Chapter 5: Encounter Martha and a New Fallen

Meanwhile Inside the forest

The group of Chaldea had a shelter while  Andres and Xander were cooking the dead wyvern as the others were discussing what just happened in battle.  

Gudako: (sigh) that battle was not what I was expecting.

Archer: Indeed, but never thought she bring Fafnir along with her.

Medusa: plus that azure flame phoenix that going to be a problem.

Gudako: What do you mean medusa? I thought Phoenix was supposed to have a normal flame.

Medusa: normally they are, but this one is not like the others.

Andres: which raises the question how did she get her hands on two legendary creatures?

They turn around and saw Andres and Xander bring the food.

Andres: hope you guys like the wyvern's meat with spicy sauces (smile)

He put the plates on the rock and reveal Fried wyvern meat with spicy sauces, as everyone try it their eyes were wide, shocked, and impressed.

Everyone was eating they were amazed at how good the wyvern was.

Archer: I am gonna say.....I am impressed, 8/10 for that. Andres.

Andres: Hey I can't take all the credit Xander helps out as well.

Okita: (smiles) Yup! Silver-san did say that he can cook his special menu!

Tomoe: but I don't think he going to cook a wyvern.

Xander: (Laughs nervous) Actually....I make a rabbit stew.

As he put a pot on the rock, everyone is curious about what is inside, when he opens the smell is really good.

Andres: this looks great.

Artoria: more than great it's perfect.

Mashu: Let's have a taste.

Xander gives them each bowl of Rabbit stew when they try it with one sip of soup. They are shocked, except Artoria seems can't say anything as she keeps eating all of them real quick only one sip of the soup while she the meat and tomato eats them all real quick, and ask him for another one. Xander accepts her asking more, while everyone else seems a bit enjoyed except Andres who seems surprised at her.

Andres(whisper): (shocked) did she just swallow the whole bowl of soup in one sip all the soup?.

Medusa tapped Andres's shoulder he turn to see she wanted to feed him the soup and he accepted.

Xander (whisper): What can I say (chuckle) She is really the type of girl who loves eating, but...(look at her)

When he look at Artoria, he was a bit surprised she was so close to his face and saw Artoria's eyes who had puppy eyes. He sigh as defeated and smile at her and give her more.

Xander: That will be for the last one, my dear. the rest is for the others guest and friends(smile)

Artoria nodded as she continue eating the stew that Xander make for them.

 Artoria (mind): I missed his cooking so much it's too bad Amanda and Mando are missing out they would have loved this. 

Xander: Here you go Tomoe and you too Okita. *give two bowls to the two girls* 

Okita/Tomoe: thank you silver-san.

Xander: I am going to find Lady Jeanne for bringing her some warm stew for her, I'll be back in a few minutes (wave).

Xander started to search for Jeanne it didn't too long to find her she sitting on a rock looking at a feather.

Jeanne D'arc(whisper): I can't be him can it?

Xander: (Small smile) Ms. Jeanne, I brought a warm stew. *Notice it* Did I interrupt your thought, Jeanne? 

Jeanne(surprised): Ah. no, you're not.

Xander gives her a bowl of stew she accepts, and out of nowhere a cloak of cape wraps around her. She turned around at him and saw him as he took off his helmet while his hair was been blew.

Xander: It is really cold out there, you might need warmer or you will catch a cold, Jeanne. (smile)

Jeanne: Thank you(smile), also I like your hair, they really suit you.

Xander:(blushing and looking away) W-why Thank you,  Jeanne.

Jeanne giggles at his reaction and knows that he looks away because embarrassed and blushing Jeanne starts eating the soup as she thinks about the phoenix.

Xander: (look at the sky) Is about a phoenix, wasn't it?

Jeanne: (surprised) How did you figure it out?

He then sits on the rock beside her as he looks up at the sky.

Xander: From the looks of your face, I was right because you and Jalter are the same and I notice that bird is really closer to her....Do you know anything about that Phoenix? 

Jeanne: (sigh) Yes...that phoenix is a member of my family but this is the first time I never would've imagined him actually a phoenix itself. 

Xander: I see....Hope you will meet him again someday.

Jeanne: I want to reason with him to see if he can join our side instead of hers.

Xander: That I may have a plan....but I am afraid you won't believe if I am telling this to you and her....

Jeanne: And would that be?

Xander: Was she summoned by Gilles right? was it caster? 

Xander: (sigh) I knew it...It was Gilles the madman...(look at her) Are you sure you want to bear to hear this? about his history...because I know you are an old friend of Gilles de Rais. But are you sure want to believe me if I told you about what he did? 

Jeanne: (look serious at him)if give my brother and my other self to stop this madness I'll listen.

Xander looks at Jeanne who seems brave but what she doesn't know is what real pain her feeling about her dear friends, so he has no choice but to explain to her.

Xander: (sigh) From what I read in his history about Gilles de Rais, After you die.....He was been committed to murder and rapist...Young children... boys and girls who were age 12 years old about....100 to 200 or more than that in the past....When I have free time I went to the library on Chaldea about the record of Holly grail...(look down) it was worse than I thought before the incident with Fuyuki happen.

Jeanne gasped to hear what happened as she tried to not to cry but unknown to Xander, he felt her aura with full hatred.

Jeanne: (Mad) when I see him (eyes glowing) he's going to pay for what he did to those innocent souls..(purple aura)

Xander pat her shoulder as he knew how her hatred for him, as he try to calm her down.

Xander: I know you are angry, just caster's fault, also don't let the hate consume you, Jeanne, it makes attracting The Fallen... please I know your feeling about that.

Jeanne listens to him as she sits back on the rock.

Jeanne: ((look down) Why....why did he summon the other me and my brother....what's his goal? 

Xander: That...I don't know I have a feeling that he planning something bad would happen....I also feel that The Fallen are behind all of this. 

Jeanne (mind): Fallen?

Jeanne: we should head back to camp then if come to us the others will help us out.

Xander: (nods) Indeed, after you mesdemoiselles. (smile)

Jeanne (blush): thank you silver-san.

Xander seems confused about it and ignores that as they return what is unexpecting is two servants showing up as they talk about Jalter and her group of servants.

Xander: Uh....(Look at Gudako) Gudako? who are these two servants?

Gudako: Oh! Xander, you're back! (smile bright) these two are servants who wanted to join their names are Marie Antoinette and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart they said there's a third person with them but she currently spying on the dragon witch and her group of servants. 

Xander: (surprised) That's...that's brilliant! (turn to look at the two servants) Is an honor to meet you two.

Marie & Wolfgang: Is an honor to meet you Sir Knight (smile)

Xander: (bow) The name's Xander, Xander Silver. The third master, The Silver Integrity Knight, and an Ally of Chaldea (smile)

Marie: (smiles) Nice to meet you Xander you have an interesting group you have here.

Xander: (Chuckle) What can I say, they really cool people and friendly.

Andres: Also Marie, quick question do you find weird anything from their group?

Marie: From what our friend told us about the dragon witch's servants she calls them berserkers I'm guessing she gave them an ability of a berserker class servant.

Xander: Well, looks like we can manage to hold them if they don't have those Fallen of their side.

Mozart: Sounds like you really don't like them, Sir Silver? Who are they?

Jeanne: Now that you mention it I never heard anything about this Fallen you spoke to me, do you mind telling us, Silver-san? 

Andres: I'll answer in short terms for him he has a bad history with them. 

Xander: (Glare) They are nothing but....a scum...all they want is the extinction of humanity, and try to wipeout across of nation....and now they have returned.

Gudako: we are all that is left of humanity we have to save the singularly and stop the fallen from wiping out humanity. 

The three servants were eyes wide about the new threat suddenly they heard a commotion, they all stand up as they went to the commotion they saw a group of french soldiers being surrounded by wyverns. 

Andres: I think the dragon witch is trying to find us but those knights were in their way. 

Xander: Okita, Tomoe. take down those Wyve-

Marie: Let me handle it~

Xander: Eh?

she step out and walked toward the french group, unknown to her. She sings as she wipes out all of the Wyvern's group. This make everyone awe and heard a beautiful singing of her. The man with long black hair with armor look at her who seems confused.

??? (mind): Who is she?

Andres: I think we gain a new ally with an interesting skill.

Jeanne: Marie!

The Frenchs were surprised including the man with long black hair with armor who seems to be shocked and surprised at her who was supposed to be dead.

???: Jea-Jeanne?

Then unknown to them the french soldiers throw a rock at her. as Jeanne saw this, she close her eyes waiting to get hit unknown to her, she didn't feel it as she open her eyes she was shocked the rock was been captured by Xander's hands he then crashes it to dust.

Xander: (murmured) Ungrateful (spoke) Okita...Tomoe....Knock them out.

A woman wearing a cloak appears behind the knights she stares as her eyes glowed gold.

The two girls knock the French soldiers out of the cold except for the man with the armor who seems shocked. Artoria then rushed toward Jeanne who seems shocked who seems she had been protected by him. Suddenly they heard claping hands as they turn around and saw a servant. 

???: good evening everyone, What a quiet night isn't it?

Andres: Wow.

Marie: Be careful, he's with the Witch dragon servant! Martha

Andres (mind): judging by that outfit she is a holy saint.

???: Fufufu~ You should know that you have been surrounded. Now give us the ruler or you may die in peace~

Xander then unsheathed his Silver Excalibur and pointed at her, including his partner and the rest of the others who were on guard.

Xander: Over my bloody dead bodies! she won't come with you!

???: oh well I guess y'all have to die.

The woman orders the wyverns to attack along with the undead knights.

A woman pushes through Andres and Xander her eyes glowed gold and she fires a light beam from her eye disintegrating the wyvern and undead knights.

Xander: (surprised) What the bloody hell?!?

Okita: Silver-san! Andres-san!

Andres(mind): that light beam it can't be.

Marie: (smiles) Nice of you to join us, Caster.

???: I told you not to call me that!

Xander: Ok, looks like we got another friendly, do you mind introducing yourself first milady?

???: I guess I do my name is Juana daughter of Athena the goddess of War.

Andres(mind): it really is her.

Xander:(Awe)....I didn't know she had a daughter, and you an Athena daughter...

Gudako: (shocked)Neither do I.

Suddenly coms panel shows up.


Mashu: roman could you not yell every time we discovered something?

Andres: Athena did have a daughter but she lost her dude to an incident that doesn't want to talk about.

Juana: my mother did her best to raise me I made a mistake and that mistake took me to my death.

Roman (coms): That's...I am sorry to hear that Lady Juana.

Juana: it's alright I know she loves me and she still does to this very day.

Gudako hugged Juana as she begins to cry.

Gudako (crying): you have such a wonderful mother Lady Juana

Okita (cries): I have to agree.

Tomoe(sobbing): me too.

?(crying): praise to the lord that one day you'll meet your mother again

Before Juana could react, the servant's attack was been blocked by a sword of silver Excalibur, then Artoria show up and try to attack her, but she jumps out away from them.

Xander: You can thank me later, but now we have to deal with this servant and others first! Artoria, Okita! go handle those other minions!! Tomeo with me! we will support them! wait for my mark to switch!

Okita/Tomoe: right!

Gudako: Archer supports them with cover fire Mashu joins Xander, Andres and Artoria I'll stay with Juana!

Mashu: yes senpai

Meanwhile With Jeanne d'Arc confronted the rider servant.

Martha: What a are supposed to be mean as the savior for this country for both of them. but now, they act you like their enemy.


Martha: Tell me Jeanne D' do your feel now. Do you want to die? or do you want to kill?

Everyone (mind): Jeanne...| Jeanne-san...

Jeanne: The normal thing.....I feel like up sad and fall into a deep decision, most of it, I have my bodies who were not perfect and unknown who am I.

Martha: Really now was it the normal way when you told your brother to burn alongside you?

Jeanne: (smiles) yes.

Martha: (shocked) what!?

Xander(mind): (shocked) she what?! 

Martha: what is wrong with you he broke free from his restraints and he saved you and yet you accepted death.

Jeanne: we were both fainted to die that day even if they escape they would've been killed by their home country.

Martha(mind): she may have a point even if they did escape the two of them would have nowhere to go.

Suddenly Xander attacked the servant but she manage to avoid it, and his helmet turn into a particle spirit.

Martha: what is the meaning of this?

Xander: Are you saying that her leading France was a mistake, the people who fought for her and die for her?! Are you saying her comrades are meaningless to her? (glares at her)

Xander grins his teeth and yells out.

Martha: (nervous) uh uh? No?

Xander: (shout) They were not! their memory should serve an example to us all!!!!

Jeanne looks at Xander who seems surprised including everyone else as he turns to look at her.

Xander: The courageous fallen!! the anguish fallen!! their lives have meaning that you will never forget them!!! as you and your soldiers ride to certain death they trust that you would do the same for them!!! soldiers will not buckle and yield to face the cruelty of this world!!

Andres: (serious look) he's right I watched my comrades fall in battle but they made sure they died with honor. Until this day I have the honor right now to fight with these men and women standing with me risking their to save humanity and the world if I'm going to fall in battle I'll go down and fight accepting death.

Xander: That is why (shout) I will not buckle or yield until I'll end The Fallen, (glowing eyes) because my soldiers will push me forward! my soldiers will scream out with me!!! My Soldiers give me strength!! MY SOLDIERS RAAAAAAGGGEEEE!!!

Everyone was shocked by the two speeches and surprising them. Suddenly his aura makes the ground shake they watch his aura is flaring making the airs heavy as Martha were trembling and scared.

Martha falls to her knees from Xander's aura.

Martha (mind): (eyes wide)Wh-what kind of man is he?!!? how much power does he have it?!?!?

Jeanne watch and heard his speech, she make her smile and say silent about him.

Jeanne (whisper): Thank you...Xander. (smile)

Martha: (scared) I-i surrender!

Xander's aura fainted as he took a deep breath, kneeled, and looked at her.

Xander: (sigh) Good, I accept your surrender but I would like you to send this message to your master or Jalter. 

Martha: she'll probably kill me If I don't return with the ruler.

Xander:.....(sigh) Look like we do the old fashion way *turns to Archer* How good is your aiming?

Archer (raised a brow): good why?

Xander: Sending a message.

Archer: ok.

Archer fire an arrow in the forest then the phoenix flies away, but it makes Xander notice that bird.

Xander: Hmmm? Hey, Jeanne isn't that? (the point at Phoenix)

Jeanne: (gasp shock)Bro- Brother.

Martha: he followed me now he going to report this to the dragon witch.

Xander: (pats her shoulder) you have nothing to can stay with us if you want or would you rather go random and be chased by random bandits and lose mana?

Martha: I'll stay with y'all.

Xander: (chuckles) good choice.

Mash: Eto...should we get out from this forest, and find some cover and make plans?

Gudako: Let's go before the phoenix comes back with wyverns and undead knights.

Everyone: Right!

As they make their way to the forest, Artoria grabs Xander's cloak as he turns to look at her.

Artoria: (blush) I- I didn't know you can make that speech like that, Xander.

Xander: what I said was the truth you can't deny the truth.

Artoria: Indeed, and it is impressive (smile)...You could be perfect to be my queen or king perhaps~

Okita and Tomoe suddenly show up and grab his hand their face seem to be Jealous and they pout toward at Artoria.

Andres was watching this.

Andres(mind): buddy I almost feel bad for you.

Andres walked away to join medusa.

Jeanne then follows Xander while he talks to Okita and Tomoe who seems to pout at him, while he small laugh at their cute pout.

Jeanne (mind): whatever you did back there and thank you, what should I offer for him...

As she thinking and blushing, she was trying to ask him something then.

Jeanne: Xander..

Xander: Yes? What is it?

Jeanne: (blush) you mind if I become your ser-I mean Partner

Jeanne (mind): NOOOOO~! why did I say that!??! (panic)

Xander: (narrow eyebrow)sure if you don't mind.

Xander made the contract with making her his servants/ family member.

Juana goes up to Xander.

Juana: I would like to thank you for saving me back there I appreciate it.

Xander: I am just doing my duty ma'am. Nothing all.

Juana: huh I thought you would be nervous talking to a goddess of War.

Xander: I little bit actually, also is been a while I meet another goddess.

Juana: was it goddess Alaya?

Xander:(shocked)...Yes, and how did you know? did you meet her?

Juana:(nodded) Yes the day I died she felt bad for a goddess dying at a young age she swore to watch over my mother for me when I was sent to the throne of heroes.

Xander: Sorry to hear that, but mine is a bit more interesting. I was reincarnated, and become something special about a master and a servant. I once die after the last battle of The Fallen outside England, I meet her as she tells me her offer.

Juana: The Fallen have returned again they are never going to stop until they get what they want.

Xander:.....I finally found their leader...and The Fallen is not a group is a person who leads them, and is really strong....I need stronger to defeat this monster...before is to late.

Juana: that's to be expected it won't be easy to kill him unless you weaken him that's one way to defeat your enemy is by weakening them.

Juana: I admire your confidence keep it up and your allies will help on this journey.

Xander: Indeed, and I see them are my new family....including I finally meet them.(smile)

Juana: I'm happy for you (looks at Andres) that boy can use water magic right.

Xander: Indeed, he like he can use a water bender, and the weird thing is that....he didn't use mana.

Juana: Interesting his ability reminds me of one I don't like maybe when you two are only you ask who taught him?

Xander: (nods) I will ask him later about it, now we have work to do. Because I feel like the Fallen is here too.

Gudako: guys we're surrounded.

Undead knights surrounded them with their weapons ready.

Okita: silver-san what are your orders?

Xander: We- (Turn around quickly).

When he turned around he felt something wrong, as he summoned his helmet on, everyone was confused why he suddenly stop. suddenly they heard a screeching scream as they all cover their ears to the screeching and fainted, they were all scared and stand their fear. Archer and Tomeo who seems to summon his bow, Okita and Artoria unsheathed their sword, and Mash was on guard with her shield. 

The phoenix flies over them and lands near them along with Fafnir

Jalter: Well looks like you're right phoenix they are here and look rider betrayed us.

As she look at her hand was an arrow and a message from her, she sigh about this and accepted. suddenly she heard a screeching screaming coming toward them as it fainted away, she was shocked and scared.

Jalter: (shiver) Wha-what was that!?

Meanwhile with the Chaldea Group.

Everyone seems on guard while surrounded by undead knights, but then they suddenly fall back as the mist covers them.

Okita: They are retreating.

Artoria: Something is wrong about it....they planning something and...we trap.

Andres: I don't know what going on but we need to leave.

Xander: Agree...and that screaming is nothing but deathly and not even a dragon...and I know what is this creature (growl).

Gudako: what are we waiting for let's get out of here.

Everyone: Right!

While they run away from it, Xander turn around and saw one of them behind them but it was standing there as he turn back with the others, they manage to escape from it.

Martha: Silver-san, when you told us that thing, do you perhaps know that horrifying creature?

Tomoe: From the sound of your seems you don't like them. Silver-san? (concern)

Xander: Indeed....and it's called a wraith they nothing but undead ghost....and they were nine of them, once a king but sadly they were been blind and corrupted of power turn them to slaves for their master. They call themself The Nazgul or the Black Riders...they are nothing but lapdogs and they will hunt us nonstop. *turn to look at her* I have defeated one of them with fire and it was a lucky shot.

Gudako: great now we have ghosts coming after us.

Xander: And we won't worry about them, because their weakness is a holly light, we may able to defeat them, but they are really sneaky bastards there is nothing but an assassin.

Andres: Luckily we have two holy saints on our side. "points at Jeanne and Martha"

Xander: Yup, Now let's get moving the sun is getting rising.

Andres goes up to Xander.

Andres: man we got Lucky that ghost scream distracted the dragon witch and her servants but the problem is that she was where we were so she was on our tail

Xander; I mean...she got our message, and hope she's ok.

Andres: (raise a brow) are attached to her like you are with Jeanne.

Xander: Yup and she a tsundere...

Andres:(deadpan) I expected that.

Xander: so... what's the plan? We need to find a way to kill Fafnir.

Andres: we need a dragon slayer but there's another problem.

Medusa: And that is, my dear?

Andres: we have to distract the phoenix if we know Jalter she going to have that phoenix heal Fafnir every time he gets hurt.

Andres: does anyone have any idea how to distract or hurt the immortal bird?

Before anyone could answer they smelled smoke they looked to see a town on fire and the phoenix was flying over the town.

Xander: oh no. (Worried)

Tomoe: silver-san what should we do? (on guard)

Xander: Let's go, also Jeanne no matter what happens stay with us. (Smile)

Jeanne: Right! (smile)

Everyone follows him along with Jeanne as they head toward the abandoned village to make their plan to stop Jalter and her friends including The group of Fallen who join the battle and interrupt the Timeline.










To Be continued.

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