Chapter 21
[Thid Person-POV] all this?
Gohan:Yes and you don't know how proud I am of all this,it has been a slow but satisfactory progress
(Y/N):What the hell happened to you,Gohan?!
Gohan:...And what the hell do you care?
Gohan:To be honest,I think this is the best thing I have ever done in my life,I still can't believe I have wasted all my time with that worthless thing called Trunks,I never should have trained you
Future Trunks:...*Sob*
Gohan:Gonna cry?
Vegita:Hey!! you asshole!!
Gohan looked at Vegita
Gohan:What do you want? can't you see I'm trying to humiliate someone?
Vegita:Well I think you're wrong,the only one humiliated here will be you
Gohan could see Vegita become Super Saiyan God
Vegita:Hehe! what do you think about this now?
Gohan:...What a big you really believe that by using the power of a god you will overcome me?
Vegita said with extreme security,she quickly charged against Gohan by punching him in the face by throwing him against a building,he tried to fight back but Vegita appeared in front of him and kicked him in the stomach causing him to go through the building and land on a highway
Vegita:Apparently you are not the big deal either,you won't make Trunks suffer anymore,did you hear me?
Gohan was about to fire a ki blast at Vegita but she charged against him by punching him in the chest that sent Gohan flying causing him to fall on a house
Vegita:Big Bang Attack!!
Vegita fired the Big Bang Attack at Gohan hitting him and causing him to go through several houses until Vegita appeared behind him and kicked him hard in the back causing him to fly off until he hit a building head-on
(Y/N):Maybe Vegita...can defeat him
Gohan fell to the ground as Vegita landed in front of him this how it will all end for you?
Vegita jumped back as she heard Gohan laugh,he got up from the floor and started to clean the dust off his clothes,he turned to look at Vegita
Gohan:I have to say...those were good massages,I had never felt this relaxed before
Vegita:Grrr! damn you...
Gohan:Well Vegita,do you have anything else besides the Super Saiyan God?
Vegita:....Hehe of course I have something more than this,I just thought it would be a waste of time to use it with you
Gohan:Oh please,I'm the only one here who's wasting time with you
Vegita:Tsk! as you want,remember that you signed your death sentence! HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Vegita became Super Saiyan Blue,at that moment Gohan started clapping
Gohan:Good! good,this may serve as a warm-up
Vegita:Do you still think you are still stronger than the Queen of all Saiyans?!
Gohan:Of course,do you really think that the Queen of all Saiyans is the strongest Saiyan that exists in the universe? it is wrong,remember my potential
(Y/N):H-He is right,he is a hybrid between a Saiyan and an Earthling
Gohan:Wrong!...I am a hybrid between a Saiyan,an Earthling...and a god!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
A dark aura began to surround Black Gohan,everything around him began to be destroyed in addition to making everyone present back,a crater began to form under Gohan,at that moment a pink aura appeared that reached to the sky,the dust that had surrounded Gohan for a few seconds but then disappeared
Gohan:So...what do you think about this color? it is not beautiful? if I had to give it a name it would be Rose...
Gohan:Super Saiyan Rose...
Future Trunks:S-Super Saiyan Rose
Gohan started laughing as he soared into the sky,he looked at Goku
Gohan:Father,be happy and proud of this,your son has just reached the peak of beauty and power
Goku:...I have always been proud of my children...but seeing that you have used all this power for something as horrible as only makes me disappointed in you...Gohan
Gohan:...Oh well,you can't make anyone you still think you're capable of fighting me,Vegita?
Vegita:Of course,a transformation will not stop me from annihilating you
Vegita charge against Gohan trying to punch him but he dodged every attack by Vegita,Gohan just punched her on the chin that knocked her back
Gohan:Well it's time to start your fall
Gohan quickly charged against Vegita without gave her time to dodge the kick that hit her in the face by throwing her against a building,Vegita tried to escape from there but Gohan appeared in front of her grabbing her from her hair and dragging her through the entire building
Gohan shot a ki ball to the ground of the building causing it to start to collapse,he threw Vegita in the direction of where the building was falling causing it to collapse on top of her
(Y/N) was about to charge against Gohan but in that an explosion of ki occurred in the rubble showing Vegita,she quickly charged against Gohan but he disappeared and appeared on her kicking her in the head throwing her to the ground
Gohan fired a pink Masenko at Vegita but she dodged the attack before it hit her,but at that moment Gohan appears behind her with his hand pointed at her
Gohan:Did you really think this fight would be so short? well it will be for you
Vegita crossed several debris until she fell to the ground,Gohan appeared on her and grabbed her from her hair,he created a ki blade in his hand
Gohan:I know your power, are nothing against me
Gohan was about to decapitate Vegita but at that moment (Y/N) charge against him trying to kick him,Gohan made his ki blade disappear and caught (Y/N)'s feet and threw him elsewhere,(Y/N) flipped to fall behind Gohan
He kicked him in the head causing him to let go of Vegita,(Y/N) grabbed her from the collar of his armor and threw her away from the place causing her to fall in front of Trunks
(Y/N):Gohan,stop this,I don't know what the hell happened to you or why are you doing this...b-but I'll have to kill y-you
Gohan:Wow...would you even kill your nephew...would you really do that,Uncle?
(Y/N) lost his fighting pose when he saw Gohan's face
Gohan:Don't you remember all those moments we spent together? together with my father,family moments
He had a sad face that quickly changed to that of a psychopath when he saw how (Y/N) had lost the will to fight,Gohan quickly charged against (Y/N) elbowing him in the stomach causing him to spit blood from his mouth
Gohan:Don't let the feelings get in the way,Uncle~
Gohan grabbed (Y/N) from his neck and fired a Ki blast that sent him flying,he quickly became Super Saiyan Blue,Gohan started shooting ki balls at (Y/N) but at that moment, Goku appeared at the place hitting Gohan in the face making him back off,he became Super Saiyan Blue
Goku:Gohan!! please stop,stop all this,there may still be a solution!
Gohan:Solution? solution for what? My plan is almost complete,I just want to make humans suffer a little more,after all they are the ones that have caused more sins,so many that it is incredible that a single race could have done this
(Y/N):Plan? what plan are you talking about?
Gohan:The Zero Mortals Plan,and as its name says,there will be no human existing in the twelve universes
Goku:...What's wrong with you,Gohan? you are not like that,you never have been
Gohan:Then it shows that you don't know me,Father,so much that apparently you don't know that right now I will kill you two without mercy
(Y/N):Goku...we have...we have to defeat Gohan...if we don't then Trunks and the other humans are lost
Goku:I-I get it...let's get started
Goku and (Y/N) started fighting Gohan at the same time,while that was happening,Trunks approached Vegita to help her
Future Trunks:M-Mom! you're good?!
Future Trunks:Mom! how lucky you...
Vegita:T-Trunks...I'm sorry...please forgive me
Future Trunks:Huh? why? was your master...I didn't know that...I hadn't heard about that...I understand why you can't fight him...f-forgive me
Future Trunks:Don't worry,Mom,you didn't know about this,it's not your fault...but I feel useless...not being able to protect my future...and that Gohan is the person who is destroying that future...but my father and mr Goku could...
Vegita:They can't...they can't defeat him...Gohan...he's holding back...
Goku and (Y/N) were doing teamwork trying to defeat Gohan,which was working,he was losing concentration trying to dodge several attacks at the same time until he received a double kick from Goku and (Y/N) causing him to be thrown against the ground
Gohan watched as Goku and (Y/N) were about to fire a Kamehameha at him until they both started to grab their necks feeling like they were suffocating
???:Don't you think it's enough of games? you'll end up dying if you keep fighting like this
Gohan looked up to see how a building flew in the direction of (Y/N) and Goku,both were hit by the large building causing it to be destroyed and both fell to the ground with various scratches and blood leaking from their wounds
(Y/N):W-What the h-hell was t-that?!
Gohan:I didn't need your help,Zamasu,I could still win,I just needed a little Zenkai
Zamasu:But for those Zenkais you need my help
They all looked up to see the person who was accompanying Gohan
Goku:W-Who...who is that guy?
Future Trunks:H-He looks like the Supreme Kai!
(Y/N):H-He is your friend,G-Gohan?
Gohan:Yeah,something like that,after all...we both share the same goal
Goku:G-Goal?...That doesn't interest me,I don't know what you did to my son...but I'll take care of making him go back to being the Gohan from before!! not you realize? this is what I wanted to do...don't you see how happy I am that I am achieving my goal?
Zamasu:We are about to get it but since humans are the mortals with the greatest sins,it is better to make them suffer for everything they have done...our utopia will be perfect once we eliminate all mortals!
Goku:...I didn't understand a word of what you said
Zamasu:Of course,humans are so unintelligent that they don't understand my words,I'm at a higher level
(Y/N):No,because you do not know how to explain yourself well,that is why nobody understands what you are trying to say...what makes you more stupid
Zamasu stared at (Y/N) for a few seconds until he created a ki blade in his hand and charged against him
Zamasu:That you have the ability to speak does not make you smarter!
Zamasu was about to stab (Y/N) until Future Trunks blocked the attack with his sword,he was turned into Super Saiyan 2,he kicked Zamasu making him back off,Gohan came down standing next to him
Future Trunks:D-Dad!! take my mother and get out of here!
(Y/N):I-I will not a-abandon you,Trunks!
Future Trunks:...There is no other option,Dad,get out of here...I will try to make time
Gohan:Oh yeah? and how will you do...huh?
Just then,a grenade fell in the middle of Gohan and Zamasu
Gohan:...OH! YOU BIT...
The grenade exploded generating a strong glow that blinded Gohan and Zamasu
Future Trunks:M-Mai...GET OU NOW!!!!
(Y/N) took Vegita in his arms and together with Goku they escaped from the place
Gohan:FUCK!! where the hell are you Mai?! come out so I can kill you!!
Gohan said trying to clear his sight but he got kicked in the face causing him to be thrown against a building
Future Trunks quickly blocked Zamasu's ki blade but he kept hitting Trunks' sword until he took his sword from his hands and threw it away from him
Zamasu:Well,now without a sword,what will you do? NgAAAAGHHH!!!
Future Trunks punched Zamasu in the face,knocking him back
Future Trunks:I don't need a sword to fight!
Gohan:But you may need it if you want to survive
Gohan said as he emerged from the rubble as he clutched his jaw
Gohan:Good kick,it tickled me,at least you surprised a bad way,all the training I gave you just so you didn't do me any harm and also attacked me while I was helpless,that's falling low,Trunks
Future Trunks:....
Gohan:What? gonna crAgh!!
Future Trunks:STOP MOCKING ME!!!
Future Trunks put his hand on Gohan's face and fired a ki blast at him that knocked him back
Future Trunks:*Pant*....*Pant*...Please Gohan*Pant* why are you doing this?...what happened to you?! do not understand Trunks...I have suffered so past...I am doing everything because of what happened in my past is so dark wouldn't understand...everyone hates me for no reason...I don't know why!
Future Trunks:...G-Gohan...I understand...I understand what happens to you...but...I can help overcoming your past...overcome all this
Gohan looked up at Future Trunks,he started to get closer to Gohan,he started to smile happily
Future Trunks:Gohan...I promise you that I A-Aghh!!!!
Future Trunks screamed in pain as Gohan punched him in the stomach causing him to spit blood from his mouth,Gohan grabbed him from the collar of his jacket
Gohan:Oh my Zen-Oh! did you really believe all that edgy shit?...I don't have a dark past,I never suffered...I only realized that mortals are the greatest mistake of the gods and in order to make the world...the universe a better place...It is better to correct that problem...AND I WILL TAKE CARE OF CORRECTING IT!!
Future Trunks back off several meters,he got up from the ground to see his sword next to him,he grabbed his sword and with the little energy he had got up from the ground,he was bleeding in various parts of his body,he looked up to see Gohan descending in front of him
Gohan:Just think about it for a moment,Trunks,why would I stop at my goal when I'm close to completing it? so much effort just to stop...what nonsense
Future are not Gohan
Gohan:Huh? and now you disrespect me?...the person that you...
Future Trunks:Gohan would never behave this way...It took me a long time to realize that...I did not want to accept reality,I ignored everything that happened to not accept that fact...but now I realized everything...he would never make innocent people suffer,he would only make people who really deserve it you...
Gohan:...It shows a lot...that you never knew me,Trunks,you never knew me well
Future Trunks:...Forgive me Gohan...but...I will kill you...
Future Trunks:I will kill you to save what you really wanted at first...The Future...Our Future
Zamasu:Don't make us laugh,Trunks...
Future Trunks turned to see Zamasu descending behind him
Zamasu:You're in a terrible! you're just going to waste our time,why don't you think about doing something more useful?
Future Trunks:...Hehe...hahahahaha!
Gohan:And what are you laughing at now? is your death funny?
Future that you two...are easy to fool...
Gohan:Wha...THE TIME MACHINE!!!!
Gohan and Zamasu quickly got up in the air trying to locate the time machine,both managed to see them rise into the air but before they could do anything,the time machine had already disappeared
Gohan:All of this was just a simple distraction!
Zamasu and Gohan tried to go for Future Trunks but he had already disappeared from the place
Gohan:Damn it! they made us look like fools!!
Zamasu:Calm down,they'll come back,they won't leave Trunks
Zamasu said as he put his hand on Gohan's shoulder,he healed his wounds he got during the match
Gohan:I suppose you are right...but once they come back...I will kill them in the slowest and most painful way possible,like every human on this planet
Zamasu and Gohan flew out of the place,what they both did not know is that Future Trunks had not escaped from the place,he had only hidden under some rubble,he got out of there while clutching his stomach but before he could fly off,he fell to his knees
Future Trunks:U-Ugh!...I feel very weak...I don't think I can get to the...
At that moment Future Trunks felt like someone was helping him up
Mai:Sorry for leaving you alone,Trunks,I tried to help you by blinding Black and Zamasu
Future Trunks:I-I know...Thank you very much for that,Mai...Dad/Mom and Mr Goku already escaped from this timeline...but I hope they can come up with a better plan...we need to defeat Gohan...we need...
Mai:D-Don't think about it're so hurt,I'm taking you to the bunker right now
Future Trunks:T-Thanks...again...almost always you are the one who has saved me from these situations
Mai:W-Well...a girlfriend has to worry about her boyfriend and viceversa...but let's put this aside, your safety is more important right now
Future Trunks:T-Thanks again Mai
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