Chapter 4
[Third Person-POV]
Vegita:O-Oh crap...w-what happened?...oh I remember,damn Zarbon! I didn't know that moron could seems like I'm in a healing Frieza's spaceship...good
Vegita destroyed the healing tank where she was,she quickly went to the room where the Dragon Balls were
Vegita:Haha! now I just need a couple of them to get my wish!
Vegita left the room to shoot a ki ball in another direction to create a distraction,she returned to shoot a ki ball against the window of the spaceship and threw the Dragon Balls through the window
She flew out the window to go to the place where the Dragon Balls had fallen,she managed to find them quickly
Vegita:I only need two more Dragon Balls,I guess the others should have it Kakarot and the other Earthlings...where could those...
In that Vegita could see Goku flying with a Dragon Ball in his hands
Vegita:...This has been easier than I thought,I just have to kill Kakarot and...well...maybe I don't need to do that,after all he is (Y/N)'s friend...but that does not imply that this Dragon Ball is not going to be mine!
Vegita hid the Dragon Balls and quickly flew to where Goku had headed,she could see how Goku was with Bulma
Bulma:Wow,these Dragon Balls are bigger than those on Earth
Goku:I think so,Gohan and I were also surprised the first time we saw it
Bulma:Wait a moment,where is Gohan?!
Goku:He took the radar and said he would go with Yamcha and Krillin to find the other Dragon Balls
Bulma:Well,at least he is not alone but there are still those soldiers around the planet
Goku:Yeah,I guess you're right,I'll leave the Dragon Ball and go for the others t-to...
Goku and Bulma were scared to see Vegita in front of them
Goku:O-Oh! h-hey Vegita,l-long time no see
Vegita:That's right,I still remember how you and the other morons on Earth except for (Y/N) humiliated me,something I won't forget so easily
Goku:Y-Yeeeeaaaahhh....a-and how is your bald friend,Nappa?
Vegita:Dead,that's one reason why I'm in love with (Y/N)
Bulma:What did you say?
Vegita:Shut up earthling and give me the damn Dragon Ball before I really want to kill you!!!
???:Looks like I have competition to get your love,Princess
Everyone watched as Zarbon landed on the spot
Vegita:Tsk! you are very persistent
Zarbon:In order to get your love,Princess and not let the brained Saiyan that you're talking take your hand
Vegita:Think twice what you're talking about,Zarbon,I bet (Y/N) can sweeps the floor with your stupid face
Zarbon:Tsk! so if you're not going to accept my love,then I won't let that Saiyan scum have anything from you!
Zarbon became his True Form again
Vegita:That is exactly what I am going to do!
Zarbon:Your life ends here!!
Zarbon charged against Vegita but she managed to dodge Zarbon's fist,Vegita quickly punched Zarbon in the stomach so hard that her fist went through his intestines
Vegita:Not that my life was going to end here? well,let me tell you that just changed
Zarbon screamed in pain when Vegita shot a burst of ki directly into his stomach disintegrating him
Vegita:Heh he never had a chance against me and going back to before,give me the Dragon Balls
Bulma:We are not going to do it,we know your intentions very well!
Vegita:They'd better do it right now,I'm not going to kill you because you are (Y/N)'s friends so make things e-easieeee...
Vegita could feel quite high levels of power approaching Namek
Vegita:No...that bastard couldn't have called them!
Goku:Who are you talking about?
Vegita:T-The...The Ginyu Force...
Goku:The Ginyu Force?
Vegita:They are the strongest soldiers Frieza can have
Goku:So we have to do something,(Y/N) hasn't arrived yet so we have to work as a team,Vegita
Vegita:...Tsk! okay but make it clear that I don't do this for you!
Goku:Sure! let's go before they find the Dragon Balls
Bulma:Are you going to leave me here alone while you go with a girl to fight?!
Bulma said with clear jealousy
Goku:Don't worry,Bulma,I promise I'll come back and I'll make sure you're okay
Goku said approaching Bulma,she kissed Goku on the lips
Bulma:It's fine but I don't want you to do anything strange with Vegita!
Vegita:Tsk! I would never be with someone whose intelligence is much worse than Nappa's!
Bulma:Is that why you like (Y/N)?
A big blush appeared on Vegita's cheeks,she raised her hand and prepared a ki ball
Vegita:What did you say?!
Bulma:N-NOTHING!! that you defeat those Ginyu Force,good luck! Hehe
And with that said,Vegita and Goku flew to where the Ginyu Force were
Vegita:From what I can see,the Earth has changed you a lot,Kakarot,you don't even use your Saiyan name anymore
Goku:That does not mean that I have forgotten my roots,(Y/N) always told me that I belonged to the race of the Saiyans and that we were a warrior race,I preferred to call myself Goku in honor of the person who raised me but I never deny where I really come from or my family,although Raditz did not make it easy for me...but I am really proud to be a Saiyan,(Y/N) was the one who made me think that not all Saiyans are as bad as they seem
Vegita:So (Y/N) hasn't completely forgotten his roots,he even influenced Kakarot a lot...I guess...I guess he really is...
Goku:Vegita look!! there are those Ginyu Force you mentioned
Vegita looked where Goku was pointing
Vegita:Yeah and I won't let those morons steal the Dragon Balls!!
Vegita and Goku landed in front of Gohan/Krillin and Yamcha
Ginyu:Well,well,it seems that more people joined this fight,I am impressed that you are also involved in this,Vegita
Vegita:In order to kill you I am willing to do everything
Ginyu:We'll see that,guys,take care of them while I take the Dragon Balls to Lord Frieza
Jeice/Guldo/Recoome/Burter:Yes Captain!!
Ginyu took the Dragon Balls and flew out of the place,the rest of the Ginyu Force faces the others
Jeice:All right,who will be the first of us to fight?
Recoome:Waiting is boring,let's fight all at the same time!
Burter:I agree with that
Guldo:Me too
Jeice:Then attack all at once,let's show them the power and strength of the Ginyu Force!
Vegita:Damn it! they are using their brains for the first time for something smart!
Goku:Everyone get ready,this can be very dangerous!
Jeice/Burter/Recoome and Guldo charged against Vegita/Goku/Gohan/Krillin and Yamcha
Vegita started fighting Jeice while the others fought Burter and Recoome
Jeice:So you dare to reveal yourself against Lord Frieza,princess,well,let's see what your punishment will be once I defeat you!
Vegita:Don't believe that you are better than me,Jeice, now I am much more powerful than before
Jeice:That is impossible,the Ginyu Force is the most powerful squad of Lord Frieza's army
Vegita:Well let me give you a little demonstration
Vegita began to release her energy by causing Jeice's scouter to explode while trying to read Vegita's power level
Jeice:This can not be possible...M-My sco...MY NOSE!!
Jeice screamed in pain when Vegita hit him hard on the nose almost breaking it
Vegita:After this you won't worry so much about your nose!
Vegita was about to punch Jeice in the stomach until she stopped,she felt like she couldn't move her body,Jeice took the moment to get away from Vegita
Jeice:Good job,Guldo! ugh!!
Vegita:Tsk! bastard!
Guldo:Haha! You're not that threatening now,Vegita
Vegita:Just wait for you to get distracted,I'll kill you without regret!
Guldo:Not if I kill you first!
Guldo raised his hand and with his telekinesis he pulled a tree that was close to him and turned it into a very sharp stake
Vegita could see surprised as a large hole appeared in Guldo's chest,he fell to the ground, dead
Vegita:W-What happe...
Vegita turned to see how Recoome had kicked Gohan hard in the head,throwing him to the ground
Recoome:Hehe I think it's the first time I crush a child
Recoome said as he raised his foot on Gohan but before he could crush him,Goku pushed Recoome away from Gohan
Goku:Don't get close to him!! KAMEHAMEHAAAAAA!!!!!
Goku threw a powerful Kamehameha against Recoome,a big explosion was generated around him but despite that,the only thing that had been destroyed with Goku's attack was Recoome's armor,he was still alive
Recoome:This is boring,I want to end this now...Hehe RECOOME!! ULTRA! FIUGH!!
Recoome stopped when (Y/N) appeared at the scene and gave a powerful punch to him in the stomach killing him instantly,(Y/N) threw Recoome's corpse away from him
(Y/N):No one hurts my friends
(Y/N):Sorry for the delay,give this to Gohan
(Y/N) said giving Goku a Senzu Bean,he changed his gaze to Burter and Jeice
Jeice:H-He killed Recoome in a single attack!
(Y/N):I killed your friend too,the green one
Vegita is surprised to realize that (Y/N) had saved her life,he changed his gaze to Vegita and gave her a smile making her blush,(Y/N) turned his gaze to Jeice and Burter,they both felt a chill run down his back
(Y/N):Do you two want to end up like your friends?!
[Meanwhile with Ginyu]
Ginyu:Here are all the Dragon Balls,Lord Frieza,I managed to find the others hidden between two hills
Frieza:Good job,Ginyu,I can finally fulfill my wish,now nothing will stop me from being the most powerful person in the universe!
???:You mean us
Frieza clenched his teeth and fists from the anger he felt
Ginyu:L-Lord Cooler!
Frieza:Why the hell are you here?!
Cooler:And this is how you talk to your older brother who let you live when you were still a newborn? you're rude,Frieza,you don't even know the meaning of sharing
Frieza:You don't know anything about sharing either!!
Cooler:What happens? are you afraid that I can be stronger than you once I get immortality? and that I brought my Armored Squadron so that your terrible plan doesn't get worse
???:Long time no see the Ginyu Force
Ginyu and Frieza could see three people landing behind Cooler
Frieza:Do you really think we need more help?
Cooler:No,I think you need more help and also my squadron is more trained than yours and they will not hesitate to kill those who get in the middle
Salza:We are prepared for everything,Monsieur Cooler,nothing will stand in your dream of being immortal
Cooler:All right,so you stop being scared?
Frieza:Of course I'm not scared! I just don't like to waste wishes on useless things but if you want to show how strong you are,I will give you the option of being immortal,after all I would like to see you lying on the floor once I defeat you
Frieza turned and looked at the Dragon Balls
Frieza:Dragon Balls fulfill my desire to be immortal!!
Frieza shouted waiting for something to happen but nothing happened
Ginyu:You are already immortal,Lord Frieza?
Frieza:I don't feel that something has changed in me,what happens? I heard that these Dragon Ball can grant up to three wishes
Cooler:I don't want to be a smartass but there you have six Dragon Balls and from what I've heard,there are seven...are you really that stupid,Frieza?
Frieza:SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!....Ugh! anyway,there is still one and I still have no idea how these Dragon Balls work
Cooler:Maybe we need the Namekians to explain how it works,you left some alive,I guess
Frieza:Yeah,I think there's a Namekian who can know how Dragon Balls are used,Ginyu,you take care that nobody else finds Dragon Balls
Ginyu:Of course,Lord Frieza
Frieza and Cooler flew in the direction of Guru's house while Ginyu buried the Dragon Balls so that no one would find them
Salza:From what I see there is a fairly high level of power in this place and apparently someone is approaching here
Salza said while using his scouter,in that everyone saw Jeice land on the spot
Jeice:Captain Ginyu! Something bad has happened!...S-Salza?!
Salza:Cousin Jeice,we meet again and from what I see you are weaker than ever
Jeice:Tsk! a-anyway,Captain,someone else came to the place where Recoome/Guldo and Burter were fighting and he killed all three very easily!
Ginyu:W-What?!...this can be bad for Lord Frieza's plan!
Salza:And Monsieur Cooler's plan,well,we know what we have to do
Dore:Haha,this will be very easy,your friends must have trusted too much
Neiz:It won't take us long to eliminate that guy,besides him there are three other levels of power in place
The Ginyu Force and The Cooler Armored Squadron flew to where the others were,what they didn't know is that Yamcha/Krillin and Dende were hiding behind Frieza's ship,Krillin had the Dragon Ball that Goku had previously brought to Bulma
Yamcha:How lucky,they failed to detect our levels of power
Krillin:That's right,we have to hurry up and take those Dragon Balls
Yamcha/Krillin and Dende dug to get the Dragon Balls from the place where Ginyu had hidden them,the three took the Dragon Balls and flew to a more remote place
Yamcha:This seems to be a good place
The three placed the Dragon Balls in position
Krillin:Now is your time,Little Green!
Dende:My name is...*Sigh* it has no case
Dende pointed his hands at the Dragon Balls and started speaking in Namekian language,from the Dragon Balls came a ray that shot to the sky and from there appeared Porunga
Porunga:Tell me your wishes! I will grant you any wish!
Krillin:Holy crap! this dragon is...
Dende:Pretty cool right? now,what are your wishes?
Yamcha:Right! I wish Piccolo has been revived and teleported right next to us,all I said is a single wish
Dende:You really know how to make specific wishes,okay
Dende began to say Yamcha's wish in Namekian so that Porunga can understand it
Porunga:...Your wish have been granted
At that moment Piccolo appeared next to Yamcha
Piccolo:Great,I didn't feel like part of this but I would like to hit someone
Krillin:Great,so that means that Kami was revived and the Earth's Dragon Balls can now be reused!
Porunga:What is your other wish?
Krillin:It's true we still have two other wishes
Yamcha:I think I have an idea,can Porunga give more power to other people?
Dende:Sure as long as it doesn't exceed the power Porunga can bestow
Yamcha:All right,so I wish (Y/N)/Goku and Piccolo to be more powerful than before
Dende mentioned the wish to Porunga
Porunga:...Your second wish have been granted
Krillin:Do you feel stronger,Piccolo?
Piccolo:If I feel strong?! now I feel that I can kick ass very easily!! do you want me to prove it to you?
Krillin:N-No,I believe in you,but we still have another wish,my wish will be...
In that Porunga disappeared and the Dragon Balls fell to the ground only that they had now become stone
Yamcha:W-What happened?!
Piccolo:The creator of the Dragon Balls died,that is the only way for Dragon Balls to become stone
???:He won't be the only one to die
Everyone felt a great chill go through their bodies,they turned to see Cooler and Frieza on a hill,Cooler had a Namekian grabbed from the neck
Cooler:I have to say that that was a great distraction but it didn't help much!
Cooler threw the Namekian in front of Piccolo and Dende
???:U-Ugh!...H-Hey D-Dende
Dende:Hey Nail,apparently Guru died
Nail:W-Well,now I-I just have to worry about one less thing
Frieza:And it is to survive my fury!!
Frieza said while releasing his energy
Nail:C-Crap...H-Hey you!
Piccolo turned to see Nail
Piccolo:What do you want?
Nail:I can see that you are very powerful but even with that power you will not be able to do anything against those two,put your hand on me,you will merge with me to become stronger
Piccolo:Are you sure about that?
Nail:Do you want to die a second time?
Piccolo:...Okay,there you have a point
Piccolo quickly put his hand on Nail and both merged causing Piccolo to gain more power than before
Frieza:Huh? Apparently the Namekians can get more power...Tsk! are just as annoying as the Saiyans!...but I'll take care of annihilating you,now that the Dragon Balls don't work anymore and my dream has been destroyed...all of you are going to die!!! IAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!
Frieza released so much energy that a dust curtain rose around him and Cooler,everyone felt great power coming from Frieza,once the dust disappeared,everyone saw Frieza's true form
Frieza:HoHoHo! I had not used my true form in a long time,right now I can use it without problems
Cooler:It was time for you to use all your power,well,it's time to end all this pathetic show,I'll see how the slug soup tastes
Piccolo:And I'll see how Lizard Soup tastes
Piccolo said while taking off his heavy clothes
Cooler and Frieza descended from the hill facing Piccolo/Krillin and Yamcha,the three saw the evil face of both brothers
Frieza:Just so you know,no one is going to make it out of this planet alive
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