Ver. A
(Minho’s PoV)
I was tired as hell. These were my last days before going on hiatus. From everything and everyone. I’d love to have better choice but I knew it wouldn’t work so I decided to focus on my studies.
I was walking to my apartment, then I noticed somebody. A neighbour? Great… I thought I’ll have silence and peace. In the mailbox were a lot of letters. I unlocked the door and entered my flat. I noticed the small flat is really tiny but cos. It was perfectly cleaned… So wonderful.
I sat on the sofa and started checking the mails. One of the letter was from my landlord. Mr Jang informed me about some facts. Nothing interesting…
Then I heard the doorbell’s ring. I just came back home and someone just want to interrupt me.
I went to the hallway and opened the door. There was foreigner. Definitely not Asian.
She bowed in a faithful though,
“Nugu~seyo?” I asked her.
“Annyeonghaseyo.” She said back. “ I’ll be maid here starting from today”.
She? Was that girl the maid I just read about in the letter from my landlord?
“Yes, sure” I motioned her to come inside.
“ But you’ll only clean that flat. It includes making me dishes too. “ I added.
“Ah, algesshabnida~ Where do I should start?” the girl asked.
“Coffee, please” I ordered.
Oh yes. I needed the coffee now. I was kind of powerless.
She prepared me the coffee. It was simple but at least it had taste.
“Make me something to eat” I demanded her.
“What would you love to eat, Mister Choi?” she asked.
“Whatever. . I’m going to take a shower now. Hurry up.” I informed her.
When I came back after 15 minutes , I noticed the fully clothed table in kitchen. I felt the taste of meals since I opened the door, when I went out from bathroom.
I noticed a note pinned to the fridge.
“ Dear Mister Choi,
I hope you’ll enjoy the dishes.
It might be not Korean cuisine
But I am sure that these dishes will be good replacement.
Pretty please to call me , whenever you’ll need me to clean your flat. “
Yours faithfully maid, (XYZ)
I rolled my eyes in annoyance. That dirty maid…! Is she normal?! How dare she make a fun of me!... Though, I need to call her, I won’t be able to wash those dirty plates.
Well, well, well. What we have there: : some chopped vegetables,, mushrooms and fried chicken in Thai sauce. Mmm… not so bad, though it’s nothing special. But I am glad she could make it. Eventually, I saved some money to call for Pizza Hut and delivery boy. The meal I ate was really worth to save the money.
When I called her, she immediately came, did her work and escaped after less than 10 minutes. It is the one fact about that maid I like: she isn’t annoying crazy fan-girl who would squeal on me. Judging on her look, she wasn’t my style at all.
What a shame, though: usually in good apartments is hired highly experienced stuff. I’ve never ever heard about plus-size maids. Maybe they’re more popular abroad.
I flew on the soft bed sheet and checked my phone. I’ve got 2 text messages and 3 missed calls.
Calls were from fan-girls whom I gave my personal number and those silly text messages were from Jjong.
-Where are you? Party at Onew’s villa just started ! ; ( - (sent 10 minutes ago)
-You’re busy ‘Ho? Who’s that chick? ;D - (sent 8 minutes ago)
I sighed, bored of his childish behaviour.
-I’ve stopped partying. I’ve a practice job at Hospital. Wish me luck :)
I replied but I doubt he’ll understand It wasn’t really easy decision but it’s my life and I won’t wait till my so-called ‘friends’ will accept.
(One week later - - - still Minho’s PoV )
The new patient just arrived. Doctor Park was absent today. I was having two nurses as company for me. The new patient doesn’t speak Korean neither English. How, on the world, I’m going to communicate? ! By Morse?
Though, it’s sexy, walking chick. Very classy woman…
“We’ve just hired translator. She’ll interpret “ Hara-shii informed me. Woman again?! Is this my lucky day today?! Hope the translator is chick too ;)
I nodded casually, while walking to that new patient’s room. I bowed at her again. That noona is so f^cking pretty.
“Minho-ya, keep your mouth closed, please. You’re mouth-watering.” Ah Ri just informed me, straight forwardly.
I felt embarrassed. I quickly wiped my wet mouth. Then noticed a college student.
Seriously? Are you all f^cking kiddin’ me?! What does a KID is doing here???!
“Minho-sunbae~ That’s Cherry and she is that girl I told you about earlier.” Ha Ra informed me again.
Cherry huh? English? American? Canadian? Whatever, she looks…. Ugh, she somehow reminds me about that crazy maid.
“uhm…May you translate us her personalities? “ Ha Ra asked Cherry.
“It’s on her Identity Card”
In fact it was but maybe it would sound better in Korean.
The patient’s name is Olga and she’s 37 y.o Less/ plus age noona… almost ahjumma but it’d be a sin to call her like that. Is that Identity card kidding me?! Or the old noona is really that sexy~
“What did you see there?” Ah Ri asked me, sending me a mysterious looking smirk.
I knew that she knows about my ‘secret’ . About my ‘lust’ toward sexy older noonas.
I handed back the Identity Card to patient but she spoke to me in that weird language.
“She said you can keep it” the translator stood on her toes to say it quietly to me. “ Would you… like to… quote it to me?” she added. Her Korean was ugly and a bit broken…
I only nodded and waited for the revelations. I hope this girl isn’t making a fool out of me. If she has been hired to our Hospital, she’s probably really good, though she annoys me. I know she didn’t do anything but I just have bad opinion about her already.
Everybody gave our special guest-Olga- special and amazing treatment, because later she’ll need the checking out, then surgery. She wears good clothes and jewelleries. Her perfume smells so good that it makes me going crazy. Aish~ me and my weakest point- older women. Noonas are so sexy and classy. They’ve their own unique style and taste which I dearly desire~.
I was really surprised that she’s European. I thought she’s from Beverly Hills or another town in USA. But Europe is good too.
“…Could you stop asking me useless questions?” the interpreter asked me when we were walking to our apartment. It was just a bad luck because this day I didn’t have a car. She offered to use her own umbrella and I was thankful.
“I only asked if you know Olga. Don’t be rude to me, girl.” I lectured her gently.
“Yes, Mr. Choi…” she muttered. “ I know Olga….”
I was literally shocked and happy by her answer. I analysed everything really fast, I got really good plan.
“Will you come to my flat today?” I asked and I received the cold look.
“Excuse me, Mister, but I am a maid- not mistress” that’s how she replied. Without asking about her umbrella, she entered the apartment (flat-block) earlier than me.
Next day I met her again in Hospital. I could take care of my patient- Olga- again.
“You’ll rest now and I…’ my sentence was cut off by Olga’s gesture.
Firstly, I forgot she cannot understand me, secondly- that walking flirt- our special meeting yesterday, today was even more exciting. Olga… well, she was unique.
“Mr. Choi, mr. Yang needs,,, uh, faq…”
I was highly surprised, that little-miss-interpreter just interrupted us in the beautiful moment of mine and Olga noona intimate time….
“Do you need something? If not, can you leave…” Olga told her.
I didn’t understand but when the maid went away, I was satisfied. Soon, I felt how Olga’s hand slides down on my lap…
( Narrato’s PoV )
Young girl finished her work first. She wasn’t needed there today any longer, so she decided to go back to her flat apartment. It took her one hour to analyse the whole situation and to straightly ignore it. She felt betrayed even if she knew that her fan-girling feelings aren’t visible for Minho.
On the next day she was really busy. She had to take care of landlord’s kids, cause he and his wife were still in the workplace. She also had to go to the laundry service.
-Cherry-shii, where are you? You’re 3 hours late!- the girl got the message from Mr. Lee- her another chef from grocery- street marketplace where she had a part-time job.
She knew that very well but there was no way to finish her current duties.
The girl just had too much on her head to be not late.
It was 10 p.m, she made the kids sleeping, while she started doing something else, ignoring the obviously suspicious sounds from behind the wall.
Next morning she woke kids up, prepared them to go outside and dropped them safely in kindergarten. Next, she walked straight to Mr. Lee’s grocery.
“Here are the documents, Mr. Lee.” She informed and gave the papers in big, orange envelope.
“Wow, today is my last day to give it to my manager. Oh and… Didn’t I tell you to drop the formalities?”
“6 years difference” she used the same excuse.
“We’re going to the same place. Can we walk together?” Mr. Lee offered.
“Oh, I don’t think so.” She denied.
“Why not?” He made unsatisfied pouty face.
“Why ‘yes’ ? Eh, whatever…. I don’t need to argue at 6 in the morning”
“Wait, please” he stopped her.
“What this time?” she asked.
“Will you see my friend Minho?” Mr. Lee asked.
“Probably. Why?”
“Tell him about housewarming party at his apartment”
“Are you out of money on the phone?”
“Well, no…”started Mr. Lee aka. Onew.
“Excuse me, Mr. I am a maid, , not mistress who can make your dreams come true. “ she apologized in formal way.
“Hmm…a-about Your reward, Cherry-shii…” he added.
“I don’t need reward, mr “ she interrupted in his sentence. “Got to go now. And yea~ I’ll remember to tell for mr Choi your words.” She said before leaving.
◊ 3 weeks later ◊
(Minho’s PoV)
I was late to my work again!
Gosh~ I cannot believe it. I couldn’t ! It is happening to me the 4th time in month! happening with me?! I was just enjoying Olga that’s all!
“Minho-ya! I asked about the papers. Where are they?” doctor Park asked me a question.
“Papers? What papers? Copy? “I played dumb.
“Yes, papers. The essay about that unique kind of patient we’re having.” He reminded. “about that Olga”
“Oh, no. No, no, no. Don’t tell me today is my last day “ I mumbled.
“Yes, and I’d love to see your essay. You know that you need to give me this to pass, right?”
“Is today…10th November?”
Gosh, I forgot! How could I do it… I was sure I took it with myself.
“Let me bring that from home, please.” I begged him.
“Wait… You even didn’t take it from house?!” he was shocked.
“Doctor Park? Don’t be so harsh, hm?” one of my new workmates, Ri Nah, tried to save me.
“I want to give you chance because of you our patient from abroad felt better… but you’ve one more day “doctor Park warned me. “ don’t lose your chance this time, Choi”
“Thanks Ri Nah noona” I mouthed silent ‘ thank you’ to her.
“it’s okay. Just be careful next time.” She said.
“Great. Can I go to her? I mean.. to Olga?”
“Yeah but not now.” I heard.
“Ah yeah, we need to wait for that girl right?”
“What are you talking about? “Ri Nah asked.
“You-You know… that ehm…interpreter?”
“Ah, she. Her period was over. She was there only temporary.” Ri Nah noona explained.
Wait what?! The translator is gone?!
“Huh? But…how are we supposed to…ehm… understand Mrs . Olga?’ I asked confused.
“Well, normally. It’s not my problem “ Ri Nah stated emotionlessly.
Great, just…great! Then is not faqing way that I will understand Olga noona…
“Mae Ri- ah… please, you seemed to be friends with her the interpreter… “ I panicked.
“You need to solve the problem yourself. You somehow don’t see a problem in making out with her-Olga, or what’s her name “ she said sarcastically.
Damn… how does she know?! If doctor Park will know this as well, I’ll be done…
“Do you even have her number? “ I tried.
“ Are you crazy?! I don’t have the number to her. What do you think you are? A king?! If you cannot keep your hormones, better if You don’t join our team.”
Damn… I can’t lose my job! Shit…. Noonas are part of my life ;-; I can’t…. I need to find a way how to make things which won’t collide with each other.
~ ~ ~
(Narrator’s PoV)
Cherry was about to go out from Minho’s dorm but she was taken aback by unexpected guest and how he spoke to her.
“Song-shii, what are you doing there? “ Mr. Lee asked.
“I told you I am maid. Did you forget?’ she asked.
“But…here?” he seemed to be shocked.
‘Well.. kind of. I am sorry to say that but I need to inform you, Mr. Lee , that your friend is absent.” She explained.
“Yeah, I know.” He nodded and sighed.
“Hey, hey… What’s with that sigh?” the girl asked.
“I am worried about him, isn’t it normal to be worried about friends?” he asked.
“I got it but I am not competitive person to say me this.”
“Are you busy?” he changed topic.
“I have other job, you know. See you “ she said and locked the door to Minho’s dorm.
“What do you have? Did you steal something?” Onew asked a bit curious getting interested in the thing she held in her hands.
“It’s my uhm… papers. I am not a robber “ Cherry said.
“Oh well… sorry I didn’t mean to offend you.”
“It wasn’t offending” she simply yet politely answered.
~ ~ ~
◊ Next day, very early ◊
(Minho’s PoV)
Great, my practice is over. Thanks to me - _ - Though, I liked it, but it isn’t my fault that people don’t understand basic ‘needs’.
“Choi, doctor Park wants to see you “ Ri Nah informed me.
It was 12 p.m lunch time for hospital personnel –staff. Bye-Bye my medical future doctor’s career.
“Congratulations mr. Choi “ welcoming words came out from mr. Park’s mouth. It was nice, however – it was weird. When I came closer I noticed some documents. It’s weird because I know I forgot them to bring with me. Does somebody…? No, no it can’t be. Nobody could write it for me.
“Welcome in my Medical Team , mr Choi “ other doctor announced. “It’s pretty diagnose and oh… I heard you’ve dyslexia but your papers are perfect “ mr Yang exclaimed happily.
I was honestly surprised because my memory isn’t too bad yet. And I know I had just started 2 pages…
“Thank you I am glad mrs Park & Yang” I thanked them both older men and went out from the doctors’ room.
* Later in night at Minho’s apartment *
(Narrator’s PoV)
Because Olga was recovered fully, he-Minho, decided to take her for a little ‘party’ .
Everybody was congratulating him ,that he passed ,that he is a good young nurse man etc.
Only Onew did not share Minho’s happiness.
“Man, you’re totally screwed. I thought you seriously are busy so that was the reason you could not join. But I will be honest I am not happy. You are loser “ he said and left Minho’s party. It was the first time when he was not sharing Minho’s ideas. For Onew current Minho’s crush was disgusting and odd. He knew that these kind of women like Olga are nothing else but only walking whores, Femme Fatale. He never thought Shinee will lose Minho for such a person.
~ ~ ~
Soon Minho started partying like never, did not care about his dream-job. All what had any matter for young mr Choi was Olga. Even after he got fired- Minho kept continuing the meetings with mrs Olga. Even after his money he had saved for a trip with his Shinee clique- were not saved anymore – he shared with Olga his precious money and belongings. The money were threw into shit, literally. Olga made him a lot of bankrupts and when he needed money she dared to tell him that he is a faqing sc^m and idiot for losing money and that he will not get anything from her.
Poor Minho loved her too much so he let her live in his apartment, let her do just everything. For Olga, Choi Minho sacrificed his everything : His entire life- just for a random patient who Olga was. His friends- who he had known for more than 5 years now. His medical career and his bright teenage-adulthood.
The only one positive aspect for Minho was that Olga’s cooking was really high. Every day he had a literally kingdom food – made by Olga or modified slightly.
As soon as he forgot about the maid, it was none comparing :Minho’s love for Olga was too bling.
However, his friends did not like the new Minho, though they gave up. They always shared birthday’s together and supported themselves. But this year was different. All because Olga ruined their friendship.
End of version a .
(Can appear sensitive words so do not read if you cannot stand language)
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