Flirty Fighting: Character Select Pt3(Act2)

“Dress me.”

    Steven blinked as he looked at the woman (at this moment ‘girl’, just didn’t fit his Berry) across from him. Her confident and sultry posture. The playful waving of her foot back and forth like a pendulum. Her elbows on her lap, hands interlaced together, with her beautiful face resting on top. The half-smirk was teasing, of course; It was her game. Her eyes though...They said something different. They held something very warm... something very familiar, but so deep he couldn't identify it... All he knew was for him alone, and it scared him a bit.

He didn't want to disappoint those eyes.

"Looking a bit worried there, Mister. The hurdle too high?"

Her voice was as impish as her smile, and it knocked his ego a bit. He couldn’t rightly let her banter go. She wanted a game he’d play.. but first... With a smirk, he spoke with a bit of husk.

“Not at all, but don’t you think you’re being a bit...Insulting.”

Connie's brows raised at the accusation, looking a bit astonished for a moment... Before giggling at him.

“Oh and how so?”

He shrugged, keeping his cool as he walked over to her, stopping in front of her. “You said it yourself, I’m a man...Shouldn’t be more afraid of what I might see putting on this number on that...Body.”

Connie nodded in faux agreement. “ You’re right... You are a man…”

She then licked her lips, beckoning him to bend low. He stopped right in front of her face, Brown eyes met Black. She moved up close to meet him to feel his  breath on he could feel hers as well

“You’re no threat to me, Mister.”

“Oh., so you don’t mind if I get a glance.”

“I know you. You’re gonna close your eyes.”

She was right, of course. Seeing her in her underwear was one thing. Her birthday suit, though, he rather wait until he got consent. He smirked and bit his lip...

“You trust me that much.”

“ Look in my eyes and say I don’t.”

That...That's what it was.. the complete and utter depth of her trust on full display.  She caressed him gently before speaking.

“After all these years...Of course, I trust you to treat me right. That’s why I am willing...eager to play these games with you..You’re my Biscuit, my Steven, my Man...The single being, I would trust with my body like this. So..” 

Connie gently stood up, pushing him back to the bed. She stood in front, lifted her left leg, and sat it between his lap. The diamond gulped as he looked at the limb, strong, toned, supple, and all so attractive. His eyes slowly looked towards Connie's confident and blushing face, as she took the towel she had on since the shower of her head. With a few shakes, her hair fell to its full length, right at the curve of her back, and gave her a left side bang that covered her eye... Hand on her hip, a lovingly, powerful smile on her face.

“Dress me.”

Steven's face reddened at her velvety voice, his breath tightening as he stared up at her form in the grayish natural light, giving her an enchanting glow. 

When did she become so coquettish and tantalizing?’.

Steven chuckled to himself. He felt simultaneously like prey in front of a predator and someone finding the missing piece in their life. He looked up at her straight into her eyes with a grin.

He laid the lime bra down on the bed, keeping the boy shorts in his right hand, as he slowly ran his hand up to the knee before lifting her left foot.


He smirked at the sound of Connie's reaction. She did blush but didn’t look away as he gently slipped matching panty up to below her calf before placing it down on the floor, not before kissing said leg. She trembled slightly at the feeling of his touch lingering. He grabbed the other leg and slipped it in gently.  a shark grin on his face at her reaction. She gave a slight scoff and roll of her eyes. Neither realized what was about to happen. 

The two looked at each other, locked in their own emotions. Connie daring him; anxiously waiting for him to make his move. Steven's determination and passion in his eyes, a smirk on his face.

 Connie's toes curled as she felt the fabric pressed by his palms, sliding up her. Over her calves, her knees, her legs, her thighs, and finally, her hips, stopping at her waist. With a ‘snap’ that made her whimper and him gulp, the bottoms were snuggly and fitting under her robe on her heart-shaped bottom. Standing at his few heights, the towering hybrid hands lingered upon her hips and his fingers ghostly tapping her 'Heart'. She, for her part, placed her hands on his shoulders. Identical teasing and eager smiles on the jambuds face and all through it all.. They never broke eye contact.

“Your  hands seem to be lingering there, Mister“

“Maybe I just like making you tremble.”

A half smile appeared on her face.“Your hands are cold."

He let loose an amorous chortle. “Lucky, I got a hot thing like you to warm them.”

With a slight snicker of her own, she began to play with his hair.“Flattery..will not get you out of dressing me.” She stroked his rugged cheek and chuckled when he gave the back of it a peck. 

He gave her a slight enticing leer. “Oh, perish the thought. I'm having too much fun.”

She toyed with his chin using her index, a taunting smile on her face."Oh really? You looked kind of unsure there for a moment."

He reached down to her ear and whispered huskily. "OK then...Drop the robe."

Connie stared at the man in front of her, red face but smirking, almost as if he could see her own struggle to keep composure. He grabbed the bra, shaking it in his hand teasingly.  She kissed her teeth and nodded her head.

‘Oh, just because your touch is electrifying doesn't mean you’ll break me.’

Connie smirked at the thought before turning her back to him... dropping the robe.


Connie had to bite back a giggle at his..breathless approval. His reaction was funny to her. He has seen her in monokinis, swimsuits...Even bikinis. She had worn tops that were open back as well, So it was a bit of an ego boost, but more than that it was heartwarming to know that she could get such a reaction out of him. It made her feel brave and craved. Which usually leads to more teasing...

This wasn’t any different.

“Hey mister, you ok back there?  I'm uh..getting a bit cold up here.”She smirked and spoke a lot more teasingly.  “Or maybe you like the view back there, huh?” 

She giggled as she gave a little jig of her hips, expecting him to be flustered.

“Oh, I'm loving the view..”

He spoke the truth when he said that. His eyes never left her backside, burning it into his memory. Her years of swordsmanship, diet, athleticism, and genetics and he expected magic healing, both from him and the diamond fountain, had a very positive effect on her. Her back was toned and a bit broad, as was her slightly waist smaller. Her hips and glutes were curvy, round, and tight with some plumpness to it,  but that was more muscle than fat( something he could swear she had less than 20%). It made him wonder how she got into some of the clothes she wore... Her legs: strong, long, toned, and with some growing thickness to them. His fingers tingle at the thought of touching them again. All in all, Connie Maheswaren has developed into a fine...fine woman. 

“You’re definitely more than the cute girl you used to be. You’re dangerous now, Heartberry”.  

Connie sucked the breath she didn’t know she was holding. The confidence in his voice was very surging. She looked back and saw that he wasn’t kidding. His eyes seemed to be trying to undress the very little piece of clothing she had on... She didn’t even try to hide her heartfelt laugh.

“You’re gonna be looking at me like that a lot today “

“Like what?”

She smirked. “Like you don’t want me to dress at all.” 

Steven froze at her words, clenching the fabric in his hand and biting his bottom lip before licking his upper one... He was not going to lose this challenge. He looked at the garment in his hand and realized a few things.

One, It had slightly stretchy fabric.

Two, It was bigger than expected, not by much, though.

Finally, three, it was strapless, opened from the front, and it used strings, as opposed to clips or buttons. 

‘How? How do I deal with this?'

This was the thought that ran through his head as he looked at her back and his hand. His mind trying to find the correlation between the two things. 

"Sooo.You gonna put that on me, or am I going braless today?"

Her joke caused Steven to squeak. Connie looked back at him, an eyebrow arched at his innocent and bewildered expression. Connie chuckled at him as she stretched her back upward, showing off a bit.  The curve of her lower back, the muscles of her upper, mid, and shoulders; how defined her complete and powerful back looked. He was entranced.

"Steven, come on. We're on a time limit, right? Dress me, Mister."

Her voice held a little teasing annoyance as she stood with her arms upwards, waiting for him.

"I know the savior of the galaxy isn't afraid of dressing his, 'Heartberry'? Is he?"

Steven glared at her coaxing smirk. "Alright, you little Minx."

With a deep breath, the man unlaced and opened the corset-like bra before, walking up close to his Berry. He felt anxious, the emotions he was feeling bounced around in his chest at the proximity, a little less than a centimeter apart from the woman. 

Then she leaned slightly back onto him, brushed his cheek, and spoke into his chin..or nipped at his chin. 

"Staa~ay professional.." 

He trembled and groaned as she gave slight butterfly kisses under his chin. Not to mention her nearly bare back pressed against his stomach. 

"Weak spot, huh?... Still topless, by the way."

"I'm gonna get you back... You know that, right? I might need to look down. " 

She chuckled at his slight voice. He was so fun to play with. "I know... I know...Want me to guide you through this?"

"Yes... Yes, please.."

"Look up."

"Yes, mam."

She laughed lovingly at his mixture of the boyish and husky tone of voice as she moved her hands on top of his. Making sure he was indeed looking away... He was for now, at least.

 Connie slowly guided his hand over her breast, helping them put the cups together. Trying to keep the red off her face and the excited breaths to herself as he tied the laces of the bra himself.

Steven's hands brushing against Connie's mounds, as she helped him adjust her, caused her to squirm in place. His chucking didn't help matters. His gulps and sucks of breaths did, though.

'Why the hell does his touch do this to me?.. How I'm gonna survive the day?.' Was her thoughts as she guided his callous hand around and on the tops of her cups, pulling, pushing, and shifting. Her breathing tightened, and her skin felt hot, guiding him across her chest and breast. She enjoyed his touch.


Connie looked up at the man behind her who made that sound; still looking up but biting his lip and breathing harshly as well. She was about to tease him a bit when.


He squeezed her... He squeezed her.. and she liked it. He looked down and she up... Both were red-faced; but while he looked embarrassed, she looked shocked.. but not all mad... She smirked as she slowly grabbed him by his shirt and yanked him down to her eye level. Hand on her hip eyes arched, she spoke.

"Real funny, Handsy. You seem to be enjoying this."

Steven gulped. The tingling in his hands and Connie in that form accentuating underwear, with that powerful stance of hers... He melted right there.

"Well. It is you, plus you were guiding my hand so...I'm Sor-" 

Connie places two fingers on his lips. before stepping back for him to get a full view. Even putting her arms behind her head and crossing her legs to pose for him. Bringing all her curves and powerful femininity to the forefront.

"Good job. You got one layer on." 

Steven could only stare at the near arrogant, amount of confidence coming from Connie. Part of him wanted to wipe that smirk and make her squirm in embarrassment, but another part…

 Another part of him had a plan.

"Stay like that, Heartberry."

Connie arched an eyebrow and slightly nibbled on her bottom lip, his commanding tone, hit her ear in just the right way. She dared not move.

Steven reached for the phone, realizing he still had Peri waiting on the phone.

NOT on Mute.

'What? Did I miss the button?.. Did she hear us?!

His eyes widened at the phone, thoughts of Peridot having dirt on him, so unpleasant. He can already see her making him join her CPH discord.

It took him a few seconds before he took a glance at Connie from his upper peripheral, still in the stance. looking a bit anxious.

'Worth it.'

He ended the call quickly as he turned on the camera. 

The light of the flash and click of an app made Connie blush in shock. Just as she was about to comment, he spoke again.

"Give me a full profile Ni'."

He turned his finger slowly a 360 motion, as he made the command, a small smirk as he did.

"Really? We're doing this now?" She tried to sound annoyed... SHE REALLY DID, but the eagerness and commanding voice... Had her a bit giddy.

"If I'm gonna be professional, might as well go all the way, right? Let me see my WIP so far, Dol-"

"Hell no."

Steven froze at the tone of her voice. It was cold and sharp as her blade. The look in her eyes was similar, and her straight, emotionless face said all. Her right hand on her hip, weight on the same leg. Left hand clenched in a fist. Her whole demeanor screamed,'SAY IT AGAIN..I DARE YOU!'

"No, Doll?"

"Never Doll."

Steven nodded in apologetic agreement. He learned something important today. Calling  Connie, 'Doll' could lead to a punching, and he knows from experience just how heavy her fists are. He saw her punch a quartz flat, that quartz was Jasper... Diamond powers be damned, he didn't want any of that ire. No, thank you.

Connie's face stood for a second before she allowed a smile. A simple reassuring one letting him know that everything was copacetic. She stood in relaxed attention, a look of eagerness in her eyes, and a lingering of flirtation on her lips. 

"You still want that profile?"

Steven smirked as he lifted the phone. signaling Connie to turn around slowly with his finger. He expected her to spin quickly and get it done, time constraints and all.

So when she moved slowly,  swaying her hips, holding her sides in a very luscious hug and keeping her eye on him the whole time, only to end it with a kiss to the camera.


Connie laughed at the hybrid responses. His red face, deep breaths, and starlit eyes were just what she wanted. She loved knowing that she could make her Biscuit so flustered but so bold.

"Soo~ooo.” She looked towards her bag, biting her lip and arching an eyebrow. 

He chuckled before holding his hand up and reaching into her bag, pulling out her outfit and laying it on the bed; A light blue off-the-shoulder sweater, some deep blue denim jeans with a thin belt, some white socks, and black ankle boots.

He grabbed the jeans first and beckoned her to move closer to him, which she did obediently. Just as before, he lifted her legs one at a time with careful precision and purpose as he placed her in the pants, and just as before his touch was electrifying to her; prompting her to bite her lips to stop a low moan as he unwittingly squeezed her thighs. The way he pulled up the Jean's on her was a bit slower than if she did it herself or at least it felt that way not that it mattered to her..the whole thing was exciting and nerve-surging to her. The feel of him sliding those jeans up her leg and to her waistline made her tremble. how his hands seemed to slightly stroke her posterior as they passed, made her hands clenched. The feel of the back of his hands, as they pressed gently against her lower stomach as they buttoned, zipped, and belted her pants, caused her breathing to become light. It was a lot to take in, but he didn't seem to notice her reaction, so she was in the clear. 

"Those were some nice reactions there, Berry."

She squeaked in surprise at his claim, of course, he knew. Didn't help that he had a Cheshire smirk on his face, and his tone was even more cheeky than usual. 

"Mmm, your hands are cold still, that's why…"

"Cold hands, huh?" 

He smirked as he placed his index and middle finger upon her stomach before tracing circles, figure eights, and such upon it. He chortled silently as she stood at attention and sighed gently, depending on where his finger passed. Her giggles were a melody he'll never get tired of.

"Ok, ok, you made your point! Stop trying to make me melt." Connie held his forearm and head to cease his manipulations on her skin and muscles, feeling a bit flustered at just how Steven teasing her midsection, revved her up.

"Ah! Admittance!" He laughed teasingly before easing up. Steven grabbed the sweater, bunching it up a bit before putting it over her head and arms gently and pulling down to her hips slowly, purposely tickling and making her squeal as he did. He gave her a longing stare that made her hot in the face and her heart pound. He reached behind her head and gently flipped her hair out of her sweater, letting it flow down her back. 

He brought his hands to her hips, and with almost effortless movement, he lifted his Berry by the hips and sat her on the bed, surprising her by the feat of strength. He chuckled at her stunned face.

"Forgot I can lift you?"

"Um, yes! I'm 156 pounds, not a light girl, and yet you manhandle me so easily. Never did that when we were training."

"I don't use my gem strength when we're training…"

Connie pouted playfully and turned her head away, looking at him through the corner of her eye, her legs crossed. She shivered when he moved close to her ear, his breath tickling the back of it, his hands near her hips. He whispered teasingly.

"Besides, you love when I use my strength, especially on you." 

She hummed in pleasure just a bit when she felt the quick couple of nips around her ear. She licked her lips before letting off a breathless giggle. She pulled away slightly before giving him a gentle yet surprising kiss of her own, one which he eagerly returned. 

Connie broke the kiss, resting her head upon his, playing with his hair."We’re gonna be late if you keep this up.” 

“Yeah, I’m the one holding us up.” Steven chuckled before giving her another chaste kiss. 

“I’m barefoot, and you're kissing me instead of clothing me. So yes.. you, Mister, are holding us up.” 

“True..but given the choice…” 

“Yes.. but we have plans, Biscuit. “She kissed him gently before lifting her foot to his chest. “Come on.”

He grabbed the foot by the heel, tickling the bottom of the foot, instantly making her shuffle back with a shriek of excitement. She glared, red-faced face trying not to laugh. She pointed at him before poking his nose.

“Stop playing, Mister” She gave a peck on said nosse, a loving smirk on her face giving him her foot back.

“Your feet are so small though. They’re cute."  

“ Small but powerful, Mister.”  The smugness in her voice tickled his spine... It always did.

“And…” He gave the foot a kiss on top, causing her to curl her toes instinctively.

“Hehe, Steven..” Hearing the appreciation and feeling her hand through his hair again made him kiss once more before looking at her. The look in her eyes made his heart skip a beat and brought a loving smile to his... The same one she was sending him.


Connie sighed in adoration and a bit of regret. She never wants to leave him when they get like this. When they get so sweet and endearing towards each other. She just wants to forget the day to stay in the room and love him.

 Truly love him.

But… She kissed him on his forehead and looked at him in the eye.

“Steven..I would love to continue playing, but we really need to go. I know you...I know you probably have something special planned. I don’t want to waste it. “

Steven sighed but smiled. “Ok ok..I’ll tone it down...for the moment.”

“For the moment.”

“Do I still have to-” His voice was teasing, of course.

“Yes…” She arched her left brow while waving her foot. “You want to anyway.”

Steven didn’t say anything but gave her a grin as he slipped her sock on purposely stroking the bottom of it, getting a shiver out of her. He smirked as he slipped her foot in her boot. The look on her face was so lovelorn it made him prideful. After doing the same to her other foot. He was about to tease her about it when she beat him with one more kiss... deeper than any other so far.

Steven looked red-faced but not unhappy.  He couldn’t get words out, but seeing her bashful grin was enough. Nothing need to say at the moment. Steven walked over, grabbed her bomber jacket, and placed it on her.  As he adjusted it, they took a moment to share a shy laugh. When he was done, he held a hand out to her, which she happily did. 

“Ready Heart Berry?”

Connie nodded as she interlaced her fingers with him, her face hot .”For a while now. Let’s go, Mister.”

Steven smirked as he followed her out the door, excited to start their adventure in Empire.

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