Chapter 1: Singularity F part 1
Meanwhile in Singularity F.
With Xander and Okita.
A portal shows up and opens reveal as Xander lands on his feet and catches Okita which causes her to blush.
Xander: Are you ok, Okita?
Okita: (blush) Ha-Hai! Silver-san, I'm OK.
He then put her down, then pat her head. she feels enjoyed because he rubs her hair really gently like he really cares so much.
Unknown to them they were being watched from far away, then it disappeared.
Xander turned around and inspect but he saw nothing, only a flame and a burning city and ruin around them.
Xander: Okita, did you feel or scent any servant around here?
Okita: (nod) Yes, Silver-san. but whoever it was is fast stay on guard.
Xander: (nod) Agree.
His body including his head suddenly glows and reveals a full set of armor knights around his body, and head, including his sword that is still sheathed on his left waist. He did not expect that his armor knight has changed. Gray, silver, and old blue colors on his armor, and his chest nothing a symbol of a Sword and two Dragon wings.
Xander: mmm, I am kinda like it. (Small smile)
Okita: (smile) Nice armor silver-san.
Xander: thank you, Okita. Now then let's go find-
Before he finished he heard screaming girls loud.
Xander: Others...welp, looks like we go that way. *Turn to Okita.*, let's go, Okita!
Okita: Hai! Silver-san.
The two of them rush toward and find the girl's scream location, When the two arrived they saw a woman trying to get away from skeletons.
Xander: Okita! you take the right one! I'll take the left one!
Okita nodded as she gets ready to attack.
???: (Cried) HELP ME LEV!
As the two of them show up. they start attacking the skeletons, Xander unsheathed his sword, The Silver Excalibur. When the skeleton turns around, Xander rush and stabbed pierces his sword through the skeleton's body and throw it to the back, and crushes its head with his feet, turning to ash.
He then slashed them each one by one, then he grab one of the skeleton blades and throw it behind her, and it hit the skeleton who was trying to stab from behind her. He then swings his sword and stabs it from his back it pierces the skeleton's head as it turns to ash.
Okita slashed off one of the arms holding a sword then she cut off the leg and then she finally cut off the head.
Xander was impressed with her sword skills, as he dodges arrows from skeleton archers from the top building.
Xander: Crap! Archers! Get into the cover!
When he said that Okita grab the girl and find some cover He then deflected some arrows as he could, and suddenly a big splash of water passed on Xander's helmet, and it destroying the top of the building.
He then turn around and saw a group, two females and a male. One of the girls holding a....shield.
Xander (mind): Wait is that? Camelot shield??
Okita saw water in a man's hand.
Okita: (surprising) a Mage?
???: Director! are you OK?
Director ???: Wait a minute, I know you! I ban you from going on a mission (looks at Andres) and you! I didn't see anything on you using water magic ?!
Xander (mind): this fellow seems to be the group Chaldea that Alaya spoke about.
Andres: (whistle) man this place has gone to hell
Andres (mind): Even though uncle Hades, and Auntie Persephone, hell is nothing like this.
As Xander sheathed his sword, he walked toward Okita to inspect and check if she had any injuries.
Xander: (smile) nice work Okita, also Are you alright? You dont have any injured, do you?
As he inspect her if she has any injured, Okita was blushing because he was getting too close to her.
Okita: (blush) No silver-san, I'm totally fi-fine.
Xander: (sigh) Good, I just don't want to lose anyone else, even though we are servants, we are still a human and a family. (Smile)
Okita blushed again after hearing that.
Then the group suddenly approached the two who saved their director, as the girl had short pink hair and holding a Camelot shield stepped forward to them both.
Shield wielder: (bow) we would like to thank you for saving our director.
Xander: (wave) We just doing our job. Are you by any chance with the Chaldea organization?
The white hair woman who called herself as director pushes the three individuals.
Director white hair: How do you know that?
Xander: let's just say, someone sent us here to help your group. Also, there is a new group who tried to destroy humanity including this world.
???: What who would want that to destroy humanity and the world
He then looks at the boy, who seems to be a water mage.
Xander: They called themself The Fallen.
Suddenly Okita shows up behind him.
Okita: Silver-san, I suggest we move somewhere for a small camp.
Xander: That sounds like a good idea, Okita.
Shield wielder: a servant
Okita: Are you... a Demi-servant?
Shield wielder: um... yes.
Okita: (giggle) you are really cute and I like your hair.
The shield wielder blushed.
White hair woman: We should get mov-.
Before the woman could finish her sentence a dagger was thrown at her.
The woman close her eyes waiting for the dagger but nothing happened she opened her eyes to the dagger and was caught by the water mage.
Xander: nice catch, now then...*turn around*
As he turns around and his eyes suddenly glow as he releases a flare of death aura around the block of the city.
Xander: (growl) Why don't you show up, and face me, Assassins!!!
When he shouted across the city, What he doesn't that the assassin was in the shadows but he was not a fool does he sneaks away to wait for his next move.
He then faints his aura including his glowing eyes suddenly back to normal, he notices that the assassins already left.
Xander: (sigh) so... that unknown servant already left, and he or she was testing our strength. (growl)
Water mage: clever.
Xander: *Turn and look at the Water mage* what's your name, water mage?
Water mage: The name's Andres.
(N/a: This is what his wearing)
Xander: (raise eyes brown)no last name?
Andres: I never knew my last name.
Xander: I see...then you may call me Silver, Grand Saber's class. This is Okita Souji, Saber's class, and my partner. (Pat her head)
Okita blushed again.
White hair: (Eyes wide) Wait a minute, Grand servant this is extremely rare!
Xander: Well thank you, that's why I bit...special thing from what she said, and you are madam?
Olga: my name's Olga head director of Chaldea.
Xander: (bow) nice to meet you too director, and you are miss shield?
Shield wielder: oh my name is Mashu Kyrielight, a demi servant.
Xander: (nod) now then, shall we proceed caution and start heading to the location that's really safe?
????: aw I never got to introduce myself.
He turn around he saw nothing when he look down and saw a girl with orange hair.
Xander: sorry, I didn't see you there. (Kneel down) and you are milady?
Gudako: (pout) my name is Gudako a master of Chaldea
Xander: Forgive me, for my rudeness hope you accept my apology. (Bow)
Gudako: it's alright it's not your fault that I'm short.
This makes him have a sweatdrop the Okita makes a fake throat, so everyone snaps out.
Okita: we should get moving who knows when Assassin Servant will attack again
Andres: I agree with her, I'll take the lead.
Xander: Me and Okita will watch the back.
The six of them walk through the ruined city trying to find a place to camp.
Timeskip on under the bridged.
Xander's POV
As the three trying contacts the Headquater of Chaldea, Xander has thoughts about the unknown Assassins' servant.
Xander (mind): the speed, the intelligence, and the silence seem like we gonna fight with the unknown Assassins' servants but who?
Okita: Silver-san is something on your mind?
Xander: Yes, Is about the Assassins... he or she seems different.
As he said that, Okita seems to be remembered what happened when the director was about to be stabbed by an unknown dagger.
Okita: You're right, I've never seen an assassin like this one before.
Xander: (holden chin) could it be...another Demi servant?
Okita: (raise eye brown) What makes you think that?
Xander: When I release my aura, I scent the mana and he or she was not a full servant, and that would be more problematic since we going to face another unknown Shadow servant or a corrupted servant.
Okita: I see, So he or she may be a problem to deal with.
Xander: (Nod) Yes, now we must be ready and cautious. I have a feeling they may gonna ambushed us at any moment.
Okita nodded.
Andres: guys we're moving on.
Xander & Okita: Right!
The six continue on but they saw a bunch of chains.
Andres(mind): chains why do they look familiar?
Mash: (whisper) Senpai, I feel like we've been watched.
Gudako: really? then we must be on guard.
Before Gudako goes one step toward the chains and she is about to touch them. Xander felt the scent of corrupted is getting and getting close.
Xander (mind): This feeling that can't be! (eyes wide)
Music action start:
He then grabs Gudako and pulls them away from it before the chains suddenly grab her tightly.
Gudako: (shocked) What the heck!?!?
???: My~ my~ seems my prey was able to escape my trap.
They turn around and look up at the building as they saw a woman with nothing but dark pale and purple hair.
Xander and Okita unsheathed their sword, as they were on guard because they facing another shadow servant.
Xander: (growl) Shadow Servant!!
Mashu: That's a lancer servant! but I don't see her master.
Olga: Let's not forget! this is a world gone mad a servant without a master shouldn't be too surprising!
Okita: Silver-san! Your orders?
Xander: (Chuckle) Let's we knock her out or defeated her once at for all, and tried not to split up because we cannot underestimate their tactics.
Shadow Lancer Servant: Hmmmm~ two servants, Two demi servants, two humans, and- (looks at Andres) My~ this will be interesting but six on one seems unfair to let's even the odds. (lick lips)
The woman snapped her fingers a second later a person came out of the shadows and went to the woman's side.
Okita: (On guard) An assassin.
Xander (mind): This one is really odd and really powerful.
Shadow Servant female: (smile sadist) Well sweet angel~ would you be so kind brings me some blood from the prey in front of you~ (sadistic)
Assassin servant: (Growl) ROOOAAARRR!!!!
Xander: *Turn around and look at the Chaldea group* You guys focus to attack the Shadow servant, Let us handle the Assasins Servant. Okita, on me!
Okita: (Nod) HAI!
Andres:(small smile) Mind if I join?
Xander: *Turn look at Andres* The more and merrier. (smile)
The assassin roars as he jumps into the air pulls out his daggers and throws a dagger at Xander.
He then deflected the daggers with his sword, he then swings his sword to the ground as the assassins jump back suddenly Okita shows up right behind him before she attacks the assassin's servant, he manages to par her katana before being slashed. In Assassin's other hands he summon another dagger as he almost stabbed her, Xander grab the Assassin's servant then twisted and throw him, and slammed him to the ground with a massive crack. when Xander's tried to finish him off by slashing down, The Assassins manage to roll out and dodge it.
Okita tried to attack but the assassin had quick reflexes. He then rushed toward Xander's behind, but a Water beam shot him as he flew and crashed into the abandoned building.
Andres prepared another attack but the assassin wasn't there out of nowhere assassin to reappear and bit Andres's shoulder.
Andres:(Pain) GAAARRGHHH!
Andres punches the assassin making him let go, he then kneels down and holds the injured.
Xander: Are you alright, Andres?
Andres: don't worry I've been bitten by worse than him.
Xander turns around and sees Okita who still keeps making him busy, as he brings an idea.
Xander: OKITA! Buy me some time, I am gonna use my Noble Phantasm! (murmured) hope this will knock him out.
Okita: HAI! Silver-san!
Xander *turns to Andres* Andres, go support her!
Andres: give me a second!
Andres pour water on his bite then it healed.
Xander: (awe) Interesting magic, you got there.
Assassin servant: RRRROOOOOAAARRR!!!!
Andres dodges the assassin and uses water serpents to a hold of him.
Xander: MAKE WAY!!
Xander close his eyes, release his mana around his body, and an immense magical power exploded and made the whole ground tremble.
He raises his Silver Excalibur in the air, the sword suddenly glowing to silver and a blue aura started to flare up and makes a pillar in the air.
Xander: Let the light upon me as it lends me strength to the light.
Okita and Andres, the two of them felt something that never feel and it was warm, and they're injured suddenly heal.
Xander: Shine through the darkness.
Xander took a step and the whole dust and wing flew away by his aura.
Xander: EXCALIBUR!! SILVER!!!!!!
In a single blow, Xander released all the power of his attack. as he slashes toward Assasins's servant all his left are been wiped out.
Andres: I guess that takes care of him.
At the other side as she was about attack Mash, suddenly she saw a screaming pain, she notice a small tear in her eye.
Shadow Servant female: (shocked and tears) No...Assassin.
With Xander, Andres, and Okita
Okita then heard a groaning noise from where's the last time the assassins got by his Noble Phantasms, as she goes there and looks at it, The assassin was on the ground only his right legs and left arms who were missing but he still alive for not long. before she could anything, Xander walked past her as he approached him.
Xander: (kneel down) Stay down, you won't need to fight anymore, Assassins. Tell me your name and I will end you quickly so you may rest without suffering.
Assassin Servant: (Low growl) Roo-arr...
Okita: this is strange....Assassins shouldn't be able to roar normally since they may have a voice.
Xander:(notice a slash on the throat)...I see, here let me help you with that.
He then put his arm to his throat where the vocal was, suddenly his arm start glowing green light as the glowing fainted, he then dismisses his arm from his throat. This makes Okita's reaction surprising and shocking.
Xander: Now, Tell me your name again, Assassins.
Assassin Servant: (tried to speak) The- name - is- Noah son of Tiamat.
After he said that this make the three stunts after hearing this, Xander only nodded his head as he was about to stand up his hand was been grab by him and said.
Noah: one thing you should know your friend *looks at Andres* is something else but I'm pretty sure you'll figure it out.
Xander: I will (nod), Now rest. my friend.
As he stands up and stabs his sword into Noah's heart, then Noah's body turns to particle yellow dust and he returns to the throne of heroes. He then grabs a dagger that belongs to the assassins, as he regroups and meets Andres. He then gives a dagger him.
Xander: Keep it, You might need it for your summoning servant, Andres.
Andres: I appreciate (nod) thanks...Silver.
Xander: Let's go regroup the others, we still need to help them against the other shadow servants. We don't want to miss the fun, do we?
Andres: (chuckle) Agree.
The three of them ran towards the others only to see them watching a man with blue hair against the shadow servant.
Xander (mind): another servant?
The man with blue hair suddenly cast fire and blasted at her when the fire blast hit her it suddenly exploded.
As the smoke clears and reveals the woman is ok and jumps back. The man was able to defeat the shadow Lancer servant.
Shadow Lancer Servant: Tch! (growl) Caster! Of course, you would join them.
Caster: Of course. It's better than siding with you guys. Plus they got more potential than everyone else it seems.
He looks at Gudako.
Caster: You, must be the master. aye?
She nodded at Caster
Caster: (Smirk) Then I'm leaving the orders to you. I'm a Caster class servant. For now, you can trust me. So I'll form a temporary contract with you as your servant after this battle.
Gudako: (Blink and snap out) Right!
Back with the others.
Okita: silver-san should we help him?
Xander: Indeed, and we shall! (smirk)
Before Lancer gonna stabbing Caster from behind, out of nowhere Xander suddenly shows up as he deflects her scythe with his sword, Excalibur Silver.
Shadow Lancer Servant: (Eyes wide) what the?! who are you?!
Xander: (smirk) Your worse nightmare. OKITA! USE YOUR NOBLE PHANTASMS!
Lancer: (gasp) NANI! *Turn around and looks at Okita*
As she turn and saw Okita, who make a stance while holding her Katana.
Caster: Ohh~ This gonna be interesting. (smirk)
Okita makes a stance while holding her Katana, as her aura flare through her vein.
Okita: With this... I shall end it!
As she Jumps back a few steps
Okita: First step, silence...
she then took a large step.
Okita: Second step, infinite suffering...
she takes the second step.
Okita: Third step, as word absolute!
Xander deflected her scythe to the sky and escaped from her range, Okita then show up from her front.
(N/a: Imagine Artoria is Shadow Lancer Servant)
Okita: Mumyou, Sandazuki!!
At the end of her sentence, she then step behind, then three slices were cut through her body, she made sure to hit the ligaments of the Shadow Servant lancer's knees, and he did hit it with one hit at the end. but the other two targeted her upper arms. as she slashed both her arms and blood spewed from them.
End music action:
Andres: (awe) Good God.
Xander: Well done, Okita. (Nod) now she won't attack us anymore.
Okita: (tint pink her cheek)thank you silver-san.
He then pats her head for a while then, he walks toward Shadow Lancer Servant who were on her knees along Okita and Andres.
Xander: I am gonna end you quickly, so you won't suffer, and fight any longer, you will go back to the throne of heroes.....Lancer (shake his head) you mind telling us your name before you die and return back to Throne heroes?
Medusa Alter (L): the names medusa and you *looked at Andres* have a familiar scent I hope we meet again. (sad smile)
Andres: (smile) indeed, hope we meet again Medusa.
Xander stabs her heart, and her body turns to particles of dust as she returns back to the throne of heroes. Okita notices a scythe on the ground as she grabs it and brings it to Andres.
Okita: Eto, Andres-san. Hope you accept it because this weapon belongs to her.
Andres grabs the scythe he starts to clench it and punches the wall making a hole.
Andres(mind): I'll make it right to her she didn't deserve what happened to her Athena and my father made a bad decision.
Xander: speaking about a new guest..*turn around and look at Servant Caster* who are you?
Cu Chulainn (caster): Yo! the name is Cu Chulainn caster-class servant.
Xander: Nice to meet you Cu, you may call me Silver, It seems you have met another, also( introduce to the two) this is Okita my partner, and the one over there standing on the wall is Andres.
Cu Chulainn (caster): Nice to meet you, (flirting)Oh my~what a nice lady you have here.
Okita's eye twitch as she was reaching for her katana, but Xander stop her and stay beside her.
Xander: (tick mark) well indeed, she was my dear partner and a new family to me....also don't try anything stupid ( fake smile) or your head will be lost.
Xander (mind): Totally Irish Dog...
Cu Chulainn (caster): (give up)Okay!Okay! I'll back off your girlfriend!
Okita blushed when Cu said that.
Xander: (cough) W-wha-what?!?! She's not my girlfriend, she's my partner. (Murmured) yet...
He glads he had his helmet so no one noticed that he had mad blushing on his face.
Unknown to him Andres heard that last part.
As he had a smirk on his face.
Okita: (Fake couch)Ahem should we get moving?
Gudako: agree, let's go, everyone!
As the group walked toward and find the resource while the director is talking to Dr. roman in communication, Xander's having thought about the relationship.
Xander(mind): Well, I do once have a wife after I died, if I meet her will she allows me to have more girls?? (Sigh) hope she's ok with it...I just don't want anyone else to go hurt or anything to happen. Like I am an equal type man, and always got been chased by....girls...(shiver) Enough for that, I need to focus on my mission, I will think that later.
Andres(mind): here I thought grandpa Zeus had women all over him.
Okita (mind): so he does have a woman that he loves....but sadly he dies, not to worry silver-san! Because I! Okita will support you! even though I don't mind being his husband at all~ hehehe~
She was dreaming and blushing about perverted things with the two of them.
Andres: Okita you okay your face is all red.
Andres looks at her then at silver then got the picture.
Andres: (small smile) oh I'll leave you alone.
Okita: (mad blushing) WA-WA! Wait!! Andres-san!!! It wasn't what you think?!?!
Xander then turn around and saw Okita and Andres, it was really amusing how they were getting along and making friends.
The seven of them made it to a Dark cave.
Cu Chulainn (caster): this is where Saber is protecting the holy grail.
Xander: So Cu, do you know his or her Identity Saber class is?
Cu Chulainn (caster): yes her name is king Arthur or Artoria she also has a servant protecting her I never found out her name.
This made everyone shocked, except Xander who was eyes wide and shocked about his wife who was guarding the Grail.
Xander: (Eyes wide) Did...did you say Artoria?!
Cu Chulainn (caster): yes I did I fought her but that damn guardian of hers is good.
This makes him shocked as he snaps out of his thought, his gript his hand and holds his sword tightly to ready to face her.
Xander: Everyone...I need a favor and I ask you this...Let me handle the Saber servant...this is personal between King and a Knight.
Mashu: are you sure, Silver-san? she may be powerful, and what about the servant protecting her?
Xander: I am sure about it, but I don't know about the other one, I hope you both are able to defeat her. Also, we may have a connection me and Artoria.
Okita: leave it to me silver-san, I'll support you.
Andres: I'll help.
Mashu: I'll help out as well.
Xander: (sigh and chuckle) Very well, When the times come. I will reveal my true name.
Out of nowhere, an Arrow came fast toward him, Before Xander was able to dodge it suddenly he was been push away and the arrow hit Andres's shoulder.
Andres: Ack! (pain)
Gudako & Olga: (shocked) Andres!!
Xander: (Eyes wide)WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?!
Cu Chulainn (caster): so you finally show up, Archer.
Olga: (Shocked) ARCHER!
Archer??? :...Hmph, I don't remember becoming a follower of anybody. I'm just here to chase away unwanted visitors.
Cu Chulainn (caster): In other words, You're the gatekeeper. I don't know why you're protecting saber, but let's end this here. Isn't a game that never ends boring? For better or worse, We need to move the pieces forward.
A man with white hair appears holding a bow and arrow
Archer???: Never thought I will see you again dog.
Okita pulls the arrow out of Andres's shoulder
Andres: That's hurt.
Xander: Hold still. (put his arm on Andres's injured)
Xander's arm turns glowing green as he starts healing Andres wounded, as the glow fainted the wounded has been healed.
Cu Chulainn (caster): you guys go on ahead I'll deal with an old friend of mine, I have a score to settle with him.
Gudako: (Nod) Right! Good luck Cu! beat his ass!!
Xander: See you on the other side, Cu!
The six of them ran into the cave.
To Be Continue.
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