Press Junket Interviews (WBPWE Post)

*** Hello my darlings! This is a modified version of my post for the Wattpad Block Party Winter Edition III. If you haven't read the original, go to

The reason I am adding this post to the story is to celebrate that I am going to be featured one more time at the Wattpad Block Party Summer Edition III on August 2nd! I hope to see you guys there! I need all your support, votes and comments there!

I hope you enjoy this new chapter, show me your love :) ***

New York, August 4th 2014

Macarena's POV

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock and immediately turn it off. Normally I hate waking up to it but today is different. Today I am about to start one of the busiest days of my life; today Jamie and I are doing the press junket for Fifty Shades of Grey. As I look back in my life, so many things have changed due to this film: I have started my career in the movie business with the right foot, I have grown as a woman and a professional, and, most importantly, I have found love.

Although the memories of my recent accident are painful, I am constantly trying to remember what happened that day, specially after knowing that a little girl lost her dad.

Jamie has called Detective Moore and asked him to investigate. Mr. Moore helped us last year when there was a stalker after Jamie and I. He's very efficient and discrete. Hopefully we will have some news by the end of the week so I will know how to help that little girl.

I turn to my side and see Jamie's handsome face peacefully sleeping on our new bed in our brand new home. He had turn my tiny apartment into a luxurious one while I was filming in Chicago.

Funny how while I was thinking he had given up on me, he was building our home for a future together. He is just that perfect, my kind of perfect, my man.

"Are you planning to stare at me all morning?"

I giggle at his silliness.

"Just trying to find my fiancé under all that beard."

He opens his eyes and they are full of humor.

"Oh yeah? I don't think you mind my beard when I do this."

Then he grabs me and starts rubbing his beard against my neck, which makes me explode in laughter and squirm trying to free myself from his hold. Then he stops and kisses me passionately taking my breath away.

I sigh into the kiss and feel him smiling against my lips.

"I love you."

He gives me his shy smile, the one that makes my legs turn jelly and replies,

"I love you more! You have no idea how much."

This is why I love him so much; he has the ability to make me fall in love with him over and over again. But if we want to get started with this day we need to get ready so I kiss him quickly and stand up.

"Come on Romeo! We need to get ready for our busy day."

He nods and follows my lead.

"But first, we need to shower."

His playful wink makes the butterflies in my stomach explode. I am one lucky girl.

After getting ready we walked the two blocks that separated our apartment from the posh hotel where the interviews were going to be held. First we met our publicists for breakfast where they ran all the questions they might ask and, most importantly, getting us ready for the interview where we will be talking about us as a couple. They have done everything to keep my accident on the low, but we never know how much the press knows. However, I am excited for this interview because most of the questions were sent by fans. When I signed up for the movie I knew the book series had many fans, I was one of them, but I never thought all these fans would become my fans. It's such a great honor and I'm doing my best to fulfill their expectations.

The individual interviews were held first and, although it was exhausting, I had lots of fun. I met Jamie, Erika, and Sam for lunch where we exchanged funny moments during our interviews. Jamie had a reporter asked him if he would marry her, which he politely declined.

After a delicious meal among friends and a glass of wine to relax for the upcoming interview, Jamie and I were holding hands on our way towards the elevators.

"Are you nervous?"

I met his gaze and shrugged.

"I can't say I'm not nervous at all but I feel better with you by my side."

He smiles triumphantly and envelopes me in a tight hug.

"I love you and I am excited to tell the world you are mine and soon you'll be officially Mrs. Dornan".

The butterflies attack my stomach one more time and, when I'm about to kiss him wildly, the elevator rings to let us know we have arrived to the suite where we were going to have the famous interview.

"Macarena! Jamie! So pleased to finally meet you!"

A very attractive woman comes to us with a big smile on her deep red lips. She takes turns kissing both of our cheeks hello and introduces herself.

"I'm Zoila! You can call me Z! I'm so happy you guys chose me to do this interview!"

I smiled at her while Jamie just nodded.

One member of the production showed us where we were supposed to sit while some makeup girls came to work on us.

I could hear our publicists talking to Z about the do's and don'ts and my anxiety was taking the best of me.

My breathing became shallow and before I knew it Jamie was standing next to me holding me in his strong arms.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, Just a bit of anxiety kicking in."

"Don't be nervous. If you feel uncomfortable, just say something and we will stop the interview, ok?"


He pecked me on the lips and we sat where Z told us to.

"Jamie and Macarena, I will be asking you the fans' question. If you don't want to answer any of them, just let me know, ok?"

Z was a sensitive woman and she wanted to make us feel comfortable with her.

It was working.


As soon as the elevator doors to the suit open, I am struck by two beautiful people coming my way. Macarena is lovely, she has the body of a super model and I can see she has great taste in fashion, her entire outfit is perfect. There are no signs of her accident. Maybe it wasn't as bad as the British Paparazzi are making it look like. Jamie, on the other hand, is not just handsome but beautiful! The man has a perfect body, and his face! He is a piece of art.

I kiss them both hello and I take my time to smell Jamie, his scent is so masculine, so attractive. This is why all these women are going crazy over this film. This is not just about their favorite character, Christian Grey, but this is about how perfect this man is for the role.

Both Jamie and Macarena look nervous but I find it adorable how he's constantly touching her, trying to ease her nerves. I decide to go ahead with the interview so they can relax once they start answering the fans' questions. I will leave my own questions to the end. I put my million dollar smile and...It's show time!

Z: Welcome to The Morning Show! This is Z, your host, and today we have some very special guests from the long-awaited movie adaptation Fifty Shades of Grey. The protagonists: Jamie Dornan and Macarena Santana, who are not just co-workers but also engaged! Congratulations! You make a beautiful couple!

Both of them blush. I can see they're a very down to earth couple, no Hollywood superstars.

J: Thank you!

M: Thanks!

Z: Macarena! I love your name! So exotic! You are stunning, by the way!

M: Thank you, Z!

Z: You're very welcome. All my questions were sent by fans who are super excited to watch the film this coming Valentine's Day. Shall I start?

J: Bring it on!

Z: How did you two meet?

M: It was in a production meeting for the film. They didn't want to tell me who was going to play the role of Christian so they could see if we had instant chemistry.

Z: Were you surprised? I mean, were you impressed by how handsome he is?

Before Macarena could answer, Jamie interrupts.

J: I was late so that didn't go on her positive side.

We laugh at his comment but Macarena addresses me.

M: I WAS impressed! He is very handsome indeed! And he never took his eyes off me so that was very....let's say....attractive.

J: Hot, you mean.

Jamie winks at her and she blushes, which I think it's an adorable treat of hers.

M: Yeah hot!

She giggles and I move on to my next question.

Z: This question is from Ilse, a fan from Belgium. What was the moment you both realized you loved each other?

Jamie was quick to answer this one.

J: Hello Ilse! I was on a plane on my way to London and I felt so empty, as if a part of me was left behind, it was then that I understood that she had kept my heart.

M: Awwwww

Macarena melts, I can see her eyes are shining showing she is getting emotional but quickly recovers when I ask her the same question.

Z: How cute! And, what about you, Macarena?

M: Probably a bit before him...We were with my family in Brazil and I loved the way he interacted with my nephews. I knew he was the man I was looking for.

They share a loving look and it makes me feel a bit jealous of their love. Every girl deserves a love like that.

Z: Jamie, what do you think of dating a Spanish speaking woman?

J: Maca is the girl next door, you know, but have to say, I love her Latina side.

Z: Can you be more specific?

  J: Yeah, well, I love how she's very family oriented and her family comes first. I love the way she dances. The coffee!!!! Hummmm the coffee! She can make a fantastic coffee!!!!

  Maca giggles and now it's my turn to ask her.

Z: Maca, how is it to date an Irish man?

  M: Fun! I mean, our cultural backgrounds are different but there are similarities that we have as a couple that make us a perfect fit. The Irish are very family oriented as well.

Z: Jamie, Maca has older siblings. Do they intimidate you or welcome you with open arms?

J: Intimidate me? Not at all, they're wonderful! I met Antonia first and fell in love with her family. Santi is my hermano! We are best mates. 

  Z: And Macarena, Jamie is the baby brother of two girls. How is your relationship with them? 

M: They're lovely! The entire family is! Liesa is just like my sister Antonia. As the eldest, their motherly instincts kick in, especially with her baby brother. And Jess, well, Jess is my stylist! She's fantastic, cool and a hipster.

Macarena speaks gesturing with her hands in an exciting way so I know she's being honest.

Z: Going back to your cultural roots, this question is from Angie, a fan from the USA, and it is for Jamie: What do you like most about the Latina culture? Has it changed you or the way you see life in anyway?

J: Hi Angie! Well, like I said, the Family ties are strong, so that would be what I like the most and if it's changed my life in anyway? Well, I call my dad and sisters more often and that's thanks to this lady right here.

He holds Macarena's hand and brings it to his lips. She looks at him adoringly.

Z: That's adorable. Same question for you Macarena. How has the Irish culture changed you?

M: Hmmm...well, the Irish are in many ways similar to the Latin but what I like the most about their culture is how they embrace equality. They are very down to earth and they make no difference between the poor or the rich, the black or the white, the Catholic or the Muslim. Everyone has the same rights and is treated respectfully. So I guess, I try to do the same.

I like this girl, she's not just pretty but intelligent and funny! Now it's time for some serious questions.

Z: Jamie, you've just become a father. Congratulations!

J: Thank you!

Jamie's smile brightens up. He's a proud daddy.

Z: Maca, what type of role does Jamie's daughter Dulcie play in your life?

Macarena's smile grows bigger.

M: My Bonita! She's everything to me! She's a bundle of joy who came to make our families become one.

Z: How often do you get to see her?

M: Everyday on FaceTime.

Z: What is the relationship like between you and the mother, Amelia Warner?

M: It's the best one ever! She's my sister-in-law!!!

Z: Your sister-in-law?!?! How is that possible?

M: "My brother Santiago tricked her into marrying him!" - She laughs loudly- "Just kidding! They fell madly in love and got married."

Z: Wow! A modern family!

M: Pretty much!

Z: And what about you guys? Are you planning to start a family soon?

J: Hopefully in a couple of years. Our careers are starting to launch. We wouldn't have as much time to devote to them if we had a baby now.

M: Besides, we haven't gotten married yet! My dad would kill Jamie! - She laughs again, it's a free laugh which makes you want to laugh along.

Z: Do you guys plan to live in South America or Europe?

J: New York, actually. We live here in New York.

Z: Now let's talk about Fifty Shades of Grey, coming this Valentine's Day. This question is from Athena, a fan from the U.K. Macarena, what do you think of Anastasia?

M: Ana is strong willing woman who is not afraid of showing her feelings or speaking her mind. I adored portraying her. 

Z: Jamie, what do you think of Christian?

J: Well, he's a man who has gone through a lot and has a dark past but he has turned all that negativity into success and also has a kinky hobby!

Jamie chuckles.

Z: Talking about kinky, I love this question! Does the love life of the characters you play have parallels to your relationship?

Macarena blushes deeply while giggling.

M: Oh God! Jamie?

J: Are you asking me, or are you calling me kinky?

Jamie winks at her while Macarena laughs.

M: Ay Dios mio!!!!! Just answer!!!!

Macarena slaps playfully Jamie's lap and he looks proud. It looks like this is something they normally do as a couple. They are playfull and funny.

J: Well, what happens in our bedroom is private but I can assure you I am way different from Christian. 

Z: Now that you've mentioned your differences with Christian, Jamie, how hard was it to "punish" Macarena while filming.

J: I didn't have to "punish" her. Thank God! We used a body double.

M: Only because I hurt my knees! I was going to do it!!

J: Yeah, well I am happy you didn't. Although we were just filming, the idea of hurting you was killing me!

Z: That's cute! And our last fan question is from Rachel, from the USA. Were there any pranks that happened off camera? Who messed up or forgot their lines more often?

J: Maca, of course!!!

M: In your dreams Dornan!!! -She laughs- We were good with our lines...maybe some accent mixed ups.  

J: She played some pranks!

M: So did you!

She tries to fake a serious face but fails and laughs instead.

J: One day, before we started living together, she sent fifty pizzas to my trailer at lunch time. 

Z: That's not a prank! She was actually being nice!

J: It is a prank when you have to pay the bill!

M: Your face!!! - Laughs while holding her stomach- It was too funny!!! 

Z: I can only imagine!

J: And she didn't end it there. She sent fifty bottles of Guinness too!

Z: I can see the theme of the movie in those pranks.

M: Yeah, well, it was a fun lunch! We all stopped for the day and sat to have some pizza and beer.

Z: It sounds like you had lots of fun filming Fifty Shades of Grey.

J: We did, fun times.

They both look relaxed enough for me to drop them my next question.

Z: Macarena, I know you've just filmed another movie with the sexy Chris Evans. How did that go?

M: Great! We've just finished this movie with Vince Vaughn. He is super funny and it was in Chicago, which is a beautiful city!

The way she intonates Vince's name gives me a funny feeling. As if she wants to clarify something.

Z: Jamie did you stay with her in Chicago?

J: No, I was filming in South Africa.

He shifts on his seat. There's definitely something going on there!

Z: Oh! Didn't you feel jealous of Macarena? Filming with the handsome Captain America?

J: I trust her. She was doing her job while I was doing mine. We're both excellent professionals.

Z: I have no doubt. On a serious note, Macarena, you were involved in a car accident in London, is there anything you want to tell us?

Macarena intakes a breath and Jamie intermediately puts a hand on her leg, like encouraging her.

M: Well, there isn't much to share, I was coming home and another car hit mine, I've recovered well and the police is investigating the case. There is nothing I can tell you about it because I just don't know.

She looks serious, but never leaves my eyes. I decide to drop it since my producer is screaming on my earpiece.

Z: I am certainly happy that you are fine.

M: Thank you!

Jamie's hand move from her knee to the back of her seat. So I decide to give them a break and finish this interview.

Z: Well, any message to your fans?

M: Go and watch Fifty Shades of Grey! You won't regret it!

J: Yeah! Go and watch it! You'll love it!

Z: I watched the trailer last night and I loved it! Very Sexy! Thank you very much! Jamie Dornan and Macarena Santana everyone!!!

*** Hola! I wanted to thank you guys for your constant support and for reading this story, special thaks to AthenaShakespeare , nycgal38 , pusherlovedornan and cinderella1976 for always being there! Enjoy this new chapter and please show me your love with your votes and comments! Don't forget to add The Wattpad Block Party to your Reading lists to get the notifications of the event! I will have some giveaways, so I hope you all enter them:


JDFanFF will giveaway:

First prize: A box with goodies from Brazil to one lucky winner! My giveaway is open internationally. 

Second prize: A dedication to one lucky winner in Best Friends Series' newest chapter! My giveaway is open internationally. 

Third prize: I will be naming a character from one of my stories after a lucky winner. My giveaway is open internationally.

Stay tuned to these and See you on August 2nd!!!!!

Xoxo-Z ***

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