Outer's pov
Ink turns to Error after the star is gone.
"Did you make a wish Error?"
Ink asks. Error shakes his head.
"I aLreAdy gOt wHaT I wAntEd pReTty mUch."
"Oh... what would that be?"
Ink looks at Error curiously.
"nO mOrE paIn aNd sUfFeRinG."
Ink smiles, a light blush tainting his cheekbones.
"That was a good wish! I won't let ANYONE hurt you! I will protect you, little bean!"
Ink smiles and chuckles. Error looks kinda happy. I think of more questions I want to ask Error. Suddenly, a good one pops into my mind.
"Hey, Error?"
I ask. He hums in response.
"What is your opinion on Chara?"
"tHey mAy sEem mUrdEroUs, bUt aLl I'm gOnNa sAy Is tHeY'rE nOt tHe oNeS bEhInd ThE gEnOcIdEs. AsK tHe oNes bEyOnd tHe 4tH wAlL. AlL ChaRaS lOvE cHocolAtE. OncE yOu gEt tO knOw tHem, yOu'Ll sEe hOw gReaT tHey tRulY aRe."
I let that sink in. Chara... a good person? Who are these 'people beyond the 4th wall'...? Oh yeah that's right, Error did care deeply about the Chara's. I feel yet another memory surface.
Outer's memory of Error #3
Thank god the kid is doing a pacifist route. I don't feel like any murdery shit today. I go into Grillby's, get my usual ketchup and head over to the cliff I always go to. Wait. I hear voices. I hide behind the nearest tree and see- Error and Chara?!
"Thank's for the chocolate Duncle Error!"
"HEh. nO pRob kIdDo."
"Oh- hey look that's the constellation of Aquarius!"
"I sEe iT. DiD yOu kNow tHaT pEoplE bOrn uNdeR tHat sIgn rePreSenT oRigInaLiTy aNd hUmaNiTy?"
"No, I didn't know that."
"aGh- dUtY cAlLs. InK cReaTed aNothEr AU. oW- I nEed tO gEt gOiNg. iT wAs fUn spenDIng TImE wIth yOu tHouGh!"
"Aww. Thanks again for the chocolate!"
"lIkE I sAid bEfoRe, nO pRob kIddO!"
"Ahahaha! Bye Duncle Error!"
"cyA lAtEr kId!"
Then Error hops into a portal and Chara disappears. I... wasn't expecting that. I should go warn Ink that Error's going to destroy another AU. Why did Error look like he was in pain when he said Ink made another AU? I bet Ink already knows Error is destroying though. I'm not even gonna bother. I sit down at the cliff and drink my ketchup and let my mind wander. Chara seemed so... peaceful. And Error wasn't acting like a psychopath. Weird...
End of Outer's memory of Error #3.
Maybe I should give Chara another chance. I snap back into reality. Dream is still stargazing. His cape seems to compliment his petite shoulders perfectly, and the soft yellow clashes nicely with his outfit. I may be lazy, but like my bro I do appreciate a good sense of fashion. As for Ink... his outfit is nice. Very CREATIVE. I like his new scarf. His beige T-shirt fits with his shorts and other accessories very well. As for Error... he's in a hospital gown. I have no valid opinion on that, except for the fact that he looks- no- IS completely broken. Speaking of broken...
Outer's memory of Error #4.
I have a bad feeling. I'm currently at my sentry post. A shiver goes down my spine and I can't ignore it anymore. I run to my usual cliff. I hope Papyrus doesn't get too worried if he sees that I'm gone. Don't tell me it's who I think it is... yup. The destroyer himself. Again. But this time... he looks tired, has multiple tears in his clothes, the back of his skull and the rest of his body was littered with cracks and scars, and there were blood/marrow stains on his scars and clothing. He notices my presence and turns around quickly, but flinches and hisses slightly when some bones creak and he clutches his head.
"Back to cause more trouble? Because you're really starting to SCAR me for life, bud."
"uGh. j-jUsT sToP."
"Aww, did that pun HURT ya? Sorry bud, but there's no BLOODY chance of me stopping!"
"... tHat s-sEriOusLy iSn'T fUnNy... cAn I plEaSe jUsT sTarGazE iN pEaCe? oW-"
"Nope. I'm either calling Ink, or you're leaving. Nobody wants you here, let alone anywhere else. You're such a PAIN."
He leaned on his left leg, as his right was almost completely broken.
He gives me a pleading look. He looked so... tired of everything. He looked broken. But I'm not gonna feel sorry for that murderer. I've heard about Dusttale, and how Frisk drove the Sans in that AU mad. After that, I have no mercy or anything to offer to murderers. And the genocide routes here made it worse.
"Sorry to BREAK your heart, but I'm gonna have to call Ink if you won't leave. Murderers like you don't deserve to stargaze."
He let out a glitchy sigh and opened a portal back to the anti-void I assume. I'm getting better and better at defending my AU, even if all I'm really doing is threatening him with Ink. It counts though, because we're all still alive, right? And Ink can handle this. Ink appears to be stronger than Error. That makes me think... who did that to Error? Maybe Ink did that? I don't think he made the scratches though. Then... who made those scratches?
End of Outer's memory of Error #4.
Ah. Those puns I made about Error's injuries are probably the worst puns I've ever made. How was I so cruel to him? Welp. It's a good thing I know how to make it up to him. I just need to make Error laugh with some of my puns! I look over to Ink, and he is still sitting in the same position. Error looks deep in thought. Perfect.
"You look pretty SPACED OUT, Error."
He turns his head to me. I have a wide smile on my face.
"Awww cmon, you gotta admit these puns are OUT OF THIS WORLD!"
He cracks a barely noticeable smile, but I see it.
"Aww, don't NepTUNE me out!"
His smile gets a bit more evident.
"Aww, I'd APOLLOgize, but I can't seem to GRAVITATE AWAY from these puns!"
"*snicker* S-sTop!"
"Oh come on, I'm giving you your SPACE!"
Error bursts out into laughter. Heh. My job here is done. I made him laugh. My SOUL feels a lot lighter now.
"*snort* s-sHuttlE uP aNd gEt oUtEr mY sPacE!"
That one was really good. I snicker.
"Awwww, don't worry, these puns are just a PHASE!"
He laughs harder.
"tHat oNe hAd nO aTmosPhErE!"
I can't breathe I'm laughing so hard.
"Okay okay, *huff* y-you win! You're k-killing me- hahahaha-!"
Error and I catch our breaths and we noticed Ink was giggling over the puns. Ink turns to Error.
"Wow Error, I had no clue you liked puns let alone could make them!"
I don't know if it was my imagination, but I saw a faint yellow tint on Error's cheeks. Is he...?
"I lIke pUns... tHey'rE pUnNy. HEh."
Ink giggled and Error smiled. I kinda ship it. As for Dream... he still looks SPACED OUT. Maybe he should NEPtune in.
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