C-C-C-Combo Breaker!!
Changed the ending for this chapter, didn't really like the original.
Ahh the arcade. Apart from the sticky carpet floors, years it takes to beat the simplest of games and expensive shitty prizes, it's one of greatest inventions of mankind (well, apart from the internet)
Where kids learn many things that'll stick with them for years to come. Where the adults come to bask in the nostalgia, and reminisce about why the first time they as children came to this glorious palace. This was truly a world changing event for all ages, but enough about glorious arcades and the places they hold in our hearts, that's not what we're here for.
"Oh, oh, oh!"
Dipper and Wendy each made many excited shouts as they each mashed buttons on the Fight Punchers machine. They were playing an old, crappy Street Fighter rip-off in the back of the Gravity Falls Arcade, and having an absolute blast. Dipper had a happy grin on his face as he and Wendy went at each other in the game.
"Ooh, cutscene!" she said as the match stopped aburptly.
"Dr. Karate, you killed my father again! Why do you keep doing that!?" Dipper's character, Rumble McSkirmish, pointed and shouted at Dr.Karate
"HNNNGGH!!!!!!!" Wendy's character, Dr. Karate grunted angrily.
"You take that BAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!" Rumble shouted.
Wendy giggled at the terrible voice acting, and Dipper rolled his eyes with a grin. You gotta love terrible nineties dub jobs.
" Fight! " the deep voiced game announcer declared. (Has there ever been an announcer with a normal, non terrifyingly deep voice?)
Dipper and Wendy went at it, each pulling of the best combos they could to win. But after a perfectly executed "Karate Crusher" from Wendy, the match was over.
"Oh, what?" Dipper said playfully as he crossed his arms. "Boo!"
"Don't hate the player," Wendy said with a nonchalant shrug, then began smirking. "You might have some fancy moves out here, but the game world, I am KING!"
"Yeah, yeah," Dipper said sarcastically. "C'mon. Round two, your Majesty. "
"Don't mind if I do," Wendy said as she got ready for the next round. "Hey, I'm gonna punch the ref."
" Fight! " the announcer once again, declared.
"Let's gang up on him!" Wendy said as she started hitting buttons.
Dipper shrugged, pulling of a string of punches that appeared to hit the non-responsive referee.
Wendy laughed at the sight. "Nice!"
But little did they know, that poor referee had just got divorced, fired from his job, lost his kids, and most of his money along with his house. He had to pick up this job because he had to pay child support. The referee shed a single small tear as he was continuously abused by the players.
"Hey, Wendy!" a voice behind Dipper exclaimed, he'd hope'd it wasn't who it sounded like.
Dipper turned and his good mood immediately faded. In walked Robbie, with several flyers in his hands. Of course, even when tucked into the very back corner of the Arcade where no one ever came, somehow they ran into Robbie. Did he have a tracker on one of them or something?
"Oh, hey Robbie," Wendy said, turning to the teen. "what are you doing here"
"Just putting up some flyers for my band, I'm playing lead guitar. No biggie." Robbie said in a try hard humble voice, obviously trying to impress the duo.
Dipper gave a skeptical look at the picture of Robbie on the flyers. "Nice mascara." he mocked
"Uh, it's eye-paint for men, I'm only wearing it to make fun of the company" Robbie stammered, trying not to sound defensive.
"What's the company called? Guy-liner?" Dipper asked with snicker.
"No, uh.. I... I mean...?" Robbie blushed in embarrassment, as he began to stumbled over his words.
"Hey Robbie," Wendy said. "Dipper was just showing me this great game."
"Ha, yeah, sweet, sweet," Robbie said. "Hey, how about you sit this one out, okay champ?"
Dipper wanted to tell Robbie to buzz off, he had been hanging with Wendy first, but he restrained himself. Robbie was still Wendy's friend, and she'd clearly gotten over his lack of manners at the Mystery Shack Fair.
As much as Dipper couldn't stand the overly edgy boy, he didn't want to come off as an even bigger jerk and run the risk of losing Wendy as a friend, just because of some petty words.
Dipper wordlessly stepped aside and gestured for Robbie to go ahead. Wendy gave Dipper an appreciative nod for not starting anything, and turned back to the game to play with Robbie.
"Round Three!" the deep voiced announcer declared. "Fight!"
"So hey," Wendy said as she mashed buttons, attacking with all she had. "I'm gonna go camping tomorrow with my dad, so I won't be around."
" Yea, that's cool." Robbie said with a nod, mashing his own set of buttons. "Watch out!"
The two focused on their match, but Dipper didn't miss the hateful glare Robbie shot over his shoulder at him. Dipper personally, wasn't one to hold grudges for very long, he'd gotten over the whole "bed time for you baby's" and the Gravity falls fair thing. He'd even considered trying to become friends with the tight skinny jean wearing, pinocchio nose having, wannabe bad boy, edgelord.
But as it seemed, Robbie wasn't over the whole punch directed at him. The teenager seemed to hate Dipper. Not that Dipper cared, many people had hated him in his school, in fact Dipper was sure he and Mabel had the whole school against them, along with most of the faculty.
Dipper quickly got bored watching the duo play the game, and with a quick "bye" to Wendy he headed home.
The Next Day
"King me peasants!" Mabel said, showing her two King cards.
Many angry grunts and groans came from around the table Dipper, Stan, and Soos, each placed their own cards on the table, reluctantly accepting their loss.
"It's not fair!" Stan shouted, upset about losing. "She doesn't even know what we're playing!"
"Go Fish?" Mabel guessed.
As Stan gathered up the cards to reshuffle. then suddenly, the four winced and held their ears in pain as they heard an out of tone, electric guitar screech to life outside.
"Dudes," Soos' started, "I think I'm picking up a radio station inside my head."
"Weeendy!" a voice sang terribly from outside the Shack.
Dipper groaned and began rolling his eyes, recognizing the singer. "It's Robbie."
"Robbie?" Stan asked. "Is he that jerky twerp I see gawking at Wendy all the time?"
"He called me 'Big Dude' once," Soos said sadly. "I mean, I know I'm a big dude, but it still kinda hurt."
Mabel began to scowl, a rare sight. "Should I go get him to sing another high note again?"
Dipper was so upset he didn't even laugh at the pleasant memory. "No, I'll handle this."
"Ooooooh!" the three remaining marveled as Dipper began walking outside.
"Ha, conflict!" Stan said happily, raising his arms high
"Try not to kill him!" Mabel called enthusiastically.
"yea, yeah" Dipper said nonchalant
As Dipper walked out to the shacks front porch, he heard that terrible voice again.
"Wendy!" Robbie sang. "Wendy, Wendy! C'mon down!"
"You know she's not here, right?" Dipper asked, hands in pockets as he approached the elder boy.
"Yes!" Robbie scoffed, before processing the statement. "...Wait what?"
"She's out camping with her family today," Dipper said, not believing his stupidity. "You were literally 2 feet away from here when she told us. Are you deaf or somethin?"
"What was that?!" Robbie angrily shot back.
"Did I s-t-t-utter?" Dipper mocked.
"You want to get into it, huh?" Robbie Started, as he began clenching his fists. "Let's get into it, kid! You think I don't know what's been going on, huh? It's obvious you've got a thing for my girl, Don't you?!" Robbie accused
"Wendy's not 'your' girl," Dipper retorted annoyed. "Last time you tried to ask her out she told you to beat it before you even got the chance." Dipper smirked as he seen the anger rise on Robbie's face
"Wh-What!?" Robbie sputtered as he began to sweat. "H-how did you-!?"
"Maybe you're the obvious one here," Dipper interrupted.
Okay, so maybe using knowledge from other timelines was kind of cheating. Sue him, but don't act like you wouldn't do the same.
"What's it to you, anyway?" Robbie retorted. "Wendy was my friend first!"
"And? Just because you knew her longer doesn't mean you're a good friend, She deserves better." Dipper responded simply.
"Oh yeah, like who? You?" Robbie asked. "I'm sure she's just DYING to ask out a twelve year old, kid who wears the exact same shorts every day." Robbie responded. (Although like most people Robbie thought Dipper wore the same clothes. But in reality he just had 10+ copies of the same outfit) "Hey, here's an idea! Why don't I call her right now and see if she wants to go out on a date with you?"
Dipper's eyes narrowed as Robbie pulled out his cell phone. "Try it, I dare you..."
"Or what tough guy? you'll tell your mommy?" Robbie taunted, unaware of Dipper's growing rage. "You talk big, kid! What is a wimpy boy like you, gonna do to a guy like me?!"
"Hello?" Wendy's voice came in over the phone.
Before Robbie could utter a word, Dipper stomped on Robbie's foot, HARD and I mean bone breaking hard. The older boy let out a pained girly scream and dropped his phone onto the grass. Dipper quickly lifted his foot and brought it down again, this time on Robbie's poor, innocent phone. Robbie looked down at his phone and saw it had been cracked almost in two.
"My phone!" Robbie exclaimed, pain quickly turning into rage. "Ugh!, that's it! You're dead meat kid!"
Robbie immediately threw a punch at Dipper. The boy gave a bored expression, clearly expecting more from the teen. As he effortlessly, ducked under the punch and grabbed Robbie's extended arm. With a quick yank, Dipper pulled Robbie forward kneed the older boy in the gut. Robbie's legs went weak as he gasped for breath, and Dipper used the opportunity to turn around and flip his opponent over his shoulder, into the dirt.
Robbie grunted as he crashed to the ground, wincing from the pain. When he opened his eyes, he saw Dipper's foot raised above his face, before it rapidly falling.
"AHHHHHHHHHhhhhhh...!?" Robbie shouted, tensing up before realizing he hadn't been hit. "Huh?"
He looked to his side and saw Dipper's foot resting next to him. While that, Dipper released Robbie's arm and knelt on one knee next to Robbie, resting his arms casually on the grass
"Let me make this crystal clear," Dipper said seriously. "If I wanted to, and I damn sure want too, I could break your arms, legs, neck and soul, before you could even say 'ouch'. The only reason I haven't already is because, unlike you, I actually listen to Wendy. And I know she doesn't like it when guys fight, especially her guy friends."
"B-big talk for a punk who just used a bunch of cheap shots!" Robbie spit, trying to sound tough, which he failed at.
"Oh, let me guess, You weren't ready'?" Dipper ridiculed, as he gave an unimpressed look. He hated when people couldn't except their defeat.
"Yeah!" Robbie responded, completely unaware of how stupid he sounded.
"Fine," Dipper said, standing up. "Since you ARE as dumb as you look, I guess I'll have to make sure this beating gets through your thick skull. You. Me. Three o'clock at, let's say, Circle Park? No weapons, no cheap shots. You win, I buzz off whenever you want me to, and I won't get in the way of you trying to ask Wendy out. I win, you scram whenever I say so, and you never bother me or my family again. Deal?"
Dipper extended a hand down to Robbie, who after looking at it reluctantly accepted it.
"... Deal," Robbie muttered, shaking the hand as he stood up.
"Good," Dipper said. "Now get off my property."
Mabel watched from the window as Robbie sulked off, while Dipper walked back to the Shack, hands in his jacket pockets.
"That was pretty cool, Bro-Bro," Mabel praised as Dipper stepped back inside. "But won't Wendy get upset if she finds out you beat up one of her friends?"
"That would mean he'd have to admit he got his ass kicked by a twelve year old," Dipper said with a snicker. "That's not happening. Besides, didn't you kick him in the balls a week ago?"
"Yeah," Mabel said, "But I'm not trying to go out with his friend."
"Look," Dipper started, "Robbie's a jerk. We both know that, but he's a jerk that Wendy strangely would date if given the chance. Weren't you the one that said I needed to be more active in trying to go out with Wendy?"
"This isn't exactly what I had in mind," Mabel countered.
"It's fine," Dipper reassured her. "I'll rough him up a bit, and he won't bother us anymore."
"And if he doesn't keep his word?" Mabel asked.
"If I scare him enough, he will," Dipper responded evilly.
Mabel shrugged. "Alright, if you're sure this is what you want to do. But if something goes wrong, don't say I didn't warn you."
"Noted," Dipper said as he walked back to the game table. "I mean, this is Robbie we're talking about. What's the worst that could happen?"
Mabel couldn't wait to see what went wrong.
With Robbie at the Arcade
"Stupid kid!" Robbie angrily exclaimed as he played Fight Fighters to relieve stre.ss before the fight
" Round One! " the announcer declared. " Fight! "
Robbie tried in vain to beat the boss, getting annihilated in mere moments. Robbie slammed his fist down on the game console.
" K.O! " the referee announced. " Continue? "
"A winner never runs away from a fight!" Rumble's voice came from the game.
'That's Easy for you to say, ' Robbie thought grievously to himself. 'You never had to fight some psycho strong tween who somehow managed to kill ghosts. That, and technically you're not real.'
Robbie let out a frustrated groan as he griped the bridge of his nose. He only had a few hours to prepare for his fight with Dipper, so why was he wasting time in an arcade you ask? Simple. He knew he didn't have a chance in hell against Dipper.
Nevermind the fact that this was the second time Dipper had completely made a fool out of him. Oh, and the fact that HE KILLED 2 GHOSTS . Thought, Robbie questioned how He killed them while they were already dead. How? 'Cause he's Dipper Frickin' Pines'
Robbie grumbled at the thought. It wasn't enough that Dipper just seemed to appear wherever the older boy was, but Wendy talked about the little scamp all the time. Always some comment about "how cool the new kid was", or "how smart he was", or "hey Robbie, did I mention he managed to kill ghosts? Let me remind you about that for the trillionth time".
Robbie still knew that there was no way Wendy would actually date a literal child. Ya know, because laws, moral codes and whatnot. But he couldn't help the spike of jealousy he felt whenever Wendy brought the kid up.
In another circumstances, Robbie would've been looking forward to this fight. He'd give the other guy a bruise or two and his opponent would wimp out. But Dipper was serious problem. Robbie could tell the tween had been waiting for an excuse to fight, but he couldn't turn the challenge down, or he'd be known as the guy too scared to fight a preteen.
' So now I'll be known as the guy who got beat up by a preteen... ' Robbie thought bitterly. 'Just great... '
And Dipper just had to tact on that bet. He knew Robbie couldn't refuse, and would use the win to keep him away from Wendy. He could try to go back on the deal, but he figured that would just lead to more pain on his part.
It was either get beat up by a tween or be a coward and don't show, and unfortunately his mom didn't raise a coward. So yeah, his options were pretty hopeless
Robbie moved to put another coin in the game, aiming to pass the time before his soon coming embarrassment. When he dropped the quarter, The boy grunted in frustration as he reached down after the coin as it rolled around the game machine.
But as he grabbed the quarter, Robbie saw something scratched jaggedly into the side of the machine. A message saying, 'To unleash ultimate power: back, back, punch, punch, forward, back, forward, down, kick, kick, quarter circle forward, triple punch, kick kick'
' fine If it helps me beat this stupid game... ' Robbie thought with a shrug as he input the cheat code.
The screen flashed for a bit, before the machine shut down. Robbie scowled, was everything going to blow up in his face today? But then the screen came back on, glowing so brightly it was hard to even squint at.
"What the-?"
" Select your character! " the game interrupted.
"Uhhh..." Robbie mumbled. "Rumble McSomething?"
At the the statement, the machine began to shake violently, and with some suitably retro sound effects, a figure emerged from the screen.
Robbie let out a surprise shriek as Rumble McSkirmish crashed down in a perfect superhero landing before.
"Whoa, whoa!" Robbie cried out. "Wh-What are you!?!"
"Greetings, child-boy!" the living sprite said. "I am Rumble McSkirmish, from the U.S.A! Punch! Kick! Punch! Kick!"
"Ah!" Robbie exclaimed as he ducked out of the way of the attacks. "Watch it!"
"Now I must defeat the world's greatest fight-fighters!" Rumble declared. "Take me to the Soviet Union!"
Robbie was about to tell the guy off that there was no way he would drive the sprite man to Cuba, but then a thought occurred to him. Sure, he didn't understand what was going on AT ALL, but Robbie realized he had an opportunity. One too good to pass up on.
"I can't do that," Robbie told Rumble. "But there's a fighter here in town that would be perfect for you."
"Excellent!" Rumble happily exclaimed. "Who is this person!?"
Robbie smirked deviously.
Circle park. The park goes in circles, with Dipper.
Dipper threw many quick warm-up jabs and hopped around a bit to loosen up. He cracked his neck and shook out his tight shoulders, before checking his watch. It was 3:05 Robbie was late, 'Could he actually be bailing?' Dipper thought in uncertainty.
Even if it would prove that Robbie was too scared of Dipper to do anything, but certainly wouldn't be as fun. Dipper was getting bored fast.
Dipper's concerns about missing out on a good time disappeared as Robbie walked over to the park, hood pulled over his head and hands in his pockets. Dipper's eyebrow raised at Robbie confident sneer. He didn't seem nervous at all, either the teen was really was delusional, or he had some trick up his sleeve. Dipper decided to go with the ladder for now.
"Look who finally showed up," Dipper spat, maintaining his constant bored look, his trademark. "I thought you were chickening out. You ready this time?"
"Oh, don't worry about that" Robbie said, eager to watch the tween suffer, "I'm ready. Come on out, man!"
Dipper watched in surprise as a pixelated Rumble McSkirmish emerged from behind a tree, bouncing back and forth in his idle fighting animation.
'Well then, this got about a thousand times harder' Dipper thought, He hadn't expected this .
"So that's why those games got discontinued," Dipper muttered to himself, this truly quenched his boredom for the day.
"Is this the little guy who killed your father!?" Rumble asked, pointing at Dipper.
The smaller boy raised an eyebrow. "Wait, I did what now?"
"Yeah, that's him, Rumble" Robbie answered with a smirk.
"Then you shall pay, tiny murderer-child!" Rumble declared with a point.
"Ahh shit" Dipper said, before looking at the cheating Robbie. "I really hate you."
Rumble roared as a wave of pixels washed over reality.
Dipper blinked as he looked around. Nothing seemed to have changed, except when he looked up, Dipper saw that two pixelated health bars were suspended in the air. One for Rumble, and one for himself.
" Fight! " the voice of the game announcer rang out.
"Punch!" Rumble shouted as he threw a fist forward. "Punch, punch! Kick!"
Dipper almost barely managed to dodge Rumble's attacks, with the kick getting a little too close for comfort. Dipper jumped back a few steps, letting Rumble follow him. When the pixel fighter threw another punch, Dipper tucked his arms in front of his face, peekaboo style, and weaved under his opponent's arm. The smaller boy managed to land a powerful shovel hook to Rumble's abdomen.
"Gah!" Dipper exclaimed as he jumped back.
His fist was scratched up, with various fine cuts on his knuckles. Turns out that real life pixels were razor sharp. Good for Rumble, bad for Dip.
Dipper glance up at the life bars. Rumble's life had only gone down 2.5%.That wasn't a good sign. What was worse, was that Dipper's life bar had gone down 3%, apparently from the damage he got from punching Rumble.
' This is probably gonna end poorly, ' Dipper thought as he pulled his arms back into a block.
"Ha ha!" Rumble gloated. "You fight like a girl! Who is also a baby!" Gotta love terrible 90's jobs right?
Dipper grumbled. He wasn't often insulted on his fighting abilities. But then again, he didn't often cut his hand just by punching someone.
"I didn't kill his dad!" Dipper shouted, pulling out the steak knife he nabbed from Gideon's restaurant, trying to damage the Bandanna wearing man anyway he could.
"You are a liar!" Rumble retorted. "Because your pants are on fire!"
Dipper jumped to the side as Rumble launched a fire attack. The fireball exploded when it reached where Dipper had been standing. The blast knock the smaller boy off of his feet, and he fell flat on his stomach. Before Dipper could get up, Rumble was on him, grabbing by his jacket collar and lifting him off of the ground.
"I will defeat you!" Rumble said. "For my father!"
" Your fath-EEEEEEEER!?!?!?!?!" Dipper asked as he was tossed up into the air like a ragdoll.
Dipper tried to fix himself as he fell, but when he looked down he saw only saw Rumble glowing. Dipper recognized what was about to happen, and braced himself. Just before the boy landed, Rumble's eyes flashed blue, and he unleashed his ultimate attack.
After numerous, brutal punches, a fist-shaped atomic pixel explosion ripped through the area. Dipper went flying through the trees, smoked and battered from the assault.
"Ha ha ha!" Rumble laughed, putting his arms up high. "I have defeated the murder child!"
Robbie's eyes went wide at the sight, as he thought for the first time that he may have gone a bit overboard this time. However, Robbie's shock soon grew as he looked up at the health bars.
"Oh god...." Robbie muttered, disbelief evident.
"Hm!?" Rumble grunted, before looking at the bars. "Gasp!"
Dipper's health bar was at 4%. Low, but not out.
"My enemy is not yet beaten!?" Rumble exclaimed in shock. "Most impressive! Murder child come back!"
With that Rumble walked into the woods after his enemy, wishing that he had a running animation.
' Ouch, ' Dipper thought as he hit another tree branch. ' Ow. Ow. '
Eventually he stopped flying and crashed into the dirt. But the force that had pushed him was so strong that he kept moving, tumbling and rolling over .himself. Becoming more damaged
Dipper eventually came to an abrupt stop by colliding with a wooden post, his back impacting the structure. There the boy sat, resting against his impromptu crash pad.
" ... Ow... " the boy wheezed out.
Dipper rested his head back against the post, and looked up. It was the Gravity Falls water tower. Wow, he had really flown. Considering how far he'd gone, he was honestly surprised he wasn't more beat up. It didn't even feel like he broke anything.
Though he was pretty sure he'd have some nasty-looking bruises on his chest for a while. But all in all, aside from a what was probably another slight concussion. Replacing his old one from his fight with Gideon. Other then that, he felt relatively okay. He just needed a moment to right himself...
Dipper slowly rose to his feet, resting against the water tower for support. He breathed in and out, wincing at the pain in his chest. He should definitely at least have a few broken ribs, yet nothing. He glanced up and saw his health bar. Somehow he had a smidgen of health left. Maybe that was why? As long as he still had health he couldn't get so injured that he couldn't fight? Video game logic at its finest.
Of course, he was so distracted with this health conundrum, it took him a few seconds to realize Rumble was standing directly in front of him.
"... Crap," Dipper said.
"Punch!" Rumble exclaimed as his fist shot right at the smaller boy.
Dipper dive-rolled out of the way just in time. The attack missed its intended target, hit the wooden support pillar, cracking it. The entire structure shook, wobbling back and forth before stopping at an uneven lean. Rumble turned to face Dipper, and the two glared at each other, when-
"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Somebody screamed from above
Mabel fell out of the sky, crashing into Rumble's head with her feet. The impact took the force out of her fall, and she had a relatively short tumble to the ground.
"Uuuh..." Mabel groaned, before shaking her head. "What the hell?"
"A new challenger approaches!" the game announcer declared.
"A new huh?" Mabel said as she looked up.
She saw a few unexpected things. Health bars floating in the air, one with her name on it, an angry pixel man, and an angry pixel fist flying at her.
Mabel grunted as the punch connected with and sent her rolling back along the ground. Her health bar went down to 89%, and she saw Rumble's health was at 92.5%. She jumped to her feet and saw Dipper standing next to her, very bruised.
"What is it this time?" Mabel asked.
"Robbie brought Bootlegged Ryu here to life and lied telling him I killed Robbie's father," Dipper explained. "So he's been trying to-"
At that the two had to jump out of the way as a fireball attack shot at them.
"That!" Dipper yelled as the two were split up. "So how's today been for you?!"
"Oh, you know!" Mabel shouted as she ran behind Rumble. "Found out Stan has a secret fear of heights! Took him up to the top of the water tower to cure him!"
"Did it work?!" Dipper shouted back as he weaved out of a punch combo and rolled to the side to avoid a kick.
"Well, I think I have a fear of heights now!" Mabel responded as she swung a hard roundhouse kick into Rumble's side. "So- AGH!"
Mabel hissed in pain as she pulled her leg back. The leg of her workout leggings was slightly ripped up, and her skin stung with fresh cuts.
"Oh yeah," Dipper called, "his pixels are sharp!"
"Thanks for the heads up, Bro! If only I knew that BEFORE I kicked him" Mabel responded sarcastically as she jumped out of the way of a side kick.
Dipper glanced at the health bars. Rumble was only at 91%, while Mabel was down to 86%.
"Just hitting him hurts us more than him!" Dipper shouted at his sister.
"Yes!" Rumble exclaimed. "Because you are children! Who are also scrawny! Ha ha ha!"
"We sure this guy's a hero?!" Mabel yelled.
"More important problems, Mabel!" Dipper responded.
"Fist Punch Rain!" Rumble shouted.
"What rai- Ow!" Mabel grunted as she was interrupted by a purple pixel fist falling from the sky and hitting her in the head.
"Special attack!" Dipper shouted. "Dodge!"
The twins jumped, rolled, skipped, spun, and even cartwheeled (guess who did that one, bet you can't) out of the way of the punches raining down from the sky.
Mabel's health was down to 76%, but thanks to their dodging, the twins managed to avoid their health getting lower. However, as Mabel did a back handspring to avoid several of the attacks, she had an idea.
"Dipper!" she yelled. "This is a fighting game, right?!"
"Kind of?!" Dipper responded, diving under a fist. "Why?!"
Mabel stopped moving as the special attack ended. She looked down and grinned, before putting her hands together, palms facing Rumble. Dipper looked at her like she was crazy, but his doubts vanished as Mabel thrust her arms forward.
"Hadouken!" the girl shouted. A blue pixelated energy ball shot out of her hands, zipped across the grass field they were in, and hit Rumble square in the chest.
"UGH!" Rumble grunted as he was knocked back, his health dropping from 91% to 76%.
"Nice!" Mabel exclaimed with a fist pump, before turning to her brother. "Video game rules! We have special attacks! Check the bottom of the screen!"
Dipper looked down at the ground and saw that there was indeed a special meter close to him. It was fairly full, probably from the terrible beat-down he'd received. He smirked, 'payback time.'
Rumble looked up, recovering from his surprise hit, and saw Dipper running at him.
"Pu-!" Rumble shouted, about to throw out his fist, when he was interrupted.
"Tatsumaki Senpukyaku!" Dipper shouted, jumping into the air.
With one leg sticking out, the smaller boy did a spinning helicopter kick that hit Rumble in the face repeatedly. The bruised Fight-Fighter stumbled back, preparing to retaliate, when he saw Mabel dashing straight at him from his other side.
She jumped up, using his back as leverage, and actually grabbed her own health bar, which Rumble was sure she wasn't supposed to be able to do.
"Health bar in your face!" Mabel shouted as she, well, used her health bar to hit Rumble in his face.
Mabel tossed her health bar back into the air before landing. When she did touch down, she picked her special meter off of the ground.
"Feel the love of the Hyper Combo!" she exclaimed, hit Rumble with the meter, before winding up for another swing. "And it's a hoooooooome run!"
Rumble skidded back from the strikes, before wobbling in place with a few stars circling his head.
' Never have I been more thankful for stun mechanics, ' Dipper thought as he busted out the most devastating super move he knew.
Dipper stood on one leg, tucking his raised leg up to his chest. He had one arm up to his chest, but left his other tensed by his side, fist curled up next to his raised knee. Dipper let out a cold breathe
"Raging Demon." Dipper dark muttered as his eyes flashed blood red.
With that, Dipper slid across the the field on his one foot, leaving red afterimages in his wake. As he reached the stunned Rumble, the entire area became dark. Mabel saw various flashes, and heard the sound of numerous, lightning fast strikes. A mere moment was all it took for the attack to end. When the light came back, Dipper was standing over a downed Rumble.
' I've always wanted to do that, ' Dipper thought.
"That was kinda evil, Broseph," Mabel said as she walked up next to him. "Don't ya think?"
"Says the girl who just used Deadpool's Hyper Combo," Dipper deadpanned.
"It was the only one I knew..." Mabel mumbled out her excuse.
Dipper rolled his eyes and smiled. "Memelord."
The duo of twins watched as Rumble slowly rose, leaning on a nearby tree for support. His health was all the way down to 20%, and he looked pretty bad.
"This is most dishonorable!" Rumble huffed out. "I demand you fight me one-on-one!"
Dipper glared at the pixel man with a stare that could've made flowers wither.
"... May I please fight you each one-on-one...?" Rumble tried again, more polite this time.
Mabel thought about it for a moment, and smirked.
"Sure-you-can," she said with a mischievous look.
"Oh!" Rumble exclaimed, happily surprised. "Thank you, most honorable chil-!"
Rumble was interrupted by a flaming uppercut to his jaw from Mabel. Then hit in the side by a flaming kick from Dipper, The force of the attacks threw Rumble into the sky. But the beating didn't stop there, as Dipper and Mabel used they're abilities to launch each other into the air.
Dipper was the first to reach Rumble, and began to give him a vicious puncher combo he'd never forget. Then deciding he was bored, kicked him him into Mable's direction. Who in response grabbed him by the arm and hurled him to the ground. The pixel man hit the ground with a Large thud.
While trying to get up from his crater, Rumble noticed two red and pink dots flying down to him at blinding speeds. Those dots were none other than Dipper and Mabel, with both of them outstretching a kick to destroy anything in it's path.
"HEY RUMBLE" Dipper shouted, catching the larger man's attention. "TASTE OUR TWIN STYLE: KILLER KICK" Dipper shouted, hungry for the win
The twins Landed HARD on Rumble's chest, the force of kicks were so powerful, his body was forced to dissipate. Dipper breathed out a sigh of relief. He looked at his sister, satisfied with their accomplishment, when...
" Sure-you-can shoryuken Sure-you-can shoryuken heh heh" Mable giggled to herself
"We get it Mabel" Dipper said, stopping her
"Heh...wordplay" She giggled again
Dipper sighed, what was he gonna do with her. "I-is he finally gone?" A voice spoke
Both twins turned and saw Robbie nervously poking his head out from behind a tree. His eyes were darting around the field, checking for any signs of pixels. He was so busy for looking for the violent video game man, he didn't notice Dipper storming over to him.
" You!" Dipper snarled heavily as he grabbed Robbie by his hoodie collar, " have exactly ten seconds to give a halfway decent excuse for what you just pulled. "
"H-Hey, c'mon man!" Robbie stuttered, terrified. "I-I just wanted him to scare you! I didn't think he'd try to kill you!"
"That's ten," Dipper said, still gripping Robbie. "Not impressed."
"Dude, that may as well be Robbie's catchphrase."
Both guys craned there heads and saw Wendy walking up to them. Dipper immediately released his hold on Robbie's hoodie and took a step back.
"Hey guys!" Wendy greeted happily. "I heard some crazy screaming. What the heck happened here? Earthquake or something?"
Robbie let out a nervous laugh. "Y-Yeah, something like that..."
Wendy's easy expression suddenly turned to one of concern. "Hey Dipper, I thought your shiner was doing better, but it looks worse."
Robbie's eyes went wide, and he took a nervous gulp.
"... Yeah, and you've got new bruises," Wendy noted. "What happened?"
It was at that moment she realized Robbie looked incredibly uncomfortable with the situation, and that Mabel was shooting the older boy a glare.
"Wait a minute," Wendy said, her brows furrowing, "you guys weren't fighting each other, were you?"
"What?!" Robbie choked out, trying not to sound guilty. "N-N-no, of course not! I, uh, I know how much you hate it when guys fight!"
Dipper glared at Robbie. 'Oh, so that's how it's gonna be, huh? '
"Then how did Dipper's face get so jacked up?" Wendy asked, crossing her arms in suspicion.
"I didn't get the bruises fighting him," Dipper said, Robbie grew a face of relief. "... They were from the guy Robbie got to fight me."
Robbie's relieved looked instantly changed into one of panic.
"What!?!" Wendy exclaimed, turning to the panicking older boy.
"That's not true!" Robbie insisted. "H-He smashed my phone and challenged me to a fight! I'm the victim here!"
"The guy brought Rumble McSkirmish out of the arcade game and sicked him on me and my sister," Dipper countered pointedly.
"I fell off the water tower!" Mabel interject in a cutesy tone, happily watching Robbie squirm.
"Oh come on!" Robbie said with a pleading look to Wendy. "You aren't actually falling for this, right?"
"Robbie," Wendy said angrily, "I'm not an idiot. Or blind. There's flaming pixels all over the place."
Robbie looked around, and realized that there were in fact various patches of very video game-y fire around them.
"Oh..." he mumbled. "Um, I can explai-"
"He can't," Dipper and Mabel interrupted simultaneously.
" Robbie... " Wendy breathed, fury evident. "I always knew you were kind of a jerk, but this is like, SEVERAL steps too far."
"That little kid's a psycho!" Robbie exclaimed, getting angry himself. "He's out get me so he can-!"
" NO! " Wendy shouted firmly. "No more excuses! Ever since you two met you've had it out for him! Don't think I didn't notice you singling him out at the Dusk 2 Dawn! I didn't say anything 'cause I THOUGHT you'd grown up! But I guess I was wrong!"
"I can't believe you're choosing that little twerp over me!" Robbie yelled. "I've been your friend for YEARS, and your just gonna-!"
"Oh!" Wendy interrupted. "So what, that gives you a free pass to be a complete A-hole to everyone else? Am I just not allowed to have new friends, is that it?"
"N-No!" Robbie stammered, taken aback by Wendy's outburst. "I just-"
"Save it," Wendy cut in once again. "I let the thing at the fair slide since it was mostly my fault, but this... I don't know what your problem is, but if you can't handle me not wanting to spend every waking second with you, then just... Just go."
Robbie blinked, a look of slow comprehension coming over him as he processed Wendy's words. "Wait, you don't mean 'forever', right?"
Wendy looked away, but her voice remained firm. "Robbie. Leave. Now. "
Wordlessly, Robbie walked off, not even having the energy to shoot Dipper a glare as he left. Mabel stuck her tongue out at the older boy, satisfied by the telling-off he'd received. Dipper however, was looking at Wendy with concern. The redhead looked to be a painful cross between angry, sad, and guilty. As much as he enjoyed Robbie being told to hit the road, a part of him hurt to see Wendy so upset.
"Wendy...?" Dipper said, voice soft.
"I'm fine," Wendy spoke, a tad harsher than she'd intended. "I just... I need some time. To think about this. I'll, uh... I'll see you both later."
With that, Wendy walked off. Dipper watched, saddened by the sight. He made Wendy have a fight with one of her oldest friends. Sure, he didn't like Robbie much, but... had he gone too far? Meddled in something he shouldn't have?
Mabel seemed to sense his unease with his actions, and gave him a reassuring smile and pat on the shoulder. In silence the two walked back to the Shack.
Dipper hoped he had made the right call.
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