recovery for each turn in Battle. This won't last even after Battle, but
to cure it, use Basuna Level 1 and up.
Alright, well, that covers the Status Ailments in the game, so, be
prepared to defend yourself against them.
= [ V. The Characters Of The Story ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TCOT5 ]=
Be warned: The following may contain spoilers in the game, so, if you
don't want to know about the characters, then don't read this section at
- A. Firion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FIRI5.1 ] -
The main character of the story. An orphan who was taken in by Maria and
Leon's Parents, he escaped with Maria, Gus and Leonhart from Fynn after
the Empire attacked. Barely escaping with his life, he and his friends
begin their journey as Rebels set out to stop the evil Empire...
- B. Maria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MARI5.2 ]-
A young girl who lives in Fynn with her brother Leonhart and adopted
brother Firion. When the Empire attacked Fynn out of nowhere, herself and
the others escaped the attack, only to barely survive a Battle afterwards.
With Leon missing, she decides to search for him, as well as help Firion
and Gus in their quest to stop the Empire and get revenge for her parents.
- C. Gus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GU5.3 ]-
The tall and silent type, Gus makes up for his bad vocabulary with his
brute Strength and Defense. A friend of Firion, Maria and Leon's, he is
one of the few to escape Fynn after its attacked and together with Firion
and Maria, he decides to help them fight the Empire and to find Leon. It's
rumored, though, that he was raised by Animals...
- D. Leon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ LEO5.4 ]-
The brother of Maria, Leon is the mystery character of the party. Although
he's not with you for very long once he rejoins you, even in the end, he
has that Kain aura about him from Final Fantasy IV. The lone Wolf if you
will. Though, how he reappears and what he's been doing since his
disappearence is better left for you to find out...
- E. Mindu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MIND5.5 ]-
A talented Magician, Mindu is a loyal retainer of Princess Hilda. When he
joins your team, he's only with you for a short time, but his knowledge of
vast Magic comes in handy and he's a definite welcome to you. Later on, he
serves a greater purpose, which you'll have to play to see...
- F. Josef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ JOSE5.6 ]-
A strong Monk who's a friend of Princess Hilda's and part of the Rebels.
For the time he's with you, he's not THAT good, but what happens to
him...well, you'll have to play and see.
- G. Gordon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GORDO5.7 ]-
A member of the Royal Family of Kai'son, Gordon is over all average, yet
weak. He's one of the few party members that's with you twice, though both
times are short. The reason he joins you is because he needs assistance to
acquire the Egil's Torch, but he's too weak to fight the Monsters around
the place. Anyway, his main duty after he leaves you is...well, play and
see for yourself.
- H. Leila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ LEIL5.8 ]-
Your typical run of the mill Pirate. Not exactly smart, but she is
brighter than Gus, I'll say that much. Anyway, she's at first an Enemy to
our heros, but she quickly joins them once she's at their mercy and even
offers the seas to them via her Ship. A rather good fighter and Magic
user, Leila is with you for a good amount of the game and even becomes a
good guy soon afterwards, even after she leaves your party because
of...heh, again, play and see.
- I. Gareth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GARE5.9 ] -
The last Dragoon that was rumored to have died. You'll find him inside
Leviathan, alive and well and willing to help you. A strong fighter, for
the time he's with you, he's a welcome addition to the party. Although,
what happens to him...? Well, see for yourself...
- J. Cid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CI5.10 ] -
The man who rules the skies...well, sort of. Cid runs a Airship business
in the game, which he'll fly you anywhere...for a price of course. He's a
friend of Princess Hilda's and an ally to you later and hell, he's how you
get your Airship! His fate? Well...wait and see...
- K. Hilda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HIL5.11 ]-
The Princess of Fynn, she was forced to flee to Altair for temporary
relocation after the Empire attacked. Setting up a small base there, she
and her people became known as the Rebels, which opted to fight the Empire
and stop their thirst for power. Throughout the game she helps the party
by giving them hints and clues, as well as orders on what to do next, but
she never joins you.
- L. Pavel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PAVE5.12 ] -
A Ninja like spy, Pavel works for the Rebels as the information man about
the Empire. Rather goofy here and there, he means well and is actually
rather helpful to you later on when his assistance is required, although
he doesn't personally join your party.
- M. Emperor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ EMPER5.13 ]-
The man behind it all, Emperor's Goals are unknown, but apparently he
wants to rule the world and have power all for himself by any means
neccessary. He is your Enemy and the one responsible for the deaths of
Firion, Maria and Leon's Parents. If he isn't stopped, the world as they
know it will end.
= VI. The Walkthrough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEWA6 ]=
Note: My only real advice to you in the game is to choose your Magic
Spells wisely and not to train the ones you don't need. For a
recommendation on the ones I suggest and don't suggest, check out out
Section XII. Magic List for more. Also, if you want an easy way to train,
please check out Section XIV. Secrets for a hint on easy Stats. Be sure to
train here and there otherwise, so you aren't always weak. For a good
base, make sure your HP is about 2,500 at the end of the game with your
Magic at Level 8+, same with Weapons/Shield and possibly 50+ for whatever
Stats you are training your characters in. By the way, do NOT, I repeat,
do NOT bother training your 4th party member, EVER.
They are NEVER with your for long, so do NOT bother with them. ONLY bother
with Leon. Finally, if you're aiming for a perfect game, like 100% in
Bestiary, Item Collection and Art Gallery, just make sure you find every
Item and Monster in the game and you'll be fine. For information on where
each is located, please read The Walkthrough below. As for Levels/Stats,
I WILL make a recommendation, but it's totally up to you how you want to
build your party up. Only use what I say as a guideline if you don't care
for my opinion. Finally, (Yes, again.) remember the Inn trick: Heal
everyone up with Magic and then go to the Inn to save on Gil, since the
Inn's cost varies on how much HP you need to recover and the same with MP.
Final Note: If you are playing on Normal Mode, BE CAREFUL, because you can
not Run, view the World Map as "Flat" and you can't Auto-Target Monsters,
so it's just like playing the original NES version. Also, I will only at
the top of each area suggest the HP you should have or want to train to.
The rest is totally your call, as I have no idea how you'll train your
guys, but I can recommend stuff, yet I don't know if you'll follow it, so,
do whatever I guess. Also, I will NOT remind you to Save your game. That
is YOUR responsibility, so, Save and make Memo Files whenever you feel the
need to. I can't hold your hand forever, you know :P.
So, yeah, thanks for reading all that and enjoy Final Fantasy II!
- A. Beginning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BEGI6.1 ]-
After you choose names for the 4 characters, watch the opening cutscene,
which will show you the horrible attack on Fynn, as four youths barely
escape with their lives. Still in pursuit by some Black Knights, they are
all forced into an unwinnable Boss Battle. You COULD go to Section VII.
Boss Guide for a "strategy", but don't bother. Instead, when you enter the
Boss Battle, just choose "Attack" and lose, since you can't win this.
After everyone goes down, the game will then truly begin...
- B. Waking Up In Altair...The Revenge Begins . . . . . . . . . [ WUP6.2 ]-
- Altair -
Enemies In The Area: None. (Outside: Goblin, Hornet, Strangler.)
Items To Get: Potion x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 200-300.
As the scene comes back in, Firion is being revived by Mindu and Hilda,
which is the one who found him and two (Two?) others barely alive. After
some talking about leaving him to recover and something about the
Dreadnought and the Empire attacking full force, they leave, as Firion
awakens. Wondering where he is, he calls out his friends' names and rushes
out to find Maria and Gus. After the reunion and seeing that Leon is still
missing, they both join Firion and go and see Princess Hilda. Firion asks
to join the Rebels, but Hilda won't let them and tells them to go home,
but their parents are dead and they have no home. She tells them she's
sorry and they can live in Altair, but they need to learn the password,
so, talk to her and Memorize Wild Rose.
You can Ask Hilda about the "Wild Rose" and she mentions what it is and
how possibly Leon is at Fynn, due to them rounding up survivors and
putting them there, but due to Monsters, it's not going to be easy.
Anyway, after this, go ahead and talk to anyone you wish in the Rebels'
Hideout here and when you're ready, make sure you grab the Treasure Chest
to the west in the main room to get a Potion. After this, exit the Rebels'
Hideout and in Altair, you can talk to the people, but not a lot of them
really give out a whole bunch of useful information. Though, you'll want
to go shopping, definitely. You don't have too much Gil to start with, so,
I suggest you get Armor first. Buy Gus a Buckler, 3 Leather Caps for
everyone and 3 Leather Gloves for everyone, though you'll only have enough
for 2. Once you get more money by training, get the third Leather Glove,
then at the Magic Shop, be sure to by one of each Spell. Trust me, you
WILL want these. (Also, Pavel and Gordon are near the Rebels' Hideout, so
talk to them if you wish. Both are important later on.)
Also, you'll want to figure out what Weapon each character will train the
most in and you'll want to keep it that way. It's totally pointless and a
waste of time to train everyone in everything or to train 2 or more people
in the same Weapon, due to not always having the best Equipment for each
one at the same time. The default is Firion-Sword, Maria-Bow and
Gus-Axe. Leon uses a Sword and a Axe if you were wondering. I suggest you
keep them training in the defaults, but it's up to you. I used the Sword,
Bow and Axe with them and I had a GREAT time with it. Daggers are crappy,
fists are good if you don't like Weapons, Spears are ok and Staffs
generally suck for 95% of the game, so, yeah, Sword, Bow and Axe will do
for you. If not, whatever you want, really.
As for who to train in Magic...well, alot of people suggest you train
everyone in it, but I suggest you train Maria with Magic only. Training
everyone takes a good while and you'll want to keep Firion and Gus as
your power hitters and Maria as the Spell caster. I know, only one Magic
user for the game? Well, I did JUST fine with her alone, but again, up to
you. Either way, most of the Magic is useless and I'll give you my
recommendations throughout the walkthrough on what to buy and what not to,
but it's always your call. I WILL get you through the game, but if you
think something is better or not as good as I suggest, that's cool. If,
though, you are following what I say, since Maria is using a Bow and
being your Magic User, keep her in the Back Row.
Anyway, make sure to buy the Cure, Fire, Ice and Bolt Spells when you can,
the other Leather Glove and outside, get everyone's HP up to at least
200-300, higher if you want and everyone's Weapon/Shield Skills up to at
least Level 3 or so. Also make sure to get Cure, Fire, Ice and Bolt up to
Levels 2-3 if you can. For buying Items, this is totally up to you. The
prices are OUTRAGEOUS in this game, but I do suggest some Potions,
Antidotes and Eye Drops. (Note: For a quick and easy way to train, check
out Section XIV. Secrets for more.) Once you're ready, though, head
northwest of Altair and enter Gatrea.
Note: If you really want to over train yourself, go for at least 1,000 HP,
Level 8 for Cure, Fire, Ice and Bolt and as high Weapons/Shield Skills you
can get before you notice they aren't increasing anymore. By then, you'll
NEVER have to train for a GOOD amount of the game and when you do, you'll
only need to do it once more and then you can easily beat the game. I
don't recommend this, though, unless you REALLY like uber strong
characters and want the game to be a cakewalk for the most part. Up to
you, so, make your choice now.
- Gatrea -
Enemies In The Area: None. (Outside: Goblin, Hornet And Strangler.)
Items To Get: None.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 200-300.
There's not alot here...only thing you can do is talk to the people. The
Weapon/Item Shops have nothing new, but check the Armor Shop and buy Maria
a Leather Armor. Once you get this, exit Gatrea and head west across the
bridge and follow the lake around up to the north, then east to Fynn and
enter it.
Note: On your way to Fynn, there's some blue patches of land you'll see.
IF, that's a big if, you are feeling daring and want to fight some strong
Monsters, walk around here. The Monsters are quite rewarding, especially
the Soldiers, Spiketoises and Warlocks. Most of the time you'll receive
Scrolls from the Warlocks, which some sell for 5,000 Gil!!! Getting a few
of these babies and selling them will net you a decent amount of pocket
change for a good while. Also, you may receive some of the Mythril
Equipment here, although it's rare, possibly even a Battle Axe for Gus.
The Monsters you can fight here are: Ogre, Ogre Mage, Warlock, Spiketoise,
Wererat, Phorusracos and Deadringers. Up to you, but I don't suggest this
if you are weak. 300 HP minimum and with some decent Magic as well to at
least barely survive.
- Fynn -
Enemies In The Area: Captain, Goblin, Hornet And Strangler.
Items To Get: Potion x3 and Ring x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 300.
Once you enter Fynn, I STRONGLY advise you don't talk to ANY of the
Soldiers here, as they are Captains and will royally knock you around.
If, though, you have about 1,000 HP and some VERY high Magic, go for it,
as they drop Golden Mails and Flame Bows, some REALLY good stuff at this
point in the game. Though, if you can't fight them, don't worry about it.
Anyway, you'll notice you'll fight Battles around here, but it's nothing
you can't handle. Every shop here is empty and it looks like no one's
around...but, go to the very north of Fynn, like you're going to leave and
carefully edge your way around the trees, that lead to the east and hug
the wall you come to and head south to find the Pub. Enter it and head
over to the man behind the counter and tell him "Wild Rose" and he'll tell
you about a injured Soldier inside a hidden passage near him.
He'll leave, so, enter the wall to the east and in this area, follow the
path and open the 3 Treasure Chests here to get 3 Potions, then talk to
the man in bed. He thinks you're trying to sell him off to the Empire and
tells you to kill him, but tell him "Wild Rose" and he sees you're Rebels.
After telling you he's Scott, the Prince of Kai'son, though it was rumored
he was killed in combat. He was almost, but he's getting there and tells
you to tell his brother, Gordon, to be the new leader and to get some
confidence in himself and so forth, talking about Fynn being overtaken
and such. He speaks about Hilda, but tells them not to tell her about him
loving her, since she needs to find someone else. Maria asks about Leon,
but Scott doesn't know him, as he gives you the Ring, which lets you view
the World Map now, (Hold the Circle Button and then press the Start
Button.) as Scott passes out and dies.
After this, go ahead and leave Fynn. Outside, head back to Altair.
- Altair -
Enemies In The Area: None. (Outside: Goblin, Hornet, Strangler.)
Items To Get: Canoe x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 200-300.
Back in Altair, head to the Rebels' Hideout and talk to Hilda. Show her
the Ring by going to Items when you speak to her and she sees it was
Scott's. She asks about him, but Firion fills her in on the bad news and
he gives her the Ring, but she tells you to keep it, noticing how you
infiltrated Fynn and lived and how she underestimated you. After letting
you become Rebels, she speaks about needing Mythril, so, talk to her again
and Memorize Mythril and ask her about it. She tells you they need it,
since the Empire had Mythril Equipment and they couldn't match it, so,
they also need it in order to fight them. After telling you to head to
Salamand and find Josef, the one she sent to investigate where a Mythril
Mine might be, talk to Mindu, who Hilda wants you to go with.
He's right next to Hilda, so, speak with him and he'll join you and give
you the Canoe, your first Vehicle. Mindu is a welcome addition to the
party, knowing a vast amount of Spells and having a fair amount of power.
I suggest you rob him of his Copper Plate and give it to Firion and also
take his Magiconch and Ether for yourself. Equip him with a Buckler,
Firion's Leather Armor, a Leather Cap and Leather Gloves, but don't bother
training him at all. Also, talk to Hilda again and Memorize "Dreadnought"
from her, since it's something the Empire is making now. Ask her about it
and Memorize Airship, then ask her about it and you'll learn about Cid,
who use to lead the White Knights, but now runs a Airship service in Poft.
When you're ready, do some more training if you wish, but either way,
leave Altair and head north into the lake, then head east to find Paloom
and enter it.
- C. Mythril Is The Key To Matching The Empire! . . . . . . . . [ MIT6.3 ]-
- Paloom -
Enemies In The Area: None. (Outside: Goblin, Hornet, Loper And Strangler.)
Items To Get: None.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 300-400.
Nothing much is happening in Paloom, but the Armor Shop is worth checking
out. They hold the Bronze Equipment, so, buy 3 Copper Plates, 3 Bronze
Shields, 4 Bronze Helmets and 4 Bronze Gloves and sell whatever you don't
need now. As for the Magic Shop, if you really think you'll need it, buy
Shield and Shell, but don't bother with Blink. Otherwise, don't bother
with anything here. After this, nothing much else to do here, so, go back
to the entrance of Paloom and talk to the Sailor here and agree to pay him
32 Gil for a ride to Poft, then leave Paloom when you're ready, enter the
Ship and you'll arrive at Poft in just a few seconds. When you do, enter
- Poft -
Enemies In The Area: None. (Outside: Goblin, Hornet, Loper And Strangler.)
Items To Get: None.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 300-400.
Well, Poft is basically a clone of Paloom, as far as Equipment goes. If
you didn't get something in Paloom, now's your chance. Either way, though,
the only thing to do around here is go to the Pub and talk to Cid. (Take a
wild guess on which one he is.) Tell him "Airship" and he'll tell you to
talk to the guy behind him if you want to go somewhere. If you tell him
"Dreadnought", he snorts about how crappy it is compared to his Airship.
If you really want to, pay the Gil to go to Salamand, but I suggest you
walk there, as it's not THAT far away. Your call, though. If you walk it,
leave Poft and head northwest until you find a town in the snow mountains.
If not, you'll arrive there via Airship instantly.
- Salamand -
Enemies In The Area: None. (Outside: Bloodsucker, Goblin, Goblin Guard,
Hornet, Loper, Queen Bee, Sasquatch, Soldier And Strangler.)
Items To Get: None.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 300-400.
Ah, now this place has some upgrades for your Weapons. I suggest getting
Firion the Long Sword, Maria the Longbow, Gus the Battle Axe and Mindu the
Mace. (Or whatever Weapons you have everyone training in.) You can buy the
Bronze Mail, but it's no different than the Copper Plate...weird. Either
way, definitely check out the Magic Shop. I suggest you DEFINITELY get
Life and Warp, as both are very, very useful. Faze and Banish are
worthless, so, don't bother with them. After this, head into the house in
the northeast part of town to find Josef and tell him anything you want to
get a response out of him, but definitely "Mythril" and "Wild Rose." He
can't trust you yet, but tells you if you can rescue some villagers who
were taken to Semitt Falls, he'll help you out.
So, stock up on whatever you need to buy and then head to Semitt Falls,
which is to the west. Walk as far west as you can and you'll see a river
to the south and enter it, following it to the east until you see a cave.
This is Semitt Falls, so, enter it.
- Semitt Falls -
Enemies In The Area: Balloon, Goblin Guard, Goblin, Green Slime, Loper,
Sasquatch, Sergeant, (Boss.) Soldier, Spiketoise And Zombie.
Items To Get: 1 Gil, 10 Gil, 50 Gil, 200 Gil, Eye Drops x1, Fire Scroll
x1, Mythril x1, Potion x2 And Warp Scroll x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 400-500.
Note: Up to you, but try to Level up your new Magic Spells a few Levels,
maybe get some more HP or whatever. This is a great place to do it, but if
you need to, head back to Salamand and heal up.
As you enter Semitt Falls, head west as far as you can, ignoring the blue
crystal you see and head north when possible. Grab the Treasure Chest here
to get 10 Gil. Wooo. Next, head south as far as you can go and then head
east and grab the Treasure Chest here to get 200 Gil and then head west
and head down the stairs to the next area. On this floor, head northwest
as far as you can to find a Treasure Chest which holds a Eye Drops, then
head east and grab the Treasure Chest here to get a Potion. Next, head
south and follow the path and grab the Treasure Chest you find to get a
Potion, then continue north to find 4 doors. Enter the door farthest to
the west, as the other 3 doors lead to empty rooms and you'll probably
fight a Battle as you leave, so, yeah. In this area, just head down the
stairs to the next floor and on this floor, head south to find a Treasure
Chest which holds 1 Gil. Yay.
Afterwards, head northwest and then head south across a bridge you see to
get a Treasure Chest which holds 50 Gil. Then, head north to find 3 doors
here. Enter the door farthest to the west, as the other 2 lead to empty
rooms and in this room, you'll find the villagers of Salamand and even
Pavel. Talk to Pavel and he sees who Firion is and explains what's
going on, mainly about Molly, Josef and this evil person named Borghen.
He tells him he was looking for Mythril himself and got caught and tells
Firion to distract the guard while he and the others escape. So, after
this, head east down the stairs and on this floor, follow the path north
to find a Treasure Chest, which holds a Fire Scroll, then head east until
you see 4 bridges. Head across the bridge to the north and follow the
path to the east all the way around to the south and head down the stairs.
On this floor, head west across the bridge and follow the path and ignore
the door you see and go east to find a Treasure Chest. Open it to get a
Warp Scroll, but you'll have to fight a Spiketoise for it. Your Weapons
won't really hurt it, but make sure you use Ice on it to quickly end the
Battle. After this, head back to the south and go across the bridge and
head north this time, then enter the door to the west. You'll see someone
guarding a Treasure Chest, so, heal up and get ready for a Boss Battle.
When you're ready, talk to the Sergeant and if you need to, head to
Section VII. Boss Guide now for a strategy on him. Otherwise, fight him
yourself and continue on afterwards.
After the Battle, open the Treasure Chest nearby to get the Mythril, then,
either walk your way out or use Mindu's Warp Spell or anyone else who has
it to instantly leave this place. Once you're outside, you COULD head back
to Salamand and see Josef, but you don't have to and instead, just head
back to Altair, via the Ship in Poft by talking to the Sailor there like
you did in Paloom. Once you're back in Altair, use Magic to heal the party
and rest at the Inn, then go and see Hilda and show her the Mythril Item.
She sees it's Mythril and tells you to go to the Weapon Shop and give it
to Tobul. So, do so and talk to Tobul, the old man at the Weapon Shop and
give him the Mythril and now Altair, Paloom and Poft have Mythril
Equipment for you! I STRONGLY suggest you buy here at Altair the Mythril
Sword and Mace for Firion and Mindu, then at the Armor Shop, buy 3 Mythril
Shields, 4 Mythril Helmets, 4 Mythril Mails and 4 Mythril Gloves.
Sell whatever you don't need, stock up on whatever Items you may want and
train some more if you wish. When you're ready, head out of Altair and go
back to Poft. Though, at Paloom, buy Gus the Mythril Axe or any other
Weapons you want that you may have the characters using. Once you're at
Poft, pay Cid 100 Gil to take you to Bafsk, your next destination. Or, if
you want to walk it, just head northeast and follow the mountains around
to the south and you'll find it. Either way, once there, enter Bafsk.
- D. The Dreadnought Must Be Stopped! . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TDMBS6.4 ]-
- Bafsk -
Enemies In The Area: None. (Outside: Bloodsucker, Goblin Guard, Goblin,
Hornet, Loper, Queen Bee, Sasquatch, Soldier And Strangler.)
Items To Get: None.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 400-500.
Eh, Bafsk doesn't have much to offer you, in terms of Weapons and Armor.
Your Mythril Equipment is WAY better than the crap they sell, although
check out the Magic Shop. I suggest you DEFINITELY get Esuna, maybe
Basuna if you really hate Status Ailments that only last for the duration
of the Battle, but it's your call. Fear and Silence are utterly useless,
so, just don't bother with them. After this, from the Magic Shop, head
west and talk to the Soldier you see here and tell him Dreadnought. He
tells you he's a Rebel Spy and your ally and tells you how to get to the
Dreadnought, as he leaves, deciding to split up. Follow the path west and
head down the stairs when you're ready.
- Bafsk Cave -
Enemies In The Area: Balloon, Bloodsucker, Goblin Guard, Hornet, Soldier,
Strangler And Zombie.
Items To Get: Longbow x1, Long Sword x1 And Pass x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 400-500.
As you enter this cave, head north and grab the Treasure Chest you see to
get a Long Sword. Oh boy, how...useful. Anyway, next, head east and follow
the path around and go south when possible and continue to follow the path
west, then south and grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Long Bow.
Again, yay. Then head east and up the stairs and on this floor, head east
as far as you can and then head north and follow the path and talk to the
Dark Knight. He tells you he'd never leave the Dreadnought unguarded while
it was being worked on and tells you nothing can stop them now, as he
leaves and Borghen enters, taunts you and leaves himself. After the cool
cutscene, enter the cave again and head east and enter the door here and
in this room, grab the Treasure Chest here to get a Pass, the key to
entering the Dreadnought. After you get this, head east and step on the
teleporter here to warp out of this place and arrive outside of Bafsk.
Now, backtrack to Altair again and at Poft, ask Cid about the Airship
again to learn about the "Sunfire" and how his Airship and the Dreadnought
runs on it. After this, continue on back to Altair and once there, remove
all of Mindu's Equipment, use his Magic to heal your party if need be and
rest at the Inn. Then, go and talk to Hilda. (Note: Notice the damage here
and at Paloom and Poft? Bad, isn't it?) You'll learn about the
Dreadnought's attack and how the King's dying and there's nothing they can
do. Mindu will leave the party now, since he needs to attend the wounded
and tells Firion to stop the Dreadnought. Talk to Hilda and ask her about
the "Sunfire" and she'll tell you about how Kai'son Castle has it, using
it to light up the courtyard. Firion wonders if they can use it to stop
the Dreadnought and Hilda thinks it'll work and tells you to go to Kai'son
immediately and to get it, but she's not sure how you will.
After this, leave and head east and enter the room here to find Mindu and
the King. Talk to the King and ask him about the "Sunfire" and he'll tell
you you can't enter the castle without a Goddess's Bell. Memorize
Goddess's Bell, then ask him about it and you learn only people of the
Kai'son Clan know where it is. (Also, you can ask him about the Airship if
you want.) So, go back and ask Hilda about it and she tells you Scott and
Gordon knew about it, as it's located in the Snowfields and mentions how
Josef is familiar with them. So, when you're ready, head out and go back
to Salamand and once there, go and see Josef. Once you find him, talk to
him and he thanks you for saving his daughter and says he's sorry about
lying, but Borghen forced him to. Ask him about the Goddess's Bell and
he'll tell you you can't make it far without his Snowcraft and how it's in
Semitt Falls near a blue crystal.
He'll then join your party after this. Woo. Again, don't bother training
him, as he won't be with you for very long. Rob him of his Items if you
wish and give him Mindu's Equipment, minus the Mythril Mace and then once
you're ready, head out of Salamand and go back to Semitt Falls and once
there, enter it.
- Semitt Falls -
Enemies In The Area: Balloon, Goblin Guard, Goblin, Green Slime, Loper,
Sasquatch, Soldier And Zombie. (In the Snowfield: Icicle And Yeti.)
Items To Get: Snowcraft x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 400-500.
Once you're inside Semitt Falls, head west and go to the blue crystal and
go to the northeast of it and examine th wall. He tells you he used the
blue crystal as a marker for where the Snowcraft was and he opens the
passage now, so, enter the wall where he hit and in this area, open the
Treasure Chest here to get a Snowcraft. After this, exit Semitt Falls and
outside, head north now and enter the snowfield. Head east across the
snowfield, until you see a cave to the north and enter that cave.
- Snow Cavern -
Enemies In The Area: Adamantoise, (Boss.) Balloon, Borghen, (Boss.)
Deadringers, Floating Skull, Goblin Guard, Goblin, Grenade, Icicle,
Shadow, Yeti And Zombie.
Items To Get: 100 Gil, 150 Gil, Ancient Sword x1, Antidote x1, Battle Axe
x1, Goddess's Bell x1, Ice Scroll x1, Mythril Mace x1, Mythril Shield x1,
Mythril Spear x1, Notus x1, Potion x2 And Silver Plate x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 500-600.
As you enter the Snow Cavern, follow the path and head west when you can
to find a Treasure Chest, which holds 100 Gil. Then, follow the path south
and grab the next Treasure Chest you see to get 150 Gil. Next, continue
south and head down the stairs to the east and on this floor, just follow
the path and head down the stairs, ignoring the door that leads to a room
with nothing. On this floor, head north and follow the path around to find
a Treasure Chest, which holds a Notus. After this, head back to where you
entered this floor and head east now and when you can, head north up the
stairs and on the previous floor, follow the path and grab the 3 Treasure
Chests around here to get a Battle Axe, Antidote and a Mythril Mace, which
you'll have to fight Grenades for.
Next up, backtrack to the previous floor and head south now as far as you
can go and follow the path west and head down the stairs. On this floor,
head northwest and grab the Treasure Chest here to get a Potion, then head
east and open the Treasure Chest here to get a Ice Scroll. Then, head
south and grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Potion, then head east
and grab the final Treasure Chest here to get a Mythril Spear. Next, head
north past the door, since it's another empty room and head down the
stairs nearby and on this floor, head west as far as you can to find a
Treasure Chest that holds a Mythril Shield. Then, backtrack a bit,
ignoring the door near the Treasure Chest, since it's also empty and head
southwest as far as you can to find a Treasure Chest, which holds a
Ancient Sword, but you have to fight some Shadows and Ghouls for it.
Once you get done, I suggest giving the Ancient Sword to Firion or whoever
is using a Sword, as it's much better than the Mythril Sword. Then, head
east and enter the door you see here and in this room, talk to the Giant
Beaver to the far north against the wall, but you can't understand him.
Luckily, Gus does, so, Ask him about the Goddess's Bell and Gus tells you
that he says there's a hole in the wall to the east and a Monster protects
the Goddess's Bell. After this, go ahead and go east up to the top of the
wall and go through it into the next area and in this area, just follow
the path all the way around and grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a
Silver Plate. Since it's the same as a Mythril Mail, don't bother with it,
unless someone doesn't have a Mythril Mail.
Either way, heal up and prepare yourself for another Boss and when you're
ready, talk to the Monster nearby. If you need a strategy, head to Section
VII. Boss Guide now for one, otherwise, move on after you defeat the
Adamantoise. After the Battle, head north and examine the Goddess's Bell
and after you get it, head up the newly formed stairs here and back on the
first floor now, make your way to the entrance and remove all of Josef's
Equipment before you talk to Borghen nearby. Once you do, he tells you
he's failed thanks to you and the Emperor doesn't tolerate failure and
he'll be killed for sure now, as you enter another Boss Battle. Again, if
you need a strategy, head to Section VII. Boss Guide now, otherwise, fight
this yourself and continue on.
After the Battle, your party walks past him to leave, but he gets up and
with his last breath, summons a boulder to kill you and bring you with him
to Hell. Your party can't escape it, but Josef stops it and tells
everyone to go on without him, but they can't leave him there. He tells
them to go and they do, as the boulder slowly pushes Josef into a wall and
kills him. After mourning the loss, leave this place and head back to Poft
and use Cid's Airship to go to Kai'son now. (Note: Buy/Sell and/or train
if you wish, but when you're ready, continue on.) Once you're there, enter
Kai'son Castle.
- E. Obtaining The Sunfire...The Dreadnought WILL Fall! . . . [ OTST6.5 ] -
- Kai'son Castle -
Enemies In The Area: Adamantoise, Balloon, Bloodsucker, Floating Skull,
Ghast, Ghoul, Goblin Guard, Goblin Prince, Hornet, Mine, Ogre, Ogre Mage,
Queen Bee, Shadow, Shrieker, (Boss.) Soldier, Spiketoise, Strangler,
Wererat, Wraith And Zombie.
Items To Get: 300 Gil, Antidote x1, Cure Scroll x1, Egil's Torch x1, Eye
Drops x1, Golden Mail x1, Gold Shield x1, Mallet x1, Mythril Axe x1,
Mythril Shield x1, Mythril Sword x1, Sunfire x1 And Werebane Staff x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 500-600.
Note: Possibly THE hardest Monster to encounter in the game, the Goblin
Prince can be located anywhere on the entrance floor of Kai'son Castle.
He has a very low chance of appearing, but just walk around and get into
Battles until you find him.
As you enter the castle, head north past the Sunfire, since you can't get
it yet and go up to the gate and use the Goddess's Bell on it to unlock
it. Then, enter the door and in this area, follow the path to find Gordon
and talk to him, as he explains how he thought only he could get the
Sunfire, though the Monsters were too tough for him. He needs the Egil's
Torch to hold the Sunfire and Maria asks if he knows his way around the
place, but he truly doesn't. He asks to join you, as you allow it, though,
don't bother training Gordon, though, I do recommend getting his HP up a
little, since he's very weak as it stands. Give him all of Josef's
Equipment and if you still have it, the Mythril Spear you picked up
Once you're ready, head east and follow the path down the stairs and back
in this area, head south to find a Treasure Chest, which holds a Cure
Scroll. Then, head back north and go west now, then head south when you
can, ignoring the door, since it leads to a empty room and head up the
stairs you come across. On this floor, head south and then east when you
can and follow the path and grab the Treasure Chest you come across to get
300 Gil. Next, head west and follow the path up the stairs and on this
floor, follow the path and head east when you can, then head south down
the middle path in the room and head west to find a Treasure Chest. Open
it to get a Gold Shield, but you'll have to fight some Wererats for it.
After you're done, I suggest giving the Gold Shield to Firion if you have
him with a Shield or anyone else you wish, since it guards against Poison
and has the same Defense as a Mythril Shield. Next, backtrack to the north
and head east, then south and follow the path and go up the stairs into
the next area. On this floor, head west past the first path to the south
and go down the second path to the south and enter the door near you. In
this room, grab the 3 Treasure Chests here, which hold a Mythril Sword,
Mythril Axe and a Werebane Staff. Then, exit the room and head southeast
and follow the path until you find some stairs. Go up them and on this
floor, head northeast and head south when you can to find a Treasure
Chest, which holds a Golden Mail, plus a Battle with some Mines. I suggest
you give the Golden Mail to Firion or whoever you want with the best
Defense at the moment.
Next, head northeast and enter the door you see and in this room, open the
3 Treasure Chests here to get a Eye Drops, Mallet and a Antidote. After
this, exit the room and head as far southwest as you can to find some
stairs. Head down them and back on this floor, enter the door and prepare
to fight a Boss, so, heal up, get ready and approach Shrieker and talk to
him. If you want a strategy for this Boss, head to Section VII. Boss Guide
now, otherwise, fight him yourself and then continue on. After the Battle,
grab the Treasure Chest nearby to get the Egil's Torch, then either walk
back out to the front or use Warp if you have it, then re-enter the castle
and go up to the Sunfire. Use the Egil's Torch on it after you examine it
and you'll obtain the Sunfire. Next, leave Kai'son Castle and outside now,
head south to see a scene where the Dreadnought is chasing Cid's Airship.
After the cool cutscene of the Airship being captured, you'll need to make
your way back to Altair now. It's a long ways back, but to make this
easier on you, head south and look for a small circular clearing in the
forest and enter it. In this area, talk to the lone Chocobo and then get
on it and ride it back to Bafsk, which is to the northwest from where you
are. From Bafsk, head to Poft and once there, ride the Ship to Paloom,
then make your way back to Altair. Once in Altair, sell off any Items you
don't need, buy anything you may need, heal at the Inn, then go and see
Hilda...who's missing. Huh, weird. Ok, instead, go and see the King and
Mindu. Talk to Mindu to learn about what happened to Hilda, then ask him
about the Dreadnought. He tells you that it needs to land and refuel
sometime, but that's all. Hmm...not much else to go on. Go to the main
room and talk to the people here to learn about that the Dreadnought may
be up north past Fynn.
Well, it's all you have to go off on, so, when you're ready, leave Altair
and outside, if you wish, train a little more. Weapons should be anywhere
from Level 4-6, same with your Shield, Magic should be about 4-6 hopefully
as well and HP should be 500-600 or so. Stats can vary, but whatever they
are, depending on if the rest of the above is around there, you'll be
fine. Just make sure you have the best Mythril Equipment possible, plus
the few pieces of Equipment that're better than Mythril that you recently
received at Kai'son Castle. When you're ready, head up to Fynn and head
northwest, until you finally reach the Dreadnought after walking for a
good while. (Note: New Monsters are in the area, mainly the ones I listed
back at the start of the game near Gatrea and Fynn that I told you to
fight so that you could get a INSANE amount of Gil and Mythril Equipment
early on.) When you're ready, though, enter the Dreadnought.
- F. The End Of The Dreadnought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TEOTD6.6 ]-
- Dreadnought -
Enemies In The Area: Balloon, Captain, Ghast, Ghoul, Helldiver, Hill
Gigas, Mine, Sergeant, Shadow, Soldier, Stunner, Warlock, Werepanther,
Wererat And Wraith.
Items To Get: 400 Gil, Crescent Sword x1, Ice Shield x1, Main Gauche x1,
Potion x2, Shade Bow x1, Thief's Gloves x1, Titan's Helmet x1 And Trident
Suggested Max HP To Get: 600-700.
As you enter the Dreadnought, head north and talk to the Captain here.
Show him the Pass and he'll let you go by as he takes his leave, but, if
you tell him Wild Rose, well, you'll fight him. I do NOT suggest you fight
him, although if your HP is about 1,000 or so and your Fire/Ice/Bolt is
Level 7+, go for it, but BE CAREFUL. Either way, once you gain access to
move on, do NOT talk to the Captains walking around, unless you want to
fight them. They DO drop Golden Mails and Flame Bows, some REALLY good
Equipment, but fight them at your own risk. Anyway, head east and go down
the stairs and on this floor, you'll see a Treasure Chest being a locked
door. Damn. But, wait, there's a secret entrance!
From the staircase, head east and go through up to the wall and you can go
through it and once you do, grab the Treasure Chest to get the Crescent
Sword. Though, you'll have to fight Sergeants and Warlocks for it, but
they aren't that hard. Next, backtrack up the stairs and on the previous
floor, head northwest and go up the stairs and head all the way west to
find a Treasure Chest, which holds 400 Gil, then head back east and follow
the path, ignoring the doors, since they lead to empty rooms and follow
the path south, then east when you can and follow the path north to find a
door. Enter it and in this area, head down the stairs and on this floor,
follow the path and head west when you can and follow the path to find a
Treasure Chest that holds a Shade Bow. Give it to Maria or whoever is
using a Bow, if anyone, as it's much better than the Mythril Bow.
Next, head east and follow the path south when you can to find another
Treasure Chest to the west that holds a Thief's Gloves. I suggest you give
them to whoever uses a Bow in your party, if anyone, since they can't
Equip a Shield, having their Agility boosted will give some some decent
Evasion and higher Defense than the Mythril Gloves. If not, just give it
to anyone you want. After this, head east and examine the locked door to
free Cid and Hilda. Go in and talk to Hilda if you wish, as she tells you
she's sorry to have troubled you and all, since they were coming to get
you, but got captured. Then talk to Cid, as he tells you to destroy the
Dreadnought with the Sunfire, as he and Hilda escape and they'll get out
on his Airship. After this, follow the path back to the stairs, but this
time, head east as far as you can go and grab the 2 Treasure Chests here
to get 2 Potions.
After this, backtrack to the stairs and head up them, then enter the door
and back on this floor, follow the path as far southwest as you can now
and follow the path east afterwards and head down the stairs nearby. On
this floor, just follow the path and enter the door and in this room, head
down the stairs. On this floor, head east as far as you can go, passing
the staircase in the middle of the room and on the other side you'll find
4 Treasure Chests. Open them to get a Titan's Helmet, Ice Shield, which
you'll have to fight a Hill Gigas, Soldiers and Warlocks for, so, be
prepared, Main Gauche and a Trident. Equip whoever you wish with any of
these new pieces of Equipment, depending on how you're training and using
your guys, especially since the Titan's Helmet and Ice Shield are better
than the Mythril Equipment. Give, though, Gordon the Trident if no one
else is using a Spear and use the Main Gauche if anyone is using a Knife
Next up, head west and go up that staircase you just passed and head up
the stairs and on this floor, enter the door to the west and in this room,
just head down the stairs. On this floor, you're in a maze now, with
Captains blocking the path all around you. You CAN fight them, but they'll
never disappear, so, be warned. To correctly get out of this hell hole,
go north, then west, then south, then southeast and then east as far as
you can and at the dead end, head north, then northeast, then west, then
south when you can, then southeast and then follow the path around and
enter the door. In this room, head north and examine the engine and use
the Sunfire on it, as the Dreadnought begins to explode. Though, the
Black Knight appears and tells you you haven't won just yet, as Maria
thinks he's Leon, but Firion tells them they have to get out of here now,
as they leave and you'll see them run from each floor of the Dreadnought.
After this, watch the mighty Dreadnought burn and explode into nothing,
then, you'll see Cid take you in his Airship and drop you off at Altair.
Go ahead and enter Altair and first, go ahead and sell anything you don't
need, then buy anything you do need, heal yourself, then rest at the Inn
and then make sure to remove all of Gordon's Equipment, plus rob him of
his 2 Potions if you haven't already, as he's leaving in a minute. When
you're ready, go and see the King. As you do, Gordon approaches him, as
the King tells you his last words, which are making Gordon the new leader
along side Hilda, having Mindu go and unseal the Ultima Scroll and for
Firion to go to Deist and enlist the help of the Dragoons and the Wind
Drakes. After telling you to take care of Hilda, he dies. After the heart
breaking moment, you'll regain control of Firion.
So, go and talk to Gordon in Hilda always was and Memorize "Dragoon", then
ask him about it and he tells you about how the Dragoons can control and
talk to the Wind Drakes. Memorize "Wind Drakes" and ask him about it and
he tells you if you can find a Dragoon and a Wind Drake, they'll aide you
and to get to Deist, go to Paloom and get on a boat. Well, looks like
we're going to Paloom again. When you're ready, head on over to Paloom. At
Paloom, you'll notice a new woman standing near the Sailor that'll take
you to Poft. Talk to her and she sees you need to go to Deist and offers
to take you there with her crew. Maria doesn't like this woman too much,
but Firion takes her up on the offer and she tells him she'll be waiting
outside of Paloom for him. So, leave Paloom and outside, head east and
enter the Ship you see.
- G. The Queen Of The Seas! Finding The Dragoons . . . . . . . [ TQOF6.7 ]-
- Ship/Sea -
Enemies In The Area: Buccaneer, Helldiver, Killer Fish, Pirate And Sea
(Deist Area: Ghast, Ghoul, Hill Gigas, Ogre Mage, Shadow, Sliver,
Spiketoise And Wraith.)
Items To Get: Ship x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 700-800.
As you enter the Ship, it starts to sail a bit and after a little while, a
scene takes place, as it seems Leila tricked you! Apparently, she's a
Pirate and she wants your valuables in return for your lives. Though, you
aren't going down that easy, so she summons her men to fight you. This is
NOT a hard Battle. If you've played Final Fantasy I, this Battle should
seem familiar to you. After the Battle, Leila surrenders herself to you
and she's surprised Firion wants her to join them. After this, she'll join
you AND give you her Ship! Yay, your first vehicle. So, next, onward to
Deist, home of the Dragoons. Pull up your Map and you nee the island
farthest to the northeast with the yellow and pink dot on it? That's
Also, Equip Leila if you wish, since she'll be with you for a good while,
but don't really train her too much. Do give her the Main Gouche you have,
since she's good with Knives and a Shield instead of a Sword in her other
hand and don't forget she's Left Handed, so Equip the Main Gouche in her
Left Hand and the Shield in her Right Hand/ (Also, give her Gold Hairpin
to one of your other party members and give her what they were wearing.)
Anyway, head to Deist and once there, enter Castle Deist.
- Castle Deist -
Enemies In The Area: None.
Items To Get: Antidote x1, Cottage x1, Cross x1, Curse Scroll x1, Eye
Drops x1, Gold Needle x1, Mallet x1, Phoenix Down x1, Sage's Wisdom x1,
Sain't Spirit x1, Stop Scroll x1, Stun Scroll x1, Unicorn Horn x1 And Wing
Blade x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 700-800.
As you enter this place, notice how there's no Monsters here, which is a
good thing. Then, head north to find a boy and talk to him, as he runs
off. Then, talk to him again and afterwards, follow him up the stairs. In
this area, grab the Treasure Chest to the west to get a Cottage, then head
southwest and go down the stairs here and back on this floor, grab the
Treasure Chest here to get a Phoenix Down. Next, head back up the stairs
and back on this floor, head to the northeast and head down the stairs
here and back on this floor, head west and enter the door here. In this
room, open the 8 Treasure Chests here to get a Gold Needle, Sage's Wisdom,
Saint's Spirit, Wing Blade, Mallet, Cross, Antidote and a Eye Drops.
I suggest you Equip Firion or whoever's your Swordsman in the group with
the Wing Blade, as it's a GREAT Weapon. After this, exit the room and head
back east and then go south and enter the second door here and in this
room, open the 3 Treasure Chests to get a Curse Scroll, Stun Scroll and a
Stop Scroll. None of them are that good, so don't bother with them unless
you wish to, but you won't need them: EVER. After this, exit the room and
head to the southwest and grab the Treasure Chest here to get a Unicorn
Horn, then head back northeast and go up the stairs. Back on this floor,
talk to the kid's mother here and she tells you about the Wind Drake in
the room behind her, as well as about her husband who disappeared. Though,
the Wind Drake can't be understood unless you have the Pendant and she
tells you about how she thinks it's in a cavern north of here and it's
only a couple levels down.
Anyway, ask her about the Dragoons if you wish, then go ahead and leave
Castle Deist and outside, head north now and enter the cave you see.
- Deist Cavern -
Enemies In The Area: Adamantoise, Chimera, (Boss.) Deadringers, Ghast,
Ghoul, Gigantoad, Hill Gigas, Howler, Ogre, Ogre Chieftain, Ogre Mage,
Revenant, Screamer, Shadow, Sliver, Spiketoise And Wraith.
Items To Get: 30 Gil, Acid Bottle x1, Dragon Egg x1, Flame Bow x1,
Knight's Armor x1, Mage's Staff x1, Mythril Gloves x1, Mythril Helmet x1,
Mythril Mail x1, Mythril Mirror x1, Mythril Shield x1, Pendant x1, Potion
x1, Sage's Wisdom x1 And Saint's Spirit x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 800-900.
As you enter this place, don't expect to be here long, since you're just
going to get the Pendant and then get out of here. Don't worry, you'll get
to fully explore this place in...oh, 5-15 minutes? Anyway, once inside,
head east and open the Treasure Chest here to get 30 Gil, then head
northeast and follow the path down the stairs here. On this floor, examine
the Dragoon's Corpse nearby to find the Pendant. Once you get this, head
back to Castle Deist and once there, head back to where the mother and son
are and enter the door near them. Inside, you'll find the Wind Drake, so,
talk to him to learn about how he'd dying, thus he can't join you. Ask him
about the "Wind Drake" and he'll give you the Dragon Egg and ask you to
put it in the spring in the Deist Cavern.
Talk to him again to see him "die". Which is funny, since if you continue
to talk to him, he keeps dying. Anyway, head back to the Deist Cavern now
and once there, head southwest and go down the stairs here. On this floor,
follow the path and get the Treasure Chest you see to obtain a Potion,
then head down the stairs nearby. On this floor, just head down the stairs
to the northeast and on the next floor, just head northwest and down the
stairs. (Also, if you can, fight Hill Gigases here, as they drop Titan's
Helmets and Titan's Gloves, two GREAT pieces of Equipment. Definitely
worth the time to get.) On the next floor, follow the path and grab the 4
Treasure Chests you come across to get a Knight's Armor, which is guarded
by some Adamantoises, Saint's Spirit, Sage's Wisdom and a Flame Bow.
I suggest you give Firion the Knight's Armor or whoever has the lowest
Defense rating and to give Maria or whoever is your Bow person, if you
have one, the Flame Bow, if you don't have it already. Once you get all of
this, backtrack to the starting floor of this place and if you need to,
leave now and head back to a town to heal up. If and when you're ready,
head down the stairs to the southeast and on this floor, follow the path
and head south when you can and grab the Treasure Chest here to get a
Mythril Helmet. Then, head back north and grab the next Treasure Chest you
see to get a Mythril Mail, then continue to the west to find another
Treasure Chest, which holds a Mage's Staff, but it's guarded by Screamers.
After this, head back east and go down the stairs here and on this floor,
ignore the bridge, as in, do NOT go across it. Instead, head north and
grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Mythril Gloves, then continue on
and get the next Treasure Chest, which holds a Mythril Mirror. After this,
head back up the stairs you entered this area in and now head west back
on this floor and head down the stairs you see. On this floor, you'll be
on the otherside of that bridge now, so, grab the Treasure Chest nearby to
get a Mythril Shield, then head north and follow the path around and head
down the stairs you see. On this floor, follow the path around and grab
the Treasure Chest here to get a Acid Bottle, then head down the stairs to
the south.
On this floor, follow the path to find 4 doors, which the door second to
the right is the correct one. Once you go through it, get ready for a
Boss Battle. If you need a strategy, head to Section VII. Boss Guide now,
otherwise, fight this yourself and move on. After the Battle, go over to
the Sacred Spring and use the Dragon Egg on it and afterwards, go ahead
and Warp out of this place. Outside, head back to Castle Deist if you
wish, just to see that the Wind Drake's gone now, but you don't have to do
this. Either way, head back to Altair and once there, enter it.
- H. Princess Hilda's Been Kidnapped? Who Took Her?! . . . . . [ PHBK6.8 ]-
Enemies In The Area: Lamia Queen. (Boss.)
Items To Get: None.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 800-900.
The first order of business is to definitely sell off any Items you don't
need and to stock up on anything you do need. Also, make sure you rest at
the Inn and stuff, then when you're ready, make sure you remove all of
Leila's Equipment, as she'll be leaving you for a little while. Then, go
ahead and enter the Rebels' Hideout and once inside, head to the door
that's in the southeast area of this place and enter it to find Princess
Hilda. Talk to her and she'll want to talk to Firion alone. Everyone but
Firion leaves then, as she starts to come onto Firion. A bit perplexed,
Firion goes with it, as Princess Hilda apparently isn't who she says she
is and attacks Firion, just as everyone comes in to help you. At this
time, you'll enter another Boss Battle, so, if you need a strategy, head
to Section VII. Boss Guide now, otherwise, fight this yourself and move
After the Battle, Firion thanks Leila and everyone for coming to his aid,
as a Retainer enters and tells you about a tournament in Palamecia being
held and Princess Hilda is the prize. Just then, Gordon enters and tells
you he's going with you, as Leila decides to stay behind and guard the
place. Gordon rejoins you now, but he won't be with you for long, so
really, don't bother with him. Anyway, Palamecia is located near Castle
Kai'son, but it's across a desert with some VERY powerful Monsters. If you
look on your Map, find Castle Kai'son and see the desert to the south?
To the east of the desert is Palamecia, so, you have two choices. One, you
could go to the Chocobo Forest and ride a Chocobo there, Battle free or
you can land to the south of the desert from your Ship and walk there,
getting into Battles to fill up your Bestiary List.
It's your call on what to do, but either way, make your way to Palamecia
when you're ready and once there, go ahead and enter it.
- I. Heading To Palamecia...The Tournament Awaits . . . . . . [ HTPT6.9 ] -
- Coliseum -
Enemies In The Area: Behemoth, (Boss.) Captain, Chimera, Deadheads,
Deadringers, Doom Petals, Parasite, Revenant, Sergeant, Sorcerer, Specter,
Splinter, Warlock And Wizard. (Outside: Antlion, Chimera, Gigantoad,
Poison Toad, Sand Ray And Wild Horn.)
Items To Get: Antidote x1, Cottage x1, Elixer x1 And Ether x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 900-1,000.
As you enter this place, which is Palamecia's Coliseum, head north to find
Emperor, as a gate goes up once you get near him and he announces that the
tournament will begin, as you enter a Boss Battle. If you want a strategy,
head to Section VII. Boss Guide now, otherwise, fight this yourself and
continue on afterwards. After the Battle, Emperor tells you you've won the
reward, as Firion charges at him, but he's not that stupid and mentions
this, as he disappars. Just then, Dark Knight and 3 Captains pop out and
he orders them to be taken to the cells down below. Once you're back in
control, examine the gate to the south, as Pavel comes and knocks the
Captain out and then he releases you, as his thanks for rescuing him
After this, head east to find a Treasure Chest with a Antidote, which is
guarded by Deadringers, Deadheads aand Splinters, so be careful. Next up,
head back west and go north now and head east when you can and enter the
door at the far corner here to find 3 Treasure Chests, which hold a
Cottage, Ether and a Elixer. Then, exit this room and go to the northeast
part of this room and enter the door here and in this room, head up the
stairs to the next floor. On this floor, follow the path around to find
Princess Hilda and once you reach her, open her gate, as Gordon checks to
see if she's ok. Then, Firion tells him they'll distract the Enemies, so
to take Princess Hilda and leave, so, after they do, head west now and go
up the stairs here.
Once you're on this floor, just follow the path around and exit this place
and when you're outside, head back to your Ship and then go back to
Altair. Back at Altair, talk to the Retainer at the entrance to the town
to learn about how everyone's near Gatera, ready to launch an attack on
the Enemy at Fynn. So, first, sell anything you need to, stock up on
whatever, Heal at the Inn, train if you wish and when you're ready, head
to Gatera, then go left a bit to find the Camp.
- J. The Assault On Fynn...Retaking What Is Ours! . . . . . . [ TAOF6.10 ]-
- Camp -
Enemies In The Area: None.
Items To Get: None.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 900-1,000.
Once you arrive here, talk to Gordon to learn he wants you to inflitate
Castle Fynn and to destroy the Commander. After this, exit Camp and head
north and enter Castle Fynn, since Fynn itself is still overun by Captains
and stuff.
- Castle Fynn -
Enemies In The Area: Captain, Chimera, Deadheads, Deadringers, Doom
Petals, Ghast, Gottos, (Boss.) Revenant, Sergeant, Sorcerer, Specter,
Splinter, Stunner, Warlock, Wizard And Wraith.
Items To Get: 1,000 Gil x2, 2,000 Gil, Aura Scroll x1, Break Scroll x1,
Doom Scroll x1, Gold Plate x1, Gold Shield x1, Golden Mail x1, Potion x1,
Titan's Gloves x1, Toad Scroll x1 And Werebane Staff x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 900-1,000.
Once you enter Castle Fynn, head north to find Leila and she'll join you
once more. Give her back her old Equipment, as she'll be with you for a
good while now. After this, you have two options. One, you can just head
due north up the stairs until you reach the room with Gottos, the Boss of
this area or you can search out the Treasure Chests, while fighting off
Monsters. Thing is, if you kill Gottos immediately, you can go and find
the Treasure Chests right after with no Battles at all. It's your call,
but to make things easier on you, I suggest just going to beat Gottos as
soon as you can, so, head up the staircases until you reach him and once
you do, talk to him to enter a Boss Battle. If you want a strategy, head
to Section VII. Boss Guide now, otherwise, fight this yourself and move on
After the Battle, Princess Hilda, Gordon and the Rebels retake over Fynn,
so, it's safe now. After she thanks you, talk to her again and she wonders
what happened to Mindu, who went to Mysidia. Memorize "Mysidia" and then
ask her about it and she'll tell you what she knows, especially about the
Mysidia Tower, which can only be opened by a certain way, with the uses of
Masks, one white, one black. Memorize "Masks". Ask her about this and
she'll tell you the White Mask is in the Castle's Depths and there's a
secret password to get there, which is Ekmet Teloez. Memorize "Ekmet
Teloez" and if you ask her about it, she doesn't know where it is.
So, after this, head south down the stairs and now it's time to get the
Treasure Chests here. On this floor, head down the stairs again and on the
next floor, head west and grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Aura
Scroll, but it's guarded by Sergeants and Sorcerers. After this, head
southwest to the wall here and press up against the wall to go through it
and then head north and grab the Treasure Chest here to get a Werebane
Staff. Then, head east and grab the next Treasure Chest you see to get a
Potion, but it's guarded by Stunners, Revenants and Wraiths. Next, from
where you got the Potion, head through the wall to the east and in this
new area, head south and grab the Treasure Chest here to get a Titan's
Next up, head down the stairs in this area and on the first floor now,
head southwest and go up the stairs here and on this floor, head up the
stairs and on the next floor, head east and follow the path into the door.
In this room, grab the 3 Treasure Chests here to get a Toad Scroll, Break
Scroll and Doom Scroll. None of these are that great, nor is the Aura
Scroll you got a moment ago, so, unless you really want to, don't use
them, since they aren't worth it. Next, head back down to the first floor
and once here, head north and grab the Treasure Chest here to get 1,000
Gil, then head east and follow the path to find two more Treasure Chests,
which hold 2,000 Gil and 1,000 Gil.
After this, you're supposed to go back into Fynn, so, do so and once
there, the town's lively again. When you enter Fynn, don't bother with the
Weapon Shop, as they don't have anything new for you, but check the Armor
Shop out. For some reason, Gold Plates are MUCH less than Golden Mails and
they're better than them...weird. So, buy 3 of them, since the person with
the Knight's Armor doesn't need it and also, buy any Gold Shields you may
need and Titan's Helmets as well. Next, heal up at the Inn if you need to
and then head over to the house to the west and enter it. Inside is Pavel,
so, talk to him and ask him about Ekmet Teloez and he'll tell you where
the hidden passage is, which it's in the upper right corner of the Grand
Hall, where Princess Hilda and Gordon are.
So, when you're ready, head back there and examine the wall and when
asked, tell it Ekmet Teloez and a secret passage will open. In the next
area, just keep going down the stairs until you reach the first floor
again and in this area, before going down the stairs, try to go out of the
wall here and when you do, head south and then enter the wall to the west
where the Retainer person is. Once here, enter the door nearby and in this
room, open the 3 Treasure Chests here to get a Gold Plate, Gold Shield and
a Golden Mail. Then, head back to where those stairs where and go down
them now to enter the next dungeon.
- K. Castle Fynn's Basement Holds The White Mask! . . . . . . [ CFBH6.11 ]-
- Castle Fynn Dungeon -
Enemies In The Area: Adamantoise, Brain, Ghast, Killer Mantis, Ogre
Chieftain, Ogre Mage, Parasite, Revenant, Rhyos, Screamer, Specter,
Splinter, Stunner, Swapper And Wraith.
Items To Get: Backstabber x1, Blood Sword x1, Eye Drops x1, Flame Armor
x1, Flame Shield x1, Knife x1, Maiden's Kiss x1, Potion x3, Shirt x1,
Silk Web x1 And White Mask x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 900-1,000.
As you enter this place, head southeast and grab the Treasure Chest here
to get a Knife, then head northwest and grab the Treasure Chest here to
get a Eye Drops. Next, head east and then go south when you can to find
another Treasure Chest which holds a Shirt, then go northeast and go down
the stairs here. On this floor, head east to find a Treasure Chest, which
holds a Potion, then head west and grab the next Treasure Chest here to
get another Potion. Next, head north and grab the Treasure Chest here to
get a Maiden's Kiss, then head east and head down the stairs you come
across. On this floor, head southwest and grab the Treasure Chest here to
get a Flame Shield. Give this to Firion if he can hold a Shield,
otherwise, give it to anyone else.
Next up, head east and grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Potion,
then head northwest and open the Treasure Chest here to get a Silk Web,
then just head south and go down the stairs. On this floor, follow the
path west and when you can, go to the east to find a Treasure Chest that
holds a Blood Sword, which is guarded by Ghasts, Revenants, Specters and
Wraiths. After this, make SURE you hold onto this, as this Sword is the
key to the final Boss in the game. SAVE IT AT ALL COSTS. Don't bother
using it now, since it's rather useless and instead, just head south now
and go northeast when you can to find another Treasure Chest, which holds
a Flame Mail.
Give this to Firion and then give the Knight's Armor to who ever if you
had it on him. After this, head southwest and follow the path south and
grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Backstabber, then head south down
the stairs. On this floor, head east as far as you can, then north and
grab the Treasure Chest here to get a Orichaldagger, which is guarded by a
Rhyos. Next, head northeast to find seven doors and enter the door that's
second to the right and in this room, head north and open the Treasure
Chest to get the White Mask! Afterwards, head north and step on the
teleporter here to exit this place.
Outside now, go and see Princess Hilda if you want, but all she tells you
is to take the White Mask to Mysidia. Anyway, make sure you sell off any
Items and stock up on whatever you need, PLUS make sure you DEFINITELY
heal up at the Inn and when you're ready, look at your Map. From Altair,
to the southwest, you see that pink square? That's where Mysidia is.
You'll have to use your Ship and go around down to the south and then
enter the small sea like area to the west of it and land there, so you
don't have to walk far. Once there, though, watch out, as there's some
INSANELY strong Monsters here. I STRONGLY suggest at this time, you train
again and you should do it, as if you do, you shouldn't need to train
anymore for the rest of the game.
I suggest you get at least 2,000 HP with everyone, about 300-400 MP with
your Magic users and at least Level 10+ spells with whatever you want.
Weapons/Shield levels should at least be 10+ as well. I know this sounds
like alot, but trust me, you WILL want to do this to save you time and
frustration later on. If you don't want to do that much, at least get
1,500 HP, 250 MP and Level 8+ spells or so, with Weapons/Shield at about
8+. That should be reasonable at least. Anyway, before you start, go ahead
and enter Mysidia.
- L. The Magic Town, Mysidia...Obtaining The Black Mask . . . [ TMTM6.12 ]-
- Mysidia -
Enemies In The Area: None. (Outside: Behemoth, Bomb, Brain, Cockatrice,
Dark Flan, Ghast, Killer Mantis, Malboro, Mantis King, Mine, Parasite, Red
Mousse, Revenant, Specter, Swapper, Vampirette And Wraith.)
Items To Get: None.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 1,500-2,000.
Once you enter Mysidia, head to the Weapon Shop and buy a Ice Bow for
Maria or whoever is your Bow person and a Ogrekiller for Gus or whoever
uses a Axe if anyone. If anyone uses a Staff or Spear, get the Power Staff
and Flame Lance, then at the Armor Shop, buy either Thief's Gloves or
Titan's Gloves for your party and Ice Shields as well if you wish. Next,
head to the Magic Shop, as this place has a TON of spells to buy, mainly
ones from other towns, but some new ones as well. Definitely get a Holy
Scroll and if you wish, Wall and Barrier, but you really won't need them.
Your call, though. When you're ready, go ahead and start your training.
When you feel you're ready and have done enough, go ahead and enter
Mysidia and in the town, head to the south part and look for some stairs
leading down.
Head down them and once here, head west to find a statue of a Goddess.
Examine it and use the White Mask on it and then leave this area. Next,
make sure you're all geared up and ready, because now we're going after
the Black Mask. If you pull up your Map, look to the southeast of Mysidia
into the middle of the Sea. You see the VERY small piece of land with the
yellow box on it? That's where you need to go. So, go ahead and head there
now and once there, enter the cave on this tiny island.
- M. The Hidden Island...The Black Mask Rests Here . . . . . [ TMTM6.13 ] -
- Tropical Island -
Enemies In The Area: Deadheads, Deadringers, Ghast, Ghoul, Gigan Rhino,
(Boss.) Poison Toad, Red Mousse, Shadow, Stunner, Wererat, Wild Horn,
Wraith And Yellow Jelly.
Items To Get: 1,000 Gil, Black Mask x1, Blind Scroll x2, Ether x1, Eye
Drops x1, Garlic x1, Hi-Potion x2, Phoenix Down x1, Poison Scroll x2, Silk
Web x2, Sleep Scroll x1, Slumber Stalk x1 And Thanatos x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 1,500-2,000.
As you enter this place, head south as far as you can and grab the
Treasure Chest you see to get a Eye Drops. Next, head north and grab the
2 Treasure Chests here to get 2 Hi-Potions, then, head southwest and grab
the Treasure Chest here to get a Ether. Afterwards, follow the path west
and head southwest before you head north to find a Treasure Chest with a
Silk Web. Then, go ahead and go north and follow the path to find some
stairs, so, head down them and on this floor, follow the path north and
grab the Treasure Chest near the stairs to get a Slumber Stalk. After
this, head down the stairs nearby and on this floor, head south and grab
the Treasure Chest here to get a Silk Web, then head down the stairs to
the south.
On this floor, head north and head up the stairs here to reach an area
with a bunch of primitive people here. None say anything useful, but the
one colored red with a green mask sells Weapons, Armor and Items. Don't
bother, though, as nothing he sells is that good. Anyway, exit this area
and head back up to the floor where you got the Slumber Stalk from and
once there, head east and grab the Treasure Chest here to get a Poison
Scroll. If you don't have it already, definitely use it, as it's a great
spell to use and afterwards, head south as far as you can and open the
Treasure Chest here to get a Blind Scroll. Feh, worthless. Next, go west
and grab the Treasure Chest here to get another Poison Scroll, then
continue to the west to find another Treasure Chest which holds another
Blind Scroll.
Next, head north and go down the stairs and on this floor, head south to
find another Treasure Chest which holds a Garlic, then head north and
follow the path around and go down the stairs you see. On this floor, head
south and head up the stairs you see and on the previous floor, head north
and open the Treasure Chest you see to get a Phoenix Down, which is
guarded by Ghasts, Ghouls, Shadows and Wraiths. Next, head back down the
stairs and on this floor again, head east and go up the stairs here and on
this floor again, follow the path and head down the stairs you see. On the
next floor, head west and open the 3 Treasure Chests which holds 2 Slumber
Stalks and a Gaia Drum, which is guarded by Poison Toads and a Wild Horn.
After this, head back up the stairs here and then down the next stairs on
the next floor and on this floor again, head northwest and go down the
stairs here and on this floor, grab the Treasure Chest here to get a
Thanatos. Then, head back up the stairs and once again in this area, head
east and grab the Treasure Chest you see to get 1,000 Gil. After this,
continue east and go down the stairs here and on this floor, grab the
Treasure Chest nearby to get a Sleep Scroll, then head southwest and enter
the door. Inside, you'll see the Boss nearby, so, if you want a strategy
for this, head to Section VII. Boss Guide now, otherwise, fight this
yourself and then move on.
After the Battle, open the Treasure Chest here to get the Black Mask!
Then, just head north and step on the teleporter to leave this place. Once
you're outside, head back to Mysidia and sell anything you don't need,
stock up on what you do need and then heal up at the Inn. Afterwards,
leave Mysidia and check your Map. You see that circle of brown stuff
literally right next to Mysidia? Well, it's a ridge of mountains and in
the middle is a yellow square. That's where you need to go now. I suggest
you use your Ship to go over to the other side, since you have to enter
the place from the northeast, so, go ahead and do that. Once there, enter
the cave.
- N. The Mysidian Cave...Getting The Crystal Rod . . . . . . [ TMCG6.14 ] -
- Mysidian Cave -
Enemies In The Area: Bomb, Brain, Cockatrice, Dark Flan, Doom Petals,
Ghast, Ghost, Howler, Malboro, Parasite, Red Mousse, Revenant, Rhyos,
Shrieker, Specter, Swapper, Winged Ray, Wraith And Yellow Jelly.
Items To Get: Crystal Rod x1, Drain Scroll x2, Flame Lance x1, Ice Bow x1,
Gold Hairpin x1, Gold Needle x1, Mini Scroll x1, Mute Bell x1, Ninja Suit
x1, Ogrekiller x1, Osmose Scroll x1, Phoenix Down x1, Potion x5 And Power
Staff x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 1,500-2,000.
Well, get ready for a bitch of a dungeon. This place is so confusing, so,
yeah, be prepared. Anyway, as you start out, head west and go up the steps
here and continue west and then head south down the stairs at the far end
to find a Treasure Chest, which holds a Gold Hairpin. Give it to anyone
you wish, then head back up the steps to the north and head east, then go
south when you can and grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Ninja
Suit. Give this to Firion, then give his Flame Mail to whoever needs it
the most, if Firion had it Equipped, that is. Afterwards, head southwest
as far as you can, then head east to find a Doppelganger of Firion. Talk
to it and use the Black Mask on it to have it disappear.
After this, enter the door nearby and then head down the stairs and on
this floor, head northeast to find a Treasure Chest, which holds a Power
Staff. If anyone is using Staffs, give this to them if you don't have it
already, then head east and at the bottom of the wall here, try to pass
through it and then grab the Treasure Chest here to get a Flame Lance.
Again, if anyone uses Spears, give this to them if they don't have it
already. After this, head to the southwest side as far as you can and
enter the door you see and then head down the stairs here.
On this floor, head northwest and try to go through the wall here and when
you do, grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Ice Bow. Give this to
anyone who uses Bows if they don't have this already, then head southeast
as far as you can and go down the steps and grab the Treasure Chest you
see to get a Ogrekiller, which is guarded by Bombs. Afterwards, head west
and go past the first door you see and continue on and enter the next door
you do see and then head down the stairs here. On this floor, follow the
path and head north when you can all the way, then head east and then
south down the steps and grab the Treasure Chest here to get a Potion,
then head west and enter the middle door. In this room, grab the 3
Treasure Chests to get a Gold Needle, Mute Bell and a Phoenix Down.
Next up, exit this room and then head southeast and enter the door here,
then go down the stairs. On this floor, grab the Treasure Chest nearby to
get a Drain Scroll, which is guarded by Ghosts and it's not that helpful.
See, there's this thing called Cure which works oh so much better, but,
it's your call, so, use it if you want. After this, head south and then
east and go up the steps here, then head northeast and check the wall here
and try to go through it. When you do, grab the Treasure Chest to the
south to get a Mini Scroll, which is NOT useful at all, so don't bother
with it. Then, head north and open the 4 Treasure Chests here to get 4
Potions. Next, head southwest as far as you can go and enter the door in
this corner to find 3 Treasure Chests, which hold a Drain Scroll, Osmose
Scroll and the Crystal Rod. DEFINITELY use the Osmose Scroll, as it's a
life saver and so much better than the shitty Ethers.
Anyway, once you have the Crystal Rod, go ahead and Warp out of this place
and outside, head back to Altair now and sell any Items you don't need,
restock on what you do need, heal at the Inn and when you're ready, from
Altair, look at your Map. You see that ring like area to the west with the
yellow square on it? That's where you need to go now. Before you do,
though, remove everything off Leila, then head near it on your Ship and as
you get near it, your Ship will be sucked into a whirlpool...
- O. Swallowed By Leviathan! We Have To Escape! . . . . . . . [ SBL6.15 ] -
- Leviathan -
Enemies In The Area: Barrel Worm, (Boss.) Boltfish, Manta Ray, Sea Dragon
And Shrieker.
Items To Get: Diamond Shield x1, Headband x1, Power Armlet x1, Power Sash
x1 And Terra Sword x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 1,500-2,000.
Well, as your party comes to, they see they're inside of a creature and
that Leila is missing. Afterwards, you'll have to escape Leviathan, the
thing that ate you, so, head north through the gastric juices, which will
hurt you for 1 HP per each step and follow the path around and grab the
Treasure Chest you see to get a Headband. Give this to Firion and give his
Gold Hairpin if he has it Equipped to whoever you wish. Next, continue on
and grab the next Treasure Chest you see to get a Power Sash, which, give
this to the person with the crappiest Armor at the moment, as it should
boost their Attack and Defense. After this, continue on the path and then
enter the "door" nearby. On this "floor", just follow the path and grab
the Treasure Chest you see to get a Power Armlet, which, give this to
Then, go and talk to the man guarding your path, as he asks for proof of
who you are. Show him the Crystal Rod, as he sees you're going after the
Ultima Scroll. He'll join you, wanting to get out of here together, so,
welcome Gareth to your group. (Note: His name was Richard in the original
version...I don't see WHY they changed it...) After this, Equip Gareth
with anything you want, since he'll be with you for a little while. Next,
just head west and enter the "door" here and on this "floor", head west
and open the Treasure Chest here to get a Terra Sword. Give this to Firion
or whoever your Swordsman is, then head south and grab the Treasure Chest
here to get a Diamond Shield, which is guarded by Shriekers. Give this to
Firion if he can take it, otherwise, anyone else will do fine.
Next, head west to find a Barrel Worm and once you talk to it, you'll
enter a Boss Battle. If you want a strategy, head to Section VII. Boss
Guide now, otherwise, fight this yourself and then move on. After the
Battle, go ahead and get on your Ship to leave this hellhole. Back outside
now, if you need to, go and heal up and whatnot, then head over to the
Mysidian Tower, where you were originally trying to reach. Once there,
examine the tower, as a scene takes place and you head inside.
- P. The Mysidian Tower...The Resting Place Of Ultima . . . [ TMTTR6.16 ] -
- Mysidian Tower -
Enemies In The Area: Basilisk, Bomb, Chimera, Dark Flan, Doom Petals, Evil
Bud, Fire Gigas, (Boss.) Frost Lizard, Ghast, Ghost, Gigan Rhino, Gottos,
Hill Gigas, Ice Gigas, (Boss.) Imp, Killer Mantis, Mezzo Malboro, Red
Mousse, Revenant, Shrieker, Specter, Thunder Gigas, (Boss.) Vampirette,
Werewolf, Winged Ray And Wraith.
Items To Get: Cross x1, Flame Bow x1, Flame Lance x1, Flame Shield x1,
Flame Sword x1, Flare Scroll x1, Hermes x1, Hourglass x1, Ice Brand Sword
x1, Ice Gloves x1, Ice Lance x1, Ice Mail x1, Ice Shield x1, Potion x1,
Silk Web x1, Spellbinder Staff x1, Staff x3, Ultima Scroll x1, Unicorn
Horn x1 And White Robe x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 1,500-2,000.
Ok, just a quick note. This is probably THE longest dungeon in the game,
far worse than even the final place you have to go to. It's 10 floors long
and it'll really tax you along the way, IF you haven't been training.
Therefore, I strongly suggest you make sure you have at least 1,500 HP for
this place, decent Equipment and spells, as well as Weapons/Shield Levels.
MP wise, at least 250-300 is good and I PRAY you have Osmose, which you
got back at the Mysidian Cave. This WILL be your saving grace when you
run out of MP. Do NOT train it, as you really and truly don't need to,
but Level 3-4 is generally good. Don' bother buying Ethers, as they really
don't give you much MP back, so just rely on Osmose.
Anyway, once you're ready, head inside and as you start out, head
northwest to find a Treasure Chest which holds a Staff, then head
northeast to see a Treasure Chest inside a wall and try to enter the wall
to the east and open the Treasure Chest here to get a White Robe. Give it
to whoever you wish, as it's slightly better than what a few of your guys
have, then head east and grab the Treasure Chest here to get a Staff.
After this, head southeast and grab the next Treasure Chest you see to get
yet another Staff. Wow, useful stuff, huh? Finally, just head west and go
up the stairs here.
On this floor, head northeast and follow the path around to find 2
Treasure Chests that hold a Flame Bow and a Flame Lance. Both are probably
outdated to you by now, so, heh, don't use them. Next up, head southwest
as far as you can go, then head north to find a Treasure Chest, which
holds a Flame Shield, also outdated to you by now as well. Afterwards,
head south as far as you can go, then head east to find the stairs, so,
head up them now. On this next floor, head west and enter only the door
farthest to the west and take note of the lava that hurts you for 1 HP
per step here as well. Then, in the next area, head east as far as you
can to find a Treasure Chest, which holds a Flame Sword. Give this to
Firion if he's your Swordsman or whoever else and make sure to give Gareth
the other Sword the person was just using now.
Next, head back west and get onto solid ground now and then head north and
then head east and west to find 2 Treasure Chests, which hold a Flame
Helmet and a Flame Mail. Equip the Flame Helmet on whoever you wish that
needs it the most, but chances are you won't need the Flame Mail. Either
way, afterwards, enter the door nearby and gear up for a Boss Battle. If
you want a strategy for this, head to Section VII. Boss Guide now,
otherwise, win this yourself and then move on. After the Battle, head up
the stairs to the north and on this floor, head west and open the Treasure
Chest here to get a Ice Shield, which is also outdated by now possibly and
then head south and up the stairs here. On this floor, head south and
watch out for the ice spikes here that damage you for 1 HP per step and
grab the Treasure Chest here to get a Ice Lance. If anyone uses Spears,
give this to them, as it's better than the Flame Lance.
After this, head back down the stairs and on this floor again, head south
and grab the Treasure Chest here to get a Ice Gloves. Give them to whoever
you think needs them the most, then continue east and head northwest when
you can to find a Treasure Chest that holds a Ice Mail. Again, give it to
whoever you wish and afterwards, head northeast and go up the stairs. On
the next floor, just follow the path over the ice spikes and grab the
Treasure Chest you come across to get a Ice Brand Sword. Don't Equip it
just yet, as the next Boss is Ice based, so you'll want the Flame Sword on
whoever your Swordsman is. Afterwards, do Equip it on whoever is the
Swordsman and give Gareth the old Weapon they were using. If not, just
give Gareth the Ice Brand Sword.
So, head through the door here and get ready for another Boss Battle. If
you'd like a strategy, head to Section VII. Boss Guide now, otherwise,
fight this yourself and then move on. After the Battle, head up the stairs
here and on this floor, head east and grab the Treasure Chest here to get
a Potion. Then, head back west and go south now and then head east as far
as you can and then head south and follow the path until you reach a
Treasure Chest that holds a Spellbinder Staff, which, if anyone uses
Staves, give this to them now. Afterwards, head through the door in the
southwest and in this room, head up the stairs to the north. On this
floor, head east to find a Treasure Chest that holds a Silk Web, then head
northeast and grab the Treasure Chest here to get a Hermes.
Next up, head west and open the Treasure Chest you see to get a Unicorn
Horn, then continue west and enter the door here, as you enter another
Boss Battle. If you want a strategy for this, head to Section VII. Boss
Guide now, otherwise, fight this yourself and then move on. After the
Battle, head up the stairs here and on the next floor, head north as far
as you can and then go east to find a Treasure Chest, which holds a Flare
Scroll, guarded by Gottoses and Evil Buds. Afterwards, DEFINITELY use
Flare on whoever you wish, as it's a GREAT Magic spell and after this,
head south and then go east when you can and enter the door here and in
this room, head up the stairs to the north.
On this floor, head north and grab the Treasure Chest here to get a
Hourglass, then head west and get the Treasure Chest you see to get a
Cross. Next up, head north as far as you can, then go east and open the
Treasure Chest here to get a Black Robe, which is guarded by a White
Dragon. This thing is VERY strong, so fight at your own risk. Afterwards,
give the Black Robe to whoever needs it, then head southeast to find 4
doors and enter the one that's the second on the left and in this room,
head up the stairs to the north. On this floor, just head north to find
Mindu. He tells you the situation and that he needs to throw everything he
has at the seal, as he orders them to stand back. He manages to destroy
the seal, but he kills himself in the process.
After his death scene, enter the door to the north and in this room,
examine the four orbs here and NOT the middle one just yet, as these four
orbs will boost a certain stat for a random party member. Strength,
Spirit, Intelligence and Agility is what will be increased. Finally,
examine the orb in the middle of the room to get the Ultima Scroll and
after this, head to the teleporter that appears and you'll get out of this
- Q. The Destruction Of The World Begins... . . . . . . . . . [ TDOF6.17 ]-
- Castle Fynn -
Enemies In The Area: None.
Items To Get: Blood Sword x1, Elixer x1, Gold Plate x1, Gold Hairpin x1,
Ninja Suit x1, Ruby Plate x1, Silver Plate x1, Thief's Gloves x1 And Wind
Drake x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 1,500-2,000.
Ok, once you're outside of the Mysidian Tower, there's something you
should know: The following areas have been destroyed now by Emperor:
Altair, Gatera, Paloom and Poft, are all destroyed now. Shit, I know. This
is only the start of it, too. Mysidia, Fynn, Salamand and Bafsk are all
that remains in terms of towns. Also, new Enemies have popped up all over
the world now, mainly the ones you've been fighting ever since taking over
Castle Fynn up to the present. None are that hard, but the Enemies
literally outside of Fynn are a GREAT source of Gil, as you'll get so many
expensive drops, you'll literally make a fortune in 20 minutes, I
guarantee it. Anyway, I suggest you fight around Fynn until you get the
Haste Scroll, which IS sort of worth it, but don't go nuts if you can get
Other than that, when you're ready, head over to Castle Fynn and go see
Princess Hilda, as you see Leila is alright! Whew, at least she survived
and didn't die like the rest. Anyway, Princess Hilda tells you Emperor
has made a Cyclone and how it's destroyed the 4 towns I mentioned and
they're next. Memorize Cyclone and ask her about it if you wish, then ask
her about the "Wind Drake". She tells you about people calling a Wind
Drake using the Pendant on the castle mirror here. So, to get to this
mirror, head back to the first floor and once here, head southwest and go
up the stairs here and in the next area, go up the stairs here as well.
On this floor, head north and enter the door here and in this room, go
north and examine the mirror and use the Pendant, as the Dragon Egg
appears and a Wind Drake is born and you obtain it.
After Gareth and the Wind Drake meet, go ahead and leave Castle Fynn and
at this time, sell anything you don't need, restock on what you do need
and heal up. Also, go and talk to Pavel NOW, because if you don't, you'll
never get these Items again. Tell him "Cyclone and he'll let you have his
secret Items near his bed. So, examine the wall near his bed to find a
room with 8 Treasure Chests that hold a Ninja Suit, Thief's Gloves,
Elixer, Silver Plate, Ruby Plate, Gold Plate, Gold Hairpin and a Blood
Sword. Again, do NOT sell the Blood Sword, as you'll want both for the
final Battle. So, sell off the rest of this stuff if you don't need it and
keep what you want and when you're ready, leave Fynn and head north to
find the Cyclone and go near it to have the Wind Drake fly you into the
large castle that's inside...
- R. Into The Cyclone! The Showdown With Emperor . . . . . . [ ITCTS6.18 ]-
- Cyclone -
Enemies In The Area: Bomb, Captain, Cockatrice, Evil Bud, General, Gottos,
Hecteyes, Hill Gigas, Lamia, Mezzo Malboro, Royal Guard, Succubus, Wizard
And Wood Golem.
Items To Get: Defender Sword x1, Diamond Armor x1, Diamond Gloves x1,
Diamond Helmet x1, Ripper Knife x1, Venom Axe x1 And Zephyr's Flute x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 1,500-2,000.
Alrighty, once you enter this place, head east and head up the stairs you
see and on this floor, grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Ripper
Knife, which, if anyone is using a Knife/Dagger, give it to them. Then,
head south and follow the path and go up the stairs here and on this
floor, head south across the electric floor, which deals 1 damage of HP to
you per step and grab the Treasure Chest here to get a Venom Axe.
DEFINITELY Equip this if anyone uses Axes, as it's VERY good and after
this, head back down to the first floor and once there, head west and head
up the stairs here. On this floor, head up the stairs to the west and on
the next floor, head west and go up the stairs and on this floor, head
east and grab the Treasure Chest here to get a Diamond Helmet. Give this
to Firion or anyone else that may need it and afterwards, then head west
and grab the Treasure Chest here to get a Diamond Gloves.
Again, give these to Firion or whoever else that needs them, then head
back down the stairs and on this floor again, head south and go up the
stairs you come across. On this floor, head east and head up the stairs
to the west, ignoring the ones to the east at the moment. On the next
floor, head south as far as you can and grab the Treasure Chest to the
east here to get a Defender Sword. Give this to Firion if he uses Swords
or whoever else, maybe even Gareth if no one else uses them, but make
sure to give Gareth the next best Sword if you Equip someone else. Next,
head west and get the Treasure Chest here to obtain a Diamond Mail, which
is guarded by Generals. These guys are DEADLY, so be careful and after
this, give Firion the Diamond Armor or whoever needs it the most.
Afterwards, go back down the stairs here and on this floor, just head up
the stairs to the east. On this floor, just follow the path and go up the
stairs and on the next floor, head east and then north when you can to
find a Treasure Chest, which holds a Zephyr's Flute and it's guarded by a
Green Dragon. This is a pretty tough Battle, so be prepared. Using Bolt
will definitely make the Green Dragon easier, so make sure you use it.
After all this, head up the stairs nearby and on the next floor, head
north to find Emperor. As you get near him, he'll send his Royal Guards at
you, since he doesn't want to waste his time. You'll have to fight two
Battles before he fights you himself and when he does, you'll enter a Boss
Battle. If you want a strategy, head to Section VII. Boss Guide now,
otherwise, fight this yourself and then move on.
After the Battle, Emperor dies, as Firion and the others head back to
Fynn and tell Princess Hilda of what happened...
- S. The Skies Are Ours! Cid's Airship . . . . . . . . . . . [ TSAO6.19 ] -
- Fynn -
Enemies In The Area: None.
Items To Get: Airship x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 1,500-2,000.
As everyone turns to Fynn, they tell everyone what happened, as they
rejoice and celebrate by dancing. Though, it's interuppted by a Retainer
that walks in and tells everyone that Leon, the Dark Knight, has claimed
himself to be the new Emperor. After some short talking, talk to Princess
Hilda, as she learns who Leon is, then Memorize Palamecia, then ask her
about it to learn that you can't reach it by foot. (Palamecia is that
giant castle you saw probably way back when you went to the Coliseum to
save Princess Hilda before.) Anyway, ask Leila about Palamecia and she'll
mention Pavel might know, so, head out of here and go talk to Pavel now.
At Pavel's House, talk to Cid nearby, as he tells you he was hit by the
Cyclone in Paloom. He'll walk over to the bed and he's asked if he's ok,
but he mentions his Airship and tells you he'll let you use it until he's
better. Though, after saying this, he, people are dropping like
flies, huh? Anyway, talk to Pavel and after he tells you about Cid giving
you his Airship, ask him about "Palamecia" and he'll tell you that he
used a kite to land on the roof and maybe you can land there with the
Airship. So, after this, go ahead sell off anything you don't need, stock
up on stuff that you will need and heal at the Inn.
Next up, leave Fynn and head over to Poft and grab the Airship here that
Cid left you. Whew, no more walking around or going by Sea, nope, the sky
is yours! Whenever you're ready, head over to Palamecia and once there,
try and land on the roof and if done right, you'll start the next dungeon.
- T. Heading Into Castle Palamecia...Leon, Get Ready! . . . [ HICPL6.20 ] -
- Castle Palamecia -
Enemies In The Area: Black Knight, Captain, Cockatrice, Coeurl, Deathmask,
Doom Petals, Evil Bud, Fallen Emperor, General, Gottos, Hecteyes, Killer
Mantis, Lamia, Lamia Queen, Stone Golem, Vampirette, Winged Ray, Wizard
And Wood Golem.
Items To Get: Buckler Shield x1, Diamond Plate x1, Elixer x3, Garlic x1,
Healing Staff x1, Hellfire x1, Hourglass x1, Knife x1, Mage's Staff x1,
Saint's Spirit x1, Slumber Stalk x1, Spellbinder Staff x1, Sunblade x1,
Thunder Spear x1 And Zephyr's Flute x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 1,500-2,000.
Note: The Generals here have some REALLY good Item Drops. If you get them,
USE THEM. They drop the following that's useful: Diamond Gaunlet, Diamond
Helmet, Dragon Armor and Rune Axe.
Alright, as you enter this place, head north and enter the door you see
and in this room, just head north until you fall down to the first floor.
Once here, head south and get the Treasure Chest you see to get a Diamond
Plate and give this to whoever needs it the most. After this, head back
north and go east as far as you can, then head south and head up the
stairs you see. On this floor, just follow the path and open the Treasure
Chest you see to get a Hourglass, then head back down the stairs. Next,
continue south and when you can, head as far west as possible to find a
Treasure Chest, which holds a Garlic and after this, backtrack east and
head north and go up the stairs here.
On this floor, follow the path and head south when you can to find a
Treasure Chest that holds a Knife. Then, head north and open the Treasure
Chest here to get a Buckler Shield and then head west and follow the path
and go up the stairs you come to. On the next floor, head north as far as
you can and then head west and follow the path to find a Treasure Chest,
which holds a Thunder Spear and is guarded by Fallen Emperor! Apparently,
he's trying to envoke his revenge on you here, but he's a pushover. After
the Battle, give this to anyone who uses Spears, as it's much better than
what they have now, then head back north and head east and follow the path
around and go up the stairs here. On this floor, follow the path and go
southwest when you can to find a Treasure Chest that holds a Saint's
Spirit, then head west and get the Treasure Chest here for a Slumber
Next up, head northeast and when you can, head west down the narrow path
and follow it down to the south to find a door. Enter it and inside this
room, open the 3 Treasure Chests here to get a Spellbinder Staff, Mage's
Staff and a Healing Staff. Don't bother with the Healing Staff, as when it
hits a target, it heals them. This is good for healing your party members
and against the undead, but any other time, forget it. Anyway, exit the
room and follow the path all the way around and head east and go up the
stairs here. On the next floor, head west and go up the stairs here and on
this floor, head south when you can to find a Treasure Chest that holds a
Sunblade, but it's guarded by Lamia Queens and Coeurls. After the Battle,
give this to Firion or whoever else uses Swords, but don't bother with
Gareth, as he'll be leaving you shortly.
Afterwards, head east and follow the path up to the stairs here and on the
next floor, follow the path here and head through the door to the west.
Inside, grab the 3 Treasure Chests here to get 3 Elixers! Damn, nice
indeed. Next up, head back down 2 floors and back on the 5th floor now,
take the south path here and head up the stairs you come to and on the
next floor, just follow the path and head up the stairs to the next area.
On the next floor, just follow the path and head up the stairs and on this
floor, follow the path and head west when you can and follow the path here
to find 2 Treasure Chests, which hold a Hellfire and a Zephyr's Flute.
After this, head into the middle of this room to find Leon and before you
talk to him, remove all of Gareth's Equipment, then proceed.
As you speak to him, he challenges Firion, but Maria stops him, though, he
won't listen, as Emperor appears, "reborn". He laughs at Leon thinking he
was the new Emperor, but Leon thinks he's just a ghost, as blue flames
circle around your party. Emperor announces he no longer cares about
anything and will destroy the world, as Gareth decides to hold him off
while the others escape on the Wind Drake. Afterwards, the place
apparently collapses, as you arrive back in Castle Fynn, as Princess Hilda
asks what happened. Firion fills her in, as Leon willingly joins your
party to put an end to all this and once you regain control of Firion,
check Leon out. You now have your permenant 4th party member, as you'll
NEVER lose Leon again. For his Equipment, Leon has stats in every Weapon,
but I suggest you train him either with a Sword or Axe.
It's your call, but either will do nicely. Just remember he's Left-Handed,
so fit his Weapon in his Left Hand. As for Equipment, don't bother with
anything except the Weapon/Shield, as his stuff is top notch. HP is very
good and he has only 5 MP, but he can start gaining a TON of you train
him. Though, before you do train, there's one place left to go. So, get
into your Airship which is outside of Fynn and head to Castle Deist and
once there, enter it.
- U. Castle Deist's Secret Posession...The Excalibur! . . . . [ CDS6.21 ] -
- Castle Deist -
Enemies In The Area: None.
Items To Get: Excalibur x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 1,500-2,000.
Once inside, go ahead and go talk to the boy's mom again and she learns
how Gareth's dead. Ask her about "Dragoons" and she'll give you the
Excalibur! Yay! Give this to Firion if he uses Swords, otherwise, Leon
will do. If Firion takes it, give Leon the Sunblade if he is using Swords,
if not, don't worry about it. Well, after this, head back to Fynn and sell
off any Items you don't need, get what you do need and heal up at the Inn.
Then, get ready...
- V. The Final Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TFT6.22 ] -
- Fynn -
Enemies In The Area: None.
Items To Get: None.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 2,000+.
Alright, here's the thing. You're literally at the end of the game now and
this'll be your last chance to train, collect any Items you've missed,
Monsters, etc. Just remember, some of the Monsters you could be missing
could be from the Jade Passage and Pandaemonium, the final two dungeons in
the game, so don't panic just yet. Also, the only real trouble you'll
probably have with any Enemy is the damn Goblin Prince. Check Section
VIII. Monster List for more on him. Other than that, you should be able to
find every other Monster rather easily and if you've been following my
Walkthrough, I've listed all the Monsters in the area, so you should've
hunted them all out to make sure you fought them at least once. If there
was something you missed due to a Treasure Chest with a rare Monster
inside, like Fallen Emperor and you can't go back to it, then you're shit
out of luck, sorry.
Either way, the only reason to get 100% of everything is for the hell of
it, really, mainly for the complete data and all. As for the Items, again,
if some areas are closed off now, then oh well, you can't get them.
Should've gotten everything the first time through. Though, for the Art
Gallery, basically, that's filled in as you get more Monsters in the
Bestiary, so don't worry about that. Anyway, enough about that. For
training, I suggest a minimum of 2,000 HP for everyone, with mastered
Weapons/Shield at Level 16, (This will NOT take you that long. Just cheat
to do it and to make it go faster, Equip 2 of the Weapon you want to train
in your hands and watch how fast you gain 1 Level. Same with Shields.)
have your spells at Level 10+ and for MP, 350-400+ will do fine. I
strongly suggest those levels, as you'll really need them. If you want to
do more, by all means, go for it, but that's just to get you by.
Though, ONLY train the spells you will need to use and don't train the
ones that don't need it. (Life, Warp, etc.) Also, I suggest doing thing
around Fynn, mainly since the Battles here WILL get you a TON of Gil like
I said before after the Mysidian Tower. So, yeah, whenever you're ready,
make sure you buy...oh, 5-10 Elixers, which I'm sure you have the money
for. This will just seal the deal on you beating this game. Do NOT buy
Ethers, as they are useless and Osmose works so much better.
When you believe you're finally ready, go inside Castle Fynn and talk to
Princess Hilda and she'll tell you about the creatures who flooded the
world through the Jade Passage. Memorize Jade Passage and then ask her
about it and she tells you it's near Mysidia. So, head back to your
Airship and literally, from Fynn, head south until you pass the Mysidian
Tower and once you reach the next large mass of land, head east towards
the end and look on the land for a small pond like thing. This is the Jade
Passage. Land near it and when you're ready, enter it. (Don't be afraid,
you can leave whenever you want, it's not like you're stuck here forever.
Same with Pandaemonium, so don't worry.)
- W. Heading Into The Gates Of Hell...The Jade Passage . . . [ HITG6.23 ] -
- Jade Passage -
Enemies In The Area: Abyss Worm, Blue Dragon, Frost Lizard, Gazer, Great
Malboro, Green Dragon, Lifesucker, Maximus, Red Dragon, Salamander,
Scissorjaws, Succubus And White Dragon.
Items To Get: Aegis Shield x1, Backstabber x1, Diamond Mace x1, Dragon
Mail x1, Hellfire x2, Hi-Potion x2, Holy Lance x1, Notus x1, Protect Ring
x1, Rune Axe x1 And Yoichi's Bow x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 2,000+.
As you enter this place, head south and in the next area, head east as far
as you can and grab the Treasure Chest here to get a Diamond Mace, which
is a pretty good Staff, so, use it if you wish if anyone uses Staves that
is. Then, head southwest as far as you can go to find another Treasure
Chest, which holds a Hellfire, then head east and enter the door here and
go down the stairs. On this floor, head north and grab the Treasure Chest
here to get another Hellfire, then head east and grab the Treasure Chest
here to get a Notus. Next up, head south and get the Treasure Chest here
to obtain a Cat Claws, which is guarded by a Blue Dragon. BE CAREFUL, as
he is VERY POWERFUL. If you've been training, he should go down pretty
fast, but if not, have fun. Afterwards, if anyone is using Knives/Daggers,
give this to them, as it's the best one in the game.
Afterwards, head east as far as you can, then go north and enter the door
here and then head down the stairs. On the next floor, just follow the
path here and cross across the waterfall near the door, which will damage
you for 1 HP per step and continue down the path until you reach a
Treasure Chest, which holds a Rune Axe, but it's guarded by a King
Behemoth. Don't worry, he's not that hard. After the Battle, give this to
Gus if he uses Axes, otherwise, Leon if he does, then, continue west
across the waterfall and then on the bottom part of this area, go behind
the waterfall here and when you can't go any further, examine the area to
find a hidden Magic Shop! If you want anything here, buy it, otherwise,
leave this place by going through the door to the far east and heading
down the stairs inside.
On this floor, head north and get the Treasure Chest here to obtain a
Backstabber, then continue north and enter the door here and in this room,
grab the 3 Treasure Chests here to get a Holy Lance, Aegis Shield and a
Dragon Mail. I suggest you give the Aegis Shield and Dragon Mail to Firion
or whoever else needs them the most and if anyone uses Spears, give them
the Holy Lance, which is the best one in the game. After this, exit the
room and head east and open the Treasure Chest here to get a Yoichi's Bow,
but it's guarded by a Red Dragon, which is also VERY hard. Afterwards,
give this to Maria if she uses Bows or whoever else uses them if anyone,
as it's the best one in the game. Next up, head south and enter the door
here and then head down the stairs.
On the next floor, just follow the path and grab the Treasure Chest you
come across to get a Hi-Potion, then continue on and get the next Treasure
Chest to obtain a Protect Ring, which is only good for the protection from
K.O. Status, otherwise, don't use it, as it's rather weak. After this,
continue on and open the next Treasure Chest here to get another
Hi-Potion, then continue on and enter the door you come across and go down
the stairs here. On this floor, just follow the path and when you come to
a teleporter, step on it to enter Pandaemonium, THE final dungeon in the
game...get ready...
- X. Welcome To Hell...Pandaemonium . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WTHP6.24 ]-
- Pandaemonium -
Enemies In The Area: Astaroth, Barrel Worm, Blood Fiend, Blue Dragon,
Bomb, Coeurl, Death Rider, Evil Bud, Fenrir, Fire Gigas, Frost Lizard,
Great Malboro, Ice Gigas, Iron Giant, King Behemoth, Lamia, Lamia Queen,
Mantis Devil, Mythril Golem, Red Dragon, Tiamat, Thunder Gigas And Zombie
Items To Get: Acid Bottle x1, Ether x1, Eye Drops x1, Genji Armor x1,
Genji Gloves x1, Genji Helmet x1, Hellfire x1, Masamune x1, Ribbon Helmet
x1 And Sage's Wisdom x1.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 2,000+.
Note: For an INSANELY easy time with some of the "Bosses" here, Equip the
Blood Sword(s) on someone and watch them drop like flies.
Well, welcome to the final area in the game. If you need to heal up or
exit this place or do something, Warp out of here now and do so, then make
your way back here. Whenever you're ready, let's move on. First, head
south and follow the path here, ignoring those "doors" all around, as they
aren't anything you can enter and just continue on until you comw to some
stairs. Head up them and on the next floor, head northwest to find a
Treasure Chest, which holds a Ether, then just follow the path and step
onto the teleporter you find to head to the next floor. On this floor,
head south and grab the Treasure Chest you see to get a Eye Drops, then
head northeast as far as you can go, then head south and step onto the
teleporter you find.
On the next floor, get ready to get some REALLY good Equipment here.
First, enter the door farthest to the west and in this area, follow the
path and open the Treasure Chest you come across to obtain a Genji Gloves,
which is guarded by Zombie Borghen! Damn, this guy's back? Well, he's
stronger than before, but I don't count him as a Boss, since he's just in
a Treasure Chest. Besides that, this game's ideas for Bosses are just
Enemies you'll meet later on, so, really, it's pointless. Anyway, just
kill him and afterwards, give the Genji Gloves to whoever you wish, then
head east and once you reach a dead end with a pillar nearby, try pushing
up against the wall to the east and you'll find a hidden room with a
Treasure Chest, which holds a Masamune, THE strongest Weapon in the game,
Give this to Firion or whoever you wish and then give someone the
Excalibur if it's better than what they have currently. After this, head
back to the start of this area where all the doors here and now, enter the
door second to the west and in this area, just follow the path and grab
the Treasure Chest you come to get a Genji Helmet, which is guarded by
Tiamat. Again, not worth a strategy, so just kill him as fast as you can,
which should NOT be a problem at this point. Afterwards, give the Genji
Helmet to someone else now, as you'll notice the Genji Equipment is
AWESOME and you'll want to share the wealth with your other party members.
Next up, head back out of here and enter the door farthest to the east now
and in this area, follow the path and grab the Treasure Chest here to get
a Genji Armor, but it's guarded by Beelzebub.
Again, not that hard, so just destroy this thing and move on. Also, give
the Genji Armor to someone else like before so they get a ton of Defense
Points. Next, head out of this area and back in the main place where you
started, enter the door second to the east and in this area, follow the
path and grab the Treasure Chest you come across to get a Ribbon Helmet,
but it's guarded by Astaroth, the second hardest Monster in the game.
Basically, just assault her, as she's not THAT tough, even for that strong
of a Monster, which is pretty sad, really...anyway, after this, don't
bother with the Ribbon Helmet at this point in the game, as the chances of
Status Ailments even hitting your guys is so low it's not even funny.
So, next, continue on the path and step on the teleporter you come across
and back on the previous floor now, just follow the path and step on the
teleporter you come across. On the next floor, follow the path and grab
the Treasure Chest you see to get a Sage's Wisdom, then continue on the
path and step on the next teleporter you come across. On the next floor,
head north and grab the Treasure Chest you come across to obtain a Acid
Bottle, then head southeast to find the last Treasure Chest in the game,
which holds a Hellfire. Good job, I hope that last Item made your percent
reach 100%. Either way, head north now and before you step on the
teleporter here, make SURE you are ready to continue. Make a Memo File
Save if you must, but when you're ready, step on the teleporter here.
On the next floor, just head southwest and step on the teleporter you find
and then you'll reach the final floor. To the north is the final Boss in
the game. Use anything and everything to completely heal yourself in
every which way, Equip anything you need and DEFINITELY put a Phoenix Down
and Elixer in everyone's Item Slots just incase. Also, before you start
this last Battle, if you wish to beat this easily and "cheaply", Equip
the Blood Swords if you have them. Seriously, you'll win in like 2 hits.
Although, if you want to win the fair and square way, that's not a
problem. When you're ready, head north and talk to Emperor to finish this
once and for all...
- Y. The Final Battle...This Is Where It Ends . . . . . . . . [ TFB6.25 ] -
- Pandaemonium -
Enemies In The Area: Emperor.
Items To Get: None.
Suggested Max HP To Get: 2,000+.
This. Is. It. I won't put the Boss Strategy under the Boss Guide, but I'll
instead put it here.
- Emperor -
Hit Points: 10,000.
Magic Points: 540.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 180.
Number Of Hits: 8.
Hit %: 100.
Attack Effect: Blood Suck.
Defense: 210.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 80.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 16.
Magic Evade %: 70.
Special Attacks: Blind 16, Curse 16, Dispel 16, Flare 16, Meteor 10, Slow
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Earth, Flying.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: Bolt, Fire, Holy, Ice, Paralysis, Poison.
Absorb: Death, Swap.
Drops: None.
Strategy 1: Use the Blood Sword(s). Watch how fast he dies. Simple as that.
Strategy 2: Ok, the legit way to fighting him is basically, since he's
immune to most Magic and he has a SHITLOAD of insanely powerful spells on
his side, you'll really have to test your limits here. Ultima and Flare
sound good right about now for your Magic Users and everyone else can just
attack to the best of their ability. Just make sure to heal up when needed
and don't use the Elixers unless your Magic Users run out of MP. Also,
when he actually attacks, he'll heal himself with the damage he does to
you, which is a pain in the ass, since your attacks deal so little to him
in the first place. Just keep your assault up and you'll triumph this long
and enduring Battle.
See, wasn't all that training worth it? Heh.
Congratulations! You've just completed Final Fantasy II! Now sit back and
enjoy the ending!
- Z. Ending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ENDI6.26 ]-
After the Battle, the Emperor will be amazed and wonder who you are as he
fades into nothing. Firion and everyone head back home and are created by
their comrades. After some thanks and talk, Leon apparently wishes not to
live with everyone, as he's seen and done too much and leaves. Then,
Mindu, Cid, Josef and Gareth all appear and a silent goodbye is said.
Afterwards, for the rest of them, well, this is only the beginning of
their lives, as they walk out and the credits role shortly after...
The end.
After the Credits, be sure to save your Game Data and then try and tackle
Normal Mode, which is the same game, but without Auto-Target and some
other things. You'll retain all the things collected in Easy Mode, so you
don't have to actually gather everything again to fill in your lists.
Well, that about raps it up for me. I hope my walkthrough helped you in
the longrun and until next time, I'll see you later!
= VII. Boss Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BOGU7 ] =
- A. Black Knight x4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BLAKN7.1 ] -
Hit Points: 1,140.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 85.
Number Of Hits: 7.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 85.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 70.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 5.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 1,500/2,000, Diamond Shield, Hi-Potion, Sunblade Sword Or
Yoichi's Bow.
Strategy: Don't bother, because you can't win. Just let yourself be killed.
- B. Sergeant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SERG7.2 ] -
Hit Points: 140.
Magic Points: 10.
Skill Level: 3.
Strength: 35.
Number Of Hits: 2.
Hit %: 70.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 25.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 30.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: Arrow 3.
Cowardice: 120.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 100/200, Mythril Axe, Mythril Bow, Mythril Helmet Or Mythril
Strategy: This is actually a joke, if you've been training yourself. Have
your fighters attack and your Magic user(s) cast Fire, Ice and/or Bolt on
him. Heal with Cure when you need it, but repeat this and he'll easily go
down. He has no attacks or anything for you to worry about, so, just
end this as fast as you can. (Hopefully, you'll get one of the Mythril
Items from him.)
- C. Adamantoise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ADAMA7.3 ] -
Hit Points: 450.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 50.
Number Of Hits: 2.
Hit %: 75.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 60.
Number Of Blocks: 0.
Evade %: 0.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 1.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 100.
Race: Dragon, Earth.
Weakness: Ice.
Resistance: Bolt, Poison.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 200/300/400/500 Or Diamond Shield.
Strategy: This is rather easy, depending again on if you trained or not.
You'll want to have your Magic user(s) cast Ice and have your fighters
attack. Anyone with a Axe Weapon should do good here, so, use those. Other
than that, just heal yourself if needed and you should be alright.
- D. Borghen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BORG7.4 ]-
Hit Points: 240.
Magic Points: 20.
Skill Level: 4.
Strength: 25.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 75.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 17.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 40.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: Recovery 3.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 400, Hi-Potion Or Mythril Knife.
Strategy: Wow, another easy Boss. He's even easier than Adamantoise.
Basically, just assault him with your best attacks and watch him fall
fast. Not that hard at all. He can heal himself, but really, he'll
hopefully be dead before he can do anything.
- E. Shrieker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SHRI7.5 ] -
Hit Points: 540.
Magic Points: 30.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 35.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 40.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 60.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Bolt 8, Fire 8, Fog 8, Ice 8.
Cowardice: 85.
Race: Earth, Flying, Mage.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: Bolt, Death, Fire, Holy, Ice, Paralysis, Poison, Swap.
Drops: Gil 12/25/50/100.
Strategy: This can be easy or hard, depending on how strong your party is.
First of all, do NOT use Magic on him AT ALL. He'll absorb it and heal
himself. He has some rather high Level Spells he'll cast on you, but they
shouldn't deal too much damamge. If they do, use Cure immediately. Your
only bet is to just all out attack him and repeat until he dies, as he's
not that hard. Once he loses his MP, he really becomes a joke, so, just
win this.
- F. Chimera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CHIM7.6 ]-
Hit Points: 640.
Magic Points: 80.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 60.
Number Of Hits: 4.
Hit %: 75.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 50.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: Blaze 7.
Cowardice: 85.
Race: Dragon, Flying.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 300/400/500/600.
Strategy: You could fight either 1-4 of these things, so, be careful.
Anyway, they aren't that hard, except for their Blaze 7, which is rather
powerful. Other than that, just assault them with your best attacks, heal
when necessary and you'll come out on top of this.
- G. Lamia Queen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ LAMQU7.7 ] -
Hit Points: 1,290.
Magic Points: 370.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 50.
Number Of Hits: 8.
Hit %: 95.
Attack Effect: Sleep.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 2.
Evade %: 75.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 7.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Blink 16, Entice 9.
Cowardice: 9.
Race: Mage.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 10,000, Diamond Plate, Gold Hairpin Helmet, Gold Needle,
Protect Ring, Ribbon Helmet Or Sage's Wisdom.
Strategy: This Boss Battle is a joke. Just keep attacking her and watch
out for her Muddle 9 attack, as it's a doozy. Keep your assault up and
she'll fall quite fast.
- H. Behemoth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BEHEM7.8 ]-
Hit Points: 1,620.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 85.
Number Of Hits: 3.
Hit %: 95.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 40.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 85.
Race: Earth.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: None.
Strategy: Oh, this is a joke. Behemoth doesn't do anything special, so
just assault him and heal when necessary and you'll win.
- I. Gottos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GOTT7.9 ] -
Hit Points: 2,000.
Magic Points: 80.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 70.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 90.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 60.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 65.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 5.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Bacchus' Wine 6, Haste 6.
Cowardice: 50.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: 800/1,000/1,500/2,000 Bacchus' Wine, Haste Book Or Ripper Knife.
Strategy: Wow, another easy Boss. Again, just assault him and heal when
necessary. This won't take you that long and he's not even that powerful.
- J. Gigan Rhino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GIGRH7.10 ]-
Hit Points: 1,140.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 4.
Strength: 50.
Number Of Hits: 4.
Hit %: 85.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 60.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 6.
Magic Evade %: 30.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 60.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 500/600/800/1,000.
Strategy: Wow, yet another easy Boss...again. If you've been training,
this is truly a joke. If not, it'll take you a few rounds, but you'll
live. Basically, just attack this thing until it dies. It's not that hard.
- K. Barrel Worm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BARWO7.11 ]-
Hit Points: 2,000.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 120.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 95.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 100.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 10.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Earth, Flying, Mage.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 1,500/2,000.
Strategy: Ugh, seriously, is Squaresoft even TRYING in this game? This
Boss is another pushover. Just attack it and it'll go down rather fast...
- L. Fire Gigas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FIGIG7.12 ] -
Hit Points: 1,800.
Magic Points: 240.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 100.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 95.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 100.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 40.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: Fire 16, Boulders 9.
Cowardice: 50.
Race: Demon.
Weakness: Ice.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: Fire.
Drops: Gil 600/800/1,000, Confuse Book, Flame Mail Or Flame Sword.
Strategy: Surprisngly, this is somewhat challenging. This time, make sure
you have your Magic users cast Ice, while everyone else attacks him. He's
not that hard, but he does hit with some very decent attacks, so be
careful. If you're just attacking him, it'll take a few rounds, but he'll
definitely fall before you do.
- M. Ice Gigas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ICGIG7.13 ]-
Hit Points: 2,000.
Magic Points: 140.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 120.
Number Of Hits: 7.
Hit %: 95.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 120.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 50.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: Ice 12, Boulders 9.
Cowardice: 40.
Race: Demon.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: Ice.
Drops: Gil 600/800/1,000, Ice Brand Sword, Notus Or Stop Book.
Strategy: Eh, again, just like the Fire Gigas, this guy is sort of strong,
but you'll win rather easily. Have your Magic users cast Fire on him,
while everyone else just attacks and he'll eventually fall. Not hard at
- N. Thunder Gigas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THUGI7.14 ]-
Hit Points: 2,500.
Magic Points: 370.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 150.
Number Of Hits: 8.
Hit %: 95.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 150.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 60.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: Bolt 12, Boulders 9.
Cowardice: 40.
Race: Demon.
Weakness: Poison.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: Bolt.
Drops: Gil 800/1,000, Black Robe, Confuse Book, Flare Book Or Healing
Strategy: Wow, now this guy is a GOOD challenge. Almost all of your
attacks, regardless to your strength, will deal small damage to him. I
suggest you have your Magic users use Poison on him and the rest just
attack. If needed, heal up with Cure and just keep doing this until you
win. Shouldn't take you too long, but I pray you've been training hard up
to this point or else this could prove fatal to you.
- O. Emperor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ EMPER7.15 ]-
Hit Points: 1,290.
Magic Points: 190.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 70.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 65.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Barrier 8, Blink 8, Bolt 10, Elixer 1, Haste 8, Slow 9.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 10,000, Cottage, Defender Sword, Diamond Armor, Elixer, Eye
Drops, Phoenix Down.
Strategy: Eh, surprisingly, the Emperor is a breeze, even with the 2
Royal Guards and the Wood Golem that are here for this Battle. Pretty sad
when the Wood Golem is the hardest Monster here. Either way, just attack
and you'll win this.
= [ VIII. Monster List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MONLI8 ] =
For your convenience, I will list the Monsters in order as they appear on
the Bestiary Collection, so you can see what ones you need and figure out
where they are located, via using The Walkthrough.
Note: The only REAL Monster you should have trouble finding is Goblin
Prince. I myself played through the game and managed to get every Monster
but this one with ease. He is located on Castle Kai'son 1F, but he appears
VERY RARELY, so, really, good luck getting him.
- 001. Strangler -
Hit Points: 6.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 1.
Strength: 4.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 60.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 0.
Number Of Blocks: 0.
Evade %: 0.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 1.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 180.
Race: Earth.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: Holy, Paralysis.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 3/6/12/25.
- 002. Bloodsucker -
Hit Points: 20.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 1.
Strength: 4.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 60.
Attack Effect: Poison.
Defense: 0.
Number Of Blocks: 0.
Evade %: 0.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 1.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 150.
Race: Earth.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: Holy, Paralysis.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 3/6/12, Antidote, Eye Drops Or Potion.
- 003. Hornet -
Hit Points: 6.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 1.
Strength: 4.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 50.
Attack Effect: Poison.
Defense: 0.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 10.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 1.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 180.
Race: Flying.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 3/6/12/25.
- 004. Queen Bee -
Hit Points: 30.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 1.
Strength: 9.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 50.
Attack Effect: Venom.
Defense: 4.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 10.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 1.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 150.
Race: Flying.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 3/6, Antidote Or Potion.
- 005. Yeti -
Hit Points: 45.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 2.
Strength: 9.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 60.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 4.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 20.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 150.
Race: None.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: Ice.
Drops: Gil 12/25/50/100.
- 006. Sasquatch -
Hit Points: 20.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 1.
Strength: 4.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 50.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 0.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 10.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 1.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 150.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 6/12/25/50.
- 007. Icicle -
Hit Points: 60.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 2.
Strength: 17.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 60.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 17.
Number Of Blocks: 0.
Evade %: 0.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 150.
Race: None.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: Holy.
Absorb: Ice.
Drops: Gil 12/25/50/100.
- 008. Stalactite -
Hit Points: 240.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 4.
Strength: 35.
Number Of Hits: 2.
Hit %: 70.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 35.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 30.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 100.
Race: None.
Weakness: Poison.
Resistance: Holy.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 100/200/300/400.
- 009. Splinter -
Hit Points: 240.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 4.
Strength: 40.
Number Of Hits: 3.
Hit %: 70.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 40.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 30.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 70.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: Holy.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 400/500/600/800.
- 010. Loper -
Hit Points: 30.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 1.
Strength: 9.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 50.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 0.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 40.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 1.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 150.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 3/6/12/25.
- 011. Phorusracos -
Hit Points: 140.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 3.
Strength: 35.
Number Of Hits: 2.
Hit %: 65.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 25.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 30.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 120.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 25/50/100/200.
- 012. Adamantoise -
Hit Points: 450.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 50.
Number Of Hits: 2.
Hit %: 75.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 60.
Number Of Blocks: 0.
Evade %: 0.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 1.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 100.
Race: Dragon, Earth.
Weakness: Ice.
Resistance: Bolt, Poison.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 200/300/400/500 Or Diamond Shield.
- 013. Spiketoise -
Hit Points: 140.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 3.
Strength: 35.
Number Of Hits: 2.
Hit %: 65.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 35.
Number Of Blocks: 0.
Evade %: 0.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 120.
Race: Dragon, Earth.
Weakness: Ice.
Resistance: Bolt, Poison.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 25/50/100/200 Or Mythril Shield.
- 014. Ogre -
Hit Points: 100.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 2.
Strength: 25.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 65.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 17.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 20.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 120.
Race: Demon.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 50/100/200, Mythril Helment Or Mythril Mace.
- 015. Ogre Mage -
Hit Points: 140.
Magic Points: 30.
Skill Level: 3.
Strength: 25.
Number Of Hits: 2.
Hit %: 65.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 17.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 40.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Blind 4, Ice 5, Sleep 4.
Cowardice: 120.
Race: Demon, Mage.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 50, Hellfire, Blind Book, Blink Book, Ice Book, Sleep Book Or
Warp Book.
- 016. Ogre Chieftain -
Hit Points: 300.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 4.
Strength: 40.
Number Of Hits: 3.
Hit %: 70.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 35.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 40.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 100.
Race: Demon.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 300/400/500, Ice Shield Or Wing Sword.
- 017. Deadringers -
Hit Points: 80.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 2.
Strength: 25.
Number Of Hits: 2.
Hit %: 50.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 17.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 20.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 150.
Race: Demon.
Weakness: Paralysis.
Resistance: Holy.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 12/25/50/100, Battle Axe Or Mace.
- 018. Deadheads -
Hit Points: 300.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 40.
Number Of Hits: 5.
Hit %: 65.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 25.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 50.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 100.
Race: Undead.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: Holy, Ice, Paralysis.
Absorb: Death.
Drops: Gil 200/300/400/500.
- 019. Wererat -
Hit Points: 60.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 2.
Strength: 17.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 60.
Attack Effect: Venom.
Defense: 4.
Number Of Blocks: 2.
Evade %: 20.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 120.
Race: Lycanthrope.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: Death, Paralysis.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 25/50/100/200.
- 020. Stunner -
Hit Points: 100.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 3.
Strength: 17.
Number Of Hits: 2.
Hit %: 65.
Attack Effect: Paralysis.
Defense: 17.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 30.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 120.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 50/100/200/300.
- 021. Floating Skull -
Hit Points: 45.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 2.
Strength: 17.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 60.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 9.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 20.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 150.
Race: Undead.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: Holy, Ice, Paralysis.
Absorb: Death.
Drops: Gil 6/12/25/50.
- 022. Deathmask -
Hit Points: 640.
Magic Points: 300.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 50.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 75.
Attack Effect: Blood Suck.
Defense: 40.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 65.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Ice 12, Stun 16, Toad 10.
Cowardice: 17.
Race: Mage, Undead.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: Holy, Ice, Paralysis.
Absorb: Death.
Drops: Gil 1,000/1,500/2,000.
- 023. Zombie -
Hit Points: 30.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 1.
Strength: 17.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 60.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 0.
Number Of Blocks: 0.
Evade %: 0.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 1.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 150.
Race: Undead.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: Holy, Ice, Paralysis.
Absorb: Death.
Drops: Gil 6/12/25/50.
- 024. Ghoul -
Hit Points: 60.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 2.
Strength: 17.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 60.
Attack Effect: Paralysis.
Defense: 4.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 20.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 150.
Race: Undead.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: Holy, Ice, Paralysis.
Absorb: Death.
Drops: Gil 25/50/100/200.
- 025. Ghast -
Hit Points: 100.
Magic Points: 30.
Skill Level: 3.
Strength: 25.
Number Of Hits: 2.
Hit %: 60.
Attack Effect: Paralysis.
Defense: 9.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 30.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: Blind 4.
Cowardice: 120.
Race: Undead.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: Holy, Ice, Paralysis.
Absorb: Death.
Drops: Gil 50/100/200/300.
- 026. Revenant -
Hit Points: 240.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 4.
Strength: 40.
Number Of Hits: 3.
Hit %: 70.
Attack Effect: Blood Suck.
Defense: 25.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 40.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 100.
Race: Undead.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: Holy, Ice, Paralysis.
Absorb: Death.
Drops: Gil 300/400/500/600.
- 027. Shadow -
Hit Points: 45.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 2.
Strength: 17.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 60.
Attack Effect: Darkness.
Defense: 9.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 20.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 150.
Race: Undead.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: Change, Death, Holy, Ice, Lightning, Paralysis.
Absorb: Death.
Drops: Gil 12/25/50/100.
- 028. Wraith -
Hit Points: 60.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 2.
Strength: 9.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 65.
Attack Effect: Blood Suck.
Defense: 9.
Number Of Blocks: 2.
Evade %: 20.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 120.
Race: Earth, Flying, Undead.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: Change, Death, Holy, Ice, Paralysis, Poison.
Absorb: Death.
Drops: Gil 25/50/100/200.
- 029. Specter -
Hit Points: 300.
Magic Points: 100.
Skill Level: 4.
Strength: 25.
Number Of Hits: 3.
Hit %: 75.
Attack Effect: Blood Suck.
Defense: 25.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 40.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: Ice 8, Gaze 6, Sleep 6.
Cowardice: 85.
Race: Earth, Flying, Mage, Undead.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: Change, Death, Holy, Ice, Paralysis, Poison.
Absorb: Death.
Drops: Gil 400/500/600/800.
- 030. Ghost -
Hit Points: 540.
Magic Points: 140.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 35.
Number Of Hits: 5.
Hit %: 75.
Attack Effect: Blood Suck.
Defense: 35.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 60.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: Curse 8, Fog 16, Mini 7, Stun 16.
Cowardice: 70.
Race: Earth, Flying, Mage, Undead.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: Change, Death, Holy, Ice, Paralysis, Poison.
Absorb: Death.
Drops: Gil 500/600/800/1,000.
- 031. Antlion -
Hit Points: 370.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 50.
Number Of Hits: 3.
Hit %: 75.
Attack Effect: Paralysis.
Defense: 40.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 50.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 85.
Race: Earth.
Weakness: Ice, Poison.
Resistance: Fire, Lightning.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 200/300/400/500.
- 032. Scissorjaws -
Hit Points: 870.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 70.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 60.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 70.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 25.
Race: Flying.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 100/1,500/2,000.
- 033. Gottos -
Hit Points: 2,000.
Magic Points: 80.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 70.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 90.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 60.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 65.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 5.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Bacchus' Wine 6, Haste 6.
Cowardice: 50.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: 800/1,000/1,500/2,000 Bacchus' Wine, Haste Book Or Ripper Knife.
- 034. Blood Fiend -
Hit Points: 1,000.
Magic Points: 140.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 70.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: Venom.
Defense: 60.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 75.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 6.
Magic Evade %: 60.
Special Attacks: Bolt 10, Dispel 8, Fog 6, Stop 8.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Mage.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: Bolt, Fire, Ice.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 2,000.
- 035. Chimera -
Hit Points: 640.
Magic Points: 80.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 60.
Number Of Hits: 4.
Hit %: 75.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 50.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: Blaze 7.
Cowardice: 85.
Race: Dragon, Flying.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 300/400/500/600.
- 036. Rhyos -
Hit Points: 750.
Magic Points: 140.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 60.
Number Of Hits: 5.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 60.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Bad Breath 1, Blaze 7.
Cowardice: 60.
Race: Dragon, Flying.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 500/600/800/1,000.
- 037. Maximus -
Hit Points: 1,140.
Magic Points: 370.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 85.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 90.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 70.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 70.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 5.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Bad Breath 1, Blaze 16, Dispel 16.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Dragon, Flying.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 2,000.
- 038. Doom Petals -
Hit Points: 540.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 40.
Number Of Hits: 4.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: Confuse.
Defense: 40.
Number Of Blocks: 0.
Evade %: 0.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 85.
Race: None.
Weakness: Fire, Ice.
Resistance: Holy, Paralysis.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 200/300/400/500, Antidote, Eye Drops, Potion Or Slumber Stalk.
- 039. Evil Bud -
Hit Points: 1,140.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 70.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 85.
Attack Effect: Confuse, Poison.
Defense: 70.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 65.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 5.
Magic Evade %: 70.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 50.
Race: None.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: Holy, Ice, Paralysis.
Absorb: Death.
Drops: Gil 600/800/1,000/1,500.
- 040. Killer Fish -
Hit Points: 100.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 3.
Strength: 25.
Number Of Hits: 2.
Hit %: 65.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 17.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 30.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 100.
Race: Aquatic.
Weakness: Lightning.
Resistance: Fire, Poison.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 25/50/100/200.
- 041. Boltfish -
Hit Points: 540.
Magic Points: 80.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 60.
Number Of Hits: 4.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 50.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Bolt 8.
Cowardice: 60.
Race: Aquatic.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: Fire, Poison.
Absorb: Bolt.
Drops: Gil 400/500/600/800.
- 042. Helldiver -
Hit Points: 140.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 3.
Strength: 35.
Number Of Hits: 2.
Hit %: 65.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 17.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 50.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 120.
Race: Flying.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 50/100/200/300.
- 043. Cockatrice -
Hit Points: 370.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 35.
Number Of Hits: 4.
Hit %: 70.
Attack Effect: Petrification.
Defense: 40.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 50.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 70.
Race: Flying.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 400/500/600/800.
- 044. Pirate -
Hit Points: 45.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 1.
Strength: 17.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 60.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 4.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 30.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 100.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 100/200/300/400.
- 045. Buccaneer -
Hit Points: 80.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 2.
Strength: 25.
Number Of Hits: 2.
Hit %: 65.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 17.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 40.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 100.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 200/300/400/500.
- 046. Borghen -
Hit Points: 240.
Magic Points: 20.
Skill Level: 4.
Strength: 25.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 75.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 17.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 40.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: Recovery 3.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 400, Hi-Potion Or Mythril Knife.
- 047. Zombie Borghen -
Hit Points: 2,500.
Magic Points: 370.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 120.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 95.
Attack Effect: Paralysis.
Defense: 120.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 60.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 10.
Magic Evade %: 100.
Special Attacks: Flare 16.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Undead.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: Holy, Ice, Paralysis.
Absorb: Death.
Drops: Gil 2,000.
- 048. Gigan Rhino -
Hit Points: 1,140.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 4.
Strength: 50.
Number Of Hits: 4.
Hit %: 85.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 60.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 6.
Magic Evade %: 30.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 60.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 500/600/800/1,000.
- 049. Wild Horn -
Hit Points: 300.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 40.
Number Of Hits: 3.
Hit %: 85.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 35.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 30.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 100.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 100/200/300/400.
- 050. Poison Toad -
Hit Points: 300.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 4.
Strength: 35.
Number Of Hits: 3.
Hit %: 70.
Attack Effect: Venom.
Defense: 35.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 30.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 100.
Race: None.
Weakness: Ice.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 50/100, Antidote, Maiden's Kiss, Potion Or Thantos.
- 051. Gigan Toad -
Hit Points: 450.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 40.
Number Of Hits: 4.
Hit %: 75.
Attack Effect: Venom.
Defense: 40.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 50.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 100.
Race: None.
Weakness: Ice.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 200/300/400/500.
- 052. Sea Serpent -
Hit Points: 300.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 4.
Strength: 40.
Number Of Hits: 3.
Hit %: 75.
Attack Effect: Venom.
Defense: 40.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 40.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 100.
Race: Aquatic.
Weakness: Lightning.
Resistance: Fire, Poison.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 100/200/300/500.
- 053. Sea Dragon -
Hit Points: 870.
Magic Points: 80.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 70.
Number Of Hits: 5.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 60.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 60.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Tsunami 8.
Cowardice: 60.
Race: Aquatic.
Weakness: Lightning.
Resistance: Fire, Poison.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 400/500/600/800, Backstabber, Magiconch Or Orichaldagger.
- 054. Sand Ray -
Hit Points: 450.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 40.
Number Of Hits: 4.
Hit %: 75.
Attack Effect: Paralysis.
Defense: 40.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 50.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 85.
Race: Earth.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 300/400/500/600.
- 055. Manta Ray -
Hit Points: 870.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 70.
Number Of Hits: 5.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 60.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 60.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 60.
Race: Aquatic.
Weakness: Lightning.
Resistance: Fire, Poison.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 400/500/600/800.
- 056. Winged Ray -
Hit Points: 750.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 60.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 65.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 70.
Race: Flying.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 400/500/600/800.
- 057. Swapper -
Hit Points: 140.
Magic Points: 80.
Skill Level: 3.
Strength: 35.
Number Of Hits: 2.
Hit %: 70.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 25.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 50.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Swap 4.
Cowardice: 100.
Race: Lycanthrope.
Weakness: Holy.
Resistance: Death, Paralysis.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 100/200/300/400.
- 058. Brain -
Hit Points: 240.
Magic Points: 100.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 40.
Number Of Hits: 4.
Hit %: 75.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 35.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 60.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: Fog 6, Swap 4.
Cowardice: 85.
Race: Lycanthrope.
Weakness: Holy.
Resistance: Death, Paralysis.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 300/400/500/600.
- 059. Parasite -
Hit Points: 300.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 4.
Strength: 35.
Number Of Hits: 3.
Hit %: 70.
Attack Effect: MP Suck.
Defense: 40.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 40.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 85.
Race: Flying.
Weakness: Ice.
Resistance: Holy.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 300/400/500.
- 060. Lifesucker -
Hit Points: 750.
Magic Points: 300.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 40.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 75.
Attack Effect: Amnesia.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 65.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Aspir 10, Drain 16.
Cowardice: 4.
Race: Flying.
Weakness: Ice.
Resistance: Holy.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 1,500/2,000.
- 061. Werewolf -
Hit Points: 540.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 50.
Number Of Hits: 4.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: Poison.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 50.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 60.
Race: Lycanthrope.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: Death, Paralysis.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 500/600/800/1,000.
- 062. Fenrir -
Hit Points: 870.
Magic Points: 300.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 70.
Number Of Hits: 8.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 75.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 6.
Magic Evade %: 60.
Special Attacks: Curse 8, Fire 11, Muddle 16, Warp 9.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Mage.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 2,000.
- 063. Imp -
Hit Points: 300.
Magic Points: 100.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 35.
Number Of Hits: 4.
Hit %: 70.
Attack Effect: Venom.
Defense: 35.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 50.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 100.
Special Attacks: Blink 8, Muddle 16.
Cowardice: 60.
Race: Earth, Flying, Mage.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: Fire, Ice, Lightning.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 500/600/800/1,000.
- 064. Pit Fiend -
Hit Points: 750.
Magic Points: 300.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 60.
Number Of Hits: 8.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: Darkness.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 65.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 6.
Magic Evade %: 60.
Special Attacks: Fire 16, Stun 16.
Cowardice: 9.
Race: Earth, Flying, Mage.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: Ice.
Absorb: Fire.
Drops: Gil 1,500/2,000.
- 065. Malboro -
Hit Points: 750.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 50.
Number Of Hits: 5.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: Paralysis.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 60.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 70.
Race: Aquatic.
Weakness: Lightning.
Resistance: Fire, Poison.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 300/400/500/600, Ether Or Hi-Potion.
- 066. Mezzo Malboro -
Hit Points: 1,000.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 60.
Number Of Hits: 7.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: Paralysis, Poison.
Defense: 60.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 65.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 6.
Magic Evade %: 30.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 50.
Race: Earth.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: Bolt, Poison.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 500/600/800/1,000, Elixer, Ether Or Hi-Potion.
- 067. Great Malboro -
Hit Points: 1,290.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 85.
Number Of Hits: 8.
Hit %: 85.
Attack Effect: Mini, Muddle, Paralysis, Poison, Silence, Sleep.
Defense: 85.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 70.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 5.
Magic Evade %: 70.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 4.
Race: Earth.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 1,500/2,000.
- 068. Basilisk -
Hit Points: 750.
Magic Points: 140.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 70.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 65.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 6.
Magic Evade %: 30.
Special Attacks: Gaze 5.
Cowardice: 50.
Race: Dragon, Earth.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 500/600/800/1,000.
- 069. Salamander -
Hit Points: 1,290.
Magic Points: 300.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 100.
Number Of Hits: 8.
Hit %: 90.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 85.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 70.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 5.
Magic Evade %: 70.
Special Attacks: Blaze 16.
Cowardice: 4.
Race: Mage.
Weakness: Ice.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: Fire.
Drops: Gil 1,500/2,000.
- 070. Frost Lizard -
Hit Points: 1,000.
Magic Points: 190.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 85.
Number Of Hits: 7.
Hit %: 85.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 70.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 65.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 6.
Magic Evade %: 30.
Special Attacks: Blizzard 16.
Cowardice: 50.
Race: Dragon, Earth.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: Ice.
Drops: Gil 600/800/1,000/1,500.
- 071. Hecteyes -
Hit Points: 1,140.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 100.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 75.
Attack Effect: Venom.
Defense: 60.
Number Of Blocks: 0.
Evade %: 0.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 6.
Magic Evade %: 30.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 35.
Race: Earth, Flying.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: Death, Holy, Paralysis, Warp.
Absorb: Poison.
Drops: Gil 800/1,000/1,500/2,000.
- 072. Gazer -
Hit Points: 1,140.
Magic Points: 300.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 85.
Number Of Hits: 7.
Hit %: 90.
Attack Effect: Death.
Defense: 70.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 70.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 5.
Magic Evade %: 70.
Special Attacks: Dispel 16, Drain 16, Esuna 16, Gaze 9, Muddle 16, Slow
16, Stun 16.
Cowardice: 4.
Race: Earth, Flying.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: Bolt, Death, Fire, Holy, Ice, Paralysis, Poison, Warp.
Absorb: Poison.
Drops: Gil 1,500/2,000.
- 073. Barrel Worm -
Hit Points: 2,000.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 120.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 95.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 100.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 10.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Earth, Flying, Mage.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 1,500/2,000.
- 074. Sand Worm -
Hit Points: 1,290.
Magic Points: 190.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 100.
Number Of Hits: 7.
Hit %: 85.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 40.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 60.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 6.
Magic Evade %: 30.
Special Attacks: Earthquake 10.
Cowardice: 17.
Race: Earth, Flying.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 800/1,000/1,500/2,000.
- 075. Abyss Worm -
Hit Points: 1,290.
Magic Points: 370.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 150.
Number Of Hits: 8.
Hit %: 90.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 85.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 60.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 5.
Magic Evade %: 70.
Special Attacks: Twister 13.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Earth, Flying.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: Holy, Paralysis.
Absorb: Fire, Holy.
Drops: Gil 1,000/1,500/2,000.
- 076. Green Slime -
Hit Points: 10.
Magic Points: 6.
Skill Level: 2.
Strength: 4.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 50.
Attack Effect: Poison.
Defense: 210.
Number Of Blocks: 0.
Evade %: 0.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 150.
Race: Earth, Flying.
Weakness: Fire, Ice.
Resistance: Death, Holy, Paralysis, Swap.
Absorb: Poison.
Drops: Gil 3/6/12/25.
- 077. Yellow Jelly -
Hit Points: 45.
Magic Points: 6.
Skill Level: 2.
Strength: 17.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 60.
Attack Effect: Venom.
Defense: 210.
Number Of Blocks: 0.
Evade %: 0.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 150.
Race: Earth, Flying.
Weakness: Fire, Ice.
Resistance: Bolt, Death, Holy, Paralysis, Swap.
Absorb: Poison.
Drops: Gil 3/6/12/25.
- 078. Red Mousse -
Hit Points: 100.
Magic Points: 45.
Skill Level: 3.
Strength: 25.
Number Of Hits: 2.
Hit %: 65.
Attack Effect: Venom.
Defense: 210.
Number Of Blocks: 0.
Evade %: 0.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 100.
Race: Earth, Flying.
Weakness: Bolt.
Resistance: Death, Holy, Ice, Paralysis, Swap.
Absorb: Poison.
Drops: Gil 50/100/200/300.
- 079. Dark Flan -
Hit Points: 370.
Magic Points: 80.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 40.
Number Of Hits: 4.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: Venom.
Defense: 210.
Number Of Blocks: 0.
Evade %: 0.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 70.
Race: Earth, Flying.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: Bolt, Death, Holy, Ice, Paralysis, Swap.
Absorb: Poison.
Drops: Gil 300/400/500/600.
- 080. Shrieker -
Hit Points: 540.
Magic Points: 30.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 35.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 40.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 60.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Bolt 8, Fire 8, Fog 8, Ice 8.
Cowardice: 85.
Race: Earth, Flying, Mage.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: Bolt, Death, Fire, Holy, Ice, Paralysis, Poison, Swap.
Drops: Gil 12/25/50/100.
- 081. Screamer -
Hit Points: 6.
Magic Points: 60.
Skill Level: 4.
Strength: 25.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 70.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 17.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 40.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Cure 6.
Cowardice: 180.
Race: Earth, Flying, Mage.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: Bolt, Death, Fire, Holy, Ice, Paralysis, Poison, Swap.
Drops: Gil 100/200/300/400.
- 082. Howler -
Hit Points: 20.
Magic Points: 80.
Skill Level: 4.
Strength: 35.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 70.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 25.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 40.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Fire 5.
Cowardice: 180.
Race: Earth, Flying, Mage.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: Bolt, Death, Fire, Holy, Ice, Paralysis, Poison, Swap.
Drops: Gil 100/200/300/400.
- 083. Vampirette -
Hit Points: 540.
Magic Points: 100.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 40.
Number Of Hits: 5.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: Blood Suck.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 60.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Entice 6.
Cowardice: 50.
Race: Earth, Flying, Mage, Undead.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: Bolt, Death, Holy, Ice, Paralysis, Poison, Swap.
Absorb: Death.
Drops: Gil 500/600/800/1,000.
- 084. Succubus -
Hit Points: 1,140.
Magic Points: 140.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 85.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 85.
Attack Effect: Blood Suck.
Defense: 85.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 70.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 6.
Magic Evade %: 30.
Special Attacks: Ice 12, Muddle 9, Sleep 16.
Cowardice: 17.
Race: Earth, Flying, Mage, Undead.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: Bolt, Death, Holy, Ice, Paralysis, Poison, Swap.
Absorb: Death.
Drops: Gil 1,500/2,000/10,000, Hourglass, Ice Book Or Maiden's Kiss.
- 085. Emperor -
Hit Points: 1,290.
Magic Points: 190.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 70.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 65.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Barrier 8, Blink 8, Bolt 10, Elixer 1, Haste 8, Slow 9.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 10,000, Cottage, Defender Sword, Diamond Armor, Elixer, Eye
Drops, Phoenix Down.
- 086. Fallen Emperor -
Hit Points: 3,000.
Magic Points: 240.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 120.
Number Of Hits: 8.
Hit %: 100.
Attack Effect: Curse.
Defense: 120.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 80.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 8.
Magic Evade %: 30.
Special Attacks: Curse 8, Death 8.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Earth, Flying, Mage, Undead.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: Death, Holy, Ice, Paralysis, Poison, Swap.
Absorb: Death.
Drops: None.
- 087. Killer Mantis -
Hit Points: 750.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 60.
Number Of Hits: 5.
Hit %: 75.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 60.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 70.
Race: None.
Weakness: Ice.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 400/500/600/800.
- 088. Mantis King -
Hit Points: 1,140.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 85.
Number Of Hits: 7.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 70.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 70.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 5.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: None.
Weakness: Ice.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 2,000/10,000, Cat Claw, Ether, Mallet, Mythril Mirror Or
Phoenix Down.
- 089. Mantis Devil -
Hit Points: 1,290.
Magic Points: 370.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 85.
Number Of Hits: 8.
Hit %: 85.
Attack Effect: Paralysis.
Defense: 85.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 75.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 5.
Magic Evade %: 70.
Special Attacks: Fire 16.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Mage.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: Ice.
Absorb: Fire.
Drops: Gil 2,000.
- 090. Royal Guard -
Hit Points: 870.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 60.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 75.
Attack Effect: Venom.
Defense: 60.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 65.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 6.
Magic Evade %: 30.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 800/1,000, Break Book, Poison Axe, Unicorn Horn Or Warp Book.
- 091. Black Knight -
Hit Points: 1,140.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 85.
Number Of Hits: 7.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 85.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 70.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 5.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 1,500/2,000, Diamond Shield, Hi-Potion, Sunblade Sword Or
Yoichi's Bow.
- 092. Death Rider -
Hit Points: 1,290.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 120.
Number Of Hits: 8.
Hit %: 85.
Attack Effect: Blood Suck.
Defense: 120.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 70.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 5.
Magic Evade %: 70.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Mage.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: Holy, Ice, Paralysis.
Absorb: Death.
Drops: Gil 10,000, Elixer, Ether, Hi-Potion, Ribbon, Thunder Spear.
- 093. Wood Golem -
Hit Points: 1,620.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 100.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 95.
Attack Effect: Sleep.
Defense: 120.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 50.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 14.
Magic Evade %: 100.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Mage.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: Death, Holy, Ice, Paralysis, Poison, Swap.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 600/800/1,000/1,500.
- 094. Stone Golem -
Hit Points: 1,800.
Magic Points: 240.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 120.
Number Of Hits: 7.
Hit %: 95.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 150.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 50.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 14.
Magic Evade %: 100.
Special Attacks: Stop 8.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Mage.
Weakness: Poison.
Resistance: Bolt, Death, Fire, Holy, Ice, Paralysis, Poison, Swap.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 600/800/1,000/1,500.
- 095. Mythril Golem -
Hit Points: 2,000.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 150.
Number Of Hits: 8.
Hit %: 95.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 180.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 50.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 14.
Magic Evade %: 100.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Mage.
Weakness: Bolt.
Resistance: Death, Fire, Holy, Ice, Paralysis, Poison, Swap.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 1,000/1,500/2,000.
- 096. Goblin -
Hit Points: 6.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 1.
Strength: 4.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 50.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 0.
Number Of Blocks: 0.
Evade %: 0.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 1.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 180.
Race: Demon.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 6/12/25/50.
- 097. Goblin Guard -
Hit Points: 10.
Magic Points: 6.
Skill Level: 1.
Strength: 4.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 50.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 0.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 10.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 1.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: Arrow 1.
Cowardice: 150.
Race: Demon.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 6/12/25/50.
- 098. Goblin Prince -
Hit Points: 30.
Magic Points: 10.
Skill Level: 2.
Strength: 9.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 60.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 4.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 10.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Arrow 3, Sleep 4.
Cowardice: 150.
Race: Demon.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 12/25/50, Bronze Shield, Long Bow, Long Sword Or Potion.
- 099. Balloon -
Hit Points: 20.
Magic Points: 10.
Skill Level: 1.
Strength: 9.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 50.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 0.
Number Of Blocks: 0.
Evade %: 0.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 1.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: Self-Destruct 1.
Cowardice: 150.
Race: Flying.
Weakness: Bolt, Fire.
Resistance: Holy, Paralysis.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 3/6/12/25.
- 100. Grenade -
Hit Points: 60.
Magic Points: 10.
Skill Level: 2.
Strength: 25.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 65.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 17.
Number Of Blocks: 0.
Evade %: 0.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: Self-Destruct 3.
Cowardice: 150.
Race: Flying.
Weakness: Bolt, Fire.
Resistance: Holy, Paralysis.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 6/12/25/50.
- 101. Mine -
Hit Points: 190.
Magic Points: 30.
Skill Level: 3.
Strength: 35.
Number Of Hits: 2.
Hit %: 70.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 25.
Number Of Blocks: 0.
Evade %: 0.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Self-Destruct 5.
Cowardice: 120.
Race: Flying.
Weakness: Bolt, Fire.
Resistance: Holy, Paralysis.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 25/50/100/200.
- 102. Bomb -
Hit Points: 640.
Magic Points: 140.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 60.
Number Of Hits: 5.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 0.
Evade %: 0.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Self-Destruct 7.
Cowardice: 60.
Race: Flying.
Weakness: Bolt, Fire.
Resistance: Holy, Paralysis.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 300/400/500/600.
- 103. Soldier -
Hit Points: 45.
Magic Points: 10.
Skill Level: 1.
Strength: 17.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 60.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 9.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 10.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 2.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: Arrow 1.
Cowardice: 150.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 6/12/25/50, Antidote, Garlic Or Potion.
- 104. Sergeant -
Hit Points: 140.
Magic Points: 10.
Skill Level: 3.
Strength: 35.
Number Of Hits: 2.
Hit %: 70.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 25.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 30.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: Arrow 3.
Cowardice: 120.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 100/200, Mythril Axe, Mythril Bow, Mythril Helmet Or Mythril
- 105. Captain -
Hit Points: 750.
Magic Points: 30.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 60.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 60.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: Arrow 3.
Cowardice: 100.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 200/300, Curse Book, Flame Bow, Gold Armor Or Toad Book.
- 106. General -
Hit Points: 1,800.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 120.
Number Of Hits: 10.
Hit %: 95.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 100.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 75.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 60.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 25.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 1,500/2,000, Diamond Gaunlet, Diamond Helmet, Dragon Armor,
Rune Axe Or Silk Web.
- 107. Warlock -
Hit Points: 80.
Magic Points: 30.
Skill Level: 3.
Strength: 17.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 65.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 9.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 40.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 60.
Special Attacks: Berserk 4, Blind 4, Bolt 5, Fire 5, Fog 5, Ice 5,
Sleep 4.
Cowardice: 120.
Race: Mage.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 50, Berserk Book, Bolt Book, Break Book, Fog Book, Fire Book Or
Mage's Staff.
- 108. Sorcerer -
Hit Points: 140.
Magic Points: 60.
Skill Level: 4.
Strength: 25.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 70.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 17.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 50.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 60.
Special Attacks: Bolt 8, Curse 6, Death 8, Drain 8, Fire 8, Haste 6, Ice,
Muddle 6, Stun 6.
Cowardice: 70.
Race: Mage.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 400, Aura Book, Death Book, Drain Book, Gold Plate, Haste Book
Or Toad Book.
- 109. Wizard -
Hit Points: 540.
Magic Points: 190.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 40.
Number Of Hits: 1.
Hit %: 75.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 35.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 70.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 60.
Special Attacks: Break 6, Drain 8, Esuna 8, Fire 11, Flare 10, Stop 8,
Toad 7, Warp.
Cowardice: 35.
Race: Mage.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 1,000/1,500, Diamond Plate, Drain Book, Esuna Book, Flare Book
Or Warp Book.
- 110. Werepanther -
Hit Points: 190.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 3.
Strength: 35.
Number Of Hits: 2.
Hit %: 70.
Attack Effect: Venom.
Defense: 25.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 30.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 3.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 120.
Race: Lycanthrope.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: Death, Paralysis.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 50/100/200/300.
- 111. Coeurl -
Hit Points: 1,000.
Magic Points: 300.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 40.
Number Of Hits: 7.
Hit %: 75.
Attack Effect: Death.
Defense: 60.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 70.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 5.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Blaster 1.
Cowardice: 9.
Race: None.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 1,000/1,500/2,000.
- 112. Lamia -
Hit Points: 1,000.
Magic Points: 60.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 70.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 85.
Attack Effect: Sleep.
Defense: 70.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 65.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 6.
Magic Evade %: 30.
Special Attacks: Blink 8, Entice 9.
Cowardice: 35.
Race: Mage.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 800/1,000/1,500/2,000.
- 113. Lamia Queen -
Hit Points: 1,290.
Magic Points: 370.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 50.
Number Of Hits: 8.
Hit %: 95.
Attack Effect: Sleep.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 2.
Evade %: 75.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 7.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Blink 16, Entice 9.
Cowardice: 9.
Race: Mage.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 10,000, Diamond Plate, Gold Hairpin Helmet, Gold Needle,
Protect Ring, Ribbon Helmet Or Sage's Wisdom.
- 114. Hill Gigas -
Hit Points: 750.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 5.
Strength: 100.
Number Of Hits: 3.
Hit %: 80.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 60.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 30.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 120.
Race: Demon.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 200/300/400, Titan's Helmet Or Titan's Gauntlet.
- 115. Fire Gigas -
Hit Points: 1,800.
Magic Points: 240.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 100.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 95.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 100.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 40.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: Fire 16, Boulders 9.
Cowardice: 50.
Race: Demon.
Weakness: Ice.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: Fire.
Drops: Gil 600/800/1,000, Confuse Book, Flame Mail Or Flame Sword.
- 116. Ice Gigas -
Hit Points: 2,000.
Magic Points: 140.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 120.
Number Of Hits: 7.
Hit %: 95.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 120.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 50.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: Ice 12, Boulders 9.
Cowardice: 40.
Race: Demon.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: Ice.
Drops: Gil 600/800/1,000, Ice Brand Sword, Notus Or Stop Book.
- 117. Thunder Gigas -
Hit Points: 2,500.
Magic Points: 370.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 150.
Number Of Hits: 8.
Hit %: 95.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 150.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 60.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: Bolt 12, Boulders 9.
Cowardice: 40.
Race: Demon.
Weakness: Poison.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: Bolt.
Drops: Gil 800/1,000, Black Robe, Confuse Book, Flare Book Or Healing
- 118. Behemoth -
Hit Points: 1,620.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 6.
Strength: 85.
Number Of Hits: 3.
Hit %: 95.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 50.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 40.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 4.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 85.
Race: Earth.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: None.
- 119. King Behemoth -
Hit Points: 5,000.
Magic Points: 0.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 150.
Number Of Hits: 8.
Hit %: 100.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 120.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 50.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 8.
Magic Evade %: 30.
Special Attacks: None.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Earth.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 10,000, Headband, Power Armlet, Power Sash, Thantos Or Yoichi's
- 120. White Dragon -
Hit Points: 2,500.
Magic Points: 140.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 150.
Number Of Hits: 6.
Hit %: 95.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 120.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 75.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 5.
Magic Evade %: 50.
Special Attacks: Blizzard 16.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Dragon, Flying.
Weakness: Fire.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: Ice.
Drops: Gil 2,000/10,000, Backstabber, Genji Gauntlet, Ice Bow, Notus Or
Zephyr's Flute.
- 121. Green Dragon -
Hit Points: 3,000.
Magic Points: 190.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 150.
Number Of Hits: 7.
Hit %: 100.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 150.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 75.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 8.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Poison 16.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Dragon, Flying.
Weakness: Bolt.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: Poison.
Drops: Gil 2,000/10,000, Acid Bottle, Backstabber, Diamond Helmet,
Healing Staff, Or Gaia Drum.
- 122. Blue Dragon -
Hit Points: 3,500.
Magic Points: 240.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 180.
Number Of Hits: 8.
Hit %: 100.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 150.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 75.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 8.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Bolt 16.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Dragon, Flying.
Weakness: Poison.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: Bolt.
Drops: Gil 10,000, Backstabber, Dragon Armor, Dragon Shield, Healing
Staff Or Holy Lance.
- 123. Red Dragon -
Hit Points: 5,000.
Magic Points: 450.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 180.
Number Of Hits: 8.
Hit %: 100.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 180.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 75.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 8.
Magic Evade %: 40.
Special Attacks: Blaze 16.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Dragon, Flying.
Weakness: Ice.
Resistance: None.
Absorb: Fire.
Drops: Gil 10,000, Black Robe, Dragon Armor, Dragon Shield, Hermes Or Holy
- 124. Iron Giant -
Hit Points: 3,500.
Magic Points: 240.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 180.
Number Of Hits: 12.
Hit %: 100.
Attack Effect: None.
Defense: 180.
Number Of Blocks: 0.
Evade %: 0.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 14.
Magic Evade %: 100.
Special Attacks: Poison 16.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Mage.
Weakness: Bolt, Ice.
Resistance: Death, Holy, Paralysis, Swap.
Absorb: Fire.
Drops: Gil 2,000/10,000, Aegis Shield, Excalibur Sword, Genji Armor, Genji
Gauntlet Or Genji Helmet.
- 125. Tiamat -
Hit Points: 5,000.
Magic Points: 450.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 150.
Number Of Hits: 8.
Hit %: 100.
Attack Effect: Venom.
Defense: 180.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 80.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 8.
Magic Evade %: 70.
Special Attacks: Blaze 16, Blizzard 16, Bolt 16, Poison 16.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Dragon, Flying.
Weakness: Paralysis.
Resistance: Holy.
Absorb: Bolt, Fire, Ice, Poison.
Drops: Gil 10,000, Elixer, Flare Book, Holy Book, Life Book Or Phoenix
- 126. Beelzebub -
Hit Points: 5,000.
Magic Points: 450.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 150.
Number Of Hits: 8.
Hit %: 100.
Attack Effect: Venom.
Defense: 180.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 80.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 8.
Magic Evade %: 70.
Special Attacks: Blink 16, Dispel 16, Fire 16, Flare 16, Muddle 16, Stun
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Earth, Flying, Mage.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: Ice.
Absorb: Fire.
Drops: Gil 10,000, Backstabber, Black Robe, Gaia Drum, Hermes Or Sage's
- 127. Astaroth -
Hit Points: 7,000.
Magic Points: 540.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 150.
Number Of Hits: 8.
Hit %: 100.
Attack Effect: Blood Suck.
Defense: 180.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 80.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 8.
Magic Evade %: 70.
Special Attacks: Blind 16, Death 16, Drain 16, Fire 16, Fog 16.
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Earth, Flying, Mage.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: Bolt, Fire, Ice.
Absorb: None.
Drops: Gil 10,000, Mythril Mirror, Saint's Spirit, Silk Web, White Robe Or
Zephyr's Flute.
- 128. Emperor -
Hit Points: 10,000.
Magic Points: 540.
Skill Level: 7.
Strength: 180.
Number Of Hits: 8.
Hit %: 100.
Attack Effect: Blood Suck.
Defense: 210.
Number Of Blocks: 1.
Evade %: 80.
Number Of Magic Blocks: 16.
Magic Evade %: 70.
Special Attacks: Blind 16, Curse 16, Dispel 16, Flare 16, Meteor 10, Slow
Cowardice: 0.
Race: Earth, Flying.
Weakness: None.
Resistance: Bolt, Fire, Holy, Ice, Paralysis, Poison.
Absorb: Death, Swap.
Drops: None.
= IX. Item List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ITELI9 ]=
Throughout Final Fantasy II, you'll need to rely on Items here and there
to aid you in your quest. Unfortunately, being one of the earlier games,
there's not a whole lot of Items for you to use and even the ones that are
important cost a fortune just for 1 of them. (5,000 Gil for ONE Phoenix
Down?!) Anyway, here's a list of all the Items in the game and exactly
what each does.
Item Name: Acid Bottle.
Information: Casts Venom.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Antidote.
Information: A potion that cures Poison/Venom.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Bacchus's Wine.
Information: Increases one person's Strength.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Backstabber.
Information: Casts Muddle on an Enemy.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Black Mask.
Information: A black mask that's used on the Firion Doppleganger in the
Mysidian Cave.
Where's It Found?: Tropical Island.
Item Name: Canoe.
Information: A canoe used to cross rivers and lakes.
Where's It Found?: In Altea once Mindu joins your party.
Item Name: Cottage.
Information: A cottage that when used on the World Map, fully recovers
your party's HP and MP.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Cross.
Information: A potion that cures Curse.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Crystal Rod.
Information: A crystal rod used to unseal the Mysidian Tower.
Where's It Found?: Mysidian Cave.
Item Name: Dragon Egg.
Information: An egg that's the last of the Wind Drakes.
Where's It Found?: Deist Castle.
Item Name: Egil's Torch.
Information: Used to carry the Sunfire.
Where's It Found?: Kai'son Castle.
Item Name: Elixer.
Information: A potion that fully recovers one person's HP and MP.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Ether.
Information: A potion that restores a VERY small amount of MP.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Eye Drops.
Information: A potion that cures Darkness.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Gaia Drum.
Information: Casts Earthquake.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Garlic.
Information: Damages Undead Enemies.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Goddess's Bell.
Information: A bell used to open the gate in Kai'son Castle.
Where's It Found?: In the Snow Cavern after beating Adamantoise.
Item Name: Gold Needle.
Information: A Item that curse Stone.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Hellfire.
Information: Casts Fire.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Hermes.
Information: Casts Haste on one person.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Hourglass.
Information: Casts Stop.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Hi-Potion.
Information: A potion that recovers a large amount of HP to one person.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Magiconch.
Information: Casts Shell on one person.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Maiden's Kiss.
Information: A Item that cures Toad.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Mallet.
Information: A hammer that cures Amnesia.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Mute Bell.
Information: Casts Silence.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Mythril.
Information: A special type of metal used to create Weapons/Armor.
Where's It Found?: In Semitt Falls after defeating Sergeant.
Item Name: Mythril Mirror.
Information: Casts Wall on one person.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Notus.
Information: Casts Ice.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Pass.
Information: A pass that lets you board the Dreadnought.
Where's It Found?: In Bafsk Cave after meeting Dark Knight and Borghen.
Item Name: Pendant.
Information: A Pendant used to talk to the Wind Drake and to also summon
the final Wind Drake.
Where's It Found?: In Deist Cavern.
Item Name: Phoenix Down.
Information: A Item that cures K.O./revives a character.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Potion.
Information: A potion that cures a very small amount of HP.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Ring.
Information: A ring that lets you view the World Map and also show to
Hilda that Scott is dead.
Where's It Found?: In Fynn.
Item Name: Sage's Wisdom.
Information: Increases one person's Intelligence.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Saint's Spirit.
Information: Increases one person's Spirit.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Silk Web.
Information: Casts Slow.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Slumber Stalk.
Information: Casts Sleep.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Snow Craft.
Information: A vehicle that lets you travel across the snow.
Where's It Found?: Semitt Falls, after Josef joins you.
Item Name: Sunfire.
Information: A fire so strong, it's the only thing that can bring down the
Where's It Found?: Kai'son Castle.
Item Name: Thantos.
Information: Casts Fear.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: Unicorn Horn.
Information: Casts Basuna on one person.
Where's It Found?: Various.
Item Name: White Mask.
Information: A white mask that's used on the statue in Mysidia.
Where's It Found?: In Fynn Castle.
Item Name: Wind Drake.
Information: The last Wind Drake that's used to bring you into the Cyclone.
Where's It Found?: Fynn Castle.
Item Name: Zephyr's Flute.
Information: Casts Cyclone.
Where's It Found?: Various.
= X. Weapon List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WEAPLI10 ] =
- A. Knives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KNIV10.1 ]-
Knife Name: Knife.
Attack: 3.
Hit %: 5.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Altair, Gatrea and other various areas.
Knife Name: Dagger.
Attack: 7.
Hit %: 15.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Gatrea, Paloom, Poft and other various areas.
Knife Name: Mythril Knife.
Attack: 14.
Hit %: 13.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Altair: After you get the Mythril.
Knife Name: Main Gauche.
Attack: 14.
Hit %: 10.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Dreadnought.
Knife Name: Orichaldagger.
Attack: 50.
Hit %: 8.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Fynn Castle.
Knife Name: Ripper.
Attack: 69.
Hit %: 5.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Cyclone.
Knife Name: Cat Claws.
Attack: 86.
Hit %: 0.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Jade Passage and other various areas.
- B. Swords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SWOR10.2 ]-
Sword Name: Blood Sword.
Attack: 0.
Hit %: 80%.
Special Ability: Drains HP and whatever the damage delt is healed to you.
(Note: This is REVERSED if you hit an Undead Enemy, so BE CAREFUL.)
Location: In Pavel's House in Fynn and in Fynn Castle.
Sword Name: Broadsword.
Attack: 8.
Hit %: 20%.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Altair, Gatrea and other various areas.
Sword Name: Long Sword.
Attack: 13.
Hit %: 30.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Bafsk, Salamand and other various areas.
Sword Name: Mythril Sword.
Attack: 20.
Hit %: 30.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Altair, Paloom: After you get the Mythril and other various
Sword Name: Ancient Sword.
Attack: 25.
Hit %: 70.
Special Ability: Curse.
Location: Snow Cavern.
Sword Name: Crescent Sword.
Attack: 30.
Hit %: 70.
Special Ability: Sleep.
Location: Dreadnought.
Sword Name: Wing Sword.
Attack: 42.
Hit %: 24.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Deist Castle, Fynn and other various areas.
Sword Name: Terra Sword.
Attack: 52.
Hit %: 22.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Leviathan.
Sword Name: Flame Sword.
Attack: 63.
Hit %: 20.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Mysidian Tower.
Sword Name: Ice Brand Sword.
Attack: 72.
Hit %: 18.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Mysidian Tower.
Sword Name: Defender Sword.
Attack: 78.
Hit %: 16.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Cyclone.
Sword Name: Sunblade.
Attack: 83.
Hit %: 15.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Palamecia Castle.
Sword Name: Excalibur.
Attack: 100.
Hit %: 5.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Deist Castle: After Gareth dies.
Sword Name: Masamune.
Attack: 150.
Hit %: -10.
Special Ability: Haste 11 on the whole party.
Location: Pandaemonium.
- C. Spears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SPEA10.3 ]-
Spear Name: Javelin.
Attack: 6.
Hit %: 15.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Altair, Gatrea and other various areas.
Spear Name: Spear.
Attack: 11.
Hit %: 25.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Bafsk and other various areas.
Spear Name: Mythril Spear.
Attack: 18.
Hit %: 25.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Altair, Paloom: After you get the Mythril and other various
Spear Name: Trident.
Attack: 30.
Hit %: 23.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Dreadnought, Fynn and other various areas.
Spear Name: Demon Spear.
Attack: 42.
Hit %: 20.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Tropical Island.
Spear Name: Flame Lance.
Attack: 54.
Hit %: 18.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Mysidian Tower.
Spear Name: Ice Lance.
Attack: 66.
Hit %: 15.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Mysidian Tower.
Spear Name: Thunder Spear.
Attack: 78.
Hit %: 13.
Special Ability: Bolt 16 on all Enemies.
Location: Palamecia Castle.
Spear Name: Holy Lance.
Attack: 90.
Hit %: 10.
Special Ability: Holy 8 on all Enemies.
Location: Jade Passage.
- D. Axes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ AX10.4 ]-
Axe Name: Axe.
Attack: 10.
Hit %: 25.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Gatrea, Paloom, Poft and other various areas.
Axe Name: Battle Axe.
Attack: 15.
Hit %: 35.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Salamand and other various areas.
Axe Name: Mythril Axe.
Attack: 22.
Hit %: 35.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Paloom: After you get the Mythril and other various areas.
Axe Name: Demon Axe.
Attack: 27.
Hit %: 35.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Tropical Island.
Axe Name: Ogre Killer Axe.
Attack: 58.
Hit %: 30.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Mysidia and other various areas.
Axe Name: Venom Axe.
Attack: 76.
Hit %: 25.
Special Ability: Venom.
Location: Cyclone and other various areas.
Axe Name: Rune Axe.
Attack: 95.
Hit %: 20.
Special Ability: Fog 6 on all Enemies.
Location: Pandaemonium and other various areas.
- E. Bows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BO10.5 ]-
Bow Name: Killer Bow.
Attack: 0.
Hit %: 80.
Special Ability: Death.
Location: Won from various Battles.
Bow Name: Bow.
Attack: 1.
Hit %: 30.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Gatrea, Paloom, Poft and other various areas.
Bow Name: Long Bow.
Attack: 9.
Hit %: 40.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Bafsk, Salamand and other various areas.
Bow Name: Mithril Bow.
Attack: 13.
Hit %: 40.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Paloom: After you get the Mythril and other various areas.
Bow Name: Shade Bow.
Attack: 25.
Hit %: 80.
Special Ability: Blind.
Location: Dreadnought.
Bow Name: Flame Bow.
Attack: 42.
Hit %: 33.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Deist Cavern, Fynn and other various areas.
Bow Name: Ice Bow.
Attack: 56.
Hit %: 30.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Mysidia and other various areas.
Bow Name: Yoichi's Bow.
Attack: 90.
Hit %: 5.
Special Ability: Berserk 3 on the whole party.
Location: Jade Passage and other various areas.
- F. Staves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ STAV10.6 ]-
Staff Name: Staff.
Attack: 4.
Hit %: 10.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Altair and other various places.
Staff Name: Mace.
Attack: 9.
Hit %: 20.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Paloom, Poft, Salamand and other various areas.
Staff Name: Mythril Mace.
Attack: 16.
Hit %: 20.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Altair: After you get the Mythril and other various areas.
Staff Name: Werebane Staff.
Attack: 28.
Hit %: 18.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Fynn, Kai'son Castle and other various areas.
Staff Name: Mage's Staff.
Attack: 40.
Hit %: 16.
Special Ability: Bolt 5 on all Enemies.
Location: Diest Cavern and other various areas.
Staff Name: Power Staff.
Attack: 53.
Hit %: 14.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Mysidia and other various areas.
Staff Name: Spellbinder Staff.
Attack: 64.
Hit %: 12.
Special Ability: Aero 16 on all Enemies, party or nothing.
Location: Mysidian Tower and other various areas.
Staff Name: Healing Staff.
Attack: 78.
Hit %: 10.
Special Ability: Heals instead of causing damage. (Attack a party member,
but don't hit the Enemy unless they are Undead.)
Location: Palamecia Castle and other various areas.
Staff Name: Diamond Mace.
Attack: 90.
Hit %: 5.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Jade Passage and other various areas.
= [ XI. Armor List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ARMLI11 ]=
- A. Shields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SHIEL11.1 ]-
Shield Name: Buckler Shield.
Evade: 4.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Altair and other various areas.
Shield Name: Bronze Shield.
Evade: 5
Special Ability: None.
Location: Bafsk, Paloom, Poft, Salamand and other various areas.
Shield Name: Mythril Shield.
Evade: 6.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Altair: After you get the Mythril and other various areas.
Shield Name: Gold Shield.
Evade: 7.
Special Ability: Protects against Poison.
Location: Fynn, Kai'son Castle and other various areas.
Shield Name: Ice Shield.
Evade: 7.
Special Ability: Protects against Fire.
Location: Dreadnought, Mysidia and other various areas.
Shield Name: Flame Shield.
Evade: 7.
Special Ability: Protects against Ice.
Location: Fynn Castle and other various areas.
Shield Name: Diamond Shield.
Evade: 7.
Special Ability: Protects against Bolt.
Location: Leviathan and other various areas.
Shield Name: Dragon Shield.
Evade: 9.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Won from various Battles.
Shield Name: Aegis Shield.
Evade: 10.
Special Ability: Protects against Stone.
Location: Jade Passage.
- B. Helmets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HELME11.2 ]-
Helmet Name: Leather Helmet.
Defense: 1.
Evade: 2.
Magic Defense: 0.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Altair and other various areas.
Helmet Name: Bronze Helmet.
Defense: 2.
Evade: 5.
Magic Defense: 0.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Bafsk, Paloom, Poft, Salamand and other various areas.
Helmet Name: Mythril Helmet.
Defense: 4.
Evade: 5.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Altair: After you get the Mythril and other various areas.
Helmet Name: Titan's Helmet.
Defense: 6.
Evade: 13.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: Strength +10.
Location: Dreadnought, Fynn and other various areas.
Helmet Name: Ribbon Helmet.
Defense: 10.
Evade: 0.
Magic Defense: 21.
Special Ability: Protects against all Status Ailments and Elemental
Location: Pandaemonium and other various areas.
Helmet Name: Gold Hairpin.
Defense: 11.
Evade: -8.
Magic Defense: 10.
Special Ability: Agility +10.
Location: Mysidian Cave and other various areas.
Helmet Name: Headband.
Defense: 12.
Evade: 2.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: Strength +10.
Location: Leviathan.
Helmet Name: Flame Helmet.
Defense: 13.
Evade: 14.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: Protects against Ice.
Location: Mysidian Tower.
Helmet Name: Diamond Helmet.
Defense: 17.
Evade: 25.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: Protects against Bolt.
Location: Cyclone and other various areas.
Helmet Name: Genji Helmet.
Defense: 30.
Evade: 31.
Magic Defense: 10.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Pandaemonium and other various areas.
- C. Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ARMO11.3 ] -
Armor Name: Shirt.
Defense: 1.
Evade: 5.
Magic Defense: 0.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Altair and other various areas.
Armor Name: Leather Armor.
Defense: 2.
Evade: 6.
Magic Defense: 0.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Gatrea and other various areas.
Armor Name: Copper Plate.
Defense: 5.
Evade: 5.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Paloom and other various areas.
Armor Name: Bronze Mail.
Defense: 5.
Evade: 14.
Magic Defense: 0.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Salamand and other various areas.
Armor Name: Silver Plate.
Defense: 10.
Evade: 5.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Bafsk and other various areas.
Armor Name: Mythril Mail.
Defense: 10.
Evade: 14.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Altair: After you get the Mythril and other various areas.
Armor Name: Golden Mail.
Defense: 15.
Evade: 19.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: Protects against Poison.
Location: Fynn and other various areas.
Armor Name: Ruby Plate.
Defense: 15.
Evade: 5.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Tropical Island and other various areas.
Armor Name: Knight's Armor.
Defense: 22.
Evade: 26.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Deist Cavern and Mysidia.
Armor Name: Gold Plate.
Defense: 22.
Evade: 5.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Fynn and other various areas.
Armor Name: Power Sash.
Defense: 25.
Evade: 5.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: Strength +10.
Location: Leviathan and other various areas.
Armor Name: Flame Mail.
Defense: 29.
Evade: 33.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: Protects against Fire.
Location: Fynn Castle.
Armor Name: White Robe.
Defense: 30.
Evade: 5.
Magic Defense: 21.
Special Ability: Protects against certain Status Ailments and Soul +10.
Location: Mysidian Tower.
Armor Name: Black Robe.
Defense: 35.
Evade: 5.
Magic Defense: 21.
Special Ability: Protects against certain Elemental Attacks and
Intelligence +10.
Location: Mysidian Tower.
Armor Name: Ice Mail.
Defense: 36.
Evade: 40.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: Protects against Ice.
Location: Mysidian Tower.
Armor Name: Ninja Suit.
Defense: 40.
Evade: -10.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: Agility +10.
Location: Mysidian Cave and other various areas.
Armor Name: Diamond Plate.
Defense: 43.
Evade: 5.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Palamecia Castle and other various areas.
Armor Name: Diamond Mail.
Defense: 43.
Evade: 47.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: Protects against Bolt.
Location: Cyclone and other various areas.
Armor Name: Dragon Mail.
Defense: 50.
Evade: 54.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Jade Passage and other various areas.
Armor Name: Genji Armor.
Defense: 75.
Evade: 79.
Magic Defense: 10.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Pandaemonium and other various areas.
- D. Gloves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GLOV11.4 ]-
Glove Name: Leather Gloves.
Defense: 1.
Evade: 3.
Magic Defense: 0.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Altair and other various areas.
Glove Name: Bronze Gloves.
Defense: 3.
Evade: 8.
Magic Defense: 0.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Bafsk, Paloom, Poft, Salamand and other various areas.
Glove Name: Mythril Gloves.
Defense: 6.
Evade: 8.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Altair: After you get the Mythril and other various areas.
Glove Name: Thief Gloves.
Defense: 15.
Evade: -7.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: Agility +10.
Location: Dreadnought and Mysidia.
Glove Name: Titan's Gloves.
Defense: 15.
Evade: 17.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: Strength +10.
Location: Mysidia and other various areas.
Glove Name: Protect Ring.
Defense: 18.
Evade: 3.
Magic Defense: 21.
Special Ability: Protects against Death.
Location: Jade Passage.
Glove Name: Power Armlet.
Defense: 19.
Evade: 3.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: Strength +10.
Location: Leviathan.
Glove Name: Ice Gloves.
Defense: 20.
Evade: 22.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: Protects against Fire.
Location: Mysidian Tower.
Glove Name: Diamond Gloves.
Defense: 25.
Evade: 34.
Magic Defense: 5.
Special Ability: Protects against Bolt.
Location: Cyclone and other various areas.
Glove Name: Genji Gloves.
Defense: 45.
Evade: 47.
Magic Defense: 10.
Special Ability: None.
Location: Pandaemonium and other various areas.
= XII. Magic List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MAGILI12 ]=
Just a quick note here. Basically, I'm going to list each spell and give
you my opinion on it, telling you if it's worth having or not. Again, this
is only my opinion, as you may find something I say is worthless actually
useful to you. But for those of you who want at least a viewpoint on what
to take, then read on.
Note: After each Magic's Name, you'll see a number. Like, Cure 4, Fire 9,
etc. This shows you how strong that spell is. Plus, next to this is a 2
digit number, like Cure 1-38 or so. Once that number reaches 100 or 00
again, the level of the spell goes up. It can reach 16-99 at the utter
max, meaning it's as strong as it can be. The higher the level, the
better. To increase the number, just use the spells in Battle or out of
Battle if you're allowed to. For a trick to easily increase your levels,
check Section XVI. Secrets for more.
- A. White Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ WHIMA12.1 ]-
Magic's Name: Barrier.
Where's It Found?: Mysidia and randomly dropped by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: May protect you from Special Attacks and increases your Hit
My Opinion: Eh, really up to you, as I never used it once when I had it.
Take it if you want, but you don't need it, really.
Magic's Name: Basuna.
Where's It Found?: Basfk, Mysidia and randomly dropped by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Removes temporary Status Ailments and it heals more and
more of them as its level increases.
My Opinion: Take it if you want, but I didn't bother with it and I was
just fine. Esuna's more worth it anyways.
Magic's Name: Cure.
Where's It Found?: Most of the towns in the game carry it. Not hard to
find at all. Also dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Heals HP.
My Opinion: Probably the most important spell in the game. DEFINITELY get
this and train it immediately. Very, very useful.
Magic's Name: Dispel.
Where's It Found?: Fynn, Mysidia and dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Removes the increased Status Effects on the Monsters.
My Opinion: Worthless, don't even bother with it.
Magic's Name: Esuna.
Where's It Found?: Bafsk, Mysidia and dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Removes Status Ailments that continue to last even after
Battle. The higher its level, the more Status Ailments it can cure.
My Opinion: VERY useful. Get it as soon as you can and train it.
Magic's Name: Faze.
Where's It Found?: Mysidia, Salamand and dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Decreases the Enemy's MP.
My Opinion: Worthless, just don't get it period.
Magic's Name: Fear.
Where's It Found?: Basfk, Mysidia and dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Makes the Enemies run away.
My Opinion: Useless unless you want to try and make the Enemies flee...
Magic's Name: Fog.
Where's It Found?: Fynn, Mysidia and dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Casts Amnesia on the Enemies.
My Opinion: Again, worthless. Don't bother with it.
Magic's Name: Holy.
Where's It Found?: Mysidia and dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Deals Holy damage to the Enemies.
My Opinion: Very useful against the Undead, as it's the only White Magic
attacking spell. Definitely get it.
Magic's Name: Life.
Where's It Found?: Mysidia, Salamand and dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Revives a K.O.'d party member.
My Opinion: VERY helpful. You'll definitely want this spell as soon as you
can get it.
Magic's Name: Mini.
Where's It Found?: Fynn, Mysidia and dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Shrinks the Enemy and decreases their Strength and Defense.
My Opinion: Again, worthless. It's not worth the time to train it and use
Magic's Name: Shell.
Where's It Found?: Mysidia, Paloom, Poft and dropped randomly by some
What's It Do?: Increases your Magic Defense.
My Opinion: Eh, this is another whatever one. Get it if you want, but as
for me, my guys had insanely high Magic Defense for nearly the whole game
and I don't recall one Magic spell dealing over 100 damage to me, so,
yeah, get this if your Magic Defense is low, but ignore it if it's above
60% or so.
Magic's Name: Shield.
Where's It Found?: Mysidia, Paloom, Poft and dropped randomly by some
What's It Do?: Increases your Defense.
My Opinion: Again, up to you. I never used it, but if you want that little
extra amount of Defense against certain Enemies/Bosses, take it, but you
don't really need it.
Magic's Name: Silence.
Where's It Found?: Bafsk, Mysidia and dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Silences the Enemies.
My Opinion: Again, worthless. Don't waste your time with this.
Magic's Name: Slow.
Where's It Found?: Fynn, Mysidia and dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Decreases the Enemy's Agility.
My Opinion: Sigh...worthless. Don't bother with it.
Magic's Name: Swap.
Where's It Found?: Mysidia and dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Switches your HP/MP with the Enemy.
My Opinion: It could be good or bad. It's good for training if you want to
quickly increase your HP/MP by giving it to a Goblin or something and I
guess it could be helpful if you're almost dead and Swap with an Enemy
that's stronger, IF you can pull it off. Though, other than that, don't
bother with it, but I'd say take it for training only.
Magic's Name: Ultima.
Where's It Found?: Mysidian Tower.
What's It Do?: Casts non-Elemental damage.
My Opinion: A VERY good spell. It's the only one in the game and it's
damn powerful once it reaches the later levels. Once you get this,
definitely, DEFINITELY keep it.
Magic's Name: Wall.
Where's It Found?: Mysidia and dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Deflects Black Magic.
My Opinion: Again, optional. I never used it myself and with high Magic
Defense, you'll be taking pitiful damage anyway, so, why even bother
deflecting it? Up to you, though.
Magic's Name: Warp.
Where's It Found?: Salamand, Mysidia and dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Warps you out of Dungeons, but depending on its level, it
may only warp you a floor or two. The higher level it is, the more floors
you can warp out of.
My Opinion: Very useful. Get it when you can, as you'll want it when you
want to escape from a place fast and are weak and can't fight your way
- B. Black Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BLAMA12.2 ]-
Magic's Name: Aura.
Where's It Found?: Dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Increases the party's Strength.
My Opinion: Up to you, once again. I never used it, didn't find much use
with it, but if you want an extra edge of Strength, grab it. Otherwise,
you don't need it.
Magic's Name: Banish.
Where's It Found?: Mysidia, Salamand and dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Warps the Enemy out of Battle and it can be used to warp
you back 1 floor in a Dungeon.
My Opinion: Worthless. It's just like Fear, really and it's not as good as
Warp. Don't bother with it.
Magic's Name: Berserk.
Where's It Found?: Jade Passage, Mysidia and dropped randomly by some
What's It Do?: Berserks the target, increasing their Strength, but they
become uncontrolable.
My Opinion: Eh, up to you. I never used it, didn't have a need for it and
did just fine without it. Your call, though.
Magic's Name: Blind.
Where's It Found?: Randomly dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Blinds the Enemies, lowering their Hit %.
My Opinion: Worthless, don't bother with it at all.
Magic's Name: Bolt.
Where's It Found?: Altair, Mysidia and dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Causes Lightning damage to the Enemies.
My Opinion: Very useful. Be sure to grab this and level it up as soon as
you can.
Magic's Name: Break.
Where's It Found?: Dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Petrifies the Enemy.
My Opinion: Useless. Don't bother with it.
Magic's Name: Curse.
Where's It Found?: Dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Decreases the Hit % of Physical and Magical Attacks of the
My Opinion: Again, worthless. Don't even get it.
Magic's Name: Doom.
Where's It Found?: Jade Passage and dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Causes Death to the Enemies.
My Opinion: Worthless, again. It rarely works and it's just not worth the
effort to level it up.
Magic's Name: Drain.
Where's It Found?: Dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Drains the HP of the Enemies and refills yours.
My Opinion: It's good, although Cure's better and good luck getting it to
deal massive amounts of damage. Ignore it, but grab it if you like to sap
the Enemies for all they got.
Magic's Name: Fire.
Where's It Found?: Altair, Mysidia and dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Causes Fire damage to the Enemies.
My Opinion: VERY useful. Definitely get this and level it up as soon as
you can.
Magic's Name: Flare.
Where's It Found?: Jade Passage and dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Causes Nuclear damage to the Enemies.
My Opinion: A GREAT spell. Grab it, use it, level it up and watch it do
some massive damage.
Magic's Name: Haste.
Where's It Found?: Jade Passage and dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Increases the number of hits each party member has when
My Opinion: It's good...when it's in the higher levels. Grab it if you
want, but it'll only be useful to you when it's above 10 or so. Once it
is, though, watch your guys start dishing out insane damage.
Magic's Name: Ice.
Where's It Found?: Altair, Mysidia and dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Causes Ice damamge to the Enemies.
My Opinion: Again, a VERY useful spell. Grab it and level it up, as it
deals great damage.
Magic's Name: Muddle.
Where's It Found?: Dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Confuses the Enemies.
My Opinion: Useless. Don't bother with it.
Magic's Name: Osmose.
Where's It Found?: Mysidian Cave.
What's It Do?: Drains the MP of the Enemy.
My Opinion: DEFINITELY get this. It's VERY useful when you need to refill
your MP in a dungeon or somewhere.
Magic's Name: Poison.
Where's It Found?: Dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Causes Poison damage to the Enemies.
My Opinion: Another good spell. Make sure to get this and level it up to
cause some decent damage with it.
Magic's Name: Sleep.
Where's It Found?: Dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Puts the Enemies to Sleep.
My Opinion: Again, worthless. Ignore it.
Magic's Name: Stop.
Where's It Found?: Dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Paralyzes the Enemy.
My Opinion: Worthless. Yet again, don't bother with it.
Magic's Name: Stun.
Where's It Found?: Dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Paralyzes the Enemy.
My Opinion: ...This does the exact thing as Stop. Oh well, ignore it.
Magic's Name: Toad.
Where's It Found?: Dropped randomly by some Monsters.
What's It Do?: Turns the Enemies into Toads.
My Opinion: Haha, they turn into Toads...but no, it's worthless, don't
waste space on this.
= XIII. Shop Guide ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SHOGU13 ]=
Note: The costs of each Inn in the game depends on how much HP and MP you
need to heal, so, the cost can be dirt cheap or it could be about the cost
of a gold car. For the lowest price, always use up your MP to heal your HP
as much as you can before staying to save on Gil.
- A. Altair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ALTA13.1 ]-
- Weapon Shop -
Weapon Name: Knife.
Price: 150 Gil.
Weapon Name: Staff.
Price: 250 Gil.
Weapon Name: Javelin.
Price: 300 Gil.
Weapon Name: Broadsword.
Price: 400 Gil.
Note: The following only appear after you get the Mythril.
Weapon Name: Mythril Knife.
Price: 800 Gil.
Weapon Name: Mythril Mace.
Price: 1,500 Gil.
Weapon Name: Mythril Spear.
Price: 1,500 Gil.
Weapon Name: Mythril Sword.
Price: 1,800 Gil.
- Armor Shop -
Armor Name: Buckler Shield.
Price: 50 Gil.
Armor Name: Leather Cap.
Price: 80 Gil.
Armor Name: Shirt.
Price: 20 Gil.
Armor Name: Leather Gloves.
Price: 50 Gil.
Note: The following only appear after you get the Mythril.
Armor Name: Mythril Shield.
Price: 500 Gil.
Armor Name: Mythril Helmet.
Price: 300 Gil.
Armor Name: Mythril Mail.
Price: 1,000 Gil.
Armor Name: Mythril Gloves.
Price: 800 Gil.
- Item Shop -
Item Name: Potion.
Price: 50 Gil.
Item Name: Hi-Potion.
Price: 500 Gil.
Item Name: Eye Drops.
Price: 100 Gil.
Item Name: Antidote.
Price: 200 Gil.
Item Name: Cross.
Price: 1,000 Gil.
Item Name: Mallet.
Price: 2,000 Gil.
Item Name: Maiden's Kiss.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Gold Needle.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Phoenix Down.
Price: 5,000 Gil.
Item Name: Ether.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Cottage.
Price: 5,000 Gil.
Item Name: Elixer.
Price: 50,000 Gil.
- Magic Shop -
Item Name: Cure.
Price: 200 Gil.
Item Name: Fire.
Price: 400 Gil.
Item Name: Bolt.
Price: 400 Gil.
Item Name: Ice.
Price: 400 Gil.
- B. Gatrea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ GATE13.2 ]-
- Weapon Shop -
Weapon Name: Javelin.
Price: 300 Gil.
Weapon Name: Broadsword.
Price: 400 Gil.
Weapon Name: Axe.
Price: 500 Gil.
Weapon Name: Bow.
Price: 150.
- Armor Shop -
Armor Name: Buckler Shield.
Price: 50 Gil.
Armor Name: Leather Cap.
Price: 80 Gil.
Armor Name: Shirt.
Price: 20 Gil.
Armor Name: Leather Gloves.
Price: 50 Gil.
- Item Shop -
Item Name: Potion.
Price: 50 Gil.
Item Name: Hi-Potion.
Price: 500 Gil.
Item Name: Eye Drops.
Price: 100 Gil.
Item Name: Antidote.
Price: 200 Gil.
Item Name: Cross.
Price: 1,000 Gil.
Item Name: Mallet.
Price: 2,000 Gil.
Item Name: Maiden's Kiss.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Gold Needle.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Phoenix Down.
Price: 5,000 Gil.
Item Name: Ether.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Cottage.
Price: 5,000 Gil.
Item Name: Elixer.
Price: 50,000 Gil.
- Magic Shop -
There is no Magic Shop in Gatrea.
- C. Paloom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ PALOO13.3 ] -
- Weapon Shop -
Weapon Name: Dagger.
Price: 800 Gil.
Weapon Name: Mace.
Price: 500 Gil.
Weapon Name: Axe.
Price: 500 Gil.
Weapon Name: Bow.
Price: 150 Gil.
Note: The following only appear after you get the Mythril.
Weapon Name: Mythril Spear.
Price: 1,500 Gil.
Weapon Name: Mythril Sword.
Price: 1,800 Gil.
Weapon Name: Mythril Axe.
Price: 2,000 Gil.
Weapon Name: Mythril Bow.
Price: 1,000 Gil.
- Armor Shop -
Armor Name: Bronze Shield.
Price: 200 Gil.
Armor Name: Bronze Helmet.
Price: 200 Gil.
Armor Name: Copper Plate.
Price: 200 Gil.
Armor Name: Bronze Gloves.
Price: 300 Gil.
- Item Shop -
Item Name: Potion.
Price: 50 Gil.
Item Name: Hi-Potion.
Price: 500 Gil.
Item Name: Eye Drops.
Price: 100 Gil.
Item Name: Antidote.
Price: 200 Gil.
Item Name: Cross.
Price: 1,000 Gil.
Item Name: Mallet.
Price: 2,000 Gil.
Item Name: Maiden's Kiss.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Gold Needle.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Phoenix Down.
Price: 5,000 Gil.
Item Name: Ether.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Cottage.
Price: 5,000 Gil.
Item Name: Elixer.
Price: 50,000 Gil.
- Magic Shop -
Magic Name: Cure.
Price: 200 Gil.
Magic Name: Blink.
Price: 400 Gil.
Magic Name: Shield.
Price: 400 Gil.
Magic Name: Shell.
Price: 400 Gil.
- D. Poft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ POF13.4 ] -
- Weapon Shop -
Weapon Name: Dagger.
Price: 800 Gil.
Weapon Name: Mace.
Price: 500 Gil.
Weapon Name: Axe.
Price: 500 Gil.
Weapon Name: Bow.
Price: 150 Gil.
Note: The following only appear after you get the Mythril.
Weapon Name: Mythril Spear.
Price: 1,500 Gil.
Weapon Name: Mythril Sword.
Price: 1,800 Gil.
Weapon Name: Mythril Axe.
Price: 2,000 Gil.
Weapon Name: Mythril Bow.
Price: 1,000 Gil.
- Armor Shop -
Armor Name: Bronze Shield.
Price: 200 Gil.
Armor Name: Bronze Helmet.
Price: 200 Gil.
Armor Name: Copper Plate.
Price: 200 Gil.
Armor Name: Bronze Gloves.
Price: 300 Gil.
- Item Shop -
Item Name: Potion.
Price: 50 Gil.
Item Name: Hi-Potion.
Price: 500 Gil.
Item Name: Eye Drops.
Price: 100 Gil.
Item Name: Antidote.
Price: 200 Gil.
Item Name: Cross.
Price: 1,000 Gil.
Item Name: Mallet.
Price: 2,000 Gil.
Item Name: Maiden's Kiss.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Gold Needle.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Phoenix Down.
Price: 5,000 Gil.
Item Name: Ether.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Cottage.
Price: 5,000 Gil.
Item Name: Elixer.
Price: 50,000 Gil.
- Magic Shop -
Magic Name: Cure.
Price: 200 Gil.
Magic Name: Blink.
Price: 400 Gil.
Magic Name: Shield.
Price: 400 Gil.
Magic Name: Shell.
Price: 400 Gil.
- E. Salamand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SALA13.5 ]-
- Weapon Shop -
Weapon Name: Mace.
Price: 500 Gil.
Weapon Name: Long Sword.
Price: 600 Gil.
Weapon Name: Battle Axe.
Price: 800 Gil.
Weapon Name: Long Bow.
Price: 250 Gil.
- Armor Shop -
Armor Name: Bronze Shield.
Price: 200 Gil.
Armor Name: Bronze Helmet.
Price: 200 Gil.
Armor Name: Copper Plate.
Price: 200 Gil.
Armor Name: Bronze Gloves.
Price: 300 Gil.
- Item Shop -
Item Name: Potion.
Price: 50 Gil.
Item Name: Hi-Potion.
Price: 500 Gil.
Item Name: Eye Drops.
Price: 100 Gil.
Item Name: Antidote.
Price: 200 Gil.
Item Name: Cross.
Price: 1,000 Gil.
Item Name: Mallet.
Price: 2,000 Gil.
Item Name: Maiden's Kiss.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Gold Needle.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Phoenix Down.
Price: 5,000 Gil.
Item Name: Ether.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Cottage.
Price: 5,000 Gil.
Item Name: Elixer.
Price: 50,000 Gil.
- Magic Shop -
Magic Name: Life.
Price: 1,500 Gil.
Magic Name: Faze.
Price: 1,500 Gil.
Magic Name: Banish.
Price: 1,500 Gil.
Magic Name: Warp.
Price: 1,500 Gil.
- F. Bafsk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BAFS13.6 ] -
- Weapon Shop -
Weapon Name: Dagger.
Price: 800 Gil.
Weapon Name: Spear.
Price: 500 Gil.
Weapon Name: Long Sword.
Price: 600 Gil.
Weapon Name: Long Bow.
Price: 250 Gil.
- Armor Shop -
Armor Name: Bronze Shield.
Price: 200 Gil.
Armor Name: Bronze Helmet.
Price: 200 Gil.
Armor Name: Copper Plate.
Price: 200 Gil.
Armor Name: Bronze Gloves.
Price: 300 Gil.
- Item Shop -
Item Name: Potion.
Price: 50 Gil.
Item Name: Hi-Potion.
Price: 500 Gil.
Item Name: Eye Drops.
Price: 100 Gil.
Item Name: Antidote.
Price: 200 Gil.
Item Name: Cross.
Price: 1,000 Gil.
Item Name: Mallet.
Price: 2,000 Gil.
Item Name: Maiden's Kiss.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Gold Needle.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Phoenix Down.
Price: 5,000 Gil.
Item Name: Ether.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Cottage.
Price: 5,000 Gil.
Item Name: Elixer.
Price: 50,000 Gil.
- Magic Shop -
Magic Name: Fear.
Price: 800 Gil.
Magic Name: Basuna.
Price: 800 Gil.
Magic Name: Esuna.
Price: 800 Gil.
Magic Name: Silence.
Price: 800 Gil.
- G. Fynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FYN13.7 ] -
- Weapon Shop -
Weapon Name: Werebane.
Price: 3,000 Gil.
Weapon Name: Trident.
Price: 5,000 Gil.
Weapon Name: Wing Blade.
Price: 5,000 Gil.
Weapon Name: Flame Bow.
Price: 5,000 Gil.
- Armor Shop -
Armor Name: Gold Shield.
Price: 1,000 Gil.
Armor Name: Titan's Helmet.
Price: 600 Gil.
Armor Name: Golden Mail.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Armor Name: Gold Plate.
Price: 1,000 Gil.
- Item Shop -
Item Name: Potion.
Price: 50 Gil.
Item Name: Hi-Potion.
Price: 500 Gil.
Item Name: Eye Drops.
Price: 100 Gil.
Item Name: Antidote.
Price: 200 Gil.
Item Name: Cross.
Price: 1,000 Gil.
Item Name: Mallet.
Price: 2,000 Gil.
Item Name: Maiden's Kiss.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Gold Needle.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Phoenix Down.
Price: 5,000 Gil.
Item Name: Ether.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Cottage.
Price: 5,000 Gil.
Item Name: Elixer.
Price: 50,000 Gil.
- Magic Shop -
Magic Name: Dispel.
Price: 3,000 Gil.
Magic Name: Mini.
Price: 3,000 Gil.
Magic Name: Fog.
Price: 3,000 Gil.
Magic Name: Slow.
Price: 3,000 Gil.
- H. Mysidia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYSI13.8 ] -
- Weapon Shop -
Weapon Name: Power Staff.
Price: 8,000 Gil.
Weapon Name: Flame Lance.
Price: 15,000 Gil.
Weapon Name: Ogre Killer Axe.
Price: 15,000 Gil.
Weapon Name: Ice Bow.
Price: 5,000 Gil.
- Armor Shop -
Armor Name: Ice Shield.
Price: 5,000 Gil.
Armor Name: Knight's Armor.
Price: 5,000 Gil.
Armor Name: Thief's Gloves.
Price: 1,000 Gil.
Armor Name: Titan's Gloves.
Price: 1,000 Gil.
- Item Shop -
Item Name: Potion.
Price: 50 Gil.
Item Name: Hi-Potion.
Price: 500 Gil.
Item Name: Eye Drops.
Price: 100 Gil.
Item Name: Antidote.
Price: 200 Gil.
Item Name: Cross.
Price: 1,000 Gil.
Item Name: Mallet.
Price: 2,000 Gil.
Item Name: Maiden's Kiss.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Gold Needle.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Phoenix Down.
Price: 5,000 Gil.
Item Name: Ether.
Price: 2,500 Gil.
Item Name: Cottage.
Price: 5,000 Gil.
Item Name: Elixer.
Price: 50,000 Gil.
- Magic Shop -
Item Name: Cure.
Price: 200 Gil.
Item Name: Fire.
Price: 400 Gil.
Item Name: Bolt.
Price: 400 Gil.
Item Name: Ice.
Price: 400 Gil.
Magic Name: Blink.
Price: 400 Gil.
Magic Name: Shield.
Price: 400 Gil.
Magic Name: Shell.
Price: 400 Gil.
Magic Name: Life.
Price: 1,500 Gil.
Magic Name: Faze.
Price: 1,500 Gil.
Magic Name: Banish.
Price: 1,500 Gil.
Magic Name: Warp.
Price: 1,500 Gil.
Magic Name: Fear.
Price: 800 Gil.
Magic Name: Basuna.
Price: 800 Gil.
Magic Name: Esuna.
Price: 800 Gil.
Magic Name: Silence.
Price: 800 Gil.
Magic Name: Barrier.
Price: 8,000 Gil.
Magic Name: Wall.
Price: 8,000 Gil.
Magic Name: Swap.
Price: 8,000 Gil.
Magic Name: Holy.
Price: 20,000 Gil.
- I. Tropical Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TROPIS13.9 ] -
Note: This is all they sell here. Armor and Magic are not available.
- Weapon Shop -
Weapon Name: Demon Axe.
Price: 10,000 Gil.
Weapon Name: Demon Spear.
Price: 10,000 Gil.
Weapon Name: Ruby Plate
Price: 800 Gil.
- Item Shop -
Item Name: Gaia Drum.
Price: 8,000 Gil.
- J. Jade Passage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ JADPA13.10 ]-
Note: This is all they sell here. Weapons, Armor and Items are not
- Magic Shop -
Magic Name: Doom.
Price: 10,000 Gil.
Magic Name: Berserk.
Price: 10,000 Gil.
Magic Name: Haste.
Price: 20,000 Gil.
Magic Name: Flare.
Price: 40,000 Gil.
= XIV. Secrets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SECRE14 ]=
- Gain Stats Easily -
Ah, the cheap and easy way to level your guys up. Well, if you don't want
to take the long road and the fair and square way when training everyone,
which, believe me, WILL take you a VERY LONG TIME, then there's a easier
way. As you know, the more you do something in Battle, the better one of
your stats gets, right? Well, to quickly get an increase in any of your
stats, do this: For HP, bash the shit out of yourself, making sure at
least half of your max HP is gone. Then, win the battle and bam, you
should get more HP and/or your Endurance increasing. For MP, do the same,
but use up at least half of your max MP in 1 Battle to gain more MP
and/or your Magic increasing.
For any of your regular stats, like Strength, Spirit, etc, attack often
for strength, use White Magic for Spirit and Black Magic for Intelligence.
Agility is based on Enemies hitting you and you taking damage and finally,
we have the Weapons/Magic levels. To easily get these up, when you confirm
an option with a character, it'll go to the next character. Well, cancel
out so you go back to the previous character and reselect their option
and confirm it. After you do, cancel again and repeat. Every time you do
this, depending on your skill level and the Enemies around at the time,
you could receive anywhere from 1-4 points on your levels for each time
you confirm and cancel.
If you have 4 party members, you can only do this with the first 3 in
line, since confirming the 4th person automatically makes that round of
combat begin. If you only have 3, well, then you can only do it with 2.
This is actually a very cheap way to get Weapons/Magic leveled up, but
it's a blessing for those of us who don't exactly enjoy hours, even days
just to get our stuff up 1 level. With enough practice and depending on
how fast your thumbs are, you can easily reach 1 level in...oh, 5 minutes
for one character. Not bad, eh? Also, do note that for each stat, you can
ONLY increase by 1 per each Battle, same goes for HP and MP. As for the
Weapons and Magic, once you get to 100, you can't exceed it, so, win the
Battle, gain the level, then enter another Battle and go for it again.
(Just make sure you count to yourself for the Weapons/Magic so you know
when to finish the Battle off.)
Note: To make your characters gain Weapon Levels even faster, Equip two of
the Weapon you want to train them in on each hand. This'll make them
master the Weapon even faster. This also works with Shields.
- Concentration -
A minigame that allows you to win prizes if you beat it. I won't give a
strategy out for it, since it's really not worth it, but there IS a neat
trick to it that can get you a TON of Gil and some great Items. First, to
play it, get on the Snowcraft and hold down the X Button and press the
Circle Button 15-20 times or so, then when the game starts, write down the
positions the cards are in, then, exit the game. Re-enter the game 31
times and cancel out each time, then once you enter the 32nd game, use
the card positions you wrote down fast and if you're lucky, you'll end up
in first place, getting the best prizes. Though, here's a list of what you
can win from this:
1st: 40,000 Gil, Elixer and a Phoenix Down.
2nd: 12,000 Gil, a Phoenix Down and a Cottage.
3rd: 3,000 Gil, a Ether and a Gold Needle.
4th: 1,000 Gil, a Hi-Potion and a Maiden's Kiss.
5th: 300 Gil, a Hi-Potion and a Antidote.
Note: If you end up dead last, you just get 100 Gil.
- Normal Mode And The Original Final Fantasy II -
Once you complete the game on Easy Mode, you'll unlock Normal Model, which
is the original Famicom version of Final Fantasy II, minus the NES
graphics. The only difference is you don't auto target Enemies this time
and you can't run, plus there's only a Globe Map. If you played the
original Final Fantasy, you should know what I mean. For those of you who
don't, basically, if you have your entire party attack one Enemy and it
dies, your other party members WILL attack that dead Enemy. They won't hit
something else, so BE CAREFUL. Same goes for Magic.
= XV. Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CREDI15 ] =
Well, here's where I give credit to the ones that helped make this guide
possible. Here's the following people:
Squaresoft - Of course for making the game. Though it's considered the
bastard child of the series and the worst Final Fantasy game, I actually
enjoyed it and thought it was a break from the old "Kill things, get
stronger, yay!" system and actually made you work for your things. Anyway,
GREAT remake of this game and I enjoy the WonderSwan Color version even
Myself - For doing this walkthrough of course. I had a blast with the game
and I hope you did as well. Well, thanks me!
Lord Skylark - For his INTENSIVE and AMAZING work for getting the Monster
List information. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I can't stress this enough. You ARE
THE ULTIMATE Final Fantasy Monster guy. Check his site out at and be prepared to be amazed.
= XVI. My Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYWOR16 ] =
Thanks for reading my walkthrough first of all. I sure hope it helped you.
If you wish to submit something to this walkthrough, send it to
[email protected] and label the subject as "Submit-Final Fantasy
Origins-II" and as nothing else please. It isn't too hard and I'm not
asking for alot. If you have any questions regarding this game, also send
them to me and label the subject as "Question-Final Fantasy Origins-II"
please. Again, not asking much here and it isn't hard to understand. Now
for the legal stuff.
This guide was created by Kain Stryder. It is not meant to be used on any
other site besides GameFAQs and any other site I've deemed to have it
hosted on. It's not to be edited in ANY way for other use. (Unless I give
permission to do so.) I did not create, nor take in participation of
creating Final Fantasy Origins - Final Fantasy II. I am not affiliated
with Squaresoft, nor the team who made it. I also don't have the rights to
it. I am a writer simply giving out information to other gamers of Final
Fantasy Origins - Final Fantasy II.
Copyright © 2004 by Kain Stryder. All rights reserved.
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