Chapter 7
[Third Person-POV]
Right now it was three years since Trunks had told Goku about the androids,during that time everyone had started training,besides that something else happened but right now everyone was gathering on the island where the androids were supposed to appear
Vegita:Are you sure this is the place where those stupid androids will appear?
(Y/N):That's know,I don't quite agree that you brought Trunks
(Y/N) said seeing his wife carrying his little son
Vegita:He is a Saiyan like you and me,nothing will happen to him and besides you and I are here to protect him
(Y/N):I guess you're right...but I wish he was not with us when we face the androids,Bulma can take care of him for now,she is my best friend
Vegita:Okay...*Sigh* I'll leave him with that annoying Earthling
(Y/N):Hehe is fine,I hope nothing happens to you too
Vegita:Hmph you killed Frieza for me,I will kill those androids for you,do not worry about me
(Y/N):Well I also killed Cooler and Cold with the help of Goku and that guy who helped us three years ago...hmmm...
The two continued flying until they landed on Amebo Island,which they both did not realize is that a person was following them from afar
Trunks:Both have become more powerful and are prepared to fight against least I don't have to worry too much...I hope so
Trunks continued flying slowly without giving off any energy so that no one could detect him,he was looking everywhere trying to see if the androids appeared somewhere until he saw how an explosion was created in the city
Trunks:Those must be the androids! mother carried me in her arms,I better go there to support them
Trunks flew into the city,he tried to fly as fast as possible without anyone detecting his precense but once he was close to the city,he saw how his father/his mother/Goku/ Piccolo and Tien and two unknown people flew away out of the city
They all landed in a place completely away from civilization
(Y/N):All right,here we can fight everything you want
Dr Gero:Hehehe you're just avoiding the inevitable,(Y/N),my great creation will destroy you and then I,Dr Gero will destroy everything you and Goku love!
Goku:You will not dare to touch any of our friends!
(Y/N):And much less our family...let me ask you something,if you watched all our fights then you could also see our fight in Namek,right?
Dr Gero:Unfortunately not but I did not see the need to do it,after all you two had already become very strong so it was not necessary to obtain more information from both of you
Vegita:So you're a real fool,Old Man,honey,show him what a Super Saiyan is
(Y/N):It will be a pleasure,Now you will see,that the Saiyans have no limit when it comes to power!....HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Dr Gero:W-What?! what the hell is that?!
(Y/N) the Super Saiyan,a transformation that I and Goku got when we were in Namek
Dr Gero:W-Wait...Can Goku also use that transformation?!
Goku released all his energy by becoming Super Saiyan surprising the Android even more
Dr Gero:D-Damn it! I never thought that these two could become even stronger than they were
Android 19:Android 20,let me fight against (Y/N) and Goku,you look for the other androids,the danger index of the two of them is very high
Dr Gero:Are you sure you can against these two? If so,then I will activate the other androids
Android 19 nodded while Dr Gero escaped at high speed from the place,(Y/N) tried to go for Dr Gero but android 19 appeared in front of him giving him a strong punch in the face
(Y/N):...Hmph! Is that the best you can do?
(Y/N) gave Android 19 a knee in his stomach and then a double axe handle on his face throwing him against the ground,the android was about to launch an attack on (Y/N) until Goku appeared in front of him kicking him in the face throwing him against a large rock
(Y/N):Let's end this...KAMEHAMEHAAAAAAAAA!!!!
(Y/N) shot the Kamehameha where it was 19 but before the wave of energy could destroy the android,the Kamehameha disappeared
(Y/N):Eh? what happened?
Everyone saw how 19 had his hand raised and with an arrogant smile on his face,19 pointed his hand against (Y/N) and fired a powerful wave of energy,he dodged the attack
Vegita:(Y/N)! don't attack him with ki blast! he can absorb that energy and return it to you!
(Y/N):I see...I think I have an idea!
Goku appeared next to (Y/N) using the Instant Transmission
Goku:Do you have an idea how to defeat him?
(Y/N):That's right,just follow me what I Uagh!!
Android 19 punched (Y/N) in the face by throwing him against the ground,he shot a ki ball against Goku making him back off
Android 19:Your energy will be mine!!
Android 19 yelled while charging against (Y/N),before 19 could absorb (Y/N)'s energy,he showed a small smile and grabbed the arms of 19,(Y/N) put his foot against the chest of android 19 and with all his strength ripped the arms of the android
(Y/N):Now you're completely useless without your arms! NOW GOKU!!
Android 19 looked behind him to see how Goku had prepared a Kamehameha in his hands
(Y/N) jumped into the air dodging Goku's Kamehameha causing android 19 to be destroyed
(Y/N):Phew! now there is only one android left
Vegita:That was a good strategy,honey
Vegita said while landing next to (Y/N)
(Y/N):Hehe thanks but Goku also helped me,we are both pretty good when it comes to teamwork
Vegita:Yeah but don't think I'm going to thank you for something,Kakarot!
Goku:Don't worry about it,Vegita
Piccolo:Sorry for interrupting you but Dr Gero is still out there,I think he went through that place full of stones
Tien:We have to stop him,he had mentioned that there were more androids
(Y/N):You're right,I need someone to tell the others that we are here to help us destroy Dr.Gero
Piccolo:I'll do it,don't worry,now go!
Everyone nodded and went to the place where Dr Gero had gone,everyone started looking for Dr Gero around the rocky area
Because Dr Gero was an android it was harder to find him because he didn't emit any energy and speaking of Dr Gero,he was hiding behind a rock wall,seeing how everyone was looking for him
Dr Gero:Damn it! I didn't think they would defeat 19 so others are coming,this is great!
Dr Gero watched as Piccolo appeared with Gohan/Yamcha and Krillin
Dr Gero:Come on brain think,I need to get out of this alive to activate at 17 and 18,they are the only ones that can kill all of them...
Dr Gero waited for several minutes until he saw how everyone was separated,he sneaked everywhere until he saw Piccolo floating over the place
Dr Gero:A little energy will suit me very well
He made sure there was no one around and threw himself against Piccolo holding on to him,Gero put his hand in Piccolo's mouth to keep him quiet while he began to absorb his energy
Dr Gero:Don't worry,this will be very fast...I just suck you dry
Piccolo tried to escape the grip of Dr Gero but he felt like he was losing his energies,that until someone hit Dr Gero in the face throwing him against some stones
Trunks:Are you okay,Piccolo?
Piccolo:*Pant* Y-Yeah *Pant* thanks for that Trunks
Trunks:Huh? H-How...
Piccolo:I can hear anything from a long distance,I could hear your conversation with Goku,don't worry,I won't tell anything to (Y/N) or Vegita
(Y/N):Tell us what?
Piccolo and Trunks watched as (Y/N) and Vegita appear in the place
Piccolo:Tell that we have already found Gero,this boy helped me get rid of him
Dr Gero:But not for much longer!!
Gero charged against Piccolo but before he could absorb his energy,Trunks cut Dr. Gero's hand with his sword and then kicked him in his chest by throwing it against some rocks again,Trunks quickly became Super Saiyan
Trunks launched his burst of energy where Dr Gero was but he quickly dodged Trunks's attack and escaped from the place to return to his laboratory
Vegita:Tsk! how could you let him escape damn it...
Trunks:U-Uhm I'm sorry,I thought that attack would defeat him...but who is that guy?
(Y/N):That is one of the androids,the other was destroyed by me and Goku
Trunks:N-No,that is not the android that are attacking my future
Piccolo:Wait...are you saying that...that there are stronger androids than these two...
[With Dr Gero]
Dr Gero:Come on,open at once!!
Dr Gero said as the great door of his laboratory opened,he entered his laboratory and closed the door,Gero went to where there were two capsules with the number 17 and 18 in them
Dr Gero:It's the last thing I have left to eliminate Son Goku and (Y/N)
Gero used his only hand to open the two capsules,there came two people
Dr Gero:I hope you two are ready,17 and 18
Android 17:Again you,Dr Gero? what do you want now?
Android 18:I hope it is important,so that you have activated us
Dr Gero:Of course it is!! the main plan failed,Android 19 was destroyed by (Y/N) and Goku...and they cut my hand!
Android 17:...Okay,can you tell me what the hell I have to care about everything you said?
In that the three could hear voices coming from outside
Goku:Do you think this is Dr Gero's laboratory?
Vegita:I don't think it's normal to see a giant metal doors in the middle of a mountain,moron
Android 18:Apparently you have several visitors
Dr Gero:Damn it! How did they find my lab so fast?!
Android 17:The giant door in the middle of a mountain did not get into the head or what?
Dr Gero:Anyway,go there and kill them!
Android 17:Nah! I don't think we will
Dr Gero:W-What?!
Android 18:Hey,apparently we have a friend here too
Android 18 said looking towards another capsule with a number 16 on it
Dr Gero:Don't dare to touch that,do what I say you now or then I'll have to!
Dr Gero stopped when he didn't feel something inside his pocket
Android 18:You were looking for this?
18 said while she had a control in her hand,she threw it to the ground and destroyed it with her foot
Dr Gero:..O-Oh crap...
Android 17:Well,now it's my turn to destroy something,take care of that capsule,18
Android 17 pointed his hand to the ground and shot a ball of energy that exploded the entire laboratory and with it to Dr Gero which was destroyed thanks to the explosion
(Y/N):Well,I guess we won't have to destroy the door anymore
Yamcha:Hey look! those are those androids that you said,Trunks?
Android 17:Apparently we are already well known,open that capsule,18,let's see what's in there
Android 18 threw the capsule to the ground and ripped the hatch from the capsule with her hand,from there came another android
Android 17:Well,well who are you?
Android 16:I was designated as Android 16...My goal is to eliminate Son Goku and (Y/N)
Android 18:You mean those two guys over there
Android 16:...YES!!!!
Without thinking twice,Android 16 charged against (Y/N) but he was hit on the head by Vegita which was turned into Super Saiyan
(Y/N):Thanks for that Vegita!
Vegita:It's nothing,my king,it seems we still have to handle more androids and that supposedly there were only two
Trunks:I'm sorry for the misinformation,I know this is all my fault but...
Vegita:No one said this is your fault,Trunks...
Vegita gave Trunks a small smile
Vegita:But right now you show how useful you are!
Trunks said as he became Super Saiyan and began fighting against the androids 17 and 18 while (Y/N)/Vegita and Goku were in charge of android 16
The fight lasted for many minutes,all the Z Fighters were fighting the androids,Piccolo/ Tien/Yamcha/Gohan and Trunks were fighting 17 and 18 but even being outnumbered,the two androids were perfect in sync,each attack that gave 17 was followed by 18 and vice versa,due to this perfect synchrony,they were easily defeated
Trunks:I-I can't b-believe I was d-defeated...I-I train a lot for this
Android 17:But not enough,you were pathetic in this fight
Android 18:I think so,none of you four were good to have fun...but apparently 16 is having a good time
You could see how 16 was fighting in a good way against the three Super Saiyans,as if he knew the fighting style of (Y/N) and Goku perfectly
Android 17:I guess he didn't lie when he said he was designed to kill Goku and (Y/N)...but we also have that goal
Android least they won't be as boring as these
Trunks watched as Android 17 and 18 charged against (Y/N)/Vegita and Goku
Trunks:G-GRR!! I can't let the same thing happen again...HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Piccolo:T-TRUNKS!! NOOOOO!!!
Both androids turned to see Trunks...heading straight for them,Trunks hit 17 hard in the face by throwing him against a mountain,18 tried to kick Trunks in the face but he caught her leg inches from his face,he launched 18 into the sky and fired a powerful ki blast at her
Trunks for last charge againts 16 giving him a kick in his face that made him crash into a mountain,Trunks began to breathe heavily until he returned to his base form and began to fall to the ground,fortunately (Y/N) caught him in his arms before he fell to the ground
Goku:(Y/N),be careful,these androids have not yet given up!
Goku said watching Android 17 and 16 surrounding them
Vegita:I can't believe that these scrap still want to keep fighting!
Android 17:Of course we can,we are not going to tire easily,let's see how much you can endure
Android 16:I can finally fulfill my goal of destroying Son Goku and (Y/N)
Android 18:Not for now,big guy
17 and 16 looked over to where 18 was,she was very angry that her clothes had been torn and soiled due to the attack of Trunks
Android 18:Then we will finish the job,I need to look for new clothes
Android 17:Come on,can't it be later?
Android 18:No,then we will kill those two clowns
Vegita:How dare that bitch call my king a clown?!
Android 16:But Son Goku and (Y/N)...
Android 18:They will not disappear overnight,16,then we will look for them to kill them,I need new clothes now!
Android 17:Tsk! let's go,16,she won't shut up until she gets what she wants
The three androids left the place
Vegita:Damn cowards,nobody ignores the Queen of all Saiyans!
(Y/N):Vegita no!
Vegita:Vegita YES!
(Y/N):No! please,It hurts to say it but we are too weak to defeat them,let them go for now...I think it's time to worry about...our son
(Y/N) said looking at Trunks who was unconscious in his arms
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