Chapter 10

[Third Person-POV]

The time machine landed at Capsule Corp,they all left the time machine

Goku:Okay, I'll go look for a lot of Senzu Beans for the Black and Zamasu fight, I'll be back in a few minutes

Vegeta:I will train a little more with Trunks, this time I will beat Black!!

Goku used the Instant Transmission to go to Korrin's tower,Vegeta took Trunks to the gravity camera to train

(Y/N):I'm a little hungry, I'll see if Bulma has some food

(Y/N) flew to the terrace of Capsule Corp,he could see Krillin sitting waiting for someone,(Y/N) approached him

(Y/N):Hey Krillin!

Krillin:Eh? (Y/N),how good to see you again!

(Y/N):The same and what are you doing here?

Krillin:I'm just waiting for my wife to finish talking to Bulma

(Y/N):Wow I'm surprised that you were married and who is the lucky one?

???:We have not seen each other for a long time,(Y/N)

(Y/N) turned to see the person who had spoken but he already knew who that person was


Krillin watched as (Y/N) was about to draw his sword and quickly stopped him

Krillin:W-Wait (Y/N)!!


Krillin:Do not attack her, it's my wife

(Y/N):Y-Your wife!

(Y/N) watched as a little girl came out behind 18 and ran towards Krillin


Krillin:HeHe hey marron

(Y/N) was surprised to see how Krillin had a daughter with the person who destroyed his future and killed his older brother,18 approached (Y/N)

Android 18:As far as I know,you defeated me in your timeline

(Y/N):W-Who tells you that I-I come from the future?

Android 18:It was Krillin who told me everything about you


Android 18:Sorry for everything I did to you at that moment,and I must congratulate you for having defeated me,but I already assumed that,from the moment I saw you in the laboratory,I knew you were someone strong

(Y/N):O-Oh e-eh thanks I guess

(Y/N) was even more surprised than before,one of the most hated people in his life now had a family with his father's best friend and now she had a peaceful life,(Y/N) understood all this and released the handle of his sword

Krillin:I guess it's getting late,we'll have to go home,it was a pleasure to see you once again (Y/N)

Krillin took Marron in his arms,he and 18 flew out of Capsule Corp

(Y/N):The past...has changed a lot....everyone is very happy now.....I hope I can get that someday

(Y/N) stared at the sky until he saw Goku appear at his side

Goku:Very well,I already have enough Senzu Beans for us and also we can go to the Time Chamber to train a little more

(Y/N):Alright, I'm ready for this dad

Goku:Do not you think you should rest a little? you've been training all day and you just had a fight with Black and Zamasu

(Y/N):Then I can rest, my only goal is to defeat those two unhappy who call themselves gods

Goku:Well, it's fine, but after training, rest a little

(Y/N) nodded,Goku took (Y/N) to the Kami temple where they were training in the Time Chamber


After a couple of hours,Goku and (Y/N) returned from the Time Chamber

(Y/N):That was a good workout but can you explain to me who that guy named Popo is?

Goku:Nobody knows, the only thing I know is that he is very scary

(Y/N):I agree with that, well, it's time to go back to the future

Goku:(Y/N),you promised to rest a little

(Y/N):But I need to fight against Black and Zamasu

Goku:You will never win if you are so tired as to fight against them, Bulma has several rooms in which you can rest

(Y/N):Tch!......Okay, I'll rest a little

Goku:Do not worry, when everyone is ready I'll wake you up

(Y/N) nodded, he and Goku arrived at Capsule Corp,(Y/N) came to Capsule Corp and went to where Bulma was,he saw how she was making more fuel for the time machine

(Y/N):Hey Bulma

Bulma:Oh Hey (Y/N) what do you need?

(Y/N):Dad forced me to rest a bit before going back to the future again

Bulma:Very well, there is a room after four doors after this, you can rest as much as you want

(Y/N) need help with something?

Bulma:Do not worry,your present self,Trunks of the present and Mai are helping me with this,you just go to rest

(Y/N) nodded,he went to the room,he put his sword aside and closed his eyes trying to rest a bit

[(Y/N) Present-POV]

I saw how my future self went to a room,I approached him where he was,I could see that he was already asleep and that his sword was at his side

(Y/N):If I use his sword, maybe I can impress Trunks!!

I crept up to the sword and took it without my future self noticing and I left the room

(Y/N):All right, this sword is a bit heavy but it's not too much for me

I walked through Capsule Corp to go outside but at that moment Mai saw me with the sword of my future self

Mai:What are you doing with that?

(Y/N):Okay, try to look cool / Nothing, I was just practicing with this,my future self lent me his sword so I could train

Mai:You do not see that that is very dangerous and also that sword is very sharp

(Y/N):Come on,do not worry,I have everything under control,look,I can even do this

I threw the sword to the air to try to catch it with my hand but I could see how the tip of the sword came directly towards me

(Y/N):T-This is going to hurt a lot!

I closed my eyes waiting to receive the blow but I realized after a few seconds that I had not felt anything,I opened my eyes and I could see my future self that had caught the sword with his hand

Future (Y/N):I knew something was missing

I realized that Mai was looking at (Y/N) with dreamy eyes

Future (Y/N):You are the Mai of this timeline,how weird,nobody grows here? Well, it's a pleasure to meet you

Mai:I-It's also a pleasure to meet you,(Y/N)

Future (Y/N):Hehe I heard you were helping Bulma create fuel for the time machine,thank you very much for that

Mai:It's nothing,anything for you....I-I mean,anything to help!! HeHe!

(Y/N):COME ON!!!!!

Future (Y/N):Well,I have a few more hours of nap,I will return to my room,if something happens do not hesitate to ask me for help



I saw how my future self returned to his room,I realized that Mai had a big blush on her face

(Y/N):Damn it!! why should I be so cool in the future?!?!?!

[Timeskip-Third Person-POV]

It had been several hours since (Y/N) had taken a nap,once he woke up he realized that it was already night and that someone was arguing outside

(Y/N):Agh! What are all these screams?

(Y/N) took his jacket and sword and went outside,in the face of (Y/N) formed a smile to see who was the person who was screaming


Chi-Chi finished arguing with Goten and Trunks to see (Y/N),in the face of Chi-Chi also formed a smile


She ran to (Y/N) and gave him a big hug

Chi-Chi:(Y/N),I have not seen you for a long time,now you're an adult!!

(Y/N):That's right,Mom,the future has changed me a lot but I'm still the same as before,you do not know how happy I am to see you again

Chi-Chi:I love hearing that,and how have your studies gone? I hope you're still the same smart kid as before

(Y/N):Well,you know that in my future it's not like before but Bulma has taught me a lot

Chi-Chi:Well,at least you're learning well with her

(Y/N):HeHe yeah and what was happening here? I was hearing that you were screaming at Trunks and my sister

The Trunks of the present approached (Y/N) quite nervous

Trunks:I-I just wanted to help you beat those guys you've talked about,but Mrs. Chi-Chi does not let us help

(Y/N) knelt at the level of Trunks and began to stroke her head causing her to blush

(Y/N):That is very nice of you but my mother is right, I would love for you to help me but the guys we are facing are very strong, for nothing in the world I would like something to happen to you two I hope you understand but do not worry, I know you are very strong

Right now,Trunks had a new shade of red on her cheeks thanks to (Y/N)'s words,(Y/N) got up and approached his mother

(Y/N):Mom,I know you do not like Dad to be out of the house without him telling you anything but I really need his help,do not bother with him,please

Chi-Chi:......It's fine but this is only for you and also it seems that Goku is at a new level of happiness right now,as I am

(Y/N):Thanks Mom,you are the best mother that can exist

Chi-Chi:I already know it

Chi-Chi and Goten said goodbye to (Y/N) and returned home while (Y/N) stood waiting for a few minutes next to the time machine until he saw Goku,Vegeta and Trunks of The Future approaching

Goku:Hey son, did you sleep well?

(Y/N):Yes, I have not slept that way in a long time, I think now I have much more energy than before

Vegeta:That's good because now we're going to face Black and his bitch with all our power!!

(Y/N):That sounds good to me,oh and Dad,Mom was here a few minutes ago

Goku:W-What?! If she sees that I'm not at home she can leave me one night without!!...

(Y/N):Do not worry, Dad, I told her what was going on and she understood it so you can be with us as long as you want...I guess

Goku:Really?.....I told you how much I love you, son?

(Y/N):Many times but well, it is better that we face Black before he starts destroying everything again

Everyone got into the time machine,(Y/N) turned on the time machine and everyone started to travel to the future,(Y/N) realized that Goku was carrying a pot and an amulet

(Y/N):Hey Dad,what is that for?

Goku:We will use this once we see if things get worse, I will use the Mafuba taught me Master Roshi to lock Zamasu in this pot

(Y/N):That's a good idea...Hmmmmm.......I think I've heard that technique somewhere

After a few seconds everyone arrived at the (Y/N) and Trunks timeline,the machine landed and everyone left it

(Y/N):All right, now that we're here who's going to fight Black and Zamasu?

Vegeta:It's not obvious (Y/N), I'll fight against that scum from Black, that stupid hair, that stupid smile, that stupid clothes,THAT!!!!!!...


Vegeta:But all that looks good on you,Kakarot,but now where could Black be?

Black:Do not worry, mortal, we're here to see your funeral

The four watched as Black and Zamasu stood on a ruined building with arrogant looks

Trunks:This time it will be very different

Zamasu:And why do you say that? perhaps you do not see that we,the gods are perfect,we are the strongest that can exist,nobody can defeat us!!

(Y/N):It's not for nothing but I think you should stop talking so much and concentrate on what is happening around you, your partner is getting a good beating


Zamasu saw how Vegeta was holding Black from his hair and was punching him in the face

Vegeta:So what?!Do you think that by having Kakarot's body you can beat me and be better than me?!?!

Black:Let me go, damn mortal!!


Vegeta threw Black through a building

Vegeta:That felt very good!

Zamasu:Damn mortal, you're going to pay for AGH!

Zamasu was interrupted when Trunks kicked him in the face by throwing him on the ground

Trunks:Heh this may be easier than I thought

Zamasu:Maybe you do not see it, I'm immortAAAAAAAAGHHH!!!!!

Trunks kneed Zamasu and grabbed him from his hair and started rolling on herself, Trunks pulled Zamasu against a building

Trunks:GALICK GUN!!!!

The Galick Gun of Trunks hit directly on Zamasu creating an explosion in the place,once the smoke dissipated it was shown to Zamasu with his clothes slightly broken

Zamasu:Your attempts to destroy me are fools, you can never...AGH!

Zamasu was interrupted to see how Trunks pierced his sword through his mouth

Trunks:It's time you shut up that stupid mouth!!

Trunks put the palm of her hand in front of Zamasu and shot a burst of ki causing Zamasu to be thrown through several buildings

Trunks:That's all you have, pathetic god!!!

(Y/N):Oh my god....THAT'S HOT!!

Zamasu and Black rose in the sky very hurt, Zamasu began to cure Black

Zamasu:Damn mortals, how dare you touch us with your dirty hands?!

(Y/N):That sounded a little bad

Black:Enough of this, now I have more power, and now is the time which estedes is going to die AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Black became Super Saiyan Rose and his aura was now more intense than before

(Y/N):This is going to be more interesting apparently

Everyone put on a fight pose and charged against Black and Zamasu, Goku and Vegeta took care of Zamasu while (Y/N) and Trunks took care of Black,both flew to Black and kneed him in the stomach,(Y/N) grabbed Black from his hair and threw him to the ground

(Y/N):Let's do this, Trunks! KAMEHAME!!

Trunks:Alright! GALICK!!



Both attacks combined into one, Black saw this and quickly rose from the ground and threw a Kamehameha towards the attack, Black's attack was enough to roll back the attack of (Y/N) and Trunks,both dodged Black's attack

Trunks:This is impossible, a few seconds ago you were not so strong!

Black:Do you think you have seen all my power?!?! this is only a fraction of all the power that I have gathered,the body and power of Goku is now all mine and nothing can compare to me!!!!

Black launched against both with his ki blade, Trunks blocked the attack of Black that was directed towards (Y/N)

Trunks:We are going to personally commit to kill you, for having destroyed our future!!

(Y/N) kicked Black in the face that pushed him back

Black:You two are nothing compared against a power like mine!!

(Y/N):Stop boasting about your power, you will not be able to defeat us!!

Black:That's what you think...

Black stares at Trunks

Black:Let's see what you think if I kill what you love most in your life!!!!!

Black created a ball of energy on him and threw it towards Trunks,she was able to dodge it

Trunks:Hah! Do you really think that would kill me?

Black:I'm sorry but I was not pointing at you


(Y/N) looked at what Black was referring to,the energy ball headed straight for Mai


(Y/N) flew as fast as he could but he was not able to reflect the ball of energy causing him to take the impact of the attack protecting Mai,(Y/N) fell to the ground due to the great effort to protect Mai

(Y/N):O-Okay, mental note, if you want to protect someone do it when you're transformed...Ugh!

Trunks:N-No.....(Y/N)!!!! How dare you do this?!?!?!?

Black:With all the hatred I have for him and only you are left to....e-eh?

Black felt how the power of Trunks increased even more than before, she was surrounded by a golden aura but at the same time it was blue


Trunks threw herself at Black by punching him in the stomach causing him to spit blood from his mouth, Trunks kicked him in the ribs, breaking them in the process and causing Black to be thrown through a building

Trunks:This time, you're going to die a by my hand!!!!

Black:Oh fuAGH!!

Trunks hit Black in the face and threw him across several buildings,while Trunks took care of Black,Mai took (Y/N) and took him back to the shelter

Mai:I hope that Bulma has finished with those Androids, Goku and Vegeta are very hurt and Black has not yet revealed all his power, this is getting worse and worse

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