Chapter 5
[Third Person-POV]
Ginyu:D-Damn it!!
Ginyu shouted as he backed away from Goku,he charged against Ginyu but he quickly extended his arms
Ginyu was punched in the face by Goku by throwing him across a mountain
Goku:It will be better if you stay there
Goku turned to see how Gohan was fighting against Jeice while (Y/N) and Vegita were teaming up to fight Dore and Neiz
Goku:I can't let Gohan fight alone against an elite soldier
Goku quickly flew to help his son,all the fights were being watched by Salza
Salza:Sacréblue! How is it possible that some simple monkeys can put the powerful Mounsier Cooler's Armored squadron in trouble?!
Salza watched as Dore was thrown on the ground by (Y/N)
Salza:I can't keep looking at all this,I'll have to cut all these...
In that the Salza scouter began to sound indicating a level of power near him
Salza:What? this level of power is extremely low...but Mounseir Frieza made sure there was no Namekian may be one of these Saiyans...I think I have an idea
Salza quickly flew to where that level of power was
Vegita:You will not leave here!
Vegita tried to follow Salza but Dore got in the middle and kicked Vegita in her head throwing her on the floor
Dore:It's time to end this HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Dore started shooting several beams where Vegita was
(Y/N) tried to save Vegita but Neiz got in the middle
Neiz:You won't save your princess HAAA!!
Neiz fired an electrical attack from his hands at (Y/N) leaving him paralyzed
Neiz:Why don't you stay still and watch the fireworks?
(Y/N) was able to move his hand and grab Neiz from his head
He took the body of Neiz out of the way and flew at full speed to where Vegita was,(Y/N) took all the impact of Dore suffering much damage
(Y/N) fell on his knees breathing heavily
(Y/N):V-Vegita,i-it is good that y-you are well
Vegita:F-Fool,you shouldn't have saved me,you could have died
(Y/N):I don't want to see you hurt,it hurt me so much to see you like this after our fight on Earth
Vegita blushed due to (Y/N)'s words
Dore:That's cute,I like to see couples who love each other about to die,it's one of my favorite hobbies!
Dore said while creating an energy orb in his hand,(Y/N) tried to get up but it was useless, Vegita tried to kill Dore but he had more energy than they did to fight
Dore:Now accept your death,it will be easier for you hehehe
(Y/N) saw how Goku did not have it easy,in fact he was worse,he was lying on the ground with Ginyu stepping on his chest while Jeice had grabbed Gohan from the neck of his Gi
Ginyu:Hahaha! You trusted yourself too much that I couldn't fight anymore,never underestimate the power of the captain!
Everyone was prepared for his death until (Y/N) and Goku watched as the sky turned dark
Jeice:W-What's going on?
Ginyu:It seems that Lord Frieza knew how to use the Dragon Balls...h-Huh? A-Agh!
Ginyu/Jeice and Dore scouters were destroyed,the three felt as the power of (Y/N) and Goku increased
(Y/N) dare to hurt...Vegita!
Goku:Leave my son...ALONE!!!
(Y/N) charged against Dore giving him a powerful punch in his stomach that threw him across several mountains,Dore ended up embedded in a mountain with a hole in his stomach,he had clearly died from such an attack
Jeice released Gohan causing him to fall to the ground,he and Ginyu watched as Goku charged against him punching both of them knocking them back
Goku fired a powerful ki blast at Jeice and Ginyu disintegrating both
(Y/N):*Pant* ...*Pant* W-What happened? my powers increased more than before
Gohan:Hey look!
Everyone saw Porunga in the distance
Goku:Yes! they managed to summon Porunga!
(Y/N):I-I understand,Yamcha and Krillin should have wished we were stronger...hey! Piccolo is with them,I can feel his energy!
Vegita:They are not alone,it seems that Frieza is heading there...y-you gotta be kidding!! C-Cooler is here too?!
(Y/N):C-Cooler? Frieza's older brother...both are very powerful!...huh?!
Everyone watched as Porunga disappeared
Goku:They already asked for their three wishes?
(Y/N):N-No...if these Dragon Balls are equal to Earth then the Dragon Balls must have spread around the planet but I did not see that they have seems that the Kami of this place died
Goku:We have to go there,we can't leave them alone!
Gohan:I will go with you,Dad
Goku and Gohan flew to where the others were,leaving (Y/N) and Vegita alone
Vegita:H-Hey...e-eh...t-thank you...f-for saving me
(Y/N):It's nothing, as I said,I don't like to see you hurt
(Y/N):Do you have something to tell me,Vegita?
Vegita:It is quite obvious,isn't it?
(Y/N):Yeah a little hehe
Vegita:*Sigh*...L-Look...I-I..C-Crap! How the hell do I do this?! Y-You are t-the Saiyan w-who...fuck it! I love you d-damn it!
Vegita shouted as a blush appears on her cheeks and looked away,(Y/N) took her from her chin and made her look at him
(Y/N):Hehe have you ever been told that you look very cute when you blush?
Vegita:Wh-What are you....
Vegita was interrupted when (Y/N) started kissing her,Vegita quickly melted into the kiss, she stood on tiptoe and wrapped her arms around (Y/N)'s neck while he put his hands on Vegita's hips making the kiss deeper and more passionate
The kiss lasted several seconds until they separated leaving a trace of saliva coming out of their mouths we are...
(Y/N):Together? I think so...hehe I never imagined meeting someone as beautiful as you and much less that the princess of all Saiyans fell in love with me
Vegita:Tsk! are a clown...but you are my clown~
(Y/N):Hehe...well...I think it's time to take care of a serious problem,are you sure you can keep fighting?
Vegita:Of course,I like to see how Frieza asks for mercy for his life
(Y/N):So,let's go
(Y/N) and Vegita flew to where the others were,once they arrived they saw everyone in front of Cooler and Frieza
Cooler:Oh! we seem to have more scum to eliminate
(Y/N) felt a chill go up his back as he felt the great power that Cooler and Frieza had
(Y/N):T-This looks hard to win...
(Y/N) approached Goku and began whispering in his ear
(Y/N):Do you two think you can take about five minutes of fighting against them both? I think I can use the Spirit Bomb to eliminate these two but I need all the energy on the planet
Goku:Sure! we will give you enough time
Piccolo nodded,both charged against Cooler and Frieza while (Y/N) raised his hands
Vegita:What is (Y/N) doing?
In that,Vegita remembered the fight against (Y/N) on Earth
Vegita:He is doing that technique! if he can do it then he can kill Cooler and Frieza and if not,he can leave them very injured,enough to kill them easily!
Vegita quickly went to help Piccolo and Goku,while Yamcha/Krillin and Gohan helped energize the (Y/N) Spirit Bomb
Yamcha:I hope this is enough to kill those two demons
Piccolo/Goku and Vegita were fighting Cooler and Frieza for the five minutes (Y/N) had mentioned until Cooler saw the Spirit Bomb on them
Cooler:Eh?! what the hell is that?!
Piccolo:T-that...t-t-that's a sun
Cooler:...Meh! okay,let's continue with...wait this planet only has three suns!!
(Y/N) launched the Spirit Bomb towards Cooler and Frieza while Vegita/Goku and Piccolo escaped from the place
Frieza:How the hell did you not realize this before?!
Cooler:And why didn't you do it before?! not that you had all this controlled?!
The Spirit Bomb will create a large explosion on site causing a large crater to be created on site,there was no longer any trace of Cooler or Frieza
Yamcha:Yes...YES! we did it!
Krillin:Yes! the Spirit Bomb finally worked!
(Y/N):Hehe It was easier than I thought
(Y/N) fell to the ground breathing heavily
Goku:You did it,(Y/N),you defeated them!
(Y/N):D-Don't take your credit off,without you,Cooler and Frieza may have killed me in less than a second
Vegita:But luckily that didn't happen,let me help you get up
Vegita helped (Y/N) lift him off the ground,Vegita and (Y/N) looked into each other's eyes and were slowly approaching until someone interrupted them
Salza:Mounseir Cooler!!
Everyone saw Salza on a hill watching the place where Cooler and Frieza had died,everyone saw how Salza had someone grabbed from the neck
Bulma:Let me go,damn it!
Salza:Tsk! you will all pay for the death of Mounseir Cooler...and I will start with her
Salza created a ki blade in his hand and brought it close to Bulma's neck
Goku:Don't you dare to hurt her!!
Goku was about to charge against Salza until...
Frieza:Let her go...
Everyone saw how Frieza and Cooler were on a nearby mountain very hurt
Krillin:H-How are they alive?!
Cooler:You heard him,let her go
Salza was confused but he obeyed Cooler's orders and threw Bulma at Goku,he caught her in his arms
Bulma:HEY! Is this how you treat the ladies?!
Goku left Bulma on the ground
Salza:M-Mounseir Cooler,why have you and your frère changed your decision so suddenly?
Cooler:Hehe who has said that we have changed our decision?
Frieza shot a Death Beam at Bulma killing her once the beam went through her heart
Cooler:None of you will be saved from that destiny!
Cooler shot a Death Beam at (Y/N),he was about to be pierced by Death Beam until Vegita pushed him out of the way causing her to be pierced by Death Beam
(Y/N) saw Vegita fall to the ground,he took her in his arms
(Y/N):T-Try to hold on,Vegita!! I-I have a Senzu Beans,here,j-just!...
(Y/N) felt Vegita put her hand on his cheek
Vegita:I-I think t-this is what I-I deserve for a-all the d-damage I d-d-did to you a-and...your friends...I love you (Y/N)
(Y/N) watched as Vegita closed her eyes
Frieza:Hohohoh! now I only have to destroy this planet along with all of you,I hope you like to see fireworks very closely
(Y/N):...*Pant*...*Pant*...Y-You...YOU!! RUTHLESS!!
Frieza:W-What is happening?
(Y/N) and Goku released a large amount of energy that drove everyone who was near them back,a golden light emerged from both of them blinding everyone,once the light dissipated,everyone saw how (Y/N) and Goku's hair changed to a golden color just like the aura that surrounded them
Goku:...I need you all to leave this place right now
Gohan:Oh..oh...b-but I...
(Y/N):Didn't you hear,Gohan?! everyone get out of here while we still have a little control over ourselves!
Yamcha/Gohan and Krillin quickly flew out of the place,Piccolo took the bodies of Bulma and Vegita
Piccolo:Are you sure you don't need help?
(Y/N):...No,you return to Earth,we take care of killing these two pieces of shit
Piccolo:Okay...good luck
Piccolo flew off the battlefield
Salza:Hey! no one calls Mounsier Cooler a...
Salza stopped to see how (Y/N) appeared in front of him,without thinking twice,(Y/N) broke Salza's neck
Cooler and Frieza were surprised by what they just saw until they both felt like Goku punched them in their stomachs throwing them across several mountains
Frieza quickly left where he was and pointed his finger at (Y/N) ready to fire a Death Beam until Goku appeared in front of him and grabbed Frieza's wrist,Goku began to squeeze Frieza's wrist causing him to scream in pain
Frieza:U-Ugh! Let go my w-wrist!!! damn monkey!!
Goku released Frieza's wrist,he began to smile but that smile disappeared once (Y/N) elbowed Frieza in his face making him go back
Frieza:D-Damn you!!
Cooler:Is it that no one has taught you how to fight,Frieza?!
In that Cooler stood behind (Y/N) and charged against him,before Cooler could hit (Y/N),he disappeared from Cooler's sight
(Y/N):It's pathetic how you attack from behind
Cooler looked behind him when he heard (Y/N)'s voice
Goku:You two have no chance of winning us
(Y/N):It would be better if you two accept your deaths,after what you two did I will not leave you alive
Frieza:Do you two really think they are going to get out of this alive?...You will become space dust!!
(Y/N) and Goku watched as Frieza and Cooler create a Supernova
Cooler:The Super Saiyan will become a myth! as it always should have been!!
Frieza and Cooler launched the Supernovas against the planet,(Y/N) and Goku tried to stop the Supernovas but these were powerful enough to get them out of the way
Goku:That will destroy the planet! everyone is going to die
(Y/N):Huh?!...wait,is that...
The two Supernovas ended up impacting Namek's ground creating a massive explosion across the planet
[Meanwhile On Earth]
Right now on Earth,all the Namekians along with Yamcha/Piccolo/Krillin/Gohan/Bulma and Vegita had been teleported to a meadow
Krillin:Huh? we returned to Earth!
Yamcha:What luck! Kami should have wished that all Namekians would be revived and so we would use the last wish to escape from Namek!
Piccolo:That's right,the last thing I saw was Porunga in the distance
Bulma:U-Ugh! my head
Everyone watched as Bulma and Vegita rose from the ground
Vegita:W-Why? why am I on earth?
Krillin:I could see Little Green wishing that all of us would return to Earth but before that once you and Bulma were killed by Cooler and Frieza,Goku and (Y/N) got a new transformation with golden hair and golden aura and began to beat up Frieza and Cooler,even (Y/N) broke a guy's was amazing!!
Vegita:(Y/N) became Super Saiyan...for me...damn it and so did Kakarot!...but I bet (Y/N) looks better/wait where is (Y/N)?
Yamcha:He and Goku are still in Namek...they didn't want to return to Earth,they prefer to defeat Frieza and Cooler
Bulma:How do you know that?
Yamcha:The voice in my head said it,he is (Y/N)'s friend
[Meanwhile In Namek]
Frieza:How the hell can this be happening?!?!?
Despite the huge explosion that had originated,(Y/N) and Goku were fine as were Cooler and Frieza
Frieza:D-Damn it!! I didn't use too much power!
Cooler:...You didn't use too much power?...what the hell is wrong with you,Frieza?!?! did you think about your safety at a time like this?! were always a weakling
Cooler:Pathetic,after all,I will be the one in charge of exterminating the Saiyan race,I knew that I had to have destroyed that spacepod that had left the planet Vegeta...HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
(Y/N) and Goku watched as Cooler's body grew larger and more robust,horns appeared on his elbows and his head became more pointed
Cooler:No one who had witnessed this form of me has come out alive,and you two,you are no exception
Frieza:You don't think you're the only one who will fight! UAAAAAAAAGGHHHHHH!!!!
Frieza's body began to become more robust than before once he began to release 100% of all his power
Frieza:Behold,this is my full power!!
Frieza shouted as he released a shock wave around him
(Y/N):It was time for you two to fight seriously
Goku:If so...then there is no time for us to hold back
(Y/N) and Goku got into a fighting pose and charged against Frieza and Cooler
Goku crash against Frieza while (Y/N) crash against Cooler,the four began to fight throwing and dodging punches,Cooler and Frieza used all their techniques to defeat the two Super Saiyans but both were masters when it came to fighting
Cooler tried to shoot several Death Beams against (Y/N) but he dodged all of Cooler's beams and charged against him punching him in the face
Cooler tried to counterattack firing a burst of ki at (Y/N) but he grabbed Cooler's wrist causing him to fire the ki burst into the sky,(Y/N) threw Cooler against a mountain and then he threw himself against Cooler by stomping his chest causing him to cross the mountain until (Y/N) teleported over Cooler nudging him in the face and throwing him to the ground
(Y/N) threw himself against him and began to punch him several times in a row against the ground,Cooler quickly fired a burst of ki that only blinded (Y/N) for a few seconds,he quickly grabbed (Y/N) from his neck and started hitting him against the rocks around him
(Y/N) tried to get Cooler to release him until he bit his hand causing him to release him,Cooler saw tooth marks on his hand
Cooler:Hmph! I always knew that the Saiyans were nothing but savages who hopefully have brains,apparently I was not at all wrong
(Y/N):Your words won't hurt me
Cooler:No but my fists will!!
Cooler charged against (Y/N) trying to punch him in the gut but he grabbed Cooler's wrist inches from his stomach
(Y/N):Now is my turn HAAAAAA!!
(Y/N) kicked Cooler in the face making him back off,Cooler moved the sliding piece of his mouth only to spit out the blood that had accumulated in his mouth
Cooler:H-Heheh do you really think that you are going to kill me? no matter what you do,you will die,for me or for the explosion of this planet
(Y/N):I do not care to die on this planet but one thing is certain...I WILL KILL YOU COOLER!!!
(Y/N) released a large amount of energy destroying everything around him,Cooler looked fearfully at (Y/N) before he saw him charge at full speed against him
Cooler:O-Oh god...
-Meanwhile with Goku-
Goku had Frieza grabbed from the neck giving him several punches in the face
Frieza created an explosion of ki around him causing Goku to back off,Frieza raised his hands in the air and created a ball of energy,he was about to throw the energy ball against Goku until he charged against him punching him in the face almost breaking his jaw,Frieza made the energy ball disappear,Goku quickly kicked Frieza hard in the face,knocking him back
Frieza:D-Damn monkey!!
Goku:This must suck for you,Frieza
Frieza:Shut up....SHUT UP!!!!! HYAAAAAAA!!!!
Frieza surrounded himself with a pink aura and charged against Goku,he just stared at Frieza before giving him a strong punch in the face that made him recoil,Frieza looked at Goku with immense fury
Goku:What's the matter,Frieza?!? is that all you have?!?
Frieza:Of course not,I have much more to offer damn worm!!
Frieza screamed as he raised his arm,he released a gigantic Death Wave and literally cut the planet Namek in half,luckily Goku managed to dodge Frieza's attack,he appeared behind Frieza giving him a double axe handle on his back,Frieza was launched towards the great crater that had been generated thanks to the two Supernovas but he managed to stop before falling into the planet's magma
Frieza:I'm sick of all this!! HYAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Frieza returned to surround himself with a pink aura and charged again against Goku,he was pushed against several mountains thanks to Frieza but he managed to elbow him in the head by throwing him against the ground and preventing a volcano from burning him alive
Goku:If you think that was going to do something to were totally wrong
Goku threw himself at Frieza
Frieza's fury grew more and more,he created an explosion of ki around him causing Goku to back off
Frieza:DIE MONK...Huh?!
Frieza backed away only to collide with Cooler who was thrown by (Y/N),the two saw how they were being surrounded by the two Super Saiyans
Cooler and Frieza looked at each other for a second and nodded,both pointed their five fingers at (Y/N) and Goku and began shooting a shower of Death Beams in all directions destroying everything around them
Cooler:After this there will be nothing left of you and not even of this planet!!
Frieza:You two will not survive the emptiness of space!!
Frieza and Cooler raised their hands at the same time creating a large Supernova,you could say that the Supernova was almost the same size as one of Namek's suns
(Y/N):G-Goku! they are determined to kill us! there is no other option but to do it,we won't survive something like that
Goku:I didn't want to have the need to kill them but there is no other option
(Y/N) and Goku fired a combined Kamehameha against the great Supernova,both used everything they had to push the Supernova back
(Y/N):W-We are doing it! j-just a little more!! AAAAGHHHHHH!!!!
Both used all their power to roll back the Supernova,it began to back off towards Cooler and Frieza but both managed to dodge it,both saw how the Supernova came out of the planet's atmosphere,just for that little act,this made both sign their death sentences
Cooler and Frieza turned around just to see how (Y/N) and Goku were in front of them with a fully loaded Kamehameha in their hands
That was the last thing they both said before being pushed to the core of the planet Namek where they both died cremated's all over
Both saw felt a great earthquake across the planet
Goku:There is not much time left,the planet is about to explode!
(Y/N):F-Follow me! I think I know where the Ginyu Force spacepods are
Goku and (Y/N) began to fly in search of a way out of the planet Namek
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