4. Light of Hope

Seokjin had no idea where he was. The last thing he remembered was standing in his bedroom in front of that painting and now he was here. He stayed seated on his butt in the aisle as he watched the strange woman stare back at him. She was full of...he didn't know what. She was as vibrant as his flower picture had been before he touched it. As he sat there in fear and waited for whatever happened next, he reflected back on everything that had happened to him.

When he had first come to, it had been due to some sort of touch to his shoulder. The first thing he had seen were words passing by his face, not realizing that they were the closing credits of his old life. After he had stared at the words for a few seconds, he had turned to look at the person that had touched him on the shoulder. He had looked at the person kneeling in front of him. They looked normal until he saw the light box they were holding in their hands. The beam coming from it had been bright white, but it also lit up the colors of the light box's case. There were the colors he had seen before he disappeared. 

The difference had scared him. He was used to things looking and being a certain way, and now it was suddenly different.

He reflected on how he had continued to be scared by everything new about him as the woman continued to...he wasn't sure what she had been doing with her lips. What was that he was hearing? Wait? Hearing? He had thought for a second that maybe he was reading her mind until he could make out that her lips were moving. He tried to press his own lips together for a second, but he didn't know how to move them like hers nor did he know how to make his thoughts come out. So he had opted to stay in fear. He was overwhelmed.

He had been happy when she had refrained from moving her lips and had instead offered him a hand. That was something he was more comfortable with. He had gripped it and had stood to his feet, making sure to avoid the weird lights in the floor. When she had opened the theater room door and the light had flooded into the room, Seokjin remembered the terror. Everything the strip of light coming from the hall seemed to touch had changed. It changed the surroundings around him until they were no longer black. That was when he had stumbled back onto his rear end. He couldn't remember ever feeling so terrified. He had kept scooting backwards on his butt until he had been out of the light's reach before wrapping himself into a ball.

'You are such a coward,' thought Seokjin as he finished reflecting on everything, but he really couldn't blame himself for being that way. He tried to take slow breaths to steady the rapid beating of his heart.

Seokjin could hear the woman saying something again, but he ignored it. He was trying to quit his trembling. He had wished for something outside his boring routine, but now he was too frightened by it all to comprehend it. He only casted his eyes upwards again when he heard a different voice join the fray.

"You're slower than a snail."

"Geezum, Aspen! Nice to see you're as patient as always. What has you so on edge?"

Aspen nodded towards Seokjin as his eyes looked at Jimin. He didn't move from his position, still seated where he was.

"I finally was able to coax him off the stage, but as soon as I opened the door he retreated back inside."

"Is he afraid of sunlight? Did you find a vampire or something?" asked Jimin with a smirk as he moved to walk down the aisle towards Seokjin. He moved to bend down in front of the other, reaching out a hand to tap his knee. "Hey..."

Seokjin uncurled himself from the ball just to push himself backwards again. This lip reading, mind reading ability...whatever it was that was happening was too much for him to handle right now.

"You can't talk," said Aspen. "I figured out he doesn't like talking."

"Doesn't like talking..." muttered Jimin. "Perfect candidate for a silent movie viewing then. Not so perfect candidate to be around you."


Jimin smirked once more, pausing for a second to think about what to do.

'Who are these strange new characters?' thought Seokjin as he stared back and forth between the two of them.

"We need noise cancelling headphones," said Jimin after he had thought for a moment, "If you're right that sound bothers him. There isn't a way he will make it through the lobby okay without something to cancel out the sound."

"Yes, but we don't have any of those at the moment," said Aspen. "So what's your genius plan for now?"

Jimin reached out his hands to cup them over Seokjin's ears. It muted everything to him until he could only see their lips moving in the light. The temporary quiet was enough to calm him down and allow him to try to take in everything around him. Jimin smiled and shot Aspen an 'aren't-I-smart?' look.

'What is going on right now?' thought Seokjin as he looked at Aspen and Jimin before flicking his eyes about his surroundings again. 'Am I dreaming?'

Seokjin's eyes came back to focus on the two people before him as Aspen walked back over to him, extending her hand his way again. He looked at the outstretched hand for a moment before reaching out to grab Aspen's hand once more.

He rose slowly to his feet, keeping every inch of his black glossy shoes out of the light as he did. Jimin moved to stand behind him, keeping his hands over both of his ears. Even though the sound had been dulled for now, what was before Seokjin's eyes was still different. What would happened if he were to touch this magical light? Would he be like the theater room and go from being one shade to another?

Seokjin still didn't know what colors were or why they were different, but he willed himself to find out. He was tired of the same routine. This had been his wish, so he felt partly responsible for what was happening right now. He stood there, looking behind him briefly to see that the words that had been on the screen were gone. Only darkness laid behind him. He turned his face to look back towards the hall again. Looking past Jimin, past Aspen, and into the light of hope.

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