
[Third Person-POV]

(Y/N):I must hurry,I don't want them to think that I forget them

Right now the Saiyan known as (Y/N) was heading towards Kamehouse to meet his friends again,after a time of not having seen them after what happened in the tournament,he along with his best friend,Goku,they had to face their biggest challenge at that time, Piccolo Jr

It was a great and hard fight which (Y/N) managed to win but instead of ending Piccolo's life, he let him live,(Y/N) knew that if Picccolo died then he along with Kami and the Dragon Balls would disappear,but apart from that,(Y/N) left Piccolo alive because he wanted to confront him at another time

After that event,several things happened like the one that Goku married and had a son with his wife who he called Gohan in honor of the man who took care of him and (Y/N) when they were children

While that was happening,(Y/N) kept training,getting stronger and stronger but he had to stop his training for now to be able to meet again with his friends

(Y/N):Apparently I've already arrived

(Y/N) said as he landed in front of Kamehouse,he could see how Goku/Bulma/Krillin/Master Roshi and Gohan left Kamehouse

Gohan:Uncle (Y/N)!


Gohan jumped from Bulma's arms to give (Y/N) a hug,he picked it up

(Y/N):Heheh hey Gohan it seems you missed me

Gohan nodded with happiness,(Y/N) put Gohan down and approached his friends

Goku:(Y/N),It's good that you came after a long time without seeing us!

(Y/N):Of course I was coming,I wasn't going to forget my friends

Krillin:It's good to hear that,it's been several months since we last saw each other

(Y/N):I think so,but at no time I forgot any of you

Bulma:It's sweet to hear that and tell me...have you found a girlfriend?

(Y/N):N-No...why is the first thing that comes to mind when you see me?

Bulma:Well,many girls have approached you long before and you have always rejected them as that Chi-Chi girl from the tournament

Goku:And that Suno girl we met in that snowy place

Krillin:And not to mention Launch

(Y/N):Okay,okay I get it

Bulma:It's because I always ask you if you found the right girl,it seems that you really don't like the girls that Earth has

(Y/N):It's not that,just that the Earth girls don't attract me so offense

Master Roshi:So you like women of your own race,I would like to see how the Females Saiyans are,I bet they are much more hots than those on Earth Heheh Agh!

Master Roshi was interrupted when Bulma hit him hard on the head

Bulma:Control yourself! you old pervert!'s good that you're here (Y/N)

(Y/N):Thank you and tell me,what has happened during all this time

While (Y/N) was listening to the events that had happened to his friends after the World Tournament,a mysterious person had landed on Earth a few minutes earlier

Raditz:Yeah,here is Raditz...I know I have to look for my brother and that other surviving Saiyan...I will assure you that I will not screw this okay...Tsk!

Raditz said as he finished the conversation that he had in his scouter with another person

Raditz:What the hell is this place? it does not seem that Kakarot or (Y/N) have destroyed it

Raditz began to fly around the place trying to find (Y/N) and Goku but instead he met Piccolo,he landed in front of Piccolo

Raditz:Apparently my scouter was not failing, your power level is...decent,tell me,do you know (Y/N) and Kakarot? if so then i want you to tell me right now!

Piccolo:Let me understand what you said,with that thing of yours that you have on your face you could find my level of power isn't it a better idea to use it to find (Y/N) or that Kakarot that you say? or is it that your brain doesn't work that hard?

Raditz:Wow,it looks like you're making fun of me

Piccolo:Nooooo really?

Raditz:Okay enough of that!! now I'm going to...

In that the Raditz scouter began to indicate a level of power near him

Raditz:Hmmm considering that farmer that I killed and this slug...


Raditz:It is possible that the possibilities of this level of power are (Y/N) and Kakarot are...d'ah, screw it I'll just go and check

Raditz flew in the direction where his scouter indicated

Piccolo:Yeah,sure,go with the popular guys...I'll stay here

While Piccolo sat down again on the hill Raditz flew in the direction of Kamehouse

Raditz:There they must be...

[Meanwhile In Kamehouse]

(Y/N):Gohan has grown a lot since the last time I saw him

Goku:That's right,I trained him very well

Krillin:That can be seen in the distance,it still amazes me that you two have married

Bulma:Meh it was Goku or Yamcha,but I think I made the right decision


Everyone realized how (Y/N) was paralyzed looking at the horizon

Krillin:Eh? (Y/N),are you alright?

(Y/N):Tsk!...How did he know we were here?

Goku:Who are you talking about?...uh?

Everyone could see how a person landed in front of them


Raditz:I finally find you two...and it seems that my stupid younger brother has not done what he was destined to do and neither do you,(Y/N)

Goku:W-Wait...b-brother that means you are my...

Raditz:That's right,Kakarot,I'm your big brother


Raditz:And are a Saiyan

Goku:Oh...well,I already knew that,I even know that my Saiyan name is Kakarot

Raditz:...Damn it! that surprise was screwed but leaving that aside,you two have not completed the mission that was granted to you!

(Y/N):What the hell are you talking about,Raditz? we escaped from Planet Vegeta without any mission,you're just saying nonsense

Raditz:The Saiyans are a race of conquerors,this planet must have been conquered a long time ago and I only see how you have become friends with these earthlings...but I think I will complete that work but if you do not kill a maximum of 100 humans in less than an hour but if you don't do that then I'll take care of destroying the Earth myself

(Y/N):Don't you even dare to do some of that!

Raditz:Haha! I will not be the good guy in this story *Wink*

Raditz flew away from Kamehouse

Goku:We can't let him destroy the Earth!

(Y/N):I'll take care of him,I won't let him destroy my home,you stay here,I have enough power to face Raditz

(Y/N) flew quickly to where Raditz had headed,during the journey (Y/N) met Piccolo

(Y/N):Hey Piccolo!

Piccolo:Oh is you,what do you want now?

(Y/N):I was wondering if you saw a guy in armor with uncomfortably long hair

Piccolo:Oh sure,he was about to kill me until he started talking about you and Goku I think,why do you mention him?

(Y/N):Because he wants to kill all humans including you and me and after doing that he will destroy the Earth so I was wondering if you want to help me defeat him?

Piccolo:Are you get dead from this?


Piccolo:Bitchin! how do we do?

(Y/N):Well,I was thinking that I could take his tail and leave him helpless and that way you could launch an attack and kill him

Piccolo:Sounds like a good plan

(Y/N):All right,now we just have to find Raditz

Piccolo:Well,I don't know if you know but he's down there

(Y/N) looked down at him just to see Raditz looking at them

(Y/N):That was fast

Piccolo and (Y/N) descended putting themselves in front of Raditz

Raditz:So you will not do what I told you,then I will fulfill the part of the deal and kill you and then destroy this planet! HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Raditz shot two beams from his hands which (Y/N) managed to dodge

(Y/N):That was close,Piccolo do you need a h-ha...

(Y/N) could see how Piccolo's arm had been disintegrated by the beam

Piccolo:You better shut up and continue with the plan!

Piccolo said while he took off his heavy clothes with his remaining hand,he landed on the ground and began to charge his attack while (Y/N) charged against Raditz,he easily dodged (Y/N)'s attacks

Raditz:Leave this,(Y/N),you're not near my power,Do what I say!!

(Y/N):It seems that you have not realized that I am not using all my power!

Radirz:What? AGH!!

Raditz was interrupted when he received a strong punch in the chest from (Y/N) which managed to break his armor

Raditz:NOO!! MY SPACE ARMOR!! This was the last one I had in my spacepod!

Piccolo:We understand,you're from space!

Raditz realized how Piccolo was still charging his attack

Raditz:What the hell are you doing?!


Raditz:Enough answers,I'm going to kill you right n-no...

Raditz fell to the floor feeling (Y/N) grab his tail

(Y/N):All right,Piccolo,you already have it now!!

Piccolo:I still need some time to charge my attack

(Y/N):Eh?! why do you have a technique which needs a lot of time to fully charge aaaand where is he?

(Y/N) realized that Raditz was no longer lying on the ground,at that moment he felt like Raditz kicked him on his back throwing him against the ground

(Y/N):H-How is it possible? the Saiyans lose all their strength when someone grabs their tails

Raditz:It's good that you haven't forgotten your roots,(Y/N) but you let go of my tail a little,just enough to regain my strength and escape from you

(Y/N):You're smarter than I thought,you might really give me a fight

Raditz:Well let's see who is the winner

Raditz charged against (Y/N) with a punch in the face but he counterattack with a knee in his chest destroying much of Raditz's armor,he tried to launch an attack on (Y/N) but he caught his hand and gave Raditz a head-butt causing him to back away from the pain

(Y/N) stood behind Raditz and made a full nelson to him

(Y/N):Quick,Piccolo,do it now!!


Piccolo:It will be a pleasure,SPECIAL BEAM CANNON!!!

Piccolo shot the Special Beam Cannon towards Raditz and (Y/N),the attack pierced both their bodies,(Y/N) and Raditz fell to the ground bleeding from the hole that Piccolo's attack had created in their stomachs

Piccolo:This really made my day,I could finally have my revenge against (Y/N),I hope they don't revive you with the Dragon Balls,that would be wasting a wish...Uh?

Piccolo could see how a ship landed in the place,from it came Goku and Gohan who ran to (Y/N) which was still alive

Goku:(Y-Y/N)! don't worry,we'll bring you a Senzu Bean,you'll be fine,I promise you just hold on!

(Y/N):D-Don't do it,Goku, I-I doubt I can swallow S-Senzu Bean with this h-hole in my stomach

Raditz:A-At least you n-no longer h-have a chance to l-live!

Everyone saw how Raditz was still alive but was still lying on the ground

Raditz:Y-You are fools! i-in one more year Saiyans will come,w-which are much more powerful than me and they will not have mercy on you...a-and thanks to you,N-Namekian,I was able to get very important information,let's see how are those Dragon Balls that you mentioned...hehe you better accept their deaths right now Hehehe...Ugh!

Raditz closed his eyes indicating that he had died

(Y/N):Y-You have to can't let those Saiyans destroy the Earth...I-I trust you

(Y/N) closed his eyes indicating that he had passed to the Other World,several tears began to fall down the cheeks of Goku and Gohan,Bulma left the ship and approached Goku and Gohan giving them a hug to comfort them

Piccolo:Hey enough of that!! (Y/N) gave you an order before he died,if those Saiyans arrive on Earth and you are not wait for (Y/N) in the Other World with a big face of disappointment

Bulma:Hey!! can you be a little kinder?! our friend just died,don't you have a heart?!?!

Piccolo:He killed my father and gave me a great humiliation,I have my reasons for not caring about his death,now and I will do what he said and I will train so that those Saiyans do not destroy this planet

In that (Y/N)'s body began to disappear

Gohan:My uncle disappeared!

Bulma:W-What happened?!

Piccolo:Hmm...That was Kami's work,only he can do that kind of thing,that fool still respects (Y/N)...well,I'll leave for now,I hope you understand the seriousness of this situation

Piccolo put on his heavy clothes again and began to fly out of the place

[Meanwhile On An Unknown Planet]

???:But how interesting,those Dragon Balls just caught my attention

??? 2:Huh? are you planning to revive someone?

???:No Nappa! think a little bit,that Namekian said "that would be wasting a wish" that means that those Dragon Balls can grant wishes,I think I already know what our next stop will be

Nappa:Hehehe destroy another planet,I would like this very much

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