I was flying through the city destroyed by the androids looking for Gohan
(Y/N):Where are you,Gohan?.....please do not be dead
I stopped at the central point of the city and began to look around looking for Gohan until I saw something on the ground, I saw the raindrops falling on it, I descended and I could see that it was Gohan lying on the ground
I started to move Gohan's body in search of some response from him but he no longer moved
???:Do not worry, he suffered a lot
I turned around and I saw Android 17 and Android 18
Android 17:And you will suffer the same fate as your brother
Android 17 and Android 18 pointed their hands at me and threw me a ball of ki
I woke up from my nightmare,I looked around and saw that I was in my room, I put my hands on my head
(Y/N):Damn it...again with this nightmare
I heard how the door of the room began to open, I saw that it was Trunks
Trunks:(Y/N),You're good? I heard screams coming from your room
(Y/N):Yes,I'm fine,I just had that nightmare again
Trunks approached me and sat next to me,she began to hug me
Trunks:Do not worry,you know it was not your fault, Gohan was just protecting you
(Y/N):Yes,I know but I still feel guilty,I know I have a hidden potential but I can not bring it to light If I had done it ...... Gohan would not be dead
Trunks:Do not think that way,Gohan loved you very much and would do anything to protect you
(Y/N):Yes...I think so,Bulma already finished with the time machine?
Trunks:Not yet but it will not be long before it ends
(Y/N):All right,I'm going to change,I need to be ready to go to the past,I guess you'll come with me
Trunks:Of course,I will also change the future, I hope to meet my father
(Y/N):I just hope to see my family one more time
I felt like a tear fell down my cheek but I just cleaned it
(Y/N):Tell Bulma that I will go in a few seconds
Trunks left the room while I changed my clothes
(Y/N):It's been a long time since I was orphaned thanks to those Androids ...... those damn Androids killed my whole family except for my father but this time I'll change all that
I finished dressing,I roll my tail around my waist, I saw myself in the mirror for a moment
[You will wear the Future Trunks of Super outfit, imagine without the scarf for now, I know some people do not like this design but believe me,you will love it in a few more chapters]
I took my sword and left the room,I saw Trunks talking to Bulma
(Y/N):Hey Bulma!
Bulma:Oh hey (Y/N),Did you sleep well?
(Y/N):I think that's impossible for me but I'm fine
Bulma:I'm sorry for that but I think this will thrill you
(Y/N):What do you mean?
Bulma:I mean that the time machine is ready to go to the past
(Y/N):Seriously? this is great!!
Bulma:And I have prepared the antidote for your father
(Y/N):Okay,this is already exciting me even more,then, when can we go to the past?
Bulma:You can go right now, there is space for you two
(Y/N):Okay let's go!
I watched as (Y/N) left the room and went to the workshop where the time machine was,my mother approached me
Bulma:Even in bad times he can smile,it's the same as Goku
Trunks:Yes,even when Gohan died he did not lose hope and his smile
Bulma:That's why you like it
Trunks:Eh? ehhh I-I
Bulma:Do not try to hide it,I know you like (Y/N)
Trunks:Okay,I like (Y/N),I like it a lot,when he saved me when 18 was about to kill me and how he helped me with my training....I think I fell in love with him during that moment
Bulma:Well,I think you'll have a good time to spend alone with him
In that (Y/N) appeared
(Y/N):What are they waiting for? come on!
(Y/N) came back out of the room
Bulma:HeHe It would be better if we go with your boyfriend
Bulma:Okay, I'm sorry, let's go before (Y/N) starts getting mad
Me and my mother went to the workshop,once we arrived we saw (Y/N) looking at the time machine
(Y/N):Good thing you are here,I can not wait to go to the past
Bulma:Alright,take this
My mother gave me and (Y/N) a box with capsules
(Y/N):What's it for?
Bulma:There they have enough food for several days,in addition to a house for the two of you,remember that the time machine will take you three years in the past,I think it is enough time for your father and the others to train enough besides that,this medicine is for your father,just give this to him and his heart virus will disappear
(Y/N):Okay,once we arrive,I will give my father the medicine
Trunks:Remember that we will arrive in time for Frieza to come to Earth with his father
(Y/N):There's no problem with that,you do not remember that Frieza could not beat my father in Super Saiyan,so he can not beat us two
Trunks:Yes,you're right
(Y/N):Okay,it's time to do it
(Y/N) got on the time machine,I followed him and I sat next to him
[Third Person-POV]
Bulma:Goodbye,be careful!
Trunks:Bye mom!
(Y/N):Goodbye,Mrs. Bulma
(Y/N) lit the time machine in just a few seconds they went to the past,Bulma turned around and she had a vein on her forehead
Bulma:It's the same as Goku,how dare you call me Mrs!!!
[With (Y/N) and Trunks]
(Y/N) and Trunks arrived at the moment which Frieza and King Cold were coming to Earth(Y/N) saved the time machine and hid with Trunks behind a stone
Trunks:Well,in a few minutes Frieza and his father will arrive
(Y/N):I do not think so,it seems that they have already arrived
(Y/N) pointed towards Frieza's ship,Trunks watched as the Fighter Z was approaching the place
(Y/N):Are you ready for action?
Trunks:Like always
Frieza,King Cold and his soldiers left the spaceship
King Cold:Well,son,is this what you were expecting?
Frieza:.....My god,this is droll...soldiers! I want you all to find and kill everyone on this planet,normal human heads are worth one point,Namekian heads are worth twenty,Filthy half Saiyans brats,fifty!.....and if you find any miserable,odious,insubordinate,full blooded monkey garbage you win!
(Y/N):I do not think that happens
(Y/N) appeared in front of Frieza and King Cold
King Cold:So is this him,sweetie? Is this the man who hurt you so?
Frieza:No,daddy This is new one...and I think it's very familiar,Anyway,soldiers, attack!!.....ATTACK!!....What the hell are you...Fuck!
Frieza saw how all his soldiers were dead,Trunks appeared next to (Y/N)
Trunks:Alright,I'll take care of all the soldiers,Frieza is all yours
Frieza:Great,another one,I suppose destroying the planet Vegeta was a failure!
(Y/N):Come on,do not start crying,you have not tried to defeat me yet
Frieza:You know,the only reason you continue to breathe is because I need something to entertain me until the Super Saiyan arrives
(Y/N):You know,Goku is not the only Super Saiyan in this place
(Y/N) became Super Saiyan
Frieza:You got to be kidding me!!!
(Y/N):So,are you going to fight or what?
Frieza:I knew you looked're the damn reflection of that stupid monkey,I'll destroy you right now!!!
Frieza rose in the sky and began to create a superNova,(Y/N) took out his sword and threw it at Frieza cutting his hand,(Y/N)'s sword came back to him and caught him with his hand
(Y/N):I can not believe that this worked!!!
(Y/N) save his sword while he watched as Frieza grabbed his severed hand
Frieza:First my tail, then half of my body and now my hand, perhaps you also want to cut me in two!!
(Y/N):It is not a bad idea
Frieza:Agh! DIE!!
Frieza threw a ball of energy towards (Y/N) and Trunks creating a smoke screen,Frieza rose in the air to see where (Y/N) was
Frieza:You can run but you can not...
(Y/N):Well,I think I'm close to two
Everyone was surprised to see how (Y/N) had killed Frieza very easily
Gohan:Guys....I think that person is a Super Saiyan
Vegeta:You don't know that he's a Super Saiyan! maybe he's Super Human!
Tien:He has a tail,like you and Goku and he's a super Saiyan like Goku and not like you
Vegeta:Fuck you!!
(Y/N):Trunks,King Cold is all yours!
Trunks:Okay, this will be very easy
Trunks becomes Super Saiyan
Vegeta:You got to be kidding me!!!!!
Trunks and King Cold descended to face each other
King Cold:You murdered my princess!....oh well I guess it's not so much
Trunks:Wow, I thought you were going to be more upset?
King Cold:It's okay,does it bother you if I see your sword?
Trunks:What? Why?
King Cold:Just let me see your stupid sword!!
Trunks:.....Ugh! fine
Trunks handed the sword to King Cold
King Cold:You see,nothing evil,I just want to admire the mettle and test its edge on you!!!
Trunks caught the sword with her hand
King Cold:I think this was not a good idea
Trunks:I also believe it
Trunks traversed King Cold's chest with a burst of Ki throwing him against a wall of rocks,Trunks ended up throwing a Ki ball at King Cold disintegrating him,then she threw another ki ball towards Frieza's spaceship destroying it,Trunks returned to her base form
(Y/N):Well done Trunks, that was awesome!
Trunks blushed at (Y/N)'s words
Trunks:T-Thanks (Y/N)
(Y/N):All right, let's continue with this...Hey Guys! I'm going to meet Goku, just follow me!!
Gohan:My Dad!
Krillin:Wait,Gohan,we do not know if these guys are very confident
Trunks:We also brought snacks!
Krillin:But I think they can help us
Everyone followed (Y/N) and Trunks to the place where Goku would arrive
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