Chapter 10

[Third Person-POV]

(Y/N):You were right about this training,right now I can use the Super Saiyan without any problem

Goku:That's right,now we can defeat the androids without problems

(Y/N) and Goku said as they both left the Time Chamber

(Y/N):Yeah,I thought so...hey guys I...huh?

Goku:What happened to all of you?

(Y/N) and Goku saw how Vegita had part of her armor destroyed just like Trunks' armor, Piccolo had his Gi with a big hole in his chest and Krillin had a big bruise on his cheek

Krillin:Oh know...we screw the situation

(Y/N):How much?

Piccolo:Like this...

Piccolo said as he extended his arms

Bulma:Apparently Cell reached his Perfect Form "thanks" to someone!

Bulma said staring at Vegita


Trunks:But not everything is so bad,I convinced Cell to give us time to train,he had the idea of making a tournament that would test his new power against us,we will have about ten days to train

(Y/N):So we have no more time to lose,it is time to train everything we can

And that's what most of them were doing,(Y/N)/Vegita/Goku/Trunks/Gohan/Piccolo/Tien and Yamcha were at the Lookout training everything they could for the Cell Games

While (Y/N) and Vegita were in the Time Chamber,training,Gohan and Trunks was on the verge of the Lookout admiring the views while they spoke

Trunks:And that was what happened in my future

Gohan:I'm so sorry for what you had to go through,Trunks

Trunks:Do not worry,I still hope that everything can be solved,it is as you said,always have hope even in the saddest moments or when it did not seem that there is a salvation

Gohan:You know,it's admirable that even death in your future,you have not depressed or you have lost all hope,that is something admirable of you,Trunks,if my future self could see you right now,I bet I would be proud of you

Trunks:Thank you so much,Gohan,you don't know how happy it makes me hear those words

Gohan:It is nothing,after all,I am your friend and you are also part of my family,I promise that I will help you eliminate the androids and Cell

Trunks looked at Gohan with a big smile

Trunks:For these that I must save this future

Just then,Goku arrived at Lookout along with someone

Goku:Hey guys! I'm back and look who I brought to be the new Kami


Gohan got up and went with Dende

Gohan:Are you seriously going to be the new Kami of this place?

Dende:Well,since your father brought me here against my will then I had no choice,so what should I do here?

Goku:Recreate the Dragon Balls that had turned to stone

Dende:Only that,then being Kami is much easier than I thought

Mr Popo:Actually,the only thing you have to do is look at the entire Earth from the Lookout and that's it,I will bring the statue so you can make new Dragon Balls

Goku:Great,with the Dragon Balls then we don't have to worry about something bad happening

Trunks had heard all about the Dragon Balls

Trunks:So the only thing it takes for the Dragon Balls to work again is a Namekian...Hmmm

Trunks was thinking for a few minutes until he decided to leave the Lookout

Trunks:I'd like to see what Earth was like before it was attacked by androids

Trunks was looking around various places on Earth,admiring the great view of what a planet is without being on the brink of human extinction thanks to a pair of androids

Trunks:I could never see what the Earth was like before it was almost completely destroyed...huh?

At that Trunks saw a person in the woods near West City,he got down and grabbed the handle of his sword

Trunks:I hope you are not planning to destroy something,16

Android are (Y/N)'s son

Trunks:That's right,do you plan to attack me? because if you do,I swear I'm much stronger than before!

Android 16:You must not worry,my protocol only forces me to fight against (Y/N) or against Son Goku

Trunks:...Apparently,Bulma finished repairing you

Trunks said seeing as on the chest of 16,the old logo of the Red Ribbon Army was covered with the Capsule Corp logo

Android 16:That's right,I did not want to receive help from Goku's wife,but I could not do anything else,I am grateful to her but it does not change the fact that I have to kill Goku

Trunks:Yeah,I can see that nothing will make you change your the way,what are you doing here?

Android 16:I came here to appreciate nature and birds

Trunks:Huh? I didn't know that an android like you could appreciate nature

Android 16:It is something that excites me,it is one of the few things that makes me forget that...I am a simple machine

Trunks opened his eyes in surprise,he removed his hand from the handle of his sword don't like being a machine?

Android 16:...No,it's horrible,I only have one goal in my life...and I think...that if I ever meet my goal...I may be disabled and I will never work again know...what you just something very human

Android 16:What do you mean?

Trunks:You...feel fear,even though you are a machine,you can have feelings and that is something very human and at the same time,you appreciate life,nature and animals,that is also something very human...just because you're a machine doesn't mean you have to be a machine throughout your life, are still a human

Android 16 stood still for a few seconds looking at Trunks and then hugging him

Android 16:This show of affection means thanks,you made me realize...that even though I'm a machine,that doesn't mean that stops me from being a human...thank you very much

Trunks:Actually...thanks to you too,I could tell...that not all androids are bad inside

Android 16 stopped hugging Trunks and started to walk away but before he disappeared, he turned to look at Trunks

Android 16:You know,I might rethink my goal of eliminating (Y/N) and Goku,see you at Cell Games, train a lot,Cell is much more powerful than you think,if you train and the others too,I am sure that everyone can beat him without problems,my calculations almost never fail

Trunks:Rest assured that I will train everything I can...B-Bye...16

Android 16:Bye Trunks...

Android 16 showed a small smile before flying away from the place

Trunks:I know that 17 and 18 of my time did not change their way of acting with simple words... but there is someone who...can help me recover what was once the Earth


After ten days of hard training,everyone was ready for the Cell Games,everyone was gathered at the lookout

(Y/N):Well,it's time to go to the Cell Games,are you all ready?

They all agreed determined to fight Cell

Yamcha:By the way,I went with Karin to ask for some Senzu Beans,he had many of them

Yamcha said as he tossed the small sack containing the Senzu Beans at (Y/N)

(Y/N):Thanks Yamcha...well,it's time to go

They all flew in the direction of the Cell Games,it didn't take them long to get to the place, once they landed at the place,(Y/N) was able to see Cell for the first time

Cell:Well,well it seems everyone is here and finally I can see you two,(Y/N) and Goku

(Y/N):So you're Cell,I've heard a lot about you and most of those things are not very good

Cell:I guess all those words come from Vegita's mouth since I humiliated her

(Y/N):...Don't even think about messing with my wife,did you hear me?

Cell:Loud and clear,then,let's stop wasting time and start with the Cell Games,which one of you is going to...

???:The person who will destroy you,Cell,will be me!

Everyone including Cell saw a person get into the ring

Hercule:The great champion,Hercule,will destroy you Cell,I will make you stop causing chaos!

Cell:...This has to be a damn joke

Vegita:Who the hell is that guy?

Tien:It seems that he is that guy who won the last World Tournament,I think I saw him on TV

Krillin:Don't you think we should tell him to get out of there before Cell kills him?

(Y/N):We have the Dragon Balls,so we can revive him if he dies

Yamcha:I guess that's a good point...oh apparently that guy is already fighting against Cell

Yamcha said while watching Hercule punch Cell several times, clearly this did no harm to Cell

Hercule:This blow will be the final one,Cell! prepare to die!!

Everyone watched as Hercule prepared to launch his latest attack

Cell:Enough of so many stupid things,let's start with this!

Vegita:Honey,go and show Cell how strong the King of all Saiyans is

Cell:King of all Saiyans,huh,well come here and show the power that your "Queen" boasts so much

(Y/N):Okay,but I won't be the person to beat you,Cell

Cell:I don't know what you mean by those words but I want to see how much power you have

(Y/N) climbed into the ring and stood in front of Cell,Trunks was watching everything very surprised until he saw someone else landing at the place

Trunks:16! you came too

Android 16:That's right,I wanted to come to see if I could help the way,you forgot something

Android 16 handed Trunks his sword

Trunks:Thank you! I had forgotten at Capsule Corp

Android 16:It is nothing and also I don't want to let Cell destroy the Earth,I will see to it that nothing bad happens...but to be honest...I think my presence here won't do much good

Android 16 said watching (Y/N) face Cell

(Y/N):I hope you are ready,Cell

Cell:I think you're wrong,(Y/N),the one who should prepare here should be you and all your friends

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