Todoroki Pov

In the waiting room I was assigned to, I couldn't help but wonder what would happen in my next match.


Ugh...I shouldn't be like this could it be because of her gender? I can't look down on her because of that.


She is going down because she is in my path. She is somehow related or is something important to All MIght. And that is why I'm going to beat her and win. She is simply in my way. That's it and that's what it never was.

Still couldn't help get lost in thought of how mine and her quirk's can work together well in battle. Healing can help us both. Strength can help by making either scino booms and help my ice and fire-

No never mine my left side. This is why I could take her down. She is making me rethink everything.

I can't let her get in my head. Instead the memories of what happened during the lunch break goes in my mind. I went ahead and planned how I could defeat her.

Flashback to before Sero and Todoroki match

As I was just taking a walk down the hall to get something to eat before...I felt the similar presence of someone I know too well.

"....out of my way"

"You disgrace me, Shouto".

I walk past him while saying "That's all you've got to say to me? I'll win this with mom's power alone. I'll never use your power in battle."

Sadly shitty father responds, "That may be good enough while you're a school kid.....But you'll reach your limit soon enough".

Something rose up within me and I let the anger inside me come out.

Sero, i believe that's his name. Warps his tape around me. Trapping me in it. I hear him saying the words, " But I don't feel like losing either".

"Sorry 'bout this" I reply.


I take a deep breath inside, knowing what about to do to make me win the match but it will take a lot of him.

"That's overkill no.....?" Sero said after I trapped him in a giant iceberg of ice.

The referee of the match says "sero...can you move".

I was ready for a second attack in case he somehow dodged it.

"You're kidding, right? Ow ow ow (owo)"


Hearing those words made me feel more relaxed. My anger had somehow disappeared. Soon I saw my classmate frozen so I started to walk over to help him. As I walked I heard the words of people saying words along the line of 'good try'.

"Sorry I overdid it" I apologize to him. "I was just annoyed at someone".

Soon after I said those words I used my left side to warm him up and to melt the ice around him so he could be set free.

"SHOUTO TODOROKI MOVES ON TO THE SECOND ROUND!!" the announcer yells to the crowd.

Flash back ended

Midoriya Pov

I have accepted death.

I know I can't win against Todoroki. Look at him and look at him. He looks like he's the main character of some anime. He's smart, strong, handsome i-i mean the list could go on and on about him being stronger than me. I mean his quirk is basically perfect.

Todoroki Shouto. His quirk is hot and cold. His right side can help with either reaching high buildings and oh it can help with wounds, like covering them with a thin layer until the doctors can treat it well. Oh and it helps with covering the whole building like he did back a couple months ago. It is also great with long range than short range fights. Oh and don't even get started once he is able to master it more, maybe he'll create fog with the help of his fireside. Now his fire would also help with wounds and possibly warm someone up if they're cold or something. And even be able to give light a-and is great for long or short range depending on the battle

A-and I should stop....that would be creepy.

Still I couldn't help myself but just think about the possible. Could Todoroki be able to do more with his quirk after it matures more?

He would be gre-no amazing hero once he goes pr-


"Haha...your fine Uraraka, really thank you for that. I needed that". I finally let go of the breath I didn't even know I was holding in.

After all, I'm not looking to win in my match with Todoroki.

And also I need to remind myself that I need to tell All Might of what I saw during my fight with Shinso.

My mind somehow as if on instant replay the match where Todoroki won against Zero.



Todoroki won. Yeah no shit he won. All was lost amid the cheers that arose from the audience....i saw Todoeoki defrost his own frozen self with his left hand,...but to me something about him seemed really sad.

As if something was holding him back. That he really is not his true self. That he is doing this to prove something to someone and not doing this for himself.


Flashback ends

Third Pov

As Midoriya was leaving her room to walk on to the area for her final match of the day. She came across a current Pro-Hero.

"I watch your fight...If we're talking about power alone. Yours is comparable to All Might's

Holy shit Endeavor ....fuck

"Wh-what are you....I must go."Midoriya tried her best to get out of the solution she's in.

She quickly started to walk off, just before she could turn the counter that would lead her to the area. The number 2 hero spoke again.

"It is my Shouto's duty to surpass All Might" He says.Midoriya stops in her tracks. She feels her body frozen from what Endeavor said. She only snaps out of the frozen state when Endeavor speaks again.

"His match against you...will prove a valuable test. So give it your all. Put a good fight against him".

She still left speechless but she somehow managed to say something back. If hearing that she has connected the dots of why Todoroki is proving something to someone. His Father......Todoroki is trying to prove to his father that he could win without side. That's why he swears he'll never use it. She starts to recall the talk they share. The small Sentences he would make but she didn't make sense of them until now. "Never using my bastard of a father's quirk no...by rising to the top without it....I'll have denied him everything."

Midoriya didn't know she was deep in thought until Endeavor speaks to say what seems to be his final words to her.
"That's all I have to say. Sorry for my bluntness".

"I.....am not All Might" Midoryia said, finding courage to say these words.

"Well of course you're n-

She cut the number 2 hero off before he could finish his response.

"Right. Of course I'm not...And Todoroki... Isn't you!"

Midoriya didn't look behind her; she could feel the glare from his eyes on her back as nervous as she was; she stood her ground and continued walking to the arena.

Time skip

Todoroki stares at Midoriya with thoughts going through this mind.

'All Might's got his eye on you, huh?'


They both listen for the counted down to end for that bell to ring to start their match. The one that will prove anything and everything.


Across from town there was someone watching for something else other than to see who will be the next greats heros.

"Observe and learn. Because Tomura Shigaraki, those two... may someday become obstacles in your path."

"Oh? Really, what a load of crap. Like those two will become anything but that."


"All Might they are the ones who tried to save you back then." the hero Thirteen ask him.

"Right....I can't put my finger on it, but...they're connected in some way. I just don't know whether it's good or bad.


"Okay you got this, you're a bad bitch.....okay first he's gonna come at me with that ice, It'll be risky if i let him fire off that power freely....So as soon as this starts...ATTACK!!"Midoriya fires off the strength side of her quirk the moment Todoroki releases ice from his right side. "GOTTA MAKE IT IN TIME!!"

"I expected as much," Todoroki said in a normal manner.


All might have thought about this fight. And oh boy.

She had no way of knowing how strong Todoroki's attack would be...so she didn't stick with 5%. That was a 100% blast!! I hope you know what you'll doing young Midoriya"



Todoroki looked at anyone seeing that his attacks weren't working with Midoryia.




'So she didn't stick with the 5 percent like we discussed.....she had no way of knowing how strong Todoroki's attack would be..'

"Make sense. No other way to defend against that ice really...I hope your okay young Midroya"


'I'll have to learn while fighting. I'll just observe and look for an opening...from what I've seen, Todoroki's fights always end in a flash. I haven't learned much from watching him.' Midoriya thinks as she keeps on blocking Todoroki's attacks of ice.


'Shit my hand.....fuck i can't stop now....I'm so close too I just need to find the right moment. I'm not doing this for me....but for Todoroki.. Okay so think deku you got this...the ice behind him is most likely a counter-strategy to keep himself from getting blown away. In that case using a finger was the right choice, can't say the same for my hand god...back on top since he might even be able to handle a 100 percent, arm-sacrificing smash then I just need to Observe...Calculate...Find the opening!

"I only have six shots left...

"You're.." Todoroki said as the fog of the ice he created is released around him from many attacks.

Todoroki was annoyed that she actually managed to stay long in this fight with him. Hell, even Sero couldn't stay with him longer than 10mintues and he had more control of his quirk than her...


Now back with the student of class 1A. There seems to be a worry for both of their classmates. A thought in the back of their head. Who is going to win? Todoroki has more of an advantage but Midoryia has her healing in case of any injury that might happen.

"Gahhh. They already started?! How come no one told me??" Kirishima stated with shockness of how the area is.

"Hey! Nice job getting to the second round Kiri!" Kiminari yells to his red headed friend.

"Thanks. I'm up against you next Bakugou!"

"I'll kill you" Bakugou responded with a straight face.

Ha ha. I'd like to see you try!...But man. You and that Todoroki you can fire off as many of those crazy attacks as you want...as many as we want? Now don't be an fucking dumbass." Bakugou pierced his eyes to the redhead boy.


"Let me fucking explain for you extras" bakugou took a breath in before saying the following, "Even this guy gotta have some kind of limit. Quirks are still physical abilities. Run too much, and you'll be out of breath. Strain your muscles and you'll tear them."

I mean I know where my limit is more or less. I know i can improve here and there but that's why i thought up those mods for my costume...that'll let me fire off more explosions than i can usually handle..

"Yeah it makes more sense more. So up against insta-kill man that must mean that Midoriya's trying to...


"So you're trying to stretch the match out. Not happening. I'll end this quickly." Todoroki stated.

Without thinking Todoroki releases another ice attack on Midoriya. Hoping this would be the one that would put her down and he'll win the match.


'Fuck my hand..it's done for now. I just need a few moment to heal it the bones'

Todoroki noticed the few seconds of an opening for his next attack. He then starts to climb on his ice to attack from the air.

Midoryia sees this and is able to jump away within a second of spare time. "Close one".

Todoroki is surprised that he was able to dodge him. Still that didn't stop him. Once he had a good grip on the ground, he released another attack. He didn't want to give her an opening so she could heal herself.

Oh NO! He was too close...he was trying to stop me from healing myself. Todoroki fuck you right now for this.'Midoriya thought while trying to dodge his attacks

"Now that's a lot stronger than your earlier attacks. Are you trying to tell me to stay back?

Ughhh...Todoroki if I was actually trying to win you i would be doing better but right know you're way more than just your quirk...you got excellent judgement, execution mobility...everything about you is strong."

Only deafening and dodging? It's taking a toll on you." Todoroki finally said after his last attack.

'FuCk he strong...wait is.....he's shivering?!'

Along the Pros Heros they were whispering about the bi-hair boy. "Man, he is already stronger than most pros"...."as expected from the son of the No. 2 hero.."

"Sorry for all this. I appreciate it though.Midoriya. Thank you. He doesn't look too happy. But with both hands destroyed you can't fight anymore nor can you heal yourself. Let's end this.


"WHO IN THE HELL SAY I'M DONE". Within a momentMidoriya manages to wrap her arms around herself and activite her healing quirk.

Seeing that she was used to using her quirk on herself she was done healing herself to where her bones weren't broken and the purple bruise faded away.

"Guess you thought that since my hands and arms were broken I wasn't able to heal myself. Well you wrong there sir.


Now the minds of Pros Heros were shocked that there was a quirk like that in a high school. And much less a first year. Who seems to know what they're doing...


With anger to himself for letting his guard down for a moment. Todoroki doesn't hesitate to fire another attack.

Midoryia stopped the attack in time.

"Why would you go that far enough to heal yourself from your broken fingers. Why?

"Well one thing for sure...you're shivering Todoroki. Quirks are still just physical abilities. You must have a limit to how much of that cold you can bear! But then...you could always use your left side to warm yourself enough to take the cold away right? Everyone 's giving it their all. To win. To achieve their goals to make to the top! And you're going to win with half your power?! I stil;...haven't put a scratch on you! SO GIMME EVERYTHING YOU GOT. I"LL JUST HEAL MYSELF OVER AND OVER SO COME AT ME!"

"What are you planning? Everything i've got...? Did my bastard of a father pay you off or something.

"Shouto...you're not.....that's fine"

When did I forget what came after that? Why i'm thinking of that right now?

"You're pissing me off"

Midoriya won't be able to deal with me at close range...

Just as Todoroki finished he noticed that him andMidoriya were close to each other. As he was preparing to surround her in ice.Midoriya duck to where his right arm was ready for an attack.

Todoroki took this chance to be able to finally get an attack on her. She stopped mid way, putting all her weight in her foot behind her as she finally saw that Todoroki had one foot in the air making him lose his balance; enough to make her plan work.

"Imagine it.....the microwave....don't explode i swear to god don't explode."

"She....the instant i raised my left leg, she...."

Midoryia uses the weight of her back foot to lend back enough to dodge Todoroki's attack. Finally when she had him where she wanted him.Midoriya went for her attack. She punched and mangane to land an attack on Todoroki couch with 5% of One for All.


"She landed a hit on Todoroki...this might be a good intern"


"Oh so now you're on the offensive?" Todoroki spoke with a shaking voice. He said as he released another attack on her.

"It's not just you slowing down. Your ice is weaker too." Midoriya yells towards him as she yet again dodge the attack from him.


"Should i stop the match, Midnight?"

"Seems like Midoriya is going all out because she knows she can be healed no matter what. And she's not feeling the pain she's in because of his adrenaline pumping. But those injuries...a sa singel healing session from both her and Recovery Girl combined won't be enough for a full recovery...Even if she wins here. She'll be in no shape for the next match."

At the booth of where Mr.Awaize wias; he was lost in the thought process of his student. 'That control is starting to come, even if it means weaker attacks. She's not just blindly doing wild out there. In order to win this....this is the best strategy for her at this point...even if she does know she can be healed...putting herself through all that pain...takes a hell of a lot of guts...What is it that motivates you,Midoriya...?'


"Look...gahhh....i can't make a fist...fuck" cruse outMidoriya. Who is happy that the audience can't hear them.

I wanna be like him...For that , i gotta be number one. I gotta be the strongest. As it might seem like a lame motivation...compare to yours Todoroki....

"Why're you going this far?" Todoroki asks after he blocks an attack from her. "Oh you know just trying to meet expectations!" She responds going for another close range attack. " A smiling...dependable...cool hero...that's what i wanna be.


"That's why i'm giving it everything! For everyone your experiences...your determination...I can't even begin to imagine what all that's like but...if you become number one without giving it your all...then i don't really think you're serious...about denying him everything!"Midoriya said as she was catching her breath.

The words that left her mouth were straight forward with no hidden meaning behind them...they were enough to have Todoroki recall moments during his childhood.

"Get up you won't be able to defeat third-rate villains. Let alone All Might, if you get knocked down by a hit like that...."

"STOP IT, PLEASE! HE'S ONLY FIVE YEARS OLD" Mommy screams toward his father.

YES, HE'S ALREADY FIVE! SO GET OUT OF MY WAY!!" Todoroki looks at his dad-father as he finishes throwing up..

"SHUT UP...you don't know what you're talking about!!" he tries to make her stop. But the memories keep coming back to him.

"I hate him mommy...i..i don't wanna be like father..someone who bullies my mom. I don't wanna be like that.

"...but you want to be a hero right? That's fine." Todoroki's Mother Rei said as they watched a TV program. " You're not...

That's why i have to win!" Midoryia yelled.

"I HAVE TO SURPASS YOU '' Todoroki yells before Midoriya landed a punch on him, which sent him flying across the fighting zone.

"Don't look at them, Shoto...your brothers...they belong to a different world than you." Endeavor(trash) said to his 5 year old child as he yanks him away from the window. Where he was watching his older siblings.

"Mom...i know it's not right. But i can't do it anymore the children...they're...like more and more everyday. And Shoto....his left side"

Shoto was walking by....but stopped when he heard his mother say his name. Was she talking to grandma?....He stopped to listen more, maybe he'll call her?

"Sometimes i look at him and hate what i see. I can't raise him anymore. I shouldn't raise him..."

"M-mommy...?" Shoto hesitates to call her. What was she saying? Does she not love me anymore? No...maybe she needed a hug?

In the moment when shoto made eye contact with his mother...she wasn't there. It wasn't her. It was someone else...it wasn't her...


A couple days passed and Shoto finally asked his father.

"Where's mommy?"

"She hurt you, so i had her put away"

"I'll show him"


"I'll show my father..." Todoroki managed to say it to the best of his alilites. As he did recive a punch to the stomuch by midoryia...FUCK SAKES THAT GIRL CAN PUNCH FUCK


With those words Todoroki remembered something he forgot so long ago...

"Yes, quirks naturally pass from parent to child, however..that's not the only thing that matters. It's not just blood ties. Instead, one must recognize and appreciate oneself. That's what I mean when I say it "I am here!"

"But you want to be a hero, right? That's fine you're not..bound by his blood. You decide...who you want to become."

"When did I forget that '', Todorki thought as the memories of his early childhood came. Moment with his mother...her soft warm touch..."i'll never use my left side in battle"

"WHAT'S THIS???". Mic yells as a exploise of fire comes out of nowhere.

"Don't tell me you're trying to save Todoroki?!" All Might spoke out but only loud enough for him to hear.

"I thought you wanted to win? Dammit.... So why're you trying to inspire me? Which one of us isn't taking this seriously now? But i....wanna be a hero too!" Todoroki said to Midoriya. He smiles when he finishes speaking as if he just won the round by those words.

Midoriya rather looking terrific...she seems happy...like she just did something wonderful. Then it hit her...

"Oh fuck" she spoke out loud with a tone of realization just hit her.

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