OVA Chapter 4.5: Cure Okita's diseases
Somewhere at Chaldea Base,
Okita was walking in the Chaldea hallway while she having a good mood but sadly she suddenly cough blood and then got passed out.
but what she don't know was a figured showed up and he carried her to the Medical room to put her to rest.
Meanwhile 5 hours later, in the Medical room.
When she opened her eyes slowly he look at the unfamiliar room and she notice that she was in the medical room when she was about to get up, her right arm feels like been held by someone she looks her right and saw Xander who hold her hand while sleeping on her side.
(Something like this, also imagine Okita is awake)
Okita: (weak speak) Silver-san?
Xander: Okita? (eyes wide) OKITA! thank god you're ok!
He then rushes and hugs her, she was surprised to see he really cares about her because he cares for her not only just a partner but as a new family member.
Okita: Wha-what happened?
Xander: You got collapsed, also Nightingale found you on the floor and....a lot of blood covered on the floor. (sigh) And she recommended you get some rest
Okita: Oh ok, and thanks for worrying me hehehe~(smile)
Xander: (Look down)...Also, Nightingale told me that you have a disease inside your body....why you didn't tell me, Okita! you make me really worried about you!
Okita: (smile sadly) I'm sorry didn't know it would affect me again it hasn't happened since singularly F.
Xander: (facepalm sigh)...You know Okita....you are not the only one who has the same case as you (chuckle)
Okita: (surprised) huh?? there are others suffering from the same disease.
Xander: Almost but is kinda like limited if someone pushing and too much using more power or mana.....it would be a bad condition it takes a week to recover. (look down)
Okita: (Look down) I'm sorry I kept pushing myself past my limit because...I wanted to keep up with you and the others.
Xander:(sigh) Even though you want to keep up, wanting to support me is alright and I am proud of you (smile), but there is a limit. (hug her) I also care about someone that really dear to me and is you, Okita, including Artoria, Jeanne, and everyone else. (smile)
Okita: (smile and wipe tears) Thank you Silver-san!
The door opens to reveal Andres holding a tray with food and water.
Andres: Hey Okita I brought-(eyes wide) oh sorry! I'll be back later!
After he closes the door two looked at each other and laugh.
Xander: Hehehe, anyway Okita do you mind turning around? also (little blush) Do you mind taking off your kimono a little bit, I want to try something if this works.
Okita (blush): um okay.
Okita turns around and takes off her kimono, Xander sees her back nothing but pure and smooth skin.
Xander (mind): (blush) Wow...she's gorgeous.
Xander: (deep breath) Okita just let me know if you feel something wrong, ok?
Okita: Hai.
Xander put his arm on her back, and Okita suddenly flitch and blushed mad.
Okita(blushing): silver-san what are you doing?
Xander: Hold still.
His hand suddenly glowed green, and Okita suddenly feels something warm inside her body, and it make her feel good. She suddenly moans and snaps out as she closes her mouth.
Xander: (Blushing and surprised) Wha-What the? Okita, did you just?
Okita (blushes/shouts): ignore it.
Xander: Ri-right!
He then continue his healing while Okita hold her mouth while she held back from the side effect of healing.
Okita (mind): how long is this take? I might pass out at this rate. (moan~)
A few minutes later, his hand glow suddenly faints, as he tiring using his power for healing her, he notices that Okita seems to be a heavy breath and tiredness.
Xander: (tired) O-Okita..how's your feeling?
Okita:(catching breath) I am fine silver-san (smile) I just to get a breather.
Xander: I-I see....(fainted)
He then suddenly collapses as he leans on her back as she was suddenly blushing.
Okita: (worried) silver-san!
Xander: (Sleeping)...I am so tired...give me an hour to wake me up..Okita.
Okita: Hai (smile)
Okita (mind): you used so much of your healing to help that drain a lot of mana. thank you Silver-san...now is my turn to make you happy and make more bonds (smile)
What she don't that her disease was suddenly gone it took him for an hour to heal her.
Unknown to them a water serpent was watching the whole thing. Andres was outside the room drinking water.
Andres: (smiles) you always impress me Xander you'll do anything to help the ones you love the same goes for me that's why you have my respect and my friendship.
He smiles and walks off, inside the medical room, we see Xander and Okita sleeping together while she hugs him leaning on his chest as he promises he will protect someone that he cares about until the war ended for the sake of humanity.
To Be continued.
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