Bonus match pt2

Steven and Lion skidded out of the pink portal in front of Connie’s place.

“Good job, Lion.” He smirked as he rubbed his companion skull in appreciation. He turned toward the  residence, more specifically the second window where he saw the light of candles and the silhouetted curves of Connie behind royal blue curtains. He took a low, excited breath before feeling Lion nudge him forward with his head, towards the door. “I’m going.” He chuckled as he gave his beast cat of a son a playful headbutt. “ Go head home.”

Lion gave him a gentle growl and a knowing look, before roaring another portal and jumping in..

Steven turned around and started toward the door, digging for his set of keys out of his jacket.



Wanting...So much wanting

These are what fueled one Connie Maheswaran's actions as she ran through last minute checks.

"Ok, got the body paint and glitter." She turned to the assortment of small jars filled thick liquid of different colors with brushes in them and a couple soft plastic paint spreaders beside  them. Next to them was a large clear bowl of  body glitter that seemed to sparkle like stars

"Comforters for us to lay on or kneel on as we paint and play." She turned her gaze down to the floor at four large navy blue comforters lined up in a square reaching the west wall to the east and taking up the whole center third of the room.

"Vanilla and Jasmine scented candles." She looked at the four candles placed at corners, of the room, away from them and their supplies, giving the dark violet room a natural sensual glow..

She folded her arms with pride, looking at her setup. "Hmm. Ok..Now for the last 'oomph' of ambiance. " She turned her head toward the ceiling.  "Play February 15th, playlist."

At her command, the sounds of violin, bass, piano and sax began playing a sensual, jazzy ballad in a nice low background volume. "Perfect." She congratulated herself as she shook the nerve off her, bouncing on her toes.

'This is gonna be a good night. Just some alone time with Steven, no different from today or any other time, except..' She felt her face raise In temperature ' It's not. Not at all… ' The grin on her face gained more excitement by the moment.

"Calm down Connie... You're supposed to be calm, cool, collected. Flirty, seductive. " She whispered to herself. ' Yeah, but my heart won't stop thumping and my grin won't fall and I can't stop feeling hyper and for what?! ' She groaned running her hands through her hair, before dissolving into embarrassed and love-filled giggles. "For him. Always for him.” She breathed deeply  “You know what's really bad.. I like it. This feeling of enamorment. God damn it!” She smiled  as she shook her head, biting her lps. “How did it come to this?”

“I don’t know, maybe we teased a bit too much.”

Connie stood straight as she felt shivers down her spine at the sound of his husky voice and cool minty breath in her ear. The feeling of his lips on her temple and whiskers on her shoulder, making her sigh out a laugh. “How much did you hear, Mister? That was a private monologue.” She rubbed his left cheek while kissing his right. Enjoying the feel of his hair upn her skin “Rugged.”

“Somewhere around ‘For him, always for him’.

“The good part”

He chuckled at the amorous tone and the affectionate touches. “I missed you.”

“Yeah, I’m sure you did somewhere between entertaining Little Homeworld and charming gems and girls alike.” She teased kissing the corner of his mouth. “I missed you too, though.”

“Missed you more.”

“Oh? Doubtful.”

“And why is that huh?”  

“Hmm” She moved away from him walking forward  to the center of the room, before turning towards him with her hands behind her back.” Look at what I did for you.”

Steven did take a look at the room and the work she put in, feeling touched and appreciated...His eyes went to her outfit and the feeling of hunger rose within him as well.

Connie arched her right brow before giving him a smirk “Mister?” Her voice dripped with carnality. Her left hand finding the edges of the bow and giving it a slight tug. She laughed at him licking his lip. “In time Mister.” She let go of the bow, chuckling a bit at his blushing face.

“Little minx. “ He growled as he walked up and wrapped his arms around her resting his hands on her ‘heart’..

“Being a bit handsy aren’t we and it seems so intentional as well.” She wrapped her arm  around his shoulders pulling him closer,

“It is.” He grinned as he squeezed her, getting a delighted gasp from Connie.

“So bold, Mister. Is this what i’ll be dealing with tonight?”  

“Tonight..” He gave her a clipping kiss, releasing it with a ‘Chu’.

“Tomorrow..”  he gave Another.

“Beyond..” And another.

Connie bit her the corner of her lip. “Oh..Such an exciting prospect.”

“It’s only right, since you came up with such a daring idea and declaration, Heartberry.”

“Well, then..Here's another one.“

Steven's eyes widened just a moment as he fell rhythm into Connie’s kiss. He groaned as she lured his tongue into her mouth with her own, before having it and his bottom lips sucked on gently, it was exhilarating and so passionate, he couldn't help but give her bottom a grab while a small moan escaped.

“Mhmh..MMM..Squeezing again? “ She teasing through the kiss rocked her hips side to side within his hands. “Might have to be careful wearing things like dresses and skirts around you, Bottom man.”

“You don’t wear...Mmm.. skirts and dresses much.” He broke the kiss to look at her blushing impish face  “Though it doesn't matter what you wear. You're too bewitching  to not want you in my arms.”

"I think you mean palms, Grabby."

"Those too." he  gave her a snicker that tugged at her heart.

“You dork..Thank you Steven.” she gave him a few tender kisses holding his cheek as she did.“ Not only are you loving, and kind but.. “ She looked at his bare torso, his round belly, with abs and strong pecs. “Hhhoooo~ Oooooo." She breathed out. Nodding her head in appreciation

"That's a compliment if ever." He chuckled as she traced her index finger upon his stomach looking both innocent and seductively.

"It's the damn truth." She stated in defiance. "Not to rag on someone else's preference, but I just can't see the appeal of a slim, thin partner. Not when the alternative is…”

Connie nipped under his chin making him shiver. As she spoke in a luscious tone “Big..”

“Husky.” She trailed down to his throat placing mini love bites upon him. Sighing as his grip on her seat got tighter.

“Burr~rrly.” She purred as she placed more bites from his neck down to his chest, her hands roaming down his back to the seat of his sweats.

“Ey!” He yelped as he got a squeeze of his own. “Whose grabby now, Minxy?

Connie shrugged before giving him a quick peck and moving back. “Ok. I think we had our fun.” She gave him a grin “ So now, it’s time we get down to business.”

“And by business you mean.”

“Fun.” Her grin lowered to a gentle loving smile. “ Sweet, heartfelt fun.”

Steven hung his head to the side as he watched her gather the art supplies and lined them beside the comforter.

When she was done she signaled him to sit down beside her. “Come here, Mister.”

Steven sat down crossed legged looking up at Connie, holding his chin in intrigue. “Hmm. So what is this all about?”

“Didn’t I say I want you to make art of me.“

Steven nodded. “You did, but if i suppose to make art of you, I need a canvas”

She shook her head. “Mister, I thought it would be oblivious.” She signaled to the paints and to herself.


“I’ll say it again.” She took his right hand in hers guiding it to one of the paints, a strawberry pink. “I want you.” She slowly dipped his index in swirling it around a little.“To make..”   She pulled the pink covered digit, the slight nervous trembling of his hand making her feel a bit more bold and teasy. Slowly putting the tip right under her breast. “Me…’ She trailed his finger to the center of her stomach,sighing at the cool feeling of the paint. “Art.”

Steven red faced and stunned, could only watch jaw-dropped as she took his paint stained finger and sucked the rest of the paint off. Giving the digit a little kiss before looking at him through half-lid bedroom eyes and a bitten lip.

“Tasteful art.”

Her sensual tone and leer sent lighting through his spine forcing him to sit up straight, at attention. “Ooooh whoo.” He exhaled an exaggerated breath that was hidden in his chest, beaming in delight.

Connie bent over from the waist, giving him a gentle and luscious kiss. “You’re so cute, Mister.” She gave him an impish giggle. “So...Did I do good or did I do great?”

He looked at her with adoration“Ni, My best friend, Jambae, Heartberry. Come here”  He tapped on his thighs.

Connie maroon cheeked, sat between his thighs, nuzzling and sighing as he held her close; his arms wrapped around her torso kissing her shoulder and neck.

“I can’t believe you would do this...How long have you been planning tonight?”

Connie looked away feeling shy. “Umm. Heh.. About two weeks.”

“Two weeks? Did it take that long for the paints to come.”

“For the brushes, candles and comforters."

"Steven narrowed his eyes." What about the paints?"

Connie felt her face grow hotter as smirked, coolly. "It's no big deal...Just learned to make body paint and glitter out of  fruit, chocolate, and candy."

"What?" Steven's voice was filled with admiration and adulation for the woman in his arms.

"Anyone can learn how to make edible body art." Her voice was nonchalant as she waved her hand. "Not a big deal."

Steven looked at his knight with an arched eyebrow but didn't say anything.

Connie shook her head before sighing. "Fine, you know what. It is a big deal." She placed her hands on top of his."Tonight Is a very big deal. ..To me."

"I figured as much… Especially when you talked about submission." He kissed her temple. "We've already done things that could be considered giving ourselves to each other."

"True...Something I'll never regret" She snickered and kissed his whiskered chin. " But I'm not just talking about the physical and teasing aspect of 'US'

"Oh I know...You're not one to use words like submission and yield when talking about yourself." Steven growled feeling her soft lips. "So it begs the question. What's this really about? What you're submitting too?"

"I said you, but In context. I 'm submitting  to being a bit more...Romantic? ... Fanciful for you. " She breathed out an awkward chuckle. " I mean, it's not a surprise trip or a great big gesture like you would do for me. Intimacy is more my style."

"Connie, this wouldn't have to be because of today?"

"Not just today…" Connie turned around to face him, her legs around his hips, arms around  his shoulders. She gazed into his deep brown eyes, the candle lights making them look more like bourbon than almond.  "For everyday... For every time you reprimanded me for working too late, and making me relax...Every time you listened to me babble on about the newest project at R&D, college class, book, tv show or whatever."

She felt the rising chuckles aching to come up. "For every time you come find me after we argue, to comfort me and be comforted by me Hell, for every time you opened up and allow yourself to be comforted by me…."

Steven chuckled " Most people wouldn't  thank someone for that."

"Well I am." She kissed him gently before placing her forehead to his. "I thank you for trusting me enough for that...For making me feel trusted…"

"It's not hard too after all we've been through. You always have the best intentions for me."

"Of course,I do. You're important to me. " She gave him another kiss."How could I not. After all the times you made me feel loved and cherished on every level, through gestures grand and small. Made me feel safe and protected without making me feel weak and demure."

"Not that anyone could, you paragon of humanity." He teased before pulling her closer to him by her hips. "Besides, you know I find your pride and strength completely irresistible."

Her heart swooned and her temperature ran a little hot under the collar at his baritone whisper.

"Mis~ter" She purred a sigh when he started kissing the left side of her neck .Blushing without shame. "That's another reason why you don't make me feel needed.." She chuckled as he nipped and sucked on her neck. " You make me blush, squirm, trembling, and moan..You make me feel desired, hungered for...wanted." She ran her hands through his lock massaging his scalp and getting a pleasure growl from the hybrid.

" You are and you do the same for me." Steven looked at her loving and carnal smile,giving her one of her own. "Every growl, snarl, exaggerated, breath, and float brought through t your teasing touches, sly glances, playful words and other sensual mannerisms. Proves that. " Steven  caressed her cheek causing her to beam. " The best part of it.

" It's out of love. Carnal in action..but "

"Generally, cause we love each other."

"As expected from my 'compliment'.' She

kissed his palm, before kissing his lips. "It because of that.. I wanted to do something. special. To show you that, I love you." She rested  her head upon his "And despite us not being in a relationship..My heart is yours.. and yours alone."

"Mines is yours, You know that Connie." Steven reciprocated." We don't  need to be in  relationship to be together. We agreed."

'I do. so that why I wanted to do something to celebrate that. Not because of the day or anything, but because..I love you.. " She giggled as she wiped her eye. " Got me being schmaltzy. You know, I love you." She took her a breath.

"Such a lovey-dovey berry I have." he teased as he held her close hearing her rapid heart against his own.

She held him just as close "Only and always for my precious and treasured Mister..." She chuckled before she pulled away with a smile " So.. Now that you know why..There only one thing to do..Given the set up." She teased before dipping her finger into a brown paint.

"And what's that?" Steven looked surprised  at her poking his tanned nose and staining it with the chocolate colored and scented paint.

"Paint each other in the colors of our sweet affection." She chuckled before licking the chocolate off him. His surprised and blushing face making her laugh more. "I told you I had a plan for them chocolates."

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