3rd person pov
After Error had successfully eaten the soup, Dream and Ink thought now was the best time to question Error about everything. After all, it was the logical thing to do in this situation, right? Ink decided to ask Error first, but little did he know that he was about to mess up.
"Hey, Error, what was the anti-void like?"
"... eMpTy. EveRyThIng iS wHitE. NoBOdY tHeRe tO hEaR yOuR sCrEaMs. bUt thErE aRe vOicEs iN tHe anTi-vOid tHaT sEeM tO onLy bE fOcUsEd oN dEgrAdInG mE. ThErE's nOthInG fOr mIlEs, aNd TimE iS nOn-eXiStEnT tHeRe."
Ink and Dream's jaws were hanging open. Error lived in that place for god-knows-how-long? They shook their heads and closed their jaws, not noticing Error's puzzled expression.
"Well... that doesn't sound great..."
"Error... were you lonely there...?"
"yEaH, bUt yOu gEt uSeD tO iT aFtEr A wHilE."
Ink and Dream felt a pang of sadness. There they had been, living in happiness and they were never alone, while Error was suffering alone. And what had they done about it back then? They made it worse. They left him to suffer in loneliness.
"...wHy aRe yOu eVeN aSkIng mE tHiS...? ArE yOu... pLaNnInG sOmEtHinG aGaIn...?!"
"Wha- no! Error, I promise you we're not gonna hurt you anymore!"
"We only want to help you and make up for what we did."
"hElP mE? I dOn'T nEeD yOur hElP! I'M fInE!"
Ink and Dream give Error a sarcastic "yeah, sure you don't" look. Error slumps his shoulders and sighs.
"i'M sErIoUs. I'Ve bEeN dOinG aLl tHis fOr aGes. I cAn kEeP dOiNg tHiS. I dOn'T nEeD hElp, eSPecIaLlY nOt fRom yOu. I sTiLl dOn'T kNoW wHaT yOu'Re tRyIng tO dO hErE, AnD i'M nOt sUrE I wAnNa fInd ouT."
Error pinches the bridge of his nose while saying this, then stared Ink dead in the eyes while saying the last bit. Ink seemed taken aback a little, but Dream remained stubborn to help Error. Ink regained his composure and had a determined look on his face, much like Dream's face.
"Like it or not Error, Dream and I are gonna help you!"
Error looked slightly conflicted.
"I tOlD yOu aLrEaDy, I dOn'T nEeD hElP aNd i'M fInE!"
"The note you left us before you jumped into the void seems to differ."
Error flinched and his eye sockets became empty. He didn't know what to say to that; he hadn't even thought that this conversation would come to exist. He never even dreamt of it. (Heh, see what I did there?)
"Error, we regret everything we did. Seriously. We want to make this right-"
Nightmare and his gang burst into the room out of a portal. Ink and Dream jumped back, and Error just stood there, thinking about his life choices.
"There you are, Error! Wait... what..."
Nightmare and the others took in everything that they saw. Error in a hospital gown, bandaged up and Ink and Dream in the same room. Error was standing in front of a hospital bed, and Ink and Dream were standing in front of him. Error's eye sockets were empty.
"The frack is going on?"
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