Chapter 18

[Third Person-POV]

Everyone had left their room to meet Whis

Goku:What is wrong with you,Whis? do you need help with something?

Vegita:I hope this is really important

Whis:Don't worry,this is not a request from me,I recently got a call from Bulma


(Y/N):What is it,Whis? tell us

Whis:Well apparently Frieza/Cooler and Cold have been revived,this was mentioned by your son

Vegita:D-Did something happen to Trunks? those bastards did something to him?!

Whis:No,not from what I could see,he mentioned that the three of them would return to Earth stronger than ever and that they would destroy it,what a shame,the Earth was a planet with excellent food

Gohan:Aren't you worried about what might happen to Earth?

Whis:No,the angels will always have to remain neutral when it comes to events happening in the universes,of course,unless Lod Beerus decides otherwise

Vegita:Do you at least know when they will return to Earth?!

Whis:Sheesh you don't have to scream,Vegita,I have no information when they can come back

Goku:So what will we do now?

(Y/N):Train,clearly we will have to defeat them once and for all

Vegita:We will have to try even harder than we have previously,neither Frieza/Cooler or Cold have ever trained in their lives,they have always thought they are the best in the whole universe and they have never decided to train

Beerus:How pessimistic you are for such a simple solution

Everyone saw Beerus in his pajamas

Whis:Oh Lord Beerus,I thought you were sleeping

Beerus:I was until I heard Vegita's screams which woke me up but as I was saying this has a simple solution

Goku:Are you going to help us with this?

Beerus:Of course not,it is your problem,not mine,I will only give you some advice,although it does not seem like it,I know those three very well,they have a weak point when it comes to fighting

(Y/N):What is that weak point,Lord Beerus?

Beerus:It is very easy,those three morons do not know how to control their power and manage to lose energy very easily,Whis showed me your fight in Namek and being honest,it was a pathetic fight,Frieza and Cooler were using transformations that they were not even used to...It was just a matter of time that you were going to win,if Cooler and Frieza managed to get used to their transformations...well,we wouldn't have those conversations right now...Whis I'm hungry,I want that thing...what do you call that thing with cheese on it and other things?

Whis:Pizza,My lord,here is a box

Whis used his staff to give Beerus a box of pizza

Beerus:Whoa! this is the second best food on Earth,you can combine it with anything!

(Y/N):I guess now we will have to train much more than before,we do not know how strong Frieza/Cooler or Cold can be but it will be necessary to defeat them with the new power that we have all obtained,I guess we will have to worry much more about Cold,he is much more powerful than Frieza and Cooler

Goku:So let's do it right now,we will have to become much stronger than the two of them!

[Timeskip-Several Months]

After many months of training,Cold/Frieza and Cooler were ready to go to Earth

Cold:I think it is time to go for our revenge,my kids,we have become much stronger than before

Cooler:I think so but I'm surprised this guy isn't dead yet

Cooler said while holding onto Tagoma's neck,who was dying of the pain he felt,Cooler threw Tagoma on the ground and then wiped his hands

Frieza:Finally,these months on this planet have been horrible,I never thought that such extreme planets existed

Cold:But it helped us to become stronger,let's go back,kids and also bring that soldier,he has been very useful during this time

Frieza used his telekinesis to lift Tagoma off the ground and take him back to the spaceship, once they entered the spaceship they were welcomed by Sorbet

Sorbet:K-King Cold/Lord Frieza and Lord Cooler have you finished with your training?

Cold:That's right,take this subordinate to a recovery tank,he may be useful for later

Frieza launched Tagoma against Sorbet


Frieza:The invasion of Earth is about to start,you'd better direct the spaceship towards Earth

Sorbet:S-Sure Lord Frieza,I will do it right now,someone take Tagoma to a recovery tank right now!

Some soldiers took Tagoma to the infirmary while Sorbet directed the spaceship towards Earth

Sorbet:K-King Cold,sorry if this bothers you,but how do you plan to invade Earth?

Cold:It is a very easy plan,I will not repeat the same mistake I had when I got to Earth in the first place,I want all the soldiers to go to different points on Earth while I,together with Frieza and Cooler,fight against these Saiyans,the soldiers will be in charge of destroying everything on Earth while we slaughter that scum

Cooler:It will be easy enough if the soldiers of our empires remained as strong as before

Sorbet:D-Don't worry,the soldiers have remained just as strong as before

Frieza:We hope so or we will have to fire you and I think you already know how firing is handled in our empire

Frieza said as he raised his finger and created a small orb of energy,Sorbet hurried to get to Earth

It took several hours to reach Earth,but the spaceship had finally landed,but some people were already waiting for their arrival

Tien:Facing Frieza and his whole family,I never thought that I would live this moment

Yamcha:And apparently we will have to do it one more time

Piccolo:Just remember,we will only have to face the soldiers who come after us,Frieza and his family are working for (Y/N)/Goku and the others

Krillin:Right!...Bulma,have you contacted Whis yet?

Bulma:N-Not yet...come on! it took me a long time to prepare this ice cream!

At that time several soldiers flew off in different directions around the Earth

Tien:Soldiers are flying off in different directions!

Piccolo:We will have to separate,quick,before the cities are destroyed or Frieza and his family leave the spaceship

They all nodded and flew off to where the soldiers were heading

Bulma:...HEY!! who will protect me now?!?!


Bulma turned concerned as she saw her daughter and Trunks land on the spot

Trunks:Hey Bulma!

Bulma:Goten,I told you to stay home with Trunks and Trunks,don't you know that if something happens to you,your mother will kill me!!

Trunks:But Dad will stop her from doing that

Bulma:...There you have a point but it does not matter,you two must leave here!

Trunks:Oh come on! I am no longer a kid,I am strong enough like my father and mother,I will fight against those soldiers!

Goten:Please,Mom,let me fight,I want to be as strong as my brother and Dad,please,please... and also...

Goten moved her head and eyes towards Trunks

Bulma:*Sigh* Okay,but please be very careful you two

Goten:Yayyy!! come on,Trunks! 

Goten took Trunks from his hand and dragged him in front of Frieza's spaceship

Bulma:Aww young love,this reminds me and Goku when we were young...of course Goku was much smaller than me...okay that sounded very weird

Goten and Trunks waited in front of Frieza's spaceship until the main hatch opened, Tagoma came out along with another suborbinate

Tagoma:The plan worked,there is no fighter in place,Shisami and I will take care of destroying the nearest city to get the attention of the Saiyans

Trunks:Hey! you two!

Tagoma and Shisami noticed the presence of Trunks and Goten

Shisami:Who the hell are these brats?

Tagoma:I don't know but let's eliminate them,it can be annoying for King Cold and his family

Trunks:Finally,some action,are you ready,Goten?

Goten:I always am,Trunks!

Trunks charge against Tagoma while Goten charge against Shisami

Tagoma was prepared to punch Trunks but he grabbed Tagoma's fist and then swept under his legs causing him to fall to the ground,Trunks kicked Tagoma in the ribs by throwing him into the air,Tagoma quickly recovered and fell to his feet

Tagoma:Do you really think that those blows will hurt me? well no,I trained withAAA-AGGGHHHH!!!

Tagoma was interrupted by Trunks giving him a strong punch in the stomach,he followed with a roundhouse kick to Tagoma's face throwing him against some stones

Trunks:I don't care who you are,just try to give me a good fight,sure,if you can at least do that right

Trunks said looking at Tagoma coming out of the rocks

Bulma:Oh woah,you can see that Vegita has greatly influenced Trunks' attitude

Tagoma:Do you dare make fun of me? I am an elite soldier,the most powerful thing that exists!

Trunks:Well you're not showing such a thing


Tagoma charge against Trunks but he dodged all of Tagoma's attacks and then counterattacked by punching him in the face followed by a knee strike to his stomach and ending with a kick to his chest

Tagoma back off,he was very sore from all the attacks that Trunks had given him



Trunks' Super Galick Gun did not kill Tagoma,he just fell to the ground without the possibility of moving

Tagoma:D-Damn it!! how could I be beaten by a teenager?!?!

Goten:Well done,Trunks!

Trunks turned to see Goten with her foot on Shisami's back,he had also been defeated

Trunks:It was very easy,Goten,they were no match for us

Goten:Hehe I think so

Trunks smiled but just then he felt a very high ki in the place,he quickly flew towards Goten and protected her from the Death Beam that was directed at her


Goten:TRUNKS!! are you okay?!

Trunks:Y-Yes,it was just a scratch

Trunks watching the wound on his shoulder

Cold:Apparently we have familiar faces

Goten and Trunks watched as Cold along with Frieza and Cooler had left the spaceship

Cold:I remind you,I would never forget that face...the face of the person who humiliated me along with your stupid father!!

Trunks:I don't know what you're talking about,it's the first time that I've seen you in my life

Cooler:So you're the son of that monkey named (Y/N),so I know who to kill right now

Frieza:Without any scratch,is that you guys are as useless as I thought?

Frieza said looking at Shisami and Tagoma

Tagoma:S-Sorry,Lord F-Frieza...they are more...

Frieza fired a Death Beam at Tagoma's head and Shisami's heart,killing them both

Cooler:Do you want to stop killing subordinates? they're not that easy to get,damn stupid!

Frieza:You are very soft with the garbage,my brother

Cold:Either way,the plan worked,once the Saiyans appear,this planet will only be space dust

[Meanwhile On The Other Side Of The Earth]



One of Frieza's soldiers was eliminated thanks to Tien's Dodompa which made a big hole in his chest

Tien:Huh? I think I got stronger than I thought,these soldiers are easier to beat


Tien turned to see several soldiers heading towards him,Tien pulled two arms from behind him and pointed them at the soldiers


The soldiers were disintegrated by the powerful Kikoho of Tien,even though he defeated a large number of soldiers,there were still several living soldiers ready to fight

Soldier 1:This one is very tough! 

Soldier 2:It is impossible,this guy does not have a very high power level

Chiaotzu:But we have great techniques!! HAAAAAAA!!

The soldiers saw how Chiaotzu had lifted a gigantic rock and then thrown it against them, the soldiers were crushed to death by the large rock that Chiaotzu had thrown at them

Chiaoztu:Huh?...Tien,do you feel that ki?

Tien:Y-Yes,that must be...

Soldier 3:That's King Cold! you are already dead,there will be nothing you can...

The soldier was interrupted by Tien who hit him with the palm of his hand on his face breaking his nose,he put his hand in front of the soldier's face and fired a ki blast at him killing him instantly

Tien:There are still too many left but we need to go for Cold Huh?!

At that time the soldiers began to be hit by Yamcha's Spirit Ball,he was underneath the soldiers controlling the Spirit Ball,Tien realized that Yamcha was gathering all the soldiers

Tien:So that's your plan...Chiaotzu! use your telekinesis to paralyze the soldiers!

Chiaotzu:O-Okay! HAAAAAA!!

Chiaotzu raised his hands and pointed them at the soldiers,paralyzing each of them,Tien quickly used the Multi-Form creating four copies of him


Tien along with his four copies pulled two arms from his back,Tien created a triangle with his four hands as well as his copies


Tien along with his copies fired a powerful Kikoho that disintegrated all the soldiers and created a gigantic explosion in the place causing everyone to back off

Tien made his copies disappear when he saw that there was no soldier in sight

Tien:Phew! this new technique is quite lethal


The three noticed how Krillin was dusty and with a little blood on his Gi

Yamcha:What happened to you,Krillin?

Krillin:Well...I think I taken more soldiers

Krillin said pointing to all the corpses that were lying on the ground

Krillin:But we have no more time to lose,we have to go!

Tien/Yamcha and Chiaotzu nodded,they quickly flew back to where Frieza's spaceship had landed,once they landed there,they saw Piccolo/Goten and Trunks facing Cooler/Cold and Frieza

Frieza:Huh? I remember those Earthling,those were in Namek,they were complicit in my plan being destroyed!!

Piccolo:Well your plans will be destroyed again!

Cold:This Namekian does know how to tell very good jokes,very well,let's start with the slaughter

[Meanwhile On The Planet Of Beerus]

Whis:Hmmmm for now they are doing well

Whis said watching as (Y/N)/Goku/Vegita and Gohan trained

Beerus:I think you're wasting your time with Gohan,he hasn't even reached the Super Saiyan God

Whis:No,but his potential has increased very quickly,he may not need the Super Saiyan God to match (Y/N)/Goku or Vegita

Beerus:A mortal who surpasses the gods...what stupidity

Beerus said as he finished eating the ramen that Whis had given him

Beerus:That was delicious but I'm still hungry,Whis,don't you have some good dessert that Bulma gave you?

Whis:Sorry,My Lord but I don't have anything like it,although we can ask Bulma to give us a delicious dessert

Beerus:I hope it is an ice cream,that is delicious

Whis began to use his staff to contact Bulma but he realized that she was already calling him

Whis:Huh? Apparently Bulma was already calling us...Oh! but how delicious that ice cream looks!

Beerus:Let me see!!

Beerus stood next to Whis and began to appreciate the ice cream Bulma had made

Beerus:It looks very appetizing,come on,call her

Whis:Okay...Bulma,you hear me?

Bulma:Huh?! Whis,is that you?!

Beerus:That's right,is that ice cream for us?

Bulma:Y-Yes,but I need to talk to my husband,Frieza and his family are already on Earth!!


(Y/N) received a strong punch in the face from Vegita

(Y/N):Auch! ow!

Vegita:(Y/N)! sorry! sorry!

(Y/N):D-Don't worry,it didn't hurt...very much,but Frieza is already on Earth?!

Gohan:But it has not been long since we were told that he and Cooler and Cold were revived, have they finished training?

Bulma:YES!! and they are here to destroy the Earth!!! come back to earth now before that happens!!

At that moment the transmission ended,(Y/N)/Vegita/Goku and Gohan landed in front of Whis and Beerus

(Y/N):Whis,how long will it take us to get from here to Earth?

Whis:Hmmm about thirty minutes

Vegita:Great,long enough for Cold and the others to destroy the Earth

Gohan:Dad,what if you use Instant Transmission?

Goku:I can't,the Earth is far away from here and there is no one with a ki high enough for me to teleport to his side...Huh?...WAIT!! quick,hold on to me!!

(Y/N) and Gohan grabbed Goku's shoulder while Vegita grabbed (Y/N)'s hand,Goku used Instant Transmission to teleport back to Earth

Beerus:...HEY!! what about me?! I also wanted to go to Earth!!

[Meanwhile On Earth]


Everyone in the place was seeing how Trunks was releasing all his energy in Super Saiyan 2

Piccolo:Trunks,stop,that will only cause you to run out of energy!

Trunks:I won't,this will defeat these bastards!! UAAAAAAGGGHHHHHH!!!!

Frieza:Poor monkey,he thinks he could defeat us

Cooler:This is pathetic,he's not even close to being able to give a decent fight,I'll get rid of him

Cooler fired a laser from his eyes at Trunks but just at that moment,Goku appeared along with the others,(Y/N) reflected the laser with his hand returning it to Cooler but he moved his head to the side dodging his own laser

Trunks:Dad! Mom!

At that moment,Trunks fell on his knee,breathing heavily

(Y/N):Trunks,do you need help?!

Trunks:D-Don't worry,Dad,I'm fine, just a little tired

Goten:Don't worry,Uncle (Y/N),I'll take care of Trunks

Goten helped Trunks out onto the battlefield,(Y/N) and Gohan saw the scene with a smile but they teamed up with Goku and Vegita to face Frieza/Cooler and Cold

(Y/N):Alright,who was the asshole who thought it was a good idea to revive the strongest villains we have ever faced?

Cooler:Oh! apparently you missed me

(Y/N):It's not very easy to forget you,Cooler,after what you did in Namek

Cooler:Oh yeah,killing the princess of all Saiyans is not such a memorable thing to remember either,I have done better than that

(Y/N):Grrrr!! Then I will beat you up so memorably that it will take you straight to hell!

Cooler:Don't even make me remember that damn place!!

Cold:Cooler,keep that fury when you release all your power,it will do a lot when that time comes

Frieza:Father,why wait? why not show them how dead they are right now?

Cooler:For the first time I agree with Frieza,I will not wait,I will destroy this bastard right now!

Cooler said pointing towards (Y/N)

(Y/N):Bring it if that's what you want so much!

Cooler:Just so you know,contrary to my father and my brother,I have something much more special for me...UAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

Everyone covered their eyes the moment Cooler was surrounded by a golden glow that covered the whole place,once the glow disappeared,everyone felt a gigantic ki in the place,(Y/N) was amazed at Cooler's new transformation

Cooler:Behold my next evolution!!

(Y/N):T-That is your new transformation?

Cooler:That's right,I combined my Augmented Form with my new transformation,My Golden Form!

Frieza:Our new transformation,asshole!! you are not the only one who got this transformation

Frieza and King Cold clenched their fists and they were both surrounded by the same golden glow that had surrounded Cooler earlier,now they were both in their Golden Form

Cold:As you can see,we have trained to annihilate everything on this planet

Goku:But you have not been the only ones who have trained


(Y/N):That is true, you should know, we did not stop when it comes to training HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!


Goku and (Y/N) were enveloped in a blue aura that rose to the sky,Frieza/Cooler and Cold felt how Goku and (Y/N)'s ki increased much more than before,now they were both in their new transformations

Goku:This is the Super Saiyan Blue,this is the power that surpasses the power of the Super Saiyan God

Frieza:Super Saiyan Blue?

Goku:We call it that because we bite our tongues very often

Cooler:I see,your ki has increased much more than before

(Y/N):Huh? You...can you feel our ki?

Cooler:It is a little difficult but I can do it

Cold:I suppose it will be two against three

Vegita:I think you're forgetting someone,Cold

Vegita said as she stood in front of Goku and (Y/N)

Vegita:I will be the one to face you!

Cold:Seriously? If I remember correctly,my son killed you very easily,in fact he did not even try

Vegita:I think you're underestimating me...a lot

Vegita clenched her fist and in a very easy way she became Super Saiyan Blue

Vegita:And for your information,now I am the Queen of all Saiyans

(Y/N):Just so you know,Cold,my wife is so much stronger than me...she will beat you up


(Y/N):Be careful,Vegita

Vegita:You too,(Y/N)

Cold:All right,Queen of all Saiyans,let's see how you fight against the King of the universe

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