Chapter 9
[Third Person-POV]
(Y/N):So how long will it take for you to make more fuel for the time machine?
Bulma:In two or three...
(Y/N):Hours, days?
Bulma:Maybe four
Bulma wrote something in her notebook and went to Capsule Corp
(Y/N):Ugh!.....Well, Trunks is still training with Vegeta...I'll go see Gohan, maybe he can help me
Piccolo:I do not think it's a good idea
(Y/N) watched as Piccolo approached him
(Y/N):What do you mean?
Piccolo:Gohan is no longer a fighter, he has left the fight aside and is now studying
(Y/N):W-What!?.....That means ... do you know where he is right now?
Piccolo showed (Y/N) where Gohan was studying,he decided to wait outside his school, after waiting a few minutes all the students were going home until Gohan realized that (Y/N) was out of school
Gohan and (Y/N) hugged each other
Gohan:(Y/N), I'm surprised to see you again, you've changed a lot since we last saw each other
(Y/N):You have also changed a lot, so I can see now you are studying
Gohan:Yes,that's right,come on,let's talk in a better place
(Y/N) followed Gohan to a nearby park
Gohan:Wait here, I'll bring you an ice cream
While Gohan went for some ice cream,(Y/N) was still surprised at what had happened to Gohan
(Y/N):I can not feel that enormous latent power that he had before...and now he is happy...very happy
Gohan returned with two ice creams in his hands
Gohan:Here you have, for what I know, you like chocolate
(Y/N):Yes, it is true, I suppose that my present self is equal to me
Gohan:Yes, it's know, why do not you come and meet my family?
(Y/N):Your family?
Gohan:Yes, that's right, you can meet your niece
(Y/N):M-My niece?
Gohan nodded, both finished eating their ice cream and went to Hercule's mansion
Gohan:This is where I live with my family
(Y/N):Wow, this place looks amazing
Gohan:HeHe Thank you,let's go inside
(Y/N) followed Gohan into the mansion,they both reached the room where there were three people
Gohan:Hi Videl,hi Mr Hercule
Videl:Gohan, you came back
Suddenly the girl who had Hercule in his arms flew into Gohan's arms
Gohan:Hehe hi Pan
Gohan started caressing his daughter's hair
Videl:And who is he? it looks familiar
Gohan:Well, he's my younger brother (Y/N)
Hercule:W-Wait,how did (Y/N) grow in such a short time?!
(Y/N):It is not like this,eeeeh....Hercule,It is difficult to explain but in summary......I come from the future
(Y/N) began to explain to them in a few words why he was here,(Y/N) could share a good time with Gohan's family until it began to get dark,both were outside the mansion watching as Pan was playing
Gohan:I'm sorry for everything that happened in the future,(Y/N)
(Y/N):Do not worry about that, it's all controlled, I just need the help of my father and Vegeta, you know, as a support
Gohan:I see but I really care about you,I would like to help you
(Y/N):D-Do not worry about me,I've lived this way for a long time,I think it's better for you to worry about your family,I assure you that everything will be fine with my have other concerns
(Y/N) said while looking at Pan
Gohan:That's what I'm doing, I'm trying to be the best father for Pan but there are times that I think I should be something strict with her but every time I see her smile, I just feel more willing to pamper her
(Y/N) smiled before the words of Gohan
Videl:Gohan, dinner is ready!
Videl shouted from the window,Gohan picked up Pan in his arms
Gohan:Do you want to dine with us?
(Y/N):Oh eh....n-no I think it's time to go back to Capsule Corp
Gohan:Oh Okay, later we'll see you,(Y/N)
(Y/N) flew out of the place,while he was heading towards Capsule Corp he stopped over a building and looked towards the horizon,tears began to fall on his cheeks
(Y/N):I did it,Gohan......I could make your wish come true..*Sob* ...finally you could have a normal life....
Bulma:All right,the fuel is inside the time machine, you can travel to the future without problems
Goku:Then it's time to face Black
Trunks:Yes but where is (Y/N)? I have not seen him anywhere
Vegeta:Do not worry, here comes
Everyone saw how (Y/N) landed in the place
(Y/N):I'm sorry for the delay, I was doing other things
Goku:It's okay, we were about to go to the future
(Y/N):Alright, then let's go
(Y/N),Trunks,Goku and Vegeta climbed into the time machine,(Y/N) turned on the time machine causing them to return to the future,the time machine landed in the ruined city,they all left the time machine
Goku:Wow,this place looks very depressing
Trunks:This is all the destruction that Black has caused
(Y/N):And this is why we must stop him, follow me
(Y/N) led the others to an underground shelter,once they arrived they all saw the few remaining survivors
(Y/N) watched as Mai ran to him and gave him a hug
Mai:I thought Black killed you
(Y/N):I already said I would not die until I saw that guy being disintegrated
Mai:But that does not mean that you are not careful with the things you do
(Y/N):I'm alive, that's what counts
(Y/N) went to the survivors and started talking to them cheering them and making them smile,Goku saw that with a smile on his face
Goku:From what I see,(Y/N) is very loved in this place
Trunks:He is the main person who gives hope to all the survivors, he always trains everything he can to protect all these people
Goku:Hey Vegeta, do not you think it's time to use what Bulma gave you?
Vegeta:Tch! This was Bulma's idea, not mine
Vegeta took a capsule out of his pocket and threw it on the floor, a table with a lot of food came out of the capsule, the survivors began to eat the food that was on the table
(Y/N):Thank you very much for that Vegeta, during these days the resources have been running out
Vegeta:Thank Bulma, she was the person who gave me the capsule
Goku:Hey, I think it's time to face Black
(Y/N):You're right, dad, follow me, I know a place where he can be
Mai:Be very careful (Y/N),I do not want anything bad to happen to you
Trunks:Do not worry, Mai, I'll take care of him
(Y/N):Hey, I'm not a little kid!
Trunks:But there are times when you act as one
Vegeta:After all it's your son, Kakarot
Goku:What do you mean, Vegeta?
Vegeta:It does not matter, we're just going for that scum
Everyone left the shelter following (Y/N) to the place where Black was
(Y/N):Black is always shown here
Vegeta:Okay, it's time to get his attention
Vegeta threw a burst of ki to the sky
Goku:Good idea Vegeta, that will get Black's attention
Everyone waited for a few minutes until they felt a ki approach
Trunks:Here comes Black
a tornado began to descend from the sky and once the tornado disappeared it showed itself to Black
Black:Hmph I had to have destroyed that time machine
Vegeta:Let me tell you something Black,the scum as you are eliminated with the Super Saiyan Blue
Black:HeHe...HaHaHa!!...That was wonderful, that's the transformation of a warrior race that has managed to control the ki of the gods,impressive
Black:You have trained a lot but you are not yet at my level,mortal
Vegeta turned away from Black but quickly threw himself against him and started hitting him
Trunks:By the way of speaking could there be a god behind the identity of Black? it could be Zamasu
Goku:You see, Whis took me to a place where there was a Kai with a ki similar to Black's but from what I see it does not look like much but it has a lot of similarity
Everyone watched as Vegeta was hitting black against a wall,Black started to laugh and Vegeta walked away from him
Black:Hahaha You're a good appetizer, those hits were enough!
Vegeta:W-What did you say?
Black:Let me show you something beautiful created by a god AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
A pink aura began to surround Black,the aura reached the sky and then dissipated showing Black in a new transformation
Black:Well, what do you think about this color, is not it beautiful? if they had to give it a name I would call it, Rose, Super Saiyan Rose
Vegeta:Black, shut up and fight against me!!
Vegeta threw himself against Black
Black:Someone like you no longer serves me!
Black:All mortals will be purified...and you will not be the exception
Black said while licking Vegeta's blood from his cheek,Black's ki blade began to shine
Black:Hehe goodbye VegeAGH!!
Black stopped as he felt (Y/N)'s sword pierce his back,Black made his ki blade disappear causing Vegeta to start falling but Goku caught him before he hit the ground
Black:I...fucking hate you
(Y/N) drew his sword from Black's back and kicked it into a building,Black tried to get up but he saw (Y/N) teleporting in front of him
(Y/N) threw a Masenko directly over Black creating an explosion, Black came out of the smoke
Black:This is impossible, how the hell did you become so strong in a short time?
(Y/N):Contrary to you, I have more potential than you, my power increase much more than you, with only one training with my father is enough to realize my weak points and try to correct them
Black:Do not make me laugh, a mortal like you will not overcome a god like me!! You are going to fight against me and you will see how powerful I am!!!
Goku:That does not mean he is going to fight against you alone,Black
Goku stood next to (Y/N),he became SS4 while Goku became Super Saiyan Blue
Black:Kill two birds with one stone, this will be very AGH!!!
Black stopped when he felt when (Y/N)'s knee hit his stomach
(Y/N):It's time you close that fucking mouth of yours!!! HAAA!!
(Y/N) kicked Black in the head,he got ready and was about to throw himself at (Y/N) but he was hit by several balls thrown by Goku
Goku and (Y/N) launched a Kamehameha at the same time towards Black creating a big explosion in the place
Goku:Well......I must say, you are pretty fast
Goku looked up to see Black over a building, he looked pretty hurt
Black:Damn it!! this the most powerful body, how is it possible that I'm losing?
???:Your confidence is the one that led you to this
Goku and (Y/N) watched as a hole opened between the clouds, a figure began to emerge from the hole
(Y/N):So it's you!!......eeeeehhhhh... who the hell is this guy? A Namekian?
Goku:No,he is Zamasu, the Kai that I had mentioned before
(Y/N):Oh! So you work with Zawarudo!!
Zamasu:That's right, it seems that mortals are a bit smart
Black:That word is useless to describe this two
Zamasu placed his hand on Black healing all his wounds
(Y/N):I see,that's why every time you appeared you were stronger, for the Zenkai we have the Saiyans!
Black:That's right, all this time you helped me to be stronger
(Y/N):Yes, I still remember all those times that you escaped from me like a coward but this time you will not have any chance to escape
Black:Hehe We'll see that already
Black and Zamasu were thrown against Goku and (Y/N),(Y/N) managed to block Black's ki blade, he tried to hit (Y/N) but he achievement dodged the Black's blow and gave him a knee in the face breaking his nose,(Y/N) kicked him in the jaw,knocking him back,Black wiped the blood from his nose
Black:I think I've trusted a lot with my power
(Y/N):That was your mistake, underestimate my power, you believed that your power was greater than anyone in the whole world but you did not know that I can also make myself stronger and much more easily
Black:You're right, mortal...I mean (Y/N),you have my respect
(Y/N):Tch! I do not want your stupid respect, the only thing I want is for you to disappear from existence!
Black:Besides that we think the same, I also want to see you dead!
Black teleported over (Y/N) and shot him a ball of ki throwing him on the ground
Goku could not dodge Zamasu's blow, the blow was so strong that he threw him towards the same place where (Y/N) was,both got up from the ground but were grabbed by Zamasu
(Y/N):What are you doing?!
Zamasu:I am doing what you both deserve, the divine purification
(Y/N) and Goku watched as Black stood in front of them
Black threw the Kamehameha towards Goku and (Y/N)
(Y/N):NOW DAD!!!
Goku released all his ki making Zamasu release them,(Y/N) and Goku threw a Kamehameha towards Black's Kamehameha making it back off impacting on Black
Zamasu:T-This is impossible!!
(Y/N):Now we only have to take care of you, Zamasu
Before Goku and (Y/N) could do anything,Black had teleported next to Zamasu and they both escaped using Instant Transmission
(Y/N):Damn it...we had it very close!
Goku:Do not worry son...they're going to have to come back ... if they really want to complete with their plan they're going to have to fight against us
(Y/N):You're right, dad...let's go back to the others, maybe Vegeta is still hurt
Goku and (Y/N) flew back where Vegeta and Trunks were,once they arrived they saw Bulma healing Vegeta's wounds
Bulma:Uh? Goku!
Bulma ran to Goku and began to hug him
Bulma:It's been so long since the last time I saw you....without trying to kill humanity
Goku:Wow, then you are the Bulma of the future, you are much older AAAAHHH!!
Goku held his head due to the blow that Bulma had given him
Bulma:For your information I'm still very young inside!!!
Goku:O-Ouch! I'm sorry
(Y/N):What are you doing here Bulma? I thought you were in the laboratory trying to find something we can use
Bulma:I did it but Black destroyed everything, I also wanted to see my husband, I had not seen him for a long time
Bulma gave a smile to Vegeta,he looked away trying to ignore Bulma
Bulma:But do not worry,(Y/N), you remember the people you brought last time, I'm reprogramming them to help us
(Y/N):I hope they are very helpful
Trunks:Wait,what happened with Black?
(Y/N):He escaped,just when we were about to kill him...I swear that guy is already pissing me off!!
Trunks:Calm down,(Y/N), we'll catch him, try to rest....for me
(Y/N) looked at Trunks and gave her a smile
(Y/N):Okay, I will...I guess I have not slept in a long time
Trunks kissed (Y/N) on the cheek
Goku:You know I have an idea, we will go back to the past
Bulma:And why do you want to go back to the past?
Goku:To get some Senzu Beans and train in the Time Chamber, from what I see, Black is quite strong and also each fight becomes more powerful, then we will be one step ahead of him
Vegeta:I never agree with Kakarot but he is right, if we want to defeat Black we need more power
Everyone agreed with Goku's plan,the four got into the time machine and said goodbye to Bulma to return to the past
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