Chapter 15
[Third Person-POV]
Elder Kai:...Hehe...hehehe...hehehe
Gohan looked annoyed at Elder Kai who was still seeing a magazine that he had
Gohan:Ehmmm...Elder Kai,how long will this take to unleash my potential?
Elder Kai:Huh? we actually finished about five minutes ago
Gohan:WHAT?!?! and why didn't you tell me before?!
Elder Kai:This magazine is very funny...hehe...h-however,now try to release all your power
Elder Kai flew out of the place due to the large amount of energy that Gohan was releasing,he stopped looking amazed at the great power that he had now
Gohan:This incredible!
(Y/N):Yes it is!
Gohan:...I think this may be enough to beat Super Buu right now
Supreme Kai:Well...It may not be so
Gohan:What do you mean?
Supreme Kai:Tsk! Buu discovered something that he had not used a long time ago,the absorption,he absorbed Piccolo/Trunks and Goten right now,he is much stronger than before and he is giving Goku and Vegita a hard fight
(Y/N):Then there is no...wait,I already have it,I am a fool,how could I have forgotten?!
Gohan:What are you talking about,Uncle?
(Y/N):Hehe Super Saiyan 3 was not the only thing I learned and trained in the Other World,I learned a technique that will help us a lot but you have to leave right now
Supreme Kai:Don't worry,I will take you to Earth
Gohan:Before you take me to Earth,do you think you can change my outfit to one similar to the one my father is wearing?
Supreme Kai:Sure thing
The Supreme Kai pointed his hand at Gohan and he changed his outfit for a Goku-like Gi
Supreme Kai:There you go,now let's go before it's too late
Gohan:Okay! Uncle,I promise that I will collect the Dragon Balls so that I can revive you before Super Buu realizes it
Elder Kai:It won't be necessary
Elder Kai said approaching (Y/N)
(Y/N):What do you mean?
Elder Kai:Majin Buu right now is a great threat to the entire universe so it is better to use everything to defeat him
[Meanwhile On Earth]
Vegita screamed as she shot a bunch of ki balls at Buu,a smokescreen rose around him
Super Buu:Hehehe you better control yourself,Vegita
Vegita froze when she saw Buu through the smoke without a scratch
Super Buu:You better say goodbye to your baby boy,after all you didn't have a chance to say goodbye to your husband
Vegita:...OH NOW YOU DONE IT!!! FINAL!!!
Goku shoved Vegita out of the way before she was absorbed by a pink mass which launched against Buu joining his body
Super Buu:Tsk! It was so close...but hey,there are always second chances
Buu said as he turned to look at Goku and Vegita who were prepared to fight Buu but he disappeared from the sight of both appearing behind them
Super Buu:Why don't you taste the flavor of the rocks?!
Buu grabbed Vegita and Goku from their heads and stretched out his arms hitting both of them against several rocks,Buu got up in the air and saw Goku and Vegita very hurt
Super Buu:Hmmm I know you two can still fight I'll make sure that doesn't happen again
Buu said while pointing his hand at Goku and Vegita,they both closed their eyes waiting for the impact of Buu's attack but the only thing they heard was...
Vegita opened her eyes only to see (Y/N) in Super Saiyan 3 in front of her
(Y/N):...Sorry for scaring you...but it is time to solve this problem
Several tears began to fall down Vegita's cheeks,she was about to throw herself into (Y/N)'s arms until she saw Buu rise into the air
Super Buu:Huh?! you two didn't die?!
Buu said referring to (Y/N) and Gohan
Super Buu:...Oh well,this will only increase my power even more
(Y/N):...I understand that you absorbed my friend,my niece and my son,right?
Super Buu:You're right
(Y/N):...That was the only thing I needed to know...are you ready,Gohan?
Gohan:Sure thing,Uncle
(Y/N) quickly went back to his Base Form,(Y/N) and Gohan took something out of their pockets and put it on their ears
Gohan and (Y/N)'s body were attracted at the same time,once they collided a white light was created in the place blinding everyone
Goku:W-Wha...what is happening?!
Vegita:And what the hell am I going to know,clown?!
Goku and Vegita covered their eyes,until they both felt a gigantic ki in place
???:Are you ready to die,Buu?
Super Buu:W-What?!...who are you?!
??? me...
(F/N):(F/N)...the Fusion between (Y/N) and Gohan!
Super Buu:A-Another Fusion?!
(F/N):What's going on? scared of me? well you should be
Super Buu:...Hehehe! why should I be scared of you?...if you are someone who can make me more powerful!!
Buu said while behind (F/N) a large pink mass was launched against him,he just released his energy causing the pink mass to disintegrate
Super Buu:U-Uh?!
(F/N) this way you got're pathetic
Super Buu:W-What?!
(F/N):YOU ARE PATHETIC! do I have to say it louder so you can hear me?
Super Buu:GRRRRR!!...You are just a hypocrite,you use something similar to what I do
(F/N):You are right but there is a big difference...I am stronger than you with only two people
Super Buu:HUH?!?
Buu tried to protect himself from (F/N)'s attack but at that moment he disappeared from his sight
Super Buu:W-What?...
(F/N):Where are you looking at?
Buu went flying next to Vegita and Goku falling on some rocks
Goku:H-He is so strong...
(F/N):...Hey you two
Goku and Vegita looked towards (F/N)
(F/N):Get out of here,I don't want anything bad to happen to you two
The two nodded and flew out of the place,at which point (F/N) shook his head to the side, dodging Buu's ki ball
(F/N):I already had in mind that you would still continue with this game
Super Buu:Do you think this is a game?!
(F/N) teleported in front of Buu and gave him a powerful punch in the face that made him cross several mountains,(F/N) literally circled Earth in the other direction in a few seconds to get behind Buu
(F/N):I hope you like the taste of my fists! HAAAHHH!!
(/N)'s punch was so strong that he threw Buu to the ground creating a large crater under him,(F/N) crossed his arms as he descended to stand in front of Buu
Super Buu:...Hehe...I didn't think you were going to give me a big challenge
(F/N):...Oh please,to me you are not worth my time...
(F/N) disappeared and appeared in front of Buu turning his back on him
(F/N):And you will never be...
(F/N) turned to see how Buu had crossed several mountains
(F/N):Tsk! great...
At that moment,Buu rose to the sky and began to create a large ball of energy
(F/N):...Pff!!...why is it always the last option for the bad guys is to destroy everything?
(F/N) disappeared from where he was
Super Buu:You know what? I don't need you anymore,go to AAAHHGG!!!
(F/N):You know...I think now I'm a bit madder at you...HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!
(F/N) flew at full speed out of Earth's atmosphere while holding Buu by his antenna,he returned to Earth at full speed destroying the sound barrier
(F/N):Very poor choice of words! HAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!
(F/N) threw Buu with all his strength against the ground,this caused a large hole to be created in the ground
(F/N):Don't you dare hide from me!
(F/N) flew towards the hole,several seconds passed until Buu shot out of the hole,he had several parts of his body injured
Super Buu:D-Damn it!!...DAMN IT AAAAAALLLLLL!!!!!!!
(F/N):Hehehe are you going to cry,crybaby? U-Uh?..
At that moment (F/N) felt like he was losing a lot of energy
(F/N):E-Elder Kai was right,my transformations are more powerful and I cannot control them,this will make the Fusion finish sooner...I just need one more attack and everything will return to normal
(F/N) started looking around until he saw Goku and Vegita looking at everything from a mountain
(F/N):You better get ready to kill this piece of shit!
(F/N):Do what I ask now!...this will be the final blow!!
Super Buu:O-Oh yeah and how...uh?!
Buu stopped when he saw how (F/N) disappeared from his sight
(F/N):Like this
He appeared in front of him and kicked him hard in the mouth,throwing him into the sky
For a second,(F/N) was seen breaking through Buu's body before a pink cloud appeared,(Y/N) and Gohan emerged from the pink cloud holding Piccolo/Goten/Trunks and Majin Buu
Gohan:Don't waste time!!
The two fired a combined attack at the place where the pink cloud had originated,a strong explosion was generated in that place destroying everything that was around
(Y/N):*Pant*....*Pant*...Yes! we did it!! we defeated Buu!
(Y/N) and Gohan descended gently leaving the others on the ground,(Y/N) could see his wife running towards him,Vegita gave (Y/N) a big hug...followed by a strong slap on his cheek that could be heard from a great distance
(Y/N):AAAAAUUUCCHHH!!!! W-What the hell,Vegit...
Vegita:Nothing of what the hell Vegita!! why the hell didn't you tell me you were alive?!?!!?
(Y/N):W-Well,actually I was dead but a Kai gave me his life to fight and here I am,completely alive!
(Y/N) could still see Vegita upset,she was with her arms crossed looking at him very angry
(Y/N):*Sigh*....Sorry for not telling you that I was training Trunks in the other world aaaaand sorry for not telling you about the Super Saiyan forgive me?
Vegita:....Hmph!...I forgive you...but you owe me one for all this!
(Y/N):Yeah,sure don't worry
Vegita:Well...apparently this all ended better than I thought
(Y/N):Yeah,the Potara Earrings that Elder Kai gave us worked better than I thought
Goku:I think so,the Fusion of the two of you was very powerful
(Y/N):Technically me and Gohan are the strongest people on Earth right now,I guess the fusion had to be just as powerful
Gohan:...Hmmm...I don't want to be a party pooper but not that that pink cloud must have disappeared
Everyone saw how the pink cloud where Super Buu was before was still there,in a few seconds the pink cloud began to take a new form
Goku:W-What is that?
Goku said watching how someone appears in the middle of the sky
(Y/N):A-Another Buu?!
Vegita:Damn it! how many of these are going to appear?!
Goku:Maybe not that dangerous,he looks like a little kid
Kid Buu started laughing as he raised his hand and created a ball of energy on him
(Y/N):Okay,next time we are not going to underestimate our opponents,no matter what they look like!!
Kid Buu:Hehehe!...HAAAAAA!!
Kid Buu threw the large ball of energy at them but before it managed to hit the Earth's surface,Gohan kicked the ball of energy,throwing it out of the Earth's atmosphere
Gohan:Take the others to a safer place,I'll take care of Buu
Goku:Are you sure about this,Gohan?
Gohan:...Very sure,Dad
Goku:...Okay,good luck son
Goku/(Y/N) and Vegita took the others and flew out of the place away from the battlefield
Gohan:Let's see if you can bear a fight against me...HAAAAAAAA!!!
Gohan surrounded himself with a white aura causing Kid Buu to back off a bit
Kid Buu:Uhhhh!! uho! uho!
Gohan:You seem excited...that's going to be a bad thing for you
Kid Buu charged against Gohan but before he managed to hit him,Gohan grabbed Kid Buu's fist without much effort,he quickly grabbed Kid Buu from his face and knocked him to the ground
Gohan:Like I said...that's going to be a bad thing for you
Gohan's hand started to shine and he fired a great ki blast at Kid Buu creating an explosion around him,Gohan stared at the gigantic crater that he had left
Gohan:Incredible,a single attack from me and I could see that your body could not bear it
Gohan said as he looked up to see how Kid Buu regenerated his body
Gohan:...Hehe by the way,that strategy will not work with me
Gohan said firing a ki ball at the pink mass behind him
Gohan:This fight will not be based on who is stronger but who uses the brain better...and clearly the winner will be me
Kid Buu began to shoot several ki balls at Gohan,he saw Gohan stand in his place receiving all the ki balls
Kid Buu:Hehe!!...Huh?!
Kid Buu realized that Gohan was no longer in his place
Gohan:By the way,I think this is yours
Kid Buu turned around just to see how Gohan put his ki ball that before he had shot in his face creating an explosion that made him go back, Gohan quickly shot a ki blast at him
Kid Buu backed away but before he could do anything else he was kicked in the face by Gohan throwing him against a mountain,he did not stop there and charge against Kid Buu punching him in the face that made him cross the mountain
Gohan fired the Masenko directly at Kid Buu causing great damage to his body,he tried to regenerate but Gohan stopped him by shooting several ki balls at him
Kid Buu fell to the ground, he tried to get up but he quickly fell to his knees,he started to breathe heavily as a lot of steam started to come out of his holes,Gohan descended in front of him
Gohan:You caused a lot of damage,Kid Buu...I think...I suppose...whatever,you wanted to destroy the Earth...and it is my duty to destroy any threat that wants to destroy the Earth...or my family...
Gohan grabbed Kid Buu from his antenna and threw him into the sky
The aura surrounding Gohan got bigger and bigger every time he gave more and more energy to the Kamehameha
Gohan's Kamehameha impacted Kid Buu but this did not disintegrate him,the attack took Kid Buu out of the atmosphere and took him directly to the sun,he could only see how his death was approaching and due to how tired he was...he just he closed his eyes feeling how the surface of the sun killed him
Kid Buu was completely cremated on the surface of the sun without leaving any trace of him
Gohan returned to his base form and looked at the sky
Gohan:...Heh I hope you really come back as a good person Buu...
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