Chapter 23

[Third Person-POV]



Goku kicked Black in the head that threw him against a building,behind him was Zamasu with the intention of stabbing him in the back with his ki blade but (Y/N) appeared in front of him grabbing his wrist

(Y/N):Let's see if you like some of your own medicine!! 

(Y/N) aggressively moved Zamasu's hand causing him to stab himself in the heart,he kicked Zamasu throwing him to the ground


(Y/N) created a ki blade in his hand,he aggressively moved his hand downward creating a sharp ki wave,this one cut his shoulder in half,Zamasu just smiled and grabbed his cut part just to join it to his body,(Y/N) saw how his wound had disappeared

(Y/N):Damn it! he really is immortal

Goku:Do you think we can distract them long enough?

(Y/N):The time is relative between timelines,Vegita and Trunks may be here at any second,we have to endure as long as possible

At that moment,Black and Zamasu stood in front of Goku and (Y/N)

Black:How much do you two talk? can't I join the conversation?


Zamasu:I don't know what your plan is about but you have nothing to defeat us

Goku:...Hehe that's what you think

Zamasu looked confused at Goku until (Y/N) disappeared and appeared in his Base Form behind Zamasu to kick him hard on the head, throwing him to the ground,(Y/N) teleported in front of Black,he quickly became Super Saiyan Blue causing Black to back off

During that small second of distraction,(Y/N) pointed both hands at Black and held him paralyzed using his aura

(Y/N):Q-Quick!...G-Goku! use the Mafuba,I don't think it can hold Black for long!

Goku:Okay! give me the vase!


Goku:Y-Yeah...the one which we were going to use to seal Zamasu


[Meanwhile On The Other Timeline]

Goten:...Huh? hey mom!

Bulma shifted her gaze to Goten who was on the time machine

Bulma:What's going on?

Goten:Not that Uncle (Y/N) and Dad had to take this vase?

Bulma:Yeah,why is h...they are both equally stupid!

[Back with (Y/N) and Goku]

(Y/N):I forgot it in the time machine!

Goku:W-What?!...Oh crap!

Zamasu:Huh? you want to seal a god?

(Y/N) was just an idea

Black:Then I'll take it off your head! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!

Black released his energy by breaking free of (Y/N),he charged against him by punching him in the chin,Black then punched him in the face by throwing him into some debris


Goku tried to help (Y/N) but he was stopped by Zamasu who had kneeled him in the stomach and then hit him on the neck throwing him to the ground

Goku quickly got up from the ground and fired a ki blast against Zamasu but at that moment Black got in the middle receiving all the impact,although Black was very hurt, Zamasu health him obtaining a Zenkai Boost

Black:HAHAHAHAHA!! the power that this body has is immense,my divine power along with the Saiyan power is incredible!!

(Y/N):But you won't be able to use for long!! KAMEHAMEHAAAAA X10!!!!

(Y/N) used the Kaioken in his transformation from Super Saiyan Blue,he shot a Kamehameha with all his power against Black and Zamasu

Zamasu stood in the middle to protect Black



Zamasu received the full impact of the Kamehameha,(Y/N) returned to his Base Form falling on his knees very tired,he raised his gaze only to see how Zamasu was seriously injured


(Y/N):U-Uh?! so a very strong attack is capable of killing him...his immortality is not fast enough to heal him

Black:Tsk! well,at least...he no longer has the strength to move

Black said looking with a maniacal smile at (Y/N),he charged at full speed against him

Black:I won't even need a ki blade to kill you!! HAAAAAAAAA!!



















Black:Heh! ironically,you almost killed your child once in much the same way

Black pulled his arm from Goku's chest,he fell on Black's leg

Black:Hey,get off me,I don't want you to stain me with your blood!

Black said kicking Goku by throwing away from him

Black:Well,now there's only one...


(Y/N) appeared in front of Black giving him a strong punch in the jaw,breaking it and knocking out several teeth,he launched through several buildings until one collapsed on top of him

Zamasu charge against him with the intention of stabbing him but (Y/N) disappeared and appeared at his side giving him a strong elbow in the face throwing him away from the place


(Y/N)'s Solar Flare dazzled the whole place giving him time to take Goku in his arms and escape through the sewers,(Y/N) under his power level as much as possible to avoid being detected by Black and Zamasu

(Y/N):Quick Goku! eat this!

(Y/N) said giving Goku several Senzu Beans,he ate all the Senzu Beans,the hole in Goku's chest started to heal very slowly

(Y/N):At least you're already healing...we have to escape for now

(Y/N) took Goku in his arms and started walking through the sewers trying to find the entrance to the shelter

(Y/N):Trunks told me that here was a door to the shelter


(Y/N):You have come out of worse situations than this,Goku,just hold on a little longer,the Senzu Beans are already healing you...damn it! where is that damn door?!

???:Hey! Mr (Y/N)!

(Y/N) turned to see Mai running towards him


Mai:Quick,over here

(Y/N) followed Mai down the sewers until they reached a door

Mai:I could see your fight,will Goku be alright?

(Y/N):Y-Yeah,don't worry,he'll be fine,he just needs to rest

Mai opened the door to reveal Bulma


Bulma ran to see Goku

(Y/N):Don't worry,he'll be fine,he just needs to rest so the Senzu Beans can heal him properly

(Y/N) left Goku on the bed that was in the room,Mai closed the door

Bulma:Where is trunks? I have not seen him with you

(Y/N):He went with Vegita to the other timeline,we needed to prepare him for this fight,we had a plan to seal Zamasu but we forgot about the vase in the time machine when we saw that Black was about to kill Trunks...I just hope Vegita and Trunks hurry up,I still have the seal but something is missing to seal Zamasu or Black inside

Mai:For now it is better that you two rest,Black and Zamasu do not know where the refuge is

(Y/N):But Black can detect your energies!

Bulma:Don't worry,I have a Saiyan husband so I know how this whole energy thing works,I created a machine that blocks the trace of energy in humans,we are safe

(Y/N) least for now I'm a little calmer...I hope Trunks and Vegita are training hard

[Meanwhile With Vegita And Trunks]


Vegita and Trunks screamed at the same time as they both hit their fists,they both backed away while breathing heavily,they both had their clothes very damaged and with several scratches on their body

Vegita:You are doing well...but it is not enough,you need to beat Black and Zamasu

Trunks:I know but I have no means to be as powerful as you or Dad,I have to resort to a good strategy

Vegita:Good,you are already thinking in a better way but you still need to get stronger,that bastard Black and Zamasu are beings with evil inside,do not dare to forgive them the moment they ask for mercy

Trunks:Don't worry,I intend to kill Black the moment he stole Gohan's body

Vegita:That's what I wanted to hear, we don't have much time, we need to continue training


Trunks became Super Saiyan 2 while Vegita became Super Saiyan God,both charged at the same time to continue their training in the Time Chamber

[Meanwhile With (Y/N)] 

(Y/N):Alright...I hope I'm not a fool for doing this

(Y/N) said as he came out of the sewers in the middle of the city,he started walking through the city

(Y/N):Tsk! I can't believe the Earth ended this way,almost extinct humans...animals and nature almost...

At that moment (Y/N) saw a black cat come out from the rubble with a mouse in his mouth,(Y/N) recognized this cat

(Y/N):Wait a moment,I know you

(Y/N) took the cat in his arms and looked at it more closely

(Y/N):Hehe! you're Scratch,Dr Brief's cat,I didn't know you were still alive,friend

Scratch licked (Y/N)'s cheek and then jumped from his arms and ran in another direction, (Y/N) looked where he was going and was surprised by what he had seen,he could see how in the distance,the darkness that surrounded the city disappeared when he entered the forest, the sky was clear and there was no trace of destruction,he flew overhead seeing how everything was intact

(Y/N):It is as if Zamasu or Black have never stepped on this place

Zamasu:It is because that is not our objective

(Y/N) quickly turned around to see Black and Zamasu

Black:Where is Son Goku? Is he already dead?

(Y/N):...I want to ask you one thing,what is your objective? you killed all humans but you left nature and some animals untouched

Black:It is because nature and animals are not to blame for this,only the mortals who believe they are above everything and can do whatever they want!

Zamasu:They have been a big problem since we have memories,the only thing they do is create conflicts between them instead of evolving as a species,they are constantly endangering this planets and many more

Black:Every moment you tend to challenge the gods in addition to endangering an entire universe

(Y/N):That is not true!

Black:Sure,keep lying to yourself,do you want me to give you examples of what has happened in your whole life?


Black:Let me ask you something,how did you meet your wife? was it perhaps a romantic moment?...if something romantic is almost destroying a planet then you two disgust me,you two were fighting for the fate of a planet that you two did not belong to forget about Frieza and his whole family,conquer planets and then sell them...just because they called themselves the strongest does not give them the right to conquer the planets that the gods created,I would have killed them three myself but you did the work for me


Black:Even more,who would think that a mortal could create a machine that could destroy a solar system or even a galaxy? with such a technology mortals only use it to destroy themselves...but not everything is the fault of that mortal,your wife let that insect get that pathetic form and almost destroy the world again

(Y/N):But we solved all those problems,we had our mistakes but we learn from them,is that not evolution?! this was all your fault and we try to solve the problem which are you two!

Black:You know,this could have been solved very easily,better yet,this could never have happened if Bulma had not created the time machine and you had remained dead


Zamasu:Your son did the greatest existing sin,something that even the gods are not allowed...the sin of distorting story,your son traveled so many times in time that the only thing he did was to provoke this!


Black:You and Son Goku must have been dead due to that heart virus,if the course of history had not been changed then I would not have wanted to change bodies with Gohan...AND MUCH LESS THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED!!

Black pointed towards the destroyed city

Black:All that chaos back there is because of you but mainly because of your son and your best friend's wife

(Y/N):Y-You guys are just making an excuse to convince yourself that all of this is fine! if Trunks hadn't traveled back in time then the androids would have killed all of humanity!!

Zamasu:So let me put it this way,is it better to condemn the twelve universes just for the salvation of a single planet in a galaxy,universe and multiverse?!


Black:That is what I thought,If you do not want to see this as an act of justice then it is your problem but realize that the true villain of all this is not us,it is you for the amount of sins that you have done all this time..

Black released his energy by becoming Super Saiyan Rose

Black:And I will take care of eliminating each one of you,you are the worst that the gods have created

(Y/N) became Super Saiyan God and charge against Black while Zamasu stood on a building to watch the whole fight

(Y/N) tried to punch Black but he dodged the attack and kneeled him in the chest,he quickly counterattacked giving Black an uppercute on his chin making him back off

Black tried to stab (Y/N) with his ki blade but he grabbed Black's wrist and pulled him towards him,elbowing him in the stomach,(Y/N) created a ki ball in his hand and shot it at Black creating an explosion around the two of them,(Y/N) quickly disappeared from Black's sight

Black:Damn it! where the hell are you hiding?!

Black screamed looking around until he felt (Y/N) grab him from behind and leave him immobile


(Y/N):I don't care if what you do is a good thing or what the hell you believe,I will not let you destroy the future of my son...if it even costs me my life!!

Black watched as (Y/N) began to gather a large amount of energy in his body

Black:Let me go! let me go damn it!!!

(Y/N):I will not,if I die then you will go with me!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHAAAAGGHHHH!!!

(Y/N) was about to sacrifice himself until Zamasu pierced his back with his ki blade,Black released (Y/N)'s grip and punched him hard in the face,throwing him to the ground

Black:I'd better correct your words,you'll be the only one to die here!

Black and Zamasu raised their hands in the air at the same time creating a large ball of energy on them,they were about to launch the ball of energy towards (Y/N) until they saw a flash in the sky

Black:...I'm getting sick of that damn time machine!!

Black increased the power of the energy ball,Zamasu stepped out of the way and smiled to see how Black launched the energy ball towards the time machine


(Y/N) tried to get up but could not,he just watched as the ball of energy headed towards the time machine that until the gate opened and a ki blast shot from there that made Black's ball of energy explode

Black:W-What the hell?!

Zamasu:Apparently they came back stronger than before

Black:...You take care of the moron on the ground,I'll take care of these two

Black headed towards the time machine while Zamasu landed in front of (Y/N)

Zamasu:Last words?

(Y/N):*Pant*...Y-Yeah...*Pant*...all this can be solved in another way

Zamasu:If something is wrong,don't try to repair it,it will only take longer,it just starts all over again and it will be faster,and that's what we are going to do

Zamasu grabbed (Y/N) from the neck of his Gi,he put his ki blade around his neck and was about to cut his throat until Zamasu was kicked in the face by throwing him through a building

Goku:(Y/N),are you okay?!

Goku said taking (Y/N) in his arms

(Y/N):N-Not really...I-I think I'm b-bleeding to d-death...

Goku:...We only have one Senzu Bean left

(Y/N):G-Give me the S-Senzu B-Bean...V-V-Vegita and Trunks a-are back,the plan from b-before can still work

Goku nodded,he gave the Senzu Bean to (Y/N) causing his back wound to heal,(Y/N) and Goku flew out of the place quickly,both noticed how Zamasu chased them from behind

(Y/N):If we continue like this the only thing we will do is send Zamasu right to the time machine and he may destroy it,you look for the vase,I will distract him

Goku nodded,(Y/N) charge against Zamasu punching him in the face that made him back up a few meters,he quickly became Super Saiyan Blue and started to shoot Zamasu several ki balls

Zamasu:Try some true divine power!!

(Y/N):Damn it!

(Y/N) began to dodge Zamasu's energy balls,he quickly teleported behind Zamasu to grab him from his head and hit his face against the wall of a building


(Y/N) breathed heavily when he saw the great crater he had created,from there he saw how Zamasu got up from the ground without any scratch


(Y/N) descended to stand in front of him

Zamasu:Even if you launch your most powerful attack I will not die,my immortality is such that nothing will defeat me

(Y/N):...H-Hehehe...I don't think so,I have something that could easily defeat you

Zamasu:Huh? do you really believe that a new technique will be enough for me?

(Y/N):It's not a's this piece of paper

(Y/N) said pulling a paper out of his pocket

Zamasu:...I think you already lost it

(Y/N):...I do not think so



Zamasu turned around only to see Goku with his hands pointed at him


Goku:Something created by the humans themselves,Zamasu,is why you shouldn't underestimate mortals!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!


Goku kills Zamasu inside the vase and quickly closes it,(Y/N) ran to the vase and quickly put the seal

(Y/N):Yes!! we did it! Zamasu will no longer be a problem,now only Black remains...

At that time (Y/N) and Goku saw how Black was throwing against some rubble,he tried to get up but at that moment Vegita appeared in front of him and grabbed him from his hair

Black:D-Damn you...this is supposed to be the strongest body

Vegita:And you are not wrong in that but you failed in something,the body of a Saiyan does not get stronger only for how many times it comes out alive from a combat but also how it has trained,something that you have not achieved

Vegita punched Black in the guts causing him to spit blood from her mouth,Vegita put her hand on Black's chest and fired a large ki blast at him,the ki blast was so powerful that it destroyed all the buildings that were in front of it,Black was no longer in place,he had disappeared

Vegita returned to her Base Form

Vegita:Pff! pathetic excuse of god


Vegita turned to see how (Y/N) and Goku were approaching her,she quickly threw herself into (Y/N)'s arms

Vegita:I was so worried about you!

(Y/N):Hehe don't worry,I'm fine just like Goku,where's Trunks at?

Trunks:I'm here

Everyone saw how Trunks landed in front of them

Trunks:Good that everything is over,Zamasu sealed and Black dead...everything is over

Vegita:That's right,everything will return to normal right now

Trunks:By the way,what do we do with Zamasu?

(Y/N):Don't worry,Mr Popo will take care of him,he knows how to disappear people

Trunks:Then I don't have to worry about will take a long time to repair all this

Goku:We can use the Dragon Balls of our era,we can bring them here and wish that all this was repaired

(Y/N):That's a very good idea,but let's get out of here,our work is...AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!



The three looked shocked as (Y/N) fell to the ground and started to bleed out,before anyone could do anything,an explosion of ki was created around them,Vegita took (Y/N) in her arms protecting him from the attack

Black:Fools,mortals,did you really believe you could get rid of me that easily?

Vegita:B-Bastard!! I will make sure to kill you right now!

Black:I don't think so

Everyone saw how Black had the vase in his hands,instead of opening it he destroyed the vase and from there a dark aura surrounded his body

Black:HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I can feel it,I can feel how two souls unite in one body

Everyone felt like Black's ki increased dramatically,it literally felt like the ki of two people in one body

Black:Hehehe! I was thinking of merging with Zamasu but this is much better,two powerful souls...the same body...this power is impressive!

Vegita:This won't last long!!

Vegita screamed charging against Black,he grabbed Vegita's fist very easily

Black:Hehe! let me show you how your training is useless!

Black created a ki ball on Vegita and shot it against it creating a big explosion,Vegita fell to the ground very hurt


Trunks quickly ran to help his mother,at that moment he saw Black rise in the sky

Black:Last mortals of the universe,admire my great power,this will be the last thing your pathetic lives see!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Black started to laugh maniacally as pinkish rays fell around him destroying everything

Black:This will be the last day of your lives,with this power nothing will defeat me

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