Chapter 2: Singularity F part 2
With others:
Music start:
At the end of the Cave, they finally found the source of the holly grail, then They saw two figures standing on top of the rock. they saw a girl knight with armor and a blade... Standing there "Menacingly"...
Saber Alter 2: (Sadist) Well~Well~it seems we have some guests~
Salter: (nod) Indeed my dear daughter.
Xander (mind): Da- Daugther?! (shocked)
One person jumps off the rock.
Salter: So are you here to take the grail many servants have and all they failed?
As Xander step out and walked toward them, he then take off his necklace as shown to Alter Artoria, if she remembers it.
Xander: Do you remember the name of who give you this ring inside the letter? Shadow- No...Artoria Pendragon Alter or should I call you Salter?
Salter: (shake her head) I'm sorry but I don't remember someone giving me a letter including that ring.
Xander: I see....(sigh)then would you like to have a challenge with me, King of Knight!
He then unsheathed his sword the Silver Excalibur, as he channel his mana to his sword the sword start glowing.
Salter: hmm nice sword I guess you are worthy to fight me *turn to Saber Alter 2* My dear daughter make no interference.
Saber Alter 2: (bow) Yes mother.
But what she don't know was she felt something strange, as she saw a blur vision about a person that he really cares about her as she shake her head, and she look at the Knight who seems to be familiar.
Salter (Mind): Why he seems so familiar, and why I can't remember anything about him?
Saber Alter 2: Mother are you ok.
Salter: I am ok, my dear daughter. go and handle the rest of this pest. I will handle this Knight by myself.
Her daughter nodded and attacked Okita, Andres and Mashu.
Xander: Okita! everyone! You guys handle the other servant because Me and Salter are going to have a long talk!! (grint smile)
Okita: (nod) Right! Be careful, Silver-san!
Andres and Okita attack the servant.
While the two knights are standing and staring at each other, as she moves first, Xander holds his sword with both hands as he parring her Excalibur morgan. He kick her stomach as she push away from him, he then clashed sword with his sword and her sword from the right and left to make an opening.
(Imagine Mordred is Xander while Sieg is Salter)
Salter: (smirk) you know how to use a sword you may be given a challenge.
Xander: (chuckle)I am grateful for your compliment my dear but now, less talk, and more fighting!
Salter: Gladly. (nod)
Salter jump toward him strike with her sword and pushed Xander back, and once again rushes in at Shadow Servant once again trades blows, the two knights make sword clashes.
(Imagine Kirito is Xander while The Black Knight Lady is Salter)
With the others,
Andres was able to deflect some of Saber servant's attacks thanks to the scythe that had been gotten from Okita and Xander who manage to defeat the Medusa class lancer.
Okita tried to make her move but the woman was able to dodge.
Andres (mind): she's good luckily I trained with uncle Ares I how to use any weapon.
Saber Alter 2: You seem familiar, do I know you?
She then swings her sword, and Andres manages to block it with the scythe.
Andres: if you knew me you would have figured it out.
He then pushes her back, then he switches with Okita as she strikes her and parring her katana with her sword as keep parring can't even find any opening which really makes it really annoying.
Saber Alter 2: Tch! DIE SHEEP!!
Okita: (raise eye brown) sheep?
The guardian servant swings her sword to the ground and it makes them both unstable in their standing, Saber Alter 2 then push her as Okita flies toward and crashes into Andres.
Okita & Andres: AAAACCCKKK!!! (pain)
After they crash into each other, the shadow servant jumped into the air she was about to strike down the two of them but then Mashu swing her shield and blocks the attack with her shield.
Gudako: Mash! (worried)
Saber Alter 2: Tch! You pest!! (growl)
Mash: I- Won't let you hurt them!
The shadow servant jumps back and steps away from her and gonna using her Noble Phantasm. She gathers all her mana as the ground shakes and as she gathers her mana to her sword suddenly the sword glows and flares to the sky gonna using her Noble Phantasm.
Saber Alter 2: It's time to end this!!!
Saber Alter 2: To the heavens and the Earth please grant me your blessing to claim my victory so can call out the name -
As the sword starts glowing and getting bigger.
Saber Alter 2: Excalibur blessing !!!
As she swings her sword, Mash used her shield to block her Noble Phantasm. while she was almost out of mana, She then got her support from Gudako as they held together her mana suddenly transfer around her body then Mash use her own Noble Phantasm and chats her Noble Phantasm.
Mash: With the True name revealed, I stand amid disaster.
As her body glows blue as he concentrates.
Mash: That which heals all wounds and grudges, our glorious homeland. Manifest yourself...LORD!! CAMELOT!!!!!!
After she slams the tip of the shield down. A large castle wall appeared behind him, that of pure white. It began building itself one block at a time until, at the tip of it, the castle itself stood.
Mashu's wall defected the Noble Phantasm making sending it back to the Saber alter 2.
With Salter and Xander
Salter looks where her daughter was at.
Salter:(murmured) Amanda....
Suddenly Salter has been pushing back away from Xander's strike as he pushes forward. and crash their sword against each other.
Salter: tch!
Xander: (Battle cry) We shall end this once and for all!!
Salter: (Smirk) Then let's finish this!!
The two of them jump back as their charge their mana to their sword.
Then bright red lightning surrounded her body followed by a red black and purple menacing aura. as she channel her mana to the sword. Excalibur Morgan glowed a very bright shade of purple and red. the ALTER then readied herself and started chanting.
On Xander's side, his surrounding was suddenly glowing and lots of flies were Silver Blue star particle as he release his mana around his body, an immense magical power exploded and made the whole ground tremble.
He raises his Silver Excalibur in the air, the sword suddenly glowing to silver and blue it makes a pillar in the air.
Salter: Hammer of the Vile King. Overturn the aurora. Swallow the light!
Suddenly she saw a person behind him, and reveal a Silver Knight this make her surprise
Salter (mind): (Shocked) It can't be!!?!? NO!! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!
Xander: Let the light upon me as it lends me strength to the light. Shine through the darkness.
Salter | Xander: Excalibur MORGAN! | Excalibur Silver!!
With the others.
Salter | Xander: Excalibur MORGAN! | Excalibur Silver!!
When Olga heard this after she watches the two Knight fighting and she realizes they gonna strike with their last attack on each other.
Everyone took cover, including the injured Shadow servant, from a massive shockwave as the two pillars crashed each other, it makes them both crash and sending fly to the sky.
Okita: (shocked) Dear kami-sama!!!!?!?
Gudako: OH MY GOD!!!
Andres: A-Amazing (he fainted).
Mash: (Panic) Eh! Andres-san!!
As the blast gets stronger and stronger, Xander's sword then started to glow Blue and White energy started to swirl around and the blade of the sword turned into a large, White spear, reminiscent of the spear energy and it clashed with Salter's light beam, causing light beams to hit all around them, as the beam deflecting from both side, A beam from Xander direct hit to Salter while other Beam from Salter hit Xander's right shoulder. as the two both crash each other and making big crash and explode smoke.
When the smoke cleared they see Xander was on one knee and they see Salter who was crashed and laying on the ground.
End Music:
Suddenly his helmet was cracking and breaking a half part, revealing an emerald eye, and silver hair. he then walked toward Salter as he try to find her.
Olga: (Awe) What such an intense fight between a knight and a king.
Okita: She did mention that he was once a Knight a respect and Loyalty Knight. From what I heard, he calls himself The Silver Knight or The Silver Integrity Knight.
Olga (mind): She? The Silver Integrity Knight?
Olga: What's up with you Roman?
Roman (coms): I read the story about that knight! is from the child story book! it says that The Silver Knight has died after he sacrifices himself to defeat the Saxon! and they were never even able to pull the sword and also never found his body!!
Okita: For your correction Doctor....He didn't die and defeated the Saxon...
Roman/Olga: (Eyes wide) What?
Okita: From what she told me, Silver-san was die during The Last Battle of The Fallen, he sacrifice himself to push them back and eliminated the rest of The Fallen forces with his last breath and using his mana limit.
Roman (coms): wow a true royal knight he is.
Okita: And lastly, he was been chosen as The Integrity Knight of The Roundtable. That's what she told me. (smile)
Roman and Olga's eyes widened in shock.
Roman (coms): You telling me....that your master was a Knight of The Roundtable?!? but in history didn't say anything about him, well..... except child stories.
Okita: yep. (shrug) I was the same reaction as you Doctor.
Roman (coms): (shocked) much....big discovery.
Meanwhile with Xander and Artoria (Alter).
Xander's POV
When he get there, he widened his eyes while he knew he almost killed her own woman that he love from his counter. her facial state was so bad, that she was barely clinging to her life.
Salter: (cough blood)So.... it's over I finally lost.
Salter: (slow nod) Indeed, but you have fought well, my dear Artoria, or should I say My dear Salter. (Small smile)
Salter looked at Xander's helmet who had nothing but a half-broken mask, as she look at his eyes and his hair, she suddenly remembers the memories from the past, the bonding, the letter, and the ring.
She had sorrowful eyes. while Xander kneels down next to her, carrying her cheeks. On the other hand, it suddenly glowed green, he then heal her wounds and her injured. Salter's hands then move toward his helmet and see his beautiful emerald eyes.
Salter: (eyes tears) I remember...(tears) I finally remembered you. My love.. silver Knight. (small smile)
Xander's eyes are wide and he closes his eyes and looks down and is a shame that he die first and can't even confess to her for marriage in his past.
Xander: (tears drop) I am....sorry....I am sorry that I am not with you, Your heart and your feeling must be hurt when someone is lost to you. but you have nothing to worried, about because I am here, and I am back my dear.
He then hugs her tightly, Salter embraces his hug and it feels warm, she was miss so much about him.
Salter (mind):(close eyes) This feeling....I feel...miss great to see you again, my husband. (smile)
Amanda gets back to her feet and walks toward them.
Amanda: (groan) Mo- Mother?
Salter: My dear daughter come here (small smile)
Amanda goes up to her mother.
Salter: I would like to introduce and meet your.....father the one I tell you about (small smile).
Amanda's eyes widened as put her hand on her father's face.
Amanda: (Tears eyes) father.
Xander: (Small tears drop) Hello there, dear daughter (chuckle)....It's shame that I die first and I didn't know I have a daughter (sad smile ). You two must have brought me through hell after I die...(chuckle)
Salter: (Giggle) you have no idea...(small smile) I just wish my son was here.
Xander: You mean Mordred?
Salter: no not her my other son. This makes him silent as his eyes almost bulk and fall to the ground. He was shocked, he had a son and two daughters.
Xander: (eyes wide) What-what?!?
Salter: (Sigh) It's hard to explain but you needed to know.
Xander: (chuckle) Indeed, also Is good to see you both, also...
He realizes something is missing...
Xander (mind): (Panic) Okita!!!
Xander (Telepathy): Okita! are you there? please answer me!? (worried)
Okita (Telepathy): Yes silver-san! I'm alright everyone is unharmed.
Xander (Telepathy): Thank god...I am glad you and the others are all okay.
I am also really worried about you too, Okita. (sigh Relief).
Okita (Telepathy): (blush) Arigato, Silver-san.
Xander (Telepathy): I also will bring the two girls with me and don't attack them, they already surrender themself, and this might be surprising for you all.
Okita (Telepathy): Hai!! Silver-san.
Xander turns around and looks at his daughter and his Wife Alter.
Xander: (Smile) Come on you two, Let's meet the others.
Amanda help Artoria stand as they walked toward the others, and Xander join helping his daughter and his wife to walk heading the rest of the group.
Xander: So...Should I call you Salter my dear? since you were like my wife alter?
Salter: (giggle) I am ok with that, but it sounds like my name would be easier to call me, my dear husband~
Xander: (Shrug) Well, if you agree so be it (chuckle)
Then the three finally find the others and Xander saw Cu Chulainn (caster) with them as the others turn around they were shocked because the two shadow servants are with him.
Andres was going to attack them but Okita and Mashu stopped him.
Xander: (wave them to stand down) Don't worry, They both surrender also....the two of them are....(deep breath) My wife and my daughter...
Olga, Gudako, Mashu, and Okita's jaws drop to the ground, Andres fainted again, Okita kneels down as if she thought that he was single, and Cu Chulainn gave them a blank stare.
Xander: Also is good to see you again Cu (wave). looks like you beat up.
Cu Chulainn (Caster): that Archer brought a fight but I was able to take him down. (smirk)
Xander: Noice. (thumb up)
As the two gentlemen talk like a friend, Except for Mash and Gudako who trying to wake up Andres who was fainted. Salter notices that Okita's face who was sad, is really sad and hurt. as she approaches her.
Salter: You must be Okita, right? my dear husband's partner?
Okita: (Panic)
Salter: (concern) Do you mind telling me about him, what do you think about him?
Okita: he is kind, he treats me like family, looks after me and he's a gentleman.
When she says that, Salter makes her small smile as she near her ears, and says.
Salter: When we meet again, let's have a small talk about our relationship, and I know you are in love with him, my dear~
Okita felt a chill go down her spine. Like a cat been watch but a Lion.
Salter: (Giggle)Dont worry~ I won't bite you, yet~ Also I approve that we gonna have shared with him for the relationship. we tell him about it we still need a lot of talks don't we Okita?
Okita: (Bright smile) HAI! Salter-san!
Suddenly Amanda started glowing.
Amanda: It's time for us to go.
Salter: * Look at her body and start glowing* Indeed, (look at Silver) We shall meet again my dear love~ (smile) And don't forget to summon us back~
Xander: (Smile) I will, my dearest.
Cu: Yo master! ( look at Gudako) don't forget to summon me ok! (smirk)
Gudako: (Smile) Don't worry I will.
Andres: We all will be missed you both (smile)
As they faint away, Okita suddenly coughs blood,
Okita: (Cough blood)!!!!!!
This makes everyone surprised and Worried as Xander rushed toward her, and helps her.
Xander: (Worried) Okita! are you ok?! What happened!? When I check your health, they were all okay??
Okita: (lie) I don't know what's wrong with me.
Okita (mind): Forgive me, Silver-san. I can't let you know about my Illness. (sad smile)
Before Xander looked at her, He suddenly felt something dreadful, hatred, and cold.
Gudako: (shiver) Guys? Why I suddenly felt cold, and why there is a mist?!?
Andres: Something wrong!! Everyone stay sharp!!
They were looking around then they heard an unknown voice. as they sees a white-skinned male wearing a green suit and hat with long brown hair that goes to his upper back.
Xander felt abnormal to him. A feeling he knows all too well.
Lev: (Amuse) Well well well isn't that Roman I hear? I told you to come to the command room immediately, but it seems you didn't listen.
Andres (mind): was he the one reason for the explosion back at HQ?
Olga: (shocked) Lev! You alive?!? but I saw you on the explosive site!??
Andres: Wait!! Director don't go near him-
Lev: Honestly...Trash can't even follow orders. Just the mere sight wants me want to-
Before he could finish his word, he suddenly dodges it but sadly his hand got cut slashing the sword from Xander who seems furious and mad. Lev's hand suddenly grows back.
He pointed his sword at him. but Lev suddenly laughing it makes everyone scared.
Lev: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I'm not working for the fallen I am The Fallen (smirk devil).
This makes everyone shocked, including Xander surprised, he then makes a smirk on his face. He was then ready to rush toward him again.
Xander: (smirk) Then I should END YOU!! ONCE AND FOR-
Suddenly Xander was been sending away and crashed to the ground near his friends and partner.
Xander: (Cough blood) ACK!!!
Okita: (Horror and worried) Silver-san!!!
Everyone: (worried)Silver!!
Okita rushed toward him, as she check his condition, which seems to be heavily injured.
Xander: (groan)Oki- (Cough blood)
Andres: He's out conscious.
Andres summons water.
Andres: Give him this it should heal him!!
Okita: Right!
As she tried to help Xander's injured, Andres turn and look at Lev.
Andres: So you are a fallen why are doing this?
Lev: Well of course to destroy the humanity~ including destroying and sabotage so that year won't exist (smirk devil) HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Andres(mind): if uncle Hades was here he would have taken this guy's soul.
Lev: (smirk) you all may have escaped death so far, but your luck has run out!
Suddenly the whole area was shaking. Andres turns around at Lev but it was to late because his already left, he curses himself that he lowers his guard down.
Mash: The underground cavern is collapsing! doctor! perform an emergency Rayshift!
Then they heard screaming and it was Olga who seems to be been pulled toward the sun.
Olga: (cried) SOMEONE HELP ME!!!
Andres: Director! hang on!!
Andres manages to grab her hands, but it won't last long.
Olga: (Cried and scared)PLEASE SOMEONE! ANYBODY SAVE ME!
The three tried their best before Olga was been pulled to the core and collapsed gone, suddenly they heard a loud roar, and as they turn around saw a dragon and it was heading toward them.
When the three fail to save Olga, suddenly her hands have been grabbed by someone when the dragon passes the three of them and the now who grab her hand was Okita and Xander rides a dragon and the two of the one who manages to save Olga.
Xander & Okita: We got you!
Suddenly a big shockwave of flash blinds them. Before they can emergency Rayshift what happened their vision went black.
To Be Continue.
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