Chapter 9

[Third Person-POV]

Kami:You got to be kidding me

Piccolo:Tell me sometime when I've been kidding?

Kami:...You have a point

Right now everyone was in the Lookout,worried about what Piccolo had said

Vegita:So now we are facing another Android,great,just great!

Trunks:Sorry,I had no idea that Dr Gero had another android built...I'm very sorry

(Y/N):H-Hey Trunks don't worry,you didn't know anything about that but if we train enough then we can take care of Cell and the androids...and you can take care of Cell and the androids

Trunks:...What do you mean by the last thing you said?

(Y/N):You want to save your future,don't you? so me and your mother are going to train you as much as we can so that you easily defeat the androids and also Cell,they will have no chance,do you lik...

(Y/N) could feel how Trunks began to hug him,he could feel how Trunks began to cry in his chest

Trunks:You don't know how happy it makes me hear that...I never thought that you would help me so much in this...I thought you would be upset by all the problems I got you into

(Y/N) are my son,I would never be upset with you and less in something like this, you suffered too much and I just want to give you a happy moment,a happy moment with your family

Trunks stopped hugging his father and began to dry the tears that fell down his cheeks

Bulma:Awww that was so cute,I never thought you would be a great father,(Y/N)

(Y/N):I didn't think about it either but I guess my parental instincts woke up when Trunks was born,just like Vegita's maternal instincts

Vegita gave a small smile but then changed her attitude after seeing how Bulma was laughing

Vegita:You better get that damn smile off your face!! damn woman!

Bulma:Shees you didn't need to act that way either

Trunks:Hmmm sorry to interrupt but I was wondering,what are we going to do with Cell? we don't know where he is like the androids

Piccolo:I have an idea...of course,if you agree

Kami:...*Sigh* I guess at some point it was going to happen...I just hoped it didn't happen so fast

Piccolo:Don't talk like you're going to merge with my father

(Y/N):W-Wait,are you going to merge with Kami?

Kami:That's right,in our race there is a technique called assimilation,that will make our bodies merge,clearly I will disappear,the only thing I will do is join what was once a part of me

(Y/N):Oh! you mean when you separated you from your evil part

Kami:That's right,Piccolo,Piccolo Jr,I think you already know how assimilation works

Piccolo:Yes...and don't call me Piccolo Jr again...after this I will no longer be either Kami or Piccolo...just to make it clear to you

Kami:It was at the time you mentioned this least I'm happy that I know you didn't use this power for something bad...I guess you already know what to do


Piccolo said as he put his hand on Kami's chest,lower...

Yamcha:Ehmmm if you want we can leave you two alone

Piccolo:I know very well that assimilation does not work that way!

Kami:It was just a joke...FUSION!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!


Mr Popo:Oh my god! I'm coming down!!

A glow surrounded the entire Lookout until after a few seconds it disappeared

Yamcha:...Whoo! that was crazy!

Everyone looked at Piccolo who was standing in the middle of the Lookout with the staff that was Kami's lying on the ground more Dragon Balls

Piccolo:Yep...that's something I just remembered right now...but what does it matter,if I die then the Dragon Balls were going to disappear anyway...well I have to go

(Y/N):Where are you going,Piccolo?

Piccolo:I'll go to Kamehouse,maybe those androids are there

Piccolo flew out of Lookout toward Kame House

Yamcha:Hmmm...Hey Trunks,can you come with me?


(Y/N):Why do you want to take Trunks,Yamcha?

Yamcha:Well...Piccolo mentioned that Cell came from another timeline and if that timeline is not so different from this,so the Cell of this timeline may still be in Dr Gero's laboratory,we will go to the laboratory and kill the Cell of this timeline!

(Y/N):Hmmm...that's a good idea,Yamcha! go with him,Trunks,I'll be waiting for you here


Yamcha and Trunks flying in the direction of where Dr Gero's laboratory


After several hours,Yamcha and Trunks returned to the Lookout with various blueprints and documents in their hands

Yamcha:Hey guys! we're back

Bulma:Did you find Cell from this timeline?

Yamcha:Yes! don't worry,we killed him in cold blood and we also found something better,before destroying the underground laboratory that Dr Gero had,we took several documents and plans that he had,each of those documents are about the androids!

Trunks:Maybe this will help us defeat the androids more easily

Yamcha and Trunks handed the blueprints and documents to Bulma,she began to analyze them

Bulma:W-Wow! this is very advanced,I will have to ask my father for help for this...I-I think I can recreate a control that Dr Gero had to deactivate the androids!!...I will go right now to my laboratory!

Bulma quickly entered her ship and headed back to Capsule Corp,the others waited for a few more hours until everyone saw how several explosions could be seen in the distance

Yamcha:W-What is happening?!

Vegita:Tsk! do not you realize? is that monster of Cell,that Namekian apparently couldn't destroy the androids in time...but I can do it

Vegita didn't think twice and flew out of the Lookout in the direction of where those explosions were originating

(Y/N):Vegita!!...damn it! I have to go help her!

Trunks:Wait,Dad,I will go with my mother,you wait for Mr Goku and Gohan to leave the Time Chamber so that you too can train

(Y/N):...Okay,please be careful

Trunks:Don't worry about me,Dad

(Y/N):...Do not ask me for something that I will not fulfill,just take care and take care of your mother

Trunks nodded and flew off in the direction of where Vegita had gone

Yamcha:Well,apparently everything got out of control

(Y/N):Yeah it seems so but we still have the option to disable the androids

Yamcha:But it won't do if Cell ends up absorbing 17 or 18,the control won't do at all

(Y/N):I guess you're right...huh?

(Y/N) and Yamcha watched as Goku and Gohan left the Time Chamber

Goku:H-Hey guys!

(Y/N):Goku! Gohan! you two left the time chamber faster than normal

Goku:Yeah but Gohan couldn't take much more time in there but he became much stronger than before

Yamcha:I think so,you two are turned into Super Saiyans and I can't even feel your energy decrease

Gohan:We were perfecting the Super Saiyan to the point where our energies would not run out

(Y/N):That sounds amazing,do you still have time to train,Goku? I can not wait more!

Goku:Sure,come on!

(Y/N):Thanks but Trunks...

Yamcha:Don't worry,leave him with me,so you don't have to worry too much

(Y/N):Thanks Yamcha,you really are a great friend

Yamcha:I do what I can

Yamcha took little Trunks in his arms which was sleeping peacefully,(Y/N) and Goku entered the Time Chamber

Gohan:And what happened while I was with my dad in the Time Chamber?

Yamcha:Oh well...You know...I have no idea how to explain it without sounding like the end of the world is going to happen...

In that another explosion was generated on the horizon

Yamcha:I...I hope this really isn't the end of the world

[Meanwhile With Vegita]

Cell:Come out of your hiding place,18!! I know you are on this island...if you don't then I will destroy you!!

Cell said looking at the last island that he had not destroyed,he pointed his hand towards the island and began to create a red energy orb

Cell:As you want!...I will destroy you righ...H-Huh?!

Cell stopped when he saw the person in front of him


Vegita:Just by looking at your face you already know how this fight will end...and it's hard for me to look at you with how horrible you are

Cell:T-Tch! h-how is it that you have become so strong in a short time?! 

Vegita:Hehe I trained all day yesterday...

Vegita said as she put her hand on her hip and gave Cell an arrogant smile

Vegita:And from what I've heard,you are may serve as a training doll,of course,if I don't destroy you first

Cell:You better know that now I am much stronger than before!

Vegita:I highly doubt it,Ugly Face

Cell:What did you justUAGHH!!!

Vegita:Did you like that,ugly?! 

Vegita screamed as she kicked Cell hard in the guts causing him to spit blood from his mouth,Vegita kicked Cell in the face again,knocking him back

Vegita charged against Cell by punching him hard in the face and then kneeing him in the stomach,finally Vegita kicked Cell hard in the head,causing him to back off again

Cell:*Pant* *Pant* O-Okay...I have to admit,Vegita,you are powerful,I have never seen so much power before

Vegita:Hehe stop the nonsense,you have not seen all the power that I have managed to obtain

Cell:W-Wait! is this not all the power that you have?!

Vegita:Of course not,Ugly,I'm not even transformed into Super Saiyan,not even my son is


Cell widened his eyes in surprise when he realized that Trunks was behind him

Cell:Y-You got to be k-kidding me!

Vegita:Just so you know,the one who will defeat you right now will be me...but first let me show you something...HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

Cell could see how Vegita released a lot of energy becoming Super Saiyan

Vegita:Right now you will face Super Vegita! HAAAAAAAA!!!

Cell:NGH!! AGH!!

Cell received a strong knee to the stomach by Vegita and then received a double axe handle on his head,throwing him against the ground,Vegita watched as Cell tried to get up off the ground but she pointed her hand at him

Vegita:Heheh BIG BANG ATTACK!!!


Vegita's Big Bang Attack directly hit Cell creating a big explosion where he was,Cell went flying through the air falling into the sea,not from far away,18 had been watching Vegita's fight against Cell

Android 18:I can't believe Vegita has become stronger than before

Android 16:Is (Y/N) with her?

Android 18:No,not even Goku is there

Android 16:Hmmm now I'm sadder than before

[Back With Vegita]

Vegita:Come on,Ugly,get out of there,I'm still not tired of beating you up

Vegita saw Cell get out of the water very hurt while he clutched his stomach from the pain he felt

Vegita:This was more pathetic than I thought,I should kill you right know,I'll do that right now!

Cell began to panic when he saw how Vegita began to charge another Big Bang Attack

Cell:W-Wait!! V-Vegita! I can give you a greater challenge if that is what you are looking for!


Trunks:Mom! don't listen to him,it may be a trap!

Cell:I promise you it will be a challenge that you will never forget

Vegita:...You called my attention,what do you mean by that?

Cell:Hehehe don't worry about it,my dear Vegita~

Vegita:Say that again and I wouldn't mind killing you

Cell:N-Ngh! s-sorry but as I was saying,don't worry,the only thing I need to reach my Perfect Form is Android 18,if I can get my Perfect Form then I can give you a fight that you will never forget

Vegita:...Sounds promising,it's fine,I hope that Perfect Form that you boast so much serves for something

Cell:Oh Vegita,you don't know the big mistake you just made

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