Tristan Hart is a fighter - and he has been his whole life. Ever since his dad died, he's been trying to prove to everyone that a Hart can really win.
Every single night, Ainsley watches the fighters inside the ring and remembers the life she came from; the life her and her brother can never return to, no matter what they do.
When Tristan starts to get to know Ainsley, he knows he should stay away. She's a girl with secrets. A girl that is surrounded by trouble. A girl that is too amazing to forget. A girl that wants nothing to do with him.
But no matter what Ainsley says about how bad her old life was, about hose dangerous it is to get involved with her, Tristan can't help himself. He wants to be with Ainsley even if it kills him.
And if there's one thing he knows, it's that he's willing to fight for this.
this is a heavily edited and rewritten version of my old story "going down swinging." Don't worry, this version is a lot better!
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