V-Day match up.
Connie Maheswaran yawned as she walked out of Little Homeworld R&D, pockets in her blue lab coat. Morning sunlight was breaking through and unsurprisingly, there were gems already up or who didn't sleep, roaming around decorating the streets in red,white, and pink. With hearts, streamers and banners.
"So..It's here again...Valentine's day, maybe I can sleep through it."
The twenty years old let loose a cynical smirk. She has a real distaste for Valentine's day, always had. It just came off as a bit much and a bit too fake.
All the wanting to suddenly admit your 'love' to a person.
"Cause there's a higher chance of getting a date and or get laid."
All the expectation of giving or getting a gift or candy.
"Cause it's what's lover's supposed to do, how else are they supposed to express their 24hr surge of romance?"
All the social convention and commercialization.
"Cause being single and not spending money on Valentine day is pathetic."
She shook her head with a chuckle. She didn't care for the day, at all.
She stopped in front of Lars bakery, seeing it open with a display of chocolate in a circular black box in the window.
"The chocolate is good though, I'll give it that."
A few minutes later she was heading towards her LHW residence, box under her left shoulder. She took in the sights of the gem city and as much as she loathed the holiday, she did take a bit of pride in the fact that the gems were so eager to celebrate it.
She arrived at her residence and arched an eyebrow before a small glow came to her tired cheeks.
Infront of her door was a bouquet of red and white Chrysanthemums, surrounding a small 'heart' of bluebells.
it was a whisper that leaked appreciation. She expected him to give her a gift, even knowing her anti-valentine stance, he always does. She lifted the flowers up and carefully tucking them with the chocolate, before opening the door and finding it unlocked.
Again, not surprised; especially since the whole place had the smell of breakfast being made. Entering and closing the door behind her, she followed the smell to the kitchen and there he was.
Big limbed, big torso, lightly tan skin, curly hair, deep almond eyes, and slightly whiskered face. Wearing his black button-up, dark blue jeans with a star buckle belt, pink and blue sneakers. The pink apron was a new addition though.
She gently placed the chocolate down on the table and the flowers in the suspiciously new vase on her island...Which happened to be filled with water, before walking behind him and wrapping he arm around him, resting her hands on his chest as she snuggled her face into his back, smirking at his beach yet earthy smell.
"Heart Berry, burned the midnight oil I see."
She groaned cutely, giving her Mister a kiss on the the small on his back, getting a chuckle from him.
"You know, it's action like this that makes people think we're more than friends.,"
That earned him a little nip, Making him falsely wince before chucking.
"Brat Berry."
She looked at what he was making and turned her eyes towards him a bit of a childlike glow in her eyes. "You're making Masala dosa?"
"Why yes? Yes, I am. Very astute of you."
Connie groaned suspiciously. "What are you up to?"
"Just doing something nice for you.."
"On February fourteenth...Valentine's day."
"Coincidence. ..I know you're the' antithesis of Valentines day'." He laughed a bit at that. "I still can't believe you called yourself that."
"I stand by my claim. I'm happily unattached, I don't expect nor do I give gifts-"
"Yet you accept gifts and you bought chocolate. "
"First, I was raised with manners and feel it’s rude to reject.. Second… I have plans for those chocolate."
He sure she did, especially with the slight dripping of seductiveness coming from voice.
"Continuing...I don't ever date on valentine's, nor do I take confessions seriously. They're getting instantly shut down."
"Ouch..So if I would say, I want to be with you, you'd shut me down. Hypothetically"
Connie looked up with an arched eyebrow. "Hypothetically, if you were to ask on February fourteenth...I'd tell you to ask again tomorrow."
Steven laughed loudly at that, as he turned to give her a kiss on her crown. "Go sit Heart Berry. I'll bring the food over."
She nodded as she tipped-toe to kiss his whiskered cheek, before following his orders. She took off her lab coat, and hung it behind her chair before sitting down, and laying her top half on the table, stretching forward her arms forward and laying head down. Steven shook his head as he saw her, an adoring grin on his face.
“So..Manners, huh?”
“This is my place..I don’t need manners...Besides-” She turned to him tired but bedroom eyed. “You think I'm sexy without manners.”
He growled at her giving a playfully lustful look himself “Oh yeah, irresistible. Make my motor run.” He signaled her to sit up which she did with a back popping stretch, her chest pressing against her green apple sweater lifting enough to show her navel a little.
She caught the appreciative stare he was giving her, and smirked as she shifted in her chair. “So are you gonna eat with me..or just eat me.”
“You'd be happy either way.”
“Does that mean I can have both.”
Steven shook his head as he placed her food down in front of her, and his across from her. She took a bite of the crepe like food, moaning at the taste of the rice, potatoes coconut oil, spices and seasoning. She took a second bit and her eyes widen at the two other favors, she gave him an accusatory smile.
“Durian and lamb…”
“Two of your favorites, yes.”
“Hmm..Seems very Valentine-ish.”
“Well, I ‘Do’ Valentines day.”
Connie sighed. “I -I know, and I don’t.”
“I know.”
Connie was about to respond when Steven caught her off guard wiping her lip, before giving her a peck.
“You appreciate my gestures all the same, that’s fine by me.”
Connie turned away blushing trying to fight her smile. “Well..It’s you after all…” She took a bite of the food again savoring the taste.
She didn’t say anything as a smile enveloped on her lips. The silence was comfortable and serene almost like a newlywed breakfast. Once they finished the food, feeling more than satisfied, Conie went up stairs to freshen up, hiding a bit of guilt as she did. Going into her room to get her some sleepwear, a towel, and stripping bare before heading across from her room to the bathroom and into the shower. As the slightly hot water cascade over her; she gathered the chai and lilac body wash/shampoo she always wears and he loves so much on her, making it a foam and lathering it upon her. As she soaped and bathed herself, she sighed both in relaxation and remorse.
“This was a nice way to start the day. A very touching way to today. Flowers, food, and my favorite guy... I’m happy and I appreciate it...It’s just..This day...I wish I could enjoy it like he does.”
She grimaced as she rinsed the soap out of her body and hair, the thoughts getting more deprecating. "The flowery words, the extravagant gestures...I can do without it, but he loves it and deserves it...I want to give it to him."
She held herself looking down, tears falling in heartbreaking shame, mixing with the shower water. "I don't think I can give him that. Romance like that."
Connie wiped her tears as she took a deep breath, turning off the shower as she did. Putting on her sleepwear; An old pink hoodie of his with some black spandex, she shook her head and went to her bedroom.
"Hey, Heart Berry."
She smirked at Steven, he was laying on her just made bed, shoes near hers. She realized her clothes were picked up and in the hamper. She wiped her eye again.
"Thanks for this Steven..I appreciate the gestures...Sorry about you having to pick up my underwear and such."
"Well, that was more for me than you."
Steven arched an eyebrow at her low and downtrodden voice. He opened his arms, beckoning her to lay with him.
She did with no real enthusiasm. She laid her head on his heart, loving the beat of it, the tenderness of his touch on her hips,back and hair. The security of being in his arms and the feeling of endearment when his lips touched her head. She couldn't stop herself from wrapping her arms around his torso and locking his leg between her thighs.
"What's wrong, Connie?"
She had her head down in his chest, refusing to look at him. "Just... Wish I could do more for you."
"In the romance department."
Steven arched an eyebrow at that statement. “What do you mean?”
Connie growled in annoyance. “Romance...Valentines day..Everything you did so far…”
“Thought you enjoyed what I did?”
“I do.” She looked up at him, her eyes a bit wet. “I love that I got a bouquet of my birthday flowers and the flowers you named after me. Adore the fact that you made an authentic south asian breakfast for me with two of my favorite foods. Touched that you made up my bed and put my clothes away, so I could go straight to sleep. Probably even here, just cause you know I sleep better when you're around.”
“Yes, but I like cuddling with you too..Definitely when you're wearing that body wash.” He chuckled giving her temple a kiss, getting a sigh out of her.
“Even your playing around has an aura of romanticism.”
“It is Valentine's day.. The day of romance.”
“Yeah and I suck at Valentine’s day...At the whole romance thing.”
“I mean romance isn’t really a-”
He stopped when he looked at her blank stare; The Maheswaran stare of indifference. She only uses that when he crossed the line on a serious matter. Steven looked at her stroking her cheek.
”No pretence?”
“100% percent real talk.”
Steven nodded. “ Fine...Connie.. First thing.. Yeah, you're not a big romantic, that's not you. That’s not what I expected from you when we started our ‘breathers’ .
Breathers...The original name of their ‘war game’, or more accurately what their game evolved from. Just a time they set for each other where they kissed, brushed and made the other feel relaxed though talking and admittedly amorous actions, it worked wondrously. Connie didn’t feel tense about her school work or LHW R&D. Steven didn’t feel stress over gem stuff and diamond duties. Those quite impersonal, very physical, breathers took the first step to their ‘ not-relationship ’when Connie shook him to his core for the first time.
Connie looked wide-eyed at the name, but didn’t say anything.
“I didn’t expect this..Bae-friendship to come from that.”
Connie looked down feeling embarrassed only to have him lift her chin up to him and give her a chaste kiss on the lips.
“But you set the catalyst for it. Not that I regret it.. “
Connie, blushed turning away. “No I didn’t, you flirted and teased me first.”
“The night in the dome. Remember that.”
Steven smirked as Connie grew redder as she recalled the night.
He was having a particularly bad day. The gems were at each other necks over something at little home school, Jasper and Lapis got into it, nearly flooding half of little homeworld, and Spinel needed advice dealing with the diamonds (cause he has experience with that, apparently). He was able to do it, but he was pink and flaring a bit by day end, due to the stress.
He remembers sitting in the dome silently trying to relax enough to retract the flares and drop the pink when she came in. She gave him a gentle, sad smile before sitting by him, pulling his head into her lap. She looked down at him playing with his hair tenderly, before dipping close to him. What he was expecting was rain of kisses upon his cheek..What he got was heartfelt praise, gentle flirting and the “Bisky” title. It actually made him tear up a bit even more so, when she disallowed any gem, including White, to see him until he was ready.
He would never forget the way she looked at him. The proud smile she gave him through moist, dazzling eyes. The look was something he didn't think he ever got from anyone and it planted something deep in his heart. A desire to make her happy, to make her feel cherished and loved like no other..Like she did him at that moment.
From there the teasing and flirting began and the rest is history.
“You remember the things you said to me”
Connie groaned as she threw the hood up covering her face, but nodding nonetheless Steven laughed as he pulled her in close. His lioness, his minx, his Heart Berry; was now a shy little cub, something he hardly ever gets to see..
“It wasn’t out of romance or something..”
He snickered “Of course, it wasn’t.”
“Stop mocking me.”
“I’m not!”
The roughness in his voice stilled her. Furthermore, when he took off her hood and kissed her tear. “You’re not romantic. You’re passionate, heartfelt, prideful, valorous, flirtatious, impish, amorous, honest and a whole bunch of other stuff that really doesn't come close to how amazing you are. You don’t mince words and you don’t do anything half-ass. Rather it’s missions, studying and school work, working at R&D or making me fall for you for the umptenth time. You don’t need to try to be romantic and like valentines day or whatever.”
Connie pouted, folding her arms "What about you though? You like the big gestures of romance and all the fanfare of Valentine's day. Wouldn’t you appreciate it if I joined in.. Do something extravagantly romantic for you?”
“You mean like the dressing and stripping game at empire, or the game tag throughout the Hattan streets, or not only the private dance in your room, but the performance on New year eve.”
Steven had to hold his chuckle in as Connie once again found her with her hood on.
"Those...Those were more flirtatious and playful than romantic."
"Ah! You admit that they are romantic on some level."
She shrugged. "I concede they could be seen as romantic..but romance wasn't my attention."
"I know, it was all part of our war game right?"
"No..I mean it was for fun...But"
Steven looked on at her, knowingly, as she grabbed his hand and massage the back of them.
"You're my ...Sunshine?"
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