Chapter 3: Small reunion& The New Begining
Meanwhil at Artatica, Chaldea Headquater.
After what happened in Singularity Fuyuki, everyone came back safely when they found out that Lev was behind all this and killed the rest of the Master of Chaldea except Andres, Gudako, And Xander. Lev's Planning is to sabotage the timelines and history, now is their duty to stop him and fix the timeline. Now they also found out his other identity known as The Fallen who was nothing but a destruction group and they only to bring humanity destruction. Now they only wait for Xander who was conscious in his temporary room while Okita who was in charge took care of him since she was his partner or more like her crush. She has an interest in him since he wants to make her happy and fight alongside her and others not just servants or masters but partners and comrades.
Meanwhile in Xander's temporary room.
With Xander.
30 minutes later, his finger suddenly moves, as his eyes try to open he saw the unfamiliar ceiling and he was not in his armor any longer.
Xander: (groan) what happen??
Okita: (gasp_ Silver-san! you're awake!
She then went jump and hugged Xander very tightly while crying, and put her hands around his neck, he then hugs her back and pats her head gently.
Xander: (small smile) is good to see you too Okita, (broke their hug) How's your health? Are you ok? Any injured? What happened? Where are we? Is everyone ok-
He bombs his question at her, she was dizzy with his question so Okita chops his head, to make him quiet.
Xander: Ack?! (hold his head) Okita??
Okita: calm down I'm fine silver-san, We in Chaldea Headquater, also they managed to bring us here with the others.
Xander: (sigh relief) that's relief...
Before he notices, that he doesn't wear armor anymore he then inspects his body, and he only sees that he wearing some kind of uniform.
Xander: (nervous) Ehhhh, Hey Okita?....when did I wear this uniform?
Okita: (Laugh nervous)oh~ hehe we had to change you since you were asleep luckily Andres made me a water blindfold so I couldn't see.
When she say the last part he was blushing, he then shakes his head and questioned why he wasn't expecting her.
Xander: (blushing) You didn't see anything right? Including my private "thing" ?
Okita: (smile innocently) Nooooo~ (whispers) I wish I did.
Xander: what was that?
Okita: (Smile) nothing!
Xander: long did I pass out, Okita?
Okita: Almost six hours.
Xander: Damn...I thought I was passed out for 3 days.
suddenly a door opens revealing Andreas, Dr. Roman, and a woman holding a staff.
Andres: it's good to see you awake how are you doing?
Xander: (smile) Feels like I got been kicked by horses, and is good to see you again Andres, *Look at Dr.Roman* Doctor, and.... *look at the woman* who are you, ma'am?
Da Vinci: (giggle )Oh my name is Leonardo da Vinci, Servant- Class Caster. Fufufu~
This made him shocked and almost fainted, as Okita caught him before he go back to sleep, he didn't expect to see Leonardo da Vinci who was the famous artist of Monalisa, and now he or She is a female.
Xander: (shocked) You! Leonardo da Vinci The famous artist of Monalisa?!
Da Vinci: no I'm not, I may look like but I'm not. (giggle)
Andres: trust me even me and Gudako thought she was Mona Lisa.
Xander: O-oh ok, wait? if you guys here? then where's Director Olga?
Andres: Don't worry she's alright.
Roman: Well the Bad news is the other masters that were in the explosion are in a coma and some didn't make it Levi plan all this.
Xander: Ok.
He then having thought about Lev, reveal that he is The Fallen who will destroy humanity. He makes a fist on his hand.
Xander: (clits fist) If I see him again, I swear one day I will end him. No more suffering, No more The Fallen, and no more wars. And I will never let him hurt my new family ever again, no matter what the cost.
Okita smiled at him along with the others.
Andres: (Smirk) So what's our next move?
Suddenly a loud growl voice came from Xander's stomach, as he embarrassed and cover his face as he had a blushing face.
Xander: So-sorry...(blush) seems like I bit hungry.
Andres: (Sweat drop) No doubt about that.
Roman: (smile) Then Why don't you, take them for a tour and bring them to the cafeteria, Andres?
Andres: (smile) Sure.
Unknown to them his eyes suddenly glow blue.
Okita: Eh? Silver-san?
Xander: Hmm? What is it, Okita?
When Okita looks at Andres's eyes, it is suddenly back to normal.
Okita: (smile) Nothing. let's go for a tour~
Okita (mind): Maybe it's just my imagination. (small smile)
Timeskip Chaldea hallway.
With Andres.
Andres(mind): I hope no one saw that I need to keep control of that.
He guides the two guests around the Chaldea headquarters and shows it many rooms, including where they can train, the library, and Command center, the ray shifts room, Singularity's Room, and the Workshop room, including the summoning rooms.
As the three are almost there, the two shocked as they meet Emiya, and Cu Chulainn (caster), and the other is Medusa.
Xander: (chuckle) I see you already summon your own partners Andres?
Andres: Mine was Medusa (Rider)Let's just say it wasn't pleasant when she first met.
Medusa (rider): I do apologize for that.
Xander: Wait? so what about the other guardian? Noah?
Medusa (rider): for some reason, he couldn't come I'm guessing he is still needed for something else.
Xander: (sigh) I see, Wish I could meet him because I can feel his emotion. He seems....lonely and sad.
Okita(whisper): Silver-san, do you think the fallen are behind the reason we couldn't summons him?
Nick (whisper): Maybe or maybe not, if it so then that would be a problem.
As Xander looks at Medusa and taps her left shoulder and smiles at her.
Xander: (small smile)I am sure that we will get him back Medusa.
Medusa: (small smile) I appreciate I do anything to see him he did save my life.
As they make separate, Gudako, Olga, and Mash suddenly show up from behind them.
Olga: (smile) it seems like everyone's here.
Xander: (smile) Actually not quite everyone is here, I also need to full fill my promise, if you don't mind Director Olga?
Olga: (blinking eyes) oh um... go ahead. Sir Silver.
Xander: (bow) Thank you, Director. *turn to Okita* come on Okita, let's meet Roman in Summoning's room.
Okita: Hai! Silver-san~(giggle)
When the two left, everyone looks at their relationship who seems to be getting closer.
Cu Chulainn (caster): (chuckle) Yup, those two young one looks like really good matches for their relationships.
Andres: yep I expected that.
Emiya (archer): Not to mention, he seems like....gonna have bad luck this time.
Cu Chulainn (caster): same goes for the guy next to me.
With Xander and Okita
They enter the Summoning's room, and they saw Roman who seems to be checking the console suddenly the others came to join to watch and see what he will be summoning.
Roman: so who is he going to summon?
Andres: it's best you wait and see.
Xander uses 30 Saint quartz from Roman to use it for summoning his servants or more like Partners. As he uses all of Saint quartz, the Summoning rituals start operation.
Ast the circle started to glow. Within seconds a beautiful woman appeared from the magic circle. She had blonde hair and green eyes, she was wearing a blue dress and she was holding an Excalibur.
Artoria: Artoria Pendragon, Saber Class Servant, tell me are you my-
As she look at his face, she was shocked and surprised. Her body was trembling and walked slowly toward him, her hands removing her Armor Gloves and then touching his cheeks to make sure if his real.
Artoria: (eyes wide and tears)Si-Silver, is it really you?
Xander: (small smile) Is good to see you again My dear Artoria.
Artoria: Silver! (cried)
Artoria rushed toward him as she smiled and tears on her face, in the haste of her excitement, pressed her lips against his. Everyone was Jawsdrop and Andres who seems amusing about his relationship.
Andres: (whistle) Well I'll be damn...
As the two broke their kiss, she then hugs him tightly she can't believe she found her husband who was dead during his last battle. Then unknown to him, a circle suddenly got glowing and it was red. the glowing fainted and a figure clad in armor keeled in the middle of the circle.
Xander (mind): Wait, Mordred?!?
Artoria (mind): Wait what ?!?
Mordred: Mordred Pendragon, Saber Class, only the true successor of the fame King of Knight!! Arthur Pendragon. Now theN I ask you are you my- ACK!!
before she could finish, a hand chop suddenly hit her head as she jolted hurting, and everyone can feel how it feels like they gonna be scolded by Xander.
Andres: (chuckle) this should be entertaining.
Cu Chulainn (caster): No kidding. (smirk)
Xander: Mordred Pendragon! We gonna have a long talk after this, also You too Artoria! don't you dare run away from me! (scold) Okita, make sure those two girls don't escape from me.
Okita: (surprising) Ha-hai, Silver-san!
Okita (mind): This...was the first time I see Silver-san acting like this, and he seems to be in a mood and very serious. and he really scary.
Mordred: (Eyes wide) W-what Dad?! How did you-
Xander: (halt her) I will explain to you two later, also We might have a guest. (scold)
The circle summoning continues glowing and it's getting brighter, then when it fainted reveals two girls. One who holds a katana and a Samurai pauldron, and Salter who suddenly shows up.
Tomoe Gozen: Tomoe Gozen, Rider class, at your service my lord. Are you perhaps my master?
Salter: Artoria Pendragon Alter, Saber class. (smile) We finally meet again my dear love~
Xander (smirk) Indeed.
Salter noticed and saw her counter and Mordred who seems surprised and shocked to see her original counter are there too.
Salter: Why me and Mordred here, did you just summon them?
Xander: You could say like that, also You also joining them too.
Salter: you got to be kidding me.
Salter started looking around looking for someone.
Salter: she not here?
Xander: (shake his head) Not yet, we still wait-
Suddenly a circle glowed bright and it was golden and getting brighter.
Xander: (shocked) What the?!
Okita: (worried)Silver-san!
As the glowing flashed everyone was blind then when the glowing fainted and a lot of smoke cover them and can't see anything. Tomoe and everyone look around and didn't find Xander around in this room.
Tomoe: (shocked) Wha-what happen? and where's master!?!?
In an unknown location.
Xander: (Groan) What the hell?
Alaya: We finally meet again Young Silver.
He then turn around and saw Alaya, and he look around which seems to be a warzone.
Xander: Is good to see you again Alaya, and where are we?
Alaya: this place is where king Artoria's children died.
This makes him shocked and surprised as he walks and looks around and he saw a sword that looks like Excalibur, as he examing it reveals The Excalibur Blessing.
he was shocked as he wants to cry for not being with them as a good father.
Xander: (kneel down) I- I am sorry...
Xander: Where is my other son's sword at, Alaya?
Alaya: his sword is over there (pointed at it).
As he look and follow her to the point it, he was surprised as he get to it, The sword was a replicated Caliburn Sword. The sword that Artoria used it.
Alaya: this is not the Caliburn you know this one is named Excalibur Apex. King Artoria gave it to him after he earn his way to the round table.
Xander: I this way you brought me here to see my son and daughter's grave? and this is where they both fate here?
Ayala: the two of them fought with honor just like you.
Xander: (Sad smile) they do seem to like me.... it's a shame I can't see them both grow up, only my daughter who was in alter herself. She does have her Artoria and my personality (chuckle).
Ayala: you will see them again along with others some fight with you and some may fight against you.
Xander: Including the happy life ones? after the war ended?
Ayala: (Nodded) Yes.
Xander: So, what now? does that mean I may be able to summon them?
Ayala: I'm sorry young silver but for some reason, we can't summon them along with five others.
Xander: Wait...there are five of them? does that mean Noah as well?
Ayala: yes the young dragon you encounter him and your daughter but you did not encounter the five they are powerful be on guard when you meet them.
He thought about it for a few minutes to find a way to summon them back to Chaldea, and he finally realize it and found an idea as he grab the two swords, he then draw a circle and it was different from the previous summoning ritual, Alaya whos seems to be interesting what is he doing. After he draws the circle he stands up from the ground and places the two swords.
Ayala: (smile) Planning on using these swords?
Xander: Yes, after I died I was interested in mages, and I manage to learn and study about unknown rituals written, and everything that I read, learn, and experiment....well not like a human experiment, and I finally manage to figure it out and make it this circle.
Ayala: I you finally figure out the way with these swords to summon them.
Xander: (nodded and smile) Indeed, and let's hope this is work.
Xander (mind): Don't worry you two, soon you two will meet me, your mother, and your older sibling in no time. (smile)
After he places the two swords, he then chats about the ritual as the circle suddenly glowed and the winds were changing. As it gets glowing and brighter it makes him blind and can't see anything.
Meanwhile in Chandela, Summoning room.
The servants seem to panic and worried about the missing Xander who was the third master and who suddenly disappeared and was gone about 15 minutes ago.
Olga: (panic) Does have any idea what happened to him?
Roman: (confusing) I have no idea! I also can't even find anything cause of that glowing thing!
Artoria: (Tears drop) I just reunited with him now.....I lost him again.
Tomoe (whisper): was he really nice, like a good lord, Okita-san?
Okita (Whisper): Oh he is~ He is also handsome and caring (giggle) He even gives me a head pat.
Tomoe: (whisper) Wish I can get a head pat...
Salter: (look down)I just got here now I lost him.
Mordred: We Will figure out a way to find out where he is.
Suddenly a summoning ritual was glowing and getting bright.
Roman: (eyes wide) Director! The summon ritual suddenly was active on her own!! And the energy is getting stronger!!!!
Olga: (Shocked) What?
Andres: I think we should get down.
Gudako: Agreed!!
As they get down suddenly the glowing suddenly fainted and reveal three figures standing in the ritual.
Amanda: (groan) Whe- where are we?
Mando: (shocked) Wait? I am alive again
Xander opens his eyes as he stands up, and looks at the two kids his reaction is suddenly shocked, and smiles brightly
Xander: (small laugh) I- I can't believe it!!! It actually works!!
Salter: (Surprised)Wait? Did he just?
Artoria(saber): (shocked) I-I can't believe it.
Okita: (eyes tears) Silver-san? SILVER-SAN!!( Cried)
Okita rushed toward him, as she hug him and tacked him down. She cried on his jacket and he rub her head, all he can do is hug her back and pat her back.
Okita: (eyes tears) please...don't leave me again, ever again!
Xander: (chuckle) I will Okita...and is good to be back.
Andres: Well this has gotten interesting.
Xander: Oh you have no idea Andres, I also found the problem with why they can't summon, so I make the other ritual and it did really work! Can you believe that!!
Roman: All you need to do is to make (Eyes wide) ANOTHER SUMMON RITUAL?!?
As the two kids look around and saw two Artorias and Mordred standing there. The two of them rushed toward the and hug them, as they missed them so much.
Artoria(Saber): (tears drop) is it really you? Mando? Amanda?
Mando/Amanda: (smile & cried) It's really me mom.
Mordred still felt guilty for killing the two of them just because they were going to be the king.
Suddenly they both suddenly felt a chill as they turn around and saw Xander who had trembled aura, and his face who seems has a serious mood.
Xander: You five, follow me to the guest room, also Okita and Tomoe you two may go with others, I may have gonna have a little conversation about a family matter. Is that clear?
A/M/S/Am/Man: (scared) Y-yes!
The five of them headed to the guest room.
The others who seem shocked including EMIYA who had really shocked by his attitude.
Cu Chulainn (caster): (scared) Note yourself, don't piss the Father dragon..(shiver)
Andres: (nodded) note I know what happens when you piss off a mother dragon (shiver) I don't want to talk about it.
Meanwhile In the guest room.
Everyone is silent, and no one is talking as they saw Xander who seems to be looking down, and they don't know how to say this.
Xander: I heard what happen, and gonna say I am sorry, and I am bit a little bit disappointed with you all. Also is my fault for not being with you all. (Bow head)
Artoria(Saber): Don't blame yourself for your mistakes.
Xander: I know(sigh and pitching bridge nose)...even though It's also my fault too, and I forgot to tell you that the more important things about the family.
Mordred: we understand but I made the mistake of rebellion against the king killing many knights and killing my family.
Xander: (small smile) is ok, also...I want you all to start fixing together, the past only brings pain and agony. So we need to look at the future and grasp it or move out. So...what I want to say is, none of you are at fault.
Amanda: I do blame myself for training passed my limits the only thing that still bugs me is why Mordred was jealous of me what do I have that you don't?
Mordred look at Amanda's chest then Amanda covered her chest.
Xander: (Sweatdrop)If you thinking about that, I suggest you two should be grateful since you have your own full body, You should be accepted.
Mordred groans then punches Amanda's arm and Amanda punches Mordred's shoulder
Mando: (nervous) are you still hating us?
Xander: (chuckle) why would I hate you all idiot? I understand people's motives and the reasons why. For example, I was dumb and pushing myself as I sacrifice myself and using my all of my power during the last battle of the Fallen.
Amanda/Mando: The Fallen?
Xander: (Sigh) is...long story, also it was been keep it secret with you mother, your older sister, and other knights, because it would make everyone chaos and panic.
Mando: oh we get it but we heard that name a few times from Mordred when she was drunk.
Xander: (sigh) that was what she looks like, sleeping drunk. This is why she needs to not drink to many alcoholics and it will be bad for healthy things.
Mordred: (Pout)Never.
Salter: (Amuse) she got that from me.
Xander: would you be a good girl, or you won't get any of the special dish that I cook in the past?
Mordred, Artoria, and Salter knew what he was talking about.
Mando and Amanda just looked at each other in confusion.
Xander: so...(smile) what do you say, girls~ would you be nice and listen. I will make some more delicious food than the past I make.
Salter, Artoria, mordred: (Eyes star)Yes!
Xander: (chuckle) never gets old, and still got it. But I will let is a slide, cause lets make a small celebration for a small reunion. (Smile)
Mando gets up and goes to the door.
Xander: Hmmm? Is there something wrong son?
Mando opened the door to see Okita and tomoe fall to the floor.
Xander: ( surprised) eh?! Okita? Tomoe? Did you two eavesdrop on our conversation? Do you know that was impolite, right?
Okita: (laugh nervous) hehe~ I was talking to Andres until I heard your conversation I tried to stay quiet until someone poke me with a sword.
Tomoe:( whistle innocently.)....
Xander: (chuckle) welp, would you two like to join us? We kinda make a little celebration.
Okita/ tomoe: sure.
Xander's group or family enjoyed a small reunion and they make started like a family in their new life for this moment before he and the rest of his friends are going more missions and saving the world.
To Be Continue.
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