Chapter 16
[Third Person-POV]
Several years had passed since the appearance of Majin Buu,Super Buu and Kid Buu but thanks to Gohan and the others,the Earth was no longer in danger...until the awakening of a person
Whis:Yes Lord Beerus
Beerus fell from his bed to see how Whis had appeared out of nowhere in front of him
Beerus:Ugh! you can stop doing that,one day you will kill me from a heart attack!
Whis:I don't think that's possible,but tell me,what do you need?
Beerus:First,disable those bombs that are around here
Beerus was referring to the hourglass-shaped bombs around him,Whis raised his staff and made all the bombs disappear
Beerus:Good...*Yawn* now I want to know about something specific
Whis:Something specific?
Beerus:I had a dream...
Beerus stood up from the ground,Whis pointed his staff at him creating his God of Destruction clothes
Beerus:A dream where I was facing a rival worthy enough to give me a fight...hmmm...I think his name was...Saiyan God...God Saiyan...Super Saiyan God...yeah,that was his name
Whis:Hmmm if you don't remember,you made Frieza destroy planet Vegeta're right...but there won't be any surviving Saiyan out there,right? That Super Saiyan God has caught my attention a lot
Whis:Well...from what I can see in my staff...there are some surviving Saiyans...but most of them are on to them is the daughter of King Vegeta,Vegita
Beerus:That guy never had any imagination but whatever...the daughter of King Vegeta...I don't remember the Super Saiyan God having any feminine form...wait a minute,what happened to Frieza now that I realize it?
Whis:He along with his brother,Cooler died on the planet Namek due to two Saiyans,one of them is called Son Goku while the other is called (Y/N)...and from what I can see he is the husband of Vegita
Beerus:W-What?! Frieza and Cooler died?!
Whis:Not only that,King Cold,the father of Frieza and Cooler also died at the hands of the two of them...that seems to be...
Beerus:So there we will have to start,if those two were strong enough to defeat those three morons...they must be strong enough to be the Super Saiyan God
Whis:You are very excited to find the Super Saiyan God,My Lord
Beerus:When you are very strong it is very difficult to find rivals at your I want to have a fight against that Super Saiyan God...and I hope I am not disappointed
[Meanwhile On The Planet of King Kai]
(Y/N):Ngh! Ugh! Ngh!
Right now (Y/N) was carrying various 40-ton items that King Kai had created
King Kai:You're good? You have already walked all over my planet about 852 times
(Y/N):Huh? don't worry King Kai I'm fine I'm just a little bored
King Kai:Well forgive me for giving you the best training of your life!
King Kai:You think?!
(Y/N):I am sorry but the training I am having now is no longer enough for me,do not misunderstand me,I am grateful that you let me train on your planet but I would like to have a training...different,I do not know how to say it
King Kai:I understand you,you have already reached your limits but I do not think it is necessary to break those limits right now,there is no one stronger in the whole universe that...
Elder Kai:King Kai,are you there?!
King Kai:Huh?
(Y/N):Is something wrong with you,King Kai?
King Kai:Nothing happens you just keep training!!
(Y/N):Sheesh it was just a question
(Y/N) returned with his training while King Kai spoke to Elder Kai again
King Kai:What's happening?
Elder Kai:I never thought this day would come but...Lord Berrus has woken up from his nap!
King Kai:W-WHAT?!? this is bad,the last time he woke up,he made my planet smaller,almost caused the extinction of the dinosaurs and I heard that he locked you in a sword
Elder Kai:It is for that reason that you should not make him angry or make him upset, apparently Lord Beerus is on his way to your planet and (Y/N) is with you
King Kai:Don't worry,I'll tell him to leave before Lord Beerus gets here/(Y/N) I think it's time for you to....
(Y/N):Nice to meet you,Lord Beerus,my name is (Y/N)!
King Kai:...oh...GOD NO!!
King Kai turned to see how (Y/N) was shaking hands with Lord Beerus
(Y/N):Wow! I don't know but when I see you...I could feel that you are someone very powerful!
Beerus:It is normal when you are in front of a God Of Destruction
(Y/N):Hmmm...I would like to ask you a small favor
King Kai:(Y/N)...please no...PLEASE NO!!!
Beerus:Are you asking God of Destruction for a favor?...Okay,for the warm welcome you have given me,I will do you that favor
(Y/N):Thanks! I would like to fight against you,I want to see how powerful you are!
Beerus:Hmmmm okay,I was looking for the Super Saiyan God but a fight would do me good to warm up during these years that I've been sleeping
(Y/N):Super Saiyan God?...I am not aware of it but my wife may know about it,she is the queen of all Saiyans
Beerus:I see...well,let's finish with your whim
(Y/N):Okay! HAAAAAAAA!!!
(Y/N) became Super Saiyan and leaped back creating distance between him and Beerus
King Kai:This will only get worse,Bubbles,quick,protect the house and my car!!
King Kai yelled as he and Bubbles hid inside their home
Beerus:That must be the Super Saiyan that I heard,in your base form I did not think that you could eliminate Frieza/Cooler and Cold but now I see that it was possible
(Y/N):But I was not the only one who helped in that,my best friend and my son also helped me in that but let's stop talking,let's start with the fight! HAAAAAAAAAA!!
(Y/N) charge against Beerus trying to punch him but he dodged (Y/N)'s first attack with extreme ease,he kept trying to punch Beerus until he saw that it was useless
(Y/N):Awesome,Beerus is so fast,I couldn't even see when he's dodging my attacks
Beerus:Come on! are you going to give me a challenge or not?
(Y/N):Alright! I'll give you a much better challenge HAAAAA!!
(Y/N) became Super Saiyan 2
Beerus:...hmm? what did you just do?
(Y/N):I transformed into Super Saiyan 2,a superior transformation to the Super Saiyan
Beerus:I don't see any change in your appearance...not even your power looks threatening,is this really a superior transformation?
(Y/N):Well,maybe this will surprise you much more! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
(Y/N) became Super Saiyan 3,these surprised Beerus just a little
Beerus:Well I guess this is something better,come on!
(Y/N) charged against Beerus but before he managed to hit him,he teleported behind him but Beerus leaped into the air dodging (Y/N) causing him to hit the ground creating a large hole on the planet of King Kai
(Y/N):Damn it!
(Y/N) quickly flew towards Beerus and tried to hit him but he only dodged his attacks
(Y/N):Come on,Lord Beerus! fight at once! you are not demonstrating your power!!
Beerus:Okay,I hope you don't regret your decision
Before (Y/N) could hit Beerus,he got behind him,(Y/N) turned to face him but he received a strong punch in the face that made him go through the planet of King Kai and due to gravity it fell back to the ground
(Y/N) got up from the ground badly hurt only to see Beerus in front of him
Beerus:Can you still fight? that is surprising
(Y/N):I think I still have the strength to fight
Beerus:No you don't
In a blink Beerus disappeared from (Y/N)'s sight
(Y/N):W-WHAT?!?! UFGH!!
(Y/N) returned to his base form and fell to the ground unconscious due to the weak blow Beerus had given him on the neck
Beerus:Well let's go,Whis,I guess on Earth I might know where that Super Saiyan God is hiding
Whis:I hope you can have some food,the food I brought is already running out
Beerus:How dare you eat all the food by yourself?!?!
That was the last thing heard from Beerus and Whis before they both left the planet of King Kai
King Kai:Oh no,this can only get worse
(Y/N):N-Ngh!...m-my body hurts...
King Kai:(Y/N)! How lucky,I thought you were dead,you were unconscious for several hours
(Y/N):H-Hours?..ugh! Bulma will be upset with me for not going to her birthday party...wait! Beerus had mentioned something about Earth!!
King Kai:He was heading to Earth to know something about the Super Saiyan God
(Y/N):The Super Saiyan God...damn it! can I know where the...King Kai,can you contact the Supreme Kai?
King Kai:For what?
(Y/N):He is the only one who can take me to Namek,I need to use the Dragon Balls right now! I hope nothing makes Lord Beerus mad while I'm on Namek
[Meanwhile On Earth]
Beerus:Give it!
Majin Buu:No!
Beerus:Give it!!
Majin Buu:No!!
Right now Beerus and Majin Buu were in the Capsule Corp courtyard fighting over some pudding
Hercule:W-Wait a bit,p-please forgive h-him,his attitude can be a little...
Whis:Oh my
Beerus watched with great anger as Buu ate all the pudding,even swallowing the jars containing them
Majin Buu:Now Buu will turn you into candy for having bothered Buu!!
Beerus:How dare you behave like that towards me?!?!?...NOW I'M MAAAAADDD !!
Beerus screamed causing a purple aura to surround him,Majin Buu charged against him but Beerus unleashed a blast wave around him causing Majin Buu to be thrown into a nearby lake
Everyone in the place was surprised to see how Beerus began to release so much energy that a gust of intense wind appeared in the place
Goku:I know it's not a good time but I want to see how strong Beerus is
Beerus:I only came to ask about the Super Saiyan God and what I get,an insolence of a mortal!! I'll destroy this planet once I'm gone!!
Goku:Now is not the time to back off,this is already a threat!
Gohan:Come on Dad! we must stop Lord Beerus!
Goku:Sure! let's go!
Goku transformed into Super Saiyan 3 while Gohan surrounded himself with a white aura,Goku and Gohan charge against Beerus as well as Majin Buu who came out of the lake
First Beerus grabbed Goku's fist and then kneeled Gohan in his stomach,then kicked his chin that made him back away from him,then Beerus moved his leg between Goku's legs causing him to fall to the ground and then kick him away from him,finally Beerus slapped Buu in the face with his tail and then grabbed him from his antenna and hit him on the ground
Beerus then launched Buu into the sky and fired a small ki ball at him,the small ki ball hit Buu creating a gigantic explosion,Buu fell back into the lake where he had fallen before
Vegita looked at everything that had happened from afar,she saw how Goku and Gohan had returned to their base form
Vegita:T-Tsk!...I am not going to wait for (Y/N) to come and do all the work,he has protected me many times...but I have never protected him...that's going to change right now!!
Vegita became Super Saiyan and flew up to face Beerus
Beerus:I was wondering if you were going to participate in this
Vegita:...Follow me if you want to face me
Beerus followed Vegita to a place further away from Capsule Corp,once they were both far enough away,Vegita decided to become Super Saiyan 2
Without thinking twice she charged against Beerus and tried to hit him but he quickly countered by punching Vegita in the face,she tried to dodge Beerus's next attacks but he managed to hurt Vegita
Beerus finished with a double axe handle on Vegita's head throwing her against the ground
Beerus:*Sigh* And I thought that you were going to give a more interesting fight
Vegita stood up from the ground while clutching her arm from the pain she felt,she saw Beerus was in front of her with his hand pointed towards her
Vegita:No matter what you do to me...(Y/N) will come...and he will beat you up hehe
Beerus:Oh you mean that Saiyan I defeated on the planet of King Kai
Vegita:W-What?! that I realize...he has not appeared again,I wonder if he is still alive...but hey,let's get this over with
A cataclysmic Orb appeared in Beerus's hand
(Y/N):If what you want is to fight the Super Saiyan God,then you better not do that
Beerus turned to see (Y/N) along with Kibito
(Y/N):Thanks for the ride,Kibito,I owe you one
Kibito:Just make this not end in something worse
Kibito disappeared from the place
Beerus:We meet again,so,have you found out where the Super Saiyan God is?
(Y/N):No...but I found the Super Saiyan Goddess
Beerus:Super Saiyan Goddess?
(Y/N):Well,the Super Saiyan God is not a person,its is a transformation but I know who is going to use that transformation
Beerus:...Okay,I just hope your wife is up to a fight against me
Beerus made the Cataclysm Orb disappear and moved away from (Y/N) and Vegita,he quickly helped her up from the ground
(Y/N):You're good?
Vegita:...You do it
Vegita:You use the transformation of the Super Saiyan will use it in a better way
(Y/N):...Come on,Vegita...I won't do all the work
A blush appeared on Vegita's cheeks
Vegita:...D-Did you hear everything?
(Y/N):Hehe Elder Kai and Supreme Kai was watching the fight in a crystal ball...I heard what you said about me always protecting you and having to do all the work ...but this time it will be your moment of glory
(Y/N):Is it the best you can say?
Vegita:And what do you want me to say about this?!
(Y/N):I don't know maybe..."I love you"..."thank for this"...
Vegita:...I tell you that every day...but thanks...for giving me this opportunity
(Y/N):That was another option that I was going to say...I guess now is the time for you to protect me,Lord Beerus humbled me completely on the planet of King Kai,show him what the new queen of all Saiyans can do're a clown
Once (Y/N) brought Vegita with Dende for him to heal her wounds,everyone was ready to do the ritual
(Y/N):Very well,from what Porunga told me it takes six Super Saiyans with a pure heart to do the ritual,something very easy to achieve,Goku/Gohan/Trunks and Goten,I need you to hold hands
Goku took Trunks's hand and he was about to take Gohan's hand until Goten stood in the middle and took Trunks's hand,she took her older brother's hand and he took (Y/N)'s hand,they all became Super Saiyans
Goku:All right,now what's next?
(Y/N):You and I need to put our hands on Vegita's back and we all need to give our energies to her,are you ready for this,Vegita?
Vegita:More than ever
(Y/N):Okay,let's go!
Goku:Huh? where?
(Y/N):...Ehm no,I meant that we...
Bulma:Just give your energies to Vegita,NOW!!!!
Everyone started giving their energies to Vegita,she closed her eyes feeling like she turns into Super Saiyan involuntarily,Vegita began to surround herself with a reddish aura and began to rise into the air
Everyone saw how the reddish aura got bigger and bigger until then it disappeared showing Vegita in Super Saiyan God,her hair was red similar to her aura
Goku:I-I...I can't feel your energy,Vegita!
Whis:That is because of the divine energy that Vegita now possesses,now she is a goddess
Vegita:T-This power...feels strange but at the same,Beerus,are you ready to fight?
Beerus:It is Lord Beerus for you,even if you have the energy of a god,that does not mean that you are stronger than me but who knows,what I may say is a fallacy...I expect something big from this fight,Vegita
Vegita:Yeah,your defeat!
Before Vegita could fight Beerus,she turned to look at (Y/N) and Trunks
(Y/N):Good luck,Vegita
Trunks:You can do it,Mom,you can do it!
Vegita just smiled and nodded,she turned and wiped the small tear that fell down her cheek
Vegita:I don't know what I did to deserve this...but I don't regret anything
Vegita flew to stand in front of Beerus,she got into a fighting pose and quickly charged against Beerus,he was about to take the punch that Vegita was going to give him until he thought again and grabbed Vegita's fist,this caused a shock wave around them two
Beerus:I think I shouldn't underestimate you anymore
Vegita:You seem to be realizing how dangerous I have become now
Beerus watched as Vegita's fist started to glow,she released a ki blast in front of Beerus causing him to back off,Vegita didn't stop there and charged against Beerus punching him in the stomach,she put both hands on Beerus's chest and fired a powerful blast of ki at close range,Beerus stepped back and he could see burn marks on his skin although it was not something to worry about
Beerus:Hehe awesome,to tell the truth I could feel that one...but you better not get too cocky
Beerus disappeared and appeared in front of Vegita and kicked her in the face,throwing her into the sky
Beerus disappeared and appeared behind Vegita again,Beerus raised his hand and was about to hit Vegita on the neck until she created a ki ball in his hand and shot it in his face, blinding Beerus for a few seconds
Vegita directly fired the Final Flash at Beerus causing him to shoot up into the sky almost out of Earth's atmosphere
Beerus quickly escaped from Vegita's attack and charged against her by punching her hard in her face,Vegita stood firm and counterattacked by kicking Beerus in his chest
Once Vegita fired the Big Bang Attack directly into Beerus's chest,he back off a great distance,he was about to launch an attack until Vegita appeared in front of him and started punching him all over his body
Vegita ends by punching Beerus in his chest causing him to start to fall towards the ground but in mid-air Vegita appeared with the palm of his hand pointing at him,she fired a powerful ki blast towards him creating a smokescreen in place,once it dissipated,she could see Beerus floating above her
Vegita:What's happening? not that a God of Destruction should be the strongest?!
Beerus:I told you not to get so cocky
Vegita:Come on,show me how much power you have
Beerus:...Hehe as you say
Beerus gathered some energy between his hands and then opened them creating a Sphere of Destruction
Vegita:Y-You bastard! with that you will destroy the Earth!
Beerus:It will only be a few deaths, if you are so interested in protecting the Earth then try to stop this..HAAAAAAAHHHH!!!
Vegita:T-Tsk!'s something new but it's the most powerful thing I have right now!
Vegita put both hands in front of the Sphere of Destruction but in the opposite direction of the Final Flash,she began to gather a lot of energy in her hands
Vegita fired a very powerful energy wave against Beerus's attack that made it disappear in an instant
Vegita:This is not all I have,Beerus!!
Beerus watched as Vegita charge against him and punched him hard in the face that knocked him back,Beerus looked around trying to find Vegita
Vegita:Up here!
Beerus saw Vegita floating above him with her hand pointed at him
Vegita fired a huge energy wave at Beerus causing him to hit the ground,Vegita released more energy making sure Beerus was hurt after this attack,a strong explosion was created in the middle of a desert
Vegita:*Pant*...*Pant*...I-I think I made it!
Vegita returned to her Base Form very tired,she was about to land until she was paralyzed when she saw Beerus dusting his clothes got to b-be..k-kidding me...
Beerus:Impressive,very impressive It was not one of my best fights but I was satisfied,you surprised me how quickly you adapted the power of a god,Vegita
Whis:That is something that also surprised me
Vegita turned to see Whis behind her
Vegita:Y-You...were here all this time?!
Whis:Not only me,everyone also came
Vegita realized that not far from her everyone had watched the fight from one of Bulma's ships
(Y/N):Vegita,you were great!
Vegita:...*Sigh* already had your fun,are you going to stop destroying the Earth?
Beerus:I suppose,after all I was able to fulfill my goal of meeting the Super Saiyan God or rather the Super Saiyan Goddess,I'm leaving...for now
Beerus:Whis,let's go,I think I want to take another nap
Whis:I guess I will have to re-prepare the bomb alarms
Whis approached Beerus,they both left Earth
Vegita:Let's see if you will see that my Super Saiyan God will be much stronger than before
Vegita said clenched her fists while she looked at the sky
Vegita:Hehe! nothing can defeat me now!
[Not Far From There]
???:So this is what happened...Tsk! mortals,they will never know their place...and they will always be insolent to the gods...that is why they must be eliminated...but that is already in process...
That person looked down at his hand,staring at his ring
???:I wonder what else I can use to my on very peculiar...
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