Chapter 4: Entering Singularity Orleans

Timeskip in the morning, in Xander's room. 

The alarm goes off waking him up he noticed almost everyone was in his room except for Amanda and Mando. As he gonna get up but he suddenly felt heavy on top of his chest, as he saw who was it. It was Okita, and Tomoe. On his right and left arms reveal Artoria and Salter who still hugging his arms, as he tried to remember what happened he was mad blushing. Because they did make a session at night, then suddenly a door knock.

Mash: Silver-san, time to wake up, and please go head to the briefing room.

Xander: (blush) Co- coming!

Timeskip 3 minutes later, in the hallway.

Andres was walking by he sees Xander coming out of his room and gives him a wet towel.

Xander: oh! thanks,( Accept the offered towel) Andres. So, any idea what's going on this time?

Andres: I don't know but I know that it's urgent.

As they headed to the briefing room when they inside the room there is Olga, Dr. Roman, Da vici, And Gudako.

Roman: Good everyone is here, Director you may start the briefing.

Andres: what's going on Roman?

Roman: we detected a Holly Grail including the time history was messed up, and it was in Singularity Orleans

Olga: and this is why we will send you three to go there and go fix it.

Gudako: Orleans isn't that France?

Mash: Yes senpai, (nodded) it is I wonder what's happened.

Roman: That's correct (nodded), so your mission is to find the grail, defeat the mastermind behind the interruption, and return back safely.

Xander: and not to mention we have to deal with another shadow servant or another servant.

Andres: But this time we'll be expecting.

Gudako: So how are getting there?

Roman: (Laugh nervous) Well... we manage to fix the machine capsule so it won't be any problem.

Andres: Alright I'll go get Rider.

Xander: I'll go with......Tomoe, Okita, and Artoria.

Gudako: Mashu and Archer will come as well.

Xander: Oh yeah! I heard that Mashu manage to use a Noble Phantasm, Congrats. (smile)

Mashu(smile): thank you silver-san

They all went to find others, and tell them they got a mission as they agree to join, they went to the Rayshift room.

Timeskip in the Rayshift room.

Roman: it's time to get into the pods then The Rayshift will transport you.

Gudako, Andres, and Nick: Right! (nod)

When they started the Rayshift, they were finally on the terrain of grass and trees. far west and east. But there was a band of light. A band of light upon the sky.. a big hole that seems to be piercing through The Atmosphere.

Andres: (Shocked) What in the hell is that?

Gudako: Do you think a servant is causing this?

Suddenly roman coms show up on the view.

Roman (coms): (smirk) Finally!! the coms were worked! Are you guys ok?

Andres: yeah we're alright are y'all seeing this.

Roman(coms): We did.

Xander: Hmm...It looks like a bounded field that may be the cause of it.

Roman(coms): Glad to see you all safe and sound. But now you're to make contact with the locals and find out what's going on here understood?

Andreas: Yes, Roman

Roman(coms): Good. And good luck to you four

Olga( coms): We'll be checking in every now and then for a status update as well as to send you supplies should you run low. 

While they were talking to make a plan, Okita look around and saw something from a far black smoke from behind the hill.

Okita: Silver-san! I see smoke coming not too far away from here!

Xander: Looks like a battle, everyone is cautious! and makes a diamond formation! Andreas stay with Gudako! Sabers on the front, Riders stay with the two of them! The mash stays on the rear! We don't know what happens with this timeline and we may have encountered an enemy or Fallen's minion.

Everyone: Right!

???: Fou! Fou!

Mash: Eh??

Everyone turn around and saw Fou behind her.

Andres: What kind of creature is this?

Mash: FOU?! What are you doing here? and how did you get here?!?

Xander: *Look at Andres* Wait...You didn't know that she was here?

Andres: This is my first time seeing this creature.

Xander: (sweatdrop) Ah...Ok.

Tomoe: Oh kami~ She so cute (squel)

Tomoe hugs the creature and that creature seems to be like it.

Xander: A-Anyway let's go, and try not to make any hostility with the people on this french.

Andres: does anyone know how to speak French?

Xander: Well I could but a bit.

Medusa (rider): try it out

Xander nodded his head and start heading toward and saw a small group of soldiers who seems to be French.

Xander (speak french): Excuse me,My good Sir? Do you mind explaining what's going on here? We are travelers from Spain. (small smile)

French knight(speak): the dragon witch came and burned this king and kingdom with a huge dragon and a Phoenix.

Xander(mind): A Dragon witch and a Phoenix? that's new.

Xander(speak french): I see, do you know where this-

French knight 2 (speak french): Sergeant! incoming another waves! and they brought an undead knight!

Xander (mind): So they are already here.... (try telepathy to Artoria) Artoria, can you hear me? 

Artoria(telepathy): yes Xander what is it?

Xander (telepathy): We might gonna help those soldiers, also The Fallen is here and they brought a small horde from looks at it. Tell others to move out.

Artoria (telepathy): right .

Xander(speak french): I suggest you all escape, we will handle this part.

French knight(speak french): If you say so...and good luck Traveler!

As the French Soldiers escaped and took the injured ones, The other groups has arrive at Xander's location and saw the horde of Fallens, Zombies, and Wyvern from outside the town.

Gudako: (eyes wide) Is-is that a dragon?!?!

Andres: yes but it doesn't look happy.

Mashu: Senpai! get behind me! (Shield up)

Medusa: Master! I'll fight alongside you!

Andres: I don't mind (smirk) let's have some fun!


After the Wyren roar, the mist suddenly dismisses and reveals unknown dark Knights with glowing blue eyes marching towards them.

Andres: dragons and undead knights it going to be a long day.

Xander: (smirk) Well looks like it would be easier to beat them, (look at his partners) Let's bring them back to where they came from! 

 He then summons his full armor, and his sword, and Andreas summons his Cythe

A group of Wyren flies towards them with the undead knights charging at them.

Tomoe: My lord! let me join Andres to handle the Wyren!

Xander: Granted! (nodded) also Call me Silver, no formalities..(sweatdrop)

Tomoe: Yes, sir silver!

Xander: Please don't call me feels like I am getting old(chuckle) Also I am twenty years old.

Andres: don't blame her she served royals.

Xander: (sigh) very well, in exchange call me my name, and I will make some specialties of my cook, and a date.

This makes Tomoe, make a small smile, as she unsheathed her Katana and makes a stance.

Tomoe: (smirk) Very well, Silver-san!

she charged them along with the two of them, Andreas, and Medusa. They crash toward the undead knight. While Xander and other his partner were dealing with the skeletons, Gudako attacked at the rear as Archer fired his bow to support the teams.

Andres and medusa worked together to take out the wyvern

Gudako: they make such a good team.

Archer (telepathy): Master, I scent another more Wyrens heading towards them.

Gudako sees a black wyvern going towards Andres, and it suddenly gonna shot a fire breath at him Andres goes a back-flip dodging the fire, and he manages to land on the back of the black Wyren's back as Andres grabs the head of the wyvern and snapped its neck.

Gudako: (Awe) Wow I didn't expect that...

Okita: (Shocked) Did Andres-san just snap the Wyren's head?!

Mashu: yes it seems so. 

Medusa(whisper): I think I'm in love~ (smile)

Suddenly Andres felt something shiver, but he ignore that, as he continue killing Wyrens, for Xander's team, continue killing nonstop, Artoria Swing her Excalibur and slashed behind her and cut their head to the ground, and Xander used a mana burst to push them back, as he sees another one of an undead knight so he clashes his sword from it and slams it to the ground, he then grabs the blade and swings his shoulder he then pulls at it and makes its knees, he then switches his swords and beheaded the undead knight. 

As the two Xander and Artoria finished the last swing at the Skeletons to ash, suddenly another incoming Undead knight group headed toward them.

Xander: Switch!!

Artoria: Right! (nodded)

Artoria and Xander jump back and reveal Tomoe and Okita charged them, as they cut and slashed each one of those groups and turn to stone and destroyed. Tomoe summons her bow and shoots the arrows at the two undead Knight then She summons her katana she Slashes down as she cut all their bodies in half and drop dead.

With Okita, she slashed their bodies as they fall down to the ground, and beheaded their heads.

Xander: (exhausted) Damn...looks like they are nothing but numbers.

Andres sees that more undead knights coming so he used water magic to wipe out half of the undead Army.

But then they still came towards them, as they marched. The group lost their strength and was exhausted but they don't have any strength left because more of the Undead Knights more

coming, suddenly unknown glowing light surrounded everyone and makes them stronger again.

Xander: (Eyes wide) What in the of? * Look at his hand glowing gold*

Mashu: *Slammed the undead Knight* My mana is suddenly regenerated (shocked)!

Gudako: But who?

Suddenly a dragon landed behind the army of undead knights the dragon roared as a woman who had to hold a flag wearing black armor white hair golden eyes and pale white skin.

Gudako: who is that?

Xander notice something about her familiar with the stories and it was sad, He grip his hilt handle, and then he sense another servant from the forest and reveal. A woman who had a holding flag, but her armor was a silver plate, her hair is blonde and blue sharphrier eyes.

Xander: Hmmm...My guess is these girls are the real Jeanne D'arc


A sound of a creature came from the sky everyone looked up to see a purple flaming bird as it lands next to the dragon.

Xander: (eyes wide) A Phoenix?! I thought it was a myth

Andres: dude we just battle dragon they were meant to be a myth but that's something I thought I would ever see again.

Xander: Correction, those are Wyren, and Dragon is different things!! also from what I read Phoenix is supposed to be a normal fire, but this one is a blue azure Flame.

Andres: yeah whatever what should we do that thing is huge if hurt it that bird will just heal it.

Xander: I suggest we retreat, I got something special for them (smirk) to buy us some time.

Andres: you got it.

Xander: Everyone back to the forest! Retreat! I'll catch up to meet you guys!

Artoria: What are you thinking are you doing?!

Andres punches the groundwater fires out of the ground causing the undead army to get washed away.

Xander: To Buy us some time, don't worry (smirk) I have something that they never see this coming.

Before she say anything, her eyes suddenly widened as realized wha his plan was, and made a bit small smile, and nodded it.

Artoria: Alright but, be careful ok. I don't want to lose you again.

Xander: (nod) You have my word. My love (smile)

Andres: you may hurry before the dragon gets back up.

He then rushes toward as he grabs his dagger and cuts his hands a small drop on the ground as it turns into a circle ritual and vanished, then he felt something coming and it was a girl with dark armor, and her face makes a smile as she off her ride. 

???: Well what do we have here~

As he looks at her, nothing but chill, even though she really does cute.

Xander: (calm) You must be the Dragon witch, and on your side is Phoenix. Am I right?

Dragon witch: is that what they call me I'll live with it and as the phoenix, he is my family he stays with me because family sticks together.

Xander: (Chuckle) So am I, it would be rude not introduce ourselves, why don't you go first, Mesdemoiselles~

The dragon witch tries to slash him with her rapier but she was held as she stands down a bit.

Dragon witch: I guess you're right my name is Jeanne D'arc alter or Jalter for short I'm an avenger-class

Xander: (Bow) You may call me The Silver Integrity Knight, also Silver for short that's all you know. one question if you don't mind?

Jalter: what is it?

Xander: Do you have any connection between the Fallen? (serious tone)

Jalter: the fallen what are they? 9curious tone)

Xander: You don't know? very well in the meantime, I will tell them about them, but my time is running out also, keep it in mind. The Fallen. They are nothing but backstabbed, and destruction of the world. or you will lose your family.

Jalter: what? I don't what he was talking about Fafnir!! (rage)  phoenix!! gets him!

The phoenix and Fafnir spread their wings as they chase after nick

Fafnir does its fire breath the fire was going towards nick until the wearing female knight armor stabs her flag to the ground as it shields Xander and her from a hot flame.

Xander: (smirk and reveal blue cold glowing eyes) Well that's my cue, also Dracarys!!!

alter / ???: What?

This make the Wyrens were back up from him and make the girls were confused about why they suddenly terrified.


Suddenly a screaming terrified roar makes them tremble as they saw behind it nothing a giant dragon as it breathe and burn all entire Undeads and Skeletons to ash.

Jalter: (Shocked) another dragon?!!?

Xander then turned around rush toward ??? as he grab her hand.

Xander: (grab her ???) Come !! it's our chance to run!

As the dragon continue to burn all the rest of the army, then as it turn look at Jalter, as the eyes of the dragon were nothing but a pure blue, it the fly again and is heading toward them. when the undead make a shield wall, but it was useless. as the dragon breathed the fire and turn them to ash.

When the clear view can see again, the two can't see the dragon was not any longer suddenly a flying note came toward her, as she grab it and read it.

"Just you know I may able to help you, and this info that would be useful.

My Enemy and your enemy is a temporary allied

-Silver- "

Jalter blushed after reading the note and she burn the note.

Jalter: Fafnir, Phoenix we're leaving.



Jalter (mind): Not gonna lie... he seems a cool person, and never thought he had an amazing dragon (smirk)

Meanwhile with Xander and ???.

When they manage to escape to the forest, they take a deep breath, and then he looks at her.

Xander:(catching breath) I- I thought you were with the rest of my group?

???:(small laugh) Sorry, but my job is to protect you from Fafnir fire breath then you took me after you summon a dragon. Isn't that part of your plan?

Xander: I see...thank you (bow head), Mesdemoiselles. Also sorry for my reckless of my action, even though is my job to protect the one I love and my family.(smile)

???: it's alright at least we're both safe. (smile)

Xander: Indeed, and I never thought I could meet you (smile behind his helmet), you perhaps the original Jeanne D'arc?

Jeanne: yes my name is Jeanne D'arc ruler class, the servant

Xander: Xander Silver. The Silver Integrity Knight, Class Grand Saber.

Jeanne: Nice to meet you Silver, grand Saber.

Xander: Also...I may still be human because I Reincarnated and have a command seal.

Jeanne: Interesting.

Xander:  (chuckle) I know, that's why she calls me special. also, would you like to be friends with me, Jeanne?

Jeanne: sure I hope we get along Silver (smile)

Xander: Oh we will (nod) Also I'm just glad we add another family member (chuckle).

When he said family, this make her blush. 

20 minutes later, The two got along as they start talking about their story and friends suddenly they hear something they turned around to see Andres dragging a dead Wyvern.

Andres: Hey you two come to the campsite everyone waiting.

Xander: (smile) shall we, mesdemoiselles Jeanne?

Jeanne: yes silver-san.

As the three meet each other, they are all glad that he was back and Gudako was bombarding her with questions about his skills, and the other can see how misfortune is about it.










To Be Continue.

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