Key from now on: underlined=talking in english regular formatting is japanese
You were knelt in front of the family giving a mission report down to the last detail you could remember. It was dead silent, the sound of your slightly detached voice and the soft thrum of the generator were the only things to quell the quiet.
When you finished, nobody said a word. Instead, your grandfather stood up and walked out, knowing what that meant you followed behind him. He was disappointed, he had hoped you could move past your unfortunate...curiosity for more than the Tenshi way but he was wrong. You were emotional to his standards and no matter how many times your father had numbed you to the feelings of anything that would affect your work, you still let it seep in. If the quirk suppression wouldn't work, they were going to beat the feeling out of you until you were the tool they needed.
You followed him into the Icebox: a room that would freeze over until the person was reaching levels of frostbite and hypothermia before warming up. Repeating the cycle until you couldn't even think about something not pertaining to the Tenshi without feeling like you were going to freeze.
You dropped to your knees, your hands being chained up by shackles hanging from the ceiling. Your grandfather said nothing as he turned and locked the door on you, your heart squeezing at the cold look he gave. This was the one room that scared you, the one you wanted to avoid at all costs but even in success you had failed, you deserved this punishment.
With the press of a button the temperature in the room declined quickly, your grandfather having a slight glee at watching as you began to shiver and the frost began to creep up on the white walls. Breathing was painful in the cold, it burned going into your lungs and you had to take extra care not to cough with each breath. Your eyes stung to blink, the air was so cold you had to shut them in fear of them freezing open.
The longer you were chained in the 'icebox' the more your body was slowly beginning to shut off. Your breathing was shallow and slow between the inhale and exhale, you were so cold you couldn't even shiver. The tips of your fingers were completely white, the blood not reaching the outermost extremities and your grandfather knew if it went on any longer, they would begin to darken with frostbite. When you were on the cusp of passing out, the man monitoring your suffering switched the room to begin to heat up.
You spent two hours in the heat, it was almost as painful to get warm as it was to freeze and the intermittent questioning and reminding you what you had failed was doing nothing to ease the pain. As soon as your body was functioning normally and you were given a bar and some water the room froze over once more. You were positive this was what hell was like. You wanted to cry, to scream, it hurt but you could do nothing.
When your body was finally going numb to the cold once again, the door hissed and your grandmother walked in. her katana was poised to strike and she bit back a noise of disdain at your pitiful form. If only you had been fully suppressed like your father had worked on; a half working tool was worse than a broken one.
"Do you understand why you are in punishment training right now?" Your lilac eyes met her cold ones, she could see the confusion swarming in your depths. The woman frowned, the look making her pinched face that much more menacing. Sure, success was everything but you were still needing to be fixed to be perfect, having thoughts of anything but your mission was going to make you fail...they couldn't have that. "You succeeded in part of your mission but you got caught up with the children around you. You used your body for something an assassin is not supposed to do. You are to do the mission nothing less and nothing more and yet you put the mission in jeopardy to save those children, the one you call friends. I thought you understood this but I was wrong and now you will learn to never have sympathy for those who would harm your job, to never let your heart be so weak." She spit out the last word with utter disdain.
The door slid open once more and your father walked in, his face deceivingly blank, his eyes showing only the slightest hints of regret. The sounds of heavy breathing drew your attention, following your father were Kyomi and Kuro both being shoved by your mother's hands. The older girls panicked look was replaced with a bright smile when she saw you. You blanched at the sight of them, they shouldn't have been there, your family should have never found out.
"You bit the hand that fed you, you used your hands for something other than what you were trained for and for that you will be punished." With practiced ease and not the slightest hint of remorse, the sharpened blade was brought down. At least your father had the decency to look away. You didn't feel any pain, not really, it was so cold your arm was numb. You decided to be grateful because if you could feel anything you were sure you'd have cried at the feeling of having you limb severed right at the top of your forearm. The blade was hot, it was always heated to make wounds clean so as it sliced through your wound cauterized, your grandmother felt like she was considerate enough to do that so you wouldn't lose too much blood.
Kyomi screamed for you and yet, you had no reaction. She cried your name, she cried for you, she cursed your parents and thrashed to get free but she couldn't. Kuro reached out for you, small hands trying to hold you for comfort, he didn't really understand what was happening but he knew it was bad, Kyomi wouldn't scream unless it was. You just stared at where your limb used to be in morbid acceptance, it was a punishment after all. You didn't know any better, you thought you deserved it.
"Ahh, now its time for the sweet children over there. You will learn to not make friends, why they are nothing but a hinderance to you. People die and your friends are no different, we're just speeding up the process so you understand this life better, to make you understand why you shouldn't let yourself feel anything for others."
Your fathers hands were on your head, forcing you to watch when you wanted to look away. Instead of the calm numb feeling he normally brought, it was like you were flooded with panic at his touch. They were going to die because of you, you didn't want that and you didn't know why it was hitting you so strongly.
"No no, please don't. Don't kill them I promise they aren't my friends. They didn't do anything, they helped me kill him. Just no." Your breathing was ragged, you could feel fear and pain and sadness for your arm, for the idea of the dying, for everything. You didn't want them do die. You were forced to watch as your mother drew colors from surrounding you, used them to impale your friends. A scream ripped through your throat, crying their names. You didn't know you could sound like that. You yanked against your chain, crying. You didn't know you could cry, everything was too much.
"I'm sorry." With that whisper of your father, everything stopped. You didn't cry you didn't feel the pain anymore, you wanted to feel for your friends you wanted the anger as much as you wanted it gone. It was over and you finally understood the purpose. It was your fault for feeling this way, if you didn't let yourself feel the good or bad this wouldn't have happened.
"Do you understand everything now?" You looked blank as you nodded a yes. Your grandmother was satisfied, she felt as though you were finally broken for their use. The bindings were undone and you were hoisted up to be taken into heal. The burned stump just a reminder of what you had failed.
(3d POV)
Shouta Aizawa was on another underground mission as Eraserhead, he was tracking a group of villains that ended up leading him to an isolated mountain region of the United States. Once a week a main member of the Villain team known as Syndicate were killed off and he needed to know who was doing this and why. This was his mission, keep Syndicate off the news to not scare citizens so he knew that there were little to no other pro-heroes on the case so whoever was killing off these Villains had a motive and he needed to find them.
Finding those who were taking down the Syndicate with such stealthy assassinations would hopefully lead to taking down both groups of killers. That led him to here, this annoying, cold, mountainy region. All he wanted to do was sleep in his nice yellow sleeping bag and hope that Hizashi Yamada would not bug him for the day but instead here he was climbing up a large ass mountain following the trail of the gathered members of Syndicate who were here to kill their killers. Man what a life he fixed for himself deciding to be an underground pro-hero.
Aizawa didn't know what to expect when he made it over the final ridge of the cold mountain top but he was not expecting a palace sized house to be up there. Whoever he was dealing with were not just some low-life vigilantes, they were something bigger than he probably signed up for. Aizawa was looking for an entrance into the castle that wouldn't draw attention but when there was a gaping hole that was blown into the side, all of his caution was thrown to the wind. He stepped inside the castle and like on the outside it was magnificent on the inside and tech savvy in a superhero lair type of way. The walls were all white and had metal running through them as reinforcements. There were too many rooms to count but luckily for him nobody was in sight as of right now so he was able to snoop around.
When he made it to the giant room filled with every weapon he started to understand what this place was. It was the home of an assassin family, he had assumed they had died out in the Sengoku era like history had taught but they might have just gotten craftier at not getting caught. That would explain the lack of evidence at each crime scene and the extremely precise kills. The only one that seemed messy was the one that occurred most recent, it was a bloodbath and for the first time witnesses who were willing to talk, all of the children witnesses he found said they were saved by an angel.
There was a boom from a few rooms over and Aizawa silently made his way to the room and had lucked out and found the 6 more powerful members of Syndicate who were fighting against 2 older people and 2 people a few years his senior who were all powerful and had good control of their quirks as well as physical skills. He had seen quirks similar to those of what seemed to be hardened light but when the man with wings touched one of the syndicate members and he burst into screams of terror, he knew they were on par with some of the better pro's he's worked with.
The old man was the first to fall on the side of the assassins and his supposed wife used a mace to strike the Villain down immediately after. When she went out as a suicide bomber of sorts, the beautiful navy blue haired woman gave a pointed look to her husband. He used a powerful push with his wings to the celling above him and removed the metal panel. A girl who looked no older than 10 dropped out from the celling, her wings slowing her fall in a graceful manner.
It wasn't the swift moves of the girl as she sliced through the spinal chord of her enemy, nor was it the metal arm on her blue haired figure, it was the detached look in her striking purple eyes that gave Aizawa an uneasy feeling, he hadn't seen a look on a child like that ever. It was like she was a robot with no feelings, programmed to kill whatever was in her way. Not the overly emotional face of other children he'd met. Was this what assassin families turned their children into, mindless killing drones. The girls mother went down and she didn't bat an eye, that was until her father had placed his hand on her shoulder.
That blankness in her eyes was removed and filled with a burning influx of sudden emotion: panic, terror, anger, hate, love, confusion. They all formed on her face as she dropped the knife and screamed loudly. The temperature in the room dropped significantly and the girls body began to glow sightly. Her father smirked at the remaining 2 members of Syndicate and removed his hand from his daughters shoulder as the light began to glow and spin around her becoming more and more violent with each scream and cry that left her throat. She turned her attention from the villains to her father, the light morphed into a hand, hurdling at him as each hit he attempted to dodge until it wrapped around his ankle and threw him to the floor, four spikes piercing though his limbs to hold him there.
"You, you killed them. You killed them all because of me, you let mom die. If I was there earlier she'd be alive, you hurt me and made me not care then made me feel too much. I thought you loved me but only Kyomi did, only Kuro did and you killed them right in front of me."
"Friends are weaknesses, love other than the love I have shown is false. Everyone dies and I saved you from that pain of losing a friend, caring about your family. This is what you feel if I make it all come back." She stopped, his words rang true they made sense but when she saw his smirk she was livid once more. His wing touched her and she screamed again in anguish, tears flowed from her eyes and Aizawa finally stepped in, seeing enough to make his decision.
He erased the villains quirks first then knocked them out and bound them with his practically indestructible micro-fiber scarves. He blinked then turned his attention to the girl, deactivating her quirk. Her breathing was shallow and her body was shivering but she stood up and before he could intervene, she had taken her knife from the floor and threw it into the skull of her father.
"You did this to me, this is your punishment." She spoke the final word like it meant something different to her, and judging by her words and metal arm, it does. She collapsed to the ground in sobs and Aizawa knocked her out before her quirk could manifest again. He called for the international clean up teams to come pick them up, he was not going to be able to make it back down the mountain with three bodies and the paperwork for this was going to be hell so he wanted to get it over and done with. Soon enough, the clean up crew was there and had gathered the bodies for identification as well as any evidence of the Tenshi manor, and put the criminals into custody, leaving the girl for the higher-ups and Aizawa to handle.
The black haired man carried the extremely light girl on his back, making sure to keep her limp wings from being bent at an unnatural angle as he held he freezing kid. He was concerned with her mental stability as well as her physical health, her breakdown with the influx of emotions that overwhelmed her to the point of killing her own father and she was so light she should be dead. Oh man, what the hell did he do to deserve a mission like this one and now he's carrying around a little kid whose future is uncertain because she is clearly an assassin and he watched her kill 3 people within minutes.
His higher-ups are going to have a field day with this one. He called his new boss Nezu before heading to the police station he decided to get help from the super genius animal experiment. For good measure he texted Hizashi for moral support because although he would never admit that Hizashi was his friend, but he was better with children than Aizawa was. The small white creature was waiting in his office at UA with that dammed smile on his face and the evidence of spilled tea on his wet shirt and tie. Nezu took one look of the blood covered winged bluenette on Aizawa's back and his smile widened, this was going to be an interesting one for sure.
"So Aizawa what have you brought in for me?" His voice was chipper and held the tone of slightly sadistic measure like always. Aizawa spent the next 20 minutes explaining what his mission turned into and his theories on everything, mainly focusing on what he has discovered about the kid. Nezu was even more interested at the analysis; an assassin at such a young age, strong and versatile quirk, has a metal arm suggesting torture or something, orphaned at her own hands, her father seemed to have a quirk to control emotions and used it to subdue hers until he forced her to feel everything all at once to unleash her power, and the high possibility that she knows nothing of normal life. It took everything in the creatures power to not start cackling in front of his subordinate.
He wanted her to wake up so the mouse could question the girl and make inquires for himself, this was a prime chance to possibly have an excellent pro-hero in the making if she was able to be rehabilitated into something better. He hated himself for even toying with the thought, the girl needed to be in a psych ward, to be brought to the police he worked so closely with but Aizawa couldn't bring himself to do it...not quite yet. It wasn't her fault for her family. The underground hero cursed himself for being sympathetic to a child, a murderous one at that, his teaching was ruining him.
When you awoke, your head was pounding and it took minutes for you to begin to work through the sedative enough to be cohesive. Your limbs were heavy and your tongue felt swollen in your mouth as Your vision faded in and out as you tried to assess your surroundings. You couldn't remember anything after your father flooded you with all the feelings he had been forcing you to suppress. It made sense though, that whenever he touched you, you stopped feeling. He was manipulating your emotions and now that there was no barrier, you just felt...confused, kind of empty, a little bit afraid and you hated it.
You were seated on a couch in an unfamiliar room, there were no pictures on the wooden walls and the hard couch was only slightly more comfortable than what sitting on a floor would feel like. In a chair besides you, you noticed the messy haired man from before sleeping and you wondered if he had kidnapped you.
The longer you were awake the more things started to hurt, your chest was constricting painfully, your vision blurred as your eyes stung with tears. You were panicking, struggling to push down the feelings of whatever the hell was happening. Your thoughts raced, too fast too dark, too everything. You gripped your hair, pulling on the matted and oily strands tightly as you curled into yourself. There was a creature, one unfamiliar to you watching the whole thing play out with his beady eyes but you were too caught up in yourself to care. You didn't know what was happening but you needed to get out. You reached for the familiar knives but they were gone, you wheezed more, losing it completely.
Aizawa woke up to the sound of heavy breathing, you looked like a cornered mouse confused and ready to attack. You were ready to pull out your hair by the strength you were pulling, and when you reached down for an empty holster, he acted. He could see the panic in your eyes as they darted unseeing around you, before you could hurt yourself or anyone else, the pro-hero tightly wrapped his capture weapon around you, holding you in place as his eyes stared unblinking to make sure your quirk didn't activate. You were completely stuck in place and with the pressure holding you tightly, and when you realized you couldn't fight against it, your mind began to calm, bringing you back into the present.
You glared at the creature dressed in a suit, he was smiling one of the most unnerving smiles you had ever seen as he jovially spun your knife on his desk.
"Hello my name is Nezu! You humans are so interesting, you were so quick to freak out after waking up, how weird! As exciting as that was, you really should calm down now we are not here to hurt you." You wanted to call bullshit but you stayed silent, waiting for him to talk more. His voice was high pitched and overly cheery it seemed unnatural. His english was perfect but there was a heavy accent, he creeped you out.
"First things first little human, what's your name?"
"[Name]. Am I in Japan?"
"Yes, well done! You speak Japanese so well for someone born in America, you do look partially Japanese so it's not too much of a surprise." The thing clapped his hands together excitedly. You struggled to turn from the mouse-bear-rat creature to look at the black haired man keeping you captured.
"Why did you bring me here, you were there when they attacked, are you one of them?" The underground hero said nothing to your questions at the order of his boss, letting out a huff as he deactivated his erasure, blinking at the slight burn of his eyes. You turned to look back at the snickering creature, he looked thoroughly amused at the situation.
"Before you get any answers I want you to answer mine. Do we have a deal?" His smile never faltered. He had you right where you wanted. You sucked in a breath, body going lax as you knew you were at their mercy. You didn't have anything to fight for, you were nothing now, so the least you could do was find out what was going to happen. "Perfect, I love when people are submissive! First, who are you and why were you in that house?"
"I'm [Name] Tenshi, a mercenary for my... family." Neither missed the way you struggled to admit you were with your family or the defeated, blank way you spoke. The more you talked the more you looked like a scared and confused little girl Once more, being asked questions specifically about yourself was weird, you weren't sure what a correct response would be. "I lived there and only got to leave when joining a mission." He nodded and said nothing else.
"Have you killed anyone?" It was a question to see if you were a liar or not. Nezu knew the truth but you didn't know he did.
"Yes." Your tone was bland, eyes distant. You had nothing. Neither man faltered at your statement, the mouse even smiled when you answered. You were asked a series of questions, some being things you knew like who you were but the more he asked the more confused and anxious you became. He asked about school and customs and things you were told weren't important, apparently they were and you knew nothing about it. You wanted to know why, why you knew nothing.
Sometimes you'd begin to freak but the quiet man, newly dubbed as Shouta Aizawa, would tighten the capture tape and that seemed to help you calm down slightly. The constant pressure was calming amidst the wildly whirring of your developing feelings and confusion to a world beyond the one you were born into. The stoic man was sick listening to you talk, you were so young and your parents were ruining you. He couldn't fathom anyone doing something so sickening to their own child.
The one asking you questions stopped when he felt like he had enough and gave a call to the police. He wanted to know if his desires were plausible and he grinned wildly when he got the green light.
"Normally a person with your...actions are put into prison. As a child you'd most likely be placed in a psych ward but since you didn't know any better, it would be a shame to punish you for the actions of your parents. We're going to give you a chance to change, to learn about the world and use your gifts for good. Of course you'll be under watch and you will have to learn about things you should know by now before being integrated into society but I'm sure you can do it. If not, locking you up is still an option!"
"You'll be going to live with Aizawa-san here, he's able to control your quirk and can help train you in some of the ways of the world. He's a lonely guy so maybe having you will do him some good! You will also have a few other pro-heroes sent to watch over you during his work time and they'll help you learn about social customs and those pesky things called feelings, Aizawa isn't the most...sociable man." Nezu was cackling at the glare Aizawa was sending him. The man was a loner, he didn't want to take care of some broken child but he knew that being the only one able to erase your quirk made him the prime person to take care of you for the time being. Putting you with anyone else or trying an adoption agency, it would never end well.
That night, Aizawa took you home, his mind going through ways he was going to teach you how to control your feelings and what each one was after so long of you being forced to suppress and ignore them. He cursed the day he took the mission. His dropped you on the couch in one of his shirts, the back cut for your wings and gave you a snack so you could watch the TV. He fed you and let you sleep in his room while he worked on getting stuff for your own, you weren't sure about much but you knew you trusted the scraggly, sarcastic man.
He helped explain feelings and never talked to you like you were dumb. Once he finally convinced you that you weren't going to be punished for asking questions he answered each one you gave him.You were curious about everything and your child eyes took in everything, wanting to know more and more even when you were conflicted about yourself. He gave you books to read and worked on telling you feelings weren't going to get you killed, that it was ok to have them. You learned your family were criminals and that your actions were not normal, it started to make sense. You liked Aizawa.
A/n: this chapter is super shitty and I'm sorry but I needed to get it done and introduce Aizawa so the story can progress. Next she is going to show off her life with her new Dadzawa and probably start school and make her first friends that aren't going to be killed in front of her eyes. It will also show her change in personality I hope so let me know if you like it. Thanks for reading!
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