Chapter 6: an Old enemy and an Old rival

Meanwhile outside of the village from far away in the forest.

The group is heading toward the village, when they get there it was too late for them as they saw a bunch of undead, and zombie village was all over the town.

Juana: We should split into three teams to cover more ground.

Andres: she's right with two teams making this faster.

Xander: Very well, You guys go handle the Phoenix, while we clear that undead away from this town!

Andres: Ok! ( turn to others) Medusa, Martha, Marie, Wolfgang! let's go and stop those Phoenix!

Medusa, Martha, Marie, Wolfgang: (nodded) Right!

Xander: (turn look at Artoria, Tomoe, Jeanne and Okita) Artoria, Okita! We are going to the front! Tomoe, support and shoot down those behind them! (Unsheathed sword) Jeanne stay behind us!

Artoria, Okita, Jeanne, and Tomoe: (nodded) Right!

Gudako: Mash! Archer! Let's go after the Phoenix! and help Andres's team!

Mash and Archer: Hai! (nodded)

The three teams split up to stop the destruction of the village.

Meanwhile with team Andres, after being separated from Xander's team.

Andres uses his water magic to stop the fires that are burning the houses.

Medusa: what can we do to get the phoenix's attention?

Gudako was thinking of something until she grab a rock.

Gudako: Hey cooked chicken stop burning this village.

Gudako throws the rock at the phoenix which is missing but it makes her catch the phoenix's attention.

Gudako: uh oh.

Gudako started running with Mashu as the phoenix is chasing after them.

Mash: (Worried and turn Andreas) senpai?! a little help?? (dodge from fire blast)

Andres: (facepalm) let go and help them.

The five of them went to go save Gudako and Mashu from the phoenix.

Until a few servants stop them. 

Meanwhile With Gudako and Mash.

The two of them were run away from The Phoenix, as he after the two girls.

Mash: (worried) Senpai!! What should we do!!

Gudako: (dodge from fire blast) I have no idea! let's just get him out of the village so we deal with it without risking the village!

Mash: Right senpai! Wait where's Archer?! (look surround the two of them)

Gudako: waiting for us!

Mash: Waiting for what?!

Gudako realized that they were about to get out of the village.

Gudako: (Shout)Archer now!

From far away near outside the forest, Archer summon his bow and a sword, as he pulled the bow the sword striking to an arrow.

Archer: I am the bone of my sword...Caladbolg.

When he releases the arrow and flies with sonic speed, it passes through the air where Gudako and Mash's at, as the sword that was shrinking hit the phoenix's wings, Mark then crash to the other side of the building.

Archer (Telepathy) Master, the phoenix is down should we go after him? 

Gudako (Telepathy): No it will not get back up for a while get to where you can see the village so you can help the others.

Archer (Telepathy): Very well, also that was a good plan...but a bit reckless.

Gudako(mind): I didn't think throwing a rock would get its attention.

Archer (Telepathy): well sometimes the old ways were work but sometimes were not, but you need always brought a backup plan.

Mashu: Senpai! we should go, who knows how long it will take for the phoenix to heal his wounded.

Gudako: R-right! (Telepathy) Thanks for the advice, Archer!

Archer (Telepathy): Your welcome, Master. (small smile)

Meanwhile With Xander's team.

Okita and Artoria slash all undead knights, and zombies on the road, they make teamwork perfectly according to Xander's plan, with Tomoe, and Jeanne who was doing stay behind them and waiting for new orders, as they kill the last one, and unknown to them incoming three black mist toward them. 

(Imagine Ronye is Okita, while Tiese is Artoria doing their teamwork)

Suddenly the five of them heard the terrifying screech from the sky, as it got close to them.

???: (Screech screaming) IIIIEEEEEEEYYYYYAAAAAIAIAIAIAI!!!!!!! 

Xander: Artoria! Okita! fallback and regroup!

Artoria & Okita: Hai!

After they jump out, the black mist hit on the ground, and suddenly the figured black hood nothing but a faceless mask and spike armor along the cloak figures shows up.

Xander: Remember the story I told you about screeching things? the one I called Nazgul or Black Rider?

Okita: yes.

Xander: (glare) That's them...(venom voice) the followers of the nine Black riders.

Black Rider: We finally meet again. Silver Knight.

Then two of them show up and reveal themself like a ghost.

Okita(mind): it knows silver-san (on guard)

Xander: Is been a while, I still remember one of your brothers dying, because of the torch that I throw at his faceless face and burn to ash. (smirk behind his helmet)


Black Rider 2: Now now brother, we are not coming here for you silver Knight (turns to Jeanne )We are coming for her (points at Jeanne)

The three black riders charged at Xander but Artoria and Okita stop two of them.

Okita: I won't let you hurt our silver-san! (pointed a katana at them).

Artoria: you'll have to get through me to get to him.

The remaining black rider tries to attack him but Xander blocked the attack.

Xander: Artoria, remember the trick that I teach you while we trained in the past! 

 Xander block the attacked and dodged it from the left when Black Rider show up and clashed the sword.

Artoria: yes why you ask? (dodge the Black Rider 2 attack)

Xander: Let's try it! I mean now!

Xander (telepathy): Okita, go protect Jeanne and tell her and Tomoe to prepare her Noble Phantasm. After the two of them are done, We going to do this together as one!

Okita (telepathy): Hai silver-san

Suddenly one of the Black Riders is chuckle which makes Xander suspicious and what it's up to.

Xander: What's so funny? (Stern)

Black rider: (small laugh) You, what I find out it was you who was funny.

Xander: (growl) Oh...shut up your bloody edge lord!!

Xander smacks the Black Rider with the flat blade of his sword as it crashes into the abandoned house. 

Black rider: The funny part is that! (point the sword at Artoria) after she took care of them for years! their older sibling killed the two of them as she cried! like a pathetic mortal! HAHAHAHAHA (laugh maniac) 

Xander:.....You dare to mock my wife!! (Eye glowing and try to control his anger)

Artoria (telepathy): Xander, calm down. (worried)

Xander (telepathy): Sorry those bastards or fuckers try to tick me off, they just try to manipulate me. Also, I know what happens to you and the siblings, Artoria....Alaya told me about them.

When he said Alaya, she was surprised but she continued listening to him.

Xander (telepathy): You have not to worry about it....As I said Past only bring agony and will bring you more nightmare, so going forward to the light from darkness is the time to move on. (small smile) Is that clear my dear Artoria? My dear queen.

Artoria (telepathy): yes dear, my beloved king(small smile).

Xander: ( turn and looks at Black Rider) You too bad that you are already too late to tell me about this. But you three are the ones who time up. (smirk)

This makes the three of Black riders confused as they turn to look at Xander.

Black rider: what are you planning? (suspicious)


After he said it aloud as he, Artoria, and Okita jump back away from the three Black riders. The three Black Riders confused suddenly they feel something holy energy, as they look behind them it was Tomoe and Jeanne who are ready to use Noble Phantasm.

Jeanne: Oh flag of mine, protect our comrades! Luminosité Eternelle!

Once Jeanne saw her opening she launch a bright light of her Noble Phantasm engulfing the three Black Rider scream screeching in pain as they got burned around their bodies then They saw Tomoe summon her bow as she pulled the string of the three arrows then the three of them suddenly turn to flaming arrows.

Tomoe: The radiance of the morning sun! Burn! devour! Anything and everything!!

When Tomoe released and fired the three arrows as it went hit the three Black riders, they were screeching in pain until they fainted and turn them to ash.

Okita: I believe that's the end of them (sigh relief)

Juana: seems like you know how to control yourself when they tried to play mind games (smile).

Xander: (smiles) You can thank Alaya who told me about the story before them, even though is really but it was the past. (turn around at her) Now, is the time we make our new future.

Juana: if I was at Olympus I would give you my blessings. (giggle)

Xander: Thank you, also...she also told me that there are seven of you that are unable to summon them, but now we managed to recover the two of them, and that's five to go. (smile)

Juana: ah yes I am one of those seven I know two of them they were wonderful gods until their own brother killed them the others I have no knowledge about.

Xander: I was you know Tiamat? That she also had a son?

Juana: yes a young dragon who was killed by my uncle for protecting the gorgon sisters.

Xander: I see...before I meet you, I and Okita encounter him. Also there's something I want to ask if you don't mind.

Juana: go ahead and ask away.

Xander: (put his sword on the ground and cross his hand) What is your connection with him? why do the Son of Tiamat and Daugther of Anthena seem to know about him?

When he asks this question this makes the girls in Xander's group wonder, and what Juana answers.

Juana: (sigh) I was sent by my grandfather Zeus who sent me to find him the place I checked was Medusa temple when I found him he was just a young dragon who was living a peaceful life I didn't want to take that away made a choice not to take him so I stab myself with my blade and left it there and returned to Olympus but Zeus sends my uncle Perseus and you know the results.

Xander: (closes eyes) So they decide to kill her....including her son

Juana: Tiamat was powerful enough to bring Olympus to the ground Zeus didn't want her son dead but Perseus being an idiot made the choice to kill a young dragon.

Xander look down and everyone else was sad and tried not to cry. Xander then takes off his helmet and reveals his eyes and silver hair. As he looks at her, wipes the tears from her eyes and gives him a smile on her.

Xander: When the times come....please called my name, and I will summon you to your location just say...Dracarys. if you need some help.

Juana: I appreciate I must go now.

Juana summons her armor her wings pop out and fly away.

He nodded, then put his helmet on and headed to the rest of the teams along with his girls to regroup with others. Before he go suddenly Artoria hug him from behind his back and he heard her sniff and muffle a cry on his back.

Artoria: (Leaning his back) Thank you...(cracks a smile and wipes tears)

Xander smiled including the others smiled as well the five of them continue as they went to look for the other group.

Xander: they should be around -.

Before Xander could finish his sentence he see Andres was sent falling into a house.

Xander: (worried) Andres!

Andres comes out of the house as he cracks his neck and sees Xander and his team.

Andres: (coughs and groans) Hey guys we could need some help with an assassin, Lancer, and berserker.

As they turn around and saw three servants, but one of them was not expecting them.

Xander: (sigh) Well shit...

Unknown to Xander this makes all the girls turn to look at him, he got bonked by Artoria, Okita, and Jeanne three times.

Xander: ACK!? (Rub his helmet) Why the heck what was that for?!

Artoria, Okita, and Jeanne: Language! (scold)

Andres: that's a first (sweatdrop)

??? (Assassins): it seems the rest of the group is here.

??? (lancer): yes, it seems so.

???2  (Caster): Oh my seems like we found another preasant~ (amused)

Xander: (look at the three servants) Charles-Henri Sanson, known as the Executioner, and seems like they have Camila and Vlad III too. I never thought I gonna meet those three in person.

Tomoe: ( surprised) How do You know them? Lord Silver?

Xander: I read about their history from my library, also....(look at the two pale faces)  Are those two perhaps Dracula? 

Andres:( (get up) it's a possibility the one with the Lance is strong.

Okita: what about the pale woman with the coffin?(make stance)

Xander: Probably a caster class, Artoria, Jeanne, and Tomoe. I leave those pale women to you three.


Xander: Andres, where's the rest of your group?

Andres: they're dealing with another servant wearing black knight armor and one woman with cat ears and tail.

Xander: Wait...Black Knight Armor?

Artoria: (eyes wide) Oh no...they facing Lancelot, The Berserker...

Andres: I was helping them until the vampire over there punches me far away from them into the house.

Xander:....Andres, do you think you may able to defeat these two servants? 

Andres: why?

Xander: (chuckle) Let's just and those scrap metal going to have another score to settle. (turn to the girls)  Are you girls able to hold them off while I tame that Berseker for a few minutes?

The girls: Hai! (small smile and nods)

Xander: Ok (nod) Just let me know if you need me.

He was about to go suddenly one of the servants and it was Charles who blocked his way as he raise his great sword at Xander.

Charles: you shall not pass. (swings his greatsword)

But then when he was about to slash Xander, Okita and Tomoe suddenly show up as they both clashed their Katanas at Charles's greatsword.

Tomoe: (blocked his sword) Lord Silver, go! we will hold them back!!

Okita: Go help others! we will be fine! (push Charles back)

Xander: (nods and smiles behind his helmet) Thank you, Tomoe! Okita! I am counting on you all and good luck! (went off)

Andres looks at Camila and Vlad III. 

Andres: Alright guys! (eyes glowed Blue) let's have some fun (smirk and summon water on his hands)










To Be continued.

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