Bakugou Pov

I smile to myself knowing damn well who is going to win the match in the end. Bird brain is strong . I'm not going to let that slip my mind.

I started to process everything I knew about him in my advantage. 

So I know that he cast a shadow version of himself. He uses that to cover himself or for attack/defense.
As far as I know there isn’t any weakness that he is showing...shit fuck sakes. Maybe if I ask dek-oh right...we’re not speaking at the moment. But I bet she already will have plans to find out or has a theory about his quirk and weakness already. Ugh…. she would have my answer like she always does...she there for me….fuck I really mess up…

If only I talked to her after her match with that looking ass fuckboy…still doesn’t mean I didn’t try too. I saw her getting drinks with him after they left the Recovery Girl’s Office. 

------Flash Back-------

“Really. Well it’s going to take more than that for me to keep myself away from you. I have experience so you have a high bar”. Deku laughed as she spoke to him. 

Her laugh is...wow...just everything. She talked about me. I know that. I'M THAT EXPERIENCE TO HER.

I was about to yell at her or just walk to her. Whichever comes first. Just as I'm about to do so, I was cut off by an emo boy.

“Yeah okay then...sure Midoriya. Then let’s go.” the emo boy replied with.

I watch them make small talk as they walk. Eh...they look like friends; knowing that damn nerd they might be friends by the end of the week or day. 

-------Flash Back Ends-----

Jesus Christ I can’t let her get in my head right. I need to just think about what I’m going to do.

Third pov

“MAY BOTH FIGHTERS PLEASE MAKE YOUR AWAY TOWARDS THE AREA.” Mic said to a different microphone that only two rooms can hear. 

The two rooms contain neither Tokoyami or Bakugou. They're not in the same room due to the rules of the tournament. 

Tokoyami signed as he was going up against one of his biggest rivals. Whether he knows it or not. You see he has a weakness one of only a handful of people know. 

One is Ojiro, he found out during the U.J.S attack. When they both got transport to the select area. Has luck would have it the villain they face was one with a sunlight based quirk. 

Two are Midoriya, how she found out was through the team battle. He told her before they started the battle. 

Three are of course his family.

Before he had even known it he was standing at the entrance for the area. He took a big breath in and continued to walk. Without knowing him this battle may cost him something important to him. He continued to walk but without knowing it he had bumped into someone who seemed lost. 

Bakugou had a plan that could work depending on the outcome. Everyone should have weakness, with the exception of him of course. He just needs to find it.

Too bad deku mad at him though.  Why are they even fighting in the first place anyways?

As the same had happened to Tokoyami, Bakugou was at the entrance before he knew it. 

“Fuck, as if imma let deku get in my thoughts”

He sprung off the thoughts he had left about her. He wants to focus on this round, his round. One that will get him to be 1st place and get some offers to work at someone hero work.

As Mr. Aiswaze told them before the sports festival. 

-----Flash Back-------

“Alright listen here you brats. Some of you may want to take this sports festival seriously. It could depend on your future as a pro. Now as someone of you know. After you graduate from U.A you’ll get an offer from Pro’s Hero asking you to become a sickick. NOw before any of you guys get the idea of becoming a Pro right off the bat. I can tell you right there a 1 in  100 chance that could happen. Becoming a sidekick isn’t a bad way to start either.”

He continued after taking a big breath.

“But if you're coming a pro right off the bat then you’ll need an Agent that you’ll make you one of their Top Hero, of course depending on the angenty itself there may be multiple or one. Depending on heros before you.’’ their teacher finally finished with that.

Once again he started. As the class thought he was finished.

“Now this sports festival will be your door opening for the next 3 years in the U.A. The hero will look at you as a new recutie for them. After this you’ll be doing a work study. They Peo themselves will give you first hand of how it is. You’ll be doing nothing but watching it up to them to take you on a mission or not. You’ll be treated as nothing but a student who is learning and observing.”

“However remember that you should bring out your A-game and not halfass it. Pros will be watching your every move as a leader, teammate, and see how you handle rough problems; that you'll be facing in the tournament. “

------FlashBack Ends------

Bakugou shook his head before making his way to the center of the area. Just like bird brains are doing as well. 

They locked eyes with each other, never leaving each other. They both knew at the back of their heads this battle was going to be either the worst or best battle depending on who has the upper hand in the end.

Tokoyami knew at the back of his head he was going to lose. But that doesn’t need him going in  out a good fight. Beside him he had bumped into Midoriya before walking to the area.

“Oof sorry”. The person said.

“It's no big deal. Are you lost? If so just go back down the hall and turn right”. He replied hoping to help them out.

“Ah thank you tokoyami. I was lost there for a bit cuz I was trying to find you”.

“Midoriya?” midoriya nodded “Sorry I didn’t know it was you”

She laughed,” it’s okay. I came to tell you that Kacchan teads to use his left hand in attacking and in opening attacks as well.”

Tokoyami processes the information given to him.

“Thank you Midoryia”

“No problem, after all you help me so it’s the least I can do.  Well wish you luck on your match”. With that Midoryia took her leave following the directions tokoyami gave her.

Tokoyami shook his head to try to get rid of any unnessicice thoughts. Trying to get back in the mindset he was only moments before. Now with the given information about Bakugou, he could actually win. 

Left-handed in battle….I could go for him in the same direction as him but in all…..seeing him train during our school hours…….I would lost without a doubt….but i can’t think that way…..he doesn’t know about my weakness...yet

Bakugou was calm. He wasn’t over thinking about this match too much. He was focusing now and what will happen next.
After this, he’ll go and talk to deku. He might be sent to the nursing for the injurings but if he does they might be minor...but deku is Recovery Girl’s assissnt due to deku quirk being fuckin rare and shit.

“Tch”.. it pisseds him off that knowing the deku will be much safer and learn more if she just went under the Recovery Girl wing for the whole school day.

It is one of reason why she got in top

-------flash back-------(damn way to many flashback :p)

“Okay look kacchan. Here the thing” deku says to bakugou in a soft tone. Her head was tilted to the side and she had her arm bent but her hand was pointed to him.

They were having a movie night at deku house. They were sitting in the living room waiting for the movie to start.

“Look even if i get in the hero course” She counties “ i can still study under Recovery Girl but it won’t be all day. And even still that is still something. But my healing quirk alone won’t make me a hero. It's just a lot of ahhhhhh’’. Deku finishes by pushing her head back to meet the couch. 

“Truth you got me there. But still can’t you just say yes to the deal U.A offers you or possibly one of the other hundreds?”

Deku didn’t say anything but she did try to smack him to shut him up.

“Hey, I'm telling the truth’’ Bakugou says as he smacks Deku's hands to stop them from smacking him “ Look, hundreds of top schools want you. And in their nursing program no less. But U.A beats all of them. You’ll get to work with a Recovery Girl. And you in short words like an intern with the exceptions of you going to some classes every week. Hell if I was you I would take it. You are getting a full ride.”

“Well when you say it that way it sounds ugh...i hate you.” Deku replied, finally looking at kacchan with a death stare. 

“Haha i know. But who the one who just had to get a rare quirk?” Deku smack him “Ow, Now you still have 7 months until we decide schools.  Hey if you pick U.A we’ll go to high school together.”

“Yea that would be nice being in high school together... who knows maybe i will take that offer in U.A’’ Deku finishes as the movie begins.

-------------end of flashback--------------


The sound of a bell rang.

It shook both Tokoyami and Bakugou out of their thoughts.

Bakugou smiled to himself and then broke out in a run toward Tokoyami. Tokoyami knew he couldn’t beat Bakugou in a close range battle. So he prepared in defence. 

“Dark shadow get ready, block more on the left” the shadow was confused but did what was told. then try its best in dodging/blocking bakugou attack. The attack was from the left side.

So Midoriya was right. Thank you. This will help me. 

As the fight went on. Bakugouwas getting mad as the bird brain was able to block all of his attacks.

“Huh guess you know about my fighting slye then. Well still all attack and blocks you did, also help me in a way”

Bakugou smirk knowing the words he’ll say in a few seconds will crush him.

“Light is your weakness huh”

Tokoyami gasps and looks down. Defeated.

By doing this bakugou launch himself at him and pin him down to the ground. And causing small sparks from his hand near Tokoyami.

“I surrender” Tokoyami said after a few minutes. With the sparks from Bakugou there was no shade for dark shadow to gain strength from or any surprise attacks. 


Tokoyami was helped to his feet by volunteers and was sent off to Recovery Girl.

Bakugou walked his way to the other exit and left to get ready to speak to deku. As she would be with Recovery Girl to help her before her match. 

As he was making his way to her, he heard her voice speaking to someone.

“Well you tried your best and that's what matters right?”

“Yea I guess”. Bird Brain?

“Anyways since the dark shadow looks sad. Here’s an apple”

“Thank you Midoriya. I'm sorry if you feel tired after healing me”.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m used to it now. Nothing I can’t handle.” 

Bakugou could tell that she was smiling. Well coruse she was fuckin use to it now. She would heal everyone in middle school inculding him, she was practically the school nurse. And he did cause her to have lots of pracitce with her quirk.

“Okay well you take it easy Tokoyami and you too dark shadow. I have to go and get ready. Recovery Girl I’m leaving now!’’

Recovery smiles to her and wishes her luck.

Midoryia walked into the hallway and stopped when she heard someone call for her.

“Huh..oh Kacchan. Is there something you need from me?”

“No in fact I just want to wish you luck and I'm sorry about the fight we had.”

Mdoryia eyes widen hearing those words and instead of saying anything back. She hugged him.

As though saying words would be meaningless compared to the hug.

Bakugou stood frozen and slowly started to hug back.

Now even as friends. Sure they have hugs and cuddles. They are like that.

“Nah it okay. I forgive you okay. Don’t worry or stress about it okay. It’s fine, ready.”

They finally ended their hug and Bakugou spoke first.

“Look I know you're going up with that half and half but be carefull.”

Midoriya smiled. “Okay i will, okay i’ll be leaving first then bye kacchan”.

“Bye deku”.

Midoriya felt somewhat better after clearing the air with kacchan. She was ready for it. She is doing this to show the world that she is here. And ready to become the next symbol of peace. She doing this for all might to show him that he was right to choose her.

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