Chapter 8
[Third Person-POV]
Trunks:...U-Ugh!...m-my head...h-hurts!
Trunks said as he got up off the ground while clutching his head
(Y/N):Didn't you heal him completely?
Kami:His power is very big,it was very difficult for me to make your son recover almost all his energy but at least I heal his wounds
Trunks could see how he was now in Kami's Lookout,he was surrounded by the Z fighters in addition to his father and mother who carried little Trunks in her arms
Gohan:Hey you woke up!
Trunks:Y-Yes...wait and the androids?!
(Y/N):Don't worry about them now,son,they left but they will surely look for us again
Trunks:I see...that's good because...w-wait! s-son?!
Vegita:Stop hiding it,do you really think we are stupid?
Trunks:I-I'm sorry,I didn't want anything bad to happen,I thought that if you two found out who I was then I would cease to exist
Yamcha:Hehe so you don't know your parents very well,even that they have known that you are their son,you would have still existed,right Vegita?
Yamcha said as he put his hand on Vegita's shoulder,she just gave him an extremely sinister look at him
Vegita:Don't touch me you worthless piece of shit
Yamcha:E-Eh! S-Sorry!
Yamcha said as he quickly removed his hand from Vegita's shoulder
Trunks:Well,you're right Yamcha...I never met my parents
Yamcha:...Ehm...I think I made a bad choice of words
Trunks:And sorry for not being very helpful in the fight
(Y/N):Come on,don't blame yourself for that,Trunks,you were helpful,without you then we may have ended up being defeated but when you released your fury then it was the moment when you might almost be at the level of the androids
Vegita:That's right,it seems that a Saiyan with a calm character is more likely to release more energy when it gets angry,your energy was such that you managed to overcome the androids for a few seconds,of course,you are royalty so I am not surprised that you are very strong
(Y/N):And that is why we are here,I asked Kami to let us use the Time Chamber so that we can train and defeat the Androids more easily,right Kami?
Kami:That's right,but that was Mr Popo's decision,everything you do inside is no longer my incident,so you better take care of that place,just remember,one day here is equivalent to one year in there
Goku:Great! and who will be first?
Vegita:Clearly me and Trunks
Vegita said while leaving little Trunks in (Y/N)'s arms
(Y/N):Are you going to train with Trunks?
Vegita:That's right,I can see a lot of potential in him and I won't let him waste it,you better get ready,Trunks,even if I'm your mother I won't make this training easy for you
Trunks:S-Sure mother! I prefer rigorous training to release all my power
Vegita:That's what I wanted to hear,see you later,honey
Vegita said saying goodbye to (Y/N),she and Trunks entered the Time Chamber
Mr Popo:It would be better if the two of them don't destroy my things that are in there
Mr Popo said while closing the door of the Time Chamber
Goku:So now we have to wait one day,the next ones will be me and Gohan,I also think it's time to spend a moment of father and son
Gohan:But Dad if we always spend time together and it's always a lot of fun
Goku:Yeah but this time I want to see how powerful you can be,we will train hard to get all your potential to be able to defeat those androids
Gohan:Then I will try my best to get all my power!
Goku:Hehe! that's my son
It was not long before a day passed,everyone was waiting for Trunks and Vegita to leave the Time Chamber,Krillin and Tien went to Kamehouse to rest a little while Yamcha decided to stay in the Lookout just like Piccolo
(Y/N):Come on Trunks,you can do it!
(Y/N) said watching as Trunks was trying to take his first steps,he walked to his father's arms
(Y/N):Hehe! You did well,Trunks,your mother will be proud when she sees this
Trunks:Haha! dadda! dadda!
Yamcha:You know,you look much happier than before,apparently when Vegita entered your life that made you happier
(Y/N):Yeah,who knew that the girl who wanted to destroy the Earth would become my wife and the mother of my son and also that she is the Princess of all Saiyans
Piccolo:Something she does not stop repeating
Kami:Didn't you keep repeating that you were the son of King Demon Piccolo Daimaku when you were a teenager?
Yamcha:Ugh! do not remind me of Salza,with just a few seconds of meeting him,I already had enough of him and Space France
(Y/N):Oh yeah,Salza...I think I exceeded him when I broke his neck
Piccolo:That was great so don't feel guilty
(Y/N):...Okay,come on,Trunks,if you can walk then in a short time you can fly
Yamcha:Huh? Is something wrong with you,Piccolo?
Gohan:Mr Piccolo?
Goku:What's wrong with you,Piccolo? your expression became more serious than normal
Piccolo:...I'll be back later
With that said Piccolo left the Lookout but just then the door of the Time Chamber opened revealing Trunks
(Y/N):Hey,how you went with your mother?
Trunks:Well,she was yelling at me many times
Goku:You end up getting used to it
(Y/N):By the way,where is she?
Vegita:I'm here,honey
(Y/N) saw Vegita left the Time Chamber with her clothes torn around her arms and legs
(Y/N):Hey hon! it seems that you took the training with much more intensity
Vegita:You know I always do things like that...and you know it very well~
A blush appeared on (Y/N)'s cheeks
(Y/N):Y-Yeah I think so
Trunks:Mama! mama!
Vegita:Hehe It seems you missed me,kiddo
Vegita took little Trunks in her arms
(Y/N):So how was the training? I can see you got stronger,Trunks
Trunks:That's right,my mother trained me very strictly,thanks to that I became very powerful
Vegita:A Saiyan like you needs a good training,a mediocre training will not make you stronger,it will only make you more useless
Trunks:I understand,Mother
Goku:Well,I guess it's our turn,come on Gohan,Huh?
Before Goku and Gohan could enter the Time Chamber,Bulma arrived at the Lookout using a ship
Bulma:Hey guys,luckily,Krillin told me that you are here,he told me that all of you were going to train
(Y/N):That's right,after your husband and son,I will enter the Time Chamber to train
Bulma:That's why I'm here,I brought you all something so you can train better
Bulma took a capsule from her pocket and threw it on the floor,from there came a box with several armor very similar to Vegita's
Bulma:These armors are the same as Vegita's,so they can withstand anything and they are also very comfortable
Vegita:It was about time,mine is already broken
Vegita took an armor and went to a secluded place to change,Goku and Gohan changed their clothes putting on one of the armor that Bulma had brought
Goku:You are right,they are very comfortable,this will help us a lot to train!
Bulma:How long will you be training in there?
Goku:I think it will be a year
Bulma:...A YEAR?!?!
Goku:W-Wait it will be a year in there while here out there will only be one day
Bulma:Huh?....well I think I understand,well take care and nothing happens to you two inside,I still need to investigate the androids
Goku:Okay,take care Bulma
Gohan:Bye mom!
Goku kissed Bulma on her cheek,he along with Gohan entered the Time Chamber,before anyone could do anything else,Kami grabbed hold of his staff and began to breathe heavily, everyone present began to worry
(Y/N):K-Kami? what happens?
Yamcha:Why did you start acting that way? something happens to you?
Kami:N-NO!...*Pant*...T-The E-Earth *Pant*
Vegita:Speak! damn it! what the hell is going on?
Kami:*Pant*...Another threat has appeared...on Earth...i-in...GingerTown!
[Meanwhile with Piccolo]
Piccolo:Y-You are a monster!
Piccolo said terrified looking at the person in front of him
Cell:Come on Piccolo,that's the way to treat your brother,Cell
Cell:Of course,after all I have your cells,in part I am like your brother
Piccolo:Stop talking stupid things! what the hell are you and what are you doing here?
Cell:Hehehe let me summarize it all,I guess you already know my brothers,Android 17 and 18
Cell:I am also a creation of Dr Gero but I came from the future,a young man lent me his time machine...but then he had a heart attack,let's not go into details,I will only say that my main objective is to find 17 and 18 for them to join me for me to become the perfect android
Piccolo:...Well,it seems that you have had bad luck,they are not around and I do not think you will find them very soon,much less thanks to the fact that they do not emit energy or ki
Cell:That would be a complication for me but for now I will need another type of energy...and I think you know what type of energy I mean
Piccolo:I won't let you get away with it HAAAAAAAA!!!!
Cell released a white light that blinded Piccolo,he quickly ran to him
Cell:HAHAHAHA!! Wolf Fang Fist!!
Cell does a combo of clawing and punching,then finishing with a double palm strike that launched Piccolo against some rocks,Cell was about to shoot a Kamehameha until he saw Trunks and (Y/N) in the distance
Cell:Apparently you were lucky this time,Piccolo,we will see each other again soon,with my new Perfect Form hehehe
Cell quickly escaped from the place,(Y/N) and Trunks tried to follow Cell but they stopped once they saw Piccolo wounded on the ground,both went to help him
(Y/N):Piccolo,what happened? who was that person?
(Y/N) said while helping Piccolo to get up off the ground
Piccolo:I just...I can say there is a new problem...and I think it will be a big problem...another android has appeared
Trunks:...You have to be fucking kidding me
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