Chapter 14

[Third Person-POV]

Vegita:..N-Ngh!..U-Ugh! g-god...

Vegita rose from the ground while clutching her head


Trunks jumped on Vegita and started hugging her,Vegita hugged her son back

Vegita:Trunks...w-what happened? where is your father?

Trunks:I-I don't know what happened to you but you showed up in the tournament and you killed a lot of people

Kakarot:I don't remember any of that,the last thing I remember is Dabura teleporting behind me and hitting me very hard on the head and...then everything went black

Trunks:Uncle Goku did the same as you

Goku:W-What?!...that's impossible I would never do something like that!

Piccolo:I'm afraid to tell you this but you did it,you two killed a lot of people in the tournament

Yamcha:And it was at that moment that you were teleported out of the tournament,I along with Piccolo and the kids went for you to help you with Majin Buu but (Y/N) was already fighting him in a new transformation

Vegita:New transformation?

Trunks:...Yeah,it was a secret since Dad wanted to surprise you and Uncle Goku

Vegita:I see now...wait! my husband is still fighting Majin Buu,I need to go help him!

Piccolo:No Vegita! Majin Buu is stronger than you think,(Y/N) is fighting at the same level as him, imagine how powerful Majin Buu would be,don't worry,(Y/N) will...

Just at that moment a great explosion of pink color could be seen on the horizon,at that moment Vegita and Goku felt a stab in their hearts when they felt like (Y/N)'s ki disappeared


Yamcha:His ki...disappeared


Vegita fell on her knees and several tears began to fall down her cheeks,she began to hit the ground

Vegita:...(Y/N)!!!!!...GODDAMN IT!!! how is it possible that Babidi managed to control me?! my husband is dead...everything is lost!!

Yamcha:All is not lost,maybe there is some...

Vegita:SHUT UP!! the only person more powerful than me and Kakarot has just died against the threat that we had to face,now tell me what we are going to do now!...nothing,we do not have much time until that thing finds us and murders us

Goku:W-Wait! Where is Gohan? maybe he will help us against Majin Buu,he is also strong enough

Piccolo:...I'm sorry but...Gohan's ki disappeared while fighting Majin Buu...he also died

Goku began to squeeze his hands tightly,you could see how blood began to leak from his hands

Goku:...D-DAMN IT!!! son!...Gohan!!

Trunks could see how everyone was sad except for Mr Popo 

Trunks:...This is enough!!

They all changed their eyes to Trunks


Trunks:Dad left the fate of the Earth in my hands because he trusted me and I will not break that trust...I have an idea of how to defeat Majin Buu...It's a technique I learned one day when Dad took me to a tournament in the Other World


Piccolo:Concentrate,Goku,this is important

Trunks:...that technique is fusion,it is a ridiculous dance but it may work!

Goku:Huh? us that technique,Trunks,I don't know how he does it,but your father always knows many very impressive techniques's something like this

Trunks started doing the steps to do the fusion

Trunks:HAAAA!!...and that is what we have to do


Trunks:D-Don't laugh,Goten!!

Goten:But you look really cute when you do that

Trunks blushed at Goten's words

Trunks:...Tsk! I do not find it cute to do this dance...but it is the best we have!

Piccolo:That could work,are there other requirements to use the fusion?

Trunks:Yes the two people who are going to merge need to be at the same level of power,they must be of the same race and they must do the steps well or else the fusion will go wrong,the fusion will only last about thirty minutes

Vegita:But we need to train so that at least your fusion can fight Majin Buu

Trunks:W-Wait,our fusion?

Vegita:Yes,you and Goten are going to do the fusion,(Y/N)...he is no longer here to fusion with Kakarot and in my life I will never think of merging with this clown

Goku:I hope (Y/N) and Gohan are doing well in the Other World

[Meanwhile With Gohan & (Y/N)]

(Y/N):Are you sure this sword will work to unleash all of Gohan's power?

Supreme Kai:Yes,the Z Sword is a legendary sword,they say that whoever wields this sword will obtain great power

Kibito:It is the best we have for now,you were not able to hurt Majin Buu so our last hope is to release all the potential that Gohan still has asleep

(Y/N):Yeah I think that would be the best...I guess I can't do anything for now

(Y/N) said looking at the halo that was on his head

Supreme Kai: Don't worry,we have faith that Gohan will get stronger

Gohan:Uncle,are you sure that I don't go to Earth and tell others to revive you with the Dragon Balls?

(Y/N):No,It is better that they use the Dragon Balls wisely,besides,I taught Trunks a technique that may help against Majin Buu...but I think we should not worry so much about Majin Buu

Kibito:What makes you think about it?

(Y/N):Majin Buu is only an innocent being with a lot of power,at no time did he think about killing me,it was also my fault for neglecting me a lot using the Super Saiyan 3,I'm not saying we have to forget about Majin Buu...I'm just saying that there's no need to kill him for now either

Supreme Kai:We will think about it,for now it is time to train Gohan with the Z Sword and first of all is to see how sharp that sword is

Supreme Kai created a big cube on the ground

Supreme Kai:This material is called Katchyn,it is the strongest material in the universe,there are variations of this material but in our universe it is of this type,I think it will be perfect to test the edge of the Z Sword

Gohan:Then let's do it...HAAAAAAAA!!!

The moment Gohan hit the Z Sword against Katchyn's cube,it broke in half



(Y/N):Well...the strongest material in the universe has its name for something I guess

Supreme Kai:I-I thought that sword would g-get Gohan to unlock h-his full potential

???:Hehe that shows how little you know

Everyone turned to see where that voice came from,everyone saw a new person in the place that was not there before

(Y/N):Huh? who is that old man?

Elder Kai:Who dare you call old man?! you can call me Elder Kai if you still feel like calling me old man!


Supreme Kai:B-But...where did you come from?

Elder Kai:I came from the Z Sword

Gohan:F-From the Z sword?

Elder Kai:Yep,a long time ago I made a mistake and for that mistake I was locked in that sword...ugh!...that is a bad memory

(Y/N):It seems that it was a long time ago,you have already entered old age

Elder Kai:Okay,that's it,I won't tell you about my special ability anymore!!

(Y/N):W-Wait! it was not my intention,just that some bad influence I have taken from my wife

Elder Kai:Nop! I will not say anything

(Y/N):Hmmm...You know,I have an idea,you teach Gohan that special ability that you have and then I will give you one of the best erotic magazines that you have ever seen in your whole life

Supreme Kai:But what kind of offer is!...

Elder Kai:The best erotic magazine that exists?

(Y/N):Yes! I knew it,Elder Kai is just like Master Roshi

Gohan approached (Y/N) and began to whisper in his ear

Gohan:Uncle,where will you find that erotic magazine that you say so much? I don't think you collect that kind of thing

(Y/N):Of course not,with Vegita,she would break my legs...or my pelvis,Krillin has a great collection of those magazines and he owes me one for helping him make 18 fall in love with him/then we have a deal?

Elder Kai:Hmmm...very well,I will,I hope that magazine is the best I have ever seen

(Y/N):You will not regret

Elder Kai:Alright,I need everyone to get away from here except Gohan

Everyone did what Elder Kai had said,he started doing a very strange dance around Gohan

(Y/N) long is this going to take?

Elder Kai:The ritual takes five hours but the power increase takes twenty

(Y/N):A whole day?!

Supreme Kai:If what you are concerned about is the state of the Earth,there is nothing to worry about,we have a crystal ball that shows us everything that happens on the planet

(Y/N):Okay,for now I'll take care of watching Gohan's training,I hope the others are still training...meh! for now I will take a nap

(Y/N) leaned back under a tree and started taking a nap waiting for Gohan to finish his training

[Meanwhile On Earth]

Trunks:I think we are closer to being able to do the fusion!

Goku:I think so but I'm still a bit indecisive,Majin Buu managed to kill (Y/N) and Gohan so I don't think so that a fusion can defeat Majin Buu

Piccolo:At this moment everything is necessary,we may not have more time until Majin Buu begins to destroy cities

Bulma:Hey! I have a great idea,we use the Dragon Balls,we revive (Y/N) and Gohan,they train in that place where time is different and they both kill that thing in cold blood!

Goku:I don't think it's a good idea,if we want to revive a lot of people then the wishes become two instead of three

Piccolo:In addition to the fact that the deaths of the tournament and those caused by Majin Buu are different,we must maintain those wishes

Bulma:Why do you always have to deny my ideas?!

Videl:So is Gohan going to stay dead all this time?!

Bulma:Don't worry,dear,your boyfriend is going to be revived,I promise

Videl:H-He is not my boyfriend!

Bulma:Yeah that's what everyone says at first

Piccolo:Anyway,we have to hurry up with this,we don't have so much power to fight Majin Buu and we have no idea what he's doing right now

[Meanwhile In Majin Buu's house]

Right now at Majin Buu's house,Hercule was hanging around with a bag in his hands

Hercule:Majin Buu seems to be gone thanks to me! Hahahaha! since he is not here then I can go home,that's right,I can go back to my house and forget about all this hahahaha!!

Majin Buu:Hi!


Hercule was paralyzed to see how Majin Buu came down from the roof of his house to stand in front of him

Hercule:...*Gulp*...b-but what a pleasure it is to finally meet you,Majin Buu,you didn't know how excited I was to meet you!

Majin Buu:...Who are you? name is H-Hercule a-and...

Majin Buu:And what are you doing here?

Hercule:W-Well you see...e-ehm...I came here...because!...because...because I wanted to get a friendship with you! you know as friends!

Majin Buu:Friends...that sounds fun...and what is that? Buu doesn't know what a friend is

Hercule:Hehe! I will explain it to you,Buu/I already have it! if I manage to forge a friendship with him then we will become friends and he will not decide to cause more chaos,nothing can go wrong after this


Supreme Kai:(Y/N)...(Y/N) wake up

(Y/N):N-Ngh!...Vegita not now,the night before you suck my dry

Supreme Kai:...W-What?

(Y/N):Uh?...SUPREME KAI!!...H-Hey

Supreme Kai:Ehmm...It doesn't matter,I need you to see something right now

(Y/N):Is there something wrong with Earth?

Supreme Kai:That's right,everything has gone wrong right now

The Supreme Kai showed (Y/N) the new threat they were facing

(Y/N):Majin Buu?

Supreme Kai:No,this Buu is the evil counterpart of Majin Buu,he turned Majin Buu into chocolate and ate it obtaining all the power of Majin Buu,we could say that he is a Super Buu since he is much stronger than Majin Buu

(Y/N):But how did all that happen?

Supreme Kai:Apparently Majin Buu made a human friend on Earth,this human was hurt by other humans,because Majin Buu tried to contain his evil,he expelled all his evil

(Y/N):I see...crap! I think it's time to tell others to revive me

Elder Kai:I wouldn't do that if I were you

(Y/N):Huh? why?

Elder Kai:Because I have something else to give you so that you defeat Super Buu or whatever you want to call him

(Y/N):Wait,then why did you decide to unleash Gohan's potential if you could have given me something to defeat Majin Buu from the start?

Elder Kai:Because it would be more optimal to use it together with someone very powerful like Gohan because if it is not like that then what I will give you will not do anything and possibly the universe is completely lost

Gohan:And what is that?

Elder Kai:For now it's a secret,I think you should thank me,I'm doing a double job for you

(Y/N):Hmmm...if what you say is true then I'll stay here for now

Elder Kai:I promise you won't regret this...and how is a double job...

(Y/N):Yeah,yeah,I will bring you two erotic magazines

Elder Kai:Good,you stay here and wait for me to finish unleashing the potential of Gohan

(Y/N) nodded and sat on the ground watching the crystal ball along with the Supreme and Kibito

(Y/N):...As long as nothing happens...don't you have something else to see in this crystal ball?

Supreme Kai:We have something called Kamitube


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