Chapter 20

[Third Person-POV]

Almost a year had already passed since what happened with Cooler and his family,during that time,a tournament was held between universe 6 and 7 but right now that event is not relevant to the story,what is about to happen if it will be

Trunks:*Pant* *Pant* Come on get out of here...

Trunks whisper seeing a person flying through a completely ruined city,that person flew out of the place once he failed to know where Trunks was


Trunks ran as fast as he could to get to a building,he opened the door and made sure no one was around,he entered the building to meet a person

Bulma:Trunks! how lucky you are safe

Trunks:I am also surprised,he was looking for me for hours

Bulma:Couldn't you fight him?

Trunks:...I can't...I can't!...when I try to face him...the only thing that happens is that those memories come to my mind...and my body just stops...and also he's taking advantage of that weakness of mine...what happened to him?

Bulma:D-Don't worry about it,I understand how you feel...* Sigh * It's been a long time since I saw him...and seeing him doing this just breaks my heart...but now is not the time to cry,the fuel is ready

Bulma said showing a container with a bit of a blue liquid inside

Trunks:Is that the only thing you could do in a year? do you think that will be enough?

Bulma:It will only work for one trip but the me from the other timeline can surely do more,I am sure of it

Trunks:Very well but we have to escape from here,he may already know that we are here,we will have to use another place to get to the bunker

Bulma:...oh please! I did not want to go there!

Trunks:I'm sorry but it's the only place where he can't find us

Trunks said as he pulled the cover off the sewer

Trunks:Okay,get in

Bulma:*Sniff* Sniff*...UGH!!! It smells horrible!!

Trunks:Try to breathe through your mouth

Bulma:*Sigh* I will have to take a bath after this

Bulma and Trunks went down the sewers and walked for several minutes until they both saw a hatch,Trunks opened the hatch and gave way to Bulma,she and Trunks came out of the sewers to meet someone else

Bulma:Hey Mai Ugh! sorry for the smell

Mai:No problem,do you already have the fuel?

Trunks:Yes,we just need to go to the old Capsule Corp


Trunks:It's there...tell me,Mai

Mai:...Yes,apparently he knew it,he is hanging around these places...but I will accompany you

Trunks:N-No Mai,It is very dangerous...if that person is the person that I really believe...then he will be disappointed at how weak I have become...I had promised to become stronger!...I-I just am..

Bulma:Trunks! he who is out there is nobody!! he is not the person I knew for a long time,no matter what he are stronger and more powerful than you think!

Trunks:...Okay, don't worry about me...are you sure about this,Mai?

Mai:Pretty sure,it's also my duty to protect the future even if I'm only a human,let's go

Trunks and Mai came out of the bunker and ran stealthily through the houses and the dilapidated buildings trying not to attract attention,they both arrived at Capsule Corp,Trunks and Mai entered the building and saw the time machine

Trunks:Good! he hasn't seen it yet

Mai:We have to hurry before he knows our location

Trunks nodded,he put the fuel into the time machine,he got on it and prepared the coordinates until he and Mai heard an explosion near them

Trunks:He is here!

Mai:You go in the time machine,I will make time for you to go!

Trunks:Don't do it! he will kill you!

Mai:It is a sacrifice that I have to make to save this timeline,you go and forget about me


Mai left the building,Trunks hit the machine with the rage he felt

Trunks:...D-DAMN IT!!!...T-Tsk!

He pressed the button,turning on the time machine and causing it to start rising in the sky,another explosion originated outside the building


Trunks closed his eyes for a few seconds but then opened them only to see a person in front of him,several tears began to fall down his cheeks

???:Did you really think that stupid bait would work for me? don't be silly,Trunks,although I always knew you weren't good at this

Trunks:Shut up!...SHUT UP!!!

???:Hehe! do not worry,where you will go,you can no longer hear me and I will not have to see the disappointment that you have become...KAMEHAMEHAAAAAAAAA!!!

The person fired a Black Kamehameha at Trunks,just at that moment the time machine traveled to the past preventing Trunks from dying

???:Tsk! stupid Trunks,the only thing he has caused is to grow the amount of sins that you have caused all mortals

[Meanwhile On The Other Timeline]

Right now Goten and Trunks were having a little fight in the Capsule Corp courtyard

Goten:Come on,Trunks,don't hold back,let's fight seriously!

Trunks:Hey! I'm not holding back,I assure you

Goten:I know you,Trunks,you're holding back, don't be afraid to hit me just because I'm a girl,I can kick your ass too

Trunks:Alright,here we go!

Trunks and Goten charge at the same time but just at that moment the time machine appeared in the middle of the two of them,both backed away seeing how the time machine landed in the place

Trunks:Woah! what is this?

Goten:I don't know,maybe it's a spaceship

Trunks:But it has the name of your mom's company,maybe it's her spaceship,let's ask her

Goten and Trunks went to tell Bulma what had happened,she quickly ran to where the time machine was while she put on a lab coat

Bulma:Is he here again? but why did it take him so long to come back?

Goten:Who are you talking about,Mom?

Bulma:Hmmmm...Trunks,please don't be scared by what you can see there,but can you see who the person inside is?


Trunks flew over the time machine trying to see the person who was inside,he cleaned the dust that was on the glass only to see Future Trunks unconscious inside

Trunks:I-IS ME?!?!


Bulma:As I supposed cloned me?!

Bulma:Huh? of course not! please be a little smarter than your father,that is a time machine and the one that is inside that machine is you from another timeline,I will have to call Goku and the others,if Trunks returned to this era then something very bad may happen

Goten and Trunks took Future Trunks out of the time machine and put him under a pergola, they waited several minutes until the others arrived at Capsule Corp thanks to Whis' help

Bulma:It was time for you to arrive

(Y/N):We came as fast as Whis could,It is true? Trunks...

Bulma:Just look at him for yourself

(Y/N) ran to where Future Trunks was,he bent down to see him

(Y/N):He looks very sloppy,he is quite thin

Trunks:Dad,how...did this happen?

Vegita:He's a you from another timeline

Trunks saw his mother approaching the place

Vegita:He came a few years ago warning us about the arrival of some androids,I guess you know who those androids are

Goten:17 and 18?

Goku:Do not think badly of them two,17 and 18 from the timeline of this Trunks were evil while those of our timeline were good

Vegita:And also he defeated Cell very easily...but seeing him now in this state...I feel a little disappointed

Gohan:Maybe we should take him to Dende to heal him

(Y/N):...No wait,I think I have a Senzun must be around here...come on...HERE IT IS!

(Y/N) gave the Senzu Bean to Future Trunks,he swallowed the Senzu Bean causing him to wake up

Future Trunks:U-Uh?...I time?

Future Trunks got up while clutching his head,he looked around until he saw his father

Future Trunks:D-Dad!

Future Trunks started hugging (Y/N),he hugged Trunks back

(Y/N):It's good to see you again,Trunks

(Y/N) helped Future Trunks get off the ground

Gohan:Good that you are well,Trunks,it is good to see you again have grown a lot

Gohan:You too,Trunks

Trunks:Hehe yeah...Mom!

Future Trunks approached Vegita but she took a step back

Vegita:What happened to you? for what reason did you come back here?

(Y/N):Vegita,be a little more sensitive with Trunks,he may have been through a lot

Future,I guess Mom is right,it is better to explain the reason why I am here

(Y/N):Okay but if you need to stop then do it

Future Trunks:...*Sigh* Unlike last timeline is the one in danger...a new threat appeared on Earth,a very powerful threat

Goku:Huh? is Majin Buu?

Future Trunks:...

Future Trunks looked at Goku for a few seconds until he came out of his trance

Goku:Ehm...something happens?

Future Trunks:O-Oh!...sorry...but as I was saying,the new threat is not Majin Buu,I defeated Babidi and Dabura before they both managed to awaken Majin Buu but unfortunately the Supreme Kai died

Beerus:T-The Supreme Kai!...

Whis:But how shocking

Future Trunks:but his death is not the only shocking...the human race has reached the point of extinction


Future Trunks:The enemy that I am facing...we call him...Black...because of the clothes he wears and in addition to the black aura that he gives off,he is extremely powerful...the day he appeared he said things clearly...that he was going to exterminate all the mortals that existed without hesitation and that all of us would pay for our sins,all in the name of justice...and he did it,in just one year he has destroyed almost the entire human race...but I can not say more about the other planets...Black may have already eliminated the rest of the mortals...I've tried to fight him but...I can't do it...that's why...

Vegita:That is why you are a coward!

Everyone in the place was shocked by Vegita's harsh words

Future Trunks:M-Mom...

(Y/N):Vegita,I told you that!...

Vegita:You don't speak,(Y/N),Trunks,you are a Saiyan and we don't run away from the fighting!

Future Trunks:I-I did not run away!

Vegita:That is a stupid excuse,I thought you had become stronger but I see that you have only managed to disappoint me

(Y/N):Vegita!! shut up!

Vegita:I expected to see you as someone powerful but the only thing I see is...

Future Trunks:SHUT UP!!!

Everyone now was shocked to see how Future Trunks had yelled at Vegita,even she was shocked

Future Trunks:Do you think this is easy for me? do you think this is normal for me?! I have lost a lot of people throughout my life!! I could not see you in a long time,I am the only hope of the people and the best thing that occurred to me was to come and ask for help from you!!

Future Trunks began to clench his fists from the rage he was feeling


Everyone looked surprised at Future Trunks,Vegita the only thing she did was walk next to Future Trunks without saying anything

Future Trunks:*Sob*...*Sob*...

(Y/N) reached out to Future Trunks and hugged him again,Future Trunks started hugging him tightly as his tears fell on (Y/N)'s Gi

(Y/N):Don't worry,Trunks,we will help you with this,I promise,you helped us and we will return the favor

Future Trunks:...*Sob*...T-Thank you...d-dad

(Y/N):No problem,my son

(Y/N) said while stroking Future Trunks hair


Trunks:Hey man! here you have some food

Trunks and Goten put various plates of food on the table in front of Future Trunks

Future Trunks:T-Thank you

Goten:It is nothing,you look very thin so we wanted you to eat something

Future Trunks:Well,it's hard to find something to eat in a world where humanity is about to die out and you have to hide from someone that won't leave you alone

Trunks:Yikes! sorry about that...and I'm sorry about...our mother,to be honest...she behaved like an idiot

Future Trunks:No...It is my fault,she had a lot of hope and pride placed in me and I disappointed her,I must...

Bulma:Don't you dare apologize to your mother,Trunks!

The three could see Bulma go out on the terrace

Bulma:I know Vegita,Trunks,she is a good mother but this time she exaggerated too much,she shouldn't have talked to you like that,it's not your fault,it's her fault,she needs to apologize to you

Future Trunks:...I don't know...I've only gotten to know her for a very short time and I don't know how she's going to react,I literally become blinded by my anger when I yell at her

Trunks:You have "Dragon Balls" if you know what I mean...



Trunks:It would never cross my mind to yell at my mother or even deny her something...she terrifies me a lot

Goten:Your mother terrifies everyone except your father

Trunks:And Lord Beerus

Bulma:At least (Y/N) knows when Vegita has done something stupid and says it to her face

Future Trunks:Really?

Bulma:Yeah,(Y/N) and I are best friends and we always tell each other about the things that happen with Goku and that time when Vegita let Cell get his Perfect Form


(Y/N) and Vegita entered the Time Chamber prepared to train

(Y/N):Vegita...before training...I would like to ask you something...WHY THE HELL DID YOU LET CELL GET HIS PERFECT FORM?!

Vegita:I-I just w-wanted to get a good challenge!

(Y/N):And didn't you think that the future of Earth and all of us would not be hurt about it?! we are too powerful to...

(Y/N):Vegita,I think I taught you very well that you should not underestimate your opponents,it happened with Frieza and Cooler,with King Cold,with the Ginyu Force,with the Cooler Armored Squuadron and with the Androids!

Vegita:Tsk! Now you have to yell at me

(Y/N):I didn't want to do it in front of the others and Trunks,but please,next time...don't underestimate your opponents!

Vegita:Okay!...I'll try

[FlashBack End]

Bulma:Anyway,eat something Trunks,you will need it,I'm almost done with the fuel

Future Trunks:W-Wait! you almost finished a tank of fuel?

Bulma:Yep,the first tank is already full of fuel! 

Future on my timeline took a year to make enough fuel for a trip

Bulma:I suppose she did not have enough materials to do them in a short the way... how do I see myself on your timeline? just as cute as now?

Future Trunks:E-Ehm...

Future Trunks looked behind Buma to see Goten and Trunks beckoning him to say yes

Future Trunks:S-Sure! you look just as cute as now

Bulma:Oh! I will stay so beautiful for Goku!...even that he doesn't age at all...but hey,I like to know that I will age well

Future Trunks:*Sigh* She is just like on my timeline

Future Trunks finished eating all the food that had been served to him,he walked to the Capsule Corp courtyard to meet Gohan

Future Trunks:Gohan!

Gohan:Huh? hey Trunks!! I was waiting for you

Future Trunks:Huh? seriously?

Gohan:Yes,I want to help you train a little for when you return to your timeline

Future Trunks:...T-Thanks! that should help me a lot

Gohan:I guess it's the best thing I can do,I can't go with you to your timeline since there is no more space in the time machine

Future Trunks:I don't care,spending a moment with you always brings back good memories

Gohan:Alright so let's get started!

After a training session,Future Trunks was ready to go back to his timeline,he and Gohan put the fuel in the time machine

Gohan:Is this okay?

Bulma:Yep,with a single tank the time machine can make several trips

Gohan:That's great,Trunks I...huh?...s-sorry! I have to go

Future Trunks:W-Where are you going?

Gohan:I have to go with my wife Videl and my daughter,Pan,I thought about introducing you but I suppose that you are going to leave,I'm sorry but I want to make sure that both of them are well,bye Trunks!

Gohan said goodbye while flying from Capsule Corp,just then Goku using the Instant Transmission appeared in front of Future Trunks along with Vegita and (Y/N)

Goku:We are back!

(Y/N):We finish with our training,is the Time machine ready?

Bulma:Yes,the machine is now ready to return to the other timeline

(Y/N):Alright,are you ready,Trunks? we will take care of this,don't worry

Future Trunks:I guess it's for the best,I still don't have...the strength to fight Black

Goku:By the way,how does he look?

Future Trunks:Well he...

Vegita:Ugh! enough,let's go so we can end this!

Goku/Vegita/Trunks and (Y/N) got on the Time Machine,the four of them were a little uncomfortable in there

Goku:This is a little uncomfortable luckily Vegita is no that fa...

(Y/N):Goku! shut up!

Future Trunks turned on the Time Machine and it began to rise in the air,in a few seconds the time machine traveled through time reaching the Future Trunks Timeline,he opened the time machine causing everyone to fall to the ground

Goku:Auch!! that hurt

(Y/N):You're good? didn't you hit your head?

Goku:N-No I'm fine,don't worry

Vegita:...So this is how your timeline's horrible

Future Trunks:All this was caused by Black,you just have to imagine how the other planets were annihilated...U-Ugh!...damn it!

(Y/N):Easy,Trunks,we will solve this

Future Trunks:...I will be honest,Dad...I don't know if you can against him

Goku:Don't worry Trunks,we are stronger than we were before

Future Trunks:Okay...sorry if this bothers you but before we go against Black I would like to do something first

Everyone nodded except for Vegita,Future Trunks save the time machine and he walked towards the bunker,the three followed him until they got to where he was,he opened the bunker door for the others to enter,he made sure no one was around and then closed the door

Goku:What is this place? 

Future Trunks:It's a bunker,here are the last survivors on Earth...or from what I understand

Future Trunks opened the door to show several people who were the survivors of the chaos that Black had caused,at that moment Bulma of the future realized the presence of Trunks

Bulma:Trunks! you okay,I was worried about you

Goku:Huh?! Bulma?

Bulma:Huh?...Goku?...GOKU?!?! MY GOKU!!!!

Bulma ran to Goku and jumped against him giving him a hug

Bulma:You don't know how much I missed you,Goku!!

Goku:Hehe! I am also happy to see you although I saw you a few minutes ago

Bulma:...*Sigh*...that attitude of yours always makes me smile...(Y/N)!!

Bulma had looked at (Y/N) for a few seconds before hugging him

(Y/N):It's also good to see you again,Bulma

Bulma:I say the same...Vegita

Vegita:...Hmph!...It is also good to see you

Bulma:I say the same

Vegita:...Apparently you took care of Trunks during this time

Bulma:Well it's a promise I made to my best friend so I wasn't going to break it

(Y/N):Thank you very much Bulma,my me on this timeline would be very grateful to know that brings back memories when we first met

Bulma:Yeah,like that time I shot you in the head the first time we met


(Y/N):It was just an accident,Vegita,nothing more

Goku:I was there and yep,it was an accident

Future Trunks:Apparently you had many adventures even as children

Bulma:Of course,I always remember all that

(Y/N):Hey remember puff-puff?

Bulma:Oh yeah!...what about pat-pat?

(Y/N):Haha! or slurp-slurp?

Bulma:Or even grope-grope?

(Y/N):Hahaha! good times

Bulma:Yeah...good times...huh?

Goku and Future Trunks looked at Bulma and (Y/N) confused while Vegita looked at them jealously

Vegita:Excuse me but what the fuck?!

(Y/N):They are just simple memories of our adventures,Vegita...I suppose you two did not have all this very easy,I could see it everywhere

Bulma:That's right,there aren't many supplies left,so Mai went out with other survivors looking for supplies

Future Trunks:Wait! Mai is safe?!

Bulma:Yes she had some wounds but we were able to heal her

Goku:Oh! now I remember,the Bulma on my timeline told me to give this to you

Goku gave Future Trunks some capsules

Goku:There are a lot of supplies there,enough for two years

Future Trunks:That is very helpful,thank you very much Mr Goku,this will help us survive Black's attacks longer

(Y/N):Speaking of him...

Vegita:It's time to end his existence,Trunks,do you know where he is hiding?

Future Trunks:N-No...but I know the place where he always appears

Goku:So lead us to that place

Bulma:Please be very careful against him

(Y/N):We will have it,don't worry

Everyone came out of the bunker,Future Trunks led the others to the place where Black could be

Future Trunks:This is it,this is where Black usually is

Vegita:So let's get his attention

Vegita fired a ki blast into the sky indicating her location

(Y/N):Good idea,Vegita,Black won't take...

Right at that moment everyone felt a ki move fast,so fast that practically Black had already arrived at the place

???:You always end up disappointing me,Trunks,you're so weak that you decided to bring help

Everyone watched as a tornado started to come down from the sky,several lightning bolts began to fall from the ground,a pair of red eyes were seen through the tornado

???:And you call yourself a are just a waste of time for your race

Future Trunks looked at the ground,several tears began to fall down his cheeks

(Y/N):HEY!!! don't you dare speak...s-sp...speak...

(Y/N) was speechless to feel the ki with more attention,the tornado faded showing the appearance of Black,Goku began to walk slowly with a face of complete horror to see the person who had caused the mass extinction of mortals in the universe
















Gohan:Ah!...well well...but look who we have here...Father...Uncle...

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