Chapter 22
[Third Person-POV]
(Y/N):O-Okay,I think we made it
(Y/N) said feeling like the time machine had landed in the Capsule Corp yard,he opened the hatch to see how everyone was waiting for him
Goten:Uncle (Y/N)
Bulma:(Y/N)! Is it all over? you guys managed to kill Black?
Bulma:Ehm...something happens?
(Y/N):We are not even close to defeating him...Bulma,you have something to rest at the moment
Bulma:Y-Yeah,I have recovery tanks,I made them up almost the same as King Cold had
(Y/N):Great,because we are going to have to use them now
(Y/N) threw Goku and Vegita out of the time machine causing them both to fall to the ground,he tried to get out of the time machine but fell on top of Goku
Goku:(Y-Y/N)...that hurt
(Y/N):S-Sorry...I can't even breathe
Bulma:Guys! quick,help them get them to the recovery tanks!!
Goten and Trunks nodded,both carrying (Y/N)/Goku and Vegita on their shoulders to the recovery tanks that were in Capsule Corp
Goten:W-What happened to them?!
Bulma:And the other Trunks are not here to tell us what will take several hours for them to recover
Trunks:Can't you make it faster?
Bulma:I am a genius but I do not know how to alter the state of a matter without spoiling everything,the liquid inside the recovery tank is invaluable and I have no idea where to find more,it is the only thing I can get out of Cold's spaceship...damn it...what happened to them to end this way?...
At that moment the door of the room opened revealing Gohan
Gohan:Hey Mom!
Bulma:H-Hey son,what are you doing here? I thought you were with Videl?
Gohan:It was like that but she is training with Mr Piccolo,she did not want to become weaker so Hercule is taking care of Pan for the moment,I will go to continue my training with the Supreme Kai and...DAD!! UNCLE (Y/N)!!!!
Gohan stood in front of his father and (Y/N)'s recovery tanks
Gohan:W-What happened?
Goten:We don't know,they came back from the other timeline but they passed out quickly without saying anything
Gohan:And what about Trunks?
Trunks:We don't know,my other self didn't come with them...
Everyone saw how several bubbles began to come out of Vegita's mouth,everyone could hear how she was mumbling something out...Z-Zamasu...
Bulma:Zamasu...what the hell is a Zamasu?!
Trunks:Maybe it's a name,the person they were dealing with
Goten:But who is he? you know?
Goten said pointing at someone
Bulma:No! and don't point your finger at me like that
Gohan:Maybe Lord Beerus knows it! the Supreme Kai and Kibito will not take long to arrive,they may also know who Zamasu is...of course if it exists on this seems that the two of them have just arrived
Gohan said upon hearing something coming from the Capsule Corp courtyard,everyone came out to see the Supreme Kai along with Kibito
Supreme Kai:Greetings to all of you,Gohan,we have to go,your training is about to begin
Gohan:Y-Yes...but before we go my mother has something to ask you two
Bulma:You two are the people who know everything in our universe,do you know someone called Zamasu from this universe?
Goten:You know it?
Supreme Kai:Ehm...y-yes,he is a Kai from universe 10,a few days ago Kibito had a little confrontation with him
Kibito:He has great potential as Supreme Kai...but how come you know of his existence,do mortals know who will be the next Supreme Kais of the other universes?
Bulma:Of course not,recently a friend from another timeline came looking for help and apparently he is facing someone named Zamasu
Kibito:I do not see the problem,a Supreme Kai always has to find a way to become powerful and a mortal is possibly something...
Trunks:I think we forgot to mention that on that timeline all mortals and possibly gods,I mean you are dead thanks to him
Supreme Kai/Kibito:W-WHAT?!?!
Goten:That's right,it's only speculation since we don't know all the details but maybe that Zamasu is the person who is destroying that timeline
Supreme Kai:Hmmm...I don't know...I will try to do an investigation,you have to know that this is a very serious accusation so I will have to make sure that everything you have said is true, Gohan,for now we will have to cancel your training
Gohan:No problem
Supreme Kai and Kibito left Earth heading towards universe 10
[Meanwhile On The Other Timeline]
Bulma:God damnit,Trunks! do what I tell you and don't go outside!
Bulma said watching Trunks getting up from his bed and putting on his jacket
Trunks:Sorry but I had no choice
Bulma:You're risking your life too much
Trunks:All to save or future
Bulma:Trunks! please stop talking like that,your life is also important,you are the hope of others,you can't go there trying to get Black to kill you at any time
Trunks:...I know...and I do not care,Gohan sacrificed himself so that I could save our future and for I think for a greater good,I want to save the future of those not think this as something selfish,I prefer to sacrifice myself to save many lives that I live and that more people die...
Trunks said as he grabbed his sword and sheathed it
Bulma:...*Sigh*'re right...I'm surprised that now you're determined to fight
Trunks:It's just that I realized something...that's not the Gohan that I know...
Bulma:What do you mean with that?
Trunks:...Maybe you do not know, have not seen your son as I have seen him up close...he uses psychology against us...inside me I know that this is not Gohan,he is a impostor,he would never behave like this and much less he would be with someone who thinks that way...don't tell Mai any of this...I just want to confirm what I'm thinking
Bulma:...Just...please be very careful...I promised your father that I would protect you and...
Trunks:And you have done an excellent job,my father would be proud of his best friend...hehe and I also have to thank you for recommending him the name "Trunks",I like it
Bulma:Hehe it was much better than the name that Vegita wanted to give you
Trunks:What was that name?
Trunks:...Yeah,again, thanks for recommending the name "Trunks" to my father
Trunks left the room,he left the shelter without anyone seeing him and sighed seeing everything around him
Trunks:...I hope to get out of this alive
Trunks began to fly away from the place where the shelter was,once he was far enough away he fired a ki ball at the sky indicating his location
Gohan:I guess you look a lot like your how silly you two are
Trunks turned to see Gohan behind him
Trunks:Don't get my family into this...where's Zamasu at?
Gohan:I don't know,he may be nearby,he may be in another galaxy,another universe,I don't know and I'm not interested,this is between master and student
Trunks:I'm not your student...and you're definitely not my master,damn asshole!
Gohan:Oh woah! apparently you finally got some guts to insult your own master
Trunks quickly became Super Saiyan 2 and charged against Gohan but he became Super Saiyan Rose and teleported behind Trunks to kick him in the head by throwing him to the ground
Gohan descended in front of Trunks who was rising from the ground
Gohan:Tell me,Trunks,what do you want? a beating? a humiliation? death? come on,each of them is on sale today
Trunks:Do you really think this is a joke?!
Gohan:No trunks,this is not a is the complete circus,seeing you like that just makes me laugh HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Gohan:What's going on? I hurt your feelings?~
Trunks:Your words no longer harm me,Gohan,I am no longer afraid to fight you
Gohan:Yeah,at first you surprised me,I didn't think you were going to attack me,I think I was lucky to dodge that attack of yours
Trunks:I hope that's the only luck you have because I intend to kill you!
Gohan:Hehe...seriously,Trunks,you would be better as a clown than defender of the Earth or whatever you want to call yourself
Trunks unsheathed his sword and quickly teleported behind Gohan with the intention of piercing his heart with his sword but Gohan turned around and with his ki blade blocked Trunks's sword
Gohan kicked Trunks in the stomach that knocked him back,Gohan quickly teleported behind Trunks giving him a double axe handle on his head throwing him into a building which he passed through to land on the ground
Trunks tried to get up but at that moment,Gohan appeared in front of him and sat on Trunks' back
Gohan:Come on,you have nothing to attack me with,if you continue like this you will only make me kill you more easily
Trunks:...why are you doing this?
Trunks:Tell me,after all I'm going to die...tell me why you do something as horrible as this? you want,after all I have nothing better to humans...mortals in general are the worst creation of the gods,all you do is stain what the gods have created,beautiful planets so they can be destroyed later,you believe that destroying nature is progress...when you are totally have caused so much damage to this planet that it is impossible for me to start
Trunks:T-That is not A-Agh!!
Gohan grabbed Trunks from his head and hit him on the ground almost breaking his nose
Gohan:I think I already have an idea where to start,let's start with something easy,your mother, she practically almost condemned humanity to let that android reach its maximum transformation...or your master,Gohan,he gave one of those seeds to him to regain his energy, just to have a good battle,a display of extreme arrogance...hehe your father,how many bad decisions did he make when he faced that being called Majin Buu,I think you heard about him...and how to forget it,your uncle,your master,your mother,your father...practically all your friends faced a God of,this planet has had better moments without any of you being born...if that were the case,then I would never have appeared in this place with this plan
Trunks:...You are seeing everything on the wrong side...all those threats we have a team,they have all come out alive from that, if you have seen that timeline then you will have seen how this whole place is peaceful,no danger...e-everyone lives a peaceful life...
Gohan:...That doesn't interest me...
Gohan got up and created a ki blade in his hand
Gohan:The only thing that matters to me is to fulfill my objective,because I am the only one who can solve this great problem
Gohan raised his hand and was about to stab Trunks in the back until he received a powerful punch to his cheek that launched him through various buildings
Gohan got up from the ground just to see how someone got in front of him to knee him in the face throwing him into the sky,he could see who was the person who had given him that beating
(Y/N):...I am not happy to see you again...Zamasu
Gohan:...W-What?!..what the hell are you talking about?!
Goku:We know everything that happened,Gohan or rather Black
Black could see how (Y/N) and Goku had him surrounded,both were in Super Saiyan Blue
Goku:So you dared to steal my son's body to use it in this horrible plan?!
(Y/N):And I guess you decided to do that to attack us psychologically you think I use it just for this? this body is not on this timeline,if you wonder,I had to travel to another to get this body
(Y/N):And you used the Super Dragon Balls to change bodies with Gohan
Black:Yeah,you have some brain...but you are missing one thing...I couldn't leave witnesses
Goku:What are you talking about?!
Black:Think a little...well,it's better to talk about my own achievements,I kill all your family and friends...yeah,even Trunks,you should have seen the scene,Trunks trying to protect Bulma and was pathetic! HAHAHAHAH!!
Goku:Y-You!...YOU!!...KILL MY FAMILY!!
Black:That's right,it was a lot of fun,if you ask me
Black:I think it's too late for that,your family is dead...and you couldn't do anything to protect them! you know...I think I know how that feeling of not being able to do anything to solve a problem is but there is a slight difference,I am doing something!
Goku released so much energy that he destroyed everything around him,(Y/N) and Black back off due to the intense energy that Goku was releasing
Goku:You took my son's body...then you used it to kill my wive,my son...and my best friend's I'm mad...NOW I'M REALLY FREAKING MAAAADDDD!!!!!
Black:Yeah,that is,free all your rage,let's see how much A-AAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!
Blac cried out in pain as Goku slashed his fist through Black's chest,he punched him in the face throwing him against a building that collapsed on top of him
Black came out of the rubble only to be greeted by a double axe handle to his head from Goku,he fell to the ground but Goku teleported in front of him to kick him in the face by throwing him through the sky
(Y/N):Goku seems to have everything under control
(Y/N) returned to his Base Form and flew to where Trunks was,he was receiving help from Vegita to get up
Vegita:Are you okay,Son? nose hurts a lot
(Y/N):Take this,we should have brought the Senzu Bean the first time we came here
(Y/N) gave Trunks a Senzu Bean,he ate one recovering his energies and healing from his nose wound
Trunks:Thanks...apparently I was right,that's not Gohan
Vegita:No,a bastard Kai from universe 10 used the Super Dragon Balls to change bodies with the Gohan from another timeline
Trunks:How did you know that?
(Y/N):Kibito explained that to us...although he said that the Supreme Kai wanted to tell us something else...but we wanted to come as quickly as possible
Vegita:We wanted to kill Black...but apparently Kakarot is going to take care of that
Vegita said watching Goku kick Black on the chin and throw him into the sky
Goku fired a Kamehameha with all his power against Black,he could only see how the powerful attack was directed towards him until someone stood in the middle
[Meanwhile In Universe 10]
Right now Zamasu was returning to the palace where his master was,Gowasu only to meet two other people
Gowasu:Oh! Zamasu here you are,as you can see we have guests
Zamasu:U-Uh?...who are you?
Gowasu:He is Lord Beerus,God Of Destruction of universe 7 and next to him his angel,Whis
Zamasu:It is a pleasure to meet you two and I...
Beerus:Where you were?
Zamasu:U-Uhm...I had an urgent matter in the northern part of the universe
Beerus:How strange,because if I remember correctly,my Supreme Kai said that you had talked to Zuno and from what I have heard,you have asked him about the strongest individual that exists besides the Super Dragon Balls
Zamasu:You were aware of everything...well,I was curious,I saw the tournament that you had against universe 6 and some questions came up,so I went to universe 7 since there it is known that Zuno is someone very wise that knows many things
Beerus:So explain to me why you asked about body changes through timelines? what are you up to?
Gowasu:Zamasu,explain why you asked those kinds of questions
Supreme Kai:I think I can explain that
Everyone saw how the Supreme Kai appeared on the scene wearing a ring in his hand
Gowasu:A-A Time Ring?!
Beerus:You're late
Supreme Kai:Sorry but it has taken me longer than I thought,I have had to travel several times in time...Zamasu! I have seen your future
Zamasu:U-Uh?...i-is that a ref...
Supreme Kai:No,you will commit a lot of devilish acts worthy of a Makaioshin
Gowasu:Diabolic acts?! Makaioshin?! I doubt Zamasu is part of something so horrible
Supreme Kai:Unfortunately it is,just as we thought,Lord Beerus
Beerus:I guess you already know that this is punished with destruction
Gowasu:Zamasu,say something? this must be a misunderstanding!
Zamasu:...Diabolical acts? mean acts of justice and don't you dare call me that dirty way!
Beerus:Kill all mortals along with the you really think that's justice?
Zamasu:...Of course,that is divine justice,something that the gods have not done yet
Beerus:That doesn't have any justice,you don't have the right to decide who lives or who dies,that is decided by a Supreme Kai and a God Of Destruction and you are neither of those two
Beerus:Do you really think I didn't take my job seriously?
Zamasu:...if my plan is being developed in the future then...
Zamasu created a ki blade behind his back
Zamasu:it is clear that I will not die is time for my plan to begin!!
Zamasu raised his hand with the intention of attacking everyone but Beerus stood in front of him and grabbed his hand making his ki blade disappear
Beerus:...Don't get cocky...
Beerus pointed the palm of his hand at Zamasu
Gowasi:ZAMASU!!!...why is this happening?
Supreme Kai:When I bring Lord Beerus and Whis back to Earth I will explain it to you
Whis:Gowasu,when you choose another disciple,choose him for his heart,not for his strength
Beerus:And if you choose another madman then I'll give you what you deserve!!
Supreme Kai:Whis,Lord Beerus! we have to hurry,there is something else that I have to explain to (Y/N) and others,it is very important that they know this!
Beerus:What is so important?
Supreme Kai:As I already explained,Zamasu and Black are complicit in this plan...but...Zamasu is...immortal...
[Backwith (Y/N) And The Others]
Goku:T-That was m-my most p-powerful attack...
Goku said surprised seeing how Zamasu was still alive even after receiving an attack of such power
Zamasu:That was almost died but how lucky I was on time
Zamasu said healing Black's wounds
(Y/N):How did you survive...that attack?!
Zamasu:...Hehe a god must always be prepared for everything...immortality is something necessary for something like this
(Y/N):I-Immortality?! there something you can't do?!?!
Zamasu:Hehe...a power of a god has no limits
(Y/N):...And neither does mortals...VEGITA NOW!! SOLAR FLARE!!!
(Y/N) shot a Solar Flare so gigantic that it blinded everyone in the place except Vegita and Trunks,she took Trunks in her arms and they flew out of the place
Trunks:M-Mom! what will happen to Dad and Mr Goku?!
Vegita:...You just wish he was alive once we got back
Trunks was confused until he saw the Time Machine,they both got into the time machine, Trunks turned it on and it quickly began to rise into the sky,the last thing Vegita and Trunks saw was (Y/N) and Goku fighting against Black and Zamasu
Trunks:M-Mom...what's going on? why do we leave Dad and Mr Goku alone?
Vegita:...You need to train,Trunks,we are going to use the Time Chamber to train so that we become stronger...once we're done...we'll be back here to kill those two bastards
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