Chapter 2:Onion's layers of fun
Steven stretched, a smile on his face as he looked at the statue. "I thought that Priya-mom would be a little more of a challenge actually, but she let me coast by...I think she might be plotting for next time we all have a game night. She's a bit of a sore loser." He relaxed his body, laying his elbows on his knees as he slouched forward. "The next boss, they kind of put me through my paces."
Steven sniffed the air like a bloodhound as he followed the scent coming from Funland, curiosity and pleasant anxiousness within as he got closer to the source. "The arcade huh? Did she got little laminar to help?" Steven pondered as he walked in,still following the scent.
He found himself at the back of the arcade, at the prize counter. He looked at the very top to see another box with a pink note, basically bathed in Connie's Scent. scent. "Maybe it's Mr. Smiley helping her..Whoa!" His eyes spotted the price tag on the box. "100,000 tickets, the top score on ten games, a combination of the two, or win the token challenge." Steven hummed as he rubbed his chin. "What's the token challenge?"
Steven looked behind him only to get hugged by a (finally) older Onion. He turned around to return the hug to the boy he saw as a kid brother. After breaking the greeting, Steven looked to see that Onion had his gang with him and they all had mischievous smiles. "Let me see if I remember correctly," He pointed as a heavy set teen with freckles and tan skin. "Garbanzo." He spoke confidently, getting a nod of confirmation.
Garbanzo." the teen answered in a surprisingly deep voice.
" Nice...Hmm, your sister not with you today, she's doing well? "Steven gave him a gentle smile when the boy nodded with a thumbs up. Steven nodded as he pointed to the tallest one there, standing right beside Garbanzo. A dark skin teen with black coarse hair and a yellow cap. "I wanna say...Squash." He stated unsure and received a tip of their hat and a bow, showing their squash on their head. Steven chuckled, "Can't beat a classic. Now..." He turned to the shortest of their group, a girl with near peach tan skin, and slightly shaggy brown hair which she had in a ponytail.
She walked up beside Onion giving him a smile before leaning on the taller boy, her let arm draped over his right shoulder, before turning to Steven and blowing him a kiss, like last time they met.
"Soup, you're Soup." He affirmed, getting a nod from Soup. Steven arched an eyebrow at the hidden smile between Onion and Soup, but decided to ignore it " So...Safe to assume you're the Champs here?" He smirked at the four crossing his arms., and putting more of his weight on his right leg.
"Meh." Onion arched his eyebrow mirror Steven's stance.
"Connie is really upping the difficulty." Steven chuckled. "So..token challenge?" He didn't get an answer, as Onion looked at him as if asking if that's the course he wanted. "Token challenge." Steven answered confidently.
Onion nodded before signalling to Garbanzo and Squash. The two walked up to Steven and onion before digging in their pockets and producing a pouch holding twenty-four tokens each, putting them in Steven and Onions hands respectively.
"Hmmm.. Let me guess, first one to lose their tokens; lose." He gotta grin from Onion. " Ok so.." He was surprised when Onion pointed at him.
"So, I get to choose first, huh..Ok..Ok." Steven looked at the games. 'Most took at least three tokens or quarters, some four and others six So..should I start with a big game, or a small game..also.' He took a look at the group as they huddled together. 'I doubt I will be just playing against Onion. I'll start with a couple of threes...a fighter. Gauge how they're going to play this. From there, I can create a more thought out battle plan.' Steven nodded before smiling to himself. " Well look at me, thinking ahead like Heartberry. She rubbed off on me after all." He said to himself. " Hey! I chose." He announced getting the gang attention.
Steven pointed his finger to a two player arcade cabinet, with the words 'lonely blade battlefield VII' on top of it. He looked as the gang turned to Squash, who cracked their knuckles; smirking.
"So you're the fighter of the Gang. Ok let's go."
The five of them walked to the machine and to Steven surprise, it was a two credit machine. Two tokens, didn't consider that. There might be some one credit machines as well.' Steven pondered. Also, the fact that Squash stepped up first is a little concerning, they might be very good and I'm a bit rusty.'As the two inserted the credits to start their game, he glanced to the side to see Garbanzo whispering something into his opponent's ear, getting a slightly annoyed sigh and nod. Steven turned his focus to the game, picking the samurai known as lonely blade.
Squash chose a dual chain welder, named Akika, a female rival of Lonely Blade from the TV series.
After selecting a stage, the loneliest moonlight field, The two began their match. to the untrained eye, Steven and Squash hands would be moving erratically, but to the gang, who watched Squash take down local pros, this was a match between two giants.
Steven naturally defensive and patient fighting style translated into his gameplay as his Lonely blocked, evaded and parry the stage long assault of Squash's Akika and their whipping chain; slowly advancing upon them, throwing a boomerang blade at opportune times to put them on defensive even for a moment. Once within striking range, Steven purposely clashed a heavy slash against Squash's medium strike, throwing them off guard and leaving them open
"Hm! Hm,"Lonely said the two crouching light hits tagged Akika, followed by a kick to her side, "Kakh!," two swiping slash that across the stomach made Akika yelp as they stumble back, leaving her defenseless, "HYAK!" Lonely step forward before giving a heavy overhead slash, bouncing Akika off the ground, "BOOMERANG ASSAULT!"
The gang watched in awe, as Lonely threw multiple boomerang blades at Akika, hitting the kunoichi hard and ending the fifteen hit combo, leaving the character with only 25 percent of life. Akika safe rolled as they hit the ground and Lonely was already upon them with another heavy slash ready to take that 25.
Squash wasted no time unleashing their super move or 'Lonely Arte'.
Just like with Boomerang assault, the screen blackened and time froze, as Akika swung her chains in giant circles igniting them in a purple aura like flame."ASHURA..." Akika yelled as she hovered forward, hitting Lonely six times as she bulldozed him before knocking him into the sky with a reverse crescent kick; "STALKER!" She tossed the circles like a couple of discs and everyone watched as Lonely looked on terrified as they collided with him in an explosion of purple, before landing back on to the stage, 40 percent life left.
"Counter hit super, with rage. Make sense." Steven muttered as his Lonely shot another boomerang blade at Squash's charging Akika. He smirked as he saw Akika jump up and divekick towards him. "Sorrow upper!" Lonely flashed gray as he leapt up with his blade, breaking through Akika's attack and hitting her three times, taking the last of her life bar.
"Round 1 victor: Lonely Blade."the arcade cabinet announced as Lonely blade turned his back to the audience before Akika stood back up rotating her shoulders. The screen faded to black and back again each character in their starting position. "Round 2: Commence!"
Much like the first round, Steven defended himself agaInst Squash's relentless assault; this time Squash's Akika stayed up close, attacking with small punches and kicks to try create an opening. Steven growled as Squash blocked and parried his own attacks, before landing one on him, in the form of a shoulder throw taking thirty percent of his life.
He tried to retaliate wit a sorrow upper, but was dodged and in turn lost thirty-five percent of his life to an air combo, that consisted of two medium, whipping strikes from Akika chains and a rising spin move called 'Wretched Revolution' Which allowed her chains to hit him five more times as she turned mid-air, before smacking him to the wall and making him bounce. He recovered mid-air and was immediately grabbed and slammed to the ground by Akika leaving him with five percent of life.
"What, she can just meter-less cancel dash out of W.R now!?" Steven exclaimed, getting a grin from Squash. Steven nodded and kissed his teeth as his Lonely rolled behind Akika in a crouch. Akika swung her chain down in an overhead, then the screen turned a pale blue and rain fell as her chain met with his hilt and everyone watched as as Akika life bar was literally sliced to shreds as the screen went black and sounds of swords swine could be heard as white lines rapidly cut through the darkness, revealing Lonely standing alone looking to sky with tears in his eyes, Akika nowhere to be found.
"Lonely wins, Isolated finish!"
"Master! WHY!?"
Squash looked at Steven, their mouth small as they bit inside of their jaw, before giving Steven their other four tokens, they were done. She nodded to Steven, but they were done, and went behind the counter, into the back.
"That was fun." Steven admitted " Can't believe I pulled off his isolation move." Steven chuckled " So what's next? or are we still playing Lonely?"
Onion pointed to a racing machine called 'Escapades of Realms' that took six tokens. 'That would leave me at twenty tokens after this. If I win.' Steven thought as he took a seat in the arcade game. Garbanzo took the seat next to him.
"Garbanzo." He cockily announced as he chose his vehicle, a deep red souped-up viper.
Steven coughed out a chuckle as he chose a pink Kawasaki ninja, with what looked like three rocket thrusters on the back of it.
They allowed the game to choose the stage and Steven was wondering exactly who created this game because they were on a course called planet G..Which looked eerily like Homeworld.
'I'll look into that later.' Steven decided as the screen opened up and the countdown began.
"3..2..1.Escape!" The game announced as Steven and Garbanzo both peeled off with a boost start, though Garbanzo timing was a bit more tighter, giving him a stronger, longer boost compared to Stevens, allowing them to take 1st and 2nd respectively, out of the possible 8.
Even though Garbanzo boost lasted a whole three seconds longer, Steven had better acceleration and a higher top speed, allowing him to shrink the gap between them little by little, second by second. As they shot down the digital hard-light track four crystal boxes adorned with a question mark came into view, each a color of a diamond; something Steven chose to ignore at the moment.
He watched as Garbanzo took the blue one on the far left, he himself took the yellow one and watched as a yellow square appeared at the top of his screen with items randomly flashing through it before it stopped on a circuit of electricity. "Weapons ok. Wonder what it does?" He whispered as he headed towards Garbanzo and the first corner of the track.
Steven watched Garbanzo effortlessly drift around the corner and boosted out. Letting go of the acceleration before getting to the turn,Steven hit the break making a hard right, Unfortunately his ninja had the worst handling on the track and made his turn wider than he expected, nearly throwing him off the track. Even though he made it around and got a little boost, he still failed to perform usable drift, lost the momentum he previously had, his gap widened again, and the CPU racers were closing in.
"Well let's see what you do?" Steven muttered as he pressed the weapon button on the arcade cabinet and observed as his character unleashed a yellow wave of electricity in a circular area. The attack hit a few of the CPU racers, causing them to sizzle and slowed them down to near halt."Nice."
Steven kept on his way, picking up speed as he passed the first checkpoint. As he continued he saw a ramp on the far right with three glowing arrows upon it. He rode upon it, being launched into the air by an auto boost up to a higher section of the track..Right into a blue cloud.
"Oh, come on!" Steven combined as his view was now obstructed by the haze of blue.
"Banzo, Banzo, Banzo!" His opponent laughed at Steven's misfortune, but kept his eyes on the road as he took Another box, this time a white one.
Steven kept on as the haze cleared a few seconds later, revealing his a U -turn. "Crap!" The hybrid swore as he performed a drift a bit late and just remained on the track by luck drifting through a pink box and picking up what looked like a barrier.
"WHOOOOOOOO!" The birthday gem cheered S he built up a full boost by the drift and released it right out of the turn, into the straightaway passed the second checkpoint; closing in on Garbanzo quickly. "Gonna getcha!"
"Gonna pass ya!"
BANZO!" Garbanzo challenged as he activated his weapon.
Steven saw his screen flash white for a split second before his shield activated automatically. "Hahaha! You are mine!" Steven taunted as he passed Garbanzo.
His laughter was cut off when they passed the last checkpoint, and pieces of the tracks started to fall at random places, as meteors started to fall upon them.
Both boys were hilarious dodging every pitfall and falling rock as they battled for first. The numbered position alters between 1 and two every second. it was gonna be a close one as they both ran through multiple boost pads and both received an item box.
Steven looked at his pink item and saw that he got three more boosts. Seeing that he had already pulled away from Garbanzo Steven held the boost just in case as he sped through the track.
"Noo!" Steven grimaced as he saw a tight turn. He drifted the best he could into the right turn and again to the left, being thrown further to the outside of the track. "Come on." Steven encouraged himself as he drifted into a large swirling pathway, holding on for dear life. "Almost there!!"" Steven called out as his vehicle neared the end of the spiral. Just as he was about to make it off. Garbanzo red viper simultaneously drifting and boosting in the inside corner.
Caught up to him.
Passed him.
and released a pink shockwave tossing Steven off the track as Garbanzo sped passed the last runway, through the finish line in first place.
"That's cold." Steven shook his head as he was reseted on to the last runway as five CPU' zoomed by. Using his triple boost he was able to secure fourth place. As he climbed out Garbanzo stopped him and pointed to their places and Steven's pouch. It took a moment but Steven got the gist of it and handed Garbanzo three of his tokens, who gave them to Soup.
"That was fun, a bit sneaky on your part but fun." Steven commented as he shared a fist pound with Garbanzo.
"Gar-ban-zozozo." The victory playfully taunted, leaning back and rotating his shoulders in a victory dance getting an eye roll from Steven.
"Yeah yeah, still got two tokens over you guys." Steven smirked before turning to soup."I know it's my go but, Soup you can choose the next game."
The girl bounced in place before grabbing Steven's wrist and leading him to a game called 'Meat, Beat, Megalomania!', a sequel to 'Meat Beat Mania'. The differences between the two games were immediate.
For one thing while Mania was one machine that allowed side by side play. Megalomania was two giant machines back to back giving the aura of a head-on match. Another difference is while Mania was all about matching the beat, Megalomania was about matching the beat while attacking and dodging your opponent.
Steven stepped on to the machine,observing the set up. the eight arrow panels on the floor, the two had hawk drums sticks and the nine rhythm pads behind them, along east, west and south of the screen; A crazy and slightly overwhelming set up for sure. Putting another six tokens and hitting start on the machine, Steven stood waiting for Soup to choose the song since she was the designated first player, Inserting her tokens while he was taking in the game setup.
With the song chosen, a song curiously enough named 'Waters of Megalovania', the screen went dark before opening up to an animated kitchen with pots and pans bouncing around to nothing.
"Groove to the beat, Dodge!"
Steven read out before a picture of the foot panel was shown, instructing him to step on whatever arrow was lit "Fair enough." Steven muttered as the music started up. A quick pop beat and rhythm entered blared from the machine, urging him to hop in place grooving to the music. Until the drums and lyrics hit.
Traveling through space and time
Everything's about to go down
Even if I told you that you'll
have a really bad time.
'Those some quick arrows' Steven thought as he saw he watched the arrows shoot down like bullets. "Down, up ,down, left, Right, upper-right..."Steven muttered as he stepped to the beat being tossed at him. Getting calls of Good, great, or ok from the machine each step he took.
"You're the beat master now. Attack!" The machine yelled, showing an animation of someone using the drumsticks to beat on the pad when it glowed, "So my precision translates to the speed of the arrows I send to my opponent. Ok." Steven grabbed the drumsticks and immediately the pads started to glow and the lyrics played
Why'd you gotta play this trick
God I am so freaking sick of you
Stop pretending that you don't
know what you're doing here.
Steven knocked all over hitting pad after pad as they glowed, "Hah, hah, hah," He called as he tried to be a quick as possible
"Close one! Good shot! Good shot! Good shot! Perfect! Perfect!" The machine continued to call as Steven got the rhythm down of the song.
"Switch it up! Defend!"
Steven's eyes widened as the arrows started to come down again, and even quicker than last time. "Crap!"
Why are you here anyways
Did you plan this for a long time
Killing every single soul here,
don't you feel kinda bad.
Steven groaned in anxiousness as he stomped on the glowing panels trying to catch every arrow that came down as precisely as he could.
"Good!, Close! Close! Close! Good! Good! Bad! Bad! Perfect! Perfect!" The machine yelled those three as Steven tried to catch up with Soup's impressive playing.
"Stir up some trouble! Attack!"
"Thank god! " Steven yelled as he got the drumsticks ready.
Oh yeah you're so innocent
Imma show you what no mercy is
Hopefully you'll burn in hell
and can't ever come back.
Steven hit the pads with perfect accuracy and speed as soon as he saw them light up.
"Perfect! Perfect! Perfect! Perfect! You're on fire! You're cooking now! Perfect!" The machine cheered on both of them as they continued to face off. "Go off! Attack and Defend!"
Is killing everybody really oh
sooo, good!
Dah Dah-dah-Dah Dah-Dahdah!
"What" Steven yelled as he grabbed the drumsticks and continued to defend against her arrows while sending his own. " This is crazy!" He exclaimed being drowned by the comments of the machine and the lyrics of the song..
I can't understand
you well I don't want to.
Dah Dah-dah-Dah Dadah Dah!
"This is a workout!" Steven yelled only to hear Soup laughing maniacally! The machine is now screaming out the word "Perfect!" As if it was on repeat.
Couldn't you just leave us all in
peace down here!
Dah Dah-dah-Dah Dadah Dah!
"Come on! Come on!" Steven pushed looking at how close their scores were and the fact that he was behind by a measly two hundred points or two arrows.
imma dunk you
so hard so you'll die down here!
Dah Dah-dah-Dah Dadah Dah!
"Freestyle! Release everything!" The machine was announced as both the nine pads and the floor platform arrows all lit up. Allowing the player full reign, which Steven and Soup took total advantage. The two drummed on the pads and stomped all over the platform trying to overwhelm the other completely in a hailstorm of arrows as the song came to an end.
"Enough Cooking!" The machine yelled as the pads and floor stopped glowing, signaling the end of the match. Steven chuckled as he nearly tripped, feeling a bit fatigued after that game. He looked as the game tallied the totals.
Both Steven and Soup were surprised to see they were tied at 9,967,342,678,800 points
"Meh meh." Onion said as he pat both of them on their shoulder.
"Good game, Soup, and nice song choice..Didn't think you were an Undertale fan."
Soup waved the Undertale comment off, but gave him a thumbs up all the same, before Onion gave her a one arm hug and the quickest of head pats, getting a smile from the girl.
Steven didn't say anything at all.but did share a teasing knowing smirk with Garbanzo. "Ok, so that's one win, one lost, and one tie. Also I still have two tokens over you. What game shall we settle this in Onion?" Steven taunted, lightheartedly.
"Meeeh." Onion rubbed his chin before turning to Garbanzo and pointed to the gift. After receiving a nod, Onion turned to the others and led them to an obstacle puzzle game called..
"Guiding the Guys." Steven said in awe as he looked at the game.. The video game itself was tabletop and stretched two and a half feet. It's controls were simply a rotating globe for movement, a button for jumping and one for stopping. The goal was to guide the guys or gals through the obstacle course as quickly and safely as possible. The one with the most teammates at the end wins. On the chance that both players have the same amount teammates left they will determine the winner by time..
"The final game. You definitely choose something sentimental" Steven stated matter of factly, " six tokens too ." Steven stated as he placed his six tokens in the machine along with Onion.
"Guiding the guys." The machine yelled to the two showing its title screen. After selecting the stage, a lava pit. The two were ready to go, Steven guys vs Onion gals.." Ready, Set,Go!" The machine yelled, urging the two to start rolling the globe forward making their groups move forward along the path,
Steven looked over at Onion.s team and watched as the boy continued to roll the globe forward, making his team run forward instead of walking. Steven started to follow his example and continued to roll forward allowing them to run. Steven rolled the globe to the left directing them as he caught up to Onion's team. In front of t both teams were the first of a few obstacles, fire balls spring fort and on to the track. Steven continued his way as he guided his team through the path, stopping before getting hit by a stray fireball., rolling left to get them through making the run.
"Stop" Steven paused the team, before they got hit by a stray fireball, rolling them passed it; nearly making it through, when one of his guys got knocked off.
"Dave guy has fallen, Help him up!?"
Steven ignored the machines call, after all this time he still though that Dave-guy was a piece of clod,
Onion gals ignored him as well
"Dave has been eliminated." The machine stated in a somber voice, no effect to either players. "Who cares about Dave guy?" the machine asked.
"No one." Steven answered coolly, getting a nod from Onion.
After getting past that obstacle The two teams raced through a zigzag path Where another obstacle was waiting. This time simple falling boulders that rolled or bounced down towards them
"Can they use their special skills in this?" Steven asked only to get a head shake from Onion. " Great," Steven said sarcastically as he tried to time when they should run and when they should pause. He turned to Onions' team and watched as Onion dodged all the boulders without trouble. " Oh I got this' ' Steven exclaimed as he moved cautiously running after successfully dodging a bouncing boulder. Another boulder rolled towards them and Steven maneuvered them so they walked on the very edge of the platform being careful not to let anyone fall over. As that passed he continued the path and pace and very soon they caught up with onions gals.. The rest of the way was a literal climb to the goal up a mountain. Steven wasted no time directing his team to climb up. As quickly as possible. He still kept caution as he selected foothold after foothold for his team when ranger gut made a mistake and grabbed a loose rock causing a digital rock-slide that took out both teams except for Ranger guy and Karen. For the gals.
Steven and onion rolled their globes as Ranger and Karen climbed at top speed , The two closed up to the flag, the goal and at the last moment, The mountain erupted and tossed the players into the air with the flag. as they plummeted Steven maneuvered ranger guy perfectly and rolled forward.
"Winner GUYS!" The arcade yelled as the game came to an end and with it, the token challenge in Steven's favor.
"That was a close one," Steven said as he looked at onion who along with his gang, was clapping his hands. "Aww thanks guys, it was a fun challenge."
Onion nodded before looking towards Garbanzo who nodded. He walked up to Steven and produced his prize.,The next part of the code along with his birthday gift from them.
Steven took the pink piece of paper and sniffed it, allowing a smile to spread on his face as Connie came to mind. Unfolding the paper, he read the piece and almost laughed at the irony "4" .
"For love?" Steven said as he blushed a bit, whatever the code was it seemed to be romantic, something she claims she was horrible at.
"Meh." Onion pointed to the box and then to Steven.
"You got me a gift guys?" Steven said as he lifted the box a bit and saw three titles 'Star Guy', 'Star Gal' & 'Star Person'. He smirked "A New Guy and Gal that's cool. Plus 'person' didn't even know they made a person series.Still never heard of..." Steven froze as he looked at the three new official pieces of his collection. He turned to Onion, ready to cry. "Onion. Bro. How..You serious?"
"Meh!" Onion nodded, smirking. As He watched Steven look at the new part of his collections in awe. Star guy, gal and person. As the world will know them as. Truthfully though...
"You got the company of 'Guys', to make Me, Connie, and Stevonnie into collectibles." Steven said in complete amazement They looked just like them.
StarGuy had his exact outfit with his shield out standing tall. StarGall had Connie's looks, sword and smirk. Wearing her blue hoodie and slacks with a star bralette in her hair. Star Person was Stevonnie through and through, wearing their combo of steven black shirt under Connie hoodie , both which fit Stevonnie like a crop top,and a pair of Steve jeans which were jean shorts for Stevonnie. All in all they were perfect.
"Thank you, Onion." Steven said as he hugged Onion
"Hap-py Birth-day, Steven." Onion muttered as he broke out of the hug. Smiling at his idol he looked at the dolls.
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