Are yall ready for this. Cause I have plans big plans after this chapter. Mahaha
Third Pov.
Sport Festival
The pressure was on for everyone. But thanks to Bakugou the whole first years of U.A were targeting them, thanks to what he say to them just week ago. Wow, that felt like forever ago
even if it was just two weeks ago.
Flash back
The class had just ended and lucky Uraraka was the first one to the door. As she was opening her only let out a few words.
“Whoaa….. What’s going on?!” she ask the granite group of student who were blocking the class exit door as she is shaking.
“No way out, What’re they here for?” Mineta, the class pevre, ask.
“Scoping out the competition, duh, small fry. Cuz we’re the kids who survived a villain attack. Makes sense they’d went a look before the sports festival” Bakugou say load for the whole class and group of students can hear.
“And that’s him on a good day” Midoriya thought to herself. “ I should calm him down before things take a turn”.
“No point thought, move aside, cannon fodder”, he said.
“And nevermind there he goes, ugh”
“Can we please not resort to calling those we don’t even know “cannon fodder”?” Iida start to scroll him, as his left arm to up and down.
“It’s true. We came to get a look, but you sure are modest. Are all the kids in the hero course like this one?” a voice said from the back of the group.
“Huh, what are you try to said”, Bakugou yell to the voice that seem to have no person.
“Gotta say. I’m a little disillusioned if this this what your offering. Those of us who didn't make the hero course are stuck in general studies and the other tracks. They're quite a few of us. Did you know that?’’ they repile as they got closer to show, a boy around their age, with purple hair.
At this the whole class was asking the same thing. “What the hell is he trying to say”
He once again open his mouth, “Depending on the results of this sports festival...they might consider transferring us to the hero course. I also understand the reverse is also possible for
you..” .....by these words Midoriya felt really attack….”scoping out the competition? For a general studies kids like me well…….this’ll be the perfect chance to knock you off your pedestals. So consider this a declaration of war.” after the he said those words, he left like nothing happen.
Iida, Uraraka, and Midoriya, all become friends enough to know what they’re thinking. “This guy too. So daring” is what they thought. Although they were frozen to the purple hair guys
declaration of war.
“Hey. I’m from class 1-B next door!” a new guy yell to the them, he had silver hair “Herad you guys fought some villains. Wanted to find out more, but...all I’m seeing is this arrogant bastard!!’” he scream.
Everyone knew he was talking about bakugou.
"You better not make fools of the hero course at this thing!”
“Oh great we got another daredevil”. Midoriya thought. “Ugh I should get kacchan out of here”
Everyone got quite and shock including kacchan, who would have already blow off his face.
Bakugou was the first one to speak, “I don’t give a crap”.
“Great now I have too go speak to kacchan after school”, Midoriya starting to think of how to speak to him.
“Wait, you jerk. What’re you doing to us? Thanks to you we’ve got a whole mob of haters now!”,Kirishima .
“Why should I care?” Bakugou saying to them, as if they already knew the answer, “I'm heading for the top”. He left before Midoriya can tell him to stay and have a talk to him.
“ tch…... so straightforward and manly,”Kirishima said.
“The top he not's wrong” tokoyami coldly spoke.
“Don’t let him play you! All he’s doing is winning us enemies!’ Kiminair.
Midoriya left the classroom chasing after him. Lucky she found him and managed to cools him down.
End of flashback
What felt like seconds, minutes, felt like hours, years to todoroki. He already lost to Midoriya on the first round, he wasn’t going to lose to her on the second round. He wasn’t going to hold back for her.
He choose his team carefully for this. Momo, Iida, and Kiminair. he knew that Midoriya was also not going to hold back despite her being the opposite gender of him.
No....he already underestimate her once, he not going to ever again.
"Now Midoriya get ready because I'm coming to get you". Todoroki whisper to himself. He remembered his words to her, before the festival started. How he declared war to her, and she did the same to him.
He lead his team toward her's.
There was only 5 minutes left for this round. He gonna make this attack count.
Lucky they only spend 2 minutes to get to where she was in the area and to trap her in on of the corner.
"DEKU!" A voice that was to similar to Midoriya hear.
Oh boy, now I know that todoroki was going to attack me, but now kacchan, shit I could have not said that to him in the room...
Midoriya quickly realized that they couldn't go anywhere, tokoyiam couldn't keep going forever, he told her his weakness before joining the team.
And Hatsume 'babies' have all be broken to which she was crying now, but somehow kept saying she can fox them.
Shinsou was getting tried, him using to much of his quirk.
And Midoriya getting also tried by her healing her own teammates before attacks from other teams.
She turn just as if fate was decide for it to happen, todoroki was blocking their only way out. He had a grin on his face knowing that they could have not get away that easy, not without risking their points.
I see.....todoroki I hate to admit it but your strategy are good really good. I wonder to where kacchan is? Ahhh....get your head in the game Izuku now no time to worry about friends.
Bakugou Pov
(Before he went to deku)
Shit....all of are point fucking point are gone. All because of that fucking copy cat. Fucking using mine and kirishima quirk against us. Bull.
"Well..whatever thanks for the points." Copy cat said to me. "Second place huh. Seems to good to be true. But thanks you, with now only 8 minutes left there no way your climb back up."
My teeth never wanted so bad to bite someone.
"Kirishima get really to attack these fucking wannabes" I smile knowing dam(:3) well I'm not about to lose to these dam nerds.
I jump off to where my group, my quirk helping me not touching the gound.
"Tsuburaba quick guard!" Copy cat yell to one of his teammates.
"On it!" Someone answer who I'm believe is who he called.
The next thing I fucking know was before I land on their teams right side, the air turn hard.
No...solid. Damn it had to be that guy quirk. No problem then. Maybe just a small pop.
I type of explosion I use was just the right amount of force for the now solid air to break.
“AGH TAKE THAT YOU FUCKING COPYCAT”, Ah yes revenge is a dish best served cold, but in his case, he can fucking choke on it.
“Bakugou next time you jump tell us.” Sero yell, as in trying to fill bakugou with guilt.
“SHUT UP, at least are got us are dam point left, but i'm not done yet. Pinky, throw use acid, tape dispenser shoot tape to the floor about 7 feet away from them. Shitty hair turn into a rock the moment you feel like it, that way we stop. Ready now”. I knew what my plan was, let see if they knew what to do.
The moment I knew pinky threw the acid and we started to slide but, I started to use my explosion causing as to slides as faster.
The next thing I knew was that I manage to get copycat last headband and we zoom out thanks to tape dispenser tape and
did what I ask. Shitty hair stop us just in time for us not to hit a wall.
‘’Now we’re going after deku”.
I have to beat her, for she can see that I can be her hero, so can see that she better off being my sidekick. So she be in risk everyday. I care for her.
“DEKU!!!!” I yell, even might have scare her.
Third Pov (sorry i just love third pov :3)
Deep down inside Midoriya, she knew that she was dead.
“Ugh, new people huh? Well come on, my quirk can save us forever”, Shinosu spoke to the group.
“Well you tell me” Midoriya said to him, while put her hands on her hips, “now let get this shit down. THERE IS NO WAY WE'RE LOSING THIS CLOSE”.
Todoroki knew that she plan, she always had a plan no matter what. He see in class and in the U.J.S attack, always a plan huh, midoriya.
“Let’s hit them where it hurt”.
Kiminair release a shock waves cause any other teams to back off. The lighting hit everyone. But their team for Yaoyorozu had made the same mat she use for the U.J.S attack that help her and jiour not get hurt when Kiminair use his quirk against the villains.
“I have a plan but we can only use this once. Now listen carefully. Midoriya team up with only one person we know from class and that tokoyami, and even then he pretty powerful on his own. The two other people we don't know. So maybe from class B or other. The thing is we don’t know their quirk and their knows are because Midoriya might have told him. That also doesn’t help the fact that she collects notes on every in class both strength and weakness. The thing I'm about do do will overheat my engines and will take time for them to cold down, So, Todoroki i'm counting on you to grab the headband, on my count ok?” Iida spoke to his team quick yet slow enough for them to understand.
Todoroki was shock, Iida knew this much about Midoriya. When, where and how. Oh right therefriends. Guess, he couldn’t be surprised. Yet he was....
Everyone was getting ready for anything right now.
Iida engines started to turn blue
“Recipro Burst!!!!!!”
In a blink of an eye, todoroki team was on the other side of Midoriya’s team.
“Wait what……..” Hatsume start but losing her voice towards the end.
Finally the smoke of the engines faded away, and you can clearly see that Todoroki was holding a headband. Moments later you can see it the was the 10,000,000 points.
“Iida, I didn't know you can do that. Why do just reveal it now.” Yaoyorozu ask him.
He didn’t answer, instead he turn towards todoroki. “Did you get it”.
Todoroki just rose his hand to show him and as well show and whole satuime that he got it.
Bakugou barely got in time but just not fast enough to win the headband from deku.
1 and 30 seconds minute left
“Come on guys we’re not do yet, Tokoyami get dark shadow ready for an attack. Hatsume do you have a smoke bomb? And Shinsou once were in a distance take control of them if you can.”
Midoriya who was a calm face, now look more dertiermia to prove something.
The group didn’t need to hear when to go after that. They just went for it. Todoroki saw this and well accept the challenge, there was no way that she get the points back.
The both team were close to make combat, for everyone was getting ready..
The group didn’t need to hear when to go after that. They just went for it. Todoroki saw this and well accept the challenge, there was no way that she get the points back.
Both teams were close to making combat, for everyone was getting ready.
Bakugou knew he was never going to make in time with his team, so what did he do? Well, he starts to use his quirk to fly.
The two teams with now a fly pineapple at them were now only seconds away.
Okay, just like All Might said, I’m only using just 5%. No problem. And well I’m not going to touch him or anything, I’m only just slicing the air.
Midoriya knew the todoroki never use his fireside at all. So she remains at his left side, never giving him a chance to use his right side. Now that was before they started to charge toward with
I see, well no problem. Let's end this. Now with only 30 seconds left.
The two teams were now attacking to each other, and well the crowd was going wild. A Boy and a Girl with a declaration of War between, yes, please.
Yaoyorozu had made a shield to go against tokoyami’s dark shadow.
20 seconds
Shinsou and Kaminari were there, well more like kaminari spoke and Iida had to shake him out on it. And hatsume was throwing smoke bombs Yaoyorozu so she could make anything or see where Dark shadow was.
10 seconds
All was good, all expect at the top, to where Midoriya and Todoroki were.
Midoriya was going for a punch, whether she lay the punch on him or not, she didn’t care right
5 seconds
Todoroki was going to use his right side, but somewhere in a moment of time, he ended up rising his left hand, he felt the fire started to be attacked after a long time not being used for
He feels the fire starting up. Something stops it. Midoriya. It was her, she stop the fire. By doing what. Wait-....
Where have I felt it before.The U.J.S attack, where he try to help All Might. That where he felt it before.
Are Midoriya and All Might related somehow. Is their a relationship between. All Might does really look over her. Like a Father would to a daug--...
Wait he use or almost use he left side...
What got over him? He swore he’ll never use his left side in battle.
Midoriya manage to get one of the headbands. Luck was not in their favorite that day.
“And that it for the second round of the sports festival!!”, Midnight announce for the crowds of heroes, children, and adults, and the world.
When she saw it was not the 10,000,000 points. But it also wasn’t enough for them to go into the final round or so they thought.
“Midoriya, dark shadow got it before the round ended, it was around his head where it was least protected,” Tokoyami said to her and the team while dark shadow relieved 615 points. “ It was
thanked to you, that opening you made when you were about to attack him."
During the time tokoyami was telling about the point he got with dark shadow. Midnight was accoundeing the winners who will move on.
A/N: okay I did some research beforehand and well least to say when I use ‘kun’ for izuku, I got comments to say what are they thinking that he a boy. Well, I got worried that I did a mistake but I did some research and found that when using ‘Kun’ is for being friendly or the boy that you like.
“Umm Midnight can I draw out like I don’t remember what happens most of the time, I know it a great thing for me right to great some pros to see me but I can’t accept that. I believe it was that guy’s quirk”, someone from the tetsutetsu team said and then pointed to shinsou.
She look at him with confusion by this. Midoriya thought his quirk work, to where he had to look at them at the eye or something like that. Now that she thought about he never told her how it works.
Midoriya Pov
I went to look for my name surprisingly found it next to shinsou.
“Well look like we’re going against each other huh?” Shinsou said to me.
Just when I was about to talk to him, something around goes her mouth. It took me only moments to know who it was. Ojiro, why what?
“It better not to talk to him right now Midoriya,” Ojiro said.
Shinosu just smiles and left. What is happening right now? Moments after shinosu left, Ojiro finally let go.
“Ahhh...dude why did you do that?” I ask, “Wait no, you know what! Come with me. I have to go and help Recover Girl with the injures people got right now. You’ll explain there while I healing
people and you too. Your hurt. Now. Come”. My voice rises a little but I was enough for him to come with.
Most of the student on their way to Recover Girl were a mix of both male and female. Bakugou was heading his way their because he knew that Deku was going to be there, yet something
stop him.
He didn’t want to go talk to her yet……...
There was something more like prove....win something first.
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