Chapter 11
[Third Person-POV]
(Y/N) and Cell screamed once they both collided their fists creating a blast wave in place,everyone in the place looked surprised due to the great power that Cell and (Y/N) were unleashing
They both started throwing and dodging punches,in an attempt Cell tried to shoot (Y/N) a Death Beam but he charged against Cell giving him a strong punch in the stomach that knocked him back almost taking him out of the ring
Cell:H-Hehehe you are awesome,(Y/N),I knew you were strong but not this strong but I can see that you still haven't got all your power
(Y/N):Why should I do it? If I do then I may destroy you
Cell:And if you don't,then I may destroy everyone here,come on,this is not just a tournament,it is a combat,release all your power
(Y/N) released a great roar unleashing all his power,Cell could see impressed how (Y/N) was using all the power of the Super Saiyan
Cell:Impressive,you managed to perfect the transformation of the Super Saiyan,I guess I need to be on the same level...NNNNNGGGG!!!! AAA-AAAGGHHHH! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Cell unleashed all the energy he had,it could easily be seen how Cell was not on the same level as (Y/N)
Cell:*Pant*...*Pant* T-This is all my power! *Pant* Let's see how it will work
(Y/N):That power is pathetic,you are not even at my level,if it cost you too much to transform into Super Saiyan then you will not be able to be in that transformation for long
Cell:You better not underestimUAGH!!
Cell screamed in pain when (Y/N) hit him in the guts,then kicked him in the chin, throwing him into the sky and then teleporting behind him,giving him a double axe handle,throwing him against the ring,Cell rose from the ground to see (Y/N) flying over him
Cell raised his hand in the air creating a Destructo Disc that he launched against (Y/N)
Krillin:Hey,that's my attack!
Tien:Apparently Cell knows our techniques
Piccolo:Not all of them,he may not know some of our techniques
Cell:...Hehe, don't be so sure about that Piccolo
Everyone in the place was surprised to see how Cell could hear him from quite a distance,he created ki balls in both hands and started throwing them against (Y/N),he protected himself from Cell's ki balls but realized that none of them had hit him
(Y/N):I thought you wanted to kill me with that
Cell:And that's right,just look around you
(Y/N) realized that all the ki balls that Cell had thrown were around him
Piccolo:THAT'S MINE!!!
All ki balls charge against (Y/N) but he dodged each and every one of them
Cell:You are not going to escape from that!!
Cell began to make the same movements as Yamcha controlling all the ki balls causing it to start chasing (Y/N)
Yamcha:No way! he also knows how to control ki just like me
While (Y/N) was dodging the ki balls, Cell used Instant Transmission to get in front of (Y/N) and try to kick him but he teleported behind Cell and kicked him in the back by throwing him against his own ki balls
Goku:Wait,this has no consistency whatsoever,Cell never saw me using Instant Transmission!!
Vegita:That bastard somehow knows almost all of our techniques!!
Everyone saw how (Y/N) stood in front of Cell,he got up from the ground very hurt
Cell:What happens? you do not think to end me?
(Y/N):I would,but I will not be the person who will eliminate you
(Y/N) returned to his Base Form,in that Cell heard how someone got into the ring
Gohan:...Uncle,give a Senzu Bean to Cell
(Y/N):Are you sure about that,Gohan?
Gohan:Yes,I trained a lot and I don't want to waste my power,I want to fight him with all his power
(Y/N):Okay,be very careful,Gohan,take this Cell
Cell caught the Senzu Beam that (Y/N) had thrown at him,Cell ate the Senzu Beam recovering from all his injuries and getting all his energies again,(Y/N) returned with the others,Gohan took off the heavy clothing Piccolo had given him and stood in front of Cell
Cell:So you think you have the power to face me?
Gohan:...No,I actually have the power to humiliate you
Cell:Huh? what the hell are you talking about?
Cell put his arms in front of his face protecting himself from the energy that Gohan was releasing,the entire ring had been destroyed with only the release of Gohan's power,Cell removed his arms from his face surprised to see Gohan in a new transformation
Cell:W-W-W-W-What...W-What is that?
Gohan:This is the transformation that surpasses the ordinary Super Saiyan,this power is enough to kill you...I would even dare to say that it is too much for you
Goku:Apparently Cell is feeling the true terror
Piccolo:This will end very soon
Cell:...For all of you!
Gohan:What are you talking about?
Cell:You know Gohan,this transformation has another name,I called it...Super Saiyan 2!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!
The whole place began to tremble very aggressively when Cell began to release all his energy,a massive size aura appeared around Cell,everyone was amazed at what Cell had become
Cell:What's wrong,kiddo? your arrogance vanished from one moment to another
Gohan:H-How?! How did you become stronger?
Cell:Did everyone really think that I was going to stay here doing nothing while you all trained? you know,because my energy is only detected when I really have to fight,it is very easy for me to enter places without being detected,like the Kami's Lookout
(Y/N):He saw how we were training,this is how he learned all our techniques!
Cell:That's right and in addition to that,I went to a planet not far from this solar system to train, it was a horrible place where I took my Perfect Form to a new level,that's where I got Super Saiyan 2,I heard how you were going to train seriously to defeat me,I am not going to make your homework very easy...oh! and I will give a little warning,I will not care a bit if at any time I decide to kill someone other than this brat
Cell looked at Gohan for a few milliseconds before charging against him,punching him hard in the stomach,throwing him against mountains
Both beams collided at the same but the Kamehameha of Cell was much more powerful than the Masenko of Gohan causing it to start to back down very easily,Gohan managed to dodge the Kamehameha of Cell before it managed to hurt him
Cell charged at full speed against Gohan and using his nails,he gave him a strong cut on his face
Cell:Don't start crying,you looked for this yourself!!
Cell kicked Gohan in his gut,knocking him back
Cell blinded Gohan leaving him totally helpless,he kicked Gohan throwing him to the ground
Cell:Hahahaha! SUPER GALICK GUN!!
Cell fired the Super Galick Gun at Gohan who was still lying on the ground with his eyes closed,Gohan got up from the ground
Even with his eyes closed,Gohan fired the Special Beam Cannon through Cell's Super Galick Gun,he managed to dodge Gohan's attack before it could hurt him
Gohan:That will not work with me,Cell!
Cell:Oh yeah? let's see what you think about this,Gohan! HAAAAAAAAA!!!
Cell raised his finger and then lowered it with great force,Gohan prepared for him to launch an attack but nothing happened,that until Gohan saw how several meteorites began to fall towards Earth
Gohan started shooting ki balls at all the meteorites that were approaching Earth while Cell was shooting Death Beams at him
Cell:Didn't you want a challenge,Gohan?! What do you think of this challenge?!
Yamcha:But how is it possible that Cell is that powerful?!
Vegita:K-King Cold...
Vegita:King Cold! don't you know?! King Cold could do this kind of thing in his True Form,Cell is that powerful because he has the damn potential of the most powerful person in the Frost Demons race!!
Everyone watched in terror as Gohan tries to destroy all meteorites while trying to dodge Cell's Death Beam
Gohan ended up destroying all the meteorites,he tried to go for Cell but he realized that he was no longer in the place,that is until he appeared in front of him and began to give him a bear hug
Cell begins to try to break Gohan's bones,especially his spine
Goku became Super Saiyan and charge against Cell
(Y/N):Let's not stay here without doing anything! let's help Goku and Gohan!!
Everyone nodded and went to help Gohan,Cell could see how everyone was heading towards him
Cell:Apparently they all want to fight at the same time,well I have a solution for that
Cell grabbed Gohan from the neck of his Gi and threw him to the ground,everyone saw how Cell used the Multi-Form doubling into eight clones
Tien:W-What?! but the Multi-Form only allows you to multiply up to four clones!
Cell:That is what your think,if you improve your skills as I did then this would not be something new for you...eight clones for each one of you but don't worry,these clones are almost at my own power,it may have only descended,I don't know,two percent? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
All Cell clones charge against everyone to start fighting while the real Cell descended to get closer to Gohan
Gohan:I-I think I shouldn't have given y-you that Senzu Bean
Cell:You mean these Senzu Beans?
Cell:I took this bag of Senzu Beans from (Y/N) once he was distracted while fighting but don't worry,I won't need them...and neither will you
Cell took a Senzu Bean from the bag to keep it,Cell burned the bag with the Senzu Beans with a ki ball
Cell:Let me tell you something,Gohan,something that will make you realize that at no time did you have any opportunity against me
Cell:The Senzu Bean that you asked your uncle to give me,actually,it was no use,at no time did I suffer any damage or that my energies were lowered,I pretended to be completely hurt when I fought against (Y/N),I was always more powerful than all of you...It was only that arrogance of yours that gave me a reason to destroy your pride and now look at you,lying on the floor at my feet,I can even see how you are going to start crying,your friends and families are not going to last long...poor Trunks
Gohan:H-Huh? T-Trunks?
Cell:Don't you realize,you promised him that you would help him defeat me,it must be a hard blow for him to see how his master and best friend is killed by an android...and what a coincidence,to get to this timeline,I had to kill one Trunks and from what I see...I'm going to have to kill another one HAHAHAHAHA!! die at once,damn arrogant brat! HAAAAA!!
Gohan screamed in pain when Cell kicked him in the jaw,Gohan was thrown into the air and then fell to the ground again
Cell walked over to him and put his foot on Gohan's chest
He started to press on Gohan's chest making him feel a lot of pain
Cell:Apparently the winner of the Cell Games is the same Cell! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Trunks:It can't be,this can't be can't be that all this is lost
Trunks said with great terror when seeing how Gohan was being tortured by Cell,now they were all lying on the ground,defeated by the Cell clones,he had stopped using the Multi-Form seeing how everyone was lying on the ground without the option to do something can't be that all this is lost
Android 16:None of this is lost,Trunks
Trunks watched as Android 16 came to his side,he helped him lift him off the ground
Android 16:The moment you see that there is nothing else to should always look for a light of hope
Trunks:What do you mean by that,16? don't you see it?! nobody here could against Cell!!
Android 16:Actually there is a person...
Android 16 look at Trunks giving him a melancholic smile
Androud 16:Trunks...please protect living beings and plants on Earth,never give up and always look for hope,I want you to also understand that there will be people who will never understand with is never a sin to fight for justice...but for justice that also depends on other people and never for something selfish...thanks...for making me feel human
Trunks:...N-NO WAIT! 16! don't fight Cell!!
Android 16:...Sacrificing myself for others...I kind of like how human that is...promise me that after will use the Dragon Balls to bring 17 and 18 back to life...they were not bad...they also helped me see the world as it really was...bye Trunks
Android 16 lost no more time and charged against Cell,because he was very busy torturing Gohan,he did not realize how 16 grabbed him from behind leaving him totally immobile
Cell:C-Crap! I had forgotten about you
Android 16:I hope this works
Cell:Huh? EH!!
Android 16 quickly began to fly away from the place with Cell in his arms,Trunks watched as both were lost on the horizon until after a few seconds a gigantic explosion originated on the horizon
Trunks:16!!!!...n-no...D-DAMN IT!!!!
Trunks yelled with tears running down his cheeks,he quickly went to help the others get up
Goku:I can't believe 16...has saved us
(Y/N):I never thought that the person who wanted to see us dead had sacrificed himself for us
Trunks:He only wanted to feel human...he never wanted to be an android...Dad,I know this is stupid but...16 he asked me for something before he sacrificed
(Y/N):Huh?...what did he ask you?...I think it's the last thing I can do for him
Trunks:...he asked me to use the Dragon Balls to revive android 17 and 18
Vegita:Are you crazy,Trunks? those things almost killed us! that's a stupid decision!!
(Y/N):Vegita,I think you are not the right person to say that it is a bad decision
Trunks:Please,Mom,Dad,is the last thing I can do for 16,he told me that 17 and 18 were not really bad,maybe they felt like 16,Dr Gero turned them into machines for his own benefit
(Y/N):...Okay,I will,Dr Gero was a monster but I don't think 17 and 18 should be blamed for that and besides,as far as I know they did nothing wrong,Cell was the only one that caused so much damage,they just beat us up...a beat up that must be accepted...right,Vegita?
Vegita:...YEAH!! Sure!!
Vegita crossed her arms and walked away from them
Trunks:She looks angry...very angry
(Y/N):She will forget it,Daddy knows how to make Mommy happy
Trunks:What do you mean with that?
(Y/N):You'll know when you're an adult...well guys I think this is over
Yamcha:Well then let's go back to Kami's Lookout,it wasn't a good idea to fight Cell's Multi-Form
Piccolo:At least this is all over
???:I wouldn't be so sure about that
Everyone felt a great chill run down their backs when they saw how a great curtain of smoke had originated in front of them,from there you could see the silhouette of Cell,in that a beam shot through the smoke heading towards Trunks
Everyone was shocked to see how Gohan had saved Trunks' life for the sake of his own life, Trunks grabbed Gohan in his arms as he began to bleed to death
Trunks:G-Gohan!! w-why did you do that? you didn't have t-to save my life!
Gohan:I'd rather you live than I die, suffered a lot...I don't want you to suffer anymore...s-sorry for not keeping my promise...
Several tears began to fall down Truns cheeks when he saw how Gohan closed his eyes and how his hair changed from gold to black
Cell:Sorry,that beam was aimed at Trunks but it seems that it was not a waste,you really know how to celebrate prematurely,did you really believe that the bomb that Android 16 had inside was going to kill me? well to bad I'm alive
(Y/N):Damn monster,how dare you do something like that?!
Cell:With my finger and you don't know the pleasure it feels to kill someone...but it is time to start the massacre,as none of you is worth my time then I will kill each one of you...and it is better that I start with all my power
Cell said pulling out the Senzu Bean that he had previously taken from the bag that contained them,he was about to eat it until...
Trunks:Y-You...Damn bastard!...HEARTLESS BASTARD!!
Trunks surrounded himself with an intense golden aura when he saw Gohan in his arms, the trauma returned to the light, he remembered his trauma when he saw how Future Gohan had died without him having been able to do something
Everyone saw how Trunks released so much energy that he destroyed everything around him and made everyone back off,including Cell,he was paralyzed to see Trunks
Trunks put Gohan's body on the ground,Trunks looked at Gohan for a second and then clenched his teeth,he looked at Cell with a look full of fury
Trunks:Right are going to pay for everything you have done Cell...YOU HEARD ME?!?!? NOW YOU REALLY PISSED ME OFF!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Trunks charged at full speed against Cell giving a strong punch to his face throwing him through several rocks
Trunks:The one who fought with all his power...will be me...
Trunks picked up the Senzu Bean that Cell had dropped and ate it,now the power of Trunks was unimaginable,his wounds had healed and all his energy had returned
Trunks watched as Cell came out of the rocks and without wasting time he unsheathed his sword and charged against Cell,he tried to shoot a Death Beam at Trunks but he cut off his hand with his sword
With all his might,Trunks punched Cell so hard in the stomach that it knocked him back,Cell started clutching his stomach,not from the pain,he was trying to avoid expelling 17 and 18 from his body but it was useless,the blow was so powerful that he vomited both androids causing Cell to lose too much power but he still kept his perfect form
Cell:M-My p-power!...MY POWER!!!
Cell tried to grab 17 and 18 but Trunks prevented him by kneeing him in the chest, throwing him against a mountain
Trunks:Someone get 18 out of here and get out !! I will kill this bastard!!
Cell saw Trunks heading towards him and quickly shot a Kamehameha that hit him
But that was not enough to stop Trunks,he crossed the powerful beam until he reached Cell and grabbed him from the neck,Trunks began to strangle Cell with all his strength
Trunks:You killed my friend!! you killed my master and best friend and now you want to kill my family and the rest of my friends!!! I will not waste time,I will kill you right now Cell!! I don't care who you are!!! you're just a damn piece of shit to me!! HAAAA!!!
Trunks threw Cell against the ground and then threw his sword at him making it pierce his chest
Trunks flew at Cell,he grabbed his sword from the handle and pointed his other hand at him,he fired a gigantic ki blast at him causing Cell to fly through the air falling to the ground
Cell:D-DAMN YOU!!! don't think this is the only thing you will see about Cell!!!
Cell regenerates his hand and his wounds to continue fighting against Trunks,he charged against him and was about to hit him until Trunks disappeared from Cell's sight
Trunks kicked Cell in the back of the neck,throwing him away from him,Cell spat the blood that was in his mouth
Cell:T-This is impossible!!! I'M CEEEELLL!!!!
Cell turned to fire a gigantic ki blast at Trunks who was behind him,Cell could see how his attack had left a big mark on the ground
Cell jumped back dodging Trunks' Masenko,Cell tried to shoot him a Kamehameha but Trunks had appeared in front of him with his hand on his chest
Trunks fired an energy wave that went through Cell's chest causing him to fall to the ground,Trunks stood on him and started punching him in the face
Trunks yelled with every punch he gave Cell,he looked at him for a few seconds seeing how very hurt Cell had his face
Cell:Wait,we can fix this...let me give you aA-AAAAGH!!!
Cel stopped talking when Trunks started choking him with his hand
Trunks:You are not going to manipulate me with nonsense, only wish...IS TO SEE YOU DEAD!! HAAAAAA!!!!
Trunks grabbed Cell from his neck and threw him into the sky,Cell stopped in midair and looked at Trunks
Cell:W-Who?...who do you think you are?! damn scum!!
Trunks:Literally,I'm a man too angry to die
Cell:Tch! so let's see if you die with this together with your stupid planet! KAMEHAMEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Cell fired a powerful Kamehameha using all his power against Trunks,he pointed both hands at Cell as a very aggressive aura began to surround him
Trunks:This fight ended once you pissed me off,Cell...GO TO HELL HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Cell was totally disintegrated by Trunks's attack without leaving a trace of him,Trunks's attack was so powerful that it could be seen from space,he returned to his Base Form looking at the sky
Trunks:I will no longer let anything bad happen to Earth...I do not care what it is...I will take care of annihilating whatever it is that dares to mess with my family and friends
Trunks fell to his knees as he breathed heavily
Trunks:Finally...finally I did something good,Gohan
Shenron:Your last wish has been granted,farewell
And with that said,Shenron disappear,the Dragon Balls rose into the air and then spread across the entire planet
(Y/N):It's good that all this ended at once
Goku:Same thing I say,sorry...I thought my plan was going to work
(Y/N):Hey,don't blame yourself for that,Goku,none of us knew that Cell was going to train to fight against us,at least we have to thank someone who saved all of our lives and also the Earth
(Y/N) said looking at Trunks
Trunks:You don't have to thank me,I don't want to be considered a hero
Yamcha:But you are,Trunks,you saved us all,without you Cell may have murdered us and then destroy the Earth
Trunks:I know but I couldn't save 16 and I let Gohan die for trying to save me
Gohan:Don't blame yourself for that,Trunks,it was my decision to sacrifice myself for you,I think it was the best thing I could do to not fulfill my promise of not being able to help you defeat Cell, I was arrogant in thinking that I could defeat him without much effort helped me,Gohan,I hope you don't take it as an offense but when I saw you die in my arms...I just thought I couldn't save you a second time,I let you die on my timeline and the rage I felt inside thinking that I could not save you served to unleash all my power
Vegita:I never thought I'd ever be so proud...
Vegita approached Trunks and put her hand on his cheek
Vegita:I am proud of you,my son,the power that you have right now exceeds the power of your father and mine,I hope you do not waste this power
Trunks grabbed Vegita's hand and gently removed it from his cheek
Trunks:I promise you that I will never stop training,I will become stronger to protect my future
Vegita:I hope so,I'm proud of you,I hope you don't forget t-tha...
Vegita could feel Trunks start hugging her,she remained still for a few seconds until she hugged Trunks back
Trunks:You don't know when I'm going to miss you two
(Y/N):Huh?! wait,are you going back to your future now?!
Trunks and Vegita stopped hugging
Trunks:I have to,Dad,I'm the only person who can defeat the androids,without me,humanity will be extinct...I have to go now
Bulma:I guess nobody can tell you to stay for a little while longer
Trunks:I'm sorry but I made a promise to Gohan and you too ... I will never break that promise, I hope you understand
Bulma:I understand very well,Trunks...well,here is the time machine
Bulma took a capsule out of her pocket and threw it on the ground causing the time machine to appear in the middle of the Lookout
Bulma:By the way,here are your other clothes,I washed them to remove that dirt that had after you fought against the androids
Bulma handed Trunks their original clothes
Trunks:Thank you...thank you all for don't know how happy I am to see all of you again...and to finally be able to meet my parents
(Y/N):Hey,this doesn't have to be a final goodbye,you can always come back whenever you want so you can spend time with your parents and friends,we'll always be here
Trunks:Don't worry,I was thinking of doing that at some other time
Trunks looked at Goku for a few seconds
Trunks:Some other time...
Trunks got on the time machine,he turned on the time machine and it began to rise in the air,for a few seconds he could see all his friends and family saying goodbye to him with a smile on their faces
Trunks:I hope I can see those smiles one more time soon
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