Chapter 6
[Third Person-POV]
It had been almost a year since what happened in Namek,almost everyone thought that (Y/N) and Goku had died in the explosion of the planet,everyone except Vegita
Because of that she stole the spaceship that Bulma's father had built to find (Y/N),she searched on different planets but had no result making her think that he had actually died,after searching hundreds of planets she gave up and returned to Earth,she landed the spaceship in Capsule Corp
The first thing she saw when she left the spaceship was Bulma with her arms crossed along with Yamcha and Puar,clearly this didn't matter to Vegita
Vegita:What the hell do you want Earthling?
Bulma:Which is what I want? I want you to tell me where you were during all this time!
Vegita:It's none of your business where I was!
Bulma:*Sniff* *Sniff* Ugh! it seems that you had not bathed in weeks!
Vegita:Tsk! Leave me alone!
Vegita started moving away from Bulma until she started talking
Bulma:So this is how you want to introduce yourself when (Y/N) returns?
Yamcha:That's right,several days ago we summoned Porunga to make some wishes,the last wish was to ask (Y/N) and Goku to be revived but Porunga said they were both alive
Vegita:(Y-Y/N)...he is alive?
Bulma:That's right and it seems that he is with my husband on some planet,Porunga said that they both did not want to return to Earth for now since they were both training on that other planet
Vegita:...and when will (Y/N) return?
Puar:Porunga did not mention anything about when they were both coming back so it can be at any moment!
Bulma:That's right and for you to be presentable for (Y/N) you better come with me,you'll take a shower
Vegita:Tsk! how annoying you are!
Vegita followed Bulma to Capsule Corp,she showed her the bathroom where she could bathe,Bulma went out to the terrace to continue talking with Yamcha
Yamcha:So how did it go with the Princess of all Saiyans?
Bulma:I think it went pretty well,she didn't insult me too much
Yamcha:I don't know what (Y/N) sees in her but they both look very much in love
Bulma:You believe it?
Yamcha:It's very obvious,in Namek (Y/N) became Super Saiyan because he saw how Vegita died in front of his eyes,the same thing that happened to Goku when he saw you die
Bulma:Don't remind me of that...but I was very surprised to hear how Goku became Super Saiyan thanks to me,I would have loved to see him how he defended me
Yamcha:I think Vegita thought the same when she heard that
Bulma:Now that I think about it,they are both for each other...he and Vegita are...
Bulma:Ugh! it's Bulma!
Vegita:Whatever! where is my armor?!
Bulma:You won't wear that stinky thing,I'll bring you other clothes
Bulma went to her room and then returned to the bathroom and gave Vegita new clothes for her
Vegita:This is a joke?! I will not wear this!!
Bulma:Well,it's the only thing I have that is your size,so you'll have to wear that for now
Vegita:...I hate you!
Bulma waited for Vegita to leave the bathroom until she saw Yamcha suddenly get up from the table
Bulma:Huh? what happens to you?
Yamcha:...that feeling again,an extremely powerful ki that comes close to me...but that is impossible,Frieza and Cooler died in Namek
Bulma:Are you saying that someone as powerful as Frieza and Cooler is approaching Earth?!
Bulma:Phew! that's...
Yamcha:Is much more powerful than Cooler and Frieza!
Bulma:...Oh crap
Yamcha:I'll see what happens,you come with us? the others are already heading there
Bulma:...Okay why not
Bulma grabbed from Yamcha's neck and flew in the direction of the level of ki was landing on Earth,at that time Vegita came out of the bathroom,blushing to see what she wore dressed
Vegita:I can't believe that Earthling has forced me to use something like this...wait...this level of Cold's ki!! can't can't be that he's using his True Form!!
Vegita flew quickly to the place where she felt King Cold's ki,she saw the other z fighters near the place where King Cold's spaceship had landed,she landed behind them attracting everyone's attention
Krillin:Huh? hey Vegita! you...w-wow!
Vegita:Take your damn eyes off of me before I kill you!!
Krillin:S-Sorry! Man,(Y/N) is a lucky bastard
Piccolo:Do you know what we are facing?
Vegita:That is the spaceship of King Cold,the father of Frieza and Cooler
Yamcha:Do you think we will have a chance against him?
Vegita:Against his soldiers,yes,against him,you will suffer less being on the surface of the sun than trying to fight Cold
Krillin:Soooo we are dead
Tien:If we had a Super Saiyan here we might have some chance,it is a pity that the only Saiyan from here cannot become Super Saiyan
Vegita:What the hell did you just say?!
Gohan:Maybe we have a chance if we all fight against him together
Krillin:I don't know,that went very wrong the last time we tried to do it
Yamcha:Guys,I don't want to alarm you but King Cold soldiers are leaving the spaceship
Everyone saw how several soldiers left the King Cold spaceship,the soldiers began to use their scouters to find a nearby power level
Soldier 1:Apparently on this planet people are very weak
Soldier 2:Then it won't take us long to annihilate all the people on this planet
Soldier 3:We'd better get started before King Cold gets angry
The soldiers were about to fly until they stopped and then fell to the ground,each of the soldiers were completely dead
Yamcha:W-What...what happend?
Krillin:I-I don't know...from one second to the next...those soldiers are dead
Gohan:Hey look!
Everyone saw where Gohan was pointing,one person was in front of the corpses of the soldiers with a sword in his hand
???:They weren't as powerful as I thought
The person said as he sheathed his sword
Krillin:W-Who is that guy?
Bulma:I don't know but apparently he did most of the work
Vegita:...U-Uh?!...he's not even close to finishing it
In that everyone felt as King Cold's Ki approached,the person quickly became Super Saiyan
Vegita:A-A third S-Super Saiyan...who the hell is this Saiyan?!
King Cold:Well,well so I guess that's the Super Saiyan that killed my two kids
???:And I guess you must be Cold
Everyone saw King Cold leave his spaceship
King Cold:It's King Cold to you,worthless Saiyan!...I wonder how long it will take me to destroy you,maybe less than a second
???:I won't allow you to destroy Earth if that's what you plan to do
King Cold:No,I don't plan to do that...I'M PLANNING TO DESTROY ALL THIS SOLAR SYSTEM!!
King Cold screamed unleashing all his energy,almost everyone who was present backed away due to the large amount of energy that Cold was releasing
King Cold:I will take care of making you suffer in the same way that Cooler and Frieza suffered on that planet!
???:Tsk! I never thought you would be this powerful
King Cold:That's the last thing everyone says before I annihilate them with my own hands...and you're not going to be the exception!!
[Meanwhile On The Planet Of The Yardrats]
(Y/N):*Pant*...*Pant* O-Okay I think w-we're done
Goku:I've never*Pant* been so tired*Pant* in my life
???:You two did much better than before,your speed has quintupled
(Y/N) and Goku looked up to see their master
Goku:Wow,I never thought I was that fast
(Y/N):Yeah,but your training requires a lot of effort from us,Pybara
Pybara:It is necessary to balance your spirit with your body,this is how you two could master your skills in a short time,let me heal you
Pybara pointed his hand at (Y/N) and Goku and cured them in a few seconds,both adjusted their clothes that Pybara had given them until both felt a ki very close to Earth
(Y/N) you feel that ki?
Goku:Y-Yes...I do not know but this ki is very similar to that of Frieza and Cooler...but it is extremely much higher than both!
(Y/N):We have to go back to Earth! without us there everyone may die
Goku:Okay,I'm sorry,Pybara,we need to leave,our friends are in danger
Pybara:No problem,come back whenever you want to continue improving your skills
They both nodded,(Y/N) put his hand on Goku's shoulder and he used the Instant Transmission to reach Earth,both appeared in front of King Cold
King Cold:Huh?!...oh I see,then you were the ones who killed my dear kids
(Y/N):From what I can see,you are the father of Frieza and Cooler and answering your question,yes,after what they both did they weren't going to go out alive
King Cold scream releases a lot of energy by lifting a lot of dust around him
(Y/N):Hmm...hey,you,you better get out of here,this may become very bad
(Y/N) said referring to the guy who was trying to fight Cold earlier
???:I'm sorry but I won't,I will fight with you
(Y/N):...Okay, I hope you're strong enough
???:I will show you how strong I am
(Y/N) and Goku became Super Saiyan,the three Super Saiyans charged against King Cold but he teleported behind them and was about to launch an attack until Goku grabbed his hand and hit him on the ground
(Y/N) grabbed King Cold from his tail and threw him into the sky,Cold quickly began firing several beams at the three Saiyans,(Y/N) deflected all the beams with his hand
(Y/N):So,are you going to make this combat more interesting?
King Cold:Do you really think you're going to beat me? nobody has come out alive after making me angry
King Cold created two Death Saucer and threw them against the three Saiyans,the person used his sword to destroy the Death Saucer of King Cold
King Cold:W-What?! who the hell are you?!
Trunks:Hehe call me Trunks HAAAAAA!!!
Trunks kicked King Cold in his chest by throwing him against a mountain,Trunks surrounded his sword with ki and threw it at King Cold causing his sword to pierce Cold's chest
King Cold:A-AGH!! I-Insolent kid!!
Cold pulled Trunks' sword from his chest and threw it at him,Trunks caught his sword inches from his face,King Cold was about to charge against Trunks until Goku teleported in front of him with a Kamehameha in his hands
King Cold received all the impact of Kamehameha causing his body to get very serious burns
King Cold fell to the ground,he rose from the ground with great difficulty just to see (Y/N) in front of him
(Y/N):It would be better if you leave this planet if you don't want to end up like your kids,if you do,I hope you never come back
King right
King Cold:I will not return here because this planet will no longer exist!!
King Cold fired a Death Cannon with everything he had left of power towards (Y/N)
(Y/N):YOU FOOL!!!!!
(Y/N) shot a beam from his hand far outpacing King Cold's Death Cannon
King Cold was quickly engulfed by (Y/N)'s beam causing him to be disintegrated
(Y/N):You were a fool...I gave you the only chance you had to live...well...we no longer have to worry about Frieza and his family,now you can tell me who you...
(Y/N):Huh?! UAAAAHHH!!
(Y/N) was tackled by Vegita causing both to fall to the ground
Vegita:Y-You fool! How dare you disappear for a year and say nothing about it?! I was worried about you...I thought you...
(Y/N) put his hand on Vegita's cheek
(Y/N):I'm sorry for not telling you where I was all this time,but I wanted to take advantage of my stay on the planet of the Yardrats to be stronger,I didn't want what happened in Namek to be repeated,I would hate to see you hurt again
(Y/N) said with a smile on his face making Vegita blush,they both shared a small kiss
They both got up from the ground and Vegita started hugging (Y/N)'s arm,he blushed when Vegita put his arm between her breasts,(Y/N) looked towards Trunks
(Y/N):Thank you for helping us defeat King Cold...what's your name? I couldn't hear you well when you were against King Cold
Trunks:Ehm...sorry I can't say it
(Y/N):Huh? why are you here and where do you come from? I had never seen you before
Trunks:I'm sorry but I can't say that to you...Goku,I'd like to talk to you in private
Trunks and Goku moved away from (Y/N) and Vegita
Vegita:What a weird guy
(Y/N):Come on,Vegita,he helped us against King Cold
Vegita:I bet you could have beat him without the help of that guy
(Y/N):Come on,King Cold was stronger than me but let's put that aside...I like the clothes you wear
Vegita:...*Sigh*...You know...I hope you like to see me without these clothes~
[With Goku And Trunks]
Trunks:I think they can't hear us here
Goku:I think so,then tell me,who are you?
Trunks:*Sigh*...please,I need you to keep this secret,don't tell anyone
Goku:S-Sure,tell me
Trunks:...I-I...I am the son of...(Y/N) and Vegita
Trunks:I come from the future,many years in the future...where almost everything is...destroyed
Goku:W-What happened? If you don't want to tell me,there's no problem
Trunks:N-No,it is see,in three years a great threat will appear on Earth
Goku:A great threat?
Trunks:That's right,two androids will appear in a place called Amebo island,those androids will cause great chaos around the entire Earth
Goku:Wait and what happened to all of us? really those androids were very powerful?
Trunks:My father and you died due to a heart virus,due to the great battle that you two had against Cooler and Frieza in Namek,your hearts could not withstand much adrenaline,it was a slow process but you died before androids mother along with the others tried to destroy the androids but both were very powerful,they all died...all except Gohan and Bulma,she took care of me all this time while Gohan trained me so that I could fight the androids too...but unfortunately he...h-he died...when the androids attacked the city...I'm so sorry for not saving him
Goku:H-Hey,hey,don't blame yourself for that,maybe Gohan didn't want you to die being so young,maybe he wanted you not to follow that same destiny as the others
Trunks:T-Thanks...I almost forgot,this is for you and my father
Trunks gave Goku two small bottles with a purple liquid inside
Goku:Is this for the heart virus you mentioned?
Trunks:That's right,this will make your hearts not weaken with the passage of time,it will also help you to endure more the adrenaline of the fighting,Bulma was the one who made it
Goku:I already knew,she is the only one who can do amazing things,she was also the one that brought you to the past?
Trunks:That's right,rather she created a time machine,at first I thought it would not be very useful but I had no alternative to defeat those androids so I came here to change what happened
Goku:I see...very well,I will tell others about what will happen,of course,I will not tell you who you are
Trunks:Thank you very much,Goku,I have to go,bye
Goku said goodbye to Trunks,he moved away from the place to prepare the time machine to return to the future
Trunks:I won't let those androids cause more chaos matter what I have to do...I'll take care of stopping all this
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